A pleasant awakening

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#3 of One Shots

A Pleasant Awakening


Carol was sleeping in the oversized bed she and her mate had bought six months ago. The petite framed, calico patterend cat dreamed soundly of her lover in their bed. They had just decided to move in together six months ago, making it easier for them to see each other. Carol's lover, a frisky lioness named Eliza, traveled a lot for her job, making the time they would get to see each other hard to coordinate before they began living together.

Carol dreamed of Elize often, ecspeacially in the past six months. Sometimes it was about sweet innocent walks or nice romantic dinners. Tonight, however, was a dream about something she hadn't received in a few days. She dreamed of her partner's toungue lapping up the juices from between her legs.

Carol most certainly was not innocent, and her dreams often proved that to her. The one tonight though, felt so real. She could almost feel herself squirming in the otherwise empty bed, arching her hips to give Elize better access. As she moved her body, she imagined the lioness slipping her soft toungue in ever so slowly, flicking it across every inch possible.

Her eyes snapped open, feeling a breeze against her bare fur. She felt flushed and there was a certain dampness between her legs. She sat up, coming eye to eye with her beautiful lioness lover, laying there in position to give her ultimate pleasure.

"I was wondering when you would awaken," Elize said in a low voice.

"I didn't realize you'd be home," the calico said, sitting up on the bed. Elize crawled up towards the smaller cat, a certain glint in her amber eyes.

"Well," she said, toungue flicking over Carol's right nipple, "I'm home."

Carol moaned at the thought. Things would certainly happen now. Ecspeacially with the strong smell of pheremone in the room. As she started to say something else, Elize's mouth crashed down on hers, two digits entering the calico's pussy. Carol gasped in surprize, but that gasp soon turned into a long sensous moan.

Elize parted from her lover, looking her in the eye. "Did me eating you in your sleep make you throb like this?" she asked.

Carol moaned even louder, the idea of having her juices lapped up more making her even tighter and and drip even more. She reached a paw up under the lioness lose shirt. She only ever wears this shirt when she comes home, Carol thought, as she found her lover's large breast and began to message it.

"Yes it did," she responded, a digit passing over an already hard nipple. "It seems like it did something you, too."

She listened to the lioness low growl and smirked. Elize's eyes rolled back into her head as Carol brought a knee up between the lioness's legs, softly teasing her clit through her pantihose. Elize withdrew her fingers and pushed the calico down, removing all clothing that still kept the lioness from Carol. She began to climb up towards Carol face.

"Eat me out," she demanded, "you started to tease me, and now I need more, so do your job."

Carol looked up at the lioness. She loved it when her lover got all demanding like that. As Elize got into a good position, the calico began to explore her cunt, making Elize shiver at the roughness of Carol's tounge. She reached also reached up her paws, stroking Elize's sides and teasing her much larger breasts. As she heard Elize's moans get stronger and felt the larger feline's hips grind against her she began to dart her tounge in and out, trying to get it in as deep as possible, putting her face closer and closer to smell her lover's sweet pheremones as much as possible.

Suddenly Elize moved away, making Carol lick her nose. The lioness giggled at the motion. She reached over to the bag that she had brought in with her and grabbed a double sided dildo. Carol's green eyes lit up and she moaned in anticipation. Elize began to rub one end agianst the calico's clit, once again making her squirm and moan.

"That's it my little sex kitten," she said in a low voice, "we are going to feel really good tonight."

Elize quickly pushed one end of the dildo into Carol, prompting a large purr-like moan. She climbed on top of Carol, inserting the other end into her own pussy, dropping all the way down on it until the two lovers had all of the cock inside of them and their rather hard clits touching.

"Awww, baby, you bring home the best toys," Carol said, trying to move under the larger woman's weight.

"I, ahhhhh," Elize saidrocking a little bit against Carol, "knowwwwww."

Elize started to move faster and harder, Carol arching her back in the immense amount of pleasure caused by each thrust and stroke. Elize fell to her paws, Carol immediately taking one of her large breasts in her mouth, stroking her rough tounge across the nipples, her moaning being stiffled. Elize, however was plently loud enough, almost roaring with pleasure. She began to rock harder against the calico, making Carol let go of Elize's breast and arching her back.

