Two Baby Mama

Story by mincridarn on SoFurry

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This is a really random short story that I felt compelled to write after I saw a YCH post on Twitter, by Wen the original post is here and on his furaffinity page here:, I don't know if I'll ever finish this story but I still wanted to write something about it.

Two Baby Mama's

Lloyd exhaled, groaning as he rubbed his left shoulder, before adjusting the heavy laptop bag running across his chest, stretching his neck soon after, as the strain of hours of studying at the library had ruined him, and stiffened his joints, but mainly his back. Something Lloyd corrected as the dull ache returned with his slumped posture, stretching and groaning, Lloyd relaxed knowing that he soon be in bed. The freedom to fall asleep left him smiling as he looked at his warped reflection in the elevator's metal paneling, fixing the brown coyote fur between his ears. Rubbing the tension out of his auburn eyes, Lloyd heard the elevator ding; putting in one last bit of effort to clean himself up, because he knew his mom would get at him if he came back home looking rugged and lazy.

Tapping out the wrinkles in his baggy clothes, Lloyd winced as his knuckles smacked the metal cage between his legs. A gift from his girlfriend Remy, to keep him in line, not because he was chasing tails, but to help him focus and study for his up-and-coming exam. Lloyd was struggling with Stats; nothing made sense, and the professor at times would drone on and on, and on, putting him to sleep several times in fact, apparently, Lloyd was a snorer, not that he'd know. Remy thought that the chastity cage would help keep him awake with all his testosterone and anxious horny energy. For the most part, it did work, but that didn't mean Lloyd's grades ever improved; he still needed to study hard if he ever hoped to pass the final.

Walking through stark white halls with black tile floors, Lloyd kept his foot falls quiet, so he didn't disturb anyone in the posh, modern apartment Complex. Creeping into his own apartment, Lloyd quickly noticed the warm dark atmosphere that smelled of steak and veggies, fajitas; the scents making him groan, as he just remembered it was Friday, family night; he was supposed to be home by 6PM, it was 10:45. Fearing the wrath of his mother, Lloyd crept through the well-kept apartment until blaring lights flicked on, stunning him and leaving him blind. Through squinting eyes, Lloyd turned around and looked at a mare behind him, wearing a velvet red lacy nightgown, her woodland fur and mane matted with sweat. The mare's eyes narrowed, "Your mother is going to kill you," She warned, sipping a glass of water.

"Jamie! Heeey you're..." Lloyd started maybe just a bit too loudly as he quickly retreated for two reasons, one he didn't want to disturb his mother who was probably already asleep, and two he knew that his mother's lesbian mate wasn't going to spare him either, "Sorry about dinner, I was studying and lost track of time." Lloyd apologized quietly, but Jamie trot over to him, head held high before leaning down to sniff his neck, "Don't lie to me again short stuff, I'll knock you on your ass. Your mom was worried sick, thinking you were out partying, no phone call or text. You're lucky I don't wake Lucy up right now." Jamie glared, snorting her anger.

"My phone died...I was using it as a calculator and didn't bring my charger." Lloyd admitted, his ears falling flat, as Jamie stamped her cup of water down on a nearby side table with a hammering thud before glaring at him, "Then you should have asked Remy for hers; you were eating her out, again, weren't you? I can smell her pussy on your breath, mutt."

"right back at you..." Lloyd mumbled under his breath, and Jamie's gaze narrowed sharply, "You want to run that by me again, pup?" Jamie's Military command roaring out as she towered over him like a drill sergeant, her arms tightening up behind her back. "I helped your mother put you through school, and that's the kind of respect I get from you?" Her quiet rage burned in her eyes, and she opened the door to Lloyd's room, "Strip, I'm going to break you before bed, you understand?"

Lloyd shuddered under Jamie's gaze but nodded, knowing he could never escape, thanking the heavens that she never knew how bad he was screwing up in school; or else he'd be dead, "Yes, Ma'am," Lloyd whispered, bowing his head as he walked into his spacious bedroom filled with posters of online games and anime memorabilia he had since he was a kid, nothing that Jamie approved off; after all she was a minimalist. Her military history forcing her to give up on material things and possessions so she could move quickly and tactically; she saw all the possession as weakness, things that could be exploited to control him.

