After Tonight

Story by Tony Greyfox on SoFurry

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#4 of Team Players

After Tonight - Team Players #4

Rain pattered against the windows as Kelsey peered out into the darkening evening sky. A flicker of light from the distance was followed by a sullen rumble that suggested a thunderstorm was moving in, making the husky frown with irritation.

"So much for an after-dinner run, I guess," she muttered to herself as another lightning strike illuminated the clouds out over the North Shore mountains. An after-school project and hockey practice had killed the evening effectively, and with her mother away on business for a couple days she had the house to herself. Kelsey snorted quietly as she cleared up the kitchen, and pondered whether it was still early enough to invite someone over for a few games - a glance at the clock said no, and the husky resigned herself to a quiet evening on her own.

Plus, there was a heap of books on the kitchen table staring back at her as she eyed them, her ears flicking back. "Homework, here I come," she grumbled, taking a seat and trying to shift her brain into mathematics mode.

"Holy...!" South and east across the Fraser River, Lucas nearly leaped out of his fur as a boom of thunder echoed someplace nearby. The bunny dropped his pen to mark the spot in his novel and sprang to the old sofa that sat under the window of his basement room. Peeking up, he whistled as a sheet of rain washed over the glass, backlit by a huge burst of lightning. "Whoa, that's quite a storm..."

Like his friend, Lucas had found himself stuck under a heap of papers, notably a book review due two days hence. He read now and again, but the rabbit's usual choices for novels didn't usually lean towards World War I non-fiction. Okay, the story of the Canadian military's tank battalions over history were interesting enough, but not enough to keep his attention all that long... a good storm was far more interesting.

Another blast of lightning flickered on the houses along the street, almost immediately accompanied by a wall-shaking rumble of thunder - and sudden darkness inside his room. Something hit the floor from above the bunny, and an impressive curse floated down the stairs. "Lucas!" his father called. "Did you overload a socket again?"

The buck rabbit rolled his eyes and made his way to the door. "No, Dad, the power's out all along the street!"

"Damn! The game was still on!"

"It's okay, hon," Lucas' mother's voice came. "I'll light some candles, and we can play cards."

Lucas chuckled at the muffled groan he heard from above. "I'm just going to finish up my reading and go to bed," he called up the stairs.

"Okay, Lucas. Make sure you turn the lights off first, so we don't blow a circuit breaker when they come back on."

"Sure, Mom." The bunny gathered up his homework by feel and made his way around the room, successfully flicking light switches off with only two stubbed toes to show for it.

The lights were still on in the Martens home as Kelsey shuffled her math homework back into its binder and stuffed it untidily into her backpack. "I am so glad that's almost over with," she commented to nobody in particular as the bag landed with a thump next to her shoes at the front door, ready to grab on the way out in the morning.

Her pink tongue lolled as the husky stretched languidly and yawned. Occasional flickers of light rumbled from outside, illuminating the darkness, and Kelsey scratched at her muzzle, pondering whether anything worth watching was on TV. "Nah," she decided finally, ruffling her cheekfur out. "Maybe I'll just clean up and head to bed."

With a glass of milk in one white paw, Kelsey wandered through the quiet house to the main bathroom. Her mom had a thing for baths, and the younger husky certainly appreciated that whenever she had the urge for such an indulgence - her mother had ensured they were well set up for it. A flick of one switch brought quiet music out of some hidden speakers, linked to their digital cable. A low shelf next to the bath was the perfect spot for her milk, and a turn of the knob set the temperature mixing precisely to start the oversized tub filling.

"What's Mom got hiding in here for bubbles today?" Kelsey thought inquisitively, opening the cupboard next to the bath. "Ah!" A bottle of scented bubble bath was just the thing, and a moment later a froth of lavender-smelling foam rose with the water. "Perfect," she smiled to herself, tail thumping lightly against the counter.

A quick pull, and Kelsey dropped her hoodie to the floor, followed by the old T-shirt she'd donned after practice. Her sweatpants joined those a moment later. The husky's panties slipped down her legs, and she went to toss them to the heap, then stopped and held them up for inspection. "God, I need to do some underwear shopping. I'd hate anyone to see me in these things..." They swished into the garbage bin, and Kelsey stood in the fur before the mirror.

