Solis Part 11

Story by FurryExperiment on SoFurry

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#11 of Solis

Solis Part 11

The next morning brought me and Jóhan calmer winds along without a sense of unease. With another breakfast of bread and trout, we made our way to the glacier which wasnt far.

The glacier itself was a beautiful creation of ice. Thick slabs crushing the earth below, slowly peeling it back bit by bit. Jóhan led me up it, its slick surface not playing well with my paws. Occasionally I would lose my footing and slip up in the snow. Snow, man it was cold. It was something I longed to see, only teased on the very tops of Venus's tallest mountains.

"Come Tiny-Half, it will be a cave up ahead." Jóhan tells me, which I eagerly pick up the pace. The feeling of a icy wind cut through my fur, making me shiver. What a strange land this Iceland is.

Quickly though, we found this cave he was talking about. Buried within the glacier itself, a burrowing tunnel of pure ice. Stepping in was a sight I thought I'd only see on Ganymede, but yet this was something else. A tube of deep blue ice, reflecting the sun off of us two furs. Both of us being coated in the blue glow.

I stared in awe at this wonder, touching it with my paw. It was slick and cool, coating my paw pads with a thin layer of water.

"This is something else, who knows how long it's been here." I remark, running my paw along its icy surface.

"As long as I was a cub I think." Jóhan tells me. "I have only been here a few times before, yet it is always beautiful." I must agree with him, it was truly beautiful.

Further in the light started to disappear, as we brought out our flashlights. The ice slowly giving way to this now famous black volcanic rock. This cave differed from Venus however, while both shared black in color. Venus's did not have this wonderful grayish blue tone to the rocks. These looked almost reflective, carving miniature steps into the ceiling.

The tunnel did not last long, nor did it get more extravagant. However what did impress me though, what was waiting at the end of the tunnel.

White granite, purple gem like built into the granite, a door made up of the same swirling patterns. However not as tall as the one on Venus, this one built into the cave system. I grin, knowing this was what I was looking for.

Jóhan took note of me stepping up to the structure, walking up beside me. "Do you know this Tiny-Half? What is this?" He asks looking around, frowning as he saw skeletal remains of the last crew that came here. No doubt died trying to get the door open.

"This Jóhan, this is something not even I understand, but something I've been able to do from the start."

He looks puzzled as he watches me, pressing my paw to the celestial door. Watching as the tiny specs and paths react to my paw, twirling around it as dust cleared away. The door slowly phasing away into nothing. Revealing an ornate hallway, full amethyst pillars.

"I.. I do not know what you mean." He asks, following me in. The structure dim, yet just enough light to see the details needed to be seen. The purity of the white granite, only diffuses with the occasion cream color. Purples and mixed with blues gently providing body and structure to the white.

I proceeded to tell him of my first encounter with a ruin, on Io. I was seeking shelter for the night, away from pirates. How this supposedly unbreakable ruin bended to my will. Allowing me in. Telling him as I explored it I got a glimpse of what was to come. He almost didn't believe me, but the fact I could open the ruin was enough for him. For now.

Traveling down this hallway, it seemed to go on for a while. A sense of pride and power came from this place. Which was wasnt sitting well with Jóhan, as he looked around nervously. Seeing something like this, only seen by maybe me and no one else.

Walking along, we eventually came upon another silver tree. Carved lines throughout it, a wide hallow interior once more, sharp wired branches flowering gemstones of black and grey. I touched the tree gently, running a paw up it. Feeling a connection to something else out there. Quickly I took my paw off,

not wanting a reply.

I looked to the center, once more was an orb on a pillar. Letting out a breath of air, I stepped forward. I aimed to touch it, but before I gave a warning to Jóhan.

"I may pass out from touching this." I say motioning to the orb. "If I do don't worry, you may leave me here. But do not destroy this orb, I need it." He seemed to understand, standing off and looking around with a cautious wonder.

My attention turned back to the orb, carefully I reached forward. Feeling it for a quick second, I felt its warmth, and coolness. My vision going as deep and black as it was.

