The Pornstar

Story by LibraryOfDebauchery on SoFurry

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#11 of One Shots


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

"Hey, there it is. Isla del Gallo, your new home away from home, Syn," Pamila said as their ferry boat drew nearer, her breasts bouncing.

Syn took in the sight. He couldn't see any bodies on the island yet, but he could see a white sandy beach, a carefully manicured jungle blanketing the island in green, and a great manor dominating it all, overlooking all the rest. Syn could make out a few more details, like the docks they were approaching and the radio tower near the mansion.

"Looks like a vacation resort," he said.

"It is pretty fancy," Pamila agreed. "But you know it's not all fun and games right? Sometimes it's a lot of work."

"You think I can't handle it?" Syn growled a little.

"Oh, I know you can. If anyone can, it's you. I think Mr. Gallo will like you as soon as he sees you," she said.

Syn smirked. He smacked Pamila's ass for emphasis, earning a noticeable jiggle from beneath her miniskirt. The duck girl smiled back at him.

When they pulled up to the dock, Syn could see a large lion man dressed in an expensive navy suit. His clothing hid his build, but he was tall, only a foot or two shorter than Syn, and his big arms were wrapped around two lioness women, completely naked, curvy, their great breasts bouncing with every step. He wore a wide grin, and he had every right to.

As Syn climbed off the dock, the lion offered a paw to him. "You must be the new guy Pam's told me so much about. I'm Richard Gallo. I have to say, I'm very excited to have you here." Syn shook his paw warmly. The man had a firm, warm grip and a rich, deep voice that was just as inviting as his smile. "Why don't we get a blow and talk?"

Syn nodded and followed him as he turned away, his eyes darting to the voluptuous backsides of the women.

Mr. Gallo spoke to Syn as they walked. "This island's one hundred-percent private, so I get to make up the rules. First one is no clothed females."

Pamila stepped up beside Syn, ducking under his arm and wrapping it around her shoulders. He looked down at her. She was completely naked, having shed her clothes in a heartbeat. He wore a grin now not unlike the one Mr. Gallo wore.

Mr. Gallo led them to a little pavilion overlooking the beach. As Syn turned the corner, the foliage no longer blocking his view, he could see it was riddled with buff, hung men fucking well-endowed, curvy women. Cameras dotted the shoreline, only a handful of them manned, but most of them were automatically capturing every bit of it, while a couple of the workers received blowjobs while they filmed. "Hope you're not shy," Mr. Gallo remarked as he took a seat around a driftwood table.

"Good one," Syn barked a laugh. Mr. Gallo just grinned wider.

Without hesitation, the lion undid his belt and pants, dropping his drawers to let a long, thick cock flop out atop a pair of grapefruit-sized balls. Syn raised an eyebrow as his member rose to hardness. "Not bad. You ever star yourself?"

"When I was a bit younger," he responded.

Syn nodded and undid his bottoms as well, releasing his massive, twin, three-foot canine shafts, his melon-sized balls drooping below him, heavy with seed.

Mr. Gallo whistled. "Pam wasn't lying. You're going to be popular around here." Syn folded his arms and leaned back, displaying his erections proudly. "Since you've got more to work with than I do, why don't I give you my gals?" the lion said. He patted each of the lionesses on the bottom while Pamila sauntered to Mr. Gallo.

The women didn't hesitate to drop to their knees, taking each of the men's cocks in the hands worshipfully, licking over every inch of meat and ballsack they could find. The males sighed and relaxed as they were tended to, the females moaning in arousal until finally they opened their mouths wide. With their own husky, male moans, Syn and Mr. Gallo quickly had every inch of their manhoods buried in the throats of the women, who sucked gratefully, pleasuring them greedily.

Once the men had taken a moment to enjoy their pleasures, Mr. Gallo said, "Alright, let's get down to business." He placed a hand on the back of Pamila's head, pressing her down further on his cock, but stared directly into Syn's eyes. "You've got the body, and you're plenty hung enough. Even exotic. But how's your endurance?"

"Not an issue," Syn replied, shoving his own females down as well, gritting his teeth as their velvety throats wrapped around each of his cocks, his pleasure twofold.

"Excellent. I don't see any reason not to take you on," Mr. Gallo said. "Just know that this is a full-time gig. Most of my stars live on the island in their own quarters. But you and Pam live on the mainland, right?"

"Yeah. I don't think we'd like being cooped up here all the time," Syn replied.

Mr. Gallo took a moment to groan his pleasure. "That's fine, as long as you're here when we need you. It's a pretty simple schedule. You'll get an eight-hour shift at some point during the day, maybe night. When you're not making a film or in a photo shoot, I expect you to be getting footage for our twenty four-hour TV channel, the Randy Rooster Adult Entertainment Channel. You ever see it?"

Syn took a moment to pause and hum in pleasure before responding. "We don't get cable."

"Shame. Well either way, while you're on the clock, no sex unless you're being filmed, but where and when is up to you. If we ask you to stay longer, don't run off. On Fridays we pack everyone into the mansion's club for our all-night Saturday Sunrise Orgy, broadcast live. If it sounds like long hours, that's because it is. You better really like to fuck, because girls outnumber guys four-to-one, so it can be a while before you can catch a break for a meal or a shower. Most guys just get the girls to lick the sweat off 'em."

"Sounds perfect to me," Syn said. "When can I start?"

Mr. Gallo chuckled a little. "Hardcover's gonna like you," he said. "We'll start you ASAP. I'll introduce you to our lead writer and director and get you into a shoot."

"No contract?" Syn said.

"We're men," Mr. Gallo answered. "Let's cum on it, eh? I trust a man I've shot my load with far more than a man who can sign his name."

Syn nodded. The two leaned back, but pressed the females even harder into their crotches, thrusting their cocks into their mouths as the ladies worked for their orgasms. The women were truly hungry, slathering the entire shaft they sucked on, moans building in their throat from the mere sensations of cocksucking.

