Reunion chap 1

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Hooves Herm



Chapter 1

It has been one hundred years since the ordeal in the great woodlands... A hundred years since the strange pale furless one, had been stranded within this bizarre realm of talking animals. For the time being he made peace

with the more higher class beings, most importantly the Unicorns. After the dealings with the half-breed known as Hooves, the human was allowed to live among the creatures of the forest. As reconciliation for the many tried and failed attempts to send him back to his earthen realm. Though he was a considerable fighter, the Unicorn elders deemed that he was to 'impure' and 'unworthy' enough to dwell amongst themselves. And therefore he was sent off to live in the wilderness again.

Jonny became the wanderer once again and sought refuge in the hollow of a great tree for a few years. It wasn't much of a living, but there was plenty of fresh fish in a nearby stream for him to survive off of. Though he cut himself off from socializing with the local woodland creatures, as his solitude began to have more affect on him. He spent that morning cleaning his latest catch of salmon by the stream. His body a bit more gritty and weathered than when he first arrived, his face having some minor scars from battles amongst the larger beasts of this realm. Yet his colorless flesh seemed to retain its satin smoothness, aside from the scaring textures.

There was a heavy mist that morning, the creeping fog in the air made it difficult to see through the trees of the forest floor. While the human crouched still cleaning his fish meal thoroughly. As he took a drink of fresh

water, after setting aside the cleaned fish on a hook. The taste of the cold water never got old to the humans tongue, as he splashed a good amount on his face. Washing away most of the natural grit and grime, that had accumulated over the days.

The wanderer ever alert even in these sylvan settings, startled as he hears a soft giggle from nearby. Falling into his instinctive combative stance, he crept forwards through the forest. Into the mist shrouded bushes along the forest pathways, to a large rock over looking a small glade below. Within that glade danced a slender handsome young Stag boy, and a startlingly familiar white and black striped shape. The Zebra unicorn seemed to move within a nimbus of silvery light. Hir sleek body concealed yet flaunted, clearly arousing hir young male partner. He moved in fondling her exposed breasts, his strong finger rubbing and tweaking those big shiny black nipples. The smell of aroused musk was heavy in the air, and the horny young Stag wasn't aware that not all of it is his! The Wanderer sat himself down, watching as the mythical wonder below played out hir game. Luring... drawing the lustful young male in with hir feminine charms...

Hooves three fingered hands played over hir rash conquests throbbing male hood... as he danced pressing in closer to hir. Soon shi would be tasting the pleasures of his body in ways he did not expect... When suddenly hir eye's widen... shi sense those watching eyes. Being watch was exciting shi loved it... but it was the feeling of who was watching that got to hir. Shi had not felt him in many years, and had forgotten how much they were connected... Shi could feel his excitement and amusement at hir games... and shi could feel his arousal growing and this triggered hir own arousal...

"Errr..." The young stag grunted stumbling back slightly a strange look on his muzzle.

"Uhem what was tha...?" The herm Zebracorn quickly corrected in hir illusion, which had slipped in covering hir huge black erection.

"Oh did my knee hit you... sorry just excited I guess." Shi lied smoothly dancing away, showing him hir sleek round rump. Lifting hir tail to expose those soft black sex lip's, that the Stag so wanted to plunder. The look of confusion and shock quickly melted to lust as he watched hir swaying rump. The show of hir anus and sex growing more graphic as his desires flamed. He quickly moved up behind hir dancing closer and closer until the oozing tip of his cock was painting those soft lip's. He wanted hir... wanted to rut hir so badly... the heat and softness of hir sex over powering. Grasping hir hip's he lunged forwards think to take that prize. But like mist shi vanished from his grasp and he stumbled forwards falling prone in the grass...

'Honey... that potent smell of honey laced with desire, and the most tingling sensation of tantalizing supernatural pleasure.' 'Pleasures that shi had tuned into a artful mastery.' Such a sensation hit him, with a wave of nostalgia like a train. As split second flashes, of a hundred intimate experiences in about 20 years time passed before his eyes in but mere moments. That potent honey fragrance, that no rehabilitation in the known mystic realm could totally and completely erase from memory. As his spying eyes beheld hir feminine, yet strong and tough body. Generous bosom and wide rump decorated with a tufted striped brush tail, tight fat black lips. Barely covering those inflamed pink folds of her mare blossom. He watched excited, as he could clearly see hir hands stroking the length of that huge zebra dick between her thickly thighs. Wondering why the young tan and handsome buck was so openly accepting of hir very studly organ.

