Easter Bunny Honey (Jenna)

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#4 of SLUT Hunter (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Milf Hunter Characters are in none canon settings, The characters respective canon settings are much different but given permission by their owner for the use of these stories with the disclaimer that these are not their canon settings

"Oh, hello there, Seen!" Jenna said in an animated, bubbly voice as she opened the door.

"Happy Easter, Miss Jenna," the young bear replied. "Mom said you needed help?"

"Yes, that's right. The Easter Bunny's hosting a party here later tonight for some of the girls, but I'll never be able to get it all done myself. It'll be so good to have a man's help around here," Jenna said, even leaning down to give Seen a peck on the cheek before pushing into a sudden but deep kiss as he let her hand slide down his clothed chest and feel his groin up with her skillful hands. "Come on in, big boy." She said with a devious smile as saliva was the only thing that connected them after their kiss before she turned and headed inside. As much as Seen didn't want to spend his holiday, and therefore his day off, doing someone else's chores, the thought of breaking in his little bunny slut butt again and sight of Jenna's wide, bottom, barely hidden beneath her tiny robe, was plenty incentive for him.

Her home was warm and cozy, but it fit the perky woman well. She sat down at the kitchen table, almost too tall for him, where a few cartons of fresh eggs lay waiting along with some watercolor paints. "I thought I'd host an Easter Egg Hunt for all you little ones, and an extra pair of hands would go a long way."

It sounded easy enough. "Okay, but I do hope you can help me with a few things as well" he agreed while smirking at her.

Jenna smiled. "Such a sweet young man... with such a big fat cock, of course I won't mind helping you with a few "things" am sure we both can have fun though" Then she paused before sitting down. "Oh- wouldn't want to get any paint on my robe." Before Seen could even fully turn his head, her garment was on the floor. Seen was rather pleased to see a thin and lacy pair of black bra and panties covering her most interesting parts but a whirring sound and shifting inside the lacy panties. Seen knew exactly what was going on, he was sure now that his mother didn't send him over for the easter chores but to make sure a chocolate bunny had plenty of cream to get her through the day, but the effect was not lost on him. His cock was already starting to urge him to get into those tight undergarments.

Seen did his best to try and focus on painting eggs. It wasn't much different from calligraphy lessons, and much easier. A red egg, a green egg- then getting creative, with one half-yellow and half-pink. There was something simplistic and enjoyable about watching the swaths of color seep into the pure white eggshells.

He looked over at Jenna again and was stunned, by her body of course, but also by her egg production and her ability to focus with the toy going wild in her snatch which currently left a fairly sized puddle in her chair between her legs.. Not only had she finished her carton before Seen had finished his sixth, but the designs were so elaborate, with zigzag lines and dots all over, none of the colors blending or smudging. How she did it, he had no idea.

"You're really good at that," he pointed out in awe.

"Oh, we bunnies are pretty good at getting our eggs painted," she said with a wink as she implied far more and a dab of her brush on Seen's cheek.

Jenna giggled at the sight, Seen staring at her, a bit confused. But he saw his opportunity. He reached out and swiped his brush across her the top of her breast.

A pout crossed her lips, and she touched him again, this time on the forehead.

He counterattacked, smearing paint on the other breast.

Now Jenna raised an eyebrow at the young boy. "So that's how it's gonna be, eh?" she said. "Stay here."

Seen didn't feel like he was in trouble, but Jenna stood and went to her bedroom. She wasn't gone long, but the look on her face had changed from one of defiance to one of playfulness as she held up what looked like a few tubes of toothpaste in her hands, each different and bright colors. "If we're going to paint each other, we should use the right kind of paint," she said.

"They make paint for people?" Seen asked.

"Yep. I have blueberry, strawberry, and lemon," Jenna explained with a twinkle in her eyes. She sat back down and squeezed out a heaping dollop of thick blue paint onto the paper spread over the table. "You're gonna be my canvas now, Seen. And I'll be yours, too, of course."

She dabbed her brush in the paint, but Seen asked, "So, can I paint on all of you?"

Now Jenna smiled almost wickedly. "I thought you'd never ask." With skillful fingers, she reached behind herself and unhooked her bra, letting it fall away as she stood. Two plentiful chocolate breasts spilled out, the dark nipples already hard. Seen gawked openly, but they fell away as she turned and bent over to slip off her panties. A mountain of warm, brown ass presented itself to Seen, with a luscious canyon right at the bottom, nestled between her two womanly lips, full and plump. A river appeared to be streaming from that canyon, sticky and moist, soaking into the fur of her lower cheeks and thighs. Seen was tempted to skip this whole painting game and just have her right here, but Jenna was a professional tease, and sat back down, holding her brush near her chin as she eyed Seen up. "Well?" she asked.

Seen didn't bother with a stip tease. He yanked his shorts down and fussed getting his shirt over his head as quickly as possible, letting his hard, naked body out into the open, sighing as his massive, twenty-inch erection was free.

"I think you're going to be a perfect treat for Easter," Jenna said. As needy as his shaft was, Jenna was a perfect tease, and started painting lemon-scented paint on his chest. She used big, long strokes, creating lines that fanned out. Each one left the air feeling cool on his body, which only heightened his sensitivity, his cock twitching below. She switched to the other flavors too, drawing the same stripe pattern next to the yellow ones. He looked like a tribal warrior covered in war paint, her lines accentuating his muscles. She completed her work with a couple lines of strawberry underneath his eyes before moving lower, down his abs and toward his crotch.

Jenna grinned wide now, her buck rabbit teeth showing behind her red lips. "Such big eggs to paint, Seen," she said.

Seen just spread his legs and sat down, and Jenna approached him. She took his balls in her hand, just one as big as a grapefruit, but she didn't crouch, letting her tits hang at perfect height, right in front of Seen's snout. He huffed as she fondled his sack, and drew in a sharp breath as he felt the cool, wet body paint cover his orb in a slow, thick swath of strawberry.

The bear didn't waste a minute. He took a boob in his hand, rolling it around for a moment, savoring the softness of it, scooting forward a little to let his throbbing cock perch between them. He covered his brush in the blueberry paint and hefted one up. He really wasn't sure what to do, but without looking down, he didn't think Jenna was following any kind of pattern. He started with a broad circle around her nipple.

"Mmm," she moaned in her throat. She gave his balls a squeeze. "You're getting better, little man. Keep going, this slutty bunny needs it!"

Seen needed no encouragement. He continued out in a spiral pattern before finishing with a several stripes of lemon like sunrays that radiated out from the spiral. He decided to decorate the other breast similarly, watching the way the silky flesh gave way ever so slightly to the pressure of his brush, feeling the warmth of her chest in his palm and cockhead.

He groaned when he felt that cool brush stroke upwards, painting over his aching cock with blueberry. But if Jenna was going up, he would go down. She removed his shaft from her cleavage, and he painted a large stripe of stawberry down her belly, adding an arch of lemon around the area of her stomach. She spread her legs with a happy coo, and he decorated her thighs with stripes of strawberry, all pointing toward the prize that was her vagina. He covered the lips of her pussy in two broad strokes of blueberry, only to find his handiwork smeared by fresh juice. He tried again, earning another breath from her, but again, it was an imperfect coat, rivulets of sticky moisture marring his strokes.

