The Whore Babysitter Part 1 (Miss Trebla)

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#15 of SLUT Hunter (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Milf Hunter Characters are in none canon settings, The characters respective canon settings are much different but given permission by their owner for the use of these stories with the disclaimer that these are not their canon settings

Seen was visibly pooped after coming from his last match of the evening. Having come to Japan for one of the international martial artist championships, the young bear had been excited as all outdoors to be to put his fighting abilities against some of the most experienced junior martial artist within his age group, however, now he was paying the price for it. Body tense from numerous punches and kicks to which he had to deflect and defend against, Seen now sported a good number of bruises underneath his dark fur, most of which seemed to ache if he so much as thought about them for too long. That had made moving something a struggle for the young ursine after he had walked himself out from the arena to where his chaperone had been waiting for him.

Of course, at seeing his current caretaker Seen had been all but thrilled to be within the country of the rising sun, bruises or not. The young bear had had to find someone to take him in while he was here in this foreign country and, thankfully, that person had come in the form of a his mom's friend named Mrs.Trebla. Being slutty cock hungry whore, she eagerly accepted the young dire bear Seen into her house without a problem after learning a few "specifics" about him. Of course, the truth that lies behind closed doors was something that the younger bear had enjoyed greatly. He'd wake up every morning to her wet mouth and lovely lips wrapped around his cock with her nose at his pube turf as she let her tongue slide across his balls. Or he'd feel her warm wet sloppy cunt wrapping his cubhood in silky vice like grip.

Being a...lover and a collector of milfs, Seen was ready to deal with the fact that Mrs. Trebla found him both 'desirable' and 'delicious' and constantly spent her time trying to make herself available to the younger man which Seen constantly took advantage of. Settling himself into the household had been easy enough for Seen as he had not only gotten time with the lovely red vixen but her two lovely little six year old daughters. It would often lead to them playing the "daddy game". Though most of Seen's time was spent training himself and improving his martial arts but when he wasn't training himself.. he was training a mother and her daughters instead. He felt like he made more progress with training them than himself a lot of the times.... maybe it was he enjoyed it a lot more. From when he made Trebla go out shopping with little more than a short skirt and cable tap over her nipples. To when he violated Amplia and her sister when he was asked to pick them up and walk them home... which resulted in him mind breaking their busty sheep mother of a teacher before leaving her a sticky mess on the ground...needless to say they got home much later than intended which left Trebla needy and near feral with desire as he arrived home with the two cum covered and basically naked little loli sluts that needed several stops before arriving home because of their own horny pussys.

Seen felt like his dick wasn't gonna be getting any kind of break unless he was training and even then it felt like a challenge to do so when three horny foxes would constantly tease him with their own desires as he trained.

Yet once Seen had settled in and began to take in the sights of the Japanese landscape, he began to notice that there was something...very peculiar about the way Mrs. Trebla responded to him at first.

It was anything but tame or casual at first, her playing with herself openly and the fact that he would often find the older woman posing herself very provocatively towards him, or rather towards his general direction and often exposing her tits, ass or masturbating towards him in some way. The trip out of the Okinawa had been a fun one that set off his the younger man's primitive senses aflame once again, as Seen had caught Mrs. Trebla coming out from a store with a bag in her hands and a lollipop in the shape of a cock perched in between her lips. Noting the way the older woman rolled the sucker around in between her lips, Seen had taken the initiative when he saw her exiting the store. He snuck up behind the mature fox and placed his hand under her skirt and went to finger her cunt but was stopped and surprised at the lack of panties and the fact she already had something inside her... a fairly large canine dildo that seemed to be oscillating around inside her. Trebla surprised by the sudden hand feeling her up and about to smack whoever was doing it till she saw it was the young bear living in her home. She saw the look on his face and was hoping it was more than just a look.

Seen looked up at her and said "Well looks like a bitch is in need, guess I'll have to fix that right here and now" Trebla looked confused as to the here and now and was about to ask what he meant exactly... but the sudden and fast removal the canine toy inside her prevented her from doing so and only left her moaning and kneeling on the ground as he legs gave out. Seen held the end of the soaked dildo with one hand and barked a commanding order towards her "Ass in the air and head on the ground cock slut!" and with those words Trebla fell forward from her kneeling position and her ass raised in the air as her instincts kicked in to the dominating males commands. Seen watched up behind Trebla as her body quivered and her snatch leaked onto the ground below her. Her great desired pleasure was becoming too much to handle as her body ached in need. So much so she didn't realize that the young bear cub had placed himself right behind her. Seen didn't give her much of a chance to notice anything as he lined the large canine dildo up with her backside and in one quick and hard push he forced the toy to knot anus and lock it in place. A sudden yelp from the older vixen's muzzle was the only thing she could say before she saw the cub walk over to a bench near by and sit down and heard his commands "A good bitch needs to learn her place but also how to ask for what she wants. I'm pretty sure you want something, so why don't you crawl over here and say it. If there is nothing you want, you're free to get up and walk home" Seen finished as he leaned back letting his cock hang flaccid on top of his balls.