Turning from side to side, the husky reflected on her reflection. Small breasts, muscled upper body, toned backside - she grinned as she turned to peek at it over her shoulder in the mirror - it wasn't much, but oh well, it was what she had, Kelsey thought to herself. Maybe the boob fairy would show up one night... probably not, she admitted, cupping her breasts lightly. With a shrug, she moved back to the bath and shut off the water, then stepped carefully in and slid into the bubbles with a happy sigh.

Teeth brushed and clothes properly stowed as per Mother's standing requirements - only one aching toe for the worse, too - Lucas closed his bedroom door and flipped the lock. His parents had grumbled about that once or twice, but he had stridently argued for his privacy and they had given in eventually. Of course, the spare key for his room was in his parents' possession - safe from his nosy little brother Tyler - so if they wanted in they could get in any time, but the fact that he could lock it up was good enough for his teenage interpretation of property rights.

Lucas tugged his shorts off and flopped nude onto his bed, reaching to the bedside table for his DS. "Too early to really sleep... Might as well level up some Pokemon," he said into the darkness as he booted the game up, its light bright in the unlit room. The rabbit plunked away for a while, but an attempt at the next gym up the line left his team knocked silly and he shut the game down in disgust.

"Nuts. Eh... messages, maybe?" The buck grabbed his phone from the table and flipped through his incoming texts - sadly low - and checked out Twitter, also low on interest, and grumbled to himself. "Man, everyone's in bed early tonight. Hmm..."

One long ear flicked up to sample the house's noises - not much; he could hear his brother snuffling in his room, and the vague clink of pennies as his parents played cards - and he quickly thumbed over to the web browser. Lucas hadn't expected to be able to sneak around his parents' enthusiastic enforcement of their web browsing regulations with his phone, but when he discovered they hadn't filtered it at all, he had memorized a few good sites for moments just like this.

A couple of clicks, and the home page of Yifftube popped up. Sure, it burned bandwidth and he had to be very careful at metering how many videos he watched, but at least he got to check out a few things here and there. He grinned and thumbed through the new video section. One caught his eye, and he clicked on it, settling back as an amateur duo - a male fox and an attractive, curvy female skunk - stroked one another on a bed before moving on to him mounting her from behind. The young bunny murred softly to himself as they shifted around to give the static camera a good view of the action, his free paw drifting down to settle around the growing length of his shaft and stroke lightly. Hey, if there was nothing else to do...

"Maybe," Kelsey reflected to herself, "I should have changed the station away from Mom's 'spa music' channel before I got in here."

Yes, it was relaxing, but the husky would have preferred something a little more upbeat for her own choice. Ah well. She stretched languidly amid the bubbles and settled a bit deeper into the warm water, letting the scent drift over her muzzle and the music quietly fill the room, singing along with a few bars. "I know that after tonight, you don't have to look up at the stars, no, no no no..."

It wasn't often that she was able to just settle in and relax. Between homework, hockey, and spending time with her mother and the few friends she had, it didn't often come to mind. Kelsey sighed quietly as she wiggled white-furred toes out of the bubbles. At least the warm water was nice on the various little aches and pains that practice, exercise and games had left behind to mark her rather physical playing style.

She rubbed at a thigh, kneading into the quadricep and wincing at a particularly sore spot, then stretched that leg out again and ran some more warm water into the tub. "I need a masseuse," she muttered quietly, splashing some water around. The image formed in her mind of a handsome young male halfway up his chest in bubbles with her, kneading her leg, and the husky giggled a little, then hummed quietly as her mind's eye let the male drift his paws up over her hip to run fingers through the fur of her belly. Her own paws matched his, blunt claws parting the soft, damp fur over her toned midsection, and she sighed again, settling her head back and closing her eyes to savour the images.

As her anonymous male companion let his touch roam, Kelsey let her paws move up to cup her small breasts, stroking gently, her fingertips brushing over stiffening nipples with a soft intake of breath. Finger and thumb closed around those firm nubs and rolled lightly even as the male leaned to kiss at first one breast, then the other. The young husky's breath started to quicken as the fondling started to spread warmth through her body and the fantasy male's paws drifted downwards over her belly again...

