Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Forgiveness

Story by Slatepaws on SoFurry

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#17 of Jackie-The-Junior

Here we are, the last part of Jackie The Junior. Tying up the last two threads, what happened to Christopher, and what did Christopher do to Christine.

Christopher returns, but not the Christopher Jackie, Christine, Mauri, and Alpha knew.

It was a bit hard to write this, mainly due to how Christopher speaks. If Christopher seems like something out of elder-scrolls, that's unintentional but still kinda a funny image.

Also i was kinda hoping it shows how much Jackie has grown. The one from the time she was owned as a slave would've acted differently.

I've marked the submission as adult due to the subject matter involved.

note, the yellowstone park pack is not how tribes used to act back when humans were at that level of tech. Though it is true that the women in the tribe did not do anything risky like hunting etc. Simply put, a lost female damages the tribe's survival chance's worse than a lost male.


Three days later.


Not surprisingly everything from my waist down is still sore, but I'm able to walk. So I insist on walking right behind my husband as he pushes a hospital supplied stroller. My first kids squirming around inside it. Trying to get out of the diapers and clothes they're in.

Alex and Elizabeth, my first kids. Kinda unreal I'm a mother now. Even though I've had three days to have it sink in while feeding them.

We walk out the main entrance and out to the parking lot where my car is waiting.

'Finally! I get to go home... I understand they needed Alex and Elizabeth to stay a couple of days for observation, but three full days?' Patrick walks up the rear passenger side door and helps me into the car as my knees start to wobble a bit.

He then hands me their car seats as they're designed to detach from the stroller.

"I know you're being possessive, Mother wolf instincts and all, but, think of it from their point of view. Lizzy has a highly unusual fur color and pattern for a Bio-Morph while having human eyes. Then there's Alex." Buckling myself in on the middle seat I strap the car seats down on either side of me before sighing.

'I know, I know. Yet, things just, feel well, wrong if they're out of my sight for too long.' Patrick takes the driver's seat and buckles in.

"I understand that hun. Been told it will lessen in a few weeks and to make sure you don't do anything stupid.' I roll my eyes at this, but I understand.

'I also worry about Alex, how he'll be treated later by others..." Same here, as he starts the car and pulls out of the parking spot I look down at Alex.

'When Alex is older we'll do something about that.'I am loath to do anything to them right now and I know it's those mother wolf instincts.

'Right now, we need to get home, so they don't ruin all we did with the car. They're still trying to get out of their diapers...' I lower my ears while blinking once as it hits me.

'We're going to have to get one of those boring family cars now, aren't we?' Patrick laughs loudly, pulling onto the thoroughfare that will take us home.

"Yup! A mini van or crossover or something like that since this car's not technically designed carry kids full time. I wouldn't be surprised if Christine is already shopping for one or even buying it right now with how frantic she's been setting up the floor, blankets, and beds for the nursery. I think it was to keep herself busy when she couldn't visit you. After all she hasn't spent anything she got from her father after patched up their relationship..." Nodding once, I do wonder if it's due to her P.I.D though.

"Sigh, It also keeps her away from the basement." I quirk my ears back inquisitively at this and look at Patrick. Did he actually think I wouldn't be able to hear it?

I'm about to open my mouth when Patrick beats me too it.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I know from how you moved your ears you heard that... Do you remember what Anthony said about he met Xin?" Nodding once I move my ears back up and forward.

Xin walked into the Paw Mart, half naked and pregnant with Diane. But, what does that have to... I rub my right hand down my muzzle in the best impression of a face-palm that a Bio-Morph can do, letting out an exacerbated sigh in the process.

'A Female and pregnant Bio-Morph showed up at the Paw Mart just like Xin did in the last three days while I have been in the hospital. So you took her home to stay in the basement just in case someone's looking for her? It doesn't answer why is it that Christine's not allowed downstairs though? She's been helping run our little underground shelter for the past several years with us.' Patrick smirks back at me via the rearview mirror and I let out a small huff.

"Got it in one Jackie. Only, the situation's a bit different. She's a Puma Bio-Morph, not an arctic fox breed like Xin. Wasn't pregnant, but if my own children are something to judge by, she only recently gave birth and the son is a mix between a puma breed and a Komodo dragon breed. She was 'mildly' scared, and..." Patrick deflates a little while we are at a stop light, like he doesn't want to continue describing her.

'And what Patrick? I get the distinct feeling you're being reluctant to tell me something about this. I mean, I'm glad we can help a poor soul who I hope managed to stay out of view of the drone camera's on the border. Still, you're worrying me here by not telling me... Like you want to shield me from something.' He's silent for a few more moments.

I look back at him via the rearview mirror, trying to tell him non-verbally I don't want him to protect me like this. I don't need it!

"I was trying to figure out how to tell you this without you reacting badly like Christine did and utterly throwing Mauri and Alpha for a loop. But I can't come up with anything, so I'll go ahead and just outright tell you. She looks in her mid twenties, but, vehemently claims to be Christopher, the same one who owned you at Mauri's and was Marui's childhood friend. She... Actually walked into the store asking if anyone has seen either Marui or Alpha, instead of for help, and I could barely understand her like Francine. If it wasn't for her son, and her tale of how she was treated while profusely apologizing in an utterly soul wrenching way to me for doing the same to Christine. I would've tossed her out the door without a second thought." My ears go flat as I have to fight a growl from crawling out of my throat upon hearing this.

