Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Pt.2
#3 of Mass Effect
Second chapter of Yolk's Mass effect commission. Now with 100% more breeding.
Mass Effect: One Krogan's Cure Pt.2
Commissioned by Yolk
It was a boring night in the security room, same as it always was. The Terminus systems were known for danger and lawlessness, yet you wouldn't know it here. This facility had managed to remained small and insignificant enough to stay off the radar of bandits and raiders. The two Turian women almost wished they'd been found sometimes. Dexilea, the superior officer of the two women was a bit shorter than most Turian's, being just shy of 1.7 meters tall. Her skin was mostly reddish brown with portions that were a lighter tan, and on her face she had a series of painted yellow V like stripes that would have converged on her nose and forehead if they were extended that far. Voluna was about five years younger, though a casual observer would have assumed it was the other way around. She was tall, even for a Turian as well as being a little more muscled than average, but not overly so. Her skin was more gray with a faint purplish tone in some areas. Her facial paint looked a bit more organic than her superiors, with two finger painted lines of light blue pigment, one under and the other above her eye sockets and a single line running directly down the center of her head terminating at her brow. It had been a while since either had seen any action, and they were worried they were going soft from all this down time. As if on cue, a buzzer went off on the console to the right side of the room. Reacting quickly, Dexilea brought up a map of the facility on her omnitool. A red blinking dot indicated who and where the transmission was from. Daekon, the lead Salarian scientist was moving out of the observation room and towards the stairs as Voluna opened up a com channel to him.
"Check your messages, I'm giving you emergency access to the security cameras in the operation room." The Salarian said in a nasally, high pitch voice.
"Why, what's happening?" Voluna asked as Dexilea brought up the message and proceeded to enter the codes into her tool.
"Yolk's gone insane! I'm going to see if I can talk him down, but I need you to watch and be ready to intervene if I fail. I recommend heavy weap... oh..." Daekon responded before trailing off.
"Hello... Can you hear me Daekon? You cut out mid sentence. Is everything all right? Do you need assistance?"
A couple seconds passed with only static being returned, then Daekon finally replied. "Uh, yes, everything's fine. I was wrong about Yolk, so very wrong. I mistook what he was doing as insanity, but I see now... It makes perfect sense, it's the only thing that makes sense."
The two women looked at each other, with Dexilea raising her right eyebrow. "Well that doesn't exactly sound convincing. Why don't you head down to the armory and get the grenade launcher. Load it with gas rounds, but bring some spare high explosive in case that isn't enough. I think we're about to finally see some action and I'd rather try a non-lethal approach first. It'll look bad on the resume if we killed our own boss." Voluna laughed then quickly recomposed herself and gave a curt nod of understanding. A second later she was already at the door and making her way down the hallway. It only took a few minutes for her to get the launcher, ammo, and a couple heavy shotguns from the armory. After all it was quite close to the security room for a reason. However in the brief time something unexpected had occurred that would shock the younger Turian. A wave of heat washed over her as she exited the armory. Even in just the few short seconds it took her to cross the length of the hallway it had intensified. Her heart was beating faster and her breathing had become more rapid. She felt a desire growing inside her, but couldn't quite identify what it was for.
When the younger Turian opened the door to the security office, and saw her superior she knew the reason. Her commanding officer's armor had been completely discarded to a corner of the room, and her form fitting under-suit had been pulled down so it was around her knees. Dexilea exposed belly was a lighter tone of brownish red, while down at her nether regions it faded down to an almost tan tone. It stood in stark contrast to her wet, dark red fingers pumping in and out of her tight snatch. Volouna's mandibles vibrated with embarrassment and a slight bluing of her cheeks as she blushed. Never in a thousand years did she expect to see her boss acting like this, especially without prompting. For a moment she wondered what could possibly have caused her to suddenly act like this, but she didn't have time to really consider the options. Suddenly she was to distracted by her own chest armor clanking as it hit the ground. Somehow her hands had moved, seemingly on their own and undone the latches. It didn't seem possible, it wasn't like that was a simple or quick thing to do. Turian armor, especially hard plate, was quite an ordeal to put on and take off. To undo the top, even if it was the easier half should have taken over a minute. Did she zone out that much, was the heat she was feeling causing her mind to become hazy? Dexilea turned her head and gave the gray skinned woman a smile. "About time you got back, I was thinking you'd gotten lost. Why don't you get more comfortable and join me in the fun." The younger Turian licked her lips, surprised at her superior's words. That's when she realized what her body had already figured out. She badly needed to fuck! Her boss had always been quite attractive, but she couldn't hit on her without risking being reprimanded, however now... Well, she might as well join in with the smaller woman's fun. The thought of finally being able to express her desires kept her completely fixated on the red skinned Turian. Voluna began undoing her leg armor, never taking her eyes off her sexy boss. That's why she didn't notice what was on the monitor; the Krogan with a massive cock, pounding one of the Salarian's into the ground.