All the time he was unaware of the illusion shi was playing with hir powerful horn, as she danced with grace and with slow precision. Indeed seeing her shapely form move so fluidly, made his heart throb as well as what

was hiding under his trousers. He kept as quiet as a mouse, as he observed with undying curiosity. Not even aware, that the magic that fueled Hooves horn. Was also a piece of the magic he had took, when they separated after being together for so many years.

The young handsome Stag giggled as he felt hir body land atop him, hardly realizing that hir hooves had kicked his legs wide apart. But the wide amused grin on his muzzle faltered a bit as shi landed atop him. "Owwww hey your knee is digging into my..." He grunted trying to wiggle out from under hir strong body, as shi lay down totally covering him.

"Ohhhh sweety... that's not my Knee." Shi purred into his ear, as hir soft lip's nibbled at it playfully. "But I am Very excited." Shi chuckled, hir voice lower and much more masculine sounding. As hir big round hip's, so feminine appearing maneuvered above his round bubble butt.

"Not your... but then wha..." The handsome young Stag twisted his head around, but this only got him a view of her big bouncy tits.

"I promised you a Rutting..." Hooves purred huskily, as shi expertly spread him out and positioned hirself. "But I Never promised you'd be the one doing the rutting!" The Stags eye's widen in shock and fear, as he felt the big blunt head of hir very male organ against his taboo orifice. Hot watery spurts of pre-cum oozing over it, as shi pushed against his plucker. Shi had planned to make this conquest a bit slower and more teasingly, but feeling hir watcher had excited hir to much.

Still hir magic flared helping the Stags virgin hole to accommodate hir massive stallion hood. He struggled as he figured out hir meaning, but like most males taken by surprise he couldn't resist effectively. And his struggles turned into withers of pleasure, when hir mighty magical organ bounced over the male pleasure knot within him. Hooves smiled as shi felt his hole clench on hir cock, and knew that his own was rock hard and dripping beneath him. "Ammmmm ya..." Shi moaned tucking hir legs under hir and sitting up with him on hir lap. Playfully reaching around to fondle his long pink male hood as shi gave their watcher a show...

The human could scarcely believe his eyes, as he saw the larger Zebra herm sit back. With the tiny buck upon her lap, as she held that tan velvety body close to her striped one. Fingers stroking and tickling the long

Venison shaft between the Stag's resisting thighs, as like all males the buck soon gave into acceptance. He swallowed hard as shi faced his position, almost knowing where he was at. Though his body was completely

obscured in the shrubs, as he shivered a little with warm chills. Finding his own hand slipping into the waist of his trousers, to feel his own growing arousal. He could see the tan body pressed rather securely against the

Zebracorn's large bouncy bosom, making her tits squish and tense firmly against his backside. As he could see the twin black velvet orbs beneath hir sheath, he knew that shi'd keep that massive black cock inside of him until shi got hirself off good.

Reaching out shi felt his mind... sensed his growing arousal and this fired hir own lusts. And shi began putting on a show for him, nimble fingers caressed the young Stags stiff nipples. As his head lay back on hir shoulder, eyes closed mouth hanging open. Grunts and moans escaping from the handsome Cervines mouth, as one of hir hands stroked his cock and the other played with his nipples. Hir magic making them grow as shi toyed with them... soon the handsome unknowing Stag was sporting pert pear sized tits. Hir hand slipped down to join hir other on his genitals caressing his soft scrotum, then reaching just below. Tracing runes onto that smooth flesh... and soon Jonny watched as a hot pink little opening formed. Even as the Stag's body seemed to melt and soften rounding in all the right spots. Hooves dark eyes glanced up at hir unseen watcher, should shi leave the deer a herm or take him all the way to a doe...

