...Ride A Cowgirl

Story by GingerM on SoFurry

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Also from 2011, I wrote a sequel piece to Typofest's "Save A Horse...", for the next morning in Rhiannon's bedroom. Again, cover art from ten years ago reflects the state of Second Life and my own primitive-at-the-time post-work abilities.

Story (c) 2011 by GingerM

Rhiannon belongs to GingerM

Horsey belongs to FA: Typofest

Horsey groaned softly, opening his eyes. A white-furred hand was cupping his balls... not squeezing, not gripping, just holding him. He could feel himself responding to that touch, too; his equine pride was unfurling, rising from his sheath. His eyes followed the hand, along the forearm, to the still-sleeping form next to him. The girl horse sprawled on her front, her face turned toward him on the pillow. Her eyes were closed but a smile played around her chocolate lips as her hand moved, shifting with his slight movements. Horsey's eyes ran over the shadowed curve of her breasts squashed against the sheets, the tempting twin mounds of her upturned chestnut ass, and down her strong thighs.

Though he couldn't see them from this angle, he knew very well what was hidden at the moment from his eyes; the velvety black scrotum, home to a pair of balls as big as his own and possibly bigger... and nestled in her crotch, a charcoal black sheath housing a horse cock he knew from personal experience was quite a bit bigger than his own generous tackle.

Memory of the previous night came back to him... picking her up in the bar, coming back to her place, swinging her into his arms as the door closed behind them, his hands already groping under her short skirt... and the shock of finding she wasn't what he thought. She'd evidently been expecting that shocked surprise; thrown off his planned schedule of events for the evening, which he'd intended to start off by throwing her down and mounting her in the hallway, the female stallion had spun him around and handcuffed him. Shortly thereafter he'd found himself muzzled, tied on hands and knees on her bed while she chuckled at his predicament; and shortly after that he'd stained the sheets with his cum despite himself as she pumped her first load of the evening into his quivering ass.

She'd un-muzzled him while pumping his butt, and after she'd emptied herself, he'd begged her to untie him... and to his surprise, she had. Her lust satisfied for the moment, she'd sprawled atop him, using him as a bed or a body pillow, until she felt like using him again. Her fingers had tickled his prostate, making him hard again very quickly though he flushed with embarrassment as her she-cock hardened as well; as well-equipped as he was to fill mares, her thickly-veined cock was an inch or so thicker and easily a hand-span or two longer. It just wasn't fair, he'd thought, that a horse as gorgeous as her should also be so much better hung. It was enough to make a stallion doubt his essential manhood.

This time she'd lifted his legs, grinning as he flagged his tail to one side - _as if I was the mare,_he'd realized, flushing again - and lifted his plump balls. Her entry had been easier; her cum was was still leaking from his ass, lubing her up as she pushed into him, and soon she'd been humping enthusiastically, plowing his butt with her engorged stallion cock, her black balls smacking his bottom. Embarrassed he'd looked anywhere but at her as his body betrayed him, his shaft hardening, bouncing off his cut abs as her cock-knob stroked his prostate, and in short order he'd been screaming his lust along with her, cumming in a white fountain that splattered his chest and face while her balls quaked and her she-stallion spewed another load of nut-butter in his rectum.

She'd promised him a chance to have her as well, and to his surprise she'd proved as good as her word. After pulling out, she'd told him to stay put, then knelt between his legs and descended on his cock with her mouth, slurping his meaty shaft into her mouth as she cleaned his cum-drizzled shaft and balls. How he managed to find the strength he didn't know, but her mouth woke his cock up again and then she was straddling him, her white fingers spreading a pair of chestnut-furred pussy lips as she lowered herself onto him. Her eyes were closed in bliss as she opened, snug and hot and wet around him, sliding down and down and down until she'd hilted him inside her tight-gripping cunt. She'd ridden him eagerly, a whirlwind of lust astride him while he groaned and panted and bucked, until he could take it no longer and with a loud, whinnying scream he'd erupted, shooting thick jets of jizz into her hot, wet mare's cunt while she writhed and screamed along with him, eventually collapsing on top of him, her greedy pussy still gripping his cock, keeping him inside her.

"You're not half bad, lover boy," she'd said, her green eyes smiling into his. "Told'ja it'd be good, didn't I?" she'd asked, tracing a finger along his muzzle, and to his considerable surprise, he'd agreed. She'd chuckled softly, rolling off him, his prick sliding out of her with a wet, sucking slurp and in moments he'd fallen asleep, exhausted.

A stray shaft of morning sunlight fell on her chestnut rump and he rolled onto one elbow to look at her. From this angle he could see her generous black velvety balls between her spread legs, and the sheen of dried equine jizz - his jizz - that had leaked from her pouting charcoal cunt lips, matting the fur around her puss and along her inner thighs. And above... above was the tight, puckered star of her asshole. A confusing mix of emotions rose up in him... here was the perfect opportunity for payback; she was asleep, and the ropes she'd used to bind him were on the floor. He could have her trussed up and then take her ass just like she'd taken his...

"Mmmm... morning, sugar," she said, rolling onto her side to smile up at him, her eyes wise and knowing. "Now, y'all weren't thinking of takin' advantage, were ya?" she asked with a low, throaty laugh. He teetered on the edge of the moment, then broke eye contact.

"Glad to hear it," she said, her green eyes glittering. His dropped to her crotch; she was unsheathing again, her thick, meaty shaft sprouting above her heavy sack. "Now, you just lie back like a good boy," shi murmured as she rolled onto her knees. Heart pounding, he did as he was told. She knelt, straddling his face, and his vision was filled with her pussy and balls, and against his muzzle he felt something silky-soft, warm, thick and rubbery. "Open up," she said, and his maw parted, admitting her fat knob, already dripping with pre-cum.

"Breakfast is ready."

Save A Horse...

"Silly boy~" Rhiannon chuckled seductively; her hips swayed and her husky voice dripped seduction, a hint of things to come, also bitterly nostalgic. This was the voice from the bar, Horsey thought, that had fucked him over. If only he'd never heard...

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The Importance of Discipline (Chap 1)

_Like fragile bubbles, the universes press close together, touching yet separate. In one, starships roam the galaxy, seeking, exploring... in another, those same starships fare forth bent on conquest... the ships of the Empire._ Lt. Tamerlane...

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The Right Tool For The Job

Nips pulled into the driveway, his heart pounding. Demona had said things would be arranged and he would know - and sure enough, there was Racer, in the garage. _God, how does she do it?_the mouse wondered. He knew Racer and Demona's... relationship,...

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