Example | Prisoner part 3

Story by TheRealSexyDragon on SoFurry

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#3 of Prisoner Series

Krynn is tired of being told he's too cruel, so he decides to show Mika how other trainers do it.

The next day, Mika woke up to the sound of Krynn's voice. "Rise and shine, beautiful," he cooed. "How'd you sleep?"

She didn't answer him, both out of contempt and because of lack of interest. Her sleep had been shallow and dreamless. He frowned at the lack of an answer but quickly shrugged it off. "I brought something, today," he said, before disappearing from her side. While the door was open, she caught sight of a bustling hallway; Krynn returned quickly with a cart. "I brought you breakfast! I didn't know what you liked so I thought I'd play it safe."

He lifted a tray to reveal an array of cooked meats. When he said 'play it safe,' she didn't think he had meant 'I ordered everything.' There were multiple levels of different types of meat, even the same meat but cooked differently. "Eat up, today we begin," he said cheerily.

Today we begin my training, she thought with a hint of dread. She hadn't given it much thought, she'd been trying not to think about it! But it was inevitable, she knew it. He clicked something, and the cuffs connecting her to the bed released her.

"I'm not letting you go," he confirmed, seeing her shocked expression. "I am simply making it easier for you to eat."

Mika was barely listening, her eyes darting from Krynn to the exit, back and forth. He gave her a disappointed look. "Just to exit this facility, you will have to get past hundreds of guards who can lift over 100,000 kilograms. I would not recommend it."

Even with this knowledge, she considered it, her eyes darting back and forth faster and faster, before settling on Krynn. Fuck, she thought, defeated. There was no feasible way to escape. So, she started on her meat with a satisfied smile from her captor.


"Don't move," Krynn instructed as he fitted the metal collar onto her neck. "Is that too tight?"

"No," she answered evenly, though in her mind she was still trying to determine whether or not she could take him in a fight. He smiled as he fitted what looked like a black metal brace onto his forearm.

"Now, in this field, there are a couple of rules that all slaves are expected to follow," he informed her. Mika flinched at the word 'slave.' "If you are ever to be determined sufficient, then you will need to know these rules. Any questions before we start?"

"What happens if I'm not marked sufficient," she asked, and his face fell.

"Be marked sufficient," he warned her, giving her a pretty good idea of what the consequence of failure was in this case.

"The first one is easy enough," he resumed his lesson, regaining his charisma. "All slaves must address their clients as the clients see fit. This usually falls in the range of master, daddy, mistress, sometimes even lord. If they do not provide specifications, the acceptable default is Sir, or their rank, if you know it. You will practice by referring to me as your master from now on."

Mika cringed. It wasn't quite the nickname that bothered her, she had done it multiple times in rituals during her time in The Strands; it was more about the specific dragon. Not only was it creepy because he was her captor, but it felt weird to refer to someone as... mild, as her master. But, if he wanted it, she had to give it to him. "I understand," she said submissively.

"The second rule is pretty obvious," he went on. "Do as your client tells you, no matter how disgusting it may seem. Now, if it's something that you absolutely refuse to do, you may refuse it, but keep in mind that the client is allowed to... 'punish' you however they see fit. So I recommend just listening."

"Are you going to make me do those things?" she asked, thinking again of her time in The Strands. Some of the gross fetishes some of those dragons came with.

"I may experiment with one or two," he admitted. "But only to prepare you. I will never derive any pleasure from causing you harm."

She shivered but nodded, and he stroked the side of her face to comfort her. Despite herself, it worked, calming Mika's anxiety even if only by a bit. "Lay on the bed," he commanded, and she opened her mouth to question why, but remembered rule two and obeyed silently. He looked pleased. "Get into a mating crouch."

The next order made everything inside her stop. Was he going to mount her right now? Was she going to let that happen? What would he do if she didn't? Her confliction kept her from following to order, so he repeated it, this time more stern. "Get into a mating crouch."