With her restrictive armor gone, Voluna decided to take control. She moved around in front of the shorter woman, blocking her view of the hunky Krogan. The tall Turian put the hands on her superior's shoulders. Then, without warning, she pushed the woman over. The red tinted Turian toppled backwards, out of her chair and onto the floor. In an instant Voluna was on top of Dexilea, pinning her to the ground. "Be careful Voluna. It would be a shame for you to start something you can't finish." The older Turian said with a flirtatious tone. The gray Turian smirked and leaned down pressing her pursed lips against the smaller woman. Dexilea passionately returned the kiss. After just a few seconds, the younger woman slipped her long tongue into her superior's mouth, which the red skinned woman eagerly accepted and returned in kind. As the women made out, Voluna slowly slid her left hand down from Dexilea's shoulder tracing it down the skin tight cloth still partially covering the shorter woman's chest, over her flat, slightly rough belly, and finally down to the soft wet lips between her legs. Finding her precious target, the tall woman pushed both her long fingers into the shorter Turian's sensitive core.
Instantly Dexilea broke the kiss to let out a moan of delight. As she did so, Voluna seized the opportunity and lightly bit the elder woman's lower lip, pulling it outward slightly. She held it there for a second, then released it from her teeth allowing the semi-rigid flesh to spring back to position. The taller woman leaned back with a cocky smirk on her face. "So boss, how am I doing?" She asked as she continued working her left hand's fingers in and out.
"Mmm, so deep... I knew you were talented with those dexterous fingers of yours. I'm glad to learn it was with something more than just guns." The elder Turian said with a slight squeal of delight.
"You think that's deep? You haven't felt anything yet." Voluna said then extended her tongue to its full length, shocking the smaller female. Dexilea had been with a few other Turians, even an Asari or two but none of them had an oral appendage that long. She guessed it had to be a monstrous 20 cm in length, as the larger woman leaned in slightly closer and dragged it across her right cheek. She pulled away a second later, leaving a long wet line on the red woman's face. While sitting up Voluna continued to work her fingers in and out of Dexilea's increasingly drenched pussy. Without loosing her left hand's rhythmic pace, the gray skinned woman released her right hand from the woman's shoulder and moved it back, running it across the outside of her bosses outer thigh and down her leg till she reached the only piece of armor still on the Turian, her boots. She fished her thumb and index finger down under the armor till she found what she was looking for. The larger woman smiled as she produced a small rectangular object from her elder's boot. "Figured you'd have one of these. Glad I was right, it'll make the next part easier." Voluna pulled her left hand away from Dexilea's cunt, dripping love juices across her crotch and belly till she reach the bottom part of the pinned woman's undershirt. She took hold of it, instantly soaking the thin material and pulled it up so it was taut. Then she pressed a button on the black object causing a silver blur to flick out the side. She brought the small switch blade up with her right hand and proceeded to slowly cut her way up the shirt stopping just short of reaching the woman's neck. Now with the clothing only held together by less than a centimeter of material, the larger woman carefully closed the knife and put it to the side. Then she took hold of the opposite side of the cut cloth with her right hand, then rotated both hands so she had a tighter grip before using her brute strength to finish tearing the clothes apart.
Voluna gazed down at her superior's flat red chest. "You're so beautiful. You have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you that." The younger woman said while leaning down and giving her boss another passionate kiss. After a few seconds she pulled away just far enough to separate their lips. She then lowered her aim slightly kissing Dexilea's chin. Then she did the same thing again, this time lowering to kiss her on the neck. Over and over again she repeated this same act, kissing her way down the short woman's body.
