Lovin' A Feline Chapter 5

Story by Colord44 on SoFurry

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#2 of Star Fox art

Well here is chapter five. I'm glad I'm uploading this in a few places.

Previous: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1658481

Next: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1680247

Enjoy the next chapter.


Lovin' a Feline

Chapter 5: Leading Up

About a month later, Team Star Fox was doing very well. They had found a few more jobs, and we're successful in all of them. Amanda proved to be an invaluable new member to the crew. Falco and Katt's relationship was going smoothly to and Fox and Krystal were just the same in their relationship. When it came to their loved one, both males and females could barely keep themselves off of each other. Which was fine because that was how it should be. In the meantime the final plans for Nicholas and Fara's wedding had been figured out. The date was set and invitations had been sent out. It was coming up fast and the long-haired male with glasses and his vixen were happy and excited for this. But they weren't the only ones feeling that. And that was because at last Fay and Bill's child had been born. Turns out it was earlier than told but the little one came out healthy and fine. Now due to other things, Miyu and Luna had been unable to make it but at least they had done a video call to the poodle and bull dog after the delivery and saw the newborn. It had been a bit rough for Fay but she had made it through. Her water broke during the early afternoon. Her husband Bill had rushed his wife to the hospital before calling up everyone that needed to know the baby was coming. Fay was soon in a delivery room and given the meds to help through the pains of labor. It was perfect timing because soon she started having her contractions. The doctor and a couple of others were there to help while Bill stood by her head holding her paws. There was a pause and a small breather and Fay took a shuddering breath. "That's it, you're doing fine ma'am," the doctor reassured her.

"You're doing it babe," Bill told Fay with a smile. "You've got this."

She gave him a small smile, knowing that every push was one step closer to the end. "Now I know how it was for my mom," the poodle stated with some sweat beginning to pool at the top of her head. "But it'll be worth it when I finally hold him or her..."

"Yes, a beautiful child because it's mine and yours."

They made eye contact with no more words needed and that Fay had this. But the moment was cut short as the poodle had to do another push. Taking in a deep, shuddering breath the female paid a bit more attention to the doctor. "Very good, another again," they told her. Fay gave a small one with a grunt. Another step had been taken towards the end of the labor process.

Finally though after what seemed like hours Fay could tell it was almost over. Even without the doctor telling her to push one more time. The poodle gave it her all with a loud grunt, the loudest of all. And then the female canine felt the absence of the pain, process, and baby in her. The next second, she and her husband heard the sound of the baby, their baby crying. Bill looked up and could see a squirming pup in the doctor's arms still announcing the arrival from the tiny mouth. It was hard to make out because of the birth junk on his kid, but also because of the tears in the canine's eyes. "It's a healthy boy," the doctor announced. The new mom and dad exchanged looks and smiles, Fay more weakly because of the birthing process. But due to being young and strong, it wouldn't take long to recover.

While waiting for the child to be cleaned off Bill kissed her on the forehead. "It's happened..." the bulldog whispered, almost having tears in his eyes. Fay had them gathering in hers.

After being cleaned off, the child was presented to the new parents. They looked and could see he had inherited about an even amount from both of them. His head was more like Bill's and had the canine's brown fur on the ears, the nose, eyebrows, and the tan muzzle. When it came to Fay, he had her eye color, tail and ear shape, and white fur color on the upper face and the rest of the body. "Our son..." whispered Bill. Fay just had tears of happiness going down her cheeks finally at last seeing and holding their child.

"Ooooh hello," the new mother cooed. The pup saw his daddy and mommy's faces and broke into a baby smile, happy to see them. The poodle brought him in to kiss his tiny forehead.

The new mother then began to feed the child. "Your mommy and daddy love you..." she cooed. "We always will Sam." That name had been chosen by Bill and her. They felt it fitted their son perfectly. The bulldog in the meantime kissed her forehead before looking at their child, happy how things had turned out.