Finally, with growls and roars, Mr. Gallo and Syn unloaded. The females shoved as much cock as they could into their throats, gulping the salty spunk greedily, making sure not to spill a drop. Mr. Gallo had an impressive orgasm and Pamila took it well, but his was long over, the duck girl licking her lips while Syn still pumped cum into his two lionesses. Their bellies filled quickly, but they were drunk off the taste of his cum, only wanting to swallow more and more until he had no more to give. With his twin shafts still throbbing, he pulled out when the last drop was spilled, the females gasping for air, their nipples hard with arousal. They kissed each of his balls in thanks.

"Still hard, that's good," Mr. Gallo said. "Let's get up to the house."

The lionesses licked their lips as they retreated back to Mr. Gallo and he wrapped his arms around their shoulders again. As Syn fell into step behind him, he could see the moisture soaking their thighs.

The path that led up to the house was dense with undergrowth, but the trees were spaced well enough that Syn could see stars fucking nearly everywhere he turned, against trees, in pavilions and villas, by streams and springs and an assortment of other places. He even passed a few couples fucking hard in the middle of the path, the females' screams of pleasure ringing in his ears long after he had passed them. Pamila kept a fond hand on his shafts the whole while, keeping him aroused and ready to go at a moment's notice.

The mansion itself wasn't at all like the well-kept jungle around it. Marble and gold seemed to be everywhere, and each room was big and open, teeming with space. However, the company insignia, a cocky, grinning rooster, muscular and dressed only in a speedo, groping a cartoonishly large tent in his bottoms, was displayed everywhere, in red silk, cast in gold plate, even in silhouettes branded on several objects and plaques.

"I take it that's Randy?" Syn asked about the logo.

"Actually his name's Jack," Mr. Gallo responded, clearly pleased with the pun. "Jack the Randy Rooster. Believe me, he's worth what I've paid the marketing team. He's becoming quite the brand."

As they passed through the foyer, Syn saw it had a couple of stars giving a stud a blowjob on a couch while a cameraman filmed it, and as Mr. Gallo led him onward, Syn's curiosity rose.

"Lots of camera crew. Seems like they get the short end of the stick," he said.

"Hardly," Mr. Gallo responded. "Those boys can have whoever they want, whenever they want, and they don't have to get filmed. In fact, I hired some girls just to live in the crew compound for their fun. They might not be hung like pornstars, but for an average guy, that job is the best way to get laid like one. Plus, they keep the autos running. Most of the cameras are automatic for our 24-hour Amateur Action side channel. No matter where you're fucking, there's probably a camera picking up the action. Gives viewers that authentic voyeur experience, knowing they can tune in and see real people having real sex at any moment."

Syn nodded as they entered a much more industrial-looking area of the manor. Concrete and fluorescent lights dominated the aesthetic, and through some open rooms Syn could see all kinds of props and costumes arranged haphazardly on racks, and gold stars on doors were emblazoned with red silhouettes of Randy and the performer's name. Sure enough, he also spotted a couple chubbier guys in t-shirts and caps getting their cocks sucked by busty pornstar babes through cracked doors, and he knew Mr. Gallo wasn't kidding about taking care of his crew.

They stopped at a door labelled "STUDIO 4B." Mr. Gallo opened the door to reveal an impressive set. The concrete stopped abruptly as it transformed into a sandy, ancient city street. Tan columns lined the studio, and there was the backdrop of a great temple set up on the far wall. On a couch offset, Syn saw a massive, musuclar dinosaur man, with dark coal scales and a gray underbelly, and small horns forming a ridge down the back of his long neck. A massive cock and balls, rivalling Syn's own even, was being tended to by four naked females. Two were duck girls, curvy and busty like all the women here, but smaller overall. One was black with gold bands on her wrists and ankles, plus two gold hoop earrings and a playful smile. The other was brown with a big black afro, adorned with even more gold than the other in the form of bands and necklaces. The third was a zebra, languidly stroking over the dinosaur's shaft in a relaxed state, swishing her whiplike tail back and forth. Finally, the most well-endowed of them all was a crocodile woman, dark brown with a lighter underbelly and tits so large it was a wonder she could stand up straight. The duck girls each kissed over the balls, while the zebra stroked the bottom of the shaft, leaving the head for the slow, languid sucking of the crocodile.

Lastly, Syn noticed a tall but skinny horse man with a blue coat and a brown mane, wearing glasses and dressed in a nice vest, button down and tie, holding a clipboard brimming with papers. Mr. Gallo approached him. "Hardcover, my boy! I got you that star you were looking for!"

Hardcover looked past Mr. Gallo toward Syn, who was still naked and firm. When he saw his massive red shafts, he just about jumped. "Holy shit," the horse cursed under his breath. "Are those real?"

"You want to find out for yourself?" Syn replied, smirking.

"What are the measurements?" Hardcover asked.

"Three feet each on the nose," he said.

Hardcover whistled. "Damn. Hey Rohar, looks like you got some competition."

The dinosaur smiled slightly. "Well I'll be. Never thought I'd see the day where I got beat." He extricated himself from the horde of worshipping women and approached Syn. "Rohar Thunder. Good to meet you," he said in a deep bass, extending an arm to Syn.

Syn took it firmly, responding with his own name as their erections bobbed between each other.

"Will he do?" Mr. Gallo asked Hardcover.

The horse nodded. "I'd say he's perfect, as long as he's got enough experience. This is gonna be a rough one."

Mr. Gallo clapped Hardcover on the back. "I think he can handle it. Pam here says he's more than a pro." Syn smiled at the compliment, but also at the lionesses conspicuously groping Mr. Gallo's swelling package. He didn't stop them as his bulge grew under their rubbing and they started to undo his tie. "Well, I'll let you get down to business. Have fun, boys!" he said, turning and retreating with his women. Syn watched Mr. Gallo squeeze the butts of his girls, their thighs still glistening with moisture as he left. Before the door was closed, he heard a zipper undone.