It wasn't a huge screen, but it was big enough for Lucas' needs as he held his phone with one paw and watched the video progress in front of him, the other paw clenched around the base of his shaft, stroking slowly and matching his movements to those of the fox on the screen. The vulpine's cock slipped in and out of sight as it was pumped into the wet slit of the skunk female, her soft moans just being picked up by the camera as she pushed back to meet him. Lucas mentally put himself in the fox's place, feeling the wetness and the tight grip of the skunk's sex, her thick tail thumping against his belly with each stroke. He groaned softly as his paw mimicked her thrusts, thumping against his sheath as he sped up the pace a little, then slowed down again to make it last.

The two furs in the video stopped and switched position, the skunk settling onto her back and raising her legs to allow her lover to kneel between them and slip back into her willing sex. Lucas licked his lips and did his best to keep his breath quiet - in a house full of bunnies, especially with no TVs running, it was sometimes easy to hear what was going on - as the two furs he watched thrust quickly against one another, the fox obviously working to try and take their lovemaking to a conclusion.

Precum dribbled over Lucas' paw as he kept up his stroking, and he spread it with his pawpads, making his cock slick and wet as he watched the fox's knot grind against the skunk's clit with each thrust, his face buried between her breasts. The bunny echoed a moan and panted as the female gave a muffled squeal, obviously reaching her climax; Lucas felt his own peak nearing and slowed down just a little to make it last a bit longer. A few moments of his own quick pumping later, the fox on his screen stiffened and pulled back quickly, and Lucas groaned as what he had been waiting for happened - a gush of foxcum splashing over the skunk's belly and sex.

With his own final furious pumps of his fist, the buck's belly and leg muscles clenched, and he grunted as his climax hit. A thick burst of cum landed on his chest as he convulsed in the pleasure of his orgasm, more following behind that as he coated his bellyfur with sticky seed until the last few pulses dribbled over his fingers and he slumped back onto his pillow with a pant of breath.

"That worked," he whispered to himself breathlessly as he clicked the video off and reached off the side of the bed to retrieve the towel he kept handy for just such a purpose.

This was a good fantasy, decided Kelsey as her male companion - he didn't even really have a species, just a body... canine, perhaps, she thought, but it didn't really matter - kissed her neck gently as his touch caressed through her bellyfur and along her thighs. She ran her fingers lightly along the curve of her inner thigh and let a soft moan echo through the bathroom as that gentle touch finally found its inevitable goal and her fingertips brushed through the short fur covering her labia and caressed along the line of her sex.

The husky's legs stretched out, her feet settling on the edges of the tub, thighs clenching together as she stroked along the length of her slit, moaning softly and parting her lips to dip inside, circling around the nub of her clitoris. Her fantasy companion was working the same direction, kissing his way down her belly and letting his tongue - definitely canine, from its length - curl along her entrance and dip inside even as she slipped her index finger deeper into herself, her tight vaginal muscles rippling around it as she worked that penetrating digit sensuously inside herself.

Kelsey shuddered softly as she explored herself with gentle fingers, seeking out and working the spots that she knew were the best, her inner muscles squeezing and rippling as she stimulated herself as her fantasy male buried his muzzle between her legs and lapped sensuously at her folds. Fingertips wriggled within her as she moved a second to join the first, her chest rising out of the dissipating bubbles, nipples standing out of her fur as the stroking and the fantasy slowly built a level of pleasure within her. The cooling water and her building pleasure made it easy to work her fingers in and out as she envisioned the male flicking his tongue inside of her, and she moaned pleasurably as her hips shifted and rolled in reaction to the pleasure she gave herself.

But it wasn't quite enough. The husky growled softly in pleasure, bucking against her thrusting fingers, her fantasy male adding a finger to his tongue as she writhed under his touch... but there wasn't quite enough stimulation there tonight. Maybe it was the water, she thought as she slowly slipped her finger from herself and sat up. Well, there were ways of dealing with that need... She pulled the plug and hopped out, toweling off quickly to head for her bedroom...

Lucas' chest felt a little damp still but he had enough of the cum out of his fur to know he wouldn't be matted by morning. The bunny dropped the towel back to the side of his bed and stretched out, more relaxed now... mostly, at least. After a few moments, he lifted his head and regarded the erection that still stood firm from its furry sheath. Sometimes, he mused, being a teenaged rabbit wasn't exactly all it was made out to be - though seconds on orgasms weren't the worst things teenagers had to deal with.