"He's just so beautiful honey," the male canine whispered. Fay looked to her loving husband with a smile. She couldn't help it as the child had been produced through love and connection just as it was meant to be. Soon the friends and family came in with her parents named Ted and Alice arriving first. The new grandmother always had liked Bill and now was almost as happy to meet her new grandchild as her daughter had been. Fay's dad on the other hand always had a small part of him that never liked Bill. The older male poodle had tried to hide it but at points it came out. But Ted always in the end knew his daughter was happy with the bulldog and wanted her to be that. However seeing and holding his grandson for the first time finally made that part of Ted disappear like dust on the wind. That part of the new grandfather finally accepted it that Bill was married to Fay and there was nothing that could be done to tear the poodle and bulldog apart.

The friends then came in a few at a time. Fara and especially Krystal cooed at how cute the child was. And when the call was made with Luna and Miyu answering, the lynx was like that to. The she wolf was also very happy but since the former's boyfriend and latter's boyfriend weren't exactly the best of friends with Bill and Fay despite having worked together, Wolf and Panther hadn't been a part of that call. But now with little Sam here the group of friends could now look forward to the wedding coming up. In the meantime no new Eternal Halo activity had happened yet. But for the couple of jobs that followed, Lucy Hare and her boyfriend Ben Speedster had joined. Peppy was perfectly fine with his daughter doing this since she had fought in the Anglar Wars, and her father also approved the relationship she had with the member of Star Flight. After all the female hare was very happy with Ben who treated and took care of her well as it should be. He was everything Lucy needed in her life as she to had suffered like all the others from horrors and abominations out there. Not as much as say Krystal, Fox, Wolf, and Fara, but they were there. But she wasn't the only one to suffer or work with these teams with Ben. For even Kool and the rest of the Hot Rodders had joined as well. The male blue-furred cat had even less but there were still some things out there of him that also made this feline just as angry. But as for working with the teams it was no surprise seeing as how Katt and Falco were once team members they had contacts and connections with Kool and the rest. And it meant extra paws and hands to help in jobs. While it was true Kool and Katt had somewhat of a relationship in the past, he had found another feline that he loved even more. Her name was Emily, a beautiful white furred female with blue eyes. So when her guy learned of the pink feline and avian dating now, Kool was surprised but not crushed or anything. The blue-furred male could see Falco and Katt truly loved the other and was happy for them. Finally the other two who did join the teams for jobs were the last members of Star Flight, Cody and Kira.

Now in the present the Star Fox team were on their way to Papetoon. Nicholas's whole team but Miyu and Luna were heading there as backup. The rest had been contacted about the situation and wished the ones going good luck. And it would be the last job before Fara and Nicholas's wedding. This job was going to require the teams to deal with some thugs who had kidnapped the son of their client. The thugs were apparently space pirates, and they were bullying a moisture-farming colony on the desert planet, and we're holding the owner's son for ransom in exchange for gold. But it was stupid as the colony had no gold. It didn't make sense to anyone why these pirates would look for gold from a moisture farm, unless these pirates were extremely stupid. Also, why gold? Why not Lylatian currency? Wouldn't that have made more sense? There were no answers but it would only be a matter of time before finding out. Right now on the Great Fox, Falco and Katt were currently in the avian's room and making love on his bad. The pink furred feline was on her paws and knees, her breasts jiggling back and forth beneath her with each thrust the avian made into her. Falco gripped her hips tightly from behind as he pumped into her rapidly. The female placed her paws on the headboard for leverage as they both felt the end nearing. "YES! I'M CUMMING! AHH!" Katt yelled out as she came hard, releasing a torrent of her juices all over his crotch.

"I'm... cumming... to!" Falco squawked as he thrusted hard into his girl a few more times before he also reached his climax, shooting his seed deep inside her love canal. His thrusts slowed to a stop as he emptied himself into her.

When they finished, they both collapsed on the bed, him over top of her, both of them gasping in the aftermath. "I love you," the avian whispered into her ear while he planted gentle kisses and love nips along her neck and shoulders, causing her to purr in pleasure.

"Mmmm, I love you to," she replied, enjoying her avian boyfriend worshiping her naked body while she could feel his member still inside her slowly softening.

Meanwhile in Fox's room the vulpine was humping Krystal and taking her like a bitch in heat. The vixen's tongue was rolled out in a pant just loving this so much from the only being in the universe made for her. "OH! FUCK! I'M CLOSE!" she moaned loudly.