"I can't paint it right with these paints" he said. "You're far too wet, but I'm sure I can paint you with something else soon" Seen said with a cheeky grin as Jenna knew full well what the little stud meant. She loved the idea of her chocolate bunny face being blasted in a white... thick... gooey... cream.

"Oh, then I guess it's time to eat some of my naughty pussy now isn't it?," she said with a sultry tone filled with desire. "But first..." she went to the living room and retrieved a large camera. "We can't just let such beautiful art be destroyed. Pose for me?" she asked.

Seen grinned. He stood, and flexed his arms down by his stomach. "Like this?" He asked.

"Perfect," she said. She raised the camera, and Seen heard the snapping of the shutters a couple times. "Another one?" she asked. Seen raised his arms and flexed them by his head now. "Ooh, that's a good one," she said. A few more snaps, and when she lowered the camera, she was smiling again. "My turn," she said, handing him the camera.

Jenna posed sweetly, with her arms behind her back, leaning forward slightly to accentuate her breasts. Seen made sure to take several pictures, already knowing he'd be using them later. But he wanted another pose from her. "Turn around and bend over," he said. It wasn't a request.

She giggled, but complied. Seen made sure to get close, zooming in, letting her whole, huge ass fill the frame, centering it with her plump, blue, dripping milfy pussy. The shutter went wild as he captured every detail in a few shots.

Jenna stood, still smiling. "I think those are going to go in the album," she said. "But it would be a shame to let all this tasty paint go to waste. Would you like to go first, Seen?"

"Yes, please," he said. But it was only a polite habit. He didn't wait for a further signal before dropping his brush and grabbing both of her tits in his hands, smearing the paint job a little before latching his lips onto a nipple and sucking hard, letting his teeth graze across her perky tit. He gave her tit a bit of special attention, he noticed sudden liquid that tasted somewhat sweet but creamy... milk maybe?

"Ahh," Jenna moaned. "What a festive boy you are!"

He couldn't see her smile, his eyes closed in sexual bliss. The flavor of the blueberry paint was strong, a tart mixture of sugar sweet and candy sour. He lapped it all up, no doubt coating his tongue in the process, tracing the ring around her areola, his tongue hanging out like a dog, before circling his head around the spiral, massaging the breasts in his hands as he did so. Jenna moaned as he got to the lemon sunrays, less tart, but still a zesty mix of sour then sweet. He made sure that every inch of her boob was clean of paint before giving it another squeeze and moving onto the next one to start the delicious work all over again.

"I told your mother you'd love helping me out," Jenna said as he suckled on her other nipple. "Ohh, I just love having such a strong young man to help in my time of need. Especially when that young man has such a virile and fat cock that can keep this eager little bunnies pussy nice and full."

Seen pulled off with an audible pop and a grin. "It's no trouble, My slutty bunny."

"Oh, and modest, too," she said with a giggle. "But are you generous?"

Jenna leaned back, and Seen got to work on her stomach. The strawberry was the sweetest of them all, with just a little tart for kick, and her stomach was soft, with just the right amount of warm pudge. He followed that line downward, a rush of excitement jolting through him as she spread her legs, revealing her plump brown dripping milf cunt to him again. Seen smiled back at her, but his lust would be sated no longer. He dove to his knees, taking a firm hold of hers and spreading her thighs wide. A pool of her viscous fluid had already formed on the chair, and her thighs and pussy were a mess of edible blueberry paint. A mess Seen was eager to clean though he wondered what would taste better... the bunny or the blueberry. Only one way to find out..

Syn shifted his view towards Jenna, when her eyes met his he let a grin from ear to ear cover his face as he let his tongue hang out. It was more like a pink tendril than a tongue. She noticed the lining of piercings that seemed to carry a strange look to them as they almost... glowed with something. Ever since her first experience with Seen months ago she wondered if Dire Bears just had the genetics to be lovers of a high caliber. Everything about them screamed pleasure in her mind. Her mind was brought back from her thoughts as her body felt a amazing jolt of pleasure wreck her body. He went in tongue-first. He teased her by quickly lapping up the strawberry stripes that pointed to her cunt, he nibbled slightly at each side of her labia as her slided his wet appendage across her folds, giving one side a time special treatment before he mouthed his lips over the said side of the pussy and tugged on it. He repeated this process several times. He wasn't sure if she was trembling in pleasure or if she had climaxed but she was clearly enjoying all the attention she was being given. Seen could hear her huff above him with his short little licks and nibbling on her cunt that slowly moved to her thighs just as wonderfully chubby as her belly but also held firm. She was a wonderfully curvy mother that retained all her figure after she gave birth to her daughters. Her fur was silky soft and had a pleasant scent of cocoa and vanilla that mixed with a slight fragrance of mint that was their ever so slightly. Once he had finished up with body paint, he checked to make sure she was all clean. His tongue hanging out almost wagging and weaving about as if it was waiting to strike like a snake after it's prey. He came to the conclusion that they were clean but he sorta wished they weren't just yet but he had another task now, he didn't hesitate or work lightly any more. He attacked her pussy with broad tongue, his snout mashing into her wetness. The sour tang of her juices blended oh-so-well with the candy flavor of the paint, and he ate her womanhood out thoroughly, bathing the outside with his tongue, replacing all the paint and juice with his saliva before spreading the folds, attacking her clit with his lips, and sending his tongue diving into her entrance to clean more fluid as it came. His tongue dove deep and became sporadic but also controlled, the feelings of pleasure came from all over but they didn't stop. Her young lover was hitting all her spots before he tongued her at cervix. Seen smirked with what he could as he was gonna be a bit cheeky with his next intentions. His sensei had taught him how to apply ki parts of his body and what he could with it... what he did next made his slutty bunny scream.

Jenna moaned lustily above. "Oh, yes, baby! You're doing amazing! Please please don't stop!" Seen heard her panting, but he continued, waiting to hear her scream even louder. He would make sure she'd be screaming his name as long as possible. He swirled his tongue around her clit, nibbling on her lips with his, employing all of his skills to impress her.

But Jenna could be generous too. "Such a good boy deserves a big reward, I think," she said. She gently took a hold of his head and lifted him up. With a smirk, she added, "But look at you! Boys are such messy creatures," she said. "Let Miss Jenna clean you up, darling."

She started by giving him a few kisses on his cheeks, each one ending in a little lick, before planting her lips upon his, slipping her tongue into his mouth, making out with him heavily, tasting her own juices on his lips. They swapped spit flavored with the remnants of blueberry and lemon, their lips stained with messy colors.

Jenna moved lower, letting her teeth scrape over his neck before she got to his chest. With single licks, she began to clean the war paint from him, ending by latching onto his own nipple and sucking hard.

"Ohh, Miss Jenna," Seen said. His cock was aching, almost painfully so, and the warmth of Jenna's firm lips coming over his body wasn't helping at all. Her tongue swirled around his little nub, flicking it in her mouth, electricity running through him before she detached with a pop, only to repeat the process on his other nipple. He was huffing with pleasure, her hot tongue so dextrous on his body. She moved lower, slower than ever, really teasing him as she began to clean his abs. She used only the tip of her tongue, swiping at every rippling muscle on his stomach, cleaning each dab of paint.