The pain and contempt I've held in about Christopher, about that place, rises back to the surface.

Alex and Elizabeth suddenly crying out in distress pulls me from drowning in this, causing me fuss over them to get them to stop. Maybe they sensed my distress? Can they do that after only just being born? Something to look up later.

I look up to Patrick after I get my emotions in check.

'What about Mauri and Alpha?' Alternating my right hand between my two children, petting them and rubbing their ears. Not trusting the fine motor control of my prosthetic yet as we pull into fur-town.

"Mauri doesn't know what to do about it actually. He wants to help the person he grew up with, but, what happened seems to have broken Christopher beyond his recognition. I mean Christopher remembers Mauri and growing up with him. I've heard them about that. Yet, according to Mauri, she lacks any of Christopher's will or drive outside the well-being of her son. It's almost like she's dead inside." Instead of heading to the house, Patrick pulls over to the side of the street, turns on the hazards and twists in his seat to face me.

"I've noticed Christopher refuses to directly look at Mauri. She'll only speak to him when spoken too. Neither does she look at or remotely be in the way of Alpha either." Patrick sighs.

"Christopher Barely takes care of herself, Alpha has had to wash her like Christopher does her cub. Yet, she does everything she needs to do and more to take care of her son. I have a sneaking suspicion if it wasn't for the baby, she most likely wouldn't have escaped." He has the look on his face like he has no idea on how to handle this.

Honestly, neither do I. This might be over our heads.

"The only person Christopher even remotely acknowledges of her own accord is Diane. Even then Christopher seems to act like even Diane's above her, but not as far above her as Mauri and Alpha." he holds up a finger. "Before you ask Jackie, no, Diane knows not to cross that line. She's actually the one who brought Christopher's behavior to my attention. Worried it would put a black mark on her house arrest and parole if I found out before anyone else informed me." Staring blankly at Patrick is all I can do as I absorb this.

There's a karmic sense of justice here that I can't ignore. Christopher is in kind of a similar state, minus the extreme withdrawal Christine had been in, and I don't know if Christopher has P.I.D.

A gut feeling though tells me this isn't P.I.D., just simple case of abuse to the point nearly no one is home upstairs. Still, there's one household member Patrick has not mentioned...

'And Christine?' Dreading to learn how she reacted to this, but I have to ask.

"Upon learning she's Christopher, Christine well... It took me, Diane, and Alpha to tackle and restrain her. Dragging her out of the room before she did something stupid like tear out Christopher's throat with her jaws. Christine was so angry I suspect she would've killed Christopher if we didn't." Christine's killed before, so Patrick's fear isn't unwarranted...

"Christine was screaming it was for the protection of Alex and Elizabeth as well as you, that she has to keep the monster away from them so the monster can't hurt them. As for Christopher, and this still utterly surprised me, she took her shirt off and kneeled on the floor. Willing and eager to receive the killing blow that Christine was about to deliver. The only thing she said was asking us to take care of her cub over and over. It left Mauri so shaken up seeing Christopher like this, Alpha had to help him upstairs." My jaw hangs open.

I go away for three days and all hell breaks loose.

Except, before hearing how bad of shape Christopher is in, I had half a mind to kick her out. For Christine's sanity, and to make sure she doesn't commit murder.

Now though, how could I? Throwing her out in this state would be tantamount to killing her. If being unable to feed herself doesn't do it, I have a feeling she'll commit suicide. Leaving her son all alone.

Closing my mouth I look down at my own children as I feel my stomach drop from something clicking in my mind.

This is my fault! The way Christopher is now, it's my fault!

If I hadn't chosen to escape, Christopher would not have been disowned. In turn the stress of a failing business wouldn't have happened have leading to his fathers death. Because I did escape, and the business did fail, he lacked the money to take care of Mauri and Alpha due to being disowned. Putting Christopher on the path leading to here by making him jobless and homeless.

While I do not know the specific chances of it happening to someone, from personal experience, and Christine's, I do know it was only a matter of time before he ended being converted considering how they're used as fodder in that regard.

Patrick's hand finds my muzzle and lifts it so my eyes focus on his face.

"I know that look Jackie! This isn't your fault, don't put the weight of this situation on your shoulders. We can pass her off to someone more qualified to handle mental disorders if you want." Letting out a sigh I smile back at Patrick. Placing my hand on his while I nuzzle once into said hand.

'Not directly my fault Patrick, but I do share some blame. It's fallout for me choosing my own freedom over Christopher and his, or should I say, her now, father's well-being. Don't get me wrong though, I don't doubt at all in making my choice for freedom. Otherwise, I wouldn't have you, a wonderful husband, and now two children...' I reach over to rub a thumb on his cheek, then lean back on the seat.

'Still, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I didn't try to help.' Patrick sighs and shakes his head.

"Fine. I know better than to stop you when you have your mind set on things Jackie. Especially now, when you can determine if I sleep with a bombshell vixen, or alone on the couch." Letting out a yipping laugh at his comment, I don't stop a smile forming on my muzzle.