Trebla wasn't sure what to do at first but the heat and desire reminded her very quickly. She slowly began to crawl over to Seen as she heard the crowds words as she did. "What a slutty bitch, she wants some cock that's for sure"

chance once they returned to the vixen's home to bait the older with his pride and joy. Walking from bathroom after taking a hot, relaxing bath, Seen had strode around the hallway with his towel hung low across his hips just as Mrs. Trebla was coming from her bedroom.

When the two has crossed by one another, Seen on his way to his room while the vulpine made her way to the kitchen, the younger bear had missed the fact that the older female's eyes rested securely onto his groin, her violet eyes running along the length of his waist until they move up to his face. A stray wink had the ursine all but panting as he made his way to his room to jack off. It was at that moment that Seen knew that he was going to have the older woman bent over before he left for him, his mother's friend or not. Actually, the fact that Mrs. Trebla was his mother's associate made things all the more kinkier as the younger bear just imagined how he was gonna have her panting on the ground and begging for more like a bitch in heat.

So, of course, the gods of fortune, which forever smiled upon Seen, saw it fit for him to have his chance with the older woman, though not exactly at a time the bear would have banked on. Sitting beside Mrs. Trebla as the two of them rode along a quiet subway car while making their way back to the vixen's home, Seen had a sudden moment of inspiration and desire that he felt that it had to have been some otherworldly force which compelled him to do what he did next. Looking around and seeing that the rest of the people on the car were either asleep, it was somewhat late at night when his match had let out, or busy listening to their strange mobile devices, some of which had not crossed the waters west yet, Seen had taken his chance and move closer to Mrs. Trebla to whisper something into her ear.

When the vixen has turned and not slapped him across the face for being a dirty pervert Seen knew that he had made the right decision. The two of them flipped their heads around to see if anyone was paying them any extra attention particularly, when they found no one giving them so much as a casual glance, Seen reached down to pull the tie of his hitoe away before reaching back behind him to undo his fundoshi. The younger bear had decided to wear some of the traditional Japanese attire since he was in the country known for cultural formality, and also because he wanted to make Ki jealous when he took selfies of himself.

When the white cloth unraveled itself from around Seen's waist a wave of hot bear musk rose up like a fog to fill up the surrounding area. A few heads turned to look around at where the stink of male musk, sweat, and pheromones was coming from but Seen quickly wrapped the front of hit hitoe over himself to cover up the scent. When everyone turned back to what they were doing the ursine breathed a sigh before turning to look at his companion only to gasp as he found lust colored violet eyes staring at him in want.

Seen was a little taken aback by the force of the older woman's desire as she moved his hands away from where they were holding his hitoe down to instead place her head in between the younger man's lap. Seen didn't know what he should do when he suddenly found his sixteen inch limp cock being nosed over by the amorous slutty vixen, but the bear did manage to swallow his tongue when a slow lick trailed up along his fat length and then back down over his heavy melon sized balls. This was a big change from what he had gone through when he had been with Mrs. Hidden, several months ago when he broke her in, but then again, if he were to compare the two vixens Seen would have to say that the two were as different as the dawn to the sunset.

Mrs. Hidden had been a shy, submissive and somewhat demure lady who hadn't expected the sudden advance from Seen when he had come over to her house that warm summer afternoon; however, Mrs. Trebla had been the aggressor in this little affair between the two of them and now it showed. With her muzzle pressed tightly into his lap, Seen had to hiss between his teeth as the russet colored vixen began to nibble and suckle along the growing length of his rising shaft. The press of those sharp fangs along the sensitive glans of his mushroom shaped head made the younger bear groan as he fought not to arch within his seat.

When that slim tongue began to trail its way down underneath his twin low hangers to his taint Seen actually let out a cute sounding yip, something he would deny to anyone who tried to call him out on it, before shuddering as Mrs. Trebla's tongue went where no tongue had gone before. It was at that point that the bear felt that it was time to take control of this situation before things went where they were not supposed to go, namely his rump; he not to keen on that and made sure the cock slut between his legs knew that. So, grabbing a hold of the older woman's head, Seen growled down at her which cause the vixen to smirk and then pulled her face back to lick her lips out across her muzzle.