The human was now more openly fondling his own arousal, breathing heavily at the show below. Sighing, knowing without a doubt that the Zebracorn sorceress knew exactly where the eyes were spying from. As shi appeared to make sure the human saw what shi wanted him to see. Hearing the stretching of skin and muscle, as her large hands mold the young buck slowly. Into a more doeish form, Jonny wondered if shi would make his precious stud hood disappear completely. While he could still see minor struggling amid the shape shifting tan buck, he knew that the magic both illuminating from hir horn. As well as the terribly powerful magic burning in the stallion hood buried deep within the young Stag's body. The buck was experiencing physical pleasure so strong, and long that even the finest of wines couldn't bring his body to the state of intoxication it was in right then.

Hooves smiled as shi felt his arousal, gently shi lay back. Pulling the now not totally male Stag up and back. Until the bucks head lay cushioned on hir big breasts, leg's splayed wide apart. As hir massive black cock slid smoothly in and out of that debauched anus. It was a clear invitation, both hir and the Stag spread out... open ready for penetration. Slowly shi rocked the handsome Deer back and forth on hir thick organ. Still toying with his erect organ, playfully rubbing and stroking it. As shi put on hir erotic show, kissing and teasingly nipping along the Stag's neck. Clearly the sorceress of seduction had not lost any of hir prime or spirit. As shi had the half Stag now deep within the pit of hir cloudy orgasmic powers, seeing that soft doeish head sink against the big squeezable tits. The human's own erection tent started to form a wet spot, at the tip as his maleness started to drip at the sight of the slow movements. Hooves clearly taking hir time to savor the sensation of every single inch of hir huge cock sliding in and out of the young body.

Finally the human could stand no more, and those golden eyes upon Hooves muzzle faltered. As the figure suddenly vanished from sight, hearing a few rustles amongst the shrubs and bramble. After a few minutes of silence other than the noise from the rutting pair, the half-breed felt heated breath wash over the back of one of hir expressive Zebra ears. As well as heated words whisper into it. "Why must you constantly haunt my soul...." Came the voice of the human, now directly behind hir backside. As a pair of pale hands came around and stroked along the length of that striped muzzle. All the way to the moist black snout, and over those thick expressive lips. The human putting himself in danger of being discovered by the rutted Stag. But thankfully he or she was so drunk from the spell Hooves put on him... that reality would feel like a dazed dream at the moment.

The sleek striped Zebracorn trembled at that touch, instantly their mental bond reforming even after so long a separation. 'Two souls haunting one each for another...' Shi thought at him languidly, as shi pressed into his touch. Their minds going into a dance or random experiences and feelings. Touching and stroking each other like the two lost lovers now reunited they were. 'I have missed you sweet one.' Its and understatement Jonny can see and feel in hir mind how true this statement is. 'Will you share this little pleasure with me?' Shi asked gesturing with fondling hands to the Stag atop hir lap. 'Or perhaps you would prefer some more... personal attention?' And the human got the sense shi would grant him full and total access to hir lush body...

Hearing hir speak these words, he had almost forgotten just how much they were in love with each other. Originally just a pet for hir pleasure, a weekend toy like rest of hir rutting crop of tasty young hot-shot males trying to show their dominance to the tribe. But Jonny had Hooves experience love on a physical level shi had scarcely ever felt, hir half-breed status made hir virtually un-matable to any of the proud unicorn stallions.

"No beloved..." He whispered back lovingly into hir big ear again, as he pressed his body to hir backside. Before gently tilting that long defined Zebra head to one side to look at hir eye-to-eye, before whispering hotly over hir

velvety lips. "Finish pleasuring yourself on this young one... then we'll go someplace private to catch up." His lips ending with a suppressed quiver mere inches from those black equine lips. Hooves' moist tender snout could

smell the sexual tension coming off the human, like a thick cloud of potent spices. Possibly only making hir understated feelings even more hard to keep to hirself. But, all though the human loved hir deeply, as a friend he still respected hir duty and practice as a sorceress of seduction. And would refuse to directly interfere with hir 'work' at least for the time being. Besides judging by the way things were going, it wouldn't be much longer before shi made the poor confused and shape changed Stag explode.

