Twokinds - Keith and Adelaide

Story by Tokamak_Providence on SoFurry

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#10 of Twokinds - Quick and Dirty Stories

A gift for amenon, who has been very supportive and an all round cool dude. Based off the image below, which doesn't suggest a lot, but if you know a little about the setting you might pick up on a thing or two. . .

Anyway, hope you enjoy! A few more stories coming along soon!

And my apologies if you got spammed with two notifications for this story. The uploader massively failed the first time, so rather than mess about with the formatting, I simple deleted and did it again.

(Image belongs to Tom Fischbach, shared under Creative Commons)

"Enter." came the voice.

It was nonchalant, though still commanding in tone; full of confidence and power. Yet for all its impetus it retained a certain feminine softness, a kindness not so commonly shown among the basitin. It was something that Keith Keiser knew all too well, having spent the morning as the subject of all manner of aggressive barking and hollering. Orders shouted and orders obeyed, that was the way of his people. A few years in the relative wilderness of the mainland, though, had inured him to the notion that this was the only way to live.

And the western blood coursing through his veins had given him the drive to resist in the face of his supposed superiors. At least a little.

His late friend, Nickolai Alaric, had caused quite the stir when his orders were discovered post-mortem. Being that he was, or had been, the Master General, they were as close to law as possible, save for an injunction from the king herself. Keith was to be a citizen again, all accusations of treachery, all condemnations of impropriety and naturally, his banishment, were lifted with immediate effect.

Aster Alabaster and his cronies were having none of it, yet even they had to heel to a higher authority than even Alaric had represented.

And so here he was, a scrawny little Basitin, freshly returned from banishment with none other than the Grand Templar himself in tow, pushing his way into the throne room.

"You called, ma'am?"

The room held no-one else. The guards stationed just outside the door were merely for show; any force that could overcome Jade Adelaide would render an entire platoon of the castle's elite mere fodder. A dragon, perhaps.


"I did," she replied. She was seated ever so casually upon her throne, her chin resting upon one of her paws, and a lazy smile spread across her elegant features. The robes and armour were, as with the guards, a formality, though one expected of a basitin of such high station. A far cry from the ornate, gilded cuirasses and pauldrons donned by the humans of the mainland, all shine and show, Adelaide's armour bore about it a simple, rugged brutality. Dull in finish, with neither polish nor glimmer to catch the eye, she bore the bewildering array of scratches, chips, and dents as a badge of pride. The cloak was nicer, though still more practicable than fashionable, and embossed with the royal crest.

And, of course, the crown atop her head. This too was markedly simple in construction, seated squarely between her long, oversized ears.

"It seems you have caused quite the uproar," she continued, motioning Keith forward with her free paw, "I haven't been so entertained in quite some time. The generals are running about as if someone had set the castle on fire. Half want your head, and the other half are inclined to allow them the pleasure. Your friend, though, left more than a few surprised before his untimely passing."

"Oh?" Keith's ears pricked up, "Might I ask what?"

Adelaide's smile broadened, "of course you may! Why do you think I called you here?"

She shuffled atop the throne, moving her chin from one paw to the other before speaking again.

"As it so happens," she said, "I owe Nickolai a favour or three. I can't simply go knocking heads off whenever there is a squabble among that lot, and trust me when I say that perchance they spent as much time doing their job as they did arguing among themselves, we'd have an empire stretching to the far north. Nickolai was a good deal more adept than I was at calming frayed nerves, and we'd have descended into chaos long ago if it were not for him. So, while I shamed myself by laying in bed with that ill-conceived curse bearing down on me, he set in motion everything that would lead you. . . here."

Keith blinked. He knew his friend had been shrewd, as one might expect of the Master General, but unless he had factored his own death into the equation, it seemed unreasonable to suggest that all the misfortune to befall him was somehow part of a scheme.

"How, ma'am?" he asked, "What did he have in mind?"