Pamila gave Syn a kiss on the chest. "I've got my own shoot to go to, but you look right at home here," she said.

"I feel at home," he said with a nod. "This'll be fun."

She giggled a little, dipping to give each of his cocks a kiss and a suckle before exiting herself with a wave. "Bye, Rohar. Play nice," she said.

As she left, Rohar snorted. "Rough is the only way to go," he said.

"You said it," Syn agreed. The two exchanged glances. Syn was looking forward to working with this stud.

Hardcover approached the pair. "Alright, I can see you boys are eager to get to work. Take one last look over the script and we'll get started." He handed them a small stack of papers each.

"You expect me to memorize this?" Syn asked.

"Nah, just to be familiar with it. If you don't have it exactly, just say 'line' and I'll read it to you. But the better your memory the quicker this goes," he explained.

"You'd be surprised how much the acting can make or break a film," Rohar chimed in. "We take it pretty seriously. But no one's more serious about the script than Hardcover."

"Well, I have a right to be. I wrote it," Hardcover said defensively.

The title of the film was to be Spoils of War, and Syn and Rohar were to play two warriors and friends from a tribe of barbarians who invaded and sacked a city, claiming the women for their own harems. However, they were supposed to be surprised to learn the city believed in chastity and that desire was bad, leaving the city's females stuck with a bunch of needle-dicked, sexless males. This caused the females to become restlessly horny, and they throw themselves upon the well-endowed barbarians, begging to serve them as long as they'll be fucked for the rest of their lives.

"Not bad," Syn said. Even if the setup was a little cliche, the writing wasn't bad, and the sex seemed pretty straightforward.

"Rohar, how do you feel about costarring? If we make Syn the warleader, we can use his double dicks as evidence of his authority," Hardcover asked.

Rohar just grinned a little. "Sure. We'll see if the newbie can keep up," he said. Syn immediately felt his blood boil at the challenge. But he just grinned back.

Hardcover quickly placed the two in their costumes, little more than loincloths and skull necklaces and handed them some crude-looking spears. They set the lights and made sure everyone was ready before Hardcover called "Spoils of War, scene one, take one. Action!"

The two were standing atop a small makeshift hill, but the backdrop dominated the shot, making it look as if they were outside of the city, preparing to invade.

Rohar spoke first, planting his spear in the sand before he delivered his line. "The troops are ready, Warleader. Their bodies lust for blood."

"As does mine, friend" Syn replied, tossing a glance his way. "But I lust for more than mere battle. My balls ache for release. It has been some time since I have sunk my cocks into a supple, virgin female."

"My own orbs ache as well, friend," Rohar replied. "But I have heard tales of the beauties that lie beyond those walls. Plump, succulent females with breasts nothing short of legend. Surely, we shall satisfy ourselves with them tonight."

Syn nodded. "Spread these tales among the men, and allow them time to stroke themselves. Nothing is deadlier than a male who's cock is stiff with lust."

"Cut!" Hardcover called. "Excellent boys. Before we move on to the next scene though, how would you guys feel about giving the audience a little preview? Jerk off a little?"

"Sounds good to me," Rohar said.

"As long as it doesn't take too long," Syn agreed.

"Alright. Rohar, you feeling stiff?"

"Just say the word and I'll give you a sitffy, Hardcover," Rohar said.

"Great." Hardcover scribbled down some new lines for them.

Meanwhile, Syn turned to ask Rohar, "Does he do that a lot?"

"Impov? Oh yeah," Rohar said. "He likes to throw in stuff that turns him on. Listening to his dick usually makes for better films, though. But you'll know when he's adding a treat that's just for him."

"What do you mean?" Syn asked.

"You'll see."

The scene continued, and Syn repeated his line, Rohar's cock twitching beneath his loincloth. "Then I am the deadliest male on this field," Rohar said. "Even now, I cannot help but grow stiff." He sighed as his broad head had pushed aside the cloth, revealing a quickly hardening, monstrous shaft. "Ahh, behold. My stiffness reaches its peak. I could not conceal it if I tried."

Syn laughed. "Then I shall display my spears with you," he said. Syn's own loincloth began to shift as his twin cocks bared themselves, quickly growing full and hard. Syn only beat Rohar's size by a few inches, but it was enough to be apparent.

Rohar chuckled as well. "If you display those on the battlefield, the enemy will think you are a god of war and manhood, and will surely flee. It will hardly be sporting."

"It wouldn't be sporting not to sport our stiffness!" Syn replied. "But let us stroke ourselves, my brother, and anoint our bodies with the sweat of sex before it is washed with the sweat of battle."

"Alright," Hardcover directed. "Go ahead and get to work on those things. Lots of moans."

The two nodded, letting out a pair of groans as they wrapped their hands around their lengths and began to stroke. They pumped slowly and freely, tossing their heads back and letting their balls sway with their rhythm. The camera crew came in close, making sure to capture every detail of their hands massaging their manflesh so erotically.

After a few minutes of grunts and groans, the slow pace only making their arousal worse, Hardcover finally said, "Alright, let's speed it up a little. Get some precum flowing." Syn noticed Hardcover adjust his bulge from the corner of his eye, but he worked his cocky smile into the scene, letting out a dragging moan as he and Rohar pumped more quickly.

Being able to truly masturbate was heaven to Syn's twin cocks, and each of his hands worked in unison to stroke them, each one too small to completely wrap around a shaft on its own. Still, he pleasured himself alongside Rohar, who was using one hand to work over his massive flesh, and the other to fondle his hefty, melon-sized balls.

The precum did begin to flow, dribbling down their working hands and lubricating their shafts. They groaned louder, building the tension of the scene, even thrusting their hips forward into their grip. Sweat started to trickle down their bodies underneath the heavy studio lights, and the camera panned over each of them in slow detail.

"Alright. Rohar, why don't you wrap an arm around Syn's shoulders and then you can each give me a cumshot. Simultaneous would be best," Hardcover said.