She stayed immobile, unable to force herself to follow his order. He stood there expectantly, clearly not wanting to repeat himself. "Rule two." he reminded her sternly, but she only trembled, crossing her legs to protect herself.

"Why?" she asked, and he sighed.

"I need you to understand something," he started, and she knew she was in for a lecture. "Nightmares are not merciful. I have seen a male dragon go in defiant and stubborn, and come out an orgasming mess. He couldn't sit down for 4 fucking weeks. I need you to understand that I want the best for you."

"Then let me go!" she growled back defiantly. "If you want what's best for me, then let me leave!"

"I already told you that's not an option," he growled, and Mika could tell she was venturing into dangerous territory. "Unlike the other Nightmares, I do not derive pleasure from other creature's pain."

"Then why are you torturing me?!" she screamed, and then it all went silent. He stared at her, his face completely hardened to an unreadable expression. The way he looked at her make Mika want to shrink out of existence, but she stood her ground for as long as she could.

He suddenly put his brace up to his face. "Enter command, lock collar to bed," he commanded, and Mika felt something to connect the metal ring around her neck, keeping her pinned to the bed. His voice was no longer gentle, but stern and commanding. "Stay."

He wasn't gone for long, just a few minutes. Then, he came back. "Enter command, lock collar to control," he commanded the brace, and a string of black energy connected the collar to his wrist. "Come, now."

He led her down a series of metal hallways with closed, soundproof doors on each side. They walked until they reached an open door, from which sounds of muffled whining originated. When Mika entered the room, she was surprised to see how barren it was. The walls were simply made of polished white marble, and there was no bed in sight. The only similarities were the size and the cart of bondage tools.

In the center of the room was a golden dragoness covered in bondage. The sight sent a chill up Mika's spine. The dragoness was permanently stuck in a mating crouch, her legs kept from moving farther apart by shackles around her ankles; her wings were bundled up in latex, keeping her from spreading them; looking down at her face, Mika could see that the dragon was being forced to suckle a large rubber cock and was wearing a similar collar; looking down at her rump, not only were her hind legs forced open by a spreader bar, but there seemed to be another large dildo in her ass.

Standing up the dragoness was another human the size of a dragon, but this one was wearing jeans and a leather vest without anything underneath; the only thing that separated him from a regular human other than his size was his red eyes and razor-sharp teeth. He turned towards the two and smiled.

"So is your toy, huh?" he asked, looking Mika up and down. "I can't help but notice she's unrestrained."

"I can't help but notice your pussy is getting wetter by the day," Krynn retorted, and the other creature laughed.

"Good day, my lady," the creature bowed in greeting. "I am the strong, famous, and yet humble Drax. And this is my slut, Jada. Say hi, whore."

Jada gave a muffled "hello", and Drax put her head with his foot. Mika tensed. How could this dragoness allow herself to be used in this way? "Say hello, Mika," Krynn ordered, and Mika gave him the stink eye, but obeyed with a respectful nod and a slight bow. However, this didn't seem to satisfy Drax.

"This one has an attitude problem," the creature observed, coming closer to Mika. "I see what you meant by ungrateful."

"You have her for an hour," Krynn interjected, jumping his brace against Drax's. The line of energy that tethered her to Krynn transferred to Drax, and her stomach dropped. Was he going to let Drax torture her? Was that his plan? To show her how good she had it by showing her true pain?

"Don't worry, Mika," he assured her as if having sensed her worry. "You are still my property. And if he harms you, I will simply fire him. I want you to see how good you have it, and how bad you can."

"I'll take good care of you," Drax promised with a sinister grin. "Enter command, lock guest, east wall."

Mika was thrown against the left wall, unable to remove herself from it. By the time she looked up again, Krynn was gone. "Now, where were we?" he asked Jada, who was wiggling on the floor as if in need. "Ah, yes."