The male who was taking her sideways was on the brink to with one paw fondling her left tit, the other holding his girl's right leg up. "Fuck... Krystal... I..." the male grunted.

He then did a hard thrust knotting the needy female in her cunt and erupted hard with his sperm. Feeling her boyfriend climax caused the vixen beauty to orgasm and cry out his name with love. It never got old with Fox pleasing her and filling her up as it was made to be. The two foxes were left panting, just basking in the afterglow. She was the first to speak after turning her head to kiss his cheek. "Ooooohhh thank you Foxy; I love you..." Krystal whispered.

"And I love you Krystal," the male replied softly. "You are mine and mine alone..." The two shared a kiss with his knot shrinking allowing it to slip out of her.

But while these couples were in their afterglow, suddenly their phones went off with a message from Nicholas. The text read, "Everyone drop what you're doing and get to a T.V. right now. The news is something good but might blow your minds."

Reluctantly in both rooms, the males got off of their girl and grabbed the remote beside the bed and turned on the TV. The channels on each were changed to the one called Lylat News. All four beings were both immediately shocked by the headline they saw on the news. It read, Star Wolf Fight Like Heroes! Falco and Katt listened closely to hear more, while Fox in his room with Krystal turning up the volume. The news anchor spoke. "The notorious group of criminals known as Star Wolf were actually helpful yesterday on MacBeth after they stopped a heist on a moving train."

A image then came on the TV that showed Wolf, Leon, and Panther along with Miyu and Luna to. The lynx still looked the same as always with her one earning and blue eyes. The latter being was a she wolf that had light grey colored fur, piercing light blue eyes, and long silver colored blonde hair that fell nearly to her waist. It was no wonder that Wolf had fallen in love with her and truly and faithfully. It was the same with the she wolf. But even so it was best not to underestimate these ladies as they could fight well and would do so if it meant protecting their loved one or friends. Perhaps it was due to love that Star Wolf was changing somewhat for the better. That didn't mean Wolf or Panther wouldn't be like they normally would. On the contrary having a true loved one in their lives made the jungle cat and lupine being even more deadly in fighting especially to protect their girl. But being in loved had awakened something in Wolf and Panther and it had turned out be a very good thing. The new anchor then spoke again. "The train was carrying important medical supplies to a hospital on MacBeth, which is currently dealing with a deadly epidemic. Apparently, someone was trying to steal was attempting to steal the medical supplies to sell them on the black market. But then Star Wolf had come out of nowhere to put an end to that."

The TV then showed footage and shots of Star Wolf actually repelling the ones doing it that appeared to be bandits and space pirates. "While they didn't stick around, they did make sure the ones trying to steal the supplies were taken care of. They are in prison now while Star Wolf has departed to areas unknown. As hard as it is to believe, perhaps this is the beginning of a brighter, better future for them. And now for the lottery numbers."

In Falco's room he turned off the TV before the avian and Katt looked at each other. "Huh, guess they finally did something heroic," Falco said after several seconds. "Who would have thought?"

"Yeah," said Katt in agreement. "Maybe they got tired of being treated like criminals. Also I think Miyu and Luna might have something to do with the change."

Meanwhile in Fox's and Krystal's room they were also just as surprised. It wasn't as much though when everyone had learned the lupine was actually dating someone and the jungle cat had a female in his life. Wolf after all hadn't seem like the guy to find love and much less with any male. But according him, the she wolf, and even Nicholas, Luna was a very special case and the lupine and her actually made a perfect couple. Panther of course was perfectly happy and content with someone like Miyu in his life as it was for her when it came to him. Leon though being even more cold hearted and a killer had no need for that and was content to not even have sex which was why he never would be into any males or females. "Well I guess Wolf's had a bit of a change in his behavior huh?" the vulpine asked.

"Same with Panther," Krystal added. "But I'm happy though at least those two have someone special in their lives. They need them after all since Panther and especially Wolf have suffered like we have from those horrible things."

"Yeah and they hate it as much as we do." Fox then grinned at the vixen. "Well in any case, where we?" He tackled his love who squealed in delight and spread her legs for her vulpine to fuck her again.