The two barely acknowledged the order, happy only to have some release. Rohar's hand landed on Syn's far shoulder, pressing their muscular bodies together as their pumping hands took off, their moans filling the studio.

Rohar delivered his line through his pleasure. "My balls are heavy with cum, my brother," he said.

"Let us spill our seed together, and then we will spill the blood of our foes!" Syn exclaimed.

The two let out a couple of loud calls of pleasure as the cameras focused in on their cocks. Finally, they grunted in orgasm, firing powerful, thick blasts of seed onto the set floor, quickly creating a large puddle of fresh cum as their balls pumped out gallons of jizz. The camera crew followed the action diligently, capturing the entirety of their long, drawn-out climaxes.

"Cut!" Hardcover called when their last drops trickled out of them. "That was fantastic. Let's get the cleanup crew out here and then we'll start the battle scene. Take ten boys, and be hard when you come back."

They nodded and headed to the couch where the females waited. It was so natural for Syn to take his place, the girls parting as they offered a seat to him, and the males collapsed into the comfy seats.

Syn moaned as he felt the duck girls begin stroking his lengths, and he looked over to see the crocodile and zebra giving Rohar the same attention. "New guy's got chops," the one with the afro, Arfilla said.

"Mmm, that cumshot sure looked tasty," the black one, Issue agreed.

"We'll see how he handles a real scene," the crocodile, Crolla said. Without being asked, the females opened their maws and began blowing the males, slowly and worshipfully, enticing strong, firm erections from them without really building their pleasure.

Sure enough, after about ten minutes, Hardcover was clapping his hands. "Alright, places boys."

The next scene wasn't nearly as sexy, as Syn and Rohar were pitted against crew members dressed up as enemy soldiers and engaged in a little stage combat with them. The main thing Hardcover stressed was that they stay hard throughout the fight. Some of the sequences took several takes, and Hardcover demanded that the action look more real, more visceral. Syn and Rohar were pouring with sweat by the time he was satisfied he had gotten enough footage.

With throbbing members aching for action, it came as a relief when Hardcover said. "Time for the fun part, boys. Ladies, take your places. Spoils of War, scene three, take one. Action!"

Syn and Rohar wandered onstage, down the makeshift city street. "Such weak males," Rohar commented. "They were all so small and fragile."

"All the quicker to claim our prize," Syn said. "I see some females ahead. Let us apprehend them before they run off."

The scene transitioned to the four women dressed in thin, gauze-like outfits, their nipples and even their pussy lips barely visible through the fabric. They were set up outside of a temple, and they reacted in shock when the males drew near.

"Look! The invaders!" Issue pointed.

"Do not run. You will only delay the inevitable," Syn said, brandishing his cocks before them wickedly.

"Oh my," Arfilla said. "I have never seen a manhood as impressive as yours."

"The sight alone fills me with temptation," Zedora added.

"Please sirs," Crolla stepped up to them and explained. "You must understand that the males of our city resist their desires, and even when they do mate with us, they are small and unable to give us pleasure. Unlike yourselves, who carry manhoods greater than would put our soldiers' horses to shame. We crave to be taken. Do as you will with us, but please use us for your pleasure."

"A trap?" Rohar asked.

"Not likely," Syn answered. "You saw their males for yourself. Her story must be true." He stepped toward them now, towering over Crolla. "If you wish to serve us, you must prove yourselves worthy," he said, grinning smugly.

The females gave the males seductive smiles. In a flash, they disrobed, removing their thin garments, letting their great breasts spill out. Truly expert performers, they hugged themselves, pushing their mounds together, letting the camera focus in on each rack before they bent over, lifting their tails one by one, revealing plump pussies ready for fucking.

"A treasure finer than gold," Rohar said. "See how the dew drips from their lips like a new day, ripe for the taking."

Syn answered, "As warriors, we take days and women alike, my brother. The time for fighting has passed. Now is the time for humping."

As the camera crew moved to transition to the real meat of the scene, Hardcover directed the action. "Ladies, don't move. The males will put you into position. Guys, keep 'em steady, but remember, you're horny warriors, eager for release after a hot day of fighting. Be rough." Hardcover hardly needed to say it. "Scene four, take one! Action!"

Syn and Rohar pounced on the females. Rohar grabbed Zedora by the main, wrenching her head back and shoving his cock into her black folds in a single thrust as she cried out in a loud, pleasured moan to be split open so suddenly. With his other hand, Rohar grabbed Crolla's head and shoved her snout into his chest, commanding her, growling, "Taste the sweat of my conquest, female." The camera captured her tongue dragging between his pecs before panning down to the fit rump of the female as Rohar's cock slammed into it with fast, rough thrusts, each one yielding a wet noise and further moans.

Meanwhile, Syn had his orders. He seized the two duck girls and pressed their bodies together, their breasts squishing together and between each other before he forced them to the ground. The females didn't miss a beat, quickly and eagerly spreading their legs as Issue bent over atop Arfilla, while Arfilla held the smaller one's hips steady as she presented her own snatch for Syn. They lifted their tails in unison. Syn smirked as he hefted his cocks, lining up one on top of the other, prodding and spreading them apart with his tips before shoving his twin shafts into their tight bodies, receiving loud cries from his own girls.

The men fucked their women savagely. The cameras focused in on Syn's performance, the exotic delight of his two cocks plundering their pussies simultaneously, Arfilla's decorative bush of pubes brushing up against Issue's as they rubbed their crotches together as Syn filled them, their voices ringing at the overwhelming pleasure he gave them. And just as Hardcover said, he was rough. He spanked them, he grabbed at their hair and groped their tits, and he rammed himself right up to the knot in them every time, making them feel his girth.

Syn was hardly distracted by the cameras as he satisfied himself. In fact, when he saw them in the corner of his eye, he gained a broad grin. The wolf continued to fuck his birds into submission, their eyes lolling into their heads as they took his massive cocks, but he was still very able to flex for the cameras, putting his arms behind his head to give them a full view of his prize meat.