Dropping his laptop bag by his gaming PC, Lloyd tugged off his shirt and watched as the door clicked shut and locked, sealing him in a room with a traumatizing veteran specialist. He avoided her gaze, ashamed of his unmuscular form, just the slightest bit chubby since he refused to work out with her. "Do I have to take off my underwear, ma'am?" Lloyd asked as he took off his pants and folded them over the chair behind himself.

"I said strip! What do you think, Pup?" She rhetorically asked, and Lloyd cowered as he removed his underwear and exposed his chastity cage; and for once in her life, Jamie flinched, her presence shaken for a moment, but not stirred as she quickly regained her composure, "What's with the cage?"

Lloyd glanced up at Jamie and covered himself, but was quickly reprimanded for it, "Hands-on your tail bitch, did I tell you to cover yourself?!" She roared out, storming forward to bear down on him; Lloyd quickly snapped his hands behind his back and grabbed the base of his tail, his ears and tail folding in against his body, shaking under the controlled aggression.

"Yes, Ma'am." Lloyd whimpered, and Jamie retracted, shaking her head, "Pathetic pup, now what's with the cage?"

"It's a gift from Remy," Lloyd answered, barely glancing up at Jamie's cold pine green eyes, her scent matching the earthy woodland tones in her fur, a cologne meant for males, but it worked perfectly for her.

Jamie chuckled, and her smile was short-lived, "A gift? Really? Let's be honest here, do you really think a beautiful female like Remy would bend over for that pathetic pea shooter?" She corrected, pointing to the metal sheath, and Lloyd shook his head and looked up at Jamie, wounded and defensive, "She loves it when I fuck her." For once daring to speak up against the mare, causing Jamie to bow her head as she retracted herself, but there was nothing but doubt on her muzzle, "Alright pup, then what's the cage really for then?"

Lloyd balked at the question, trapped; if he told the truth, he was screwed; if he retracted anything, he'd just be belittling himself. He exhaled, and Jamie caught wind of his panic and frowned, pushing her nose in close to his and glaring down at him, "What's the cage for Pup? If I have to ask again, well, let's just say I won't be the one asking the question." Jamie framed ominously, and Lloyd's heart thumped heavily in his chest in a panic as he closed his eyes and broke.

"It's to help me study, Ma'am," Lloyd painfully admitted.

"To help you study? What the hell do you need help studying for? I thought you were passing all your classes, Pup? Wasn't that the deal?" Jamie asked, and Lloyd nodded, "Yes, Ma'am... I know... I'm struggling with stats, and if I don't ace my Stats exam, I'll fail the class." Lloyd admitted, slumping in defeat as he finally came clean, looking up at Jamie for an ounce of sympathy, but she just shook her head, her eyes retaining a wave of emotions, her nostrils flaring as she snorted in annoyance.

"Get down and give me twenty, pup." She ordered, shaking her head as she corrected Lloyd with a heavy hoof, locking him into a planking pose for several seconds until his body started shaking under the tension. "Pup, if you fail that class, you'll wish I'd kill you now. Your mother begged me to help send you to college so you wouldn't end up in some dead-end job like your deadbeat, drunken father. So that you'd be better than that idiot. You should be kissing my hoof, bitch, for everything I've given you. I've given you a home, I've given you food, I help pay the bills you know nothing about because your mother wants you to focus only on school. You're nothing but a chubby waste of space, a pup still suckling off your mother's breast; Understand?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Lloyd called out with a heavy pant as he was struggling to keep himself level under the increasing weight of the hoof.

"What the fuck are you pup?" Jamie stomped in, making Lloyd grunt.

"I'm nothing but a cubby pup who lives off his mom!" Lloyd pushed out quickly, and the pressure on his back subsided, "One..." Jamie counted out loud, still enforcing her demanding workout, and Lloyd whined as he pushed himself to obey her commands, until he couldn't bring himself to do anything more than breathe and stare up between his sponsor's legs. The dripping thick mare vulva between Jamie's legs had soaked the mauve silk thong framing her waistline, and the excessive fluids had started to drip down her legs and on to her polished black hooves. But Jamie wasn't nearly done as the cruel mare put her hoof down on Lloyd's muzzle, forcing the coyote to kiss her foot goodnight, before leaving Lloyd alone in the hollow darkness of his room to collapse from exhaustion, unable to pick himself off the floor, already knowing he was going to be in pain for the rest of the week.