"It's quite simple. While it is within my power to name you Master General on the spot, or even give you any position in the empire, I'd rather not have open revolt on my paws. Things are tense enough as is. Though, the idea was put to me that you be assigned something that would allow you the freedom to do as you see fit, but put you out of reach of anything Aster might have planned."

"Are you saying. . ."

The female basitin nodded, "I am. You're a general now, Keith Keiser. Not just any general, I name you the first Ambassador-General of our empire. Kneel."

Dutifully, he obeyed

"Do you swear,' she began, voice now full of pomp and ceremony, "to faithfully serve the empire in this duty so rightfully charged to you?"

"I do."

"Are you. . . sure?" her voice softened.

"Yes, ma'am."

The naming of generals, judges and other various administrators was a matter of some formality, though certainly not what one might find among the human kingdoms. It would be at this point the new appointee would be commanded to rise, and possibly given some badge of office. As his position was newly created, Keith did not expect any finery.

Yet he remained kneeling, the silence growing ever more pressing around him.

He heard a shuffle; the sound of a robe moving.

"I'm glad, Keith," Adelaide finally spoke, "before you go, I would like you to report on your time on the mainland to me. I have a bit of an interest, you see, and I would very much like to hear a little about your experiences there, though I do wish they were under happier circumstances.

Keith cleared his throat. How much did he reveal? He'd broken almost every basitin decency law there was, and probably a few that were yet to be written.

"Well," he began, rather cautiously, "I can't speak for humans, I didn't really encounter many."

"Oh?" quizzed Adelaide, "and why is that?"

Again, he paused before continuing, "I. . . was taken in by a family of fox keidran. They're very friendly, they took good care of me."

There was another shuffle, along with the sound of what Keith swore was a giggle. He felt a small flash of heat radiate across his face. Was he being made fun of? Was this a game of sorts? He'd heard stories that Jade Adelaide was something of a prankster, yet this seemed a little. . . belittling, perhaps?

"And how did that go for you? You can't honestly tell me that a young, virile male such as yourself went wanting for affection, can you? Friendly indeed! We've all heard stories, and it sounds like you very likely experienced some of what we only talk about with disdain."

Keith was furiously blushing by this point. She was making fun of him. This was ridiculous! Given the title of general, named ambassador and now subject to this debased ridicule! The blush intensified, a small dose of anger joining the mix of emotions fluttering about in the male's chest.

He clenched his jaw, having not yet responded.

And then looked up.

For the next few seconds, the only emotion he felt was surprise. Adelaide, lazing back on her throne, had opened the front of her robe, allowing it to flow from her athletic, feminine frame. Her modesty was still covered, though her ample breasts were made all the more impressive now that they were restrained only by a thin top, a garment which covered little else. Several extra bandages, courtesy of her injuries, held her chest in place, though did nothing to hide the fact that she was of ample proportions. A few other wrappings here or there didn't do much more, leaving her flat, toned stomach bare and uncovered. Appropriately, she was still wearing a dress of sorts, thickset and purple, flowing over her legs, hanging all the way to the floor.

Well, almost all the way.

She had pushed her feet out from under the garment, one leg crossed over the other. Feet which now found themselves positioned just in front of Keith.

Feet unbound and naked.

He couldn't help but stare. What other option did he have? Certainly, time living among keidran had led him to regard nudity a little less seriously than his fellow basitin, but. . . this was Adelaide! She was supposed to be the very epitome of their society and its values! And yet, here he was, staring at feet that should have been covered in armour. Staring directly at them. The fur, brown and short cropped, was immaculately well maintained, and brushed to a smooth sheen free of any wayward fluff or dust. He glanced about, looking for the discarded foot-wraps that must have been nearby.

He saw none.

Had she been sitting here this whole time, barefoot? It certainly seemed the case.

Keith continued to stare, engrossed by what had been presented before him. Adelaide wiggled her toes, kicking her feet out a little until they almost touched his nose.

"Go on," she said, her voice now devoid of any notions of formality, "tell me a little more!"

"I. . I. . ." he couldn't form the words he wanted.