Hooves big pouty equine lip's twist up into a smile, as hir full attention went back to the Stag on hir lap. "Come on out." Shi called powerfully and from across the glade the bushes shake. Two other young Stags stumble out, propelled by hir magic command they move jerkily. "Come to watch your friends conquest..." Hooves observed with a smirk, sensing they were as shocked as the Stag shi was rump rutting. But that didn't stop them from sorting thick dripping erections, then hir brow farrowed as shi sensed more. "Oh... he promised you a go... after he was finished." Shi snorted hir lip's twisting up into a more wicked smile. "You Boys..." Shi emphasized the word boys leeringly. "Want to take a ride on me?" Shi asked smirkingly, gesturing to hir huge male organ, as the pair grow wide eyed and shake their heads no wildly. "Oh I see he... promised you pussy..." Shi chuckled as they nodded yes. Hir hand caressed the Stag's hard male organ, magical shrinking it as hir orgasm came. The long pink organ spurting as the Stag on hir lap trembled in pleasure. Dumping his last load of creamy stud milk on to the ground, as his organ morphed into a nice sized clit. Hooves shoved the doe off hir lap as the two Stags looked on wide eye. "Have fun boys... she's in season!" The white and black striped Zebracorn smiled, as shi stood up and stroll into the forest...

Once more the two bucks were way to focused on the rutted, and now full doe. To really take notice of the human behind the tall Zebracorn half-breed. The air smelling rather strong with the potency of male buck seed, as the human finally came to his senses. Turning around just in time to see the wide striped Zebracorn rump disappear into the bramble of the forest. The human suddenly getting up to his feet awkwardly, as he sported a still fully hard and somewhat embarrassing tent in his trousers. As he pursued hir rather awkwardly into the thickness of the forest, his eyes looking around for hir wildly.

"Hooves...?" He called somewhat unsure, for Hooves had impressive powers of hir own. One could never be to sure when dealing with hir after all. A big three fingered hand reached out of the shadows fondling the tented front of his trousers playfully. As shi stepped out into the open, hir big hot body smelling of equine sweat and sex musk.

"Now what was it you wanted, to get me alone for?" Shi purred as shi pulled him close and nuzzled his neck and cheek. Even as the screening brush became transparent, so they could watch the acts going on in the glade. The little doe was trying to protest, trying to remind her friends who she was. But the horny Stag's were unconcerned with who she had once been. And her protests swiftly turned into moans of pleasure, as the first one mounted her. Those moans becoming muffled as the second one pulled her muzzle to his engorged crotch. "Ammmmm Jerome does make a sweet little doe..." Hooves smirked as shi watched the action hir hands working to free the human's own engorged organ.

Jonny gasped as he's suddenly pulled against the taller Zebracorn, as he gave a bit of a shudder. Feeling hir shapely, yet strong body press against his exposed skin, the human quickly undoing his pants and letting the worn

leather fall to his feet. As the large hand kept feeling his now bare and sheath-less hard on between those milky white thighs.

"I had hoped for a chat... but pleasure before buisness." He moaned, as they both wanted pretty much the same thing. He sheepishly ran his slender smooth fingers along Hoove's neck and head, as he felt those big moist Zebra lips and warm snout on his cheek and neck skin. Hooves could feel the humans eyes on hir prized stallion hood between hir legs, just the sight of its might alone was enough to make the human's prick start to drip with pre-cum.

"Hahah... oh sure..." Shi laughed as shi helped free him from his clothing and caressed his gloriously naked body. "And what is your pleasure sweet one?" Shi giggled as they watched the Deer rutting through the magically transparent bushes. "You can have whatever you wish sweet one..." Shi promised as hir sleek sensual body swayed and grinds against his smooth naked one.

"All that I wish... is to feel you passions flow in me again..." Jonny admitted clearly giving the herm a rutting invitation. But unlike the male studs that shi takes pleasure in humiliating, the human knew that Hooves struggled

between a mixture of love and lust whenever Jonny would offer hir his flesh freely and unconditionally. The human, now totally naked fell back onto a bed of soft violets that almost seemed to pop up on their own, as he pulled the bigger Zebracorn herm right down ontop of his body. His body strong and firm enough to support things much heavier than his own weight. Much to Hooves' relief, as he looked up into hir eyes for a moment and pulled hir big lips down for a deep kiss. Whilst hir big body and large breasts smooshed up against his white skin now a little moistened with heated sweat. As shi could feel his heart throbbing powerfully within his naked chest. Having the big herm 'in control' always made the human's heart flutter with both anxiety and desire. The buxom black and white striped Zebracorn pushed hirself against him, the big thick black male love muscle between hir leg's quivering. It had so recently been used, but rose again to full arousal at his caress's. And was soon hard and eagerly begging entrance to that taboo male orifice shi so loved to rut.