Meanwhile in Falco's room he turned to look at Katt with a smirk. "Anyways, where we?" he said and tackled the feline. She let out a squeal of excitement which became a moan at the avian latched onto her left nipple with his beak. The female spread her legs for her avian to do her again. Slippy and Amanda had also watched this but were now making love as well.

These couples weren't the only ones for on the Star Flight mothership, Nicholas and Fara were also in their room nude and having just seen the news bulletin. "Well I'm really happy Star Wolf is being seeing in a new light," the vixen told her vulpine fiancé with a grin.

"Yeah but even more how Wolf and Panther are happy with true love," Nicholas added. "Just like us."

"Yeah. Luna is a good female for that lupine and Miyu is for that jungle cat."

"Ain't that the damn truth. Now then..." Here the male let out a growl of dominance and tackled his vixen who squealed with equal wanting, spreading her legs for her guy to fuck her again.

Several hours later after the teams had arrived on Papetoon, Fox was out to meet the bandits at the landing spot just outside the farming colony. The guy was wearing a black hooded cloak to conceal his identity. Next to the vulpine was the stack of fake gold Slippy and Amanda had fabricated in the lab on the Great Fox. The rest of the colony had been evacuated to a safe distance to. Fox looked around him at the familiar rocky desert landscape surrounding him, with mountains and plateaus off in the distance. It had been a long time since the male had been on the planet he had grown up on. The male hadn't forgotten how hot it was, but luckily even though the cloak was black, it was designed to keep his body cool underneath. Plus it was needed to make sure this mission went exactly as planned if they were going to rescue that kid. "Come in Fox, a ship just dropped out of FTL and is entering the planet's orbit," Slippy then stated over the receiver in Fox's ear.

"A Cornerian Dreadnought class heavy cruiser," ROB chimed in.

"A Cornerian battleship?" Fox thought to himself in confusion before replying to them through the communicator on his wrist. "Can they see you?"

"Nope, we're good. The new cloaking device we installed is working great," Slippy replied. "Fox, I've identified the ship. It's the Valiant. But according to my research, the Valiant was reported MIA during the Aparoid invasion."

" This ship was missing in action?" Fox thought, in his head continuing to wonder exactly who these visitors were.

"They're launching a shuttle craft down to the surface." After a minute, Fox soon saw the shuttle appear in the sky and fly down towards his location. It gently landed a dozen yards in front of him. The ramp on the shuttle came down and several large figures stepped outside. The daylight illuminated them, and the vulpine was shocked to discover who they were. They were Sharpclaws.

Question began to buzz in his mind at a 100 miles an hour. How did the Sharpclaws get a hold of a Cornerian battle cruiser? If these ruthless dinosaurs have gotten a hold of advanced Cornerian military tech, they could become a problem for the whole Lylat system. And why were they off of their home world? But then the vulpine spotted the boy they needed to rescue who was a vulpine pup. He was being held by the wrist bone of the Saurian brutes, a blaster being pointed to his head. The poor kid looked scared to death, but was relatively unharmed. The rest of the Sharpclaws all spread out and stood at attention with blasters of their own at the ready. One of them who was apparently the leader judging how highly he carried himself as he walked, approached Fox and the stack of fake gold. The vulpine hoped that none of the Sharpclaw would recognize him, or the plan would be ruined. "I have your gold," Fox spoke, pretending to be one of the moisture farmers.

"Good," the Sharpclaw leader said in a gruff yet hissing voice. "I knew you were hiding some."

"Now give us back the boy!" the vulpine demanded.

The evil scaled male scoffed at the former. "You are in no position to be making demands, furry one! First I will inspect the gold, and if I am satisfied, then you will get the boy." He then began inspecting the stack of gold.

Fox knew the Sharpclaw would soon find out the gold was fake. The vulpine pressed a hidden button on his communicator, signaling to the others to begin the next phase of their plan. Suddenly, there was a large explosion to the west of them in the dessert, about a mile away. All the Sharpclaw turned their heads to see. Fox also turned to look, too make it look like he was just as surprised as them. "What was that?!" the Sharpclaw leader demanded.

"I'm taking the shot," Fox heard Katt say over the receiver in his ear. Just then a sizzling bullet hole appeared in the head of the Sharpclaw holding the kid. The young was instantly released from his grasp as the scaled male fell to the ground dead. The other Sharpclaws all turned to look when they heard his body hit the ground.

