Tribes Culture Descriptions

Story by A Smiling Face on SoFurry

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Tribes Culture descriptors

Vulfan (wolves)

The reason they raid the humans annually is to cull the weaker members of their tribes in an honorable way, they know they'll lose vast amounts of men and to them it keeps the population down. Much like the Suebi of ancient Germany would annually go on a death march from modern day Wurttemberg to a place near Kiev in the Ukraine, and only after doing this would a man be allowed to take a wife.

This over the generations manifests in a culture that instinctively times war to the coming of first heat, and the female's sexual awakening whereas men are sexually aware from much younger but must prove themselves before being allowed to mate. The women who mate on their first heat are linked to said male, hence why it is no younger, but never older.

I'd explain more but I don't think you care about vulfan culture, physiology, and other such stupid things.

There is a religious reason to their wars as the true justification for the annual raids from the belief that the Human god, killed their own during the War of the Gods. I'll post it like I did Worldbuilding Sentillios from around thread seven-hundred or so with a more hushed release with all the major legends and the world beyond the two continents, being the Northern Isles and the Homeland, names are kinda irrelevant.

In the vulfan culture women are treated like objects in need of protection and not fully capable of doing the same tasks as men and they are often relegated to trapping and gathering while the men do the hunting and fishing with their spears.

The spear is a quintessential part of a male vulfan's life, and is given to him on his wedding day which is celebrated with black dyed markings denoting the males achievements while the female has a line on her head dyed white across her eyes to represent purity and virtue. The spear is used for everything and his barbed at the end and is leaf-like in shape and is designed to bleed the hearty beasts of the northern mountains and forests out while the barb is designed to catch the plentiful fish in the streams. They believe themselves a free people and marriages between different tribes are extremely common more than marrying within a given tribe.

When it comes to inter-tribal war the killing of women, pups, and the elderly is forbidden after the battle is won, but if all the males are slain the women, pups, and elderly will merge with a close tribe, like what happened with Freja's own, the Buckhunters. Inter tribal war is very common but it rarely ever kills more than one or two members, they are often just discussions about territory gone sour. Honor duels are common and the victor gets the mate of the slain as well as his possessions.

Cold-Bloods (Reptile folk)

Between the Norse and the far southern steppe there is an inland sea and around it is a Mediterranean climate and here lies the Vesna humans. I'll keep it short, they're city states reminiscent of Byzantines, Greeks, and Italians. What separates them from the Norse is a splitting fault line, filled with thousands of small and large islands and between them are mangrove trees and freshwater rivers as twice as wide as the Mississippi but only about sixty feet deep at most. In the surrounding Jungles that spread for about a hundred miles from each bank there lie the lizards and the snakes, most living as humble farmers of rice and pigs if they're civilized or hunting the great beasts of the jungle from the towering brontosaur-like mast-lizards to the a constrictors as long as a football field that hunt them. The jungles are a dangerous place to those who do not blend in with its smell, its sound, its sights, and most importantly temperature, but if you survive as warmblood and make it to their cities you'll find cities more colorful and vibrant than anywhere else. The women wear nothing to cover their nonexistent breasts, while they flaunt their muscular butts as signs of great fertility, among the males agility and speed are more important signs of masculinity than strength and they adorn themselves in color feathers and brightly dyed yet sparring garments that match their dewlaps. Song and dance never cease and love and wealth is what they seek most. Women are equal to men in their society, as the sexual dimorphism is less prominent, but adulterers, whores, and rapists are all put to death seen as threats to love itself, and marriages are for life with the concept of divorce being alien to the priests who run the society. Spices, fish, and rice are the cornerstones of their food, which almost always smells as spicy as it is colorful. The only warmbloods welcome are humans who are allowed to live and trade as they please.

Rammites (Goats)

The Rammite (Goat) Tribes are native to the island of Aviria, the same as the Crow and Ravenfolk, Lynxan Tribes, and White Bears. The peoples, before their conquest by the Teutonic-Blackfeather Empire called the Avirian Empire, were a divided into three general groups united by the worship of the Bloody Horned Ram, a god of death and war.

Long Horns; A fully nomadic people who saw all pleasure as weakness, crude and simple, women are regarded as property of the alpha, and the lowers have to usurp or gain permission to mate.

The Pastics; This group is semi-nomadic who make use of the native mammoths as beasts of burden to tend to their herds of the native boars, while less violent than the Long Horns they are far more dangerous.

Rockhooves; This group is full civilized with cities and farms like any other, however their zealotry makes them the most dangerous of all the groups, with their males rarely ever being seen without gored horns and their females hiding from their violent, almost animal males once the growing season is over.

For their violence and treatment of their females once the fleeing Teutonic Tribe of the woodland Norse arrived and established themselves in the region the metal clad humans become their favorite target for raids and assaults. The humans, under the command of Stephen von Seeburg, would lead an army of 3000 mounted Teutons against their enemy. During their campaign they found more and more Rammite Females flocking to their sides as servants and consorts to the men.

The men being married declined their offers of companionship. However due to a shortage of women from their exodus they married the girls off to the single men in Seeburg, greatly improving the more and size of the settlement. Year after year in the winter the Rammites would attack, year after year they were repelled but had gotten what they wanted, being combat.

Julia Descriptor

There are three types of feathers on Julia and Avins at large, there are the dorsal feathers, long, fan-like with unyielding spines. they're soft but I would steer clear of running straight into them. They can be controlled by muscles off the thighs to...