A Swan Song (2/6)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of A Swan Song

An alien species drifted through space on one of the few life preservers that his species had created, but before he could recover completely a malfunction forces the creature to find the nearest populated planet. Thus sets off a series of events in a desperate bid to not only survive but also try and thrive as the last of his species.

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When Noah woke up again he found himself laying face down on the floor completely naked, his entire body feeling like he had just ran a marathon as he slowly got himself back up to his feet. The last thing he remembered was going to his bed in order to relieve himself and couldn't remember how he managed to get onto the floor. He remembered... something about his hands, though when he looked at them they seemed normal to him. As he slowly got to his feet he could see his phone lying there on the floor with him and his desk covered with books and he wondered if perhaps he had been pushing himself a little too hard lately.

The alien that dwelled inside of him was relieved that he managed to make the human forget what he had seen, as well as ignore the slight modifications that had been made between his legs, but that posed a problem to him as Noah got dressed once more. While the healing process was continuing along the longer he remained hidden in this creature's body the more of himself he lost in the process. Noah's mind and body were also changing but for every step forward he took he seemed to also go a step in the opposite direction as well. If he didn't make a move soon all his effort up to this point would be for naught, and to be the last surviving member of his species to die out by being absorbed would make for an extremely unfitting end.

After the last unsuccessful conversion Noah began to feel increasingly strange as the days went on. Though he was still training the same his already well-defined body had started to become increasingly muscular, his flat stomach and chest developing a set of washboard abs and pectorals that usually came with a heavy weight-lifting regimen. It got to the point where he had to start wearing sweats since his clothing no longer fit, even his loosest shorts and shirts felt tight on him. It wasn't just muscle mass either, as he walked around the school familiar things began to feel shorter around him as he began to gain more height.

As the alien creature inside him continued to augment his body he worked on his mind to match, not only ignoring the additional mass and chalking it up to a growth spurt but giving him the attitude to match. Noah began to hang around the dorms more instead of studying, which he didn't need to do much of anyway as the alien continued to boost his brain power, and was making fast friends with the others. He found himself asking them favors and having them get stuff for him, and when they did it often without even asking for compensation it made him feel really good. It almost felt like this was how it was supposed to be... taking what he wanted from those that were willing to give it. Though one or two people commented on his attitude being a little more aggressive than usual he just shrugged it off.

Then the dreams started happening again, though unlike before when he would get a vague idea of the setting it started to become more vivid with every passing day. Though the alien attempted at first to keep these from the human he realized that as their memories became intermingled it would be easier for him to slide into his thoughts once they needed to bring their merging to a head. Noah found himself night after night standing in the middle of a field looking at something that resembled a bunch of rock formations, watching as strange alien creatures that looked like they were made out of rubber were scrambling towards them. Whatever was happening was causing them to panic, and as he turned around his eyes widened in shock at seeing what it was.

It was the sun, and though it looked similar to the one that the Earth orbited around it was clear that something was wrong with it. There were solar flares everywhere and even on the planet he could see that the light coming from it was completely distorted. A cataclysm... the word bubbled up to his mind unbidden as he suddenly found his perspective switching from walking to running. The fear in the air was palpable and he found himself making his way up towards some sort of pod that was on top of a rocket.

Normally that's where the dreams ended, Noah waking up in a puddle of his own sweat and breathing heavily from whatever it was he was experiencing. Though most of the time the alien tried to maintain control of his form when this was happening his healing body was starting to breach the human's body, more than once having to retract the tail that was growing out or revert the thick taloned toes that had grown from his feet. At one-point Noah woke up to find that his pillows had claw marks on it, though by this point the human's corrupted mind could be tweaked to explain that he had inherited the pillows from home and that his cat had done a number on them. As they got close to the end of yet another week though the alien couldn't hold back anymore and when the human started to dream it was right where he normally ended.

The entire planet shook as the sun went supernova, and though the planet the alien lived on was on the very edge of the solar system his species had completely conquered it still caused fissures to form in the ground as the planets themselves began to break up. Even in the stasis capsule the sudden exposure to the radiation thrown off by the exploding sun had burned him all the way to the core as his rocket lifted off and sped away from the broken planet. As emergency healing countermeasures kicked in the last thing the alien had seen was the others that were scheduled to lift off after him never make it, the world engulfed in solar fire as their entire civilization was burned away in one swift stroke. It had caused Noah to wake up with tears in his eyes and when he wiped them away the silver and black tint that was on them stained the human's skin.