Despite our attempts at not being the stereotypical marriage, it just kinda ended up like that. I think it's because I'm the head of the pack and thus final authority in what goes on. To be fair, if I did banish Patrick to the couch for some reason, I'd wander down there myself not much later. I can't seem to sleep alone anymore, needing either his body heat and scent to fall asleep or Christine's.

Patrick smirks back at me for a moment before turning back around and buckling back in. He turns off the hazard lights and drives the last block down the street to our house.

The moment he parks the car, a gray bolt named Christine shoots from the front door. Landing up against the passenger side door with her muzzle against the window to see Alex and Elizabeth. Only willing to moving back as I open the door.

'Here Christine. Take Lizzy.' Unbuckling Elizabeth's car seat, I hand it to her. 'Get her to the nursery before she manages to pull the diaper off and goes.' Patrick is already removing Alex's car seat as I use the door to pull myself up onto my feet.

My legs are still a bit weak and sore, the doctor said they should get better within a week. Personally, I'm just glad I can see them again, it's been months.

Christine stops at the stairs for the front door noticing that I'm heading for the garage, rather than following her and Patrick.

'Alpha-Jackie, where are you going?' Smiling back at Christine as I can tell from her language her P.I.D. is acting up. Please don't make me order you not to follow me for what I need to do...

'There's someone I need to see Christine. I'll be fine, just go take Lizzy to the nursery.' It would be amusing watching Christine ping pong looking back and forth. If she wasn't holding my daughter, and those Mother wolf instincts were not yelling at me to not let my children leave my sight.

Of course, I know it's a conflict raging inside of Christine between her and her P.I.D. Between getting her alpha's children to safety, according to her instincts, and protecting her Alpha from what she considers a monster.

Granted said 'monster' has gone through what Christine has and more, a monster who now lacks the equipment to harm Christine in that way again.

Or as bad, I guess it's all depending on how the new Christopher swings...

'Alpha-Jackie, she's a monster! You will be in danger if you go in there.' Christine pauses, looks down at Elizabeth, shivers while her tail poofs out before looking back at me.

'So I'll wait at the door in case you need help after I get your cubs to safety.' Yea full on P.I.D. mode, to the point she takes Alex from Patrick without asking, and heads into the house at a quicker pace.

Sighing at that, I take a more casual pace into the garage. Taking note someone's finished the Ryzen job I was doing when my water broke. The finished job invoice on the caulk board is a good indication of that.

One thousand, one hundred and twenty dollars to put into two savings bonds... Blinking I shake my head, when did I become an adult?

Walking past my work area, I head over to the door that leads into the basement rather than inside the house. Opening the well oiled door reveals a small laminated staircase with basic dry-walled and neutrally painted walls.

Gripping the handrails firmly with both hands, I guide myself down. Christopher must know someone's on their way down with the noise my prosthetic hand is making against the handrail.

Stairs are also a bit tricky when your lower body from the hips and waste down feel deeply sore, weak and like wet noodles. Understandable though, I did three days ago push two babies out of me.

Then the bottom of the staircase opens up into a simple studio apartment. A small bathroom placed just to the right, with a stand up shower. Against the far wall is a kitchen sink, a mini electric stove, microwave oven, and a simple fridge making up the 'kitchen' area.

From here I can see the sink is full of half-eaten microwave meals, it seriously needs to be cleaned up and those trays recycled. Yet, equipment someone would need to bottle-feed a Bio-morph cub, along with containers of powdered formula are well taken care of next to the sink on the counter.

Kidy-corner to the kitchen is a bed, and next to it, a new addition compared to the last time I was down here to clean. A fenced area with blankets and those absorbent floor tiles we got for the nursery.

They're for Bio-Morph cubs that haven't been potty trained yet, which apparently I'll be able to teach mine how mere weeks from now, considering what Francine told me.

Really though, talk about saving a fortune on diapers, I mean, what the hell. Forty Dollars for a box of twelve? I am sure I could make twelve for less than that.

A fold up table and chairs along with one of those metal and plastic wardrobe on wheels filled with second hand clothes finishes out the large open space in the center.

Looking around, the first inhabitant down here I see is Christopher's new-born cub, a puma and Komodo dragon breed mix. With a long scaly tail colored in the same tawny brown as a puma's fur, large claws that are nearly twice the size of Elizabeth's. From here, I see the cub also has a patchwork of either fur or similar colored scales across their body.

It's a boy, and he's a cute cub... I wonder how he'll get along with Alex and Elizabeth. They'll need playmates to socialize with after all.

Yet, I don't see Christopher anywhere down here, she hasn't left though. I can smell the scent of a puma in the room and it's fresh. So she should still be in here, somewhere.

'Christopher, are you down here?' Movement on the bed catches my eye as a pile of blankets I dismissed when I came in shifts about. A puma's head rises up from between the folds. Gaunt and with a long a scar across one side of her muzzle. The pink skin and stark white fur standing out against the rest of the typical tan fur with black eye highlights.

'Christopher is here...' Christopher sits up further and the blanket she was under slides off her, revealing a similarly gaunt and naked frame like her head. Still, obviously female, with wide hips, but not as much as mine, as well as just barely C size breasts. With her loose skin, thin fur and general look of mild malnutrition. I think they'd be a little bigger than mine if she was healthy considering she looks taller than me.