"Oh, Keith, don't get so worked up!" Adelaide continued, stifling another giggle, "What, do you think I don't know that the humans and keidran look at our stuffy once-per-year mating week and think it mad? We're still living, breathing creatures. We have urges. Maybe it's time we look to others for a bit of guidance, rather than living with our heads stuck up our own. . ."

"Ma'am!" Keith forced himself to interject.

"Hmm, yes? Did you have something to say, Keithy?"

It was hopeless. Keith's ears drooped as Adelaide finally lost the battle to contain her laughter. Bare feet, an inappropriate topic of discussion and now a cutesy nickname that not even Laura had had the gall to use on him. What was he to do?

Enjoy it, he supposed.

"Jade. . ."

The tension in the air was palpable. You could cut it with a knife.

"Oh. . . OH MY!" she finally responded. It was her legs that squirmed a little this time, and her voice sounded, though it beggared belief that he had gotten away with using her first name, excited.

Keith looked up, "yes. . . Jade. . . you wanted to hear more?"

"I certainly do, Keith."

He stood up, making no effort to hide the fact that he was eyeing up her entire body. She had put it on display, and he was going to appreciate it. Old enough to be his mother, though in a physical condition that would leave any other girl on the island in her wake, she was almost without flaw. A specimen of the utmost feminine elegance and toned, athletic vigour.

"Well, in that case," he cleared his throat, "I'll cut right to it. Keidran, or at least the foxes, have a very different way of showing affection and friendship that we do. Casual sex is very common, even among platonic friends. It's not a big deal for them. It feels good, so why not?"

"Did you sleep with any of them?"

As brave as he was attempting to be, the blush returned.

"Well, I. . . yes, I did. I had a. . partner, among them, but before that I had a few experiences with some of the other girls in her village. They all seemed very curious, like I was some sort of conquest for them."

Adelaide chuckled again, "it sounds like you were the one doing the conquering."


Keith took a few seconds to compose himself. A deep breath in, held for a moment, then released did little to calm his nerves, though it did slow his racing heart just a fraction.

Adelaide, though, had other ideas, none of which involved letting the diminutive basitin male off the hook so easily. Without so much as a blink, she shrugged her shoulders and allowed the robe to fall away from her body completely, shuffling just enough in her throne to permit the purple dress to follow it.

And she was wearing absolutely nothing under it. Nothing. Not any undergarment, nor wrappings. Nothing. Legs crossed, her tail flicking madly behind her, she smiled broadly across ar Keith. He drank her in, unable to maintain decorum for another second. His eyes danced across her legs, admiring her fur, her curves, before snaking up her torso to take in the rest of her. Perfection might be too crude a word. A lifetime of training had left her seven foot plus frame without a single errant ounce of fat, though what he presumed was an exceptional lineage had graced her form with an irrepressible feminine elegance that no amount of musculature could hide. A narrow waist, perfectly proportioned hips, and a full, shapely rump along with nicely sized and perfectly pert breasts made the sight before him a feast for the libido.

"Done staring?" she asked, rather deadpan.

"Oh, I. . . " he stammered, "ma'am, I didn't mean to. . ."

"But I was hoping you did mean to, Keithy!" she said, her tone suddenly playful, "Can I ask another duty of my ambassador?"

"Y-yes. . . of course."

Her smile turned to a savage smirk, "can Keith Keiser show me, rather than just tell me what he did with the foxes?"

He could have fainted on the spot. This had gone from the inappropriate, to the absurd, and now to the outright taboo. He was being propositioned by the king herself, and requested that he visit upon her all manner of debauchery that he may or may not have learned of during his exile. The drive to obey in that moment, to adhere to her command, was overwhelming. Though he had learned to temper this most peculiar of biological urges, it was still ever-present in his life. The fact that Adelaide was the highest ranking basitin there was served only to compound the need to submit.

And, of course, there was a tiny little voice in the back of his mind, a combination of curiosity, arousal, with perhaps a tiny dash of ego mixed in, telling him 'do it.'