Cold winds brushed against my face, as I found myself in a place of sand and snow. Deep red rocks covered the land, poking out of the reddish sand. Looking up, I could see the looming volcano's of Mars, like a sore on the planet.

Smoke in the distance rose and formed, not from the mountains no. From the distant city, as the smoke-filled the sky. Snow falling like ash. Turning around I could see highlands. Red rocks, and trees both pine and dead covering the sandy soil.

I started to make my way to them, a cloak on my back to protect me from the elements. I didn't know why I had to go there, I just know I did.

Up and over the rocks I went, my rifle was in my paw. All of this felt like a dream, slow and sluggish as I moved. The occasional shrub snapping as I passed by. Onward I went for what felt like hours, with my head growing ever lighter.

Soon I fell face first into the sand below, wind whipping past my face as I fell into it. The sand cushioning the blow as I look upward. Grey snow clouds covering the sky, darkening above. I couldn't see smoke, fire, nothing. Just the dark skies above.

Jolting awake, once again with a searing headache. I was still in place beneath the metal tree.

"Tiny-Half you are awake! You erm.. passed out when you touched the rock. I touched it after you, but nothing happened to me. Why is that?"

His voice seemed louder than usual as I shrugged it off, rubbing my head and letting out a low groan.

"I'm not sure.. shite." I pause, looking around. I had no idea what the time was. "Look, let me just grab that orb, then let's get out of here."

He nodded, standing up from his sitting postion. Getting up as well, I grab the orb from its white pedestal. Feeling its weight in my paws. Holding it in both paws, it felt and sized like a bowling ball.

Keeping it wrapped between my arms, we made out way back out to the glacier. Where a beautiful night sky graced us. Millions and millions of stars were showing themselves. twinkling and shining.

Breathing in deeply, Jóhan smiles then exhales. His breath flowing from his muzzle. "It's good to be back above ground, yes? Come now, let us leave this glacier to make camp."

I shake my head, setting the orb softly in the snow below. "That wont be necessary."

He looks confused, raising his paws for a moment. "How will we get back then? Unless you have plan."

Matter of fact, I did. Raising my comms, I ping BB.

"Grab my location and meet me st the base of this glacier. Finally getting out of here." I tell him, walking down the snow slopes with Jóhan. The cool crunch below me, as the thousands of stars reflected on its icy surface. I pondered this only for a moment till BB answered.

"Understood Vex, be there soon." He quickly cut off the comms, and begin to head out. The few minutes I spent walking down Jóhan tried talking to me.

"So this.. orb or rock. Whatever you call it, what is it?"

I though for a moment, trying my best to describe it to him. "Hmm. The best way I can describe it is like our holopads. Able to send and receive information, at least that's how I think it is."

He nods, scratching his chin. "So it tells you things? What does it tell?" His curiosity peaked. Stepping up next to me, his paws crunched in the snow. "It cannot be of natural things I think."

I shake my head, unsure if I should tell him. Stopping, I raise a paw to him. Pointing two of my fingers. "This isn't something you really n

eed to know, it tells of death. Nothing more. And pray none of this is true."

He expression changed, his large blue eyes expressing sorrow. "Tiny-Half, do you need to speak of these?"

I press forward, feeling the cold nipping at my paws finally as they kept sinking in the snow. "No, I don't." I affirmed.

He pressed a few more times, but I was adamant. I was not talking to him about this!

"Jóhan, I am not telling you!" I snapped, reeling back for a moment. "I cannot."

Shocked by my outburst, he let's out a series of tsk tsk tsk. Shaking his head as the sun began to peak over the hills and mountains.

"Tiny-Half, why are you angry?"

"I am not angry!" I stomp my paw down I to the snow, crunching it beneath me. "It's just these things, you cant understand, I don't understand!" I felt like I was partly venting to him, my two fangs bearing themselves slightly.

"Hmph, then you should not play around with these things, could be danger!" He tells me, a hint of care in there. Before I could answer, I saw BB and my ship coming over the horizon. The early sun glinted off the white and red paint.

"There's our ride, let's go." I pointed to the ship that was beginning to land. Dust flying off the grass and rocks below into out faces. Jóhan and I covering ourselves as we walked up.

