GCHQ - Telekinetic Cock Q&A - Asher - 01

Story by warmghost on SoFurry

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#6 of GCHQ

GCHQ - Telekinetic Cock Q&A - Asher - 01

by warmghost

Core story concepts: cock telekinesis, cock magic, prehensile cock, functional hyper, solo, male, gay.

Narrator's note: Asher has only just discovered the strange abilities in his crotch. He's more intimidated by himself than we are of him. What would you do, and what do you think comes next for him?

FA Tags: cock_telekinesis telekinetic_cock cock_magic magic_cock cock_neurology prehensile_cock functional_hyper hyper male gay

GCHQ - Telekinetic Cock Q&A - Asher - 01

by warmghost

Core story concepts: cock telekinesis, cock magic, prehensile cock, functional hyper, solo, male, gay.

Narrator's note: Asher has only just discovered the strange abilities in his crotch. He's more intimidated by himself than we are of him. What would you do, and what do you think comes next for him?

FA Tags: cock_telekinesis telekinetic_cock cock_magic magic_cock cock_neurology prehensile_cock functional_hyper hyper male gay

Intro: Wow you guys had a lot of questions for me after Sam uploaded that story. I compiled some common ones together and summarized them here. Thanks for believing in me and being so interested in my condition. I've never had to share this before so I think it'll feel good to get it out.

Q: How did you discover your cock's powers?

It started off with weird feelings that would show up out of no-where. My cock became so sensitive to things, even though it wasn't touching anything. I thought it was normal at first, like maybe it's normal for you to feel objects with your cock just by looking at them. For instance if I looked at a metal object, I'd feel the chill surface brush up against my penis even though it was on the other side of the room. It got stronger and stronger, so sensitive that it was distracting on a day-to-day basis, until about halfway through puberty I realized it could touch things back. It was like a muscle or invisible tentacle I could use, even though there was no limb there. Then as I practiced and used it more, it took on less of a defined shape. It wasn't long before I realized I could control everything around me through my cock, just by thinking. It used to take a lot of concentration, but now it just does whatever I want it to. It gets me super horny, and as long as it's hard and exposed it seems to get a good signal. I say it's "magic" sometimes for the simplicity, but actually I think there's something neurological or electrical going on down there that my brain simply figured out how to harness.

Q: So your cock basically a magic wand?

Hmm... I'd say it's more of an antenna, but sure we can go with that.

Q: How big is your cock?

It's gotten bigger over the years, especially once I started using its powers. Currently at 9 inches, or almost 23cm, with a thick knot to match. It looks pretty big on me because I'm such a twink, though I'm nothing compared to Sam who grows his to the size of a building sometimes.

Q: Hi I asked on Sam's Q&A about whether his cock aches from being hard for a while. What about yours?

Wait you mean after being hard for too long and it starts to hurt? Does everyone feel that? Cause I thought that was when I needed to let my cock do some magic. I always just assumed it was pent up powers, since it goes away as soon as I let my cock do something. Huh I should talk to Sam about that.

Q: Can someone paw you from the other side of the room?

Sure, I mean I can aim and project my cock's field anywhere so, I can always push the shape of it into someone's hand if I'm aimed right.

Q: How do you aim your dick at things? Do you have prehensile muscles like Sam?

No muscles, but I don't need them. The same push and pull force field also acts on my cock. It's hard to describe, I guess It feels sorta like my cock is magnetic and a powerful magnet is pulling or pushing it around. Feels great! I'm making it wag right now. I do that a lot when I'm excited.

Q: Do you still masturbate with your handpaws? Do you like your cock's size?

Sorta to that first question. I think my cock has a nice size, but I love the idea of being hyper. As the powers have developed my cock has definitely gotten a bit thicker and heavier. I can project my forcefield to be scaled up way bigger than my actual cock, and then paw off with my hands feeling like my cock is way bigger. One time I shaped my forcefield to be like Sam's so I could feel what it's like for him to sit on top of his balls and shaft. It's probably not exactly what he feels, but I loved it. Basically I get off by using my cock's powers. If you walk into the room and everything is floating then I'm probably havin' a good time.

Q: So are you just hard all the time?

