Solis Part 8

Story by FurryExperiment on SoFurry

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#8 of Solis

Tiny half?

White waves broke upon black sand. Retreating then reforming all the same. Gulls wailed and cried, swimming and picking at fish on the surface of the sea.

I sat in my retreat, watching this slowly. Eating a bowl of sticky porridge, the taste of sugar and cinnamon in my mouth. This land seemed beautiful and untamed, I would honestly come here for a vacation if I wasnt so busy.

"BB?" I start-up, pausing from my breakfast. "What time is it?"

"Nine forty-seven, GMT Earth standard."

I sighed, as I had to leave soon. I told myself no later than ten am, that I had to at least be getting ready by that time. Mr. Tisek did not seem to be a patient man with this, and I didn't wish to disappoint Friday again. Despite our incident she was putting a lot of faith in. Too much I felt. Nevertheless, I finish the bowl I had in front of me. Filling it up with steamy hot water to rinse it clean.

As I got ready, I decided against the armor. Even though I knew the natives on this island were possibly hostile. I was going to avoid them the best I could, and I wished to feel the cold sea wind on my fur. My armor would only heat up to keep me warm. I didn't want this. I wanted to feel the cold, the let the breeze brush through me. I never got this on Venus. I wanted to feel it while I could.

A black shirt paired with a sandy colored pair of pants was good enough for me. Two large pockets on each side. One for a spare mag for my rifle, and another for an energy bar. As I'd probably be out all day, or at the very least all night.

Stepping out of the ship, the smell of sea salt filled the air. My paws leaving prints in the moist black sand, getting my fur cold and wet. I let out a content huff, feeling happy as gulls around me cried out.

Grey clouds rolled in the in the sky, keeping the temperature cool and low. As giant pillars of rock and stone jutted from the sea, nearly piercing the sky with the giant black and green cliff to my left. Looking up to it, I mumble to myself.

"You know, maybe I should've landed atop that."

Never the less, I got to climbing. Crawling my way up the lovely green moss filled side, up the black and rocky cliff. Reaching the top and looking behind me with an exhausted huff. Taking in the view of the dark sand and grey seas and skies. All merging on the horizon.

Turning back with a flick of my tail I began my journey across this island. I thought about its history for a bit, running my paws along its rocks. Hundreds of years ago humans living here, almost alone from the outside world. Then doing so after the apocalypse started. Thankfully we were out of that now, I couldn't imagine how they lived though it all.

Keeping up with my thoughts, I walked the rocky path. Ancient stones slide and moved beneath me, as I found myself in a rocky canyon with a cool flowing river. Gurgling and bubbling as I walked along its bank. The grey skies soon giving way to a precious blue.

Stopping for a moment, I bent over to get a quick drink of the water. Sticking my paw into the rocky river, I felt a chill run up my arm. My fur flowing with the current. Lifting my arm, I sip the water, tasting so much more pure than the water back home on Venus. This was cool and crisp, going down easily. I go for another, quenching my thirst as I looked around this canyon.

This wide river bed full of black rocks gave way to mossy cliffs full of black and red stones. Truthfully I was tempted to take a few back for the ship. The serene beauty of this place. I wish I came here sooner.

But as I was lost in thought, a multitude of footsteps crashed on the rocks behind me, shouting a language I did not understand. Quickly I raised my rifle, its white and silver shell, smoothly bouncing light from it. A slim ammo counter on the top with bright orange letters read to me. [2 6]

I moved my eyes from the gauge to who was in front of me, a host of angry-looking humans. Skin nearly as white as my gun, mostly hosting blonde hair. Still shouting at me in twisted tongues. From between them, a massive snow leopard

walked between them. Shirtless, fur moving about in the breeze.

"Do you english!" He shouts to me, voice deep and heavily accented.

"Yes, I do english!" I shout back. Refusing to lower my gun.

With this he let's out a bellowing laugh, stepping right up to me. He was massive, easily over six five. Built with nothing but muscle.

I pointed my gun up to him, and taking a step back. Cold water surpassing me as my paw sunk into the bank.

"Who are you!" I demand from the leopard.

With a large smile, he places his massive paws on his hips. "I! I am Jóhan! You are little!" He laughs again, I look to the rest of his company while he laughed. They all carried older looking guns. Some wooden, some black with polymer grips. It was like time was frozen here.

"Now little one, tell me why you here." His tone turned serious, and he looked like he was ready to crush me.

"I'm here on business, I will leave you alone if you let me go. I do not want trouble." I tell him, which I truthfully didn't. This cat looked like he could take some rounds and laugh about it.

"Do not tell lie, for I see through! You are here for the ice ruin."

My ears perk as my interest was caught, making me lower my gun for a moment.

"Ruins you say?" I ask curiously.

"Ah yes yes, ruin! Many come for them, many forced us to tell where they are! Many did not go back to ship." He says with a sinister voice, sounding like he took pleasure in that.

Gulping, I tried to carefully step around the conversation. Purely to not anger him.

"Well... Jóhan. My name is Vex, and yes I'm here for those ruins." I tell him truthfully, hoping the truth would ease him up.

"Are you now? Well I will help you! You did not demand from us, so you are okay to me." He says shrugging, patting my shoulder. Nearly pushing me over.

"You are so tiny!" He remakes again. "What are you so tiny for? You look like me, but not!"

Sighing, I step out of his way. Seeing his company had lowered their guard. "I'm only half leopard, unlike you."

"Ahhh!" He seemed to understand that. "You are tiny and half, so you are tiny-half!"

"I suppose so, yes."

He smiles to himself, walking along the river bed. Urging me to follow him. "Well Tiny-Half, follow me! I bring you home, then to ruin!"

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I didn't want to get caught up with these natives. But I guess I didn't have a choice now did I?