Seeing how in bad of shape she is, the scars along her sides and belly, not to mention the recent looking and nasty bite scar on her left shoulder stuns me.

Dammit Patrick, don't hide things from me!

Christopher has to be in the worst shape I've ever seen with anyone we've helped. We may need to get her professional medical attention. I also realize why Christopher's speaking the way she is. She must've learned 'the tongue' from someone who spoke the Chinese version. No wonder Patrick had trouble understanding her, he's been having a hard time learning it.

Doesn't explain why Christopher's talking in the third person though...

'Christopher's not surprised number twelve is Alpha-Female here after seeing Mauri and Alpha aren't Alpha's anymore.' Christopher removes the blanket, then stands, further revealing how badly malnourished she is. Also, add a kinked tail to her list of injuries she gently places the blanket over the caged area with motherly care.

Making sure the blanket cuts off the view of the rest of the room from her child by covering all the holes in the fencing. Her cub lets out a combination of mewling, and a hiss in protest since he can no longer see me as he has been watching me since I came in.

'Are you here to do what Beta Christine wasn't allowed to do? To put an end to Christopher the monster so Christopher can no longer hurt people?' HELL NO!

Her question and the fact she has closed the distance between us so quickly shocks me out of staring at her gaunt malnourished frame.

Any anger and hate I held towards Christopher evaporates. This, broken and shaking being is no longer that person, not by a long shot. Gently grabbing Christopher by the shoulders to steady her, Christopher flinches, but doesn't fight my grip.

With a look of surprise, and more than enough confusion painted on her muzzle, I lead Christopher back to the bed. Gently sitting her down, retrieving the blanket from the pen to wrap it around her. Keeping her decent, and most likely warm due to how thin her fur is.

'My name is Jackie Stradder, and I'm not going to kill you or harm you Christopher. You're a guest in my house, and I will make sure you and your son are healthy while I help the both of you acclimate to being free again.' Christopher tilts her head to the side showing her continued confusion as she wraps the blanket tighter around her frame.

I am at least happy this gets her to stop shivering.

Maybe we should get a small space heater for her?

'Why doesn't Jackie want to harm Christopher the monster? Even after what Christopher did to Christine? Christopher knows what Christopher did was bad, yet Christopher couldn't admit it because of what Christopher's job was. Christopher tried to make the pain go away, Christopher drank alcohol, Christopher took drugs. What money Christopher had, Christopher spent to drown away the knowledge Christopher is a monster. This made Christopher hurt Mauri, Christopher's friend. Christopher wanted to take care of him to make up how Christopher the monster treated him rather than the Christopher the friend.' Christopher looks down at her son, who now free of the covering, He's staring at me with child-like wonder.

He's up against the plastic grating making up the penned off area, holding himself up by grabbing onto it. All in an effort to get closer to me.

'And what did Christopher the monster do to Christine to deserve to be called a monster?' Christine never told me, refused to, and had a panic attack whenever I tried. I stopped trying after a while and decided to wait till she was ready, yet she never did come forward.

I want to know and Christopher is right here, or the shattered remains of him. She looks at me with her head tilted to the left, then back to the right.

'So Christine hasn't told Jackie what Christopher the monster did? Christopher will tell Jackie how much of a monster Christopher is after Christopher experienced it first hand. Maybe after that Jackie will reconsider about ending Christopher.' Christopher absentmindedly traces the scar on the side of her muzzle while speaking.

'When Christine tried to escape not long after she was bought, it made Christopher mad. Christopher had thought Christopher was doing the Bio-Morphs in Christopher's care a service. Christopher knew Mauri's was straddling the line between a restaurant and brothel. Christopher insisted that the line not be crossed. Christopher also had to please Christopher's father while running the restaurant. Father knew Christopher had to act uncaring to not alienate customers who believe Bio-Morphs unintelligent, even though Christopher's father seemed open to the idea. Stress from acting like this made Christopher drink.' I stare at her with rapt attention.

I didn't know about this family dynamic of her's, and I had only Mauri's word. Only knowing he somehow changed upon returning from college. So it was an act to keep his position and make her father happy.

What disturbs me is that Christopher seems to be staring past me, at the wall. I don't think this is a good sign of her mental health.

'Christopher knew drinking was not an excuse for what Christopher did. Nor is saying the stress got to Christopher from keeping up the duality. Something snapped inside of Christopher when Christopher was figuring out what to do. Christopher knowing Christine had Pack instinct disorder made Christopher come up with a stupid plan, at least in hindsight. Christopher knows that once a Bio-Morph tries to escape once, and they fail, they'll do it again until they succeed. Christopher also knew Christopher would be punished by Christopher's father if Christine escaped again and again.' Christopher shivers for a reason that isn't due to the cool air down here while rubbing her shoulder scar.

'So Christopher dragged a defiant Christine to Christine's residential container to tie her up inside on her bed. Christopher then beat Christine until Christine recognized Christopher as an Alpha Male above Christopher's friend Mauri, this took days.' Letting go of her scar, Christopher finally looks at me.

'Every time Christopher did this, Christopher had to be drunk to work up the will. Add to that Christine's female, despite Christopher being a human at the time. So Christopher also used the equipment Christopher no longer has on Christine every night too.' You know, over the years I've been wondering what Christopher did to Christine to evoke such a reaction from Christine.