A naughty tease of words made Seen blush before he shook his head to quiet the older vulpine. A single purple eye looked around the subway car, noting how some seemed to be giving her a sideways glance, before she shrugged and then leaned her head forward to nuzzle her snout into Seen's chin. A few whispers later made the ursine grunt and then point a finger down to show the older woman where her lips belonged. A naughty chuckle later and Seen found himself rolling his eyes up into his head as a hot mouth found its way down the length of his cock, a sensuous tongue curling and squeezing at his fully formed twenty-six inches of thick manhood. Seen gripped the sides of his seat, his claws gouging deep into the metal making a noisy screeching sound.

Everything stopped as felt the head in his lap freeze before his eyes opened to take in his surroundings. When the bear noticed that no one was paying any attention, at this point Seen felt somewhat concerned that maybe he was dreaming the whole thing, the bear groaned a sigh of relief before hissing again as suction began to pull along his sensitive flesh. Fighting as hard as he could not to make so much as a sound, Seen bit his lower lower lip as he let Mrs. Trebla do as she desire with him. And the vixen did with relish as she slurped her tongue up and across the over foot long stalk of bear flesh which drooled with thick pre-cum down the hollow of her throat. The stench of Seen's musk made the older woman feel somewhat light headed as she couldn't remember the time when she had such a potent male in between her lips but she was gonna enjoy it more than she likely should.

Seen would never know how fortuitous he was at that moment as he couldn't hear the vixen's mental commendations on the young stud in front of her and the thick stick of meat in her lips, actually the bear couldn't hear much except for the wet slurping sounds coming from his groin area. A stray hand reached down to tug at his ample balls, but who's Seen wasn't really sure as he just knew that the feeling of having his massive orbs stroked and squeeze made his left leg jerk somewhat as his foot tapped rapidly against the floor. Mrs. Trebla proved to be a very experienced woman as she continued to bob her head in time with Seen's heartbeat, the throb in which the older vixen could feel as she ran her tongue along the pulsating veins which wrapped all across the younger bear's heavy dick. A bit surprised though when she came across metal studds on the bottom side of his shaft that seemed to vibrate more and more as she went while slow surges of energy pulsed from them only stimulating Seen and herself all the more intensly.

Several breathless minutes went by with the two as the vulpine continued to work her magic along Seen's massive prick, the bear had long since brought his hand up to caress the older woman's long locks as he humped his hips up into her muzzle. The fact that Mrs. Trebla could deepthroat all of the ursine and not choke was a testament to how much experience she had as her throat continued to bulge while with the outline of the thirty-six thick inches which she worked over with a deep passion while her eyes seemed to glaze as she did it. A heavy gasp filled the Japanese woman's ears making her elongated appendages twitch somewhat. Realization that the breathless noise had not come from her companion, Mrs. Trebla snickered before reaching a hand down to clench her paw around Seen's heavy left testicle, the noise the younger bear emitted made several gasps fill her hearing, all of which the sneak vixen enjoyed immensely.

Seen's cock was literally sputtering with pre-cum by this point and then vixen realized that it wouldn't been too long before the other would come. Rolling a single purple eye up to look at the bear who was busy trying not to drool, something he was failing at miserably as stray droplets of liquid dribbled down the side of his lips, Mrs. Trebla thought that it was time to end the little show with a finale that very few would have expected. Pumping at Seen's cock with her throat several more times, the vixen grunted and groaned somewhat noisily as she drew the attention of several onlookers. Too busy feeling his climax rapidly approaching, Seen barely even noticed that several pair of eyes were on him and the vixen between his legs as many could see Trebla from where the vixen had her head perched in between the youth's thighs.

Pulling her head up and then off of Seen's cock to flick her tongue along the length of the bear's mushroom shaped head, Mrs. Trebla watched in glee as Seen grunted and then looked down at her in confusion before gaping as she winked at him somewhat slyly.

Seen would have given anything not to have what happened next have happen. It was a small thing that did him, really. Mrs. Trebla had already made his cock harder than steel by getting him so close to the edge of ecstasy that his brain felt like it was about to seep out between his ears, but when the vixen gently nipped at his rounded glans with her impossibly sharp teeth Seen let out a startled yelp and then came harder than he ever had before. Mrs. Trebla wasted no time planting her muzzle back onto the thick black bear cock and letting the potent musky spunk shoot down her throat. Syn stood up at that time and surprised her as he started jackhammering his pelvis forward as he roughly violated the slutty vixens mouth while he seemed to endlessly climax while feeling the warm wet embrace of her mouth and throat. The heavy musky loads of spunk coated the insides of the milfs mouth and throat as her young lover. A few minutes had passed as he kept his ruthless assault going on Trebla's mouth as he came inside her mouth before he stopped. He slumped back down into the seat behind him. As the afterglow kicked in but Mrs. Trebla had yet to remove herself from his cock... in fact she seemed to be nursing on it at this point. Her own hands between her legs playing with her moist and needy pussy as the sounds of metal and gems clattering onto each other as she played with her loose milf pussy.

