After Dark: a side story, Part Six

Story by NaurelFirestar on SoFurry

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#6 of After Dark world

{{Female Furries fucking, light bondage, ownership. If any of these bother you, please move along, if they are your style, please enjoy :3}}

An hour later, after much teasing by Rachel and Cathrine eventually begging for her clothing (She still thought her cheeks were red) the pair where sitting in a booth at a small Italian place, Cathrine quietly making headway on a heaping bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, Rachel working on a bowl of pasta salad and chicken, lightly tossed in alfredo sauce. Cathrine had been quiet ever since Rachel had gotten her to beg for her clothing, and Rachel was a bit worried she'd pushed the younger female too far. In reality, the younger female had been biting her lip ever since, trying to keep from blurting out her thoughts.

She was torn utterly between blurting out how much Rachel's actions had reminded her of Vanessa, and waiting until she was sure. She chopped her spaghetti up into bits as she ate, still debating, "Sure about what? I know I want her, I'm sure she wants me... what am I waiting for?" She was so lost in these back and forth thoughts she didn't even notice she'd devoured her way though her spaghetti until she went to take a bite and there was nothing left. She heard a gentle laugh and a soft voice, "Sorry kitten you've gone and eaten it all, still hungry?" Cathrine jumped a bit and blinked, before laughing at herself, "Ah guess I was hungrier then I thought, must have done too much swimming, I'm out of it, Sorry I've been so quiet," faking a yawn and giving Rachel a sleepy smile, hoping the bear wasn't reading into her daze too badly.

Rachel eyed the younger female a moment before nodding, "You were in the water a while, maybe take a break tomorrow and just rest?" Cathrine wrinkled her nose and huffed, waving her fork at Rachel, "Nu then I'll get all fat, I'll just set myself up a timer and only swim for like a couple hours." Rachel blinked, then laughed softly and smirked a little, "Oh all right kitten, my blanket can use more work anyway."

The hybrid blinked a bit and flushed a little, curling up a little, "You don't have to tag along with me you know." This comment earned her a soft chuckle and a smile in return, "And miss out on seeing you in that suit of yours? Oh I don't think so, kitten." Cathrine flushed a little and leaned back, smirking at Rachel, "Well if you insist."

After desert (hot fudge sundaes) the pair headed back to the dorm room. Rachel led the way, Cathrine still deep in thought. Rachel settled into her chair, and Cathrine kicked off her sandals and crawled into bed, flopping down facing the wall and 'resting'. She lay there a while staring at the cubbyhole in the wall that held that bundle, and pondered a bit, before reaching out for it. Cathrine had honestly forgotten that Rachel was still there, when her thoughts where interrupted with a soft voice, "What ya got there cutie?"

Cathrine squeaked and looked up at Rachel a touch startled, before blushing furiously, "Oh um it's nothing it's..." She paused, thinking, "Why not? now or never.. depending on what's in there she could accept or laugh in my face... Can I look at her again if she rejects me?" Cathrine took a deep breath, stood while blushing furiously, walking over to Rachel and holding the bundle out to her, "I... I don't know what it is"

Rachel looked up at her blinking in confusion, then down to the bundle, "Then.. why give it to me? Why not open it?" Cathrine took a deep breath, flushing red again, still holding the bundle out as she quoted Vanessa, "B-Because.. it's not mine to open" her gaze dropped and ears folded back shyly and her tail once more curled up against the back of her legs as she tried to get her courage to stay up so she could actually speak, "I... I think it belongs to you."

Rachel looked at her in deeper confusion and slowly took it, feeling over the bundle, "Um...Who gave it to you then?" Cathrine blushed harder and tucked her arms behind her back, folding them together and scuffing her foot lightly on the floor, looking down as she mumbled, "Vanessa." Rachel blinked, looking from the bundle she'd been handed up to the girl who was standing so shyly..."So meekly" Rachel lifted an eyebrow, and slowly untied the bundle, laying it down on her desk to roll it out.

