The beauty of a vixen... PART 2

Story by Hemnon on SoFurry

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#2 of Beauty of a vixen

Author: Hemnon

Support: Strawberry_Reian

thoughts are written with 'one set of these'. when Jessica (or someone else) speaks I will use ''two of them''.

Beauty of a vixen... Part 2

Matthew to the rescue!!

''knock knock knock''.... Jessica woke up as the heard the knocking against the door to her room. Jessica could immediately feel that her sheets was wet and in a flash she remembered what happened last night. Oh my, was the only thought going trough her head and she then looked towards the door, being glad that she locked it... what would her parents think if they saw her lying naked om wet sheets.

'' Jess? Are you okay in there?... its past 12...'' Jessica's dad asked through the door. ''I'm fine, just tired from the run yesterday'' Jessica quickly answered, trying to sound like that's was all that had happened.

As she heard her father leave, and go down the stairs, Jessica quickly opened a window and took her sheets of her bed and curled them into a ball, leaving them under the bed for now. She then headed for her bathroom, so she could clean herself up.

Under the warm water it was hard for Jessica not to think about last night, and without thinking, she reached for her clit again and gasped at the touch. She was surprised at how sensitive she was, but she continued rubbing her clit, her breathing going from calm to irregular. Jessica let out a 'oh my' from her lips as she as she started fingering herself again, while she was thinking about Matt and his handsome body.

Her inner wall was already moist with her juices and made it easier for her fingers to reach further inside. As she sped up, she started panting and twitched with pleasure. As she tried to sit down, Jessica suddenly hit a spot inside herself, and her walls clenched tight around her fingers as her orgasm hit. Jessica pressed herself up against one of the shower walls as Her cum rushed out of her and soaked her hand. Jessica's head fell over and she was breathing heavily. As she leaned her head back against the wall, she looked at her juice-covered hand and slowly started to lick it clean.

Her smell was rather good and she tasted even better. As she finished her bath she went back to her room, getting her bathrobe.... as she the full-size mirror next to her drawer, she looked at her self. 'WOW!' she thought. 'What had happened to my body?' the continued. Her body looked for some reason, much more feminine, her breasts looked more well shaped and her hips had more curve than before. She stood there for a few minutes, appreciating her body, both by look and by touch.

Truly, nothing had changed... just Jessica's own view of herself.

As the evening came Jessica's good friend, Celine, called and asked if she was in the mood for a little shopping. Jessica said yes, and they agreed to meet at the Dinner.

Celine is a snow rabbit, and one of Jessica's childhood friend. Celine does not go to the same school and Jessica but they hang out regularly to shop and stuff like that.

As Jessica, now wearing her pink top and her Grey pants, walks towards to strip mall she hears something stir in the bushes from the other side of the road, her ears flew up alerted by the sound. She continues down the street and starts to cross trough the playground, when a tall figure steps out from the shadows behind her.

In the dark its difficult for her to see but she recognize the guy as Joe, one of the guys from school and one of Matt's friends. He slowly moves towards her while he glares at her, hi eyes full of a vulgar hunger. Jessica start to walk faster, away from Joe... he makes her feel uneasy. Joe is a tall semi-muscular husky.

As Jessica is just about to exit the playground, Joe Grabs her arm from behind and swirls her around so she is face to face with him. She can smell that he have been drinking, and probably a lot. ''why such a rush sweetheart?'' he said, his yes running past her eyes and down her body. while he hold her in place with one hand he reaches out towards her ass, Jessica flinches away from his touch and tries to Yank her hand out of his grip, without much success and it only makes him grip tighter around her wrist ''let me go!'' she yells at him. ''aw don't be that way sweetie, how about we have a little fun..?'' he said, making Jessica stiffen with anxiety and disgust. He then reaches for her breasts this time while he holds her so she can get away. ''stop! Let me go!'' she cries out as he start squishing her firm breasts.

He then runs his hand into her pants, making her cry out yet again, tears of shame running down her cheeks. Joe then trips Jessica so she fell onto her back, and he quickly sits over her stomach and hold her arms to the sides and leans down an kiss her. Jessica tried, with no success to get him off her, as his tongue slips into her mouth making her gasp for air.

Now crying and unable to scream, Jessica tries to get him of yet again, still to no avail. One of Joe's hands lets go of her left hand and places both her hands over her head, holding them with his right hand. He then slips the free left hand up under her top and grabs one of her breasts, making her cry out loud, tears now streaming out of her eyes. After being done with her breasts , Joe then starts unzipping her pants.

Suddenly Joe is thrown off Jessica, and he lands a few feet away. Through her sobs and tears, Jessica can see who her savior is..... ITS MATT!!!

this is the end of part 2.

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