Patreon Reward - Frog On A Lily Pad

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#33 of Commissions and Rewards

3607 words

HEY, now that I have your attention, I'm going to use it for a moment to promote the mini-raffle/patreon drive I've got going on. It's only through Christmas, and I'd be more than happy to get you in. Details can be found on my journal here:

A patreon reward for VarraTheVap on Inkbunny of a beautiful little frog trapped at a pool party and trying not to embarrass herself. It's sometimes fun to do these kinds of things... always enjoyable.

Contains: omorashi, watersports, bladder bulge, embarrassment, loving friends, and a wholesome ending.

Freggie was wading through the pool, sitting on a small green raft in the middle of it and feeling out of place. Sure, she was very happy to be invited to the pool party, but now the bright green tropical frog with the orange fingertips was feeling a little worried. She'd been having fun, playing with her lotus petal skirt on her glossy one-piece swimsuit and the matching lotus cap she wore on her bald head to look cute, but past that first rush of people complimenting her outfit, she was feeling out of her element. The naturally shy frog, despite her bright coloring, had taken up position on the little green raft to get away from it all, and that had only made things worse.

First of all, she'd lost track of her friends. It was a big get-together, a giant party with people of all ages, sizes, and species. Foxes were playing with dolphins, mother ducks were keeping an eye on heavier, earth-bound species that were worse at swimming, and the sounds of children playing were ringing in her ears. Honestly, she was happy everyone was having fun, but the tall, leggy crane she'd been with, Esmerelda, was a social butterfly, and some time ago she'd wandered into the house and disappeared. Trying to find her was out of the question with so many people running around, so Freggie simply stayed on her raft.

But that, too, was becoming a problem. Sure, she'd eaten at the buffet table at the start of the party, so food wasn't a problem, but there was also a lot of punch and other drinks floating around. While she didn't look very old, due to her small stature and the fact that frogs didn't really grow most of the curves other animals attributed to girls of age, she had been enjoying sampling a little of everything. Especially when she was listening to Esmerelda talk and was being introduced, she'd probably gone through five or six cups of strongly mixed drinks, and now they were working their way through her body.

She was trying, however, to ignore that sensation, hoping perhaps if she sat cross-legged on the floating lily pad raft in her lotus outfit, she might reach enlightenment and pass beyond the needs of her physical body. She'd tried to ask around a few times for where the bathroom was, but between young hooved children trampling her soft, orange webbed feet and the constant, brash noise, she'd hardly been able to be heard at all, and always chickened out with how aggressively people answered. If Esmerelda was around, maybe she could ask the beautiful crane where the bathroom was, but as it was she didn't know the house, the owners, the people at the party... For all the people having fun around her, she was adrift on her own little island.

Her legs squirmed as she gently pressed her belly, feeling the pressure welling there. There was almost a bulge in her lower abdomen, her bladder having been trained by more than one incident like this when her more gregarious friends tried to get her out in the larger world. A pool party had seemed like such a good idea, and now, as with so many of those other incidents, she was sitting there at the verge of tears wishing she was in the comfort of her own home. At least this time the tears were from physical discomfort and not emotional distress...

Freggie liked Esmerelda. Like... probably more than she should, considering they were just friends. There was something about the crane's beautiful legs, her flowing movements, her gentle features, her effortless laugh... They made Freggie's heart pound, and that was largely what had gotten her out here in the first place. She hadn't exactly had a lot of friends growing up, too shy to make them, so maybe this was how she'd feel around anyone she trusted, but... Well, she never would've agreed to anything like this if it had been anyone but Esmerelda... She didn't want to disappoint or embarrass her friend. That, above all, was out of the question.

She felt the pressure welling at her own lower petals, currently hidden beneath the skirt of her swimsuit, but she knew these sorts of things well. She always hated the idea of peeing in the pool or while swimming, but a lot of that was because when she was small, she'd worn an outfit a lot like this one, and it had revealed that it was surprisingly good at not just keeping water out, but holding it in. The warm liquid seeping up around her, then leaking out and spilling into the water... That wasn't her idea of a good time, no matter how nice the relief was. She closed her eyes tight, feeling tears dewing at the edge of her eyelashes as the pressure continued to push down, even gravity demanding she relieve herself. She reached a hand down into her skirt, pressing it against her lower lips, and then let out a surprised gasp.