He did.

"Uh, just relax then. . . Jade."

Something akin to a purr rumbled up from her throat as she made herself comfortable upon the throne, slouching to one side and kicking one of her legs up and over the armrest. Keith, the desire to cast his gaze between her thighs testing his resolve like never before, walked around and positioned himself behind the throne, his eyes barely able to see above the level of the headrest.

"Go on. . ." she urged him, her tone almost teasing.

Keith gulped. A quick prayer to whatever supernatural force governed the world seemed in order, before he reached around, paws slowly moving forward, inching closer. Closer to what would be a most inappropriate contact.

And yet, contact he did. Willingly so. His fingers brushed the silken fur of her shoulders, lingering in place to savour the sensation. As much as she put herself through on a regular basis, all manner of training and battles, and days spent wearing a hundred pounds of armour, she kept herself sensuously groomed. A gentle fragrance emanated from her, tickling at Keith's nose as he slowly rubbed his paws across her. Perfume, most likely, though with the slightest hint of feminine arousal mixed in.

"Hmmmmm, that's quite nice," she murmured, closing her eyes, "want to tell me what this is all about?"

Keith continued to massage at her shoulders and neck, his confidence increasing as the contact prolonged.

"So," he started, his grip upon her tightening, "keidran put a lot of emphasis on touch. Feeling each other, hugging and intimate contact, it's all part of how they socialise. Sex is just a natural extension of that."

'Ahhhh, I see. . . what sort of touching?"

"Well," replied Keith, "a bit like this. . . I guess. . ."

"Oh?" she seemed disappointed, "Nothing more? Just a nice little shoulder massage?"

"No, no, there's. . . more."

There was. Having resigned himself to whatever this encounter would bring, Keith pushed his paws forward, running over Adelaide's collarbones and slowly downwards, little by little.

"You're brave." her voice stopped him dead in his tracks.

"I. .. um. . ."

The silence was deafening. His paws started to shake, beads of sweat forming upon his brow.

"I didn't tell you to stop, Keith."

A momentary abatement of his nervousness was all that was needed. Suddenly brimming with confidence, and spurred on by her invitations, Keith Keiser slid his paws over the final few inches of feather-soft fur and grasped firmly, fully and without hesitation at Adelaide's delicious, shapely breasts. Her orbs filled his paws, supple and soft under his fingers. He squeezed, kneaded them, pressed them together.

"Ohhhh, Keithy. . . that's reaaaaaaaly nice." the female moaned.

Her responses to something so simple, a touch that would merely be a preclude to far lewder actions in keidran lands, had Keith stirring in his loins. It shouldn't have surprised him; such was the way of basitin society. Physical contact, even something so minor as this, was the realm of the forbidden and the obscene. A taboo that was compounded ten times over, given precisely who these breasts belonged to.

"H-harder!" she begged.

Keith squeezed harder. Briefly, one of his paws left her chest, slowly rubbing up her neck and over her chin, his finger teasing at her lip. Hungrily, she took it into her mouth, suckling and licking over the intrusive digit. Keith pushed in a little, feeling her warm, wet tongue as it worked away. A second finger joined in, though only for a split second. Without warning,Adelaide's paw shot upwards and grabbed about his wrist, tugging his arm violently downward and returning his palm to her breast.

"Here! Feel me here!"

As commanded, he pawed and groped at her. She writhed, face flushed red and voice now a based, lusty moan.

"Ohhhh, yes!"

He pinched her nipples. She gasped.

"T-touch my ears. . ."

The moan had become an audible symphony of desire. Adelaide craned her neck backwards and looked up, eyes burning with a fiery need.

"Touch my ears!"

"Ma'am," said Keith, paws still in contact with her chest, "I. . . shouldn't, it wouldn't be. . ."

"Please? I want to know what it's like."

She bit her bottom lip, her breath coming out in short, sharp bursts, eyes now closed and cheeks burning a brilliant crimson.

". . . touch them."