Reclaiming his towel, Lucas sat up, then shifted around to settle onto his knees with the towel settled out in front of him. A little bottle of lube stashed in his bedside table slickened up one pawpad, and he settled back with a sigh as his paw slipped down along his shaft again, leaving a trail of slick lube behind.

Once again, the buck visualized himself with that sexy skunk femme from the video, rolling his hips forward as he started to pump his cock slowly, thrusting into the tight, slick grasp as her vulpine lover had been doing. He churred softly deep in his chest as he set a slow pace, savouring the feeling of his fist sliding up and down along himself, a little precum adding to the slickness. His free paw moved down to fondle and cup his furry sac, teasing himself lightly, then slid back to allow a fingerclaw to trace the tight bud of his tailhole.

The young buck groaned softly as he teased at his anal ring, then shifted and pushed down to take just a little of that finger into himself. He shuddered softly and kept up his stroking, stifling moans as he was stimulated front and back. Normally, had he been on the first round, the double touch would have been enough to set him off, but so close after his first orgasm it simply served to send waves of pleasure through the bunny's body as he rocked back onto his finger and forward into the grip of his fist.

A bottle of lube sat on Kelsey's bedside table as well, as the husky sprawled out onto her bed with a whine of anticipation. She spread the slippery stuff along the length of the toy she held in one paw - a canine-shaped toy, complete with pointed tip and tapered length back to a bulge at the base - then reached down and hissed between clenched teeth as some of the cool lube trickled over her labia. She reminded herself once again to thank her mother for being so forward and open about sexuality - how many mothers will buy their daughters their first dildo, after all? - as the tip of the toy tickled her groin fur.

Ready, she settled back and raised her knees, spreading her thighs wide as she rubbed the tip of the dildo against her entrance. Her eyes closed, and once again her male canine lover reappeared, propped up over her, face nuzzling between her breasts as he positioned his hips and slowly pressed forward... penetrating her even as the toy slid almost effortlessly into her wet, ready folds. The husky moaned lustfully and wriggled her hips to take it to its hilt, then thrust slowly in and out a few times to ensure it was well lubed before speeding the thrusts, plunging it deep with each stroke.

That hit the spot, Kelsey thought through the growing haze of pleasure, her mind showing her the image of a hunky canine slapping his hips against her, his muzzle brushing kisses against her neck and shoulder as she rocked and moved with his movements, panting eagerly as she worked towards her release.

As her pleasure rose, the husky slowly rolled onto her side, then shifted onto all fours, holding the dildo inside of her and thumbing a control on its base. A soft hiss came from the little mechanism in the base, echoed by one from between the husky's teeth as the knot at the base of the toy started to swell. Air pumped into the knot, spreading as Kelsey held it deep inside of herself. She moaned as the bulge filled to its maximum, simulating a mating tie, then gave it a tug to ensure it was fully embedded inside of herself; satisfied, she closed her eyes and started to push and pull the knotted toy against the tension of her muscles clamped around it. She moaned louder, unafraid of being overheard, as the knot tugged against her inner folds and put pressure on her clit, wriggling and bucking her hips as she visualized the male mounting her from behind, soft paws slipping around her to hold her close, his chest against hers...

...but the voice she heard murmuring soft, unrecognizable words into her ear through the growing haze of her arousal wasn't that of a big canine, but one more familiar, a younger one, affectionate and playful as its owner rocked above her, her body rocking back to meet it. An arm of mottled brown slipped around her body and ran fingers through her breastfur, caressing there, and a short, blunt muzzle nibbled against the base of one ear even as a long, pointed ear drooped over past her face.

Kelsey smiled to herself as she kept up the thrusting of the dildo inside of her, adding the touch of her other paw to rub against her clit as she sank further into the fantasy. She moaned again and visualized the brown-spotted rabbit in the place of her anonymous lover, Lucas holding her tight and uttering loving whispers into her ear as he pleasured her...

Settled back on his haunches, Lucas groaned quietly as his pace built again, fingering himself deeper as he rocked his hips to press into the grip of his slickened fist with greater urgency. Precum dribbled onto the towel as he worked himself, panting, eyes closed and skunk female driving back onto his cock as he plunged into her harder, deeper all the time.