Hardcover steered the action like he had reins in his hands. "Yeah, Syn, that's good, that's real good. Boys, do a pan down, start on the underside of those arms, and make sure you get all that fluff. Syn, if you can make your balls swing a little more, that would be perfect."

Syn put his hips more into his thrusts as requested, his strokes longer, the massive length of his cocks revealed as the cameras took in each one, yet it was apparent that they only saw half of his entire manhood. With his cocks ramming so far in and out of them, so much flesh moving inside of them, the female's breathing became long and heavy as their entire passages were fully stimulated.

"Great. Girls, make sure to praise your new master," Hardcover ordered.

Syn wasn't sure they could speak with the way he was fucking them, but they were every bit his equal, and managed to offer sultry compliments in a moaning tone. "Your cocks are so big! Bigger than anything I've ever seen! Ohh, I want to please them!" Issue said as she pressed her tits into Arfilla's, their nipples dancing.

Arfilla was right behind her. "So good! Oh, this cock is so good! More, master! Harder! Fuck me!"

Syn was more than happy to oblige. Meanwhile, Hardcover turned his attention back toward Rohar. "Why don't you get your arms up and flex too, Rohar? Give Crolla a little show while you fuck that Zebra?"

Rohar gave a knowing grin but did it, flexing his chest as he pumped himself into the moaning Zedora. Crolla ran her hands over his body while his cock pistoned into the wet zebra pussy beneath, and Rohar grumbled his pleasure. "Good girl," he growled, nipping at her neck a little.

Hardcover pressed further. "Cameras, get in real close. Start from the bottom, get that big dick pushing in real good, then pan up. Make sure you get every muscle, every drop of sweat." The lenses swept over his body, his thick reptilian meat splitting the fit zebra open wide, her juices dripping down his shaft just as his sweat dripped down his chest and belly as Crolla kissed over it.

"Such needy wenches. Need strong males to show them their place," Rohar said, keeping the flow of the scene moving.

Syn noticed something in Hardcover, a sort of hesitation in his voice as he gave his next command. "Alright. Crolla, give those muscles a couple of squeezes, and then make your way up and give his chest and armpit a few good licks, really get all the sweat on those scales."

Crolla grinned like Rohar, chuckling a little to herself, deep in her throat, but she brought her muzzle down to Rohar's abs, licking over his body, bringing her hands up to his chest worshipfully. She moaned as she praised him with her lips and tongue, slowly drawing upward and wrapping her hands around his powerful arms. Finally, with the cameras rolling, she ran her tongue under his arm in one long swipe, collecting his warm sweat on her tongue.

Hardcover was on the edge of his seat. "Say something, Crolla. Take your time."

But Crolla was a professional. With Rohar still pounding Zedora hard, she gazed into Rohar's eyes and said, "You even taste so very male."

"Nice and short. Perfect," Hardcover declared. He seemed to bask in the moment for a second, and Syn thought he caught the director adjusting himself before he continued. "Alright boys, keep it up. We need to get a lot of footage if we're gonna have the best stuff for editing. Syn, why don't you give Issue a few good spanks like you did earlier?'

Syn complied, his hips moving steadily and quickly. But when that was finished, Hardcover asked Rohar for some spanking and tail grabbing. Then he asked for some more lines from the girls. Then some more from the guys. And on and on it went.

Syn now understood why Pamila had warned him about this being hard work. Every ten or fifteen minutes an eager young intern would bring around bottled water for everyone. After an hour of sweaty fucking, Hardcover asked anyone if they needed a break, but they declined, knowing it would be better to get it over with as quickly as possible, and especially to keep the good energy flowing. Hardcover asked for nearly every line and action repeated at least three times to make sure they had the best shots possible. Syn spanked and groped the duck girls beneath him as he was told, trying to maintain his ferocity. Rohar pushed Crolla around and got his pits licked several more times as he kept his grip tight on Zedora until Hardcover was satisfied. Both flexed in a myriad of poses until their options seemed all but exhausted. The females offered up scripted and improvised praises and compliments periodically until there was nothing more to be said.

Syn could hardly believe it when he looked at the clock above the door and almost three hours had passed on the sex scene alone, not to mention the hour that was spent on the setup and the fight. Even Hardcover's businesslike appearance was now disheveled, his shirt and hair stained and matted with sweat. But just as Syn had sensed when things seemed to be taking forever, Hardcover said, "Almost done. Boys, just go nuts. All I ask is that you give us a good creampie to film."

Before Hardcover had even called "Action!" Syn could feel his blood boiling. Finally, he could have his release! He gripped Issue's hips tightly, pressing her down into Arfilla and holding her still as he rammed them both into the ground beneath him.

He growled loud as they cried out in pleasure. Now that he could really have them without restraining himself, he gave into his instincts and fucked them like prey, taking in every detail about them, their tightness, their wetness, their heat and their worshipful voices. He was a god to them.

Syn gnashed his teeth as he impaled the two females on his cocks. He pressed harder and harder, faster and faster with every thrust, until finally his two knots popped into them.

"Ah! Yeah!" they yelped, and Syn tossed his head as his sensitive bulbs were clenched in their wet vices. Yet unlike a normal wolf, this was only the beginning of his release. He yanked his knots out of their bodies, earning more cries, before shoving them right back, just as hard, gaining momentum.

Syn didn't forget to stay in character, grunting and growling improvised lines with delight. "Such supple bitches indeed! I will enjoy mounting you every night in my harem!"

"They yearn for a female's place," Rohar chimed in, hammering Zedora as Crolla kissed over his body worshipfully. "Let us remind them that their bodies are designed to be filled with our cum."

Syn nodded, yanking his knots in and out of his screaming females. He fucked as hard and fast as he could, shutting his eyes tight, listening to all the moans and grunts, smelling all the sweat and sex in the room, feeling their tight grip on his twin cocks, begging to be stuffed full.

"So fucking big! Ah!" Issue cried out.

"Shove that knot into me, master!" Arfilla begged.