She moaned as she felt his hard body against her soft mouth. "You feel so strong, Seen... I wonder if you're strong enough to last long enough to claim my pussy again though?" she said, genuinely impressed and half teasing. The rabbit planted heavier kisses along his stomach, slowly, torturously moving lower.

Now her warm hands spread his knees, and he groaned as he felt her tongue lapping at his balls almost as eagerly as he suckled at her tits. His cock throbbed, pulsing wildly, desperate for some orifice to fuck. Jenna tended to him expertly, cleaning his huge sack thoroughly, yet somehow teasing his balls with light passes of the tip of her tongue. He couldn't help but grab her long ears, trying to get her to move higher and suck him off, but she wouldn't budge until he was all clean. The tension in his hands, his rough hold soon melded into a somewhat stroking sensation across her ears as. She guessed the young cub had started to play with her sensitive ears as he started to ease into her teasing. A almost purring like sound could be heard the more he played with her ears.Though she was gonna make sure he was given a proper tongue bath and completely clean.

And when he was, she admired his painted shaft, precum dribbling down, smearing her own paint job, but Seen could see the hunger in her eyes so clearly. "You really are a big boy, aren't you?" she asked in a mothering tone. Whenever she saw it, it always seemed bigger than the last. She remembered when she first saw it nearly a year ago. It seemed at least three times as big now and all things given, it could have been.

"You bet," Seen answered, leaning back, spreading his elbows over the table, wearing a cocky grin.

"Mmm, yes," she moaned. She took his shaft gently in her hands, caressing it lovingly, and licking up it from base to tip worshipfully. Seen could only moan. "A big boy with such a big, fat cock."

"Ohh, yeahhh," Seen moaned as she took his head into her mouth. "Suck my dick, Miss Jenna. I know you love it." She gobbled down his shaft fast, every new inch she gained seeming to make his aching cock only harder. It was a matter of moments before she was at his base taking all twenty six inches, her lips a blue mess, but she would only make a bigger mess as she slurped and sucked sloppily at his cock. She slowly let herself slide back up the cock as she moved her head back and her body slightly as she could see the face of her young lover trying not to blow his load. She readed the ring at the head of his cock before the mushroomed tip formed. A loud wet slurp was heard as her lips and his cock had remained connected by the molasses thick pre-cum. "I could drink this sweet pre-cum all day... it's so addicting... I just want more and more after ever taste of it." Jenna finished her words and her lips went right back round Seens cock tip and suckled at the tip of his dick, getting a constant stream of pre-cum. She was sucking on his cock tip like he sucked on her breasts earlier. Seen had enough though, she had been getting him to the edge and he was doing his best to not blow his load yet... but he lost it and he put his hands on the back of her head. By the time Jenna had registered what was about to happen... it already had. Seen slammed his dick down her throat and to the base of his dick. Her hands quickly planted themselves on his thighs as she braced herself.

Seen craned his neck for a better few, leaning back, but he was well-rewarded. The expression on Jenna's face was priceless, her eyes listless and wild, her lips wet and messy with saliva and paint, her cheeks bulging with his girth and her neck showing a clear lump as she swallowed more and more of his massive cock. Seen watched, almost hypnotically, as that bulge in her throat moved up and down as she sucked him, the satisfaction of it all the greater as he knew he was watching his cockhead move within her.

With all the teasing, Seen was getting close. Jenna seemed to sense it. She withdrew in a long, slow pull, making full eye contact the entire time, releasing his head with a pop. She grinned once more as she hefted his dark brown balls in her hand, her other stroking his cock. "You know what I love about chocolate eggs most?" she asked.

"What?" Seen finished.

Her grin grew wide. "The cream filling."

All at once, she swallowed his cock. Seen groaned loud, thrusting his hips forward, but Jenna was more than prepared to take his huge manhood this time and she wanted her cream filling now. Her hands each fondled one of his balls, rolling them around as her throat massaged every inch of his shaft. She twisted and sucked hard and fast, her eyes filled with lustful, needy hunger, her neck bulging almost grotesquely as she facefucked herself, but his massive rod didn't deter her, but only made her want to suck him off all the more. She wanted nothing more than to swallow Seen's load, and Seen's balls wanted nothing more than to feed her.

"Ah! Yeah! Drink it all!" he cried out as they did just that. He snatched her ears in his hands once more, shoving his cock down her throat hard, mashing her muzzle into his crotch as his shaft throbbed hard, spewing great gobs of cum into her gullet. Jenna gulped each drop down greedily, moaning deep in her throat. Her eyes were lidded and listless, like she was in some kind of dreamland filled with big cocks to suck and fresh cum to swallow. Seen certainly gave her the cream filling she asked for until it was dribbling out her nose and around her lips. Only when the last drop was spent did he let her go. She suckled a little while longer, she wanted to savor the flavor that was filling her. It was such a sweet and rich flavor like real cream but with so much more density. She nursed off his cock for a few minutes as she watched the very please bear simply lean back and enjoying the afterglow. Her nethers had a bit of a water leak going as she felt between her legs and noticed how wet she was. She had made a fairly sized puddle under herself.

"Ahh," she sighed. "You are such... a good boy," she murmured.

Seen leaned back, quite proud of himself, the edge of his lust slaked for now. Jenna stood, albeit somewhat shakily, and began to collect the eggs they had painted.

But she wasn't about to let Seen simply sit there and watch. "The egg hunt's going to be outside," she explained. "Could you be a dear and mow the lawn? I've been meaning to get Ki to do it, but he has family visiting today."

Seen rose, forcing his groan into a low sigh. He redressed. Time for real chores, it seemed.

The mower was a simple push model that Jenna kept in a small shed. Her yard was nice enough. Plenty of little patches of flowers and shrubs kept it all colorful, but ensured that mowing it wouldn't be a simple as walking back and forth in a straight line. Spring was in full swing, almost warming into summer, and the sunshine soaked into the bear's dark fur as he got to work.

It was hot. It was sweaty. It was boring and tedious. And Seen didn't see head nor tail of Jenna. All he could think about was her plump ass, and while the fantasy made the work go quicker, it was a little awkward trying to push the mower with a huge boner pressed into his thigh.

After about an hour later, the seemingly endless yard was mowed, every blade of grass neat and even, complimenting the perfection of the flower patches they surrounded.

Seen wiped his brow as he looked at it all, but turned when he heard the door to the house open.

Jenna walked out, totally naked, carrying a tray of cookies and a tall glass of lemonade. "My, what a lovely job you've done out here," she said, carrying that signature, sly smile. "Thank you so much. I just knew you were the man for the job."

"You're welcome," Seen said politely, the sight of her heaping tits bouncing with every step more than worth the effort.

She led him over to a patio table where she set the cookies and lemonade down, the curve of her back leading into her ample ass perfect as she leaned over the table. "I bet you could use some refreshments after working up such a sweat, so I thought my big, helpful man might like some warm chocolate chip cookies, some fresh lemonade, and a nice, wet pussy to plow." Now she really bent over, her little rabbit tail lifting high as she pressed her thighs together, the curve of her huge ass forming a perfect heart around her dripping lips.

"Thank you, Miss Jenna," Seen said as he quickly undressed, stepping up to the plate, positioning his burgeoning cock between Jenna's massive cheeks.