The fact that Christine seems to react badly whenever I asked made me think what he did was some over the top monstrous act. Don't get me wrong, what he did was horrible. I just guess time and Christine's reactions made it seem worse than it actually was.

'So you beat and raped Christine till she complied with you, using her Pack instinct disorder to help you in getting her to submit?' Those dull eyes of Christopher's look away from me.

'Yes Christopher the monster raped and beat Christine while Christopher drank, Christopher knows it was not an excuse as Christopher is a monster. Because Christopher would've been called one if Christine was human at the time Christopher did this. Christopher was ashamed at what Christopher had done at the end of each day. Ordered Christine to never tell anyone what happened.' So that explains Christine's near panic attacks if I push the issue with her.

I'm about to say something along those lines, but Christopher keeps talking.

'Christopher knew what Christopher did was horrible, yet Christopher did it anyway. Christopher would be in jail or dead if Christopher did it to a human woman rather than a Bio-Morph. This is what drove Christopher the monster to do drugs, to ignore the mental pain Christopher's actions caused Christopher.' Her son starts mewling, and before I could move to help, Christopher quickly unwraps herself and picks him up in one fell swoop.

The little cub paws at Christopher's chest for nourishment, but with her emaciated state, the poor cub can't get anything out. Silently, and showing more strength than I thought her malnourished body suggested. Christopher stands, heading for the kitchenette.

With her son held in one arm, she uses the other to prepare a bottle of formula for him. Ignoring the mess of half-eaten food.

'Christopher has to admit, Christopher didn't know, no, couldn't know, at that time the extent of what Christopher the monster did to Christine.' Standing, I pick up the blanket to drape it over her as she starts to lightly shiver.

Only for her to stare back at me with a 'no' look on her muzzle, even through her dead eyes, so I back off and watch as she shivers.

'Was arrested in jobless center during drug sting as Christopher tried to buy some narcotics from a dealer. Ended up in a holding cell not long after, then one day Christopher woke up as you see Christopher now, a female puma Bio-morph. Christopher's meal that night must've been drugged with something, but, that doesn't matter anymore. Right now Christopher accepts the change as part of Christopher's punishment. Back then though, Christopher lamented the change in gender as Christopher's fur grew in along with Christopher's new breasts, hips, and ass.' Her tail twitches a little at this.

'Christopher found being female not so bad later when Christopher had a moment to try it out one night. Different to what Christopher had been used to as a guy, but okay nonetheless.' Tilting my ears a little I huff a little annoyingly at this.

How come he accepted it readily but I built that entire mental dam to ignore the obvious? It wasn't till I was forced to admit it did I find the entire thought of what I did silly and embarrassing.

Yet, here she is, okay with it after playing with herself once...

Now with a bottle full of perfectly warm formula in one hand, and her cub secure in the other while he reaches for it, Christopher walks back over to the bed and sits down. In another attempt to get at the bottle before Christopher gives it to him, and to my utter surprise, he unsheathes the full length of his claws.

So the cub's claws had only been partially retracted earlier? Now I wonder if it would be safe for Alex and Elizabeth to be around him till he knows not to use them.

Holding the bottle with her legs, Christopher pulls the blanket over herself then cradles her son to her chest. The moment the bottle is within reach of the cub, he latches on and starts suckling on it.

Still, there is something she mentioned that I want to know more about.

'You said you couldn't know at the time the extent you hurt Christine when you beat and raped her. Does that mean you were raped at one point as well?' Christopher glances over at me with that dead stare she has, then down to her cub. The only life I've seen in her eyes returns, even if just for a moment as she looks at him.

'A week after Christopher woke up like this, yellow-stone national park service bought Christopher. Christopher's destination was a pack who's main purpose is keeping poachers and invasive species out of a section of the park. All so millionaires and billionaires have tracts of untamed nature to frolic in. That pack only had a single Alpha, a male Komodo dragon breed, more than a head taller than Christopher is now.' Christopher pets her cub as he eats.

'When Christopher arrived, Christopher found it suspicious the females in the pack weren't taking part in the pack's duties Christopher knew she would have to do. Instead, they were carrying young, nursing scars, or were pregnant. Each one upon seeing Christopher looked at Christopher with more pity than Christopher thought was possible. Christopher being blissfully ignorant of what was to come.' Christopher moves her hand to gently rub her cub's muzzle as he eagerly drains the bottle.

I make a mental note to ask if she's named the cub yet.

'For the first couple of weeks Christopher was there, the pack's Beta-Males taught Christopher tasks the pack must do, and Christopher didn't mind being the only female among them considering clothing was optional. Then Christopher learned why Christopher was the only female among the Beta-Males. The higher up people in the park management were watching the pack with drones, making sure what they purchased, Christopher, was doing what they wanted Christopher to do. When they were satisfied and stopped, that's when things went bad for Christopher.' With the bottle empty, Christopher gently cleans her cub up with the edge of the blanket, and gives him a loving lick on the nose. In turn, he paws at her face gently.

Smiling at this, I watch as Christopher gently places him back down into his pen.

Christopher and I watch as he trots around the inside of the fence to burn off all the new energy he has. While I give a motherly smile, Christopher watches in silence.