What was laying on the cloth of the bundle utterly shocked the older female, and she found herself staring at the items revealed within. A velvet lined black leather collar with steel ring and matching wrist and ankle cuffs, each with steel ring and tie-clip, a long black leather leash with solid steel clip on the end, set of five small steel locks with what looked like the same key, and a rolled up note. Rachel looked to Cathrine flabbergasted, but the hybrid, once she had seen what the bundle contained, had dropped her gaze further and seemed utterly determined not to look at the older female. Cathrine's eyes were currently staring at her toes, or maybe studying the tip of her tail which was now between her legs and partially curled around one ankle. Rachel reached for the note with a shaking paw and opened it up slowly, finding a hand written message on it's surface:

To My Replacement-

Greetings to you, My name is Vanessa. The girl who gave you this bundle was once mine, by giving this note to you, she has chosen you to be my replacement, and her new owner. Congratulations. While I wish I could hand her leash to you in person, Unfortunately that is not to be, so I gave Cat this bundle with the simple order to hand it to my replacement unopened. I trust her judgement, as she feels very strongly towards something once she's figured out she wants it. Sadly sometimes that figuring takes a while, so I do hope she didn't make you wait too long. By giving you this bundle, she has also given you her trust. While there might be more to build, this is the first step. Treat her well, she is a good girl, even if she might still have a bit of a shyness issue.

Sincerely yours, and Cat's former owner,


p.s. Plantains, Sunflowers and Hydrants

Rachel read the note a few times, just to make sure she understood what was written there. She sat there staring at the contents of the bundle a moment, before looking to Cathrine, re-evaluating how she was standing, now from the eye of a practiced Mistress. "So meek... and scared stiff" Rachel's eyes went wide as she realized this, and she asked in as calm a tone as she could manage, trying not to scare her more, "Plantains, Sunflowers and Hydrants?"

Cathrine's face went redder as she was asked that, and she mumbled softly without lifting her head, "Green, yellow and red... L-levels of s-safewords" biting on her lower lip, awaiting the question she thought was coming next. Rachel surprised her though went she simply picked up the leather collar and toyed with it, running her fingers over the solid surface of the leather and the soft, comfortable velvet. The bear could already tell it was handmade but very sturdy, and there was only one hole for the lockable slide buckle. Rachel had a feeling Vanessa had either made the collar or had it specially ordered, and a quick glance confirmed the matching cuffs where the same make.

Rachel looked up to Cathrine while still holding the collar, and noticed the younger girl's eyes seemed to be closed. She sat the collar down slowly, and saw Cathrine's ears flick further back and her eyes squeeze shut, and knew that the girl's eyes had been open. The realization of why Cathrine was so scared hit the ursine like a ton of bricks, "She's scared I'll say no... that she's just bared herself to me and I'll reject her..." Rachel sat there a bit staring at Cathrine, wondering what was going though the girl's mind. She couldn't help herself and picked up one of the two ankle cuffs as well as one of the locks, making sure it was open.

Rachel leaned over and slowly took hold of Cathrine's tail tip, uncoiling it slowly from around her ankle, before very gently replacing it with the ankle cuff, which as Rachel expected, fit Cathrine's ankle perfectly, locking it in place with a tiny click of the lock, a click that seemed to echo in the room. She reached up to the second ankle cuff and second lock, watching the still girl while she put the second one on, again locking it in place. Cathrine's eyes were closed and her ears were pinned back to her head, and she was breathing quickly. The appearance was one of fear, she still looked scared stiff. However when Rachel stood, holding the other cuffs and collar and moved around the smaller female, she started getting the hint of something else entirely floating in the girl's scent. Excitement.

Once behind Cathrine, Rachel tucked the other cuff and collar under her chin, the locks were held gently in her hand. She very softly pulled Cathrine's arms from their folded position across her back to a more natural position with wrists together at the small of her back. Rachel gently slid one cuff around the first wrist, then the other cuff around the second wrist, securing both in place with the locks, the key of which was still laying on the black cloth that had previously been the bundle. Rachel didn't secure them together just yet, but as she took away her hands, Cathrine left her paws together as if they were, right where Rachel had placed them.

Rachel grinned and stepped to the side, gently gripping Cathrine's shoulder and turning the younger girl towards her, watching her meekly allow herself to be turned, keeping her wrists in place where they'd been placed. Rachel studied her a moment, looking her up and down, before saying in a gentle voice, "Strip. Level?" Cathrine didn't move immediately, shivering at the command and question, before she mumbled, "Plantains," moving slowly, pushing her shorts down her long legs slowly, swallowing hard as she kicked her shorts to the side, leaving herself bare from the waist down. Her hands moved up and caught her shirt, tugging the fabric off and shaking her head a touch as it cleared her braid, before it joined her shorts on the floor. Cathrine shivered a bit and flushed, but tucked her wrists back behind her back again in the same position as before, naked as the day she was born except for the strips of leather.