"No, Seen, thank you," she said.

The cookies and lemonade could wait. Seen sank his hands into her soft backside, gripping her hips roughly and shoving his meat into her all in one thrust. He groaned loud, Jenna's own moan joining his, filling the backyard with the sounds of pleasure as he began to thrust into her.

Jenna's praise didn't stop, mixing with the slapping of his hips into hers. "Ohh, you really are so helpful. We rabbits can get so horny sometimes, and it's so hard- yeah, just like that- mmm, to find someone man enough to satisfy me. And after everything you've done, this is the least I could do for such a big man," she cooed.

Seen practically didn't hear her. He was lost in the tight, hot depths of her dripping pussy it squeezed and massaged him like he was a king, as if her whole body was praising him, begging for him to make another wet, slurping thrust, harder, faster. He didn't resist, pleasure filling him. His hands kneaded her ass, spanking it, pulling her rear closer to him. He pounded her roughly, as much as he wanted, letting his balls smack into her rump and letting his cock plumb her depths. He took her as hard as he wanted. The table shook, the lemonade threatening to spill, but Jenna held it firmly, her tits smooshed against the surface as she moaned beneath her helper, happy to let Seen have his way with her.

And he did. He fucked her long and hard, and even after he blowing a load so recently, he could already feel his balls churning up another. Jenna was so hot, so plump, and every thrust into her told him that she was dying to be fucked that he knew he couldn't resist blowing a load in her. Desire consumed him, yet somehow she managed to stoke the flames even hotter, to match his need with hers.

"Ohh, fuck me Seen! Fuck me good and hard, now! Be a good boy and pound that pussy! Ahh, you hump better than a man!" Seen's huge cock filling her, spreading her womanhood open and forcing pleasure through her veins drove her mad with lust, and her voice became ragged and needy. "Cum in me, Seen! Give me all that delicious cream! Be a messy boy! Do it for Miss Jenna!"

It was all Seen ever wanted to hear. Her pussy was flowing long, hot strands of wetness, as if her lower lips were begging just as much as her upper ones were. Seen could feel her whole body clench around him, yet her fat ass remained just as soft and inviting as ever, every thrust tight and warm, yet pillowy and sweet. His hands dug into her hips, and he let fly a few more strong spanks, watching her backside jiggle.

"I'm gonna stuff you full of cum, you slut!" he roared.

"Do it Seen! Give my pussy a nice cream filling! Fill me with your babies!"

Seen gave a few last hard thrusts, Jenna's ass lifting high, the table rocking hard, some of the lemonade spilling. He buried himself balls deep in her. Then he jizzed in her. Hard. Gouts of burning hot cum filled her passages, his thick cock leaving little room for his seed, and so his man goo quickly began to seep and spill onto the patio below, streaming down Jenna's thighs with her wetness and mixing with her juices to form slippery white pools. Seen's orgasm dragged on and on, his balls fulfilling Jenna's wishes and stuffing her more than full, and yet her snatch hungered for more of his sperm, clamping down on his massive rod, throbbing and milking him for every last drop.

The mess was substantial, but there was no sign of stopping. The pleasure was overwhelming. Whenever their throbs seemed to be subsiding, Seen would fuck her harder, and they would start all over again. After a few rounds of this, their minds blanked. Jenna's eyes rolled up into her skull, her belly absolutely stuffed to its limit with cum, her thighs and ass soaked in Seen's jizz, and yet her body only hungered for more, trembling with each new gob he pumped into her. Seen, too, was lost in ecstasy, his instincts taking over completely, and he was set to pound his bitch, to breed his female until every last drop of him was spent inside her.

"Well, look what we have here," Seen heard a girl's voice. He turned his head to see his girlfriend, a little violet cub girl named Gear, watching with a cocky grin and crossed arms.

"What?" he said defensively. His hips still slammed into Jenna, his load still spewing from him and into her, onto the grass.

"Oh, nothing," she said coyly. She twirled her long hair in her fingers as she circled around him. "I know how you love your old ladies," she said.

"She's not that old! Ahh," he groaned, turning back to Jenna for a moment to lay into her hard for a few thrusts.

Gear just sighed. "I should have known that when I found you, you'd be jizzing in some older woman. You can't help it," she said.

"What's wrong with it?" he asked.

"Nothing, of course," she said. She planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'm glad you're having fun. Jizz away."

Seen knew she was teasing him somehow, but he didn't want any further distractions. He pounded Jenna as hard as he could, and cries and grunts echoed across the lawn for several minutes until the two simply stood, Seen lodged firmly within her, still blowing his load, but they no longer moved. Their tongues hung out of their heads, their eyelids fluttered, and they were overwhelmed in pleasure, adrift in an orgasmic stupor that would last for several more minutes.

Gear just looked amused. "Looks like you're enjoying yourself," she said.

"Shut up," he muttered, just wanting to enjoy the pleasure for a while without being nagged about it.

The two panted heavily when it seemed the last of his cum was inside of her, but Seen didn't dare pull out, the pleasure of her cunt in afterglow almost intoxicating to him. Jenna wore a large, exhausted grin on her face, her body more than ready for more. The two cooed as Seen gave little thrusts into her, letting his hands wander and grope her ass, his shaft still hard and throbbing within her.

When he finally did pull out, a tide of cum streaming from her, she hardly moved. He heard her panting still, and her pudgy ass still shook and jiggled with ripples of pleasure. It looked like her orgasm wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Thirsty?" Gear asked, shaking his glass of lemonade, the ice clinking against the sides.

"Yes," he said firmly. He reached out for it, but she pulled it away, letting a finger slide over his cum-slicked cock, still hard and throbbing. "Is the great Seen taking a break from fucking before he's all done?" she teased. "Getting tired?"

"No way!" he insisted. "I can still keep going. I can go as long as I want!"

"I believe you," Gear said with a grin. She wrapped her hand around his cock now, letting a slow stroke upward massage his hard flesh. "No one's more of a stud than my See-Bee."

Seen growled at the nickname. He snatched the glass from her and took a drink, his throat dry from all the heavy moans, and then bit into a cookie. They were still warm and gooey. They reminded him of Miss Jenna's pussy. He looked over at her, still bent over, and admired his creampie as he took another bite. Her butt wiggled cutely as he looked on. The taste in his mouth was certainly exactly like that well-used cunt.

"Why don't you take a seat and relax?" Gear suggested, motioning toward a chair on the patio.

"Sure," he agreed. The way she said it made him think she was up to something.

He sighed as he fell into the cushion. After all that work, sitting really did feel nice. His legs spread naturally, giving his sweaty junk room, but Gear knelt between his knees.

"Well, if you're as much of a stud as you say you are," she said. "Then you'll have no problem feeding me another big, heaping load of cum, will you?" she said.

Now Seen grinned. This is why he dated her. "No problem," he said.

She smiled. She started slow, licking over his balls, cleaning them well. Her tongue on his hot flesh was heavenly, her breath over his sack cool and refreshing. He groaned low, taking another sip of his drink and letting her go to work.

Now that things were getting hot and heavy, the two could feel the obvious affection for each other. Gear bathed her boyfriend's balls lovingly, and Seen rubbed the little cub's head just as sweetly.

Her hunger was apparent, though, as she slowly licked up his shaft. "Having fun, big guy?" She asked, her eyes flashing brightly.