Try as she might to not, a small bead of liquid warmth had dribbled into her suit, squishing out and landing on the lily pad. Maybe it was the pressure on her bladder? Or the hand hitting the wrong spot? She squirmed, trying to move her legs from crossed to kneeling, hoping that would help keep things inside, but every motion just seemed to threaten more leaks, more drips, and soon a small puddle of warmth was sitting in the middle of the pad, separate from the pool around it. She whined to herself, peeking around her to see if anyone had noticed.

Much as before, children were playing, people were swimming, the music in the background was being drowned out by the sounds of revelry... and nobody seemed to be paying her any mind. It was, honestly, a relief, but as she sighed, another small stream leaked from between her legs, coating her ankles in little rivulets of warmth. She shuddered, tightening back up and lifted her skirt, looking under it to see the damage.

The glossy green material of her swimsuit was fine, neither the skirt nor the suit having anything clinging to it but the heat of the dampness. However, between her legs she saw something she feared: a few small puddles of yellow in the indentations around her legs. She tried to play it off in her head, sure it was the color of her skin, or perhaps the orange shining through, or maybe a trick of the light, but she knew better. She'd been bad about water at this party, and all the alcohol and other drinks had built up to a noticeable color...

She groaned, looking at the walls of the pool, trying to figure out where to go to get out. But even if she could find an escape, with the pressure building as it was, there was no way she'd comb the big house for a bathroom before she left a puddle, or worse, a trail from where she was to where she ended up. She shook her head, steeling herself for the inevitable; she was going to have to let it out in leaks.

Slowly she moved from the center of her raft to the edge, kicking her feet over the side and using it to have pool water wash over the top, diluting the yellow into the rest of the water. There had always been that chlorine smell at the party: the one from pee existing in the pool, and with all the kids running around, let alone the adults, some of them quite drunk... she wasn't worried about being a virgin mess in the water. However, she didn't want anything being linked back to her.

Unfortunately, as she was trying to figure things out, a rather rowdy lion cannonballed off of a diving board, splashing down on the other side of the raft. It scared her, making her slip off the raft and flop in the water, the fear letting a little trickle escape from her. She opened her eyes to see what had frightened her, only to whine as she could see the little trail of yellow from the top of the water to between her legs, even as it slowly spread out into the water. The warmth in her suit felt so odd next to the cold of the rest of the pool, and she shuddered, quickly swimming her way to the top. There was going to have to be stealth involved with how full her bladder was. Otherwise a yellow cloud would surely give her away.

At first she was trying to find places to be on her own, every kick of her legs releasing a few drops from her bladder, whether she wanted it to or not. Her body was screaming to let go, but she was holding on, hoping to maybe at least let out enough that she could go on a search for Esmerelda. However, her plan of finding an empty spot in the pool was a lost effort, as kicking feet and quickly moving people went every which way. Water flung from wet fur, and even going back to her raft was looking impossible as it had been taken over while she was away. Any time she got a moment of peace, sighing and letting out a tiny trickly, someone would come up behind her and bump her, or swim so close she was sure they'd feel the warmth.

She was at quite a loss until she saw a couple of kids in the shallow end take a deep breath, then dive into the water. While the shallow end was full, the deep end had only a few people at the bottom. A hippo, an alligator, a dolphin... she could easily keep herself far enough away not to bother them! Finally she chirped happily, her froggy face beaming with a grin at her fortune for being partially amphibious and good at holding her breath for a long time. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs, and then dove down into the water.

It was much more serene down here, the sounds at once clear and muffled: harder to make out, but traveling with much more to vibrate off of. All of the feet kicking, the laughing of the swimmers, the music thumping through the water... it was soothing. She always found being underwater so very lovely. And it was the perfect place to get away. Especially as she watched the dolphin push off the bottom of the pool and launch up, kicking at full speed and flipping out of the water, landing on the side of the pool. She could hear the applause at his exit, but she let out a little salute of her own, swimming through where he'd been and letting some drops leak out, relief rapidly going to her features.