Rachel bit her lower lip, stifling a groan, saying breathlessly, "Goddess your even more beautiful like this..." Cathrine turned red and her posture relaxed slightly, getting a grin and the murmur of, "Good Girl" from the older woman. Cathrine flushed further and squirmed a little, but somehow the praise made her relax further, even though she didn't move from her position. Rachel's smile grew bigger, and she couldn't help but to reach out with her empty hand, letting only her fingertips trail down the girl's chest fur, right between those soft furred breasts Rachel so longed to touch.

She let her touch trail down the girl's stomach, and moved around Cathrine, looking her over and letting her fingertips trail back up to the girl's shoulder, purposefully missing that soft swell of female chest. Cathrine's fur was slightly matted from her lack of a brush after her swim, but it was still brilliantly clean, pure white over every inch of her fur. Rachel's fingertips slowly trailed down one arm, crossing the wrist cuffs to the other wrist, where they slowly trailed up the other arm as she continued walking around the smaller female. She crested Cathrine's shoulder again, and once more stood in front of the meek looking female, looking her over once more, studying her again as her fingertips fell away.

"Look at me." Cathrine looked up at that command, her tail still tightly against her legs and wrists held at the small of her back, swallowing a bit as her eyes met the taller woman's. Rachel smiled to her gently, saying in a gentle and clear voice, "Once I put this collar on you, there is no turning back. Do you understand this? a simple yes or no will do." Cathrine swallowed hard, but gave a short nod and a breathless sounding, "yes." Rachel smiled wider and continued, "While this collar is on you, I expect obedience, unless whatever I have asked you to do, whatever I am doing is beyond your limits, or if I have asked you your level as just now, at which time you will state the appropriate level safe-word and I will act accordingly. Do you understand?" Cathrine kept her gaze up, giving a simple nod again and a second breathless, "yes."

Rachel grinned ever wider, speaking a third time, "while you wear this collar, you will call me Mistress Ursa or simply Mistress, you will wear this collar and only this collar unless I state otherwise or give you something else to wear, and you will share my bed at night. Do you understand?" Cathrine shivered and swallowed, but didn't hesitate, breathing out softly, "yes." Rachel dimpled and nodded, lifting the collar up, dropping it behind the shorter girl with it open, before tucking it under her hair and closing the collar gently around the girl's neck, buckling that perfect fit, then locking it with a soft click. Cathrine shivered lightly and half closed her eyes, before opening them again looking up at Rachel.

The bear gave her a smile and caressed the leather collar that was now secured around the shorter girl's neck, twisting it till it settled more comfortably on Cathrine's neck, with the lock in the back and the smooth surface of the black leather with it's steel ring in front the only thing that broke the look of Cathrine's smooth white fur. Rachel couldn't resist pulling on the ring lightly, getting Cathrine to step forward, which the shorter girl did with a light shiver. Rachel grinned toothily and leaned in, letting her lips meet Cathrine's for a chaste but lingering kiss. Cathrine leaned into the kiss and returned it, half closing her eyes as Rachel wrapped her other arm softly around the girl's waist, tugging the smaller naked female even closer against her taller frame. After a long drawn out kiss, the two broke apart and Rachel grinned again, breathing softly, "Mine."

Cathrine flushed deeply and curled into the taller woman slightly, pressing into her and starting to purr gently. Rachel curled her arms tighter around the slender girl, just enjoying the feeling of her pressed against her body, rubbing over her bare back with her paw gently. They stayed like that for a while, simply holding one another, before Rachel bent down and slowly picked Cathrine up. The smaller girl eeped quietly but curled up in Rachel's arms, pressing into the taller woman again. Rachel grinned to her and licked her cheek, chuckling softly when Cathrine flushed and gave a soft little mewl. Rachel moved over to her bed with the hybrid in her arms, laying Cathrine out with a grin, laying her down against the pillows with a smirk and a softly murmured, "Now what to do with you kitten."

Cathrine flushed and started to curl up a little, but Rachel's firm hand on her legs stopped her. The ursine smiled to her softly and rubbed Cathrine's knee gently with a soft smile, murmuring gently, "No need to be shy kitten, I know there's still some work to be done between us but you know you have the power to slow me down if you wish, all you need to do is say the word." Cathrine flushed deeper, but silently considered Rachel's works before relaxing with a nod and a shy smile, "Guess you're right."