"Why didn't you ever tell me? We could have been... ah... doing this every day if I had known." Dexilea gasped out feeling her new lovers lips trailing down her ticklish belly and growing closer to her needy pussy. Just the thought of how her tongue would feel was making her wetter.
"Really? You didn't seem like the kind of woman who would mix work with pleasure." The gray woman said between kisses.
Dexilea thought about what her underling said for a moment before the gray Turian reached her goal, the blue slit between her bosses legs. "Maybe you're right, but I would have been a fool to refuse a sexy woman like you." The complement made Voluna blush blue as well as gave her a sense of pride. In just a few minutes she had gone from just one of many women under Dexilea's command to the one who would be sharing her bed. She gave the sexy woman's pussy a lick, eliciting a moan of glee. Then she moved her hands down to the woman's inner thighs and pushed her thumbs up to the red toned woman's precious entrance and slightly slid the tips inside. Once she had just enough purchase, she pulled the nether-lips apart so she could get a good look at her senior's bright blue folds. She took in the view for a moment, committing it to memory, then she stuck out her long dexterous tongue and teased the sensitive flesh.
Dexilea inhaled sharply then let out a shuttering breath. "Oh fuck yes!" Voluna raised her head a bit so she could lock eyes with her lover and gave her a knowing smile. Then she pushed back in close, pressing her lips up to the smaller woman's pussy and slid her tongue in deep. "Ah yeah, that's it. Show me what I've been missing out on!"
Voluna did as instructed, moving her tongue around inside her boss, exploring her depths. She wanted to taste ever square millimeter of her precious pussy, to find all her most sensitive areas and exploit them. Dexilea wanted that too, and as the two women were fully enraptured with each other Yolk made his way towards their secluded room. Even down the hallway he could hear the Turian's loud moaning. He smirked at this, assuming it was a result of his musk. It wasn't till he got closer that he heard the sound of wet licking and sucking. He was slightly annoyed at the idea that his musk might get people to fuck each other rather than him, at least until he got close enough to look through the open door. One hot Turian woman being eaten out by another was quite the sight. In fact it was just what he needed. He had actually started to soften a little from the walk over, but he could already feel himself re-harden. He leaned up against the door frame with his left arm bracing himself against it while he moved his right hand to his massive cock, slowly stroking it as he watched the show in front of him.
The shorter Turian was moaning almost constantly now. She had moved her hands down to put them on Volouna's head to pull her in deeper, but as soon as her hands brushed up against the taller woman's head fringes she stopped. In an instant Dexilea found her wrists seized by the stronger woman's hands and being pushed away. The gray skinned woman raised her head with a toothy grin on her face. "Uh-uh, I'm the one in charge now, understand?" Dexilea's cheeks flushed blue and her mandibles wavered as she exhaled a gasp of understanding and lust. "Good, now be a good girl and try not to cum for at least a couple more minutes. I think there's a little bit of your delicious pussy I haven't quite reached yet." With that order the tall woman dove back in with even greater passion. Her impossibly long tongue swirled around inside the smaller Turian, moving back and forth, in and out. Each movement sent a jolt of bliss through Dexilea like electricity. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lower lip hard enough to draw a tiny amount of blood as she tried to stave off the growing pressure inside her. She wanted to cum so bad, but she didn't want to disappoint Voluna. Still there was only so much she could take. When the younger woman's tongue pierced her cervix, driving into her womb, that was the breaking point. The red skinned Turian threw back her head and arched her back, driving her crotch into the taller woman's eager maw. The gray Turian doubled her efforts, speeding up her tongue's movements and driving it as deep as she could manage so that she could mentally map her lover's womb fully, as well as drive her pleasure to even greater heights. As a reward for her efforts, she managed to trigger a second orgasm for Dexilea before she had even started to come down from the first, giving the younger woman a mouthful of female juices she eagerly swallowed down.
Voluna pulled her head away from her lover's cunt, numerous strands of spit and love juices stringing from her lips and cheeks to Dexilea's crotch. "Come here you." The taller woman said tenderly as she crawled up the smaller woman's body, reaching out her hand and putting it behind her head before pulling her into a loving kiss. As the two locked lips the gray Turian moved the knee that was between her senior's legs and pressed it against her pussy, gently grinding it to give her some more pleasure as well as letting her know this wasn't even close to being over. However before things could proceed any further, a slow clap came from the door way.