With a hiss, the ramp to the cargo bay slide down into the wet dirt. Jóhan freezing for a moment as I walked up, looking back I called to him.

"Come on, I'm not going to wait here forever."

He looks up to me as I spoke, nodding and walking to the ship. "This is.." He spoke with amazement. "You live in this Tiny-Half?"

I nod, punching in the keypad to open the rest of the ship. With a few clicks the silver and grey door slide open to show the wood and white panels beyond.

"I do, it's my home." Confirming his question, I walk in as Jóhan inspected everything.

"It is so nice, so improve over my own! How you build this?" He asks excitedly, tail flicking as he felt the panel sides with his paw. Rubbing two fingers together as he looks back to me.

"I bought it."

A brow raised, as he goes to ask me another question. However before he could I tell BB to lift off.

"Take us to the village you flew overhead to get here. We'll drop Jóhan off then leave Earth."

BB's voice came over the ship, casting his monotone thoughts. Startling Jóhan as he looked for a source.

"Will do, and I quite enjoy this Jóhan's name for you. Hmm, Tiny-Half. I believe I shall use it. "

Pointing aggressively to the nearest speaker on the roof, I call out to him. "You will NOT call me that!"

With a low snicker, I felt the ship rumble and come to life. Jóhan trying to grab the walls for dear life as we lifted off. If that's one thing I had in common with him, was a hatred for flying.

"Tiny-Half, I do not like this movement. Will it stop?"

"Soon, just relax." I tell him, leaning against the wall myself as my stomach curled. The two of us stood in the hallway, the ship soon reaching our destination.

"Well, take your new friend back home now Vex. I don't wish to delay longer."

I nod, feeling the ship jolt with a rough landing. I guess that's how it is when you don't have a proper port.

Eagerly, Jóhan steps toward the cargo bay, which I promptly open everything up. The chilled Icelandic air filling the bay as everything dropped. Looking outside I could see a crowd of humans forming. Some giving concerned looks with their rifles, fearing I had kidnapped Jóhan or worse.

But he was quick to address the crowd, easing their fears. I could see it on their faces as he spoke their tongue. The fear and confusion turning to genuine curiosity. Murmurs and rumbles through the crowd as Jóhan turns to me.

"Haha! They are wondering about you and your ship, the kids want to see it!"

My ears lay back as I wince. Kids?!

"I don't think that can be done.. like I said I'm very busy and I have to get back to Venus." I didn't like the idea of a bunch of kids coming aboard my ship, running around. Possibly breakin

g expensive equipment.

As a few faces turned sour at my words, I tried to get Jóhan to calm down the crowd. "Maybe another time though, after my work is done I'll return."

He nods, telling them what I told him. This upset a few of the kids no doubt, even some adults. But the crowd slowly turned back to their business, with Jóhan stepping up to me.

"Well Tiny-Half. This is where we leave. Goodbye, I wish you luck." Before I could say anything, he scoops me up into a hug. Nearly Squeezing the life out of me. Setting me back down, he pats my shoulders as I take in a breath.

"Good... goodbye Jóhan." I stood there breathing heavily, as he turns and leaves my ship. Leaving me alone with BB.

As I was leaving, I thought of an idea. "BB, land me down by that river real quick." I tell him.

"Why? I thought we had to go to Venus."

"It'll be only for a few minutes, that wont kill us." I say to his complaining. With a sass in his AI voice, I felt the ship turn with his words.

"If traffic is bad to Venus, I will be blaming you."

I rolled my eyes, traffic! Bah! Theres no traffic in space. Regardless, once the ship was landed I looked to the ground. Moss made up most of the ground covering. Besieging tall black cliffs with a narrow and rocky shoreline. Guiding my way to the river.

The moss soaked my paws as I walked along. Breathing in this cool air for the last time. Looking down, I was almost in the river itself. Wet rocks shifted and clinked under my weight. Bending over, I picked one up. Black wet stone covered in green moss with flakes of red. All sprinkled about. Smiling, I decided to take it with me. A piece of this beautiful land back home.