"Yeah," he moaned. "Don't stop."

"Why?" she asked. She kissed his tip, letting her tongue swirl around the head, but she didn't take it in her yet. "Eager, are we? Even after all that with Miss Jenna?"

"Gear, c'mon," he said. "Just do it already. I'm dying here."

She kissed his cock once more, smiling up at him. "Alright. Only for you, my little See-Bee."

He didn't even care that she teased him with the nickname after she opened her mouth and swallowed half his cock all in one go. He shuddered as he saw her take his meat with ease, her tiny throat swollen with the size of his dick inside it. Every bit of her mouth and neck seemed to clench and squeeze on his cock, and her tongue worked with expert skill. She was more familiar with Seen's cock than anyone, except for maybe his mother, and she knew how to move and how to tease every little spot on his shaft to drive him wild.

Even more impressive than Jenna was Gear's ability to deepthroat, as the cub was half the size of the busty rabbit. But she took Seen's cock hungrily, stretching her throat to its limits, but this only provided an incredible tightness to her blowjobs that Seen could hardly stand.

"Fuck yeah," Seen groaned. "That's way better."

She pulled off of him. "Because my mouth is full?" she said, feigning annoyance.

"Please, just keep going," he begged. Gear giggled a little, but swallowed his cock once more, managing to take him all the way to his base. The pressure within her throat was almost too much, but it was a line that she loved to ride. Seen's cock throbbed in her lips and throat, each beat rippling through her body as she pleasured him. She took his nuts in her hands, the great orbs massive in her girlish palms, but she rolled them around, fondling and massaging them, begging for his load.

Gear began to moan around his cock, humming with every stroke of her mouth on his meat. The vibrations passed into Seen who moaned back, taking a bite of cookie as his cock was squeezed and his balls were hefted.

"Yeah, Gear. That's a good girl. Suck that cock," he groaned. She obeyed, twisting and licking over every inch, her eyes flashing with need as she felt his nuts throb and churn in her hands, the power of them and the cum they contained filling her with arousal. "Earn that cum," Seen growled. "I know you want it, baby."

"Mmm," she moaned around him. Oh, how she loved it when he dirty talked her. She picked up the pace, saliva coating her lips, his head invading and spreading her throat quickly and roughly, but it was nothing until Seen grabbed her by the back of the head and began to thrust.

"Yeah, baby!" Seen grunted. His eyes closed, a smile spreading across his face as his orgasm loomed once more. "You like that cock? You want my cum?" Gear did her best to nod as Seen fucked her, his massive balls slapping against her neck with his cock buried in it. "You want to drink from these nuts? You thirsty for my jizz too?"

"Mmm!" She moaned and nodded.

Seen roared. "Take it all, slut!" He thrust hard into her face, taking it as his, firing his load deep into her stomach. But even then, it still managed to fill her, to flow into her throat and mouth, out her nose, and around his cock. He could see her swallowing around his huge, flaring meat, tears forming in her eyes as she drank happily, lustily. He rode her face, mashing his crotch into her, taking as much pleasure as he could from her, letting her throat milk his cock and his climax for all he could.

Finally, after a long while, it subsided. Seen looked down at Gear, shivering, a mess of cum and saliva, but he could tell by her relaxed expression that she was satisfied. "Thanks, babe," he said.

He pulled out of her with a slurp, and he watched her swallow a few more times, some remnant bulges of his cum sliding down her throat. When she opened her mouth, she moaned. "Ohh. Thank you, Seen. That's just what I needed."

Seen just chuckled, leaning back, letting his cock flop against his thigh and finishing his lemonade. "No problem." But then he sighed. "I should probably get back to work though."

"Work?" Gear asked knowingly, wearing a sly smile.

"Shut up," he said, grinning back.

"Well, I'll let the poor slave get back to his hard, torturous job," Gear said, standing and cleaning herself before turning to leave. Over her shoulder she called, "I'll be by the party later, so try to make some time to actually talk to me and my friends."

"I will!" he called back. "Jeez," he muttered. Jenna was still sprawled over the patio table, twitching and leaking cum. Seen finished his cookie, stood, and looked her over. No response.

He gave a firm spank to her ass.

"Oh," Jenna sighed as Seen's palm massaged her rear. "That was incredible," she hummed.

"Yeah," he agreed. "You're a really good fuck, Miss Jenna."

"Oh, you're the real champ here," she said. "Thanks again for all your help."

"No problem, ma'am," Seen replied with a big grin.

Jenna turned and gave him a peck on the cheek before heading inside again. She dressed in a lacy pink apron and began to hide the eggs around the yard while Seen relaxed and enjoyed more cookies and lemonade inside. Watching her breasts bounce as she hopped to one place or another, and catching glimpses of her big butt, her pussy still leaking cum, whenever she stooped over to place an egg was certainly an entertaining show for Seen.

Not long after she had finished, guests began to arrive. All the kids in the neighborhood had showed up, and Seen was happy to see Ki when he stepped into the backyard, but he was even more happy to see his mother, the voluptuous Miss Hidden.

Seen was still a boy, and so he and Ki teamed up for the egg hunt. Jenna must have figured Seen wasn't really paying attention to where she hid any eggs. The two talked while combing through the yard.

"So how come you're here so early? And where's your mom?" Ki asked him.

"Oh, Mom said I should help Jenna today, so I've been doing all kinds of stuff like painting eggs and mowing her lawn."

"Ouch," Ki said. "That sucks man. Did you at least get to fuck her?"

Seen just shrugged. "A couple times," he said, trying to sound modest.

Ki punched him in the shoulder. "Nice, dude. Miss Jenna's so hot! Oh, man, she's got an ass I could plow for years. Have you fucked it yet?"

"Nah. I creamed her cunt pretty good though," Seen bragged.

"Dude, try her ass next time. I highly recommend it." Ki grinned, and Seen nodded.

"Oh, Seen? Sweetie?" they heard Jenna's voice call from the house. She was beckoning to him, still in her apron, gesturing slowly with her finger. "Would you come help me inside?"

Seen started to move forward without a thought, his tongue practically hanging out of his head. Ki grabbed his arm. "Hey wait! What about the hunt? You can't just ditch me."

"You'll do great. I trust you," Seen said. He stood and grinned. "I've got an ass to fuck." Ki was powerless to stop him as he headed toward the house, the fox just heaving a sigh, both of frustration and amusement.

Seen stepped through the door and saw Jenna lying on the couch, still in her apron. "What do you need, Miss Jenna?" he asked. Was it help in the kitchen? Moving furniture for the party? Cleaning or something? He hoped it wouldn't take too long. He was already eager for his reward.

"Oh, there are you, Seen sweetie," Jenna said. "Just the man I needed. I don't know what came over me, but I'm so horny all of a sudden. Would you mind fucking me for a while? I'd really appreciate it."

Jenna was in the living room, sprawled across the couch, her legs spread wide. Seen could see a pair of large toys lodged within her. In her pussy was a rabbit vibrator, hot pink, the shaft deep in her pussy while the ears hummed against her clit. In her ass was an even larger vibrator, the shaft made up of several bulbs painted like easter eggs, and about the same size, each stacked on top of the other, undulating as pounded her rear with it.