"What the? Gah, Mr. Yolk... We were just uh.." Voluna stammered out as she shot to her feet while casting her eyes side to side looking for her clothing. That was at least until she got a good look at her boss. When she first noticed him it was just a blurry blue shape, but now that she had a good view of him she realized he was just as naked as she was. Even more importantly was the fat, throbbing, 30 centimeter wide cock stretching out in front of him, impossibly rigid to support what had to be a full meter of Krogan breeding meat. It looked so heavy... and juicy to the horny Turian. The tip was dripping large droplets of steaming hot precum down to the ground as the blue man's huge, muscular arm slowly pumped his hand up and down the length. "Oh my god!" The gray skinned woman gasped out as her knees began to weaken as she was hit by a potent gust of his musk.
Yolk grinned watching the Turian's rapid change from embarrassment to lust in just a few seconds. He particularly enjoyed seeing her physical reaction which was topped off with a small gush of feminine juices streaming out of her pussy. "Please, don't stop on my behalf. I'm just enjoying the show. Feel free to continue, unless of course..." He pushed his cock upward, while pushing his hand up towards the thick head and creating a massive pearl of precum at the tip. "'d like me to join you two."
The red skinned Turian woman sat up, licking her lips in desire. "Oh, I'd love that so much." She started to crawl over towards the massive man, but he stopped her by placing his foot on her face before she could get close enough to touch his cock. So instead she began to tickle his toes with her tongue.
"I'm sure you would Dexilea, but from what I over heard, you're not the one in charge anymore. You're Voluna's bitch now, so I'm asking her." Yolk said smugly as the woman popped one of his toes into her mouth and began to suck on it. He already knew what the answer would be, but he wanted to hear the tall woman say it.
Voluna's fingers fidgeted. She cast her eyes slightly to the side, though not so far that his cock wasn't still in view while her cheeks blushed blue with horny embarrassment. "I, uh, normally I'm not really into guys." She cast her eyes back to fully focusing on his throbbing manhood. "Though maybe that was just because I hadn't come across a real man, one with such an impressive... presence. I wouldn't mind if you joined us, so long as I get to the the first one to experience that amazing cock of yours. I mean because I uh, haven't gotten to cum yet. It's not like it has to do with your size or anything." She said practically drooling with excitement.
"I think that sounds fair, but I should warn you. I won't go slow just because you're inexperienced when it comes to cocks. Are you sure you don't want to sit out this first round and just watch?" Yolk asked in a cocky tone.
"Pftt, as if I'd ever do that. I'm not that inexperienced taking something big in my pussy. Besides, do you really think I'm going to wait while Dexilea gets all of you to herself?" Voluna says while stepping towards the Krogan. Once she's close enough she wrapped her hands around the mid point of Yolk's cock, her fairly large hands not even able to get half way around it's girth. That's when she realized just how truly large he was, with the tip of his dick being as big as her own head. Feeling the flesh under her fingers sent a jolt of electricity through her body, making her gasp with pleasure. Some how, just touching him was pleasurable. She couldn't wait to taste him, pulling his cock downward a bit so that the tip was low enough for her to lick the bulbous head. She couldn't believe it! The salty flesh was the best thing she had ever tasted, despite non-dextro food and flesh normally being less than desirable to the Turian. With that, she knew she couldn't resist bringing the sticky white pearl of precum into her mouth by moving her lips to his large urethra and kissing it. As she did so, she sucked in the precious liquid, allowing the creamy hot precum to flow over her tongue. It was delicious and alien, sweet and salty at the same time. Her mouth watered wanting more. She swallowed it with a gulp, probably not a wise decision given their differences in biology, but she didn't care. It was just too good to waste. Then she slid her long, talented tongue into the Krogan's penis.
Yolk grunted in approval. "Oh, you are quite bold. Tell me, what's it like inside my cock?"