Finally as the weekend approached the alien had reached a breaking point; either he took control of the human this night or risk losing himself completely. Noah had been playing on a game console that one of the guys on the second floor had loaned to him when he once more began to feel extremely strange, like his body had just been dunked into a whirlpool spa as he hit pause on the controller. It suddenly became very claustrophobic in the room he immediately needed to get out, putting on his training sweats and leaving his bedroom. Nate was in the common living room and when he saw Noah leaving he asked what was up, and all Noah could reply with was that he was going out for a training run before leaving.

The night air was a welcome relief to the man as he suddenly found that he could breathe again, and as he stood there outside the dorm he realized that a jog wouldn't be so bad to loosen himself up. Though there were no lights in the woods anywhere on the path and the school had said not to use them after dark he found himself not caring in either regard. After doing a few stretches he set off down the dirt path, not bothering to clock a time since he had already broken the school record a few days ago. Instead he just enjoyed his effortless gait through the dark woods that he found himself perfectly able to see in.

After about an hour Noah stopped to take a break, though he didn't exactly need one as he sat there in the middle of the path. He was deep into the woods at this point on a long loop that the track and cross country teams used for endurance runs, and though he hadn't been trying he had completed nearly half of it already. As he stood there controlling his breathing he once more began to feel a strange tingling sensation all over his body once more even in the cool air of the forest. It was enough for him to get naked right there in the middle of the path as the feel of the material against his skin was almost itching him.

Just as felt relief it felt like someone was pulling on his cock, and when he looked down he saw it was not only completely erect but growing even bigger right before his eyes. "What in the..." his voice trailed off as he could see the flesh starting to turn purple, the throbbing member becoming shiny in the dim light of the moon above as his balls began to swell as well. "Oh god, what's happening to me?"

"I am finally taking what is mine Noah," a voice suddenly rang in his head, causing Noah to bring his hands to his head as he tried to look around for the source. "For weeks I have been waiting for the moment, trying to subtly break you so that I could take control, but in my weakened state I could only push you so far without revealing myself. Now it is time for us to become one so that we can finally get started..."

"Started..." Noah gasped, feeling his chest heaving as he could feel something happening to his fingers while they were pressed against the sides of his head. "Started on what?"

There was a deep, dark chuckle that caused Noah's eyes to widen. "Started on ruling this pathetic planet," the alien replied. "Beginning with you."

Noah let out a loud groan as he began to feel a pressure inside of his head, like something was trying to push its way out of it as his fingernails thickened to rubbery claws. The noise coming out of his mouth quickly turned to loud gurgles as the alien goo that had been stored up in the human's body began to come out, the black and silver liquid dripping out of his mouth as well as his nostrils and ears. As he continued to clutch his head he could feel his fingers fuse briefly together for a few moments only to be able to pull them apart again as the rubber that had leaked out of his skin formed into webbed membranes. As the human tried to run he already realized that he was literally in the middle of nowhere and he would have to run back miles while fighting this alien corruption before anyone could help him.

"Now you're starting to see the point," the alien said, Noah's mind suddenly being filed with images on what happened that night when they merged into one body without him even realizing it. "I had never had to stoop so low to share with another creature like this, but this union is proving to have some... very interesting results. Don't worry though, you'll see soon enough."

"N-no," Noah replied, his words garbled not only from the liquid rubber still dribbling out of his mouth and coating his body but also because his tongue had begun to thicken and grow to the point where it was pushing past his latex-covered lips. "You can't... this is... my body..."

"It's OUR body now Noah," the alien replied forcefully, the human falling to his knees as he began to feel something pushing out behind his ears. "Don't worry, as soon as you give yourself fully to this you won't even know that we've become one mind. You're going to enjoy what we do to the people on his world..."

As Noah felt his ears begin to merge with the rubber covering his skull he suddenly saw more mental images in his head, but they were not anything that happened to him. It was the strange alien landscape that he had saw a few times before in his dreams, and the rubber creatures that wandered around the surface of it looked a lot like the one that had merged with him. There were others as well that were covered in rubber but they also had other adornments on them; collars, cuffs, and other things that showed that they were there merely to serve the aliens that had enslaved them. Noah began to realize that was what the alien had planned for this world, what it was going to do with his body if it managed to completely take it over...

Suddenly the transforming human was brought back to the present as he began to feel his spine pop and stretch, Noah hunching over as he felt something getting pulled out from his back. When he turned his body he was just in time to see a tail growing out from his backside, which was completely covered in shiny rubber that had also curled up between his legs and started to spread over his thighs. When he attempted to continue to move forward he had to stop from a sharp pinch in his toes, which was quickly followed by an intense relief as the seams of his shoes blew out. As he looked down at his feet he saw his toes merging together, the shiny rubber covering them until he had three large digits that reminded him of a dragon's foot as the rest of his muscles on his body swelled with new growth.