Seen having reached his limit felt it was time for him to take lead and show the slutty vixen what happens when you wake a sleeping bear. Seen removed Trebla's suckling maw from his thick pole of meat as it dripped with a mixture of sperm and saliva. Trebla seemed confused at the sudden lack of cock in her throat before Seen commanded her. "Okay my slutty little bitch, get on your back and show me how you play with yourself when you think about me. Don't hold back... I wanna hear you moan like a slut and if you don't.... Well you won't get a chance to feel this monster inside you and we both know you don't want that. Isn't that right my little cock slut?" The young bear said as he stroked himself lightly as his cock sat at half mast and waited for the desperate milfy fox to act.

Trebla wasn't sure what caused it but her heart beat got faster and her nethers much wetter, the feeling of a male commanding her in a such a way... It aroused her and made her want to do as he said... no matter how outrageous it was. Her body seemed to move on it's own as she leaned back on the surprisingly clean floor of the subway and spread her legs while moving her shirt to let her breasts flop out. Passengers around the train cart watched intensely and some even brought out cell phones as the cock hungry mother got on her back and showed the world what she had. Trebla let her hands roam her body as she fondled her breasts before giving her nipples a light tug by their large golden hoop piercings which got a sultry moan. Trebla despite her embarrassment of being watched in such a way was enjoying the sensation it brought as she worked her hands across her body and down to her snatch which was gushing her own honey. She didn't think she was this turned on by it but her overly wet snatch that made a lewd squelching from every passing touch. She pulled and twisted the piercings that littered her pussy which only seemed to make things better as little jolts of electricity seemed to run through her body. Trebla though wanted something more, she wanted to feel full and warm.... she wanted her young lover. Her moans kept getting louder and louder as she played with her body, the jingling of metal piercings clearly audible as no one else said a word as they watched the milfy whore on her back playing with her snatch. She looked up with pleading and needy eyes at Seen as he hands never stopped playing with her wanting cunt.

Seen was enjoying this all too much as he sat back with his half mast erection as he gave it slow but lengthy strokes. The sounds of screeching metal could be heard as the momentum of the train started to wain before coming to a stop. Trebla had a look of fear and excitement cross her features as anyone that got on would see her in such a vulnerable state. Seen just grinned as the trained stopped which confused her. As the doors opened a single figure walked through them. A small tender figure of a child no older then maybe five or six years old, wearing a leather jacket that cut off at her midriff and a pair of pasties in the shape of a heart with holes in them over her nipples. Her nipples hard and endorned with a thin gold chain between the nipples and then down to her nethers. Her navel bore a series of tribal like tattoos that wrapped around her body and up to her chest which seem to be designed to amplify her figure by drawing your attention to her flat chest and nether lips. Around her hips she wore a pair micro denim booty shorts with a high hipped g-string... both of which rode up into the child's puffy pussy folds as a good collection of piercings lining each pussy lip. three large gold hoops, four chains on each lip for a total of seven on each one. Her clit pushing over the top of her low cut denim shorts exposed her swollen nub that had a heavy looking loop piercing with a equally heavying gold chain that had a fairly well sized ruby attached to the other end. With every step she took the chains bounced eliciting a moan from the young and very clearly slutty child.

What happened next surprised many as she turned and saw Seen and ran up to him and screamed "Daddy!" as she latched onto him, rubbing herself onto him as her wetness was clear from Seen's now damp knee. Seen chuckled and said "Easy there baby girl, I'm happy to see you to... you look just as good as I knew you would." Seen said as he placed his hand on her ass before giving it a tight squeeze and pulled them apart before pulling her into a deep kiss and placing her onto his lap. Trebla watched with shock and arousal as she saw the young vixen scream "Daddy" and run to Seen with great affection. What shocked her the most was that was HER child... that was her Amplia! She had only been gone two weeks with her friends on a field trip at her school but she was so much different.