He walked over to the cart while Mika struggled to free herself, pulling and scratching the collar, trying to find some kind of lock she could pick; alas, it was in vain, the collar proving to be struggle proof. When she gave up on that, she noticed the other dragoness looking at her; the look wasn't one of begging or pleading, but one of curiosity. Was she wondering why Mika was trying to escape?

"Fight back!" Mika urged the other dragon. "We are dragons! We cannot let ourselves be taken so easily!"

"She is not a dragon, she is a toy," Drax informed her, still shuffling through the bondage gear. To Mika's disgust, Jada nodded slightly in agreement. "I've trained this one well. Once she passes this test, she'll move on to the final exam, before she is off to work."

The dragoness on the floor shuddered at the thought, and Mika turned away in disgust. This dragoness had given up all pride, all dignity, just for sexual pleasure?

"Here it is!" he exclaimed victoriously, holding up a pair of goggles. "Now, before we begin this test, have you been following my earlier instructions this entire time?"

Jada nodded enthusiastically, suckling the dildo for emphasis. "Very good," he congratulated the dragoness. "Why don't you show me what you've learned?"

She yipped excitedly, and Mika snarled in disgust. Drax removed the dragonesses cock gag, and she instantly let out a moan and panted. "Enter command, collar action: cradle," he said, and a black energy rope connected Jada's collar to the ceiling, and lifted her up so that she was level with his hips. "While you're at it, give our guest a little display."

"Go ahead, but I refuse to watch, you disgraceful excuse for a dragon," she snarled, kicking toward the two. Jada looked disheartened, while Drax seemed annoyed.

"Enter command, collar action, mute guest," he commanded, and she felt her collar administer some kind of shock to the front of her throat. She tried to cry out but found that she could not make a single sound. "Much better. Now, where were we?"

"It's much better when you submit," Jada advised, nuzzling Drax's crotch. "It's much easier... And, being a pet... It's not so bad."

"Look at that," Drax said smugly, undoing his pants. "She's enjoying herself, and I'm much rougher than Krynn. You really have nothing to complain about."

As soon as his dick flopped out, Jada sprang on it, licking it, appearing intoxicated by his musk. The second she laid eyes on his meat, she turned into the neediest slut Mika had ever seen, licking and sucking desperately. She did her best to get it into her mouth without the use of her talons, but she was quite determined, worryingly so.

The most sickening part of the entire thing was that Mika found herself turned on by the sight. She remembered, not long ago, when her friend, Nydo, had done something quite similar; locking her in a similar setup and making her suck him off multiple times. After a week without orgasm, she had acted in a similar way. But that's different! She told herself. Nyon was my most trusted friend. Drax is just a stranger!

And yet, there she was, wettening at the sight of a dragoness being forced to suck a strange creature's cock. For just a moment, she imagined herself in the place of Jada, before shaking her head as best she could. Those thoughts were disgraceful! She was just yelling at Jada for the same thing!

Mika closed her eyes, trying to force those fantasies out of her head. It worked, for a while, before she started hearing gagging noises. Her mind instantly went back to another memory of her and Nydo, at the time the orange dragon was starting to get used to dominating her. In her memory, she was choking on his sweet dick as he roughly faces fucked her.

When she forced herself to open her eyes, she found that an identical scene was playing out in front of her. Drax was rapidly thrusting into Jada's mouth while she moaned and pushed herself closer to him, her eyes rolling into her head in ecstasy. His hips were flying back and forth at unnatural speed. She seriously doubted that the dragoness could breathe much, and yet, she was loving it.

"Take it all, you little whore," he growled possessively, slapping her across the face roughly. But she seemed to like it, not at all bothered by the roughness of the strike. Drax lifted the hand with the brace, which Mika knew by now was some of controller; black energy surrounded his hand, then came together to form a whip. Before Jada even knew what was happening, he cracked the whip over her rump, making her yelp and leaving a mark. For just a moment, she saw a hint of regret in Jada's eyes, but it was washed away quickly with lust.