Not 100%, but anytime I use the magic yes. So, most of the time. My knot is basically always inflated and it's rarely hidden in my sheath.

Q: Do you still piss and cum normally?

Uh, I guess so! Other than the fact that I usually float my stream of piss over to the toilet and flush it remotely.

Q: What does it feel like to fly?

Well, I can feel the texture of the floor as my cock's force field runs along it. It was weird to get used to the balance of my crotch being the area that holds my body up, but after a while it wasn't difficult. It makes me really horny though, and I often put a small condom on because otherwise I'll drip pre all over the ground. If I cum it becomes more difficult to maintain altitude but I'm getting better at that.

Q: How often do you fly with your cock's powers?

About 50/50 honesty. Now that I live in a healthy open environment I can use my cock's powers in the everyday.

Q: What's it like to make a sandwich with your dick?

Haha I love doing that! I'm partial to peanut butter and jelly. It's weird feeling the texture of the jelly when a clump is being levitated in the field but it's a good feeling. I usually get really aroused by the time I float the sandwich together.

Q: Is your ability helpful to the household?

Oh yeah definitely. We can be a lot more open & messy since I can help them clean up with ease or help them achieve their goals. I also help protect us a bit since I can feel if anyone gets close to the warehouse.

Q: What's your lifestyle like?

Well, my alarm clock is simply my cock and waking me up each morning with an orgasm. Basically I just walk or fly around the house and I let my cock take care of everything. Cleaning, food, communication, work. I only use my arms for exercise or if I cum and my cock's magic needs to recover for a bit. Otherwise I spend a lot of time reading things online & listening to music.

Q: What kind of music? :3

I can never have enough Drum & Bass or Jungle EPs.

Q: Do you wear pants?

Only if I get cold or go out, but we keep the warehouse pretty warm, like 25C almost, so we can all stay naked and use our cocks. Usually I'll keep pants unzipped or cut a hole so my cock can poke through anyway. Makes using the powers easier that way. Plus since I walk around hard all day one of the boys will often randomly suck on it or play with me which is wonderful.

Q: Does your cock have needs?

Well, if I keep it hidden away too long it starts to ache a bit. I stretch it out by grabbing tight hold of nearby items with the forcefield. My forcefield needs to be "stretched" so to speak.

Q: Why are you like this?

Well besides how much easier it's made my life, the only other correlation I can make is how much I've always wanted something like this. My sexual expression and energy runs my life. It's perfect. I think everyone should have similar abilities, it feels very natural. I often wonder if I'm not the first or only person like this.

Q: What is it like to make a cock wish?

Well it feels as good as sex does. I can just point it at stuff and it'll do what I want it to. Once it gets started I can let my focus go and it'll finish on its own as long as I don't cum before it's done. When my cock does things for me, it's like having a phantom milking machine attached.

Q: How much does your cock's aim matter when using it?

Hmm well for the initial interaction it's definitely easiest to have it pointed correctly. After that I can keep hold from any direction. Over time I've gotten better at not even needing to aim it. Even zipped up in my pants, I can feel it throb and connect to things.

Q: Do you feel the things your cock is doing?

Yes I feel it all. It's quite distracting, especially if something it's doing gets interrupted or needs my attention. Despite feeling everything, I don't necessarily need to mentally intervene. I don't need to tell it to change my laundry a second time. I'll just feel a throb that it's working on my wishes. Even zipped up on my pants it'll keep working. Basically throughout the day I'll feel all kinds of pulses and throbs as it interacts with things. It was a lot to get used to when the powers developed. Took me quite a while to get to the point where I could use it all day. I still cum all the time, but I'm better at continuing to use the powers even when my horiness needs to recover.

Q: How far away can your cock control things?

Hmmm... depends what it is that I want to do. I should probably test that out more. There's certainly a strength falloff. Rough guestimate I'd say once I'm further than... I dunno 10 meters or so... it would be difficult to levitate a person off the ground. I have trouble flying higher than that for instance.

Q: Do walls or objects block your cock's powers?

Not really. I talk to Sam through the wall all the time. Makes me wonder if it's some kinda low frequency RF, though that wouldn't explain why I need to aim it as much as I do haha. If it's zipped up in pants it can be more difficult to use it's abilities, but I'm getting better at it.

