A Wolf's first love Part 4: Preparations

Story by Vesper the fox on SoFurry

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#4 of A Wolf's first love

_Hello constant reader (five points for whoever can tell me whom I am referring to) as you can see here is part 4. I added a little something something to what I had originally had written just to keep everyone interested. This took a lot longer than I was anticipating just because I had to go through and fix all the little things that it changed for the rest of the section so I hope you appreciate it. As always comment, critique and enjoy. _

Will spent his entire drive home reliving the kiss with Jake in his mind. The smells, the tastes, and textures it was perfect. That kiss it filled his mind and left him wanting more everything else, every worry and concern was displaced and before he realized it he was parked at his place. Will jumped happily from the car and bounced up to the door of the two story cream coloured house.

Will rented the entire house for himself, it cost a fair amount of money, but it was something he had. He just didn't want roommates, sometimes it did get a little lonely, but maybe if things worked out with Jake he would want to come and live with him. Will unconsciously slid the key into the lock and opened the door. Locking the door behind himself and dropping his keys into the bowl by the door Will headed into the kitchen. Will was contemplating a snack when he looked at the clock. It was nearing midnight, Will was shocked at how late it was, but when he considered the coffee shop closed at eleven and that he and Jake had taken their time on the walk to his dorm, and their goodbye the time did seem to be correct.

Despite the late hour Will was hungry so headed over to the pantry to grab a loaf of bread to make a sandwich. He stood examining the nearly empty shelves. "Looks like I will have to go shopping for food, soon or I will be eating ketchup for a couple of meals" he said only half joking to the empty house. Finally spotting the bread Will grabbed it and headed over to the fridge hoping it wouldn't be as empty as the pantry had been. Will stared in disbelief at the bleak selection that was waiting in the fridge. He wondered how he had let his food supply dwindle so low, yet again. Will figured that he could either have a peanut butter and raspberry jam sandwich or one made with ketchup and ranch dressing; he not surprisingly chose the former.

Will began to think about Jake as he spread the peanut butter and jam onto the pieces of bread. He found himself thinking about those gorgeous emerald eyes, the way they sparkled even in low light, he knew that he would never be able to say no to Jake if he turned those eyes on him. Everything about the fox seemed perfect to him, yeah he was a bit shy but he was also funny as he had shown earlier tonight. Will's only worry was that Jake was too good for him; he feared that Jake would figure out how great he really was and would leave him for someone better. Will would have been able to set his mind to rest if he had known that across town Jake was laying on his hard bed suffering from the same fear. While deep in thought Will had eaten his sandwich without even being aware that he was doing it.

Dumping his plate into the sink Will tuned and headed up to bed. Going through his usual routine Will brushed his teeth and removed his contacts. As he headed over to his bed he began to unfastened his pants and let them slide to the floor which was already cluttered with dirty clothes. Will began to slowly take his shirt off to dump it on the floor with his pants. When the shirt was half way off, he noticed Jake's smell flooding his nose.

Memories of his kiss with Jake, his first kiss with a male, flooded into the front of his mind. The sweet warm breath, the bulge in Jake's pants rubbing up against his own the way their musky scents mixed, and of course the way the fox's tongue knew just how much pressure to apply to the top of his mouth to drive him wild. Will let his shirt drop back down revealing the throbbing in his boxers to his eyes. Will noticed his boxers were already showing a little patch of moisture corresponding with the tip of his cock confirming that some precum had already made an appearance. Gingerly Will removed his boxers and fell back onto his bed. Slowly at first but continually gaining speed Will began to pump his right paw up and down on his wolf-meat. After only two or three strokes his knot had made its appearance. Using his currently unoccupied left paw he lifted his shirt so that it covered his nose allowing him to breath in Jake's scent. A moan escaped Will's muzzle as he gripped the base of his knot with his once more free left paw. He let himself imagine that it was Jake jerking him off. Those soft furry fox paws sliding up and down his pulsating cock in a steady rhythmic motion, stopping occasionally so that the fox could run his tongue from the wolf's furry silver balls to the tip of his continually dribbling wolf cock. Will's paw was easily moving up and down the length of his shaft now that he was thoroughly lubricated with precum. His hips stated to involuntarily thrust, desperately trying to reach that next step. Will knew he was close to climaxing quickening his the pace of his paw he imagined Jake wrapping his mouth around his ready to explode furry orbs. With one final pump and squeeze, his balls pulled up close to his body and began to release their load. Will let out at loud howl as ropes of semen covered the exposed part of his stomach and his shirt. Letting his shirt drop off of his nose Will just lay there panting, and glowing with the pleasure of what he thought might have been the best masturbation session he had ever had. After a minute or two of rest Will contemplated removing his shirt and going to bed, but then a new smell met his nose. It was familiar yet better than it normally was, he concluded it was Jake's residual scent on his shirt mixing with the smell of his musk and seed. Will continued to lay there breathing in that smell.