The gray Turian drove her tongue forward, spreading the blue man's urethra wide as centimeter after centimeter pushed deeper into him. She was use to the tightness of a woman's cunt, she'd even shoved it into a couple of girl's asses that were quite adventurous, but even that was loose compared to the dick she was tongue fucking. It was practically pinching her oral appendage, he was so tight. Still, somehow she was loving it. Maybe it was the way each twitch of her tongue made the mountain of a man shutter and gasp with pleasure, or maybe it was an even more concentrated delivery of his intoxicating taste. Either way she lovingly made out with his urethra for a couple of minutes while simultaneously suckling on his tip. As she did so his cock slowly began to bulge as pressure built up from all his hot precum. All too soon for the woman, it became too much and forced her tongue out, followed a fraction of a second later by several liters of his man-lubricant bursting into her mouth. The sudden shot of steaming hot liquid hitting the back of her throat forced the inexperienced girl's head away as her gag reflex kicked in. She choked and coughed, causing his creamy precum to spew out of her mouth and nose as more of his precious liquid splattered against her face. After a couple seconds his precum stream ended, resuming it's constant dribbling instead. Voluna fell to her hands and knees, taking another minute after that to stop coughing. She cursed her inexperience as well as the loss of his delicious precum from her mouth. Fortunately, her face was entirely soaked with the stuff.
Up until this point Dexilea had been masturbating with her whole fist, watching her subordinate working on Yolk's cock. When the steaming liquid splattered all over Voluna's face Dexilea came, though neither of the other two seemed to notice, as they were too preoccupied with their own pleasure. It didn't take too long for the shorter Turian to come down, and when she did she saw the gray woman's tongue starting to collect the Krogan's wonderful smelling white liquid from her face. "Ooh, that looks yummy. Do you mind if I help out?" Dexilea asked as she crawled towards the taller Turian. Voluna nodded her approval, so the smaller woman started to lick at the drenched Turian's fringes and brow, areas that would have been slightly harder for the long tongued woman to reach. It took a few minutes, but together the two women gathered up all the precum, drinking it down before eventually locking lips together and making out.
The Blue Krogan watched them, allowing them to continue for a bit before growing bored of the lesbian make out session. "I think it's time to move on to the main event." He reached down and grabbed the gray Turian, pulling her away from the red skinned woman. He lifted her almost like a doll, she was so much smaller and lighter than him. She was positioned with her back against his chest, a massive hand around each ankle spreading her legs wide apart. Voluna's dripping, extremely sensitive pussy was pressed up against the top side of his shaft like she was riding it. His cock was pointed almost straight up in front of her, filling her entire view with his man meat. He slowly moved her back and forth so that her cunt was getting constant stimulation. "So, you said you've had some pretty big things shoved into this tight pussy of yours. What's the biggest thing you've taken?" Yolk asked enjoying the way her breathing had already become ragged.
"Oh... I think that I took a, ah, wooden human sports rod once... A basketball bat or something like that." The gray Turian stuttered out.
Dexilea moved over to Yolk and started to massage his watermelon sized quads as well as licking at the base of his shaft. The Krogan barely noticed the smaller woman, as right now he was still focused on dominating the taller one. "Oh, so is one of those bat things big?"
"Mmmhm, but it's nothing compared to you." The gray Turian moaned out while she began stroking his dick with her hands.
"I bet you want this cock pretty bad then. You want to feel it stretch you out and turn your body into a flesh light. If you're really lucky, maybe I'll give you the honor of bearing my children to help rebuild the Krogan race." Yolk said in a commanding tone that was nearly orgasmic inducing to the horny woman. "Well before that, you need to prove yourself worthy. I'm sure your cunt could take my dick, but how about you're ass?" The Krogan asked lifting her up so that his tip was teasing her entrances.
Voluna blushed blue and her mandibles jittered in excitement and embarrassment. "My... My ass? I mean, I've never had anything other than a finger or two in there. I don't know if I can handle that, but... but if that's what it takes so you'll fuck my pussy, do it! Fuck my ass as hard and long as you want. I don't care if I can never sit again, so long as you'll fuck me properly afterwards!" Yolk didn't bother responding, instead he simply lifted her up a few dozen centimeters then slammed her down as hard as he could. Instantly his full length, plus his now permanently inflated knot impaled her. Her stomach protruded out nearly a meter, stretched tightly around the steel hard rod that extended nearly fourty centimeters above her eyeline. It took a second for her mind to comprehend everything she was feeling, but when she did she threw back her head and screamed at the top of her lungs. "Ahhh!" The Krogan wasn't even phased by this, already yanking his knot free with a loud pop and pulling her upward at high speed while also moving his hips backwards. Then as soon as most of his dick was free of her tight sphincter, he reversed direction, ramming back in just as hard as the first time. In and out he went for a full minute straight, making her normally rock hard stomach look like an abused latex balloon. In less than half a minute she was already panting and moaning. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her scream raised in pitch. Her pussy spasmed and her ass convulsed around The Krogan fuck-rod, milking it for all it was worth.