The sound of someone leaning against the door connecting to the garage draws my attention but not Christopher's. Telling me Christine's listening in like she said she would as I wait for Christopher to continue her tail.

'The Pack Alpha-Male made Christopher submit to him again the day after they stopped watching. Unlike last time Christopher could not get away with just Christopher baring Christopher's neck. The Pack Alpha-Male wanted to fully claim Christopher, to fuck Christopher. Christopher didn't want to have sex him, Christopher didn't find the Pack Alpha attractive or good-looking to Christopher's new sexuality. Christopher prefers fur, not scales. Christopher had little choice in the matter though. Not after the Pack Alpha-Male punched, clawed, and threw Christopher around his fur laden container to get Christopher to submit.' She traces the scar on her muzzle, then pulls the blanket closer to herself. Shivering again from something other than the cool air.

So the newly female Christopher got treated to what the male Christopher did to Christine. Cosmic karma, but way too much for what should've been justice for the male Christopher. I don't dare stop her speaking though, if she's going to tell me it means she wants to let me know.

'It was only after Christopher relented and submitted fully to the Alpha-Male that Christopher realized the extent of the monstrous act Christopher the monster did to Christine. Christopher didn't want Christopher's body to react to the Alpha-Male's groping and fondling, but Christopher's new body did it without Christopher's input. Becoming aroused, warm, wet, and empty. Needing either a dick or something shaped like it inside of Christopher. Christopher didn't want to feel pleasure when the Alpha's dick entered Christopher's slit. Yet Christopher cried out in a pleasureful moan as Christopher felt what it was like to have sex with a male for the first time, despite not wanting it to be 'that' male. Christopher had recently started fantasizing about finding some attractive male now that Christopher was female. The choice of whom would be the first male Christopher took to bed had been taken from Christopher.' I notice Christopher's shivering gets worse.

Draping my right arm around Christopher's shoulder, I draw her closer. Christopher surprises me by instantly latching onto me, burying her muzzle into my shoulder.

She's heaving like a human would as they cry, but like all Bio-morphs, we lack that kind of tear duct. So the only thing coming out of her is pathetic mewling with hitching breaths.

What surprises me is her son is copying Christopher's mewling sounds, while he stares at us with his head slightly tilted to the side.

I think he knows his mother is in distress, but can't understand why or how to help. Or at least that's what I assume, considering I've already started to think I can tell behavior differences between my own newborns that may or may not be there.

Chalking it up as being a new mother.

'Christopher tried fighting back again, to force him to get out of Christopher's vagina. Yet, Christopher's body betrayed Christopher much to Christopher's surprise. Christopher felt Christopher had the strength to fight, but Christopher barely had the strength to stay on Christopher's hand's and knees. All the while Christopher's body rocked with pleasure that Christopher didn't want feel from him as Christopher came. Then for Christopher's body to do it again when the alpha's knot entered Christopher's vagina, causing Christopher to lose what strength Christopher had, sending Christopher's head to the ground. Then, once more did Christopher's new body wrack with such a peak of pleasure when Christopher felt what it's like for seed to enter Christopher for the first time.' Gently, I pet her head and neck as she lets it out.

I radically revise my view on Karma as I hold her mewling form. This isn't the justice Christopher should've gotten, the justice I wanted her to get as I was held captive back at Marui's and she was a male Human. A part of me and the cub still staring at us tells me this wasn't the first time she was raped by that Alpha-Male, the amount of scars she bares all over her body is also proof of that in my mind.

Moving Christopher, so I look her in the face, I run a thumb across her muzzle and scars as she tries to look away from me. Like she's unable to look me in the eyes.

'What happened next Christopher?' Her son chooses that moment that he's tired of being confined in the pen set up for him. So he climbs over the fence to my utter amazement get to his mother. I make a mental note to secure the one keeping Alex and Elizabeth in the nursery, so they can't do this.

Christopher upon seeing her son coming towards her, instantly lets go of me, scooping him up in her arms. Holding him close to her chest Christopher watches as the poor newborn licks his mother all over in an attempt to comfort her.

'When the Alpha-Male was able to separate from Christopher, he tossed Christopher out of the Alpha Male's container. Into the hands of one of his Beta-Males that in turn took Christopher to where the other females of the pack stay. A large communal tent made of tarps and animal hide. They tended to Christopher's physical wounds yet, they had nothing to stop the storm raging in Christopher's head from this. Christopher upon asking, learned why there are cubs. Learned that the park rangers have a deal get kickbacks for selling juvenile Bio-Morphs who've hit puberty, supplementing their meager salary. To do this, they only deliver some yearly doses of heat blocker. Leaving it to the Alpha's of the packs in the park to decide who will and won't get them.' After a short while of the cub licking Christopher, does she start licking her son in return. Followed a moment later curling up into a ball with her son in the middle, her head on her fore-paws looking in my general direction.

I know she knows I won't harm her son, yet she tightens the ball she's curled up into if I so much as start reaching for him. Despite the fact he's squirming and wants to look around.

