A Chance of Serindipity: Ch.1

Story by Adrien-Rio Hajimoto on SoFurry

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A Chance of Serendipity: Chapter 1

Author's Note: I FINALLY wrote a story! I can now bask in the Writer's limelight and have "Writer's BLock," and what-have-you. Anyways, I've been working on pieces that don't have any yiffing until...well, you'll see. Anyways, please enjoy the current chapter and I crave feedback and comments. ^ #..# ^

By the way, I'm just a beginner, so this chapter is really, REALLY short.

--------Chapter One: Moving On

Sean parked his car in the prking lot of the apartment complex he was soon moving into. The shy 6'4" tall Black Panther, all black fur and a full head of shoulder-length straight blue hair, bright green eyes, and athletic structure. He was also a Japanese foreigner, and felt proud that he was moving on from living with his parents the past 17 years as he looked at the tall 30-story building.

"I can't wait until Adrien sees this," he said to himself before walking to the complex's door, unlocking it and walking to one of the three elevators, stepping in one and pressing the floor's buttons- FL 3. He paced around in his black Straight Jeans, Navy turtleneck and black Converse's, thinking of how many boxes he stiill needed to unpack in his place. When the elevator stopepd at the right floor, he steeped out and walked past 8 doors until he got to the 9th door....his apartment. He opened the door, walking into the living room that had a 72" Plasma-scree TV, two couches, a long coffee-table, and a sliding door behind the 2nd couch that divied the living room from the rest of the apartment.

"I'm gonna call Ade now, just to see where he is," Sean said to himself as he flipped open his phone, dialing my number, and placing the speaker to his ear.

A voice, high-pitched and British, spoke from the other end.

"Ello, ello, ello? This is Adrien D'Minero. Who am I speaking with?"

"...Sean," the Panther answered, sitting on one of the couches silently. "Sean Yoritatchi."

"Oh, hey Sean, old buddy. I haven't spoken to you in a bit. How are things?"

"Pretty well," Sean answered, feeling calm and at ease to her his best friend's voice. "How about your end?"

"I"m holding up all right. When do you want me to visit your new place? I can drive now," said the voice, a faint sound of keys jingling in the background.

Sean stuttered in his speech to stop the fur from moving any further than he assumed he did. "N-no no no, I was gonna pick you up a-"

"Nonsense, nonsense! I'm gonna drive, anyways. I'll be there in 20 minutes," the voice insisted.

"B-but I.." Sean tried to say, before he heard the long dial tone on the speaker... He hung up. Sean cupped his muzzle with his paw, sliding it up to slide his bangs behind his head as he stood there, a tad dumbfounded. His place still had boxes and such in different spots.

".....Shit," he mumured, walking out of the apartment and closing the door behind him, it automatically locking itself as he took the elevator back down to meet with his guest...