Solis Part 4

Story by FurryExperiment on SoFurry

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#4 of Solis

Hatching a plan to tell people of aliens is always a great conversation starter

My head pulsed and pounded, as a constant knocking was felt in the back of my skull. Rolling over and letting out a waking groan I look to the time.

10:45am, Venus Standard

Letting out a dry huff, I lick at the roof of my mouth. A cotton feeling inside, reminding me I needed water. Lifting the blanket off of my body, I lifted myself to my paws and stretched. My back aching and creaking from the stiff sleep. With a yawn I made my way to my small kitchen, sliding a cabinet open to grab a faintly orange tinted glass. Filling it to the brim with water, as I drank away the last bit of the pills I took.

"It's about time you came out of bed, I was tempted to grow a body and perform CPR!"

Sighing, I set down the water and begin a hunt for food. Not wanting sugar tarts again.

"Very funny, maybe I should've made you a comedian over an AI. At least comedy is legal."

"Because your health is the biggest joke this year."

Shaking my head with disapproval, I settle for some instant waffles. Heading to my fridge instead and grabbing a cool black handle. Freezing air from the freezer waking me up last of the way. As I spotted a bright yellow package that had two left in there.

"Even funnier." I tell him off with the last bit of tiredness I had, whispering to myself. "Fucking arse."

With a pop, golden waffles spring out of the shiny black and metal toaster. Grabbing a plate, I set them down on it. Slathering them with a gooey strawberry syrup and jam. The smell was wonderful. Out of all the Earth fruits and berries, strawberries must've been my favorite.

Biting down into it with a wet crunch, it filled me with a morning joy. Taking me back years and years ago, mornings with mum just before school.. mhmm.

"However you may feel now Vex, what did you find out?" BB shifted the topic, as I took another bite of the waffle. "It'll happen on Mars, but I don't know when though. I think winter from the snow."

"Mars? Is that so?"

"Certain." I say with a mouthful, swallowing quickly. "Name one other place with red sand and snow."

"Mars it is then, any indication in how soon. Winter can be vague, this years winter? Next years?"

Shrugging, I finish up the last of the waffles, and place the plate into the sink. It giving a final clink as I walked off. Heading back into my living space of the ship, with plans to just relax for the day. Traveling through caves, getting knocked out by an orb, and dealing with slashers takes a toll on the body.

"Though Vex, this all has me thinking." BB started up. "Once you figure this all out, how will you convince everyone an invasion is happening. You can't just walk into any government office."

I scratch my head briefly, he was right I couldn't just do that. Screaming about impending doom is well enough to get you put in a mental care facility, and enough medication make a meal.

"Honestly, I havent thought about that. I was figuring getting all the evidence first."

"Interesting, I have a better idea however." BB proclaimed, which made me roll my eyes.

"Fine, let's gear this idea of yours." Flopping down on the couch, I stare out the window. The scenery was rather dull and drab, just ships taking off and landing at the docks. Wanting a change of pace from that sight, I pull put a holopad and start swapping through scenery options. Meanwhile BB went over his idea.

"I was thinking a proxy, someone close to the government or at least in a position of respectable power."

"And?" I urge him to go on, eventually settling on snow-capped mountains. Covering the wall to wall window in icy peaks. Casting a low and chilly blew over the room, the white tiles only adding to the illusion.

"I'm sending you to a party." I could hear him trying to hold back his monotone laugh.

"You're what now?!" I shoot up, protesting the idea of a party. A bloody party? Full of sods and pricks I don't know and don't know of me, and now I have to interact with them! No no no! Absolutely not!

"Relax Vex, conveniently one of your old highschool classmates is holdin

g a party.. a get together for all you who graduated. And I've already secured you a spot." At this point I believe he was mocking me.

"That's even worse, sending me back to deal with those idiots!"

"Vex think about this, you went to a private school didnt you? Everyone there was rich, and a few well-connected. I'm not asking you to make friends, just at least someone with connections that will believe you."

I was outraged, stomping through the lounge, ridiculous! Sending me back to those clowns who never gave two sides of a moon about me!

"BB I will not go back to see those faces again!"

"Its being held at a tiki bar, including free drinks on tap." Now that got my attention.

"Free you say?"

"Mhm, free as the air you breath."

"Who's holding the party?"

"One of the baseball players that's now on his way to becoming pro I believe. Asher Davis."

I remember him, never interacted but the human certainly made his rounds. Not surprising he wants all together again.

"Fine." I reluctantly agree. "Only for the drinks, nothing else!"

"Dont make a fool of yourself, remember you do have an objective."

I huff, I knew I had one! He didn't need to remind me of that. Theres plenty of people in power there, or at least that would have powerful friends. However, how they not see me as anymore crazy than the government would? I certainly had to think this over. Maybe inviting them over to the ship for a few drinks could work, however that could be seen as sketchy.

I wasn't particularly close to anyone from highschool, mostly a loner in my time. Perhaps a few felt sympathy for me though. No matter I have to figure this out, but I would certainly save that for the party; after a few drinks to get creative.