As before, he did as commanded. Abandoning the sensual massage he was giving the female basitin, he slid his paws upwards, up and along each side of her neck before softly caressing across her cheeks, his touch almost that of a lover. A moment of trepidation struck. Was he really, genuinely about to go through with this? Breasts were one thing, and while still inappropriate to be feeling up in the manner that he had been, the ears held a great deal more meaning. A connection that one might share with a certain special someone. It was a little more than sexual.

He touched them.

Keith's paws started at the base of Adelaide's large, fluffy ears and stroked, sensually and without haste or hurry, to the very tips. She gasped. He wanted to vocalise his approval, though he fought to maintain his composure. Suddenly acutely aware that she was next to naked, he became increasingly engrossed in the erotic act. His eyes soaked in her form, laid out before him, draped across her throne.

And now, completely naked.

As Keith grasped and felt her ears, Adelaide set about removing the single remaining item of clothing, her top. Plain and simple, a mere piece of fabric, it was discarded without thought, allowing her breasts to bounce into full view of the enraptured male. In an instant, her own paws were upon them, squeezing as he had, though far, far harder. Her fingers flicked over her rapidly hardening nipples, moans all the while escaping her throat.

"T-tell me how. . . it is. . ." she begged.

"Your ears?"

"Y-yes. . . K-keith."

"They're. . . nice. Really nice. Beautiful. They feel amazing, so s-soft and. . . delicate."

Adelaide started to rub her thighs past each other, gyrating her hips and grinding her nethers into the leather of the throne. The moaning increased, both in volume and frequency, as too did the attention her paws were visiting upon her tits.


"J-jade, are you. . .WOAH!"

For a fleeting moment, she thrust her hips upwards and forward, lifting her rump from the seat and spreading her legs. From his position, Keith saw everything. The obscene motion presented her pussy to him, wet and dripping, labia spread wide and pink flesh visible. The smell hit him almost as hard, a raw, aggressively musky and heady essence, tangy on the nose and a wrecking ball through his nervous system.

As quickly as she had given him the lewd show, she sat back down, thighs closing and clamping down on her searing and needy cunt.


Her paws left her beasts and grasped firmly at the armrests to either side of her. Adelaide's legs continued to grind and slide past each other, the female basitin all but masturbating with her motions. Keith, for his part, continued his salacious massage of her ears, though they now flicked and twisted under his fingers.


Her scream was drowned out by the sound of splintering wood. Jade Adelaide's entire seven foot two frame shook as orgasm overtook her. Muscles tensing and tightening, the throne of the Basitin Empire had its armrests torn from it in pieces, lacquered wood ground to a splintered pulp beneath her vice-like grip. The leather beneath her ass and cunt, though, was soaked as her juices flowed from her love tunnel, coming in squirts that matched the waves of pleasure crashing over her. Though nothing had touched her sex, not fingers nor anything more lewd, she was gushing madly, spurting her love juices freely and in full view of her audience. Again her hips bucked upwards, flashing her now pulsating pussy into view. Keith's eyes were rapturously fixated upon the display, the fluids leaking from her lips, the sight of her cunt gyrating before him, spread wide and open.

He felt entirely too constrained within his pants.

Such a thought was rendered moot. Shattered wood discarded, Adelaide reached up and behind her, her paws grasping about each of Kieth's wrists and hauling him with an overwhelming force up and over her head, through the air, and depositing him with a resounding thud upon his back.

"ARGH!" a cry escaped his lungs, courtesy of the sudden blow, "J-jade, what was. . ."

A foot, naked and bare, pressed to his face, keeping him down.

"You've really done it now, General Keiser." Adelaide practically mocked him.

She stood up, heedless of her own nectar still flowing down her legs, and not caring that she afforded the male a view straight up and between her legs, her pussy wantonly displayed for him. From his supine position, it was quite the sight to behold.

"Uh, done what, Your Majesty?" he couldn't help but return her sarcastic, mocking tone.

She met his smirk with her own, "now you're going to have to show me what comes next."