"Phase three," Fox thought to himself.

Just then explosions appeared all around him and the Sharpclaw from the mines the teams had planted in the ground earlier. While the Sharpclaws were distracted by all the chaos, Fox wasted no time and quickly ran up to the kid, wrapping his arm around him tightly while with his other arm, he grabbed his grappling gun that he had concealed under his cloak. During all this, Katt and Falco continued to take out the Sharpclaws with their sniper rifles from their hiding spot on a nearby plateau. "Don't worry, kid, I'm getting you back to your parents," Fox stated to the kid, who looked at him with wide eyes in absolute confusion.

"Come on, Amanda, don't fail me now," the vulpine then muttered to himself.

At that moment and right on cue, Fox spotted the ship that she was piloting and flying in at top speed towards them after coming out from its hiding place behind a plateau. "Need a lift?" the male heard Amanda say through the receiver. What she was piloting was a new vehicle that had been acquired for the team. Known as the Gyrowing, it was helicopter like allowing it to hover in the air and do certain things an Arwing couldn't. Like the other vehicles it had the same paint scheme.

"Hang on tight, kid," Fox said to the young one before he fired his grappling gun up at the craft. It latched onto the bottom of the craft and both were quickly lifted up into the air, away from the angry Sharpclaws.

Fox looked back and saw them running back into their shuttle. The vehicle then took off from the ground and flew back up into the sky. Just as the vulpine was about to let out a sigh of relief, Slippy's voice rang in his ear. "Fox! The battleship just started moving. Its weapons are powering up. It looks like it's getting ready to fire down at the planet! THEY'RE TARGETING THE FARMING COLONY!"

Fox's eyes widened. "Those bastards!" came Nicholas's voice on the communicator. Then he pushed the button on his communicator. "Everyone on my team, we're taking out that ship now! Don't let them fire!"

"Way ahead of you on that," came the voice of Ben.

"Provide us with backup," the voice of Cody said to Slippy.

Up in the Great Fox, the male toad along with Amanda and ROB moved the Great Fox into position to attack the Sharpclaw's battleship. "Hurry up!" Krystal told them through the communicators. The fighters of Star Flight appeared at that moment in the sky to fight.

"Enemy ship in range," ROB responded.

"Fire at will!" Nicholas shouted. He and the others in the X-Strikers engaged the enemy while Great Fox unloaded all of its canons. They were all direct hits and the Sharpclaw battle ship turned its guns away from the planet to fire back. Both ships shook as they received the hits. But the members of Star Flight had a nasty surprise for the enemy.

"Now Robert!" the long-haired vulpine ordered. Another mother ship came out and it was the one used by Star Flight. Not only was the color scheme the same as the X-Striker it was large enough to home the entire team, some extra crew members, all the vehicles, and the three robots that were on board. It's shape while longer than Great Fox, was about the same width wise and shape. The guns on it were directed towards the enemy craft and fired as well. With two big ships and smaller fighters attacking, the Sharpclaws had no way to counter and after a few seconds of exchanging fire, the enemy vessel exploded in a burst of white light, sending smoldering twisted bits of metal whirling through the air in every direction.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as a new voice contacted them. "Enemy ship destroyed, Nicholas." Robert stated.

"Great work, everyone," Fox replied on the comm-link, sounding just as relieved as the rest. "We got the kid safe and sound. Mission accomplished. Bring the two ships down to the planet. We'll meet up with you down here."

Now that the ordeal was over, the teams met back up with the inhabitants of the moisture farming colony. The boy ran up to meet his parents as soon as he spotted them. The overjoyed vulpine mother and father embraced their son tightly, tears of joy were in all of their eyes. The rest of the colonists surrounded the two teams, praising them with words of gratitude "Thank you so much for saving our son!" the father of the boy said to them after a few moments of embracing his son.

"It's what we do," said Fox with a smile. "And don't worry about those thugs. We can guaranty they'll never bother you again."

The father smiled and nodded. "We're going to have a celebration this evening. Won't you all please stay for it as our guests of honor?"

Both team leaders looked at their teammates and they all nodded at him in agreement. Fox turned back to the man to answer. "We'd be happy to."