With a roar, Syn did just that, planting his cocks and knots firmly within them one last time, the studio filled with the echoes of his conquest over these females as he bred them now, filling them with seed. The pleasure was immense. Each throb of his cocks, each clench of their pussies around him only milked more and more cum out of his swollen, needy balls. His already impressive load nearly doubled from being so pent-up, until it was spilling all over the floor underneath Arfilla as she and Issue screamed in orgasm.

Rohar wasn't far behind him, Zedora lost in pleasure as he emptied himself into her in triumph, roaring alongside Syn as Crolla stroked his cock and balls, milking him as well. He, too, produced quite the mess. His cum flooded and mixed with Syn's until the females couldn't avoid it at all, parts of their bodies becoming absolutely coated in the warm, sticky goo.

Hardcover kept his cool. "Stay in," he ordered slowly. "Even after you've finished, stay in. Wanna get the pullout." The males heard him. When they were done, he ordered them one by one. "Rohar, you're first." Rohar slid himself out of Zedora while Syn stayed buried in his duck girls, panting beneath him. Zedora moaned slightly as the cameras stayed trained on her pussy, watching his thick meat slide out of her, the cum flowing out of her.

"Ohh, yeah," Rohar couldn't help but sigh.

When he was all the way out and the flow had trickled down, Hardcover prompted Syn. "Alright Syn, you're next. I know you're knotted, but I wanna see you pop 'em out like an alpha male. Boys, make sure you get every drop of jizz that comes out."

Syn smiled. Gripping the girls' hips, he didn't wait until they were ready. Instead, he just jerked back, beaming with pride as they cried out again. Even though his cocks were still lodged deep within them, cum was already starting to flow around his meat, and as he drew back, the inches sliding out of them, never seeming to end, the streams of semen became heavier and heavier. Finally, he pulled his tips out. A torrent of seed spilled from them as they moaned again more softly, the gush of his essence deepening and spreading the puddle the females wallowed in. Seen and the cameras watched in admiration and awe as his cum flowed out of them, until after a while, it too finally ended.

"Cut!" Hardcover called finally. "Good work everyone. Get some rest on the couch. Ladies, keep those boys hard. Crolla, you're next."

Crolla nodded as everyone headed over to the couch. Now Syn understood why it was so ratty, yet when he fell into it alongside Rohar, it felt better than the beds in heaven ever could have. They groaned and sank back into the cushions as the females collapsed around them. Syn could see they were just as tired, if not moreso, than he was, yet they didn't hesitate to take cocks into their mouths and suckle, slowly and evenly. The sensation of Issue and Arfilla's beaks around his used shafts was totally relaxing.

"It's so fucking hot in here," Syn complained as he snatched the water out of the intern's hand.

"Hardcover runs it a tad hot on purpose for a reason," Rohar informed him. "Keeps us sweaty. Looks good on camera - more natural than oil."

"You know that's not the only reason," Crolla said, rubbing Rohar's balls affectionately.

"Then what is?" Syn asked.

"Did you catch it?" Rohar returned with a little grin. "Hardcover's little treat to himself?"

"When she licked you, right? Is he into sweat?" Syn asked.

"Almost," Rohar said. "He's into armpits." He laughed a little.

"Really?" Syn said.

"You bet," Crolla confirmed. "He loves those male underarms. Sweaty, hairy - doesn't matter. He thinks it's just the manliest thing. Puts a teensy bit in every film, even if it's just a panning shot that glosses over it. Everyone knows, but he can get kind of sensitive about it."

"That's why he doesn't jerk off during shoots either," Rohar said. "Doesn't want to seem like too much of a pervert, ordering us around for his own whims. Wants to remain professional."

"Doesn't stop Gallo from ribbing him about it, though," Crolla said. "As long as you're not on set, he can take a joke or two."

"And you don't mind?" Syn asked.

"Sweetie, if you think that's kinky, you haven't seen anything yet. Hardcover's tame compared to some of the other stuff we've filmed," Crolla said, laughing a little.

Rohar suckled on her nipple a little before adding, "To each his own, as they say."

Syn just shrugged, pressing his girls down harder on his cocks, "Seems to me like he's trying way too hard. We're all horndogs here, looks like. Trying to act like he's not just makes him stick out more."

"Oh, but that's part of what makes him so cute. I hear he's a terrific bottom," Crolla said.

That piqued Syn's interest, but as she said it, Hardcover came around to them. "How are you boys doing? Can you get hard yet?"

Rohar sighed. "Like I said Hardcover, you ask for a stiffy, I'll give you a stiffy."

Hardcover nodded. "Alright. Be back on set in five."

It took more effort than Syn expected to heave himself from off the couch. The three previous girls didn't follow, but rather stayed behind to towel off and flirt with the waterboy and some of the cameramen.

The puddle of cum remained on set for continuity, but the focus would be much smaller as the last female was claimed in a threesome. The cameras pulled in closer, able to catch the action much more easily.

"Only a few more lines before the fun part. Ready? Scene five, take one! Action!"

Crolla stood naked before the two males, posing suggestively to them, twisting slowly to show off her massive breasts for them and the camera. The males stood hard once more, eyeing her hungrily.

Rohar spoke first. "It appears one female remains to be conquered."

"And you have saved the best for last, I assure you," Crolla said. "I would be more than happy to please both my masters at once. My body is yours - please use it for your pleasure, good warriors."

"She is either brave or foolish if she intends to take us both within her," Syn said. "Let us test her. This one will be fun to break."

Crolla dutifully bent over, presenting her rear to Syn and looking almost at the camera near him. As she lifted her thick, scaled tail, she spoke, "I am moist for your cocks, my masters."

Hardcover gave the okay. "Ram it in boys. No holds barred."

And they did just that. Rohar took her by the head, teasing her, rubbing his balls against her snout and letting her lick over them and suckle on them while Syn took hold of her hips. Crolla was a big girl, thick and plump and juicy, her pussy dripping thick strands of sticky juices. Syn's fingers dug into her plentiful flesh, but within moments he was poised to take her. With a firm spank to mark the moment, he sank his cocks into her ass and pussy at the same time, ramming himself to the knot in one thrust.