"And I desire to flow within you my sweet one." Hooves moaned hir voice husky with passion, as shi planted the big blunt black tip between those prefect round cheeks. The bluntness pressing insistently against his hot rectal gates, even as hot watery equine pre-cum dribbles over that hot orifice. Shi pulled his knee's up around hir sleek waist, as hir big organ worked with gentleness to penetrate him. Soft velvety muzzle covering the human's mouth with kiss's, as that lean powerful body hovered over him. At last sinking slowly in, as hir big organ wedged his sphincters open wide. Thick organ entering with gentle grace, like a husband taking his virgin bride...

Being underneath Hoove's might was something that a resisting stud would fear in his masculine dreams, but for the pale human of silken flesh it was something altogether different. Just the sound of the human's voice willfully giving himself to hir, was enough to boil the lust of the powerful stallion throbbing between hir thighs aching to tap into the willing body. Much to Hoove's surprise while shi was locked in a kiss of heated passion. Shi would not notice the hand slowly making its way towards hir incredibly thick rod.

Then hir eyes of blue would sparkle, as shi would feel the firm grip of the human's silken touch around hir thickness. Giving a tight squeeze, before giving a yank forcing a good few inches of hir incredibly hard and powerful male arousal into his seemingly virgin passage. The sudden sharp mind flooding sensation, made the human give a powerful moan right into Hooves' muzzle. That rippled down hir throat into hir lungs stealing hir breath for a moment. Shi could taste his heart beat pulsing hot and wild, the human's prick drizzling pre-cum by now. While shi knew that even if he was genetically enhanced, a superhuman wouldn't last long under the magical mating of a Unicorn. Not to say that one climax was all the human was good for...

"Ohoooooooo!" Shi moaned as that hot tight male flesh closed and squeezed around hir big organ. It was amazing... how many times had shi mounted him? Hundreds thousands... yet Jonny was still as tight as he was the first time. Even the Unicorn stallions shi'd trapped into serving hir didn't hold up this well. One big three fingered hand swept down to stroke that strange human penis. Scooping up a big gobble of pre-cum on one finger bring it to hir lip's tasting it, then sharing a sticky kiss. "Love the way you feel sweet one." Shi moaned as hir hip's began to thrust slowly and deeply within him. As his big hands fondle hir naked body, male organs and hard little aroused nipples. Sticky kiss's growing more passionate... as hir pleasure grows and hir cock throbs harder. The sounds of the rutting Deer only adding to they're pleasure. The new little Doe obviously not just excepting of her new position in life, but now very actively enjoying that hard rutting. The second Stag was mounting her now... as the first lay back watching and getting aroused all over again from the erotic spectacle.

But the human was hit hard with nostalgia, as his minds eye recalled their rutting. On the evening that the human proposed to court the half-breed as a mate. His heart racing again hard, as the passion that happened years ago

was rekindling here and now. He could feel those big equine lips on his own, stretching and flexing and nipping over his face. The sharing of bodily fluids orally only heightening the atmosphere for them both. "I'll be yours

forever beloved... just take me." He moaned in a heated gasp over Hooves' lips and slitted nostrils. Those words possibly driving the stallion side of hir mad with passionate lust, as he could both feel and hear the massive

stallion hood in his body flex and stretch expanding with it's powerful muscles. "Oh gods... my love I... I'm g-gonna..." He gasps in a squeak as his shaft pulses like madly in hir grasp.