Each woman began to pant and scream even more, almost hitting their climax. Carol's paws grabbed the sheets around her, pulling them out from under the bed, arching her back one more time as her juices poured out from around the dildo. With the sudden slickness, Elize reached a whole new level, her amber eyes opening up wide and looking at the green ones beneath her.

"You...are....amazing!" she said, drawing each word out with each final thrust. Then there was simply a long, enjoyable moan. Elize licked Carol's face in a loving manner, before getting off. Carol thought they were done, but Elize flipping the cat over on to her hands and knees expressed otherwise.

Carol turned her head back to look at her lover, eyes questioning the motion. She didn't dare ask a question of Elize when she was dominant like this, it wasn't the proper submissive thing to do. Elize flashed fangs back at her, the mischevious look giving Carol the answer and telling her to turn around as well. Elize took the end of the dildo that had her juices dripping from it and pushed it slowling into Carol's ass. Carol winced a little bit, the size being foreign to her small, tight asshole. Normally if they did something like this it was simply a small vibrator or a digit or two, not a full sized dildo. However, it was lubed enough from Elize's cum and slid in easily, causing the pain to subside quickly.

Elize crouched down behind her, sticking the other end back into her pussy. She began to pump slowly, trying to be nice to Carol and allow her to get used the feeling. The winces slowly turned to moans and purrs. As Elize started to move faster, Carol screamed for more. Elize grinned wide, moving faster. She grabbed some of the brown and white hair on Carol's head, pulling the calico back towards her.

"You like this my little sex kitten?" she asked, adding more tension to her. Carol pulled against Elize, trying to nod in agreement. Elize leaned into the calico and purred deeply into her ear, sending shivers up Carol's spine.

"My I get the vibrator as well, mistress?" the calico asked, moaning lightly. The thrusting in and out of her asshole was beginning to feel great, but he wanted something in her cunt as well, The more pleasing the dildo became in her asshole, the more she tight and filled she wanted to be. Elize nibbled her neck, mumbling her permission agsint her skin. Carol searched under the pillows with her paw quickly, hearing and feeling Elize's moans become more frequent, meaning she was near her limit.

She found the little vibrator, turned it on high and began to assault her own clit and pussy. Along with vibrations in her cunt, Carol felt the dildo begin to vibrate against the walls of her asshole, a whole new amazing sensation. She moaned out loud.

"Elizzzeeee!" she said starting to pant. "Harder! Please, Misteress Elize!"

With that Elize obliged, she wanted to go harder anyway, but did not wish to hurt the calico to much. The lioness panted harder, letting go of Carol's hair and instead reaching around to grab and massage her breasts.

"Ohhh, what a good.....little sex kitten I have," she moaned into her ear, panting and moaning with the words. She changed the position of the dildo going into her cunt, making it hit her very sensitive spot, but also changing the force that Carol felt and Carol loved it!

As she heard Carol begin to scream even more pleasurable and moan out "Mistress, my sweet sweet Mistress," over and over again she came, juices leaking down the dildo and onto Carol. Elize once again leaned into the calico's ear and began to whisper.

"You like my cum on you ass?" she asked, feeling Carol nod against her cheek. "Well, I want you to cum all over me now. Show me what you like so much!" she demanded, letting go of her lover abruptly.

Carol whimpered at the sudden stop. She felt Elize start to squiggle under where her cunt was, and felt the lioness's hand brush against her ass and grab the massive dildo. As Elize started to move the dildo in and out of Carol's asshole once again, her large soft tounge began to lap at her clit, the vibrator still in the cat's cunt.

This overwhelmed Carol and after only four strokes of the dildo, he juices gushed all over Elize's face and the bed. Elize moaned at the taste of her lover's cum, lapping it up as it came out, then continuing to lick it off her face. As Carol panted she climbed off of Elize, and laid down. She had never cum so much at once!

Elize looked to her. "Here, taste yourself," she said, suddenly kissing the calico, forcing her tounge into her mouth. Carol's eyes widdened at first, but she found the taste was not undesirable. She began to suck some of her taste out of Elize's mouth, then continuing to lick up parts of Elize that still had Carol's juices dripping from them. When she was done, Carol snuggled up next to her lioness.

"Good night love," Carol purred.

"Good night my little sex kitten."