Epic Tail short #2 Taurn and Rose's game

Story by Taurni on SoFurry

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This is an excerpt from a much larger novel length story. So you can ignore most of the beginign dialog.


"Match could explain it better," Taurn answered, all traces of anger gone, he could never stay mad at her for more than a molment, "but as the old lady tolled me, the nuts make a chemical which make a man a man. Without that chemical, a male will become more and more like a female. In a few months Xavier will have had his fat and mustles rearranged, a few organs will change, and his mind will get a re-wright."

Rose snickered, "Match be rubbing off on ye! Tell me so I be understanding."

"We just turned him into a gay who looks a lot like a women." Taurn laughed.

Rose blinked as she took this in, then joined Taurn in his laughter. After the much needed laugh, Rose asked another question, "Taurn, ye remember yer promice?"

"Which one?" he frowned.

Before she answered him, Rose sat down on one of the many crates in the tent and motioned for her mate to do the same. Though Taurn remained standing. "That ye would be sire to me-"

"Now is a bad time, we have to march to Furga if Match cant find a truck, and then its probably time for war." Taurn said trying to shoot the coming argument down. I really wish she would stop pressuring me about that! Its not even logical to have childern now. Why cant she just weight?

"Ye dont be gett'n it. Now be the prefect time! The Queen will take time to decide what she be do'n. An with me people I be only pregnant for two months, an even with me body I can be haven even a litter safely. The Healing Priests checked fer that."

Taurn sighed, "Untill we get to Castle Furga Roseleaf I will not try to impregnate you." He held up a gloved hand to halt Rose's next statement and added, "You are right, the Queen will probably take time to decide what to do, and your people have realy short pregnancies. But now is not the time. Think about it, we have no idea what is going to happen and may have to run again to morrow. That could kill your... our child. We do have some time till midnight though. So if your feeling frisky, I think something could be arranged." He finished with a grin.

Rose shifted her weight back and forth on the crate for a few moments. Taurn's logic won out in a few seconds and Rose was forced to admit, "Aye, ye be right. But what ye mean sommat could be arranged?"

Taurn rolled his eyes, "You still have some English to learn mate. I meant you could do me if you like. You obvously felt like screwing or you wouldn't have asked me that."

Rose smiled one of her bright smiles, "I be guess'n that be the best part of being a herm. Give and receve. I be nay know'n why, but ye always turn me on when ye do yer whole Dark Lord thing."

"Dark Lord?" Taurn asked as he fumbled to unbuckle his pants.

"Ye know," Rose said tugging down her shorts, "e whole tough, survive at any cost, warrior from e hells act." Rose stopped and stroked her half erect cock into its full hardness, sending little shivers of pleaser throughout her entire body. She moaned quietly and seemed to briefly conciter just continuing, until she saw her mate bent over across a second crate, tail, cape and coat pushed out of the way and hands spreading his ass wide, weighing for his mates massive member. Rose stood up from her crate with grace only her kind had stepped over to Taurn and wet two fingers with spit. "Ere we go love." she whispered and softly spread her saliva on Taurn's hole. He sighed with pleasure and impashents at the contact but didn't have to weight long. One hand guiding her shaft, the other resting on Taurn's back Rose guided herself to the entry way and with a single thrust, slid right in.

Taurn grunted, his mate's cock was perhaps three times bigger than his own and fitting it all the way in was almost a miracle, "This took getting use to love." he mumbled.

"D'nay talk." Rose whispered back, and began to glide in and out in long smooth strokes. They both sighed and moaned with the pleasure of their union, and as it built, Rose went faster and faster, darting in and out at first until she could no longer bear to leave Taurn's tight ass and resorted to short jerking motions. Taurn howled the moment she began, his own cock springing up and throbbing for attention. Rose let her left hand leave his back and gripped it tight and stroked with speed equal to her thrusts.

Then suddenly with animistic cries and a mighty thrust which saw Rose crammed in as far as she could go they came together. Taurn's seed shot out and splattered the crate he lay on, while Rose's own leaked out of the tight plug her penis had become. She pulled our reluctantly, as a hermaphrodite she had no limits to orgasming, but Taurn did, and he couldn't return her favor now. Solving this problem she knelt down to lick her juices out of her mate and let her hand set her off again. Taurn moaned as her tung darted in out and around lapping up every drop it could find.

Their night of fun had just begun, as they both knew. After all it was only ten at night. Taurn rebuilt his stamina right after Rose popped off her second load and gestured for her to lay on her back. She rolled backwards, laying on her tail like a mattress and pulled both of her legs in and to the sides of her chest and rocked back spreading her own ass so Taurn could have his turn. He lowered himself until her cock was trapped between both their chests and took her roughly, just how his mate liked it and with long, jerky movements shortly satisfied them both.

In the brief instant between the shift in their positions Rose scooped up Taurn's knife and carved a few lines into the side of a handy crate, "Three for two love!" She exclaimed.

Taurn paused from puling off her resonantly stained top and asked, "Were keeping score again? I'll win this time!"

The game was on.