Solis Part 12

Story by FurryExperiment on SoFurry

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#12 of Solis

Part 12 of Solis

The flight back to Venus was miserable, feeling ill from a slight withdrawal. It was hard to keep myself from throwing up, or waking up in a cold sweat.

However, still feeling sick I went on to Tisek Solcrafts. The headquarters for Kim's company. Up the elevator, I stared out the window. The building was mixed in with skyscrapers upon sky scrapers. Curved and rounded edges. White panels sticking out beyond and guiding windows. Glass walkways providing fresh air to anyone who wants out to the mid afternoon sun.

All this movement did was make me feel sicker. Eventually a ding was heard, the 30th floor shone itself in front of the silver door. Gold on silver, that was the theme here. As the grey and silver door slide to my right, I walked out. Slowly and cautiously, examining each name above the door.

Malcom Jones - Chief Financial Officer

Aries Fae - Marketing Lead

Val Long - Executive Director

Then, at the end of this hallway. Beyond the one way glass offices. Stifled by a sterile air conditioning, keeping out the blasting sun. I saw last two offices.

Friday Tisek - President

Kim Tisek - CEO/Owner

Smiling a weak smile, I hold the orb in my paws. Raising and paw and giving a knock to the door. A hallow sound rang out through the offices, as I looked around. Paws shuffling on the black tiled floor. With a whoosh of air, the door behind me opened and slightly startled me.

Looking into the room, a deep wood table. Oval shaped in design was in the middle of this room. Four palm trees in each corner, with windows on three sides, curved in the front. Dimmed just enough to keep the sun bearable.

"Vex," Kim began. "It's good to see you made it off Iceland in one piece, and with your prize." He stated, extending a paw to greet me. His blue holopad in his other one.

Walking up to him, I set the orb down with a thunk on the table.

"To be quite rash, I'd like to make this quick." I state, feeling a sickly feeling in my gut. He sighs and nods, feeling the orb for himself. Setting his pad aside and rolling the orb on his desk. Sounding like if you were to roll a heavy rock.

"What did you learn from it?" He asks me, stopping the rolling and looking me dead in the eyes. I gulped, a dead feeling sinking down into me. I knew I had to tell someone, but how did he know!

"How did you-" I growl, getting defensive.

"Relax Vex, sit down and I will talk." I do as he says, sitting down in an admittedly comfortable chair.

"Someone in both of our positions and talents know a few secrets, few associates of mine know you could get into those ruins. I was looking to hire you anyways, however the fact you went to school with Friday and the reunion coming up was.. convenient."

"So you used her to get to me?" I say in a confrontational way, ready to just get up and leave.

"I don't think so, she was okay with seeing you anyways." He quips back at me, waving me off with a paw. I was blown away by this, feeling like now I was used by him.

"Well!" I say, shooting up from my seat. Making my stomach jolt with irritation. "I suppose now that I've delivered your item, I can be left alone from this grand scheme of yours?"

I start to turn away from the canine, my tail swishing in annoyance as I made my way to the door. As I went to swipe it open, Kim's voice stops me.

"Thank you Vex, at least I know you can finish a job."

I huff, leaving his office without a word. The door closes behind me, my paws taking me down the hallway towards the elevator. As I got near, another voice distracts me.

"Vex! Hold on!" The famine voice calls out. Swiftly turning around, I look at Friday dead in her face. "What!"

Taken back by this, she grips her holopad. Ears laying back ever so slightly as we stand in an awkward moment of silence.

"I'm just tired, I don't mean to snap." I tell her, shaking my head as I begin to turn around.

"Right, but hold on a second." She says, stepping up next to me. Causing me to stop and look back to her. "Office for a second please?"

Her office was

almost similar to her fathers, except with only one window view. But more plants scattered about, a mix of palms and glowing ferns.

"Bloody jungle in here." I remark, eyeing the plants with a curiosity.

"I suppose, but I just want to say thanks for doing that for my dad. I know he isn't the best to with sometimes but.."

I cut her off, still inspecting the ferns and palms. "I get it, it's all business. I have no hard feelings."

She let's out a playful scoff, sitting down in her cushioned chair. Setting the holopad down on the desk with a gently clink.

"You know, you're really a piece of work." She says, twirling in the chair for a moment to look at me. My ears raise as I now turn my attention from the green leaves to her brown fur.

"How do you figure?" I ask, a genuine curiosity emerging.

"You can be nice if you want to, but sometimes you're just a downright jerk." She tells me, legs crossed as her chair twisted from left to right. Tail swaying with the motions.

"Guess I am, what's your point?" I ask, not seeing where she was going with this.

"I'm just saying, try being a little nicer. For all that it's worth, I enjoyed us talking at that party. If you can just stop being an ass once in a while well." She pauses for a moment, giving a quick shrug. "Who knows."

A brow raises as I step forward. "I still don't follow entirely."

With a huff, she rolls her eyes and stands up. Pushing off the desk. "I'm just saying, be a bit nicer once in a while. I can tell under all that crap coating your fur, you're decently nice."

I didn't know what to say entirely, staring blankly at her then back to the plants. "Well I.. I suppose I should get going. Probably grab another job if I can."

I step toward the door, aiming to finally leave now after this awkward conversation. My stomach and mind only feeling worse.

"Alright well, be careful out there." She says, moving in front of her desk and resting back on it. I look over, and look her over for a moment. So formal in that business skirt.

"I'll try, but no guarantee." As I turn once more, I feel a weight in my pocket. Remembering what it was in these pants, I undo the strap. The thin piece of cloth falling for a moment, as I reach in and feel a hard surface.

Pulling the object out, it was the rock from Iceland. Juggling it in my paw for a moment, I turn toward the coyote. Who was still on her desk, wondering what I was doing with this rock.

Stepping up to her and the desk, I set it down on the wood. Nodding toward it.

"You said be nice right? Well, best I can do now. Figured it matches your plants." I give her the rock, not sure why I was entirely doing this. But I had to admit, it didn't exactly feel bad to do so.

And with a slight smile, she picks up the rock holding it in her paws. Chuckling a bit as she talked. "Hm, thanks Vex. I'll be sure to keep it right here."

Setting it right back down, she gives me an approving nod. To which I give one back and finally set off. Leaving this building behind for my ship.