Q: Does your cock ever get tired?

Nope, just aches if I get pent up or don't use it.

Q: Can your cock play video games?

I can certainly use my cock to play video games yes, but I can't play against it since it's still me. That's like trying to play your right arm against your left in the same video game.

Q: Are there any downsides to your powers?

Honestly I've gotten worse at using my hands for tedious things. I'm working on a model train set lately for fun using my hands only. I want to maintain good coordination and muscle strength. I basically get through life with only my cock powers otherwise, which feels great but isn't much of a workout. I felt guilty for helping the guys around the house using my cock all the time, it doesn't feel like real work, but they said it's so hot they don't mind. Another downfall would be that anytime I use my cock for things it gets hard. Although I mostly love being hard, it can be inconvenient in public.

Q: What can you do to people with your cock?

It highly depends on what they let me do. With almost anyone I can get a read on their mood very easily, followed by being able to make them feel flustered or horny. In rare cases I can get my forcefield up to touch them, but most people's minds have a sort of barrier up that I can't get past. As soon as someone knows or wants it though, I can get right through. It's hard to keep it under control, sometimes I just aim it at somebody and you can tell that they get super horny. If you want and if you open your mind enough, I can let my penis explore your mind and body and tell you what I find! Or my cock can pin you down and fuck you without even touching you. Sam icon_inlove.gif when I do that.

Q: Kinkiest thing you've ever done during sex?

Hmm physically or mentally? Probably the best physical thing was one time I pinned Sam to the wall with my forcefield and fucked him from the other side of the room without even touching him. My cum shot out and I floated it over and into his mouth. Didn't even have to take my pants off. He asked me to do that a while ago and I finally did it. >:3 Sam loves knowing I can do all that with just the flick of my cock. He gets really subby if I even so much as aim it at him. I think my cock intimidates him a bit, which is funny since his cock can get arguably way more powerful than mine!

As for mentally, well as long as your mind is opened up and you allow my cock to get to you, things can really get very... intimate. So you haven't met our friend Casey yet, but for instance he's really into how I can make him feel as though our bodies are merging together. Really sends him over the edge. Being able to feel someone's mind is so special. You don't read their thoughts so much as feel all their emotions, which is happening at the same time that you're also doing things to them. The pleasure gets exponential as you start doing the exact thing they're wanting, riding along together on a path of sexual desire. Imagine knowing exactly what someone's mind wants and being able to immediately do it without them having to say or ask. Empathy is pretty kinky, if you ask me.

Q: So Sam and you interact a lot?

Oh yes, I mean, I can give him something to fuck, even when he's huge. Imagine poor Sam, his cock being so huge that he lays on it and his feet don't even touch the ground, and yet I can project the field of an invisible dragon or whatever he wants, and he can nail it hah. It's a win win. He gets to feel as though he's fucking various macro creatures with his hyper cock, and I get to contain his cock in my forcefield which feels super good. We spend hours doing that. I have trouble containing his cum bursts though. Nothing I can't clean up later.

Q: Okay how does your cock actually work?

I uhm... I don't entirely know. I think it's somehow... electrical or RF? Or at least, that's how the neurological connections work. I'm not sayin' I'll be decoding 256QAM in my head anytime soon, but my cock is definitely sensitive to EMI from nearby electrical devices. So yeah if I had to guess, my dick is somehow taking part in an unknown part of the electromagnetic spectrum. I should add a Tektronix analyzer to my amazon wish list. :p

Q: What's your favorite cock wish?

There it is, the question I was waiting for ;3 my favorite wish is simply: pleasure me. The first time I screamed. I just kept cumming. Now my cock now wakes me up every morning with an orgasm, and the feeling of it making my breakfast. Of all the weird feelings I have felt from down there, it is the closest I have felt to true intimacy and sentience from it. Like it wants me to know it loves me. It removes the bed covers, and dresses me each day. It wasn't long after I felt it's powers that I thought to simply ask it to make my life better, and it did.

Q: What is communicating through your cock like and how often do you use that?