Rachel lofted a brow serene, though with a bit of a teasing grin, "What was that?" Cathrine looked at her confused for a moment before blinking and squeaking, laying her ears back meekly as she corrected herself, blushed furiously as her words made Rachel grin, "Mistress is right." Rachel smirked and grabbed her by the ankles softly, though started tugging her down the bed, gently making her lay out more as she leaned up to nuzzle Cathrine's stomach, "Hm. sounds good when you say that."

Cathrine was still rather red, but couldn't help herself, she was starting to enjoy what the older woman was doing and simply breathed out, "Mistress." Rachel blinked but then grinned, moving up she leaned over the younger female and kissed her, not a chaste kiss as before, this one quickly grew passionate, Rachel pressing into the younger female, Cathrine curling her arms around Rachel's neck, eventually starting to pull the larger female down into her. Cathrine whimpered into the kiss, pressing herself against Rachel in return, starting to lose herself in the kiss.

Rachel broke off after a long moment, grinning down at Cathrine, running her arms down the girl's sides before moving up again, catching the girl's wrists once more she lifted them as she did before, slowly and letting her catch pull away. Cathrine didn't, mewing softly but letting the older female do as she wished. She shivered lightly as she heard the clasps on her arms being attached to each other, then squeaked a bit when she heard a third clasp. When Rachel pulled her hands back looking smug, Cathrine flushed and tugged lightly on her arms, finding out quickly she'd been secured to something at the top of the bed, which only made her squirm lightly.

Rachel grinned and ran her paw down the side of the younger female, all the way past her hip and down her leg, catching her ankle with a mischievous glint in her eye. Cathrine laid her ears back meekly and shivered lightly at the look, giving a squeak when Rachel moved her leg to towards the side of the bed, drawing out a strong looking tie from beside the mattress and securing the ankle cuff to it. Cathrine flushed, realizing something similar must have been what snagged her arms, but she didn't have much time to reflect on this when Rachel stood up, drawing Cathrine's other leg out, securing it in a similar fashion, leaving the hybrid helplessly tied to the bed.

Cathrine was breathing faster then normal by this time, but rather was enjoying this feeling of helplessness the ties created, squeaking again while she watched Rachel pull back and give her a teasing grin. The bear didn't say a word, merely starting to strip, grinning as the hybrid watched her avidly. Rachel flipped off her top and pants, grinning at Cathrine as she moved over to her drawers, opening the top one and reaching in, pulling out her favorite toy. It was a large deep pink dildo, ribbed from behind the canine like head, to a smooth spot above the fake balls. Or at least, it pretended to be only a dildo, the suction cup like base and extension out of those fake balls betrayed it's true purpose, it was a high tech version of a strap on.

Rachel grinned as Cathrine eyed that large toy, and the bear moved back onto the bed over the hybrid's leg, closing the partition after her while kneeling there a moment .She positioned the toy against herself, the extension sliding into her own tunnel and the suction base over the clit. Rachel smirked at Cathrine's confusion, though gave a soft moan as the sensors hidden in the base of the toy activated, making the extension swell within Rachel's already damp tunnel at the same time the suction cup like area swelled up, gripping the clit it surrounded. Rachel murred and moved her paws to caressing Cathrine's inner thighs softly, coaxing a groan out of the smaller female. The bear murmured as she watched the smaller female squirm, "Never seen one of these hm? wonderful little toys, it lets me feel everything, all the twitches of your inner muscles, all the convulsions, just like I was fucking you with a real cock.."

Cathrine went wide eyed, swallowing, trying to speak but only ending up squeaking softly. Rachel grinned and leaned down, playfully sniffing at the girl's loins, "Think you like this idea kitten" she didn't wait for an answer, she knew she didn't have to, the girl's scent was proof enough. Cathrine arched against the bonds that tied her as she felt Rachel's long warm tongue snake out over her nether lips, the hybrid groaning out as she felt a jolt run though her from the sensation. She whimpered softly as Rachel continued to tongue bath her folds, starting to shiver and try to press into the swipes of that wide tongue. Rachel seemed to enjoy purely teasing her capture, backing her head up each time the girl tried to lift her hips, grinning at the whimpers her actions brought out of the slender girl.

