War of Valfor Chapter 1 “Prisoner Escaping! Unleash the Beast”

Story by Brawler101 on SoFurry

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The War of Valfor

Chapter 1

"Prisoner Escaping! Unleash the Beast"

The world had changed a great deal both man and beast turned on each other and soon a war broke out between the two in the world of Valfor. They hammered each other with metal and fire but through the smoke there was only death. The leader of the human rebellion was Sir. Daniel Franzer one of the most respected knights and with his army of soldiers nothing could stand in his way. On the other side we have Sir. Ceron McLeod and his army of fierce wolves or any other kind of beast anyone could imagine. The humans not only destroyed there land but also took the women of the beasts families as prisoners and slaves for them to serve there race. Life in the world of Valfor was terrible but every terrible even has a silver lining.

It was a pretty calm night in the prison where all the women were kept that was until one of them broke out. She ran through out the entire prison trying to find a way out but but everyway she turned she saw no other doors leading outside and the only way to freedom was the draw bridge. As the guards ran down the hall towards her she saw no other option, she stepped closer to the window besides her and right as they got to her she jumped out plunging towards the water below. They all watched as she fell into the water with a huge splash. No one had ever survived a leap like that from the eighth story cell before but to there amazement they could see a small black figure getting out of the water. One of the guards started running up the stairs towards the tenth floor where there leader had slept.

When his door opened he looked at the man as he sipped his dragon ale. The man huffed and puffed as he struggled to talk.

"Spit it out man what happened!?"

Once he gathered his breathe he stood up straight and looked him in the eyes.

"One of the prisoners have escaped. She was seen retreating into the darkness."

He gripped the bottle that held the ale and threw it at the wall making the guard shutter.

"I want you to find her no matter what find her!"

"Of course sir I'll get the men ready and we will head out immediately."

"No no this isn't something you need to deal with."

He stood up from his throne and walked over to a dark figure standing in the corner of the room.

"Let my son go get her he's been trained enough."

The guard gulped as he saw the piercing blue eyes from the other side of the room.

"B-but sir he's only been trained for two years for a normal magica to be fully trained up it would take twenty more years."

He couldn't see it at first but the boy had his hand up and his hand was wide open. The guard trembled as he felt something squeezing his heart. Blood flowed from his eyes and he let out a loud yell as his chest burst open, his organ flying everywhere.

"Now San look what you did. You killed another one of my men."

"I'm sorry father but he was quite annoying."

His father game him a quick smile and pushed him forward.

"Go my son bring back that which has been lost!"

And with that he disappeared into the darkness of the prison.

The sun took its time rising into the sky the next morning and the girl who had escaped from the prison was starving but luckily she wasn't to far off from the nearest town. As she entered through the town gate she could smell all the taverns cooking and boy did it smell good to her. For the past seven years she had been forced to eat nothing but slop but it would feel good to get some real food in her belly.

The tavern owner looked up and saw the girl with black strips that went with her light orange fur and her light brown hair. Even though he was a human he still didn't mind visits from the other kind he was one of the very few that actually liked them. As she sat down walked up to her with a smile.

"Welcome, can we get you anything today miss?" he asked.

"Everything bring me everything." she said. Her stomach rumbling at the thought of all the food.

It was normal for them to order everything especially if they had been released from the prison so it didn't bother him.

"Coming right up."

She laid her head down on the wooden counter as she looked around at some of the other customers who were staring at her, it would make sense since she was half naked from the neck down to her waist. As she rested her head thinking about what to do she heard the tavern doors open again and she could hear a familiar voice. She looked behind herself and saw a human boy with short black hair and blue eyes wearing nothing but black clothing walking into the tavern with a serious look on his face. As the tavern owner came out of the back room carrying her food he turned around and saw the boy too and dropped everything.

"S-San what are you doing here."

"I'm here looking for an escaped convict that fled from the prison last night and I heard from the town were the prison is ported that people saw her running towards this exact town. So if you have her I would recommend you giving her up."

He turned his head towards the girl with light orange fur and black stripes leading down her back. She heard the footsteps approaching but for some reason she didn't run.

"Well hello Ayan thought you were going to say good bye before you left."

She took a deep breathe and turned around towards him.

"We both knew he was going to send you after me anyways he always sends you out to retrieve missing prisoners."

He grinned at her then did something no one had ever seen him do when he was in town. He bent down and hugged her as tight as he could.

"You're a real wild card you know that."

So what do you think of the story so far? More to come.