I forget I'm even doing it most of the time. Definitely a lot. The guys seem to be pretty used to transitioning from speech to telekinesis when I come around. It's great because we can all talk while in different rooms, or if they need my help with something I'll just know. Being as connected as we are now has led to a much greater feeling of empathy between us, I think.

Q: Can others or I talk through your penis?

Sure as long as your mind lets me. The boys seemed able to link up to me just fine, but in public I notice many have a wall up, so to speak. Perhaps it depends on comfort level? For whatever reason just about every feral mammal I have encountered is totally open to linking up, they don't hold back at all. Animals don't exactly talk with words but I can feel what they want and what they think of me being near them. I say hi to the horses at the farm on the edge of the forest every other day, and they always seem really happy to feel that.

Q: Can you use a computer with only your cock?

How do you think I'm answering these questions? Typing feels amazing by the way.

Q: Can you fuck your own forcefield?

Hell yeah and it's awesome! I can project a cute fox boy's butt for my cock to slide into anytime. That or some thick centaur ass. It's great since I can control it completely, such as firmness or the shape of the virtual body. I can project it for you to fuck too. Just tell me how you want it to feel. I will say it's not as fun as real sex though. It's less warm, and because it's in my control I don't get the same interaction you get with a real intimate partner. Kinda like how touching your own dick isn't the same as when someone else does it. Great way to get off though.

Q: Can you drive a car with cock magic?

It's my preferred method now. Most times I just wish for my cock to do it and relax. I do have to watch the road though. I drive a 6-speed, and ended up having to cover the seat in towels. My cock was drooling pre with each gear shift. I also gotta be careful with what can be seen through the windows, since in order to drive my cock jumps around in full view, and people might freak out seeing me naked with no hands on the wheel.

Q: Have you ever spent extended time just using your cock for everything? Moving and communicating and getting things done with only that?

Way ahead of ya lol

Q: Does it take a lot of energy to hover things?

Moving things (overcoming the inertia) takes way more energy than just levitating. Levitating just takes concentration really, unless my cock is doing it on its own. It's almost as if gravity goes away, but then I still have to put energy in to make it move.

Q: What are the limits of having your cock do things for you?

It's definitely getting more powerful, but it's limits are mainly that it can only do what I would have been thinking to do anyway. It's no smarter than me, just faster. Imagine your arm being able to do something for a bit without you concentrating on it. It takes care of a lot of complex tasks on its own, but all things I would have also been able to do on my own. If I know the math equation, it'll write and solve it for me. It's kinda nice since any skill I learn my cock can then also do. Certainly helped me learn piano.

Q: Do you think your cock will gain new abilities?

Well, it is getting a lot stronger so, maybe.

Q: What do you do for work?

I'm also a systems administrator like Sam, working remotely. Little do they know my cock has been managing their RHL fleet for years. For hobby, I'm more of an embedded systems hardware hacker type dude. I like playing with circuits and robots and little FPGA project boards. It's too bad because if could openly use my cock in a workplace, I could probably be pretty damn productive. Just give me a bin under the desk for the cum to drool into and I'm good. So far no-one who's seen my CV/resume with "can migrate applications to AWS with penis" on it has reached out to hire me. Perhaps working from home is best for now.

Q: Do you have Telegram?

Oh yeah Sam was talking about that. He's on there. I don't but probably could have my cock make one for me.

Q: Do you have any advice?

Listen to your body more. So many people just use their genitals to have sex or get off, but don't spend time to experiment or learn what else they may be capable of. Your genitals are a powerful part of your experience as a living creature, so get to know them. It'll feel great!

GCHQ - Prehensile Cock Q&A - Sam - 01

GCHQ - Prehensile Cock Q&A - Sam - 01 by warmghost Core story concepts: prehensile cock, prehensile mobility, prehensile travel, hyper, cock growth, functional hyper, solo, male, gay. Narrator's note: Thank you for enjoying and reaching out...

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GCHQ - 03 - Cocky Neurology

GCHQ - 03 - Cocky Neurology by warmghost Core story concepts: cock telekinesis, prehensile cock, prehensile mobility, hyper, cock growth, functional hyper, m/m gay. Refined list of potential tags: cock\_telekinesis telekinetic\_cock cock\_magic...

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GCHQ - 02 - An Interesting Move

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