'Christopher admits Christopher lost track of time after that. It was hard not too when the days blend into weeks because you're doing the same menial tasks with no clocks or calendars at hand. Christopher does know Nine winters came and went with the Alpha Male taking Christopher every few full moons. Christopher had quickly learned to not feel it when it was Christopher's turn to pleasure the Alpha-Male, only the wounds afterwards. Christopher gave it to Christopher the monster inside of Christopher as punishment for what Christopher the monster did to Christine. All the while Christopher wondered why Christopher had to deal with this for what Christopher the monster did in the first place.' My ear twitches as the door to the room opens, followed by two sets of footsteps echoing down the stairwell.

Looking over I see Christine, with my husband, Patrick holding her by the shoulders just in case. Christine is just staring, wide-eyed and confused at the husk that is Christopher curled up on the bed.

Christopher for her part doesn't even seem to notice the two of them being down here now.

'Then came the heat season last fall, and the Alpha-Male, so far pleased with how Christopher had adapted to life in his pack. Chose Christopher to bare his child this year, while choosing another female for his most trusted Beta-Male for his loyalty. Christopher has to admit, Christopher had a hard time remembering what went on after heat hit Christopher. Only thing Christopher can recall is Christopher had a hot itch inside Christopher's vagina and that Christopher and Christopher the monster wanted, no, needed anything with a dick to scratch it. Then, one morning Christopher awoke among the elk fur covered bed of the Alpha-Male and Christopher knew.' Christopher uncurls enough to start licking and grooming her son from head to toe.

He lets out a protest mew and squirms at her attention, seemingly not wanting to be cleaned. Christine, me and Patrick watch in silence as Christopher continues to lick him for a few minutes, leaving no patch of his fur alone before continuing.

'Christopher somehow knew Christopher was Pregnant as soon as Christopher woke up. The child Christopher now had inside, once he or she reached puberty would be taken from Christopher and sold into slavery. A fate Christopher has seen other children and the females in the pack go through. Christopher didn't want that for Christopher's child.' Christopher curls back around her son, not as tightly though.

I don't know if Christopher gave her son the opening that he's now trying to use on purpose or not.

'The Alpha-Male was too trusting of the females he took and desecrated, Christopher among them. Christopher and Christopher the monster both agreed that something needed to be done as Christopher watched him sleep, Christopher realized one of the flint hunting blades he keeps nearby would do nicely for what Christopher had in mind. So Christopher, ignoring the pain from Christopher's newly broken tail and the new set of cuts the Alpha Male gave Christopher. Christopher quietly slipped out of the Alpha's bed and grabbed the flint skinning knife in Christopher's hands. Then as the Alpha male slept, Christopher plunged it though the Alpha-Male's neck with all Christopher's might. Christopher felt the blade cut into bone as the Alpha-Male's eyes flew open in surprise, they looked up at Christopher, Christopher knows he saw Christopher's snarling muzzle and Christopher cursing him out. A moment later he gurgled blood as his eyes went glassy, only then did Christopher let go of the blade.' Christopher pauses for a moment, staring out into nothing before continuing.

'Christopher had done to the Alpha-Male, what Christine should've done to Christopher the monster upon seeing Christopher.' Christopher's son finally manages to wiggle out of her mother's grasp. Christopher turns to look at him, but doesn't stop him.

He climbs over her and tumbles onto my lap. Righting himself he goes about sniffing me over me curiously. So I hold out my flesh and blood hand for him to smell, and he does. Before he playfully gnaws on one of my fingers causing me to coo...

Christine slowly slides out of Patrick's grasp by rolling her shoulders and sits down on my left. Looking down at the cub in my lap Christine tilts her head a little with her ears up and forward. Patrick pulls a folding chair up to the bed and sits down facing us.

'Christopher quickly ransacked the Alpha-Male's container for clothing, sacks, weapons, food, and anything else Christopher thought would be useful for Christopher's escape. Christopher knew Christopher couldn't stay there as the Alpha's beta-males will kill Christopher for this once they found out. Didn't matter that the collar would set off an alarm that Christopher had left the park if Christopher did this. Christopher and Christopher the monster agreed that Christopher's sole goal in life now was that the child inside Christopher, to make sure the child would never be a slave. That meant Christopher somehow had to walk from Yellowstone National Park, up to Canada with winter on the horizon. All the while this child will grow inside of Christopher, eventually hampering Christopher's physical abilities when Christopher got closer to term.' Christopher looks over and watches as I gently pet her son's head.

He's still playfully gnawing on my hand.

'With a pack full of supplies Christopher set off on Christopher's chosen trek as the sun started to rise. Christopher's still surprised Christopher even made it to Canada, especially after having to stop to give birth just before the border.' Christopher finally notices Christine's sitting on my left.

Smiling a little, she glances over to a box on the rolling wardrobe as I watch her eyes gain focus again.

'Hello Christine, you know Christopher is a monster. You've heard Christopher describe how Christopher killed Christopher's former Alpha-Male. Christopher deserves a similar death now considering Christopher's child can live free here in Canada.' Christopher's attention turns from the box to Christine.

'There's a flint hunting knife in that box, Christopher had it in Christopher's possession when the Alpha-Male Patrick found Christopher in the supermarket. Please take it Christine, and plunge it into Christopher's neck. Ending Christopher's sorry existence as a just punishment for Christopher's crimes.' To my utter shock and horror, Christine stands before I can remove Christopher's cub and grab her.

