Online Classes Are Such a Pain

Story by JackTheManiac on SoFurry

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#2 of Aiden and Noah the ass. Poor Noah can't seem to catch a break. After barely making it through finals week he is back to school and back to borderline failing. However, Aiden is just as willing to help him as before and is going to make sure that he buckles down, focuses, and makes it through his online classes. No matter how boring they may be.

There were times, especially now, where Noah wondered certain things about his roommate. For instance, where had Aiden learned so much about knots and all the ways you could tie them? The mouse was pretty smart and clever so Noah figured that a few YouTube videos and he would be all set. Which just led him to more questions of how one got into ropes and knots in the first place. The internet was a deep and dark place so it wouldn't be hard to stumble across that sort of thing after a while. Still, one has to get an interest in it, figure that they want to do it, learn how to do it, and then find someone to practice on. A long, long chain of events that led him to being tied up in the chair.

Aiden had caught Noah that morning with a paperclip desperately trying to work at that lock on his chastity cage. Noah discovered that it wasn't as easy to pick a lock like in the movies and that cage had a pretty decent lock on it. Aiden, apparently, wasn't one to skimp on spending the extra money to buy good sex toys. The only ones Noah had used were the cheap novelty stuff you picked up from one of those stores in the mall that sold them as gag gifts. The fuzzy handcuffs, for instance, had broken after the third or fourth use. The ring gag in his mouth, however, seemed to be holding up pretty good.

Aiden smiled as he walked up behind Noah and checked on the ropes that kept the fox bound to the chair. One set wrapped around the fox's wrists to keep them tied to the arms of the gaming chair; a pretty simple bind. The other set took a little more time and work to get put on properly. A spreader bar on the fox's ankles to hold them in the proper position followed by thick coils around the ankles, pulling the fox's legs behind his head and attaching to the base of the chair. In all it left Noah very, very vulnerable with his ass barely pushed off the edge of the seat leaving him completely exposed.

Aiden looked down at Noah, taking two fingers and pushing them into the fox's mouth, slowly finger fucking the mouth, "You know if you just had a little bit of patience you'd be out of that cage by now. But no, Noah, you just have to keep getting distracted and keep trying to get out of your work. Finals went ok but you're still slacking off. Guess I am going to have to keep my eye on you till the end of the semester."

Groaning lightly Noah could only nod his head as his tongue reflexively started to lap and caress the mouse's fingers. It had been weeks since he'd properly sucked a dick and even longer since he'd cum outside of the cage. Fuck, how long had he been in this damn thing? Aiden did let him out daily to wash up but only while the mouse watched to make sure he didn't try to paw off. Then it was right back into the cage for another day of teasing. A trail of drool escaped through the open portion of the ring gag and down the fox's muzzle, dampening his fur. It just wasn't fair.

Still fully dressed Aiden smiled and pulled his fingers free of the fox's muzzle and wiped them across Noah's furry chest. Humming lightly to himself the mouse went over to the closet and started to dig around moving boxes to the side. Of course Noah couldn't see, forced to stare at the computer monitor that was playing some rather lovely porn. What he wouldn't give right now to be that guy in the middle of the gangbang. It seemed Aiden had porn for every occasion and right now Noah watched some fox boy getting passed around by a mix of bulls, stallions, and what looked like a rhino. Aiden made a point to tease what size queens foxes were, leaving Noah to bite back some choice words about mice.

For the moment all Noah could do is watch the screen and feel the cage painfully keeping him in check. He was leaking badly through it, wanting nothing more to hump against something, anything to get a bit of relief. Noah found that if he got a pillow, while Aiden wasn't in the room of course, going to town on it provided some comfort. It wasn't the same as being out of the cage and it was mainly psychological but it was the only thing that he had. Even fingering his ass was better than being made to just sit there and watch. Finally he heard Aiden finish banging around and spin the chair around to face him.

Any hope quickly faded as Noah's eyes went wide when he saw what was set up and waiting for him. A large box sat on Aiden's desk, the power cord leading into the wall. The stainless steel arm glittered in the light, a thick dildo attached to the end. Noah had only seen these in porn before and figured there was just a gimmick that got shown off for the camera. They were a gag, something that no one actually had. Just like the gang bang on the screen, they were supposed to be fetish fuel for the internet, nothing more. Where the hell did Aiden find a fucking machine?