He suddenly pulled out of her mouth, and she whined in despair. "Please, daddy," she begged, panting, but he simply put up a single finger and she went completely silent. He cracked the whip against her again, Jada crying out in pain.

"Silence!" he demanded, and she shivered in fear. He picked up a dildo the size of her forearm with a huge knot. She can't take that! Mika decided, but she was unable to voice her opinion, her vocal cords still refusing to respond to her commands. "You're going to take this entire dildo, and every time you moan, I'm going to whip you."

"Do I have permission to orgasm, daddy?" Jada asked, and Drax gave a sinister chuckle that made Mika think he had something up his sleeve.

"You're free to try," he taunted, slipping a pair of goggles onto the bound dragoness . Something about those goggles changed her. Her body went slack and her mouth hung open. Without a moment to spare, Drax crammed the dildo unceremoniously into her snatch. Despite Mika's earlier assumption, the cock slid much farther into Jada than she had expected. Jada didn't moan, barely managing to hold on, instead, opting for gasps and pants. Her master seemed pleased. "Very good so far... It seems I am having trouble getting it in... Time to see if my training paid off."

Drax readied himself, standing with his legs apart and knees bent slightly. Suddenly, he whirled around, swinging his foot around and toward her rump. He missed, his heel slamming hard against her ass with a loud SMACK. She cried out in pain, rocking forward from the force. "FUCK!" she cursed, overwhelmed by pain.

"Shit," he cursed, then began rubbing the spot where he kicked. Even from across the room, Mika could see that that it had way too much given to it. He stood up and talked into her controller. "Code 6. Order xenopetaphine, factor 3. Apply the highest priority."

"Understood," was the only response from his controller. He paced around the room in frustration as Jada does her best not to cry. "That's definitely my fault. My aim was off. I'll get it next swing."

NEXT SWING?! She wanted to roar. How could he even consider such a thing? Hadn't this dragoness suffered enough? The door opened and a small box was delivered. Drax opened it and took out a syringe, jabbing it into Jada's thigh. "This is going to hurt," he informed her, and as if on cue, she began screaming in agony. "Enter command silence slut."

A bunch of microbots emerged from the collar and traveled up her neck before coming together and tying around her snout, forcing it to shut. Her muffled cries of agony continued for several minutes, before finally dying down. "Sorry about that," he apologized again, testing the spot he had kicked. "I broke your button, so I had to administer a regenerative agent. Hurts like hell but get's the job done. Enter command, unsilence slut."

A tear streamed down her face as the microbots retreated back into her collar making Mika want to look away. She still couldn't speak, couldn't try to console the sobbing dragon. "I-I'm sorry, daddy," Jada whispered, surprising both Mika and Drax. "Y-you told me not to moan, a-and I screamed. I'm to accept my punishment."

NO! The purple dragon wanted to scream, and began thrashing around. It's not your fault! Surely Drax would realize that it wasn't really her fault. He was fairly sympathetic about it.

But then, she took a look at the sinister smile spreading across his face, which evolved into a smug grin. "This is a trained toy," he taunted her, grabbing her ass cheeks roughly and squeezing them. "You're right, you did not do well. But you have been a good girl so far, so I will not go all out."

"Thank you for being merciful, daddy," she thanked him gratefully, and Mika thrashed harder. She shouldn't be the one apologizing! Drax suddenly struck again, this time with his hand, shoving the dildo the rest of the way into her snatch, including the knot. The dragoness couldn't help but scream for a moment, unable to contain her pleasure. He fixed her goggles, then looked at his controller.

"Enter command, open interface, vibrators," he asked, and a hologram appeared in front of it with two dials, side by side. He turned one dial, and the vibrator in his ass began to tremble, eliciting gasps and moans from Jada. He turned the other dial all the way up the trembling so intense that Mika could hear it from across the room over her moans.