Rachel finally gave into her own desires, crawling up slowly, pausing first at Cathrine's belly button, teasingly sniffing around it and rubbing her nose against the dimple in the girl's smooth stomach, before crawling further, starting to cover the smaller girl's frame with her own. The ursine grinned up at the trapped female as she reached those ripe breasts, sniffing one, then the other before playfully lapping at the middle. Cathrine groaned softly, pulling at her bindings on her arms, pressing into that lick with a shiver, still watching the larger woman as she panted lightly, making her chest rise and fall under the bear's inquisitive black nose.

The smaller hybrid could only watch as that large head moved around, sniffing over those white furred mounds. Cathrine bit her lower lip, whimpering a touch impatiently, which earned her a soft nip to the side of her breast. The hybrid gasped and arched at the nip, giving a soft groan. Rachel paused in her sniffing and grinned, nipping again, a tad more firmly, causing the hybrid to jerk again, straining lightly at her bonds. Cathrine whimpered softly as Rachel let her relax, just barely long enough to get her body calm before those brown furred lips suddenly found their way to the smaller girl's nipple. The hybrid lout out a soft cry, arching again, shuddering at the sensation as Rachel rolled her tongue against the trapped nipple before suckling on it, the sensation rocking the white furred one to her core, making her groan louder.

Rachel grinned against that trapped nipple, moaning herself at the sounds the girl was making, running her hand up the girl's body while sucking harder on the nipple in her mouth, eventually squeezing Cathrine's other breast softly, grinning as she made the hybrid moan again. She moved herself up, unable to wait any longer and gently pushed the head of the phallus against warm folds. Cathrine was lost in the sensations the larger female was creating within her body, groaning and arching, pressing against Rachel's touches, giving a surprised but needful whimper at the feeling of that touch on her folds, whimpering and straining against the ties that kept her in place. Rachel grinned to her, teasingly letting go of the nipple she'd been gently abusing, licking it once before pulling up to hover over the smaller girl.

The bear grinned a toothy grin, a predatory grin. She rubbed against those already damp folds softly, groaning herself, she hadn't lied when she said the sensations were felt directly. Rachel grinned at the younger girl, leaning down and pressing over the smaller girl gently. She curled her arms under Cathrine's shoulders snugly, leaning in and nuzzling against Cathrine's cheek softly. Cathrine whimpered, unable to hold the larger woman in return she instead pressed up, lifting her hips as much as she could, pressing into the nuzzle before whimpering softly, "P-please M-mistress." Rachel blinked but grinned widely, rumbling into the smaller girl's ear, "Mine" as she pushed her hips forward, both females groaning low as the toy cock's head made headway in parting the smaller hybrid's folds, the sensations of it making both females shudder with delight.

Cathrine let out a low groan, letting her head fall back as ripples of pleasure started to travel up her body as Rachel grinned down at her. The larger bear started to gently roll her hips, thrusting against the hybrid, both shivering as Rachel got the sensations of slowly being enveloped by those tight warm folds, and Cathrine got the sensation of slowly being opened up, being filled by the female above her. Neither remembered it was only a toy between them as Rachel slowly bottomed out, pausing there, panting softly as she locked eyes with the younger girl.

Cathrine panted nearly in time with Rachel, staring up at her before groaning softly, arching again and pressing up, surprising Rachel with a lustful kiss. The bear couldn't hold back any more, nor did she want to, pulling back then slamming into the younger girl trapped below her. Cathrine gave a muffled cry against Rachel's lips at that slam, whimpering her growing need as she rocked up against Rachel's movements that felt like they filled her with each and every thrust. Rachel grinned, murring at the sounds the younger girl made, starting to shudder lightly as Cathrine's inner muscles began to squeeze the invader that was splitting them open with each hard, claiming thrust.

Cathrine gave a loud moan as her head fell back from the kiss, pushing up against Rachel, shuddering as the pleasure created by the older female started to rock her body, filling her with the ever increasing urge to climax. Rachel seemed to sense whenever the smaller girl got close, always backing off her thrusts into the hybrid's tight folds, seeming to milk not only Cathrine's climax, but her own as well. Cathrine lost herself in the sensations, unable to even think as Rachel started to nibble on the side of her neck, the hybrid's head falling to the side as she gave a hard shudder. Rachel grinned against the white furred neck and bit softly, grinning even more as the girl trapped below her gave out a loud cry, giving a moan into that soft fur as Cathrine's body shuddered and her tunnel clenched hard.