He was on the couch, naked and hard in a heartbeat. Jenna spoke as he undressed. "I tried using my special Easter toys, but they just aren't cutting it! I'm really horny, Seen. I need to be fucked good and hard, so don't hold back." Jenna reclined on her side, lifting a leg high and removing the rabbit vibrator from her cunt, letting the head tease her clit. Seen dove in. Even after the pounding he had given her earlier, she was still dripping wet with need. It was all too easy for Seen to line himself up and start pounding away.

"Ahh, yes sweetie," Jenna moaned. "You're such a good boy, Seen. Pump my pussy good and hard, now."

"Yes Miss Jenna," Seen groaned. He leaned forward, his body hanging over her as he reached underneath her apron to grope her boobs. His hips slammed into her, the position giving him all the room and leverage to make every thrust a heavy impact that shook her whole body. Seen's massive cock ravaged her, and with everyone in the yard, Jenna wasn't shy about letting her moans of satisfaction fill the house.

With his free hand, though, he took further control. He pushed Jenna's hand off the thick vibrator in her ass and took hold of it. If she was as needy as she said, he wasn't going to hold back. He shoved it into her butt hard and fast, plunging her ass just as roughly as his cock plowed her pussy.

Jenna gripped the arm of the couch tight, holding on as the young bear fucked her hard. His twenty-inch cock was too big to miss her g-spot, but at this position, with the vibrators buzzing hard against her clit, even hitting her g-spot through her anal passages, it felt like his cock was driving right into it, like it was being assaulted. His balls slapped hard against her ass, and all this combined with his fingers tweaking her nipples and grabbing at her tits, her burning clit, the rough ridges ravaging her butthole, plus his own heavy moans, was quickly bringing her to climax.

"Yes, Seen! Oh, just like that! Good boy! Nice and hard! Ahh! I'm gonna- I'm gonna-"

With a sharp cry, she squirted hard, a heavy spray of juices flooding around Seen's cock and soaking into her thigh, his balls, and the couch below. Jenna's moan rolled through the house, her eyes moving up into her skull, her face a mask of pleasure. Seen didn't stop or slow down for a moment, the gush of her fluids around his thick meat only making it easier to fuck her harder. Every cry from her only encouraged him to go harder, and the hot, tight bliss of her pussy was heaven to him.

Finally, when she came down, Seen still humping away at her, pounding her holes, she touched his face. "Seen, sweetie, this is so good," she told him.

"Yeah, this is aaaawesome," he groaned back. He didn't stop thrusting for a moment.

"You know what might make it even better though?" She giggled to herself. "My butt's feeling a jealous of my pussy. I'd love to have that huge cock in my ass for a while. Would you mind?"

"Not at all, Miss Jenna," Seen said. It was like she read his mind. The request was really the only thing that could have pulled Seen away from her sloppy wet cunt. She rolled over slightly, removing the buzzing egg vibrator from her but, lowering her leg and raising her rear a little, her cute puffball tail flagging him toward her ass.

Seen marveled at it. It truly was an ass of legend, perfectly heart shaped, massively round, plumper than any he had ever had the pleasure of fucking before. He took her cheeks in his hands, spreading them, kneading them, having his way with them like he would with her in a moment. He could see her tight little pucker, nothing like the puffy, plentiful lips of her pussy, but rather a dark little star, looking almost too small to handle Seen's great dick, but that would only make the plunge tighter.

With his shaft still soaked in her wetness, it wasn't hard to position his head at her backdoor and start to press in. He had to push for a moment, both of them biting their lips, but with a grunt and a pop, he was in. Seen shoved himself further and his grunt turned to a groan. It was tight as a vice, her little ring holding his meat in a death grip, and yet it was somehow able to stretch wide enough to accommodate him. He never would have expected such a huge ass to feel so little, but with his hands still groping her big, round rear, feeling was believing.

"Ohh, that's so good, honey," Jenna moaned. "Don't hold back now. I want you to pound my ass, Seen, sweetie," she hummed.

It took a while to build momentum, her little entrance taking effort to move through, but every thrust was agonizingly tight, and Seen could practically feel every inch of his cock squeezed and tugged at by her asshole, not to mention the hot depths beyond. Once he had worked it over a little, loosening her butt up enough to get a steady rhythm going, he began to pound her just like she asked. His balls resumed slapping her plump cheeks, and every thrust into her made her butt jiggle.

"Miss Jenna, your ass is sooo good," Seen moaned.

"Ahh, you like it?" she responded. "Then fuck it as hard as you like, Seen. Give it to me good, sweetie." Even as she said this, she plunged the rabbit vibrator back into her pussy, moaning loud as her clit and cunt were pleasured. She hardly had to move it within her, though. Seen's great balls slapping against her hand did the thrusting for her.

Just as she asked, Seen fucked her roughly. His cock pistoned into the vicelike grip of her asshole as hard as he could, and again Jenna wailed her pleasure all throughout the house. Her pussy was flowing sticky juices onto his balls and soaking the couch, and her fingers dug into the arm of the couch, holding on for dear life.

"Oh! Yeah, Seen! Fuck me! Ohh!" she cried out. She rolled onto her side again, swinging her leg over Seen's shoulder. She took a hold of the other vibrator, and Seen watched in amazement as the eggs disappeared into her pussy, clacking against the plastic of the rabbit vibrator, pounding her pussy in twin rhythm, his cock pistoning in her asshole completing a trifecta of thick shafts pleasuring her.

Despite all this, nothing was going to stop him from plowing this ass, and he did so now just as hard, if not harder, than he did before. Her entire body seemed to tense, and the clench only brought Seen closer to orgasm as well. He grunted and groan as her moans continued. "Yeah! Right there, sweetie! Right there! Just like that! Fuck me hard! Cum in me, Seen! Cream my butt! Make me a cummy bunny! Ohhh, I'm gonna-"

All at once, Jenna pulled the toys out of her pussy. Her hips bucked and jerked wildly as seen plugged her butt, each slam of his hips and balls against her echoing throughout the house. Her face was crazed with pleasure, and she began to tremble violently. Seen slapped her ass before gripping her hips tightly, his own climax close as well, his thrusting rougher than ever.

She gasped as her orgasm began, and Seen went over the edge as well. He put all his might into plunging into that tight ass, and he felt that squeeze all over him as his balls unloaded, stuffing her ass full of his cum. As soon as she felt his hot cum flood her, she squirted again, but without Seen's cock or the toys in the way, there was nothing obstructing the geyser of femcum spurting from her pussy, soaking her legs, Seen's belly, and spraying into the air and raining down on the couch. Her pelvis surged forward as her juices flowed, only impaling herself harder on Seen's cock. After a while, Seen's cum began to leak from her bottom, mixing with the flood of juice. He still fucked her, pounding and pounding, every moment bringing more orgasmic cries from her, more juice, and more cum, until both were totally spent.

The two were out of breath when their orgams subsided. Seen could only lean down to kiss her, and Jenna giggled, returning with a kiss on his cheek. "Was that a rough enough fucking, Miss Jenna?" Seen asked.

"Yes, sweetie, that was exactly what I needed." Another peck on his cheek. "You are such a helpful young man."

"I try," Seen beamed at her.