"Is that and oath?" Hooves mumbled softly, the wild edge of hir stallion arousal hard in hir voice. "My love forever... mine to rut and mine to own..." Shi panted hir thrusts growing faster and harder as hir passions mounted. Hir hip's pounding forcefully against his round prefect buttocks, as that huge organ ravished deep within. "Not yet my sweet." Hooves grunted lustfully, hir magic stopping his orgasmic ejaculation. Holding it back as shi reached down between them, tugging that hard male organ teasingly. Pulling it up over his belly... over his muscular chest... between hir big dangling breasts. Stretching that erect member like it was made of tafty... yet there was no pain only a feeling like being stroked. At last shi slips it between hir lip's, lapping at the head... suckling upon it. Hir hot mouth feeling sooooo good as the magic released it's grip... no longer hold him back.

The human gave a response to the mystical seductress... well that is if one could count a man's scream of lust as a 'response'. As the magic clamp that was holding back his desire was finally released. And the hard oval furless spheres between his sweaty thighs contracted almost violently plunging the human's brain into quite a strongly forced orgasm. His spunk traveling its magically lengthened shaft only to burst within the soft lips of that cute long equine muzzle. The pressure of those huge squeezing tits only heightening the experience, as he felt the magic of Hooves' horn wash over him almost making him drunk with euphoria. Never had the human ever felt one body want

to possess his own so badly, yet Hooves seemed determined to intoxicate Jonny's senses from his own climax first. His body as rigid as a board now and his insides painfully tight on the aching stallion hood, wild with its own passionate lust to launch a flood of potent cream through that smooth body.

So close now...

Hooves' long hot tongue circled the fat mushroom shaped head teasingly, as the human suddenly scream in pleasure and painted hir tongue with his tart salty seed. This only firing hir passion and made hir hump and thrust harder and faster. As if his sweet spunk was fueling hir, driving hir on... "Ammmmmm." Shi moaned smiling as shi swallowed the thick creamy treat. Hir huge black balls beating savagely against Jonny's own smaller ones as shi thrust hard and deep. Huffing for breath as hir body began to shine with frothy equine sweat. While across the glade the Stags had switched places again, and the little Doe was getting pounded yet again. Her heat circle making her perfectly willing to let them rut her as much as they were able. Hooves reached out with hir magic, and insured that she was impregnated. Her squeals of pleasure blending in with Hooves guttural grunts of lustful delight. As the Zebracorn's huge black shaft pumped in and out of of the human harder and deeper yet.

The human groaned below as his powerful, mind numbing orgasm slowly tapered off. His flood of male human spunk slowing down to a trickle, and his cries shrinking into whimpers. As he could feel Hooves' hunger for release now more than ever, as shi started to thrusts more and more aggressively. Shi could feel the human's soft furless hands run up and down hir now sweat coated velvety upper body. Pulling hir body down atop his below again as he practically sandwiches his face in between her huge firm moist breasts. Hooves could tell that the more shi forced hir love and lust upon the smaller human body, the more it drove him wild. At last the big striped Zebracorn gave way to hir bestial lusts, and that hard strong equine body hammered the humans smaller one powerfully. Hir big swinging orbs battering his crotch as hir mighty organ plunged deep. That huge iron hard stud tool tensing and flaring within him that big blunt cock head mushrooming out. And then shi came... a scalding hot flood that fills him with the strange warm essence of hir lusts. "Ohoooo... my sweet one." Shi moaned lipping and kissing at his face as hir orgasm made that powerful equine body jerk and plunge wildly. "I have missed you depths so much!" Shi admitted as hir orgasm roar on... into a half dozen hot liquidity gushes. But at last shi was sated and collapsed weakly onto the ground beside him. Laying panting and placid in those arms, panting for breath as the post orgasmic bliss filled hir mind.

For the moment the human was dwindling on the afterglow of his own orgasm, suddenly blinded with a flash then the sensation of fire washing over his entire body. As his vision returned to him, and saw the large Zebracorn laying beside him. Hir cock gradually softening within his bowels as he looked down to see his inner thighs drenched with watery pre-cum and thick gooey stallion spunk. "Was it good for you... my love?" He asked as he took a turn holding hir close, and stroking through her elegant black and white Zebra mane.

"Of course my sweet one... its just that your tight hole always feels so nice... I hate to leave it." Hooves panted as shi slipped out of him and sat up looking Jonny lovingly. "And I am glad as well." Shi insisted... the rutting Venison apparently gone leaving them in silence, with nothing but the faint chirping of the birds.