With that sweet scent in his nose, Will decided that maybe he would keep the shirt on tonight; maybe that smell would lead him to dreams which included Jake. Will slid between the cotton sheets and let that savoury scent take away all his worries and lull him into a deep and pleasant sleep.

Will awoke around noon the next day, but he continued to lie in bed trying to remember his dream before it could slip away permanently. He knew it had involved Jake so his little trick with the shirt had worked, but he couldn't quite remember any details, except that it had been good. Will closed his eyes to help himself concentrate, he wondered what had happened. He scrunched his brow trying to squeeze the dream out of his mind and success it worked. The dream came flooding back all at once not as vivid or perhaps erotic as Will would have perhaps hope for, but it was enough to bring a smile to his face.

Will's dream was so innocent, yet completely fulfilling. Will had merely been lying on the couch with Jake snuggling and kissing. Nothing more had happened in his dream, but he was content with that he knew if he had no other choice he would be happy like. Will turned his thoughts to tonight and hoped that maybe Jake would want to come back here and perhaps with a little luck his dream would come true.

Knowing that it was perhaps a little early to start preparing for his date tonight Will stripped off his shirt now crusted with dry semen and sauntered down to the kitchen to grab a little lunch. Upon entering the kitchen he remembered his dismally low food supply. Will figured he should pick up a few things in case tonight's date did end back here. Will quickly made and ate another peanut butter and jam sandwich, seeing as he didn't really have much other choice. Still naked he washed last night's plate and this afternoon's before heading back upstairs to get enough clothes on that he would be able to go out in public.

Will, now with a pair of jeans and a clean shirt, headed out to the store. Ordinarily Will would head over to the big grocery store on the other end of town to pick up all his food needs, but he didn't really want to take too long so he went to the much closer corner store. Once in the store he grabbed a few essentials like milk, more bread, and some apples that he noticed in a bin. In addition to grabbing some basics he made sure to pick up popcorn and some soda just in case he and Jake decided to watch a movie on the couch after dinner.

Will arrived home with his purchases and began to put them in their proper places. He put the bread and popcorn in the pantry, the apples in the fruit bowl on the counter, and the milk and soda in the fridge. With the food safely stowed away Will checked the clock.

"Fuck only 1:30" Will exclaimed. He knew that it was still too early to get ready but he couldn't just sit and wait, so he headed up to take a shower and begin getting ready despite the early time. Will went up to his room to pick out something to wear when he got out of the shower and realized that all of his clothes were all on the floor. Will gathered up all the clothes that had accumulated over the weeks and dropped them into his empty laundry basket. Will grunted as he lifted the now much heavier basket. Will began to heft his clothes down the cream painted hallway marked with the dents and scars of previous tenants. Reaching the laundry room Will stripped off the clothes he put on just over an hour ago, shivering slightly as the cold air caressed his now naked body, Will added them to the large pile in the basket. Will grabbed the clothes in bunches and tossed them haphazardly into the washing machine; not even bothering to separate the lights and darks seeing as they had all been washed so many times before that he didn't fear any bleeding of colours. Will giving another shiver felt no need to stand around waiting for his clothes, so he headed over to the bathroom to have a shower.

Will turned on the hot water and stood waiting for the water in the shower to get hot, it always seemed to take couple of minutes, thought Will offhandedly. Will just stood examining his nude form in the mirror. Will took note of his thin form, not excessively muscled, but there were small bulges hinting at the potential for it to develop if he worked on it. His fur was entirely silver except for the tips of black on his ears, which he always had felt was his most attractive feature. The mirror had begun to fog while he was examining himself and he recognized this as his cue that the water was now hot enough.

Will let out a moan of pleasure as the hot water soaked his body, and washed away the bit of dried cum left on his stomach. Hot showers were his favourite thing in the world and not surprisingly he rarely finished before the hot water ran out. As Will soaked in the hot water he began to think about his date with Jake tonight. He began to worry himself with what they would talk about. What if they just sat there in awkward silence and then Jake never wanted to go out again? Will stopped himself with a great effort from thinking about it too much before the nagging fear in his stomach took over and he began to regret his decision to go out with Jake tonight. He wondered what it was that made him so nervous around Jake. Even while he formed the question in his mind he already knew the answer. Jake was something special and he knew that he would change his life forever. The water had started to cool off as Will was lost in his thoughts and he took this as a hint that his shower should be done. Will turned off the water and gave a shake trying to get some of the water out of his silver coat.

Will stepped out from the shower and cringed as he always did when he stepped on the cold tiles of the floor. He really needed to get a rug so that this wouldn't happen every time, but he only seemed to think of it when he got out of the shower. Grabbing a towel from the rack on the wall he began to dry himself as he walked naked to the laundry room to see how his clothes were doing. The washing machine had completed its cycle while he had been in his shower, which wasn't too surprising when Will thought about the typical length of his showers. Will dropped his towel on the floor and began to move his clothes from the washer to the dryer with the ease that came from performing the action so many times before; he tossed a fabric softener sheet in and his now damp towel for the hell of it. Will cranked the timer not even looking at it before starting the machine. Recognizing that he couldn't do much more to get ready before his clothes were dry Will headed down to the living room to watch some TV while he waited.