"Ohh, my lord!" Crolla moaned. Syn felt more wetness accompany her pussy, but he groaned back at the intense tightness of her butt. The sensations of her hot, velvety-soft pussy combined with the high-pressure squeeze of her asshole was confusing at first, but as he began to pound her, the feelings blended together into one, and if Syn wasn't looking he couldn't tell which cock was buried in which hole. Crolla's cries of pleasure were choked off as Rohar fed her his thick, turgid meat, inch after inch shoved into her throat. She took it all gratefully. Soon, each of the males were ramming themselves to the hilt in her, facing each other, thrusting together to rock her back onto the other, the expert pleasure she gave them heavenly.

Syn watched the crocodile bob and weave on the huge dinosaur cock masterfully, no matter how hard he fucked her, no matter if he spanked her ass or groped her tits or tugged her her tail, her concentration on Rohar's great cock unbreakable, earning low moans from him.

Syn looked around the room as well, and noticed that the three other girls hadn't left, but rather kept themselves useful. Issue and Arfilla were both buried to the pubes on two of the cameramen's cocks, and Zedora was bent over in front of another one as he pumped his hips and held onto his rig. Syn just grinned at the sight and the sounds of the mixed-gender moans not only coming from the scene, but surrounding him as well. It made sense to him, though. After three hours of watching such hardcore fucking, he'd need to blow a load too. How Hardcover made it through he'd never know.

As Hardcover directed, though, his calm demeanor appeared seamless. "Alright Syn, why don't you spank her nice and rough, get that ass jiggling?"

Syn didn't hesitate to do just that, laying into her backside with a series of stinging slaps, making sure the cameras really captured the motion of her wobbling cheeks before delivering his line. "A fine female. Soft and fat like a feast pig!" He punctuated his remark with another spank, Crolla moaning around Rohar's cock.

This was the cue for Rohar to slowly remove his cock from its place in her throat and respond, "A feast pig needs an apple in her mouth, no?" When his cock was fully withdrawn, he shoved his balls into her open mouth, letting her suckle on them and lick over the scaly flesh. Crolla seemed all to happy to accept them, pursing her lips around them and letting her tongue drag over them slowly, both for the camera and her own satisfaction.

While the cameras focused on that, though, Syn gave the few rigs that were aimed at him a good show. He leaned back, giving them a perfect view at his cocks plunging into her holes, his knots straining at her entrances, daring to pop into her, and his massive, thick lengths only hinting at the full sizes buried within her.

Although he had to admit, Crolla was certainly a professional. The way she bounced her ass into his thrusts, the way her butthole and her pussy each squeezed onto his mammoth shafts spreading her open, seemingly independent of each other, had him reeling. Syn had never felt anything like this, but the air-tight grip of her butthole and the hot, wet caress of her pussy threatened to make him spill his load before Hardcover said it was time.

If Syn had any doubts before, he was certain now that porn was something he loved doing. On top of the attention, the endless amounts of hot females to fuck, and the chance to show off his skills, the top-notch sex was the icing on the cake. It felt right to be surrounded by people who were as skilled in the sack as he was.

But he was determined to be the best of the best, and blowing his wad early was not how the pros did it. Laying another series of spanks into Crolla's jiggly ass to put her in her place, Syn listened with satisfaction as she moaned around Rohar's nuts. When he took his eyes off her, he locked them with Rohar, letting a subtle challenge pass from himself to the dinosaur. Syn was certain he could out-perform this stud, and that he could do it in style. Rohar's steely glance answered, "You're on."

After Hardcover had obtained enough footage of Crolla gobbling Rohar's nuts, Syn started to pick up the pace. His hips and balls were slamming into Crolla's big back end loudly, and she couldn't help but moan at his force.

Hardcover just raised an eyebrow. "Alright, I like the energy Syn. Rohar, just shove that cock down her throat and start fucking. Boys, let's get some angles on Syn. If you could grind those knots into her that would be spectacular."

With a grin, Syn did just that. He watched Rohar feed Crolla his thick meat, pumping it into her without a care, on the verge of gagging her, but he wasn't about to go easy on her when Syn was being so rough. On the other side, Syn kept up his fast, heavy pace, making sure the whole studio could hear him fucking the big crocodile, but when he brought his hips into hers, he made sure to press his knots into her holes extra hard, threatening to force them inside of her. The squeeze against the most sensitive parts of his cocks was heavenly, but the wetness that flowed from her pussy, covering his lower cock in a nice bright shine was equally as satisfying. Hardcover made sure to capture the tendrils of juice leaking off his shaft, while the other cameramen zoomed in on his upper cock plunging into her tight butthole again and again.

Syn felt terribly pleased with himself when the girls' blowjobs and pussies became too much and the crew members started cumming one by one. He and Rohar kept up their paces, but they watched the average men of all species groan and thrust as they emptied their balls into the hungry maws of the duck girls who swallowed every drop gratefully, and Zedora as she had her cunt creamed. The crew had barely lasted more than fifteen minutes while Syn had been fucking girls for hours now, and when he saw the pitifully mediocre sizes of their cocks and balls, he almost felt like laughing. If there was any other indication of how perfect he was for this job, that was it. It wasn't just his talent and his love of sex and sluts. The porn industry needed him, because they certainly weren't going to find a stud like himself anywhere else.

With his blood boiling now and the smell of fresh cum strong in the air, Syn knew it was time to take it up a notch. "Feel the full force of my manhood, bitch," he growled, still somewhat in character. He gave Crolla few more rough thrusts before he shoved both of his knots into her.

"Mmm!" she moaned around Rohar's cock, buried to the hilt on him, powerless to resist Syn's invasion of her body. They entered her with loud pops, her holes stretching incredibly to receive them, and her insides stretched as well to accommodate them. He felt her clench in surprise and pleasure, but it was a delicious sensation.