They pulled out with a wet slurp, and Jenna moaned as globs of cum spilled out of her rear before it could close up completely. They stood and looked at the mess, the spatters of pussy juice and semen that looked as if an orgy had taken place on that couch. smiling as they admired their handiwork. "I'll just cover it up with some towels," Jenna said with a nod.

The two dressed and went back out to her garden. Ki still managed to win the egg hunt, and he and Seen chowed down on a basket of candy Jenna had prepared for the winners as Seen told him all the details of what had just happened.

By the time he had finished the story, the basket was empty. "Well that didn't last long," Seen said.

"That's alright. Some of the other guys and me got huge allowances today from our moms, so we were going to head into town and get some more candy. Plus, Takase said he'd come with us and buy us some dirty magazines as a present."

"Awesome!" Seen said. As soon as he stood to leave, however, he heard Jenna's voice once more.

"Seen, sweetie, where are you going?" she asked.

He turned. "We were just going to go buy some candy," he explained, hoping that her kindness would continue.

"But I need your help tearing down," she said. "There's a lot of cleaning up to do after a party, and I can't do it all myself. And you haven't said hello to any of the other ladies. Your mother wouldn't want you to be so rude."

"But-" Seen started.

"Your mother said you'd help me today, and I still need your help. I don't want to make the other ladies do it; they're my guests. You can join your friends later," she said.

Seen hung his head. "Alright..."

Ki just snorted. "Well, have fun sweeping and cleaning and hanging out with a bunch of ladies, Seen. Hope it doesn't take you too before they'll bend over for you. I'm gonna go have some fun." Before he left, though, he got in one last jab. "But I bet you'll probably just be cleaning up your messes from earlier, right? I know I'm gonna be making lots of messes with Gear and Arilie. After all, those magazines have all sorts of fun things I know they're gonna want to try out. Too bad you won't be there, though."

Seen balled his fists, but Ki was already gone before he could make a comment. "Come on inside, Seen," Jenna said.

"Yes, Miss Jenna," he said, trying to keep the defeat out of his voice.

When he stepped inside, he saw Miss Hidden and another fox woman sitting next to her.

" Oh, is this the one you told me about? Ki's friend?" the other fox woman asked.

"Yep, that's Seen. Seen, this is my sister, Lena."

"I've heard a lot about you," she said as she stood to offer Seen her hand. He gave it a firm shake, looking her up and down as she did. She seemed younger than Miss Hidden, and even if she wasn't quite as busty, she was certainly perkier.

"He's been my little helper today," Jenna said placing her hands on his shoulders. Seen could feel her breasts on the back of his head.

"He really is a good boy," Miss Hidden said. "Viola raised him well. He's a good friend to Ki, too. They make quite the pair when they're together." Seen wondered if she was speaking generally, or if she meant the times that the two boys had tag-teamed her in bed.

Seen smirked. Lena asked, "In what way?"

"Well, he's got the blood of a martial artist in him. He's quite disciplined, so he balances my son out well. Plus, Ki's technique is second to none, but I think it's going to be a while before his cock catches up to Seen's."

"Really?" Lena said. "I thought Ki was big for his age."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything until you've seen Viola's boy," Jenna said. Giving Seen another peck on the head, she asked, "Why don't you drop those bottoms and show Lena how much of a growing young boy you are."

Seen almost snickered. Beaming with pride, the blood rushing to his malehood quickly, he hooked his thumbs into his waistline and yanked down, letting his half-erect cock flop out lewdly before him.

"Oh, my," Lena said, putting a hand to her chest. "He's huge!"

"Mmm, and it's even better when he's inside of you," Miss Hidden said.

"Tell me about it," Jenna said. "He's been helping me out all day."

"Helping you with the party, or helping you be a horny bunny?" Lena asked, chuckling to herself.

"A little of both," Jenna replied. "He's gonna be quite the stud when he grows up."

"Looks like he's perking up," Lena pointed out as Seen's cock slowly rose to full mast. "If that isn't the biggest cock I've ever seen. And some fat balls to boot too. How old are you?" she asked.

"Nine," he answered smugly.

"Wow. He hasn't even hit puberty yet. He's gonna be a monster," Lena nodded.

"I can't wait," Jenna said. "But I think Seen's modeled enough. Poor thing's probably dying for a nice, wet pussy to fuck."

"Yes, please," Seen answered. The gathered women chuckled.

"Take a seat, dear. You've done plenty of work today. Now it's time for me to take care of you," Jenna said.

Seen fell into a big, cushy armchair, his cock pointing sky-high and throbbing. The eyes on him were really making his blood pump, and he couldn't help but wear a cocky smile when Jenna removed the apron. She did so slowly, using every inch of covered breast to tease Seen, making every new bit of flesh it's own reward for his eyes. Her nipples even caught on the top of the apron, flicking slightly as they were exposed, hard and full, begging for pleasure. When her breasts were totally exposed, she crossed her legs as she dropped the apron, twirling slightly, letting her body sway for Seen. Finally, she bent over a little, showing off her plump rear, still stained with his cum, and she ran her hands up her legs, finishing with her back to him. She spread her legs slightly, and he could see a couple fingers lodged in her pussy, rubbing over her clit from behind. She moaned, and his cock throbbed.

Jenna strutted toward him, her bouncing, naked body coming to reward him, to give him his due pleasure. She continued to rub her pussy, collecting strands of fluid between her fingers, spreading them apart to shown Seen, and rubbing herself with them, wetting her nipples, letting the strings fall over her thighs and belly, showing him just how needy she was for him. She clambered up onto the chair and spread her legs, little droplets of moisture falling onto the head of Seen's cock in strands. He could still see some of his cum leaking from her ass down her thighs as well. He sighed as she lowered herself, warm, wet flesh parting and sliding down his cock, but not taking it inside. Her plump lips pressed flush to his shaft, gripping him slightly, and smeared that thick pussy juice all over his tool, her throbbing clit a hard bead against his cock.

"Mmmf," Seen grunted in arousal.

"Take it all in, Seen," Jenna said. "I want you to get horny. I want you to need it. To get as hard and rough as possible."

It seemed to be working. Seen clenched his jaw as Jenna teased his cock with her burning hot pussy, making sure to lather every inch of it with her juices, but never letting him penetrate her, no matter how much he ground against her. She even turned over, lodging his cock between her butt cheeks, slipping her fingers into her pussy again, her juices dripping onto his balls as her fat ass squeezed his cock. Now he could really see the product of his last orgasm, and that too flowed down her backside and onto his shaft. Even the memory of his last romp with her was being used to arouse him. Even if he wasn't fucking anything, the pleasure he was feeling was very real.

"Ohh, yeah," he moaned.

"My, you are a growing boy," the rabbit said. The two looked down, and it was obvious what she meant. Seen's cock was throbbing heavily, visibly. It looked bigger. Maybe not by a lot, but it was definitely longer, thicker. This only made Seen want her more. He was so turned on he had grown a few inches!

Jenna kissed his head. "You just enjoy yourself, sweetie. This is for you."