She waved at the hippo, who looked at her, but didn't move, seemingly content where he was sitting. He was so much larger than her naturally small frame, and clearly a lot of that chest was made for holding in air with how long he was down at the bottom. The alligator, however, had seemed to take off as well, standing right where he could tiptoe in the water, his nose above it for breathing. She stayed away from him, and anyone else swimming around, as she let her pressure release in drips and drabs, twirling in the water. After a while, though, she felt like it was a good idea to join the hippo in relaxing, and she reached a pose much like she'd been in on the raft, sitting at the bottom of the pool and focusing on her enlightenment again.

She still knew she had enough for a yellow cloud in her, but she was hoping to transcend that, feeling her skin soaking in the air and prolonging how long she could be under. She couldn't hold her breath indefinitely, especially with the cleaning chemicals in the water, but she would have more than enough time to slowly meter out her discomfort until she was feeling better. Or maybe even empty.

There was a voice that cut through the water, ringing in her ears with its dulcet tones. It was making a few sharp calls, and she almost swore she could hear her name, but she was focused elsewhere. Her hand was on her stomach, feeling the bladder bulge slowly lessening with every trickle she let loose into the moving waters of the active pool. She was going to avoid embarrassing herself, and embarrassing Esmerelda in front of the crane's friends. That made her happier than anything. The crane was her closest friend, ever since they were in high school together and the outgoing beautiful bird had made friends with the sad, quiet little tree frog sitting alone at lunch. They were inseparable, and Freggie owed a lot to the crane... She wondered if Esmerelda even knew how much she meant to her...

Again she heard that voice call out, her name almost clear, like a wind chime to calm the mind. It had the effect, and she was careful, starting to release a slow, metered stream to keep from clouding but finally find relief. However, as she did, another voice rang over the water. Two more words from the crystalline voice floated into the water, but they were drowned out by the splash and rush of bubbles and air, something disturbing the peace. Freggie opened her eyes, wanting to find out what it was just in time to feel the back of her suit grabbed sharply, the pressure on her bladder forcing it from a trickle to a full stream. She gasped out in the water as she was yanked to the surface, then held up high in the air by one of the mother ducks that were playing bodyguard.

"It's okay! I got her!" the duck called out. "Nobody's drowning here!" She was beaming proudly, much unlike the frog in her hand, who was trickling water for now, but the surprise and the pressure had released the valve on her bladder, and there was no going back. She wanted to say a lot of things, to say she'd been fine, to demand she was put down, but tears just started welling up as she relieved herself into her suit, held up high for everyone to see.

It was then that that crystal clear voice rang out again, one she would recognize anywhere now. "Hey! Put Freggie down, leave the poor girl alone!" Esmerelda was on the side of the pool and while the duck was busy puffing her feathers and proudly quacking about how she'd saved the frog from drowning, the crane's long legs and beautiful form leaped through the air, splashing down right under Freggie, where all the warmth was running. The frog's face flushed red, tears running now as she realized there was no way Esmerelda wouldn't notice. There were even hints of yellow spreading in the water.

All eyes were on the wetting frog after all the commotion, before a child pointed to the water and yelled "Eww, what's that?" The murmurs turned into a lot of wild talk and people moving in all directions, even the duck suddenly releasing Freggie from her grip and dropping the girl into the water. However, instead of the clear blue or the yellow she was expecting, she saw a small cloud of white, with wisps and strings, before two more wings grabbed her from the water and pulled her close. Her head popped free, tears running down her cheeks as she was held close, hearing a heartbeat and a soothing voice. "There there, it's okay Freggie. Nobody's looking at you, don't worry. You're safe."

She recognized the sound of Esmerelda's voice, and she clung close, even as she tried to move her hips away. "I'm s-sorry. I was holding it, and I didn't want to embarrass you, and I just... I don't."