But he wasn't done with her. Just as quickly and cruelly, he yanked his knots out of her with a louder pop. She cried out again around the meat stuffed in her throat, but just as soon as Syn had withdrawn his knots, he reeled back, showing off just how long his cocks were before slamming them back inside of her, knots and all.

Crolla had never experienced anything like it, never felt so full and so well-fucked in her life. Her orgasm came quickly and unexpectedly, and with loud groans and spasming legs, it took her violently. Fluids gushed from her in a surprise squirt around Syn's cock, but he wasn't about to stop for her comfort. His pleasure was only just beginning.

Hardcover finally spoke up as she sprayed her climax on the ground beneath her and Syn continued to ravage her. "What are you doing?" he asked.

Syn was all too happy to stay in character as he answered. "I will fuck this female like a true alpha male and show her where she belongs. I will do as I please with her, and I will breed her until begs for my cocks like a proper slut."

It was clear that Hardcover took issue with Syn's improvisation. But he leaned back in his chair. "It works. It looks good. Keep it up," was all he said.

"Gladly," Syn said. He fucked Crolla savagely, ramming his knots into her and ripping them out with every thrust. Rohar did his best to keep even with him, grabbing her skull and having his way with her throat, spreading her pretty neck wide, showing off the way his meat bulged in her neck as she gagged and sucked at his cock, but it was clear that he could only do so much with one cock. Syn was twice the man, and he fucked like an animal to boot. Hardcover let him take the lead, directing the two men to pose and say a few more lines, but much of what was filmed was improvised. After a while, Hardcover simply let the cameras roll for a couple more hours, just to see how long the studs could keep it up. But they never faltered, the studio reeking of sweat and sex and steamy with wild lust until every male had to feed the other girls their cocks once more. Even Hardcover's bulge was painfully obvious in his pants.

But finally, he knew it was time to draw the scene to a close. "If you've got anything else up your sleeves, it's time to pull it out and give us the last cumshot. Make it rough and sloppy."

The two men didn't have to be told. With a few more grunts and several thrusts, they pushed themselves over the edge of orgasm, Crolla doing everything she could to pleasure them. She screamed around Rohar's cock as he hunched over her, shoving his cock into her at a straight-down angle, balls deep while Syn rammed his knots in and out of her. She began to gush in orgasm again as Syn and Rohar erupted with manly roars.

Rohar buried his dick into her bulging neck and simply unloaded, his balls pulsing. At the angle and with his meat taking up so much space in her throat, though, it wasn't long before it began to leak out of the sides of her mouth and nose, down her neck and cheeks, her throat sliding madly as she tried to gulp down as much of his hot cum as she could.

Meanwhile, Syn forced his swollen, throbbing knots into her tight, soaking wet holes one last time as he fired his twin blasts of cum deep within her. The streams of his essence were thick and heavy, but after he had filled her with a few pulses, he pulled his knots out, letting his white, cum-soaked dicks out into the open for the cameras to catch the heavy fluid dripping from his shafts before shoving his knots back into her with a splatter of jizz, only to repeat the process all over again every few pumps.

This lasted for several minutes until Crolla's backside was absolutely coated in cum, up her tail and down her thighs, her ass and pussy drenched in Syn's load while her front was a maze of trickling sperm that rolled down her neck, face, and down her tits and belly. She held on the entire time, cooing and moaning with pleasure and gulping down cum greedily until her belly bulged with their combined loads. Even Syn was amazed at how she could handle it all, but he knew there was only one way a female could take two males like Rohar and himself without collapsing: Crolla was just as much of a professional as he was, and he could feel just how deeply she loved sucking dick, swallowing cum, and getting pounded for hours on end. Pleasuring males was her passion. It was the passion of each star in the room. And Syn was one of them now. Home.

The two men pulled out, and the cameras captured the splashes of cum that followed. Crolla kept her composure and looked up at them with lust still heavy in her eyes, even if her mouth was still so full of cum that it spilled out a little when she spoke. "Are my masters satisfied? I would be happy to provide such fine warriors with further pleasures."

Syn grinned. "Take her to my tent. I will make use of her during tonight's feast."

"And cut!" Hardcover called. "That's a wrap boys and girls! Fantastic job!"

The applause was loud, both in triumph and in relief after hours of hard, sweaty work. Syn and Rohar collapsed on the couch again.

"That was something," Rohar complimented him. "Haven't seen a stud like you in a long time. You're gonna do well here."

"Thanks," Syn said. At least Rohar seemed to be a good sport.

The dinosaur offered his hand. "Looking forward to working with you again," he said.

Syn took it. "Likewise."

As they rested, it wasn't long before the girls came to them again. Crolla in particular crouched down between Syn's legs. "I owe you my thanks. I haven't been fucked like that in years." Before Syn could respond, she opened her mouth and gobbled down his still-throbbing erection, stroking the other one with her hands.

Syn moaned, but looked over to see Rohar receiving similar treatment. Issue was sucking his cock while Zedora kissed his neck. Even Syn shivered as he felt Zedora kiss at his arms, feeling his muscles, before slipping into his lap and licking over his other cock. Finally, she took it into her own throat, joining Crolla at his base.

"I thought we were done filming," Syn said with a laugh.

"This is how the ladies say thanks after a scene," Rohar said. "If you think you like sex, you should get to know them more. They love sucking cock and swallowing cum more than anything else. To them, it's a privilege to pleasure us."

Syn nodded and leaned back. He understood and spread his legs as the women kissed and licked over his shafts and balls. He let them, not for his own pleasure, but as a gift. Syn received their attention for what it was. He let them worship him, knowing full well that his cocks were worthy of worship. And so for several more minutes, he and Rohar sat in silence and let the women praise them with their throat and hands, watching on as they shivered in pleasure at the sheer size of them, at the feeling of fullness they felt when the sucked their cocks, and at the pure arousal they felt to serve such majestic manhoods.