Seen wasn't sure how truthful that statement was. Jenna turned over once more, and finally, at long last, let his cockhead spread her sopping wet pussy lips. She lowered herself onto his cock, every inch that sank into her tight and agonizingly hot. It felt like ages of new ground being gained, of more heat and more pleasure, until finally her clit met his base, and his cock was buried deep within her. She began to rock her hips back and down, up and forth, riding him hard, grinding her clit into his pelvis and rising up high before slamming her hips back down, taking as much of his meat as possible in one bounce. Already his crotch was a mess of sticky juices, but it only enhanced the experience. As she worked her hips on his shaft, Seen was free to reach up and grope her tits, squeezing them hard, taking her pert nipples into his mouth and sucking hard, rolling them around and watching them jiggle as Jenna moved above him. His head throbbed with every squeeze and buck, but he knew Jenna had a lot more in her.

Seen moaned as he felt a flood of thick, sweet, warm fluid flood his mouth. He detached from her nipple to see a solitary drop of white hanging from the underside, before it dribbled down her breast.

"Miss Jenna...?" Seen asked quietly.

She giggled. "Oh, I wondered when that would start happening. At least that explains why I've been so horny. "

"You snuck away during tea last month? While I was in the garden?" Miss Hidden asked.

Miss Hidden just clicked her tongue. "I should have known."

"Go ahead, drink up," Jenna encouraged, hefting a breast for Seen to latch onto. He did so, once again tasting her sweet drink, better than drinking lemonade while getting a blowjob, and she rode him, moaning loud. "You've earned it," Jenna moaned. Seen needed no encouragement. The milk was delicious, and he sucked hard on her nipple, gulping it down, her pussy still clamping around his cock. She moaned, louder and louder, and Seen believed that the idea of feeding someone with her tits turned her on more than she may have guessed.

"Seen! Oh, sweetie!" she called suddenly. Seen groaned as her felt her womanhood clench around him, and a surge of warm wetness flooded his lap. Jenna bounced on him hard, and he unlatched from her nipple only to watch her face twist, her head rolling with pleasure. When she could speak, she only said, "Drink up." Seen grabbed her other breast and sucked hard.

"That looks fun," he heard Lena say.

"Oh it is. Seen's really something. Even sucking that huge cock of his is enough to get a girl off," Miss Hidden replied.

"Those nuts of his look lonely though," her sister said.

"Hm, I suppose you're right. Poor boy."

"Ohh," Seen moaned, detaching from Jenna's nipple as he felt two hot tongues from two thin snouts bathing his balls. They were very thorough, tending to every inch of his huge sack, and Seen couldn't help himself from thrusting upward now, if not from arousal, then to make his balls bounce for them.

"Ah! Yeah, Seen! Take me!" Jenna moaned. Her own lust was building again, copious amounts of her juices flowing down his throbbing cock, his huge length splitting her wide open as he fucked her.

The other women kept up their commentary as well. "Oh, you were right, sis. This really is satisfying," Lena said.

"I know. There's just something about him that's so fulfilling, and yet always makes you want more. Just wait until you taste his cum."

"Ooh! Don't keep us waiting then, little man," Lena said before returning her tongue to his nuts.

Their licking became wild and sporadic as his thrusting increased, and rather than wet tongues, he felt their muzzles prodding the underside of his sack while he felt Jenna's plump ass against the topside, his balls swinging and slapping hard against her with every thrust. But as hard as he pumped up into her, Jenna slammed herself down on top of him, each bounce ending in a loud, wet, hot impact and a loud moan from her. Seen grabbed onto her tits and lavished them with his tongue before releasing them and letting them bounce, a nipple firmly between his lips, draining them of their contents, his mouth as hungry as his dick. His hands went back to grope her bouncing ass. He spread the cheeks apart, pushed her down hard on top of him, buried his nose between her massive boobs, and thrust upward as forcefully as he could, mashing his head against her cervix and her clit against his body.

"Ughh, yeah, Seen. I'm soo close," Jenna moaned.

"Ahh, me too," Seen replied.

She placed her hands on his shoulders once more, giving herself as much leverage as possible as she rode him into the sunset and back. She took all twenty inches of his cock in and out with ever bounce, mashing herself forward and back, moving on top of him like he was a bucking bronco. He fucked her just as hard, and it appeared that the two fox women couldn't keep up with his swinging balls, as he only felt one tongue on his massive fruits, the other having moved up to lick the base of his shaft, the hot strip swirling and curling around his girth. His entire view was dominated by Jenna's jiggling rack, and all of the sensations combined, the tight, hot, squeezing, licking, bouncing, moaning, wet, pulsing pleasure was enough to send them over the edge once more.

"Yeah, Miss Jenna! Ohh, here's another cream filling for you!" Seen announced, spanking her ass as he thrust up harder, his cock throbbing with near-release.

"Do it, Seen! Fill me up!" Jenna begged.

"C'mon, little man, show us what you got!" Lena encouraged.

"Go right ahead Seen. Cum for us," Miss Hidden said.

"Argh! Ah! Yeah! Miss Jenna!" Seen cried out. He fired his load powerfully into Jenna just as she mashed herself down on his cock one last time. As the torrent of cum erupted from him, Jenna didn't bounce, but instead rolled her hips around, squeezing her pussy lips as tightly as she could around his base, making sure every drop went directly into her womb. Even after all of the day's previous fun, the amount was still too much for a woman's body to accept, and it quickly began to leak down his shaft in a hot, thick drool. But before it could reach his balls, he felt that heavenly pair of tongues lapping at his base and against Jenna's pussy lips. The two moaned as the vixens cleaned his cum, the pleasure immense, the worshipful attention combined with the wrenching, clutching, hot grip of Jenna's pussy around his cock only drew his orgasm out longer until both women had gotten a full meal from him and then some.

Jenna and Seen collapsed in a slump when it was all over. Miss Hidden and Lena stood, licking their lips, their tops undone, their breasts out, their nipples hard. "You were right," Lena said, "That was tasty."

"I know. It's much better when you have that huge cock in your throat though. That's a real treat."

"Don't sell yourself short. I think the real treat's right here," an elderly male voice sounded. All heads turned to see the old tortoise master, Takase, standing at the door. A broad, satisfied grin spread across his wrinkled face. He had never looked more pleased with himself.

"Takase, you peeping tom!" Miss Hidden said, quickly stuffing her boobs back into her top and placing her hands on her hips in defiance.

'"I was doing no such thing!" Takase said, feigning injury. "I was merely waiting for Seen. His friends wanted to leave without him, but when I heard that he was helping you lovely girls clean up after the party, I knew it wouldn't be right to leave him behind. I left Ki in charge of the other kids, so I imagine they're doing just fine."

"And you just so happened to walk in at this exact moment?" Jenna said.

"Naturally," he replied. Miss Hidden just made a noise of disgust. But Takase chuckled. "Come on now, tiger. Put it away and come spend time with your friends."

"Yes, Master," Seen said. Jenna still had to climb off of him, and the hefty splatter of cum that issued earned a "nice," from Takase.

But before he could stuff his cock back into his shorts, Jenna leaned down. "I want to thank you again for all your help," she said, planting a large kiss on his cheek. Then, as she reached down, taking a hold of his half-hard cock, she said, "I really appreciate it. I promise I won't forget it anytime soon."

Seen just grinned. "You're welcome, Miss Jenna."

He gave her butt a firm squeeze as he left, a little dribble of cum leaking from her used pussy. Seen just grinned as he heard Takase mutter about some "young little upstart."