The End: Chapter 6: Fairytale
#6 of The End
Chapter 6 of my story The End. We've almost out of the movie's realm and into the thick of the actual story, and once that happens things are gonna start taking a turn pretty quick.
Chapter 6: Fairytale
I cannot recall the world in which I found myself when I finally allowed slumber to lead me to the realm of my dreams, but I can vaguely recall seeing Kate's image in my mind before I was pulled from slumber by the migratory fowl we had befriended along the way and was informed that we were drawing near to our final destination. Once the conversation had ended and the ambiance of the night filled the air once more, I turned to my amber-furred companion and simply stared down upon her as she slept beneath the blanket of pale moonlight that the night had draped upon her.
It was as though the gods had created perfection and placed it here for me to see, and for that I thanked them, but it was for that, that I also cursed them. Her elegance, her beauty and her grace knew no equal and it was something that I wished to be able to capture and to hold every day, but I knew that no matter what, she would always find a way to slip through my paws. These thoughts fell heavily upon my mind as I watched her sleep and I found myself wondering for a moment what our lives could be like if I just let her sleep, let the train roll right through Jasper and lead us off into the unknown, together. But I quickly realized that if I did, I would only be forgoing the inevitable. Kate was determined above all other matters to get home and if I delayed her arrival any longer out of my own refusal to let her go, she would only come to resent me, and I knew that if that happened, I would never be able to live with myself.
So with a heavy heart, I lowered my muzzle to her cheek and gave her a gentle nudge. She stirred with a soft purr and turned to me with those eyes whose resplendent, amber flames enchanted my heart and lured it into its fiery hearth to be forever trapped with the hearts of all the other wolves who dared to gaze into their crystal spell. Then, with a soft groan, she stretched out the tightness that slumber had brought upon her muscles.
"Where are we?" she inquired as she struggled to shake herself free from the daze that still lingered upon her waking body.
"We're- we're in Jasper," I replied as my denial and doubts slowly yielded to the solemn poignance of apperception.
Without a word, Kate rose slowly to her paws and I silently turned and sat down on the track of the cargo door. Kate was not long to join me and then for a moment, we two sat in silence and watched the pallidly lit land rush by. As the rocks and trees passed before my eyes, I felt as though a dark cloud was slowly creeping over me. Every voice that dwelled inside of my mind was at war, and no matter how I tried to sift through the vociferous discord that threatened to shatter my psyche, no thoughts would fall into place as we two sat beside each other and watched our fates draw near. I had so much that I wanted to say to her that I didn't even know where to begin, and with our home slowly creeping over the horizon, I somehow knew that my opportunity to express these complicated feelings that longed so desperately to leap from my heart would soon be lost forever.
Kate's P.O.V.
As Humphrey and I sat silently together in the open doorway of the train car, I found myself strangely unable to find words. The journey that we two had shared together, while short, had not only challenged my perception of the omega I had befriended those many months ago, but of life as well. I didn't know it then, but I was standing in the face of change and I had no idea what I should do next. I didn't know what to think or what to say. Hell, I didn't even know if I would even be able to find the words that I searched so desperately to find inside my head if I did decide to open my mouth. So the silence droned on and we passed the time by attempting to avoid each other's wayward glances until finally the words that I wished to say suddenly leaped from my mouth.
"There's something I-" I began, but when I realized that Humphrey had found his courage at the exact moment I did, my voice was caught inside my throat and I withdrew into an awkward silence.
"You go first," Humphrey conceded as he made broken eye contact with me.
I took in a deep breath as I searched for my fleeting courage and tried one final time to organize my thoughts, then I began.
"Humphrey, I just wanted to tell you that these past couple of days, they've been kind of... fun!" I said as I felt a strange mixture of joy and regret overwhelm me, "and you've been kind of fun!"
Humphrey's P.O.V.
Though I had worked so prolifically to alter her perspective and show her the mirific splendor of freedom that had become so foreign to her since her youth, I had never expected to hear such words from her. When her intoxicating voice carried such marvelous words into my ears, I found myself in a state of disbelief and for the briefest moment, I felt it lock me in place. Though these words may seem meaningless to some, to me, they were almost as meaningful as the three words that I had so dearly longed to hear her say to me and as I began to recover from my initial stupor, I felt a new wave of anxiety wash over me. The three words that I longed to hear from her were also the three that I so desperately prayed for the courage to say, but in this perfect moment, with the moon to which we had previously howled shining down upon us, and the magic of the crisp, clear Canadian night filling the space between us with splendid spells that knew no rival, I found my courage faltering. Through broken eye contact and the fumbling of paws which trembled in the face of this moment that would either make my life complete or shatter my soul beyond repair, I searched so desperately for the words that wished to leap from my chest, but I was still unable to find my courage. I took in a deep, collective breath as my eyes fell to my paws one final time and then, without even thinking about it, I lifted my eyes and expressed my love for her over the sound of a nervous breath.
However, as I turned to where she had once sat beside me, I now found only an empty space and like the vacuum through which our tiny world so helplessly drifts, this sight sucked the breath from my lungs with my voice at its heel. Despondently, I turned and watched as Kate bolted across the moonlit ground toward the impending conflict in which our two packs were currently engaged. With a sigh of regret, I too leapt from the train and began to follow, never suspecting that she would inevitably lead me into my own personal hell.
The moment I discovered that she was promised to another, I felt as though she had pierced my chest and torn my heart from its hearth so that I may watch as she crushed it in the very paw I so dearly wished could be mine to hold. As she allowed herself to be escorted away by a joyous parade of friends and family I felt as though my entire body had become numb. Even as my dearest friends engulfed me in a rapturous embrace of fun and folly which I had so often enjoyed in the past, all I could do was watch with a heavy heart as Kate was led out of my life yet again. Only this time, I realized that there was no hope that she would ever return. I had spent the latter half of our adventure telling myself that if my only victory would be to rekindle the friendship I had lost in the months that she was away, it would have all been worthwhile, but as I watched her leave with not even a solemn "goodbye," I realized that her friendship alone would never be enough to satisfy the longing in my heart. Her love was all that I had ever wanted, and for the briefest of moments, I could taste the bliss of her embrace, but now, as our fairytale ended and life began once more, I felt only the sting of tears as she and all of my dreams disappeared into the pale moonlight.
Though this is a shorter chapter, I hope y'all enjoyed it. Once we get past all the events that occurred in the first movie, we shall finally dive into the real story that I have planned, so please stick around for more!
-MTOW out.