Seen placed both hands on the needy cub butt and gave them a light slap as her kept their deepened kiss going. His fingers sliding into her anus and started to pump in and out as she grinded back against the fingers and the large piece of black cock under her plump wet snatch. She moaned intensely into her "Daddy's" mouth before breaking the kiss and saying "Daddy please don't tease me!" Amplia said with an almost desperate tone that sought release. Seen shook his head a little bit "Baby girl, I wouldn't be teasing you if you'd given your mother a proper greeting. She's on the floor, her hands playing with her snatch and pussy but you haven't even said hello to her... why don't you do that and show me how much you love her" Seen finished leaving by the feeling of more than what he said as Amplia turned her head and saw her mother on the ground. Her eyes closed now, her fingers pumping in and out of her sopping bitch box.

Amplia smiled at her mother before she slowly slid herself backwards and down Seen's length. Her pussy lips wrapping around the thick pole as she did. Stopping at the tip as she teased his cock head with her barely covered denim short entrance. Seen now fully erect once again watched as Amplia layed down between her mother's gushing cunt and firmly placed her face into her mothers pussy. Surprising Trebla as the sudden feeling of a tongue and muzzle was felt pleasuring her sopping fat cunt. Amplia wasted no time tasting her mother's cunt and lapping up the sweet nectar she had been producing.

Of course, it was at that time that the vixen pulled herself down as though she were looking for something that had fallen onto the floor. That meant that when Seen's balls surged up with their contents hidden within, the bear was left very much in a state of embarrassment as he exploded with a torrent of cum so thick and huge that it actually splashed up against the top of the roof of the subway car. Several gasps filled the ursines ears making Seen blush beet red as he came and came and came in several thick gouts for almost a solid minute straight.

When his orgasm began to taper off Seen was caught between morbid horror and intense rapture as he found himself covered in thick bear cream, his hitoe ruined while sticky dribbles of come dripped down from the roof overhead onto the top of his head. No one said a thing for several minutes, the sneak Mrs. Trebla was too busy sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, the white froth of Seen's come stuck onto her face and hair as she snickered up at the younger male, before someone made a noise. Seen prayed that lightning would come and strike him dead as he felt a hand wrap around the width of his shoulder. Knowing that he was caught dead to rights, the bear took a deep breath, glared at the cheeky vixen below him, and then meet the face of a blushing tiger with a rack bigger than his head and a black exposed pussy covered in gold chain piercings that dangled down from her own needy cunt.

Seen wasn't sure what to say as the tigress leaned down to sniff at his face, her striped cheeks tinted with a red flush as she looked down in between his lap somewhat demurely before eyeing him curiously, and then...she licked him across the nose. The bear felt his heart stop as the feline woman smack her lips somewhat unsurely before running her tongue along his face and brow, cleaning the cooling come up from off of him before pulling her own head back to smile at him.

"You're cute, and kinda tasty. What's you're name, Kuma?" The woman said with a shy smile that made Seen's heart race inside of his chest.

Working his tongue so that he could form words, his muzzle having gone dry at feeling the woman's hand on his shoulder, the bear managed to say, "Seen."

"I would very much like to see you again sometime, Seen-san," And with that the woman pulled out something from her pocket and then slipped it into the open fold of the ursine hitoe and give the young cub's cock a gentle and silky stroke in it's erect state even after cumming so hard. The busty feline took her teasing a bit farther as she let his thick cock head tease her sopping slit and left him with a few parting words of "Call me" was what she would have said if a sudden pair of small but strong arms suddenly pulled her downwards. The sudden insertion shocked her and brought her great pleasure as she heard the words from the cub below her "Where do you think you're going bitch, you've got a cock to please" was all that was heard before two small but strong hands pulled the tigress down onto the fatty head and speared her pussy open and created a scream like moan as she was forced down on it. Her head spinning with a mix of pain and pleasure as she tried to gain her bearings back but before she could she heard the words "Bounce bitch" and her body moved on it's own as she started to bounce and gyrate her hips up and down the cock she was riding.

As the tigress turned on her heel to flip herself around, Seen several eyes watching him with a variance of expressions on their individual faces. Most seemed to be in awe, a few in adoration, while one or two cast looks of envy at the bear, however, the most important pair of eyes that Seen could want to see came from Mrs. Trebla as the vixen pulled herself back up into her seat and then, began to clean the young bears cock as she made no effort to hide her actions as she suckled on the fat bear meat in her mouth like a eager slut. After she had finished polishing and cleaning the ursines cock she pulled her mouth off with a loud pop and said "So, did you like that, Seen?" The bear merely turned to stare at the woman as though she had grown another head onto the side of her face. "I'll take that to mean yes," The vulpine giggled just as the subway train driver announced the next stop."