Just then a busty silver furred vixen stepped up to the vulpine and put her paws on his chest. "Is there any way I can show you my personal thanks for saving my cousin?" she said to him flirtatiously. Fox could tell what she was obviously hinting at, and he swallowed awkwardly.

Before the male could say anything though, Krystal came up and pulled him back, her arms going around his left and glaring daggers at the other female. "He's taken and mine," the pure Cerinian stated as best as she could despite how hard it was to be polite.

That was needed to cause Fox to snap out of his awkward state. "She's right; as flattered as I am, that's not necessary," the leader of Star Fox said to the first vixen, not wanting to offend her, but also not wanting Krystal to think he wanted anything to do with any other female but the pure Cerinian herself.

The silver vixen got a look of disappointment but became hopeful as she looked to Nicholas who was better at situations like this than Fox. "No, I don't think so," the long-haired vulpine stated before the female could even say what's on her mind as like with Krystal he could read minds. Nicholas's arm went around Fara while she also glared daggers at the vixen. "I'm not open for business to anyone but the only vixen I need who's right by my side."

"And who's also engaged to," Fara added holding up her left paw to show the ring on her finger.

"So sorry, but I would never do that when I'm going to end up having the only female who will be my wife."

The vixen looked to Falco who shook his head. "I've got a lovely kitty here myself," the avian said placing a wing around Katt who looked up at her guy with a loving smile.

"So yeah, you're basically S.O.L.'d," Nicholas told her. Cody had his arm around Kira who was loyal and faithful to his girl. Ben was loyal to Lucy and shook his head to show he wasn't open for business to anyone but the female hare.

The vixen definitely looked disappointed but it was the way things were. "Maybe you don't need them and you have someone else closer than you think," the father of the child then said, not because he was it, but because the male guessed how this vixen was feeling.

Just then a male husky came up to the group and the father vulpine turned as if on cue to him. "Good you're here Traf," the second male stated. "Would you be helpful and walk our guests to where we'll have that celebration?"

"Sure," the first male replied but then saw the vixen and blushed somewhat before speaking to her. "Oh... hey Drey..."

The said vixen then turned to look at this new male and smiled. "Hey Traf," Drey replied. Krystal and Nicholas were able to sense what was on their minds and exchanged glances and smiles as they could tell what was going on for him mostly.

Traf then came back to the present and turned to the teams. "Here, follow me," he said and led them to where this would take place.

The party then started and in full swing. There was music and dancing with the food and drink and lots of laughter to. In the center was a huge bonfire that not only added warmth and light, but a kind of heat that helped the mood. After eating found the team members doing their own thing with a loved one. When the dancing began Slippy and Amanda immediately joined the others who were. Falco on the other hand needed some urging by Katt as well as a few drinks. But she managed to get him to dance with her. Nicholas however didn't join in yet with his Fara. The vulpine noticed Drey looked lonely and Traf was shooting looks to her like he wanted to dance with the vixen but needed a push to ask her. The long-haired male approached the husky. "Hey Traf, why don't you ask Drey to dance with you?" Nicholas asked the second guy.

The husky looked at the vixen again and swallowed hard while blushing. "Er... I think I'll just get another drink," the husky mumbled and turned around to do so.

"Oh no you don't!" the vulpine stated and stopped the canine before turning Traf around to face Drey. "Just go on up to her; go on!" And the vulpine gave the husky a push that got him up to where she was.

Traf's face was red as Drey then noticed the husky before her. "Would... you care to dance?" the male asked before his courage failed him.

The vixen, remembering what that father vulpine had told her earlier, remembered all the times interacting with this husky. While Traf wasn't a male member of Star Fox or Star Flight, she at least knew him a lot better. Plus Drey knew this guy was available. Perhaps indeed what she had wanted had been in front of the vixen this whole time. "Sure, let's go," Drey replied with a happy, flirtatious smile at Traf and took his paws. He led her to where the others were dancing also smiling and very happy.

"Well that was smooth of you babe," Nicholas heard his Fara say and turned his head to find his fiancé had come by his side with a smile of her own.

"Hey, that vixen like you deserves some love. Certainly not just a time to release some tension or hormones. I could sense his thoughts; Traf is in love with Drey. They're both single so why not see if something can happen and see if she can be truly happy with him?"