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay." The crane moved to the shallower water, where she could stand. "I shouldn't have left you alone out here, no matter how I was feeling... but, I don't think you need to worry about being the one to embarrass me." Freggie looked at the beautiful crane with wide eyes, then back at the water, wondering what she could be talking about. However, the trail moving from the cloudy white cloud to between Esmerelda's legs, where little drips and wisps of stringy white proteins were clinging, sort of said it all. Freggie pouted, disappointed in herself and feeling horrible at the situation while she looked at her friend. The crane just sighed. "Hey, you want to head out? I think this party's not going to be much fun for a while."

The murmuring and conversations following Esmerelda were obvious, whispers already going around, and Freggie just ended up sniffling, then nodding. Children were being escorted from the pool, rumors of what male could've contributed to the mess went around, and more than a few sharp words were hurled the crane's way, but she didn't seem to notice, walking and holding Freggie's hand tightly. With how tall the crane was and how small Freggie, they looked like a mother and child walking from the party, not like two girls the same age. However, as they reached the car, Freggie spoke softly. "I'm... sorry I made such a mess of things. I really didn't mean to bother you... If you could just drop me off at home..."

The crane shook her head, kneeling down to be at eye level with Freggie. "Hey now, I came out here with you because I wanted to. I also went into the house pretty much for the reason you were hiding in the pool. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me for being too drunk to make sure the bathroom was empty... And I mean, it was stupid what I was doing, like, who stays in the room when a guy is peeing and... And then the smell of alcohol on his breath, just... God, I don't even like guys much that way."

Freggie was starting to piece together something, figuring that Esmerelda, the beautiful bird, had had a rendezvous with a handsome bird in the bathroom... or maybe a drunken fling? Anyone who saw her would jump at the chance to please her... at least, Freggie sure would. Which was why this rant had her confused as Esmerelda groaned, then stood up, heading to the car. "I got some stupid thing in my head that you weren't getting my hints, and there was no point flirting, and to let the other half of my bi side out and now I get to not deal with any of those people without whispers for a long while. Not that I don't deserve it..." She sat down in the car, then looked at Freggie, offering the keys, which seemed laughable considering the huge size of the car and the small size of the frog. "You want to drive? I'm not feeling buzzed or anything after all that, but if you'd feel safer..."

Freggie seemed to have missed the question, focused on buckling herself in and trying to process the words she was hearing. Amid all the complaining, though, the tropical frog in the passenger's seat had her jaw dropped open, looking at the crane with a blush and touching her fingertips together. "You... umm... were flirting? Because I... well... I mean, I really... I like how you... you're very." Esmerelda turned on the car and put on her seatbelt, focusing quite intently at the road and rolling up the window when one of the moms from the party came out to yell at her.

The silence had Freggie's heart in her throat, but as Esmerelda stopped the car at the sign to turn onto the highway, she looked at the frog, then shook her head, chuckling. "Timid to the end." She then leaned her long neck over, kissing Freggie gently on the cheek. In response the frog swallowed down the frog in her throat and let the words waiting there burst forth.

"I love you!" She then clamped her fingers over her mouth, heart pounding in her throat at what she'd said. However, the crane didn't seem surprised, still focusing on the road. Freggie's heart started to sink, worried she'd angered her friend...

"I love you too, you silly frog," the crane said, looking into her eyes and showing she meant it in more than a friendly way. "I wouldn't dive to try and cover up a pee stream like that if I didn't care. Now, let's get to your house, share a shower, and see where things go from there, hmm? I could use some warm water not from my best... or, rather, I guess, my girlfriend." She winked, already seeming to brighten up now that they were on the road away from that whole debacle.

Freggie bounced giddily for a moment, somehow the idea of sharing a shower, even with undressing in the same locker room in high school, seemed so much more intimate. She nodded, smiling brightly. She might have been embarrassed to no end, and there'd be things to work out and things to be spoken about, and that party might have been a low-key disaster, but... honestly, for both of them, this was turning out to be a wonderful day. One they'd look back on years later and laugh about.