The toy being used reacted to both females' building climaxes, starting to show why it was Rachel's favorite. The knot that was part of it started to grow, making the trapped female gasp hard as she felt that extra lump forming. Rachel merely groaned into Cathrine's neck, feeling that tightness starting to grow even more around her thrusts. Cathrine gave a whimpering sound, shuddering under the older woman, panting heavily as the sensation went from simply being filled to each thrust to being almost over filled, that knot starting to tug on her folds each time Rachel's hips pulled back. She moaned into Rachel's ear, her hips lifting even more, not only from thrusting back but from that knot as it swelled within her tunnel, it pulled on her hips harder. Rachel grinned as she felt that sensation, and pulled back teasingly, grinding slightly, letting the knot finish growing outside that tight tunnel.

Cathrine gave a whimper as she realized what Rachel was doing, trying to push up against her, wanting that full feeling back again. The bear merely grinned against Cathrine's neck, turning her head a touch and getting a better hold on the fur at the crook of the girl's neck, grinning again at the shudder it caused from the slender hybrid. Cathrine whimpered and let her head fall to the side, the bite making her go limp a moment, that same moment Rachel seemed to sense, and the older woman's hips suddenly rammed forward, forcing that now fully grown knot into the smaller hybrid with an audible pop.

Cathrine screamed in pleasure at the sudden sensation of being devoid, then overly filled, that knot feeling huge to the small hybrid, the way it felt made her think she was being split in two. Rachel groaned at that scream and started thrusting again, short fast thrusts since she couldn't pull all the way out again, her own climax building up in overdrive as Cathrine's body reacted to the huge knot within the hybrid's tight folds. Cathrine couldn't stop shuddering, her logical mind shut down completely, her primitive, currently lust fueled one taking over, her hips meeting Rachel's with hard slaps as her tunnel clenched hard around that huge invader. Rachel gave a groan as the hybrid's body moved as such, and simply couldn't hold back any longer, driving into the smaller female only a handful of thrusts before the larger female climaxed, the sensation of which was transferred into the throbbing and twitching of that toy, which finally sent Cathrine over that long awaited edge.

The hybrid screamed out her pleasure again as that climax hit her system, barely feeling as Rachel's climax made her bite down harder on that trapped skin between the bear's teeth. Cathrine literally had no thought in her head, only feeling the overwhelming pleasure that was rolling its way though her body, making her shudder under Rachel's larger form, her rolling eyes seeing stars as the pleasure burst though her. Rachel growled her own pleasure into the trapped skin, clutching at Cathrine's shoulders and shuddering with eyes clenched closed, before both collapsed at nearly the same time. Rachel gently let go of the hybrid's neck fur, lapping at it still rumbling softly, listening to the smaller girl's pants as she started to rub down the girl's back, before reaching up and undoing the clips that kept her arms bound. She lifted her head a bit, grinning down at the utterly dazed looking, glassy eyed girl, licking over her cheek softly while she reached down and undid the clasp on the outer side of the bed then loosening the other, very gently picking Cathrine up and rolling them both onto their sides while still connected, chuckling as the girl whimpered softly.

The ursine nuzzled and rubbed till long after Cathrine's panting calmed down, giving her own pants more then enough time to do the same. She grinned as she found the hybrid had slipped into unconsciousness and hugged the smaller female to her softly, murmuring again, "Mine" before the bear closed her own eyes, following her new pet into the blissful realms of sleep.

After Dark: a side story, Part Five

The next morning, the pair stirred slowly. Classes didn't start till the following week, so this week was mostly for getting books and find out where classes were.. Catherine woke and stretched, finding she'd kicked off her blankets and shorts in the...

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After Dark: a side story, Part Four

{{Female furries falling in love, allusions to BDSM and ownership, enjoy}} Cathrine woke up slowly and lifted only her head with a soft grunt. Something had woken her, but the barrier was closed and the rest of the bed was empty. She wiggled...

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After Dark: a side story, Part Three

{if your underage, GO AWAY!! or at least don't tell me, if your over that and enjoy females falling in love, have at it!} Hours later, Cathrine found herself waking slowly. She was warm, very warm, and she felt a thick weight over her hip. She...

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