The mouse grabbed the back of the chair and wheeled it over to the desk making some minor adjustments to get the fox's hole lined up with the dildo. Noah could only make some vague protestation through the ring gag, his words coming out as gibberish. He did give an involuntary sigh as Aiden started to lube him, the mouse plunging his fingers into the fox's hole. Noah gave a disappointed little groan as the mouse pulled free and started to lube up the dildo as we well, stroking down the thick shaft. Feeling his heart start to pound Noah could only watch and wiggle his toes and fingers as Aiden pushed the chair toward the machine, sinking the shaft straight into his ass.

"Now, I don't have all day to mess around with you. Unlike you I do tend to take my classes seriously. So, while you're here getting the dick that you seem to crave, I'll be working on a project. And don't worry, you won't be skipping class. Luckily for you just about everything is online so I got you all signed in."

Looking side to side Noah panicked a bit before a blindfold went over his eyes and plunged the room into darkness. Then there was a set of headphones over his ears cutting down the noise in the room. Feeling something smooth and round get shoved into his right paw, he heard Aiden continue, muffled by the headphones, "Press down on that button when they need you to respond or something. That way they know you're logged in and paying attention. See you in, oh, three hours?"

Noah's eyes went wide under the blindfold. Three hours? Then the machine started up with a light whirring sound and the dildo started to pump away into his hole. With a shudder going up his spine Noah sat there and took it, his toes spreading as he was fucked by the machine. God he needed this. The dildo pumped away slowly but firmly, driving in deep with each mechanical thrust. Aiden had locked the wheels of the chair to keep it from moving back leaving Noah to sit there and get drilled.

Noah felt the long strokes of the machine working at his hole, driving in deep and spreading him wide. He was a bit disappointed that Aiden opted for just some generic dick; he knew the mouse had all sorts of species tucked away. Was he actually going to beg for a horse dick? He knew the mouse would give him another canine just to taunt him, make him feel that fat knot bang against his ass. Aiden was nothing if not a fucking tease. It had been almost a month now since Noah had any real cock and just had to subsist on toys.

Lost in the darkness and concentrating on the feeling he barely registered when he heard a voice come through the headphones, "Ok class, we are going to get started. Can everyone go ahead and raise their hand for me? Let's get a check in."

Vaguely remembering that he had the clicker in his hand Noah pressed it and then gasped as he felt the machine speed up. Sinking his teeth into the rubber of the gag he stifled a moan as class started with the professor going on about art history. Stupid, stupid electives. It was one of his easier classes; maybe that was why Aiden had decided to hook him up during it. Still, it didn't make concentrating any easier. Noah soon learned that every time the teacher asked for a response or hand raise, clicking the button just made the machine speed up faster. By the end of class he was getting slammed by the machine, the mechanical arm pumping hard and fast.

Just as class was about to end he felt his legs start to shake. Something was building inside of him, something spreading through his body. It hit him like a wave, crashing over him and pulling a loud moan out of his mouth. Noah didn't cum, at least nothing was dripping out of the cage, but this was on the same level. His legs were twitching, toes spreading wide, sweat running down his spine as he panted. The ropes were the only thing keeping his legs in place, holding them above his head. Dropping the clicker to the floor he sat in the chair, panting hard and trying to catch his breath. As the class ended the machine slowed down, eventually stopping.

At some point Aiden came over and tugged the blindfold off leaving Noah to squint at the sudden light. The mouse looked down over the back of the chair giving Noah a smirk, "Well, looks like the first class went pretty well. One down and, what, two more to go? I think you can make it. We have to get that GPA up, now don't we?"

Reaching over the mouse grabbed a bottle of water off the desk and tipped it slowly slowly to the open part of the gag, letting Noah get a few drinks in. Taking a few moments the mouse went over the different binds checking the ropes at the fox's wrists and ankles, checking to make sure they weren't cutting off circulation. Giving a satisfied nod Aiden stood up and hummed lightly to himself as he gave the dildo on the machine another coating of lube, smearing it along the length. Glancing over his shoulder toward the monitor he gave a smile, reaching down and picking up the remote, placing it back into Noah's paw.

Tugging the blindfold back down over Noah's eyes Aiden gave the fox's head a gentle pat as the machine started up again, the next class starting. Stroking the back of the fox's head he eagerly watched the machine pump away, "Well looks like class is starting. I'll let you get back to your learning and we can have a little quiz after. Good luck."

Noah clicked down on the remote, checking in once again and making the machine pick the pace up. He felt slightly encouraged by Aiden's words. One down and two to go; he could do this. Taking a deep breath he had to click the remote again when the professor asked for a response. This was his most interactive class. Settling in for a long hour Noah tried to smile around the gag. Today was going to be a good day.