Will sat naked on the couch watching TV. Wandering around the house naked was typical for him; it was as Will saw it one of the best perks of living alone. It wasn't that he was especially shy when it came to his body, but he felt it was kind of a common courtesy to wear something when other people were around. Will grinned wolfishly when he thought that if things went really well with Jake and he was able to convince him to move in then he still probably wouldn't have to wear clothes around the house. Will continuously flicked through the channels rarely pausing for more than a moment before he moved on, his mind was much too preoccupied by the date that was creeping ever closer. He did eventually manage to numb his mind with some game show and was only brought back to reality by the high pitch ding alerting him that the dryer had run its course. Will gave a stretch and stifled a yawn with his paw as he got up from the couch to retrieve his clothes from the dryer.

Will began to wonder if he might have enough time to have a quick nap before his date; he wanted to be sure that he would be fully awake for tonight. Will stifled another yawn as entered into the laundry room. He immediately began to pull his clothes from the dryer sorting them into four piles; one for pants, one for shirts, one for underwear, and one for socks. Will savoured the fresh clean smell of the laundry as it came out of the dryer and let himself enjoy the heat of the clothes as he began to fold it. Laundry was one of Will's favourite chores to do even though he did continually put it off. With his clothes successfully folded and sorted Will carried them back to his room to put them away and decide what he would wear.

As Will put his pants away into the second drawer of his bureau he debated which pair he would wear. He finally narrowed it down to either a dark blue or faded pair of skinny jeans. He stood staring indecisively at the two pairs of jeans lying on the bed. With a frustrated sigh he gave up on trying to decide on which pair to wear until he had picked out a shirt. The shirt was an easy choice for Will. He chose a tight black fitted t-shirt; this shirt was the best at showing off his thin form without making him appear too skinny. With the shirt selected Will turned back to the conundrum of which pair of jeans he should wear.

" The dark pair will make me look more mysterious and sexy, but the faded pair make me seem easy going and nice" Will said to himself, talking to himself was something that he began doing once he moved into this place alone. He contemplated the merits of each for moment longer before choosing the dark blue jeans. With his outfit now decided upon, Will got dressed and went into the bathroom to make sure that he looked good. The fog on the mirror had dissipated from his shower and he was now able to give his appearance a proper examination. He felt the jeans and shirt combination had the desired effect of making him look mysterious. He next began to examine the rest of himself, his fur was slightly ruffled giving the look of just getting up, which he liked. After another couple of minutes staring at himself in the mirror Will was satisfied that he looked good for his date so he went back down stairs to wait until 5:30 when he would leave to pick up Jake.

As he walked into the kitchen he noticed that it was ten after five, Will was shocked at how long it had taken him to get ready; he was glad that he had started getting ready so early and that he would only have to wait twenty minutes before he would be able to go and get Jake. He used his twenty minutes to make sure the kitchen was clean, and straighten up the blanket he had been lying on in the living room. With everything all tidied Will grabbed a couple of candles to put in the living room, just in case he and Jake came back here to watch a movie, he wanted to be able to set a nice mood. Will took one more look around and once he was satisfied that everything was perfect he went back into the kitchen to watch the clock until he would be able to go.

Will sat tensely in the kitchen watching the clock, waiting for the five remaining minutes to pass before he felt he could leave and go pick up Jake. He could feel his heart in his throat, he wondered why he had to be so damn nervous. The hardest part was done right? He had after all gotten his date with Jake. He sat tapping his foot in a mocking imitation of the ticking clock as he waited for those last couple of minutes to creep by. Each minute seemed to last an hour, but finally clock on the stove told him that it was finally 5:30. Will let out a sigh of relief as he rose up from the chair he had been sitting in, he wasn't sure if could have waited any longer and couldn't be happier that he didn't have to.

As he walked out the front door Will grabbed his keys and locked the door. Sitting down behind the wheel of his car Will wasn't able to suppress the grin spreading across his face, he had imagined how great it would be to go out with Jake since he had first seen him sitting down in front of him in history and now that his fantasy was becoming reality he couldn't be happier or more nervous. The drive to campus passed in a blur, and before Will knew it he was parked with the ignition turned off. As he stepped out of his car Will was greeted by the fresh air, but it did little to alleviate the knot of nerves that had found their way into his stomach. For months he had wished for this date but now that he was here he began to have second thoughts. All the things that could go wrong began to creep to the front of his mind. With his hand still on the car door he stood frozen contemplating phoning Jake and cancelling he could say he had the flu then he wouldn't have to deal with this nervousness that was threatening to overwhelm him.