But as he neared his release, the image shimmered and changed, and instead of the broad, white-striped tail thumping against his chest there was a grey-and-white curl of fur that wagged wildly against his bellyfur. The bunny smiled to himself as he replaced the fantasy female with his friend's form, toned (and slightly bulky) husky body on all fours, rocking back to meet his movements with a smile on the long muzzle that peeked back over her shoulder.

"Mm, Kelsey," he moaned quietly into the dark of his bedroom, shifting himself to lean forward, the finger slipping out to allow him to prop on that arm as he thrust and rocked with growing desire, remembering the slick feel of the husky's sex embracing him as his fist slipped back and forth wildly.

"Ohhh, yessss..." the husky whimpered as she ground her hips against the twin pleasures of the plunging dildo tugging at her entrance and her fingers splayed across her swollen clit, her muscles clenching as she drove herself towards climax. Kelsey groaned as her fantasy self met the thrusts of her bunny friend with desire, wanting him, needing him to pleasure her, anticipating his pleasure as well.

She thought back to the feel of Lucas against her back in the shower, his slim cock buried to the hilt in her, seeing him mounted atop her, biting and nuzzling at her neck and then crying out as he burst inside of her... she felt the gush of heat filling her and redoubled her efforts, wanting to join him in that peak, knowing it was close...

Breath came fast and hard as Lucas pushed himself, straightening to grip his shaft in both paws, pumping wildly and bucking his hips as his muscles clenched and eyes closed... the fantasy Kelsey gave a loud howl and ground back against him, her climax washing over him, clenching his length and tugging at it tightly.

Lucas gasped as that visual pushed him to the edge and over. He clenched and bit down on a loud exclamation of joy as his cock pulsed in his paws and a powerful jet of semen spurted out and splashed over the towel. The bunny held himself in both paws and panted as he pulsed, spurting over and over yet again, seeing himself buried deep in Kelsey's tight sex and pumping his seed into her for long moments before relaxing and slumping back onto his haunches as the last drops of his orgasm wet his fingers again...

The sticky, hot feel of bunnycum filling her came back to Kelsey as she envisioned the bunny's orgasm, and she growled, pushing her chest hard against the bed and grinding her hips as her paws kept up their work, one grinding the dildo inside of her, the other circling wildly against her clit and labia... the work finally paying off as she felt the familiar swelling of pleasure.

Kelsey let herself go and howled with pleasure as her orgasm took her, muscles clenching hard around the length of the dildo and fluids dripping from its base as her body rippled, the pleasure radiating out of her groin and through the rest of her in waves that made her shudder and rock. Her legs gave out under her and the husky slumped onto her belly, both paws caught beneath her as she tried to make the climax last as long as she could, then, as it settled into a soft, gentle afterglow relaxed and slumped, panting, onto the sheets.

She smiled breathlessly as her body relaxed. With a hiss, she released the air from the dildo's reservoir and let the knot slip free - a dribble of her fluids emerging with it - but let the rest sit within her as she came down. Damp sheets announced that she would have a round of laundry to do in the morning, but it was worth it for that kind of orgasm, she thought to herself.

Besides, she smiled, that fantasy - ending with a mottled-brown bunny curled up against her back, softening erection sliding from her even as the dildo did - was more than worth the work. It would be nice to have Lucas cuddled up with her... soon, perhaps, she decided even as she slipped into sleep.

Lucas slumped onto his side carefully as he ran down, wiping his fingers clean before dropping the towel to the floor again. The bunny rolled onto his back and relaxed as his erection subsided this time, smiling to himself. He fantasized about Kelsey fairly often, but they weren't always that vivid - or that explosive at the ending.

His thoughts drifted to his husky friend. They hadn't done anything sexual since that first time in the shower, but they'd spent a lot of time together, playing video games, watching movies and generally enjoying each other's company. Maybe, he thought, it was time to test the waters again?

The bunny almost reached for his phone to send her a text, but stopped himself. "Soon," he whispered to himself as he tugged his sheets up and settled himself. That thought drifted with him as the room faded into dreams.

"After Tonight" - Team Players #4

© 2010 Tony Greyfox

All rights reserved. Do not republish without permission from the author.