"You can't do this..." Noah said, gritting his sharpening teeth as he fell to his knees while his back muscles twitched and expanded. "You can't use our body... my body..."

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy the tweaks I already made to your personality," the alien retorted, Noah's purple-tinted eyes widening at the new information. "Feeling the adoration of the other guys in your dorm, having them do things for us just because your word was law. Not to mention your new body, or are you saying that you didn't appreciate the muscle growth."

Despite trying to fight off the alien's influence every time he tried to think about something to say in retort all he could think about was watching the others as they gave him things. Had the alien actually caused him to convince those in his dorm to be so compliant? "Now you're starting to see the entire picture," the alien hissed as he felt the human's resolve weakening and their thoughts starting to align. "He could be ours tonight if we wanted to, once we're done here."

Though the human was still being defensive the alien still had one trick left up his sleeve, and as Noah's rubber covered face began to push outwards he felt something bump up against his abs. He looked down to see the tapered tip of his own purple cock pointed straight at him as he knelt there in the dirt, throbbing with need as more of his human flesh was assimilated by the rubber. With his body still quivering from being in the throes of his transformation the last thing he needed to do was pleasure himself, but he found himself transfixed by it as the alien thoughts continued to penetrate into his own. It was right there, and as he began to find himself drifting towards it his maw seemed to stretch out as though to meet it.

"That's it," the alien said, though even with his mind focused on one thing Noah realized that the voice he was hearing was coming out of his own lips. "Just give into the pleasure, feel our power... embrace... us..."

As Noah hesitated right before his new reptilian muzzle was about to touch the tip of their cock he suddenly felt something push out of his back, his mouth opening in shock as a pair of wings grew out from his back. It also caused him to move forward slightly and as soon as his cock touched his tongue the alien appendage coiled around it and drew him closer. He let out a muffled grunt of surprise as he suddenly found his jaw stretched by his own member, but as he tried to pull away it only caused both his maw and his tongue to rub up and down the sensitive flesh. Even though in the back of his mind it was exactly what the alien wanted it just felt... so good...

As he began to bob up and down on his own cock the alien could feel his thoughts growing distorted along with the human's, and he knew that this was it. Though he would not carry on his species in his alien form he would have to settle with a hybrid of sorts, and as he looked down at himself he did think that his humanoid form was rather handsome. It was likely just the preferences of the human bleeding into his psyche, and as his muzzle curled up in a smile he gave his new self one last gift, using their increasingly shared arm and shoving their new tail into the hole beneath it. With their augmented physiology it slipped in rather easily and had their cock not started to stretch their throats they would have let out a loud cry as nearly a foot of the thick appendage disappeared inside of them.

It felt so good, so powerful... the thoughts of the human and alien were echoing in one another as they became one being, sucking on their own cock while their own tail penetrated them. The pleasure was so intense that they both lost themselves in it, the mind of the alien finally sliding in and assimilating the human so that he could finally have a body once more. It was a bizarre sensation as he also felt like his body was being stolen from him, though as both sensations crashed against one another it caused both to be obliterated. As the goo solidified around his rubbery, muscular form the new creature that had been formed finally orgasmed, his alien seed pouring into his own throat only to be converted back to mass for his body.

Despite achieving his climax the humanoid alien lizard-dragon hybrid continued to remain latched onto his own cock, until finally he began to pull off of himself. The two-foot long tongue remained coiled until the very end though, continuing to send shivers down his elongated spine as he completely uncurled himself and laid there on the path. He had survived... despite all odds he can now continue his species on this new world after the cataclysm threatened to wipe them all out completely. As the converted human got to his feet the being looked down at his new form, running his latex-like hands over his chest and rubbing against the washboard abs and pectorals that he had gained.

"I could certainly get used to this," the merged alien creature said. Though they were one mind there was still a bit of disconnect as their thoughts echoed; the alien side talking about the fact that he was humanoid and standing on two feet while the human side was referencing his latex skin, new muscles, and general alien features. "Going to take a bit to acclimate as Noah though."

Though wanted to admire himself further he knew that every second he remained out and exposed, even on a path such as this, was a possibility that someone would spot him. He grabbed the clothing that he had Noah set aside when they were still separate entities so that they would have something to change into as he walked along the loop back towards the school. By the time he managed to get back he had regained enough energy to revert back to his human form and opted to be a little bit leaner and less muscly now that he had more control over the transformation. When he walked back into the dorm room Nate was still on the couch and looked back to see his roommate giving him a smile as he walked in.

"Oh hey, done with the run already?" Nate asked.

"Yeah, just took a short one to clear my head," Noah replied, his smile turning to a smirk as the human turned away from him. "I'm surprised you aren't in your room studying."