"Yeah, looks like he's very happy dancing with her." The two engaged foxes saw the said husky and vixen being just that with Drey in his arms. Fara then looked to her guy. "Now then, let's show them how it's done."

"You must be the mind reader Fara I was just thinking that." Nicholas took his girl's paws into his. "After all a little dancing before our wedding couldn't hurt." The female kissed him on the cheek and the vulpine led her out to where the dancing was happening. Fox and Krystal were also quick to dancing as well. Cody and Kira joined while Ben not having Lucy watched. He did contact his girl about what had happened as she had been unable to help on this mission.

The party lasted long into the night before it finally died down, and many people turned in. Slippy and Amanda had passed out in each other's arms on the ground by the bonfire. Drey and Traf had gone elsewhere to talk. Meanwhile Krystal and Fox had gone off elsewhere, no doubt making love. But for Fara and Nicholas, the engaged foxes had a bit of a different idea in mind. The night was beautiful, the air was warm, and the light from the three moons that orbited this planet lit up the place to help see and create a beautiful, romantic setting. They were giggling and playfully chasing the other out of love and lust of the right kind. The engaged couple made it to a nice sections of rocks that would be perfect on the outskirts of the colony. They met in a kiss with moans of lust and their paws everywhere on the other's body. "Fuck me..." Fara moaned to Nicholas after her lovely d-cup tits were exposed. "Fuck me here Nicholas. I don't care; just do it and take me. Make me your breeding bitch..."

He paused for a second as his mind thought of the other meaning to those words. "I thought you were still on the pill love," the vulpine whispered into his finance's ear.

"Oh I still am. But the idea of you fucking me like that turns me on since you are my only love and were my first..." The vulpine didn't hesitate anymore. Their clothes were soon in a pile on the ground and Fara's moans, gasps, and cries of delight as Nicholas took her right there could be heard. Not that they couple carried if they were caught as the male was taking and marking Fara as his and his alone. Just as it was meant to be and the vixen loved that fact. When it was over the two scurried back to their bed in the nude as their team's mother ship that was also on the outskirts of the colony while carrying their clothes. There they fucked again like animals in a rut, happy and satisfied.

Meanwhile while all this was going on, Falco and Katt took the opportunity to get a chance alone with each other, and took a walk around the outskirts of the colony. Thanks to the light of the moons they could see where they were going. "A shame we're getting paid so little for this job," said Katt as they walked.

"These people don't have much," Falco commented with a shrug. "They're giving us all they can afford to give us. Even I can see that. At least I ain't like Fox who would think the real reward was seeing how happy we made those guys."

The feline let out an amused laugh. "Yeah he would and so typical of Fox. Always so noble all the time. I can see why Krystal loves that about him. But I have to admit, he'd be right. It was nice to see that we helped these colonists out." Falco nodded.

His girl though loved that Falco could be a bad male and she didn't have to do much to bring it out of the avian. The female suddenly stopped walking and wrapped her around his waist, giving her boyfriend, giving him a mischievous look. "What do you say we have a little fun right here under the moonlight?"

"Right here?" Falco asked in disbelief, surprised Katt would suggest a thing. "Right out in the open?"

"It'll be fun," the feline insisted, moving her face closer to her avian's. "Besides, it's the middle of the night and we're far from the colony. No one will see us." Katt pressed her lips against Falco's beak and he didn't hesitate in kissing his girlfriend back. The idea of taking the feline and maybe getting caught showing that she was his and his alone excited and turned on the couple. She then grabbed his wrist and lifted his right wing up to her chest and pressed it against one of her large breasts. The male gave more into the temptation and wrestled with Katt's tongue with his, squeezing and kneading her breast in his wing. It caused her to moan into his mouth.

Suddenly they were interrupted by a male voice. "I never thought I'd see the day when Falco was with you," they said.

The avian and feline broke away from each other in surprise and turned to face their interrupter, or rather more than one. The couple was shocked to see that whoever it was, was standing right in front of them. How they had managed to sneak up on them they had no idea. But then after a few moments, Falco and Katt both recognized who it was. "Star Wolf?! The blue-feathered male gasped


Hope this was good.