Patrick's faster though, as he bolts from the chair. Firmly grabbing Christine by the shoulders.

'Alpha-Jackie, Alpha-Patrick... Please trust me in this...' Ears and tail angled in submission and pleading Christine looks at both of us. A look of determination is in her eyes though.

Twisting of her shoulders, she slips out of Patrick's grasp. He doesn't try to grab her again. Walking over to the box and reaching in, Christine pulls out a six-inch-long flint blade, tied with animal sinew to a roughly carved elk antler handle.

It looks like something out of a museum to be honest.

Firmly holding onto it, Christine slowly approaches the bed. Christopher's child turns to look at her mother curiously as Christopher lays out prone, parting the fur on her neck with her hands, baring her neck for Christine's strike. The young cub glances over at Christine while letting out a pathetic mewl.

He seems to know something is wrong, or at least that's what it feels like.

Tensing, I gently remove the cub as I prepare myself to lunge across the short gap and stop my first beta, my sister for god's sake, from committing murder.

Only to sit there completely dumbfounded, as Christine smashes the blade against the concrete floor with all the might she seems to be able to muster. Shattering the flint blade into a thousand pieces, scattering them all over the room. Dropping the handle in the process, Christine pays no further heed to it.

The sound of it clattering on the floor breaks the stunned state I'm in, and from the look of Patrick's face, his as well.

'I refuse to kill you, no, I can't kill you Christopher. The Christopher who raped me, then beat me for that entire week is already, and thankfully dead! The Christopher laying here before me is a broken, beaten, husk of a person who has for years gone through what I only had to bare for a single week. Anything I'd do to you for that week would be unjust and I'd rightfully be punished for it.' Sitting there stunned again, this time at her words.

Would've never expected her to say this considering how Patrick told me she acted at first. Christine stares into Christopher's eyes with contempt, and mostly pity, before snorting loudly once and turning around. Heading away from here, and back upstairs as her tail angrily lashes about.

Christopher leaping off the bed shifts the bed's position a little and I gently hold onto her cub. She drags herself on hands and knees across the shard covered floor. Stopping Christine in her tracks the moment she latches onto Christine's tail with her hands.

'Christopher has no purpose in life now with Christopher successfully bringing Christopher's son to Canada. What Christopher did to you Christine was a monstrous act, and Christopher can't understand why you don't want to kill Christopher like you did earlier? Christopher deserves death, as Christopher would've gotten the death penalty if Christopher did what I did to you to a human. Christopher has nothing else and...' Patrick and I watch slack jawed as Christine yanks her tail out of Christopher's hands, turns, then lifts Christopher up by her shoulders.

Displaying more strength than I thought she had.

Christine's ears are flat back with a snarl on her muzzle. Her tail lashes back and forth even harder as Christine brings Christopher's muzzle a hair's breath from her own.

'Fine then Christopher! Think me not killing you as your punishment for doing that to me. Do you want to know what totally pisses me off right now over this? I admit it may be because my Alpha-Female Jackie just gave birth to her children. Is that you CLAIM you have no purpose in life Christopher when your purpose, your SOLE purpose. Is staring at us wide-eyed, confused and with concern on his cute little muzzle over his MOTHER'S well-being! Who you were, Christopher, had been broken years ago and is most likely gone, who you are 'now' is a mother with a child. If there's ANYTHING left of the old Christopher left in you, use whatever shard of it to man up, and take care of your child like a proper mother should!' Christine unceremoniously drops Christopher to the floor while growling out loud.

With her tail lashing about, Christine stomps angrily out of the room, slamming the door on her way out. Gently removing Christopher's cub off my lap, much to his protest, I slide off the bed, so I can help Christopher back onto her feet.

Patrick stands and follows Christine, muttering about making sure Christine doesn't do anything stupid in her rage, though I suspect it's to leave the two of us alone.

'But, Jackie... Patrick... Christine... Christopher doesn't know how to be a good mother to a child. Christopher doesn't want Christopher's son to grow up like Christopher did and do the same thing...' Gently leading her back to the bed, her cub instantly leaps onto her lap as soon as she sits back down.

Proceeding to Rub his head against her while letting out small feline chirps.

I draw them both into a hug after her son finishes this touching scene. I'm also glad Patrick wasn't down here for it, he would've revoked my tomboy card at the girlish sounds I made watching her son do that.

'What Christine said to you is about as close to forgiveness as you're going to get from her Christopher.' Gently I rub my hands across her back. 'As for me, I promise to help you be a good mother for your son, as I try to be one myself for my own two children.' Reaching up, I gently guide Christopher's head onto my shoulder.

Her cub though decides that I'm a good thing to climb, so he's trying to get onto my other shoulder. With great success.

'I forgive you Christopher, I forgive you for what you put me through when I was owned by you and your father at Mauri's. I forgive you, for how your actions led to sixteen nearly raping me. And... I forgive you for those who can't be here to forgive you in person like the rest of Marui's and Alpha's former pack.' While I talk I gently rub her head and sway back and forth rhythmically.

It seems to calm both Christopher and her son, the latter of which hops off of me and pushes himself in between us. As he does this Christopher shakes like she's trying to cry again, if Bio-Morphs could that is.