"Had to take a break," Nate stated. "Was going to go back to it once the movie was finished if you were looking to use the television yourself."

Noah just shook his head and said that he was probably going to turn in early tonight, Nate nodding in reply as he walked back towards the room. Once he was inside his own room he couldn't help but chuckle at how oblivious the roommate was, looking forward to sticking his new tongue down his throat later. At the moment though the joining process had left him completely wiped out, including returning to this human disguise after converting the human's mind and body so soon before. Now that they were one creature he no longer had to worry about such things as he closed the blinds to his window and made sure that his door was locked.

With his privacy obtained Noah slowly allowed his body to return to its normal state, sliding his hand up and pulling up his sweat shirt to see his stomach firm up and developed back into its six-pack state. There was something intensely arousing about watching his rubbery skin reassert itself, perhaps it was something that the original Noah actually enjoyed and had passed on to their merged state? It didn't really matter anymore, all they could do was watch with a lewd grin as the bulge in their sweat pants grew larger with every passing second.

"I look forward to the day when I no longer have to hide this," Noah said to himself as he pulled down his pants and exposed his purple rubber cock, silver and black rubber forming around it already. "Soon I will have that human's lips wrapped around this, or possibly stick it somewhere else, and then I can make him mine. Not just a drone or pet either, a true mate to finally consummate my desires."

The very thought of transforming the other male had caused Noah to start getting horny again, but he knew that could possibly lead him to acting on his urges and in his still-weakened state it was possible he wouldn't be able to finish the job and leave a half-converted creature running around. That would not be a good thing, especially now that he had access to the human's memories. But even as he watched his cock slowly lower back down it didn't stop him from wanting to turn back into his true form, his new body as he finally decided to take off the sweats and bask in his full glory. As he kicked the fabric to the side he could already see that he had gained back the muscle he packed away in order to make the old human body look more like when they had first met.

With no danger of anyone seeing him Noah was able to properly look over himself for the first time, and his muzzle curled up in a wicked smile as he slowly watched himself change. There was no need for him to go quickly and he opened his mouth to stretch out his tongue, watching the rubber cover it as it grew to the point it looked comically long dangling form his still human mouth. He had also let his horns grow back out, watching the points push their way out from his black hair that grew longer and shaggier. Though his original form didn't have such things he found the new mane to be quite pleasant, allowing the synthetic strands to spread all the way down his back while he carefully formed his wings.

Soon this would be all of humanity, Noah thought as he continued to let his muscle swell, flexing his arm as his bicep bulged with new growth before ripping down to his forearms and his fingers. Once he had converted Nate there were plenty of prime specimens in this dorm room that he could take, especially since they shared things like a common area and showers. He could only imagine strutting in there in this form and watch them gawk as his body as he grew out his tail and let it swing in the air behind him. They would probably flock to him at that rate, he thought as he gave himself a fanged grin while watching his teeth grow out, and once they were done with this place he would just continue to spread.

It was a shame that this was the only planet with life on it, Noah thought to himself as he licked his lips while they grew into his reptilian muzzle. He had been hoping that when he woke up from his stasis he would be able to find an entire solar system that he could convert and restart his species properly, or at least find one with the technological capabilities of galactic flight. One thing he was going to make sure to do was drive this species to develop such things so that what happened to his people would never ever occur again... and to find space-faring civilizations that they could convert as well. In the end though this wouldn't be such a bad planet to start though and he already had gotten quite the interesting body modification as he turned his changed form to look at his humanoid backside.

With his reversion complete Noah looked around his dorm room and realized that some things needed to be changed if he was going to keep up this farce. Though he would have to keep up with the schedule that the human part of him had it would not be this way forever, especially once he had converted enough to spread throughout the city. He took the books and cleared them away, then made room for his laptop so that he could tinker with it a bit. At least these creatures have global information sharing, he thought to himself as he turned on the web browser and began to make a few searches to try and figure out where to go next.

The first thing he did was find some places that sold better computer parts that were far superior to the laptop that he was using. "Hmmm... currency-based transactions..." the alien creature said as he tried to select a few only to find that a credit card was needed, which after a quick scan of Noah's memories he found that he did not have. "If the rest of the humans here were like Noah then we're going to have a problem... perhaps if I ask the search engine how to make money off the internet I might find something."

Noah typed the query into the search bar and a few seconds later he got a number of hits, his eyes widening when he saw the pictures relating to some of them. "Oh... oh my..." the alien said as he turned his head, then snorted. "Currency traded for non-physical sex? Seems pretty silly to me, but I bet I could make this work... maybe I can even get these silly humans to get photos of me in this form, looks like there's something similar here under this tag called rubber."