And her moans were loud, barely even moans anymore. They had crossed the line long ago, her moans now screams of ecstasy. And again, Mika couldn't help but envy the dragoness. Vibrators in every hole, unable to escape from the stimulation... It turned her on so much. She reached down to touch herself but only met the cold metal of the belt.

"You see that, you dirty slut?" Drax asked suddenly. "Our guest is getting off to you."

Mika flushed red and looked away embarrassed. "Glad," was all Jada managed to get out, before returning to her moaning. But even looking away didn't stop her arousal as she thought about her own orgasm. Krynn had put this cage on her, meaning he was probably planning on keeping it on for a little while. When would he let her orgasm again? Would she ask him after?

"Now for your punishment," Drax decided, creating another black energy whip and striking Jada across her back. She exclaimed but continued moaning. How was she not cumming already? The dildo was big, and practically jackhammering inside of her pussy, and her juices were beginning to pool under her. Her screams turned to moans, which, over time, turned to whines; she was muttering something under her breath. "Please cum," she begged herself. "Please, please cum. Just cum! Oh god, PLEASE cum! Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum."

"You know," Drax started, cracking the whip again. "The goggles you are wearing are programmed with a hypnotic pattern." *CRACK* "Usually, they're accompanied by audio hypnosis," *CRACK* "But since you've already submitted, I don't think it's necessary." *CRACK* "This test is designed to break your will to cum," *CRACK* "so, you will not cum." *CRACK* "Ever." *CRACK* "You will be built up but you will not cum." *CRACK*

As the final crack of the whip sent her over the edge, turning into a sobbing mess and begging. "Please daddy!" she begged, yelping from another whip. "Please! Please let me cum! I need to cum, daddy!"

"That's the problem," he explained, cracking the whip against back again. Red lines were visible all over her back and rump, which surely ached. "You still need to cum, and that needs to be fixed."

"Please daddy!" she begged again, but he silenced her, cracking the whip against her inner thigh. He teased her clit with his finger, and she screamed even louder. When he pulled his hand away, it was soaked in her juices; to Mika's horror, he sauntered over to her and put his hand up to her mouth.

"Lick," he commanded, his voice much more demanding and dangerous than Krynn's.

"Go to hell," she growled, trying to push him away. Suddenly, he grabbed her jaw and forced it open, wiping Jada's juices onto her tongue. He was way too strong to resist, so she could just endure and he cleaned himself inside of her.

"Delicious, right?" he asked, and Mika kept the fact that it was actually quite sweet to herself. But he saw right through her, smiling smugly. "If I had a cup, I'd give you a nice beverage to sip on for the summer."

She snarls in distaste, and finds herself relieved when the door opens and Krynn steps in. "Is everything alright?" he asks protectively, seeing Drax so close to Mika. He backed off, turning around nonchalantly. "You've got a real gem here," he commented, whipping Jada again. "A lot of attitudes, but there's something special about her. I may just rent her out once she's done with training..."

"Thank you for this," Krynn said gratefully, and they tapped controllers; Mika fell from the wall, no longer pinned to it, and gasped for air. She found that she could finally speak, but she had nothing to say. "Come on, let us return to our room."

She decided to follow him, not wanting to suffer Jada's fate. They walked in silence for the rest of the way, the dragoness refusing to meet her master's eyes. They eventually reached their room again and entered. "I think you owe me something."

Mika knew exactly what he meant, and in all honesty, he was right. "I-I'm sorry..." she muttered quietly, and he looked at her expectantly. It took her a moment, but she eventually picked up on his message. "I'm sorry, master."

He nodded in approval. "Would you like to try the exercise again?"

She didn't. She desperately wanted to do literally anything else. But most of all, she wanted to go home; she wanted to see Nydon again, to sleep in her own bed. But she knew now that she had no other choice, and, considering what she had just seen... She's glad it was Krynn doing it. "Yes," she said, bowing.

"Good now lay on the bed, and get into a mating crouch."