Finally he ripped himself out completely, tilting her forward a bit to get a good look at her gaping ass. "So, how are you liking it so far?" He asked returning her to the normal angle and sliding the fat head of his manhood back into her.
"Oh god, yes!. I never knew anal could feel that good. Why haven't I done this before. I mean it hurt at first, but oh so good and before I knew it, there was nothing but pleasure!" She moaned out as the afterglow of her first orgasm faded. "I can't wait to find out how amazing it'll feel inside my pussy."
"Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to hold on for a bit more. See, with my current stamina I think I should be done reaming your tight ass in an hour or so. I hope you don't break before that." Yolk said smugly as he prepared to drive his hips upward into her once again.
Volouna's eyes went wide in shock, "An hour, you can't be seri... Ah!" She was cut off by him slamming into her at full speed. In just half a minute of thrusting she was once again brought to orgasm, only this time she didn't have time to bask in the afterglow, instead she was forced to ride one wave of pleasure to the next in an endless cascade of bliss as she experienced orgasms mere seconds apart. At first she was able to keep a basic understanding of what was going on. She could make out the individual thrusts, if just barely, but that only lasted five minutes. The next ten or so she was vaguely aware that she was screaming out how much she was loving what he was doing to her, though she had no idea on any of the specific words, or if she was even really speaking. For all she knew, she may have just been grunting out some incoherent grunts and sounds her mind thought was speech. Eventually even that stopped as her mind was too overstimulated to keep up with the unending ecstasy. Her mind shut down leaving her body to react on it's own. Her hands moved to her pussy, ramming all her fingers as deep as they could go into her gushing hole. She was so consumed with carnal desire that all she could think of was getting more!
About half an hour into pounding the woman's rear, Yolk was starting to get a little bored. It didn't help that Dexilea was also getting repetitive with her actions. Not that he could blame the red skinned Turian, she had dutifully and thoroughly licked ever millimeter of his quads, taint, and anus that she could reach. Now she could service him in a more interesting way. He reached down with his left hand and grabbed her by the top of her head and tossed her forward, throwing her to the ground. She was surprised by this sudden action, though it certainly didn't hurt her in anyway. "You did a good job cleaning me with your tongue, so I'll reward you with what Voluna here wants so badly. Lay on your back and spread your legs." The shorter Turian did as he commanded, and even spread her pussy lips too. Yolk pulled the gray woman off his cock, causing a splash of several dozen liters of precum to splatter against the ground from her gaping ass. He then gave Voluna a couple of cock slaps across her cheeks to help reawaken her mind. Her eyes began to regain focus as the haze faded. By the time it had recovered enough, Yolk had already positioned her down on her hands and knees with her face smashed against Dexilea's soaking cunt. Instinctively she began to lick at her lovers nether-lips, then she felt her stretched out ass being teased by the Krogan's manhood. He reached down and lifted her up by her head a good twenty or so centimeters. "Good, you're finally recovered enough to enjoy this. It would have been a shame to do this without letting you enjoy the experience." Before she had time to ask what he was talking about he began to reinsert himself, though this time he was way slower than before, allowing her to feel his cock spreading her out centimeter by centimeter. It was wonderful to be filled so completely by his hot, hard fuck rod. She expected to feel him start stretching her belly, but that didn't happen, his angle was different this time. He pushed up under her ribs and continued upwards. Then he was at her neck which stretched to what felt to be as wide as an Elcor's. As impossible as it seemed, she felt his cock start to push into her mouth. She gagged more than she ever had in her life as her jaw, no her whole skull seemed to split and stretch wide enough to allow his manhood to push free from her lips. She cast her eyes downward, watching the thick man meat slipping from her lips as though it were her own tongue. He lowered her slowly, positioning her mouth and his cock at the older Turian's needy cunt. That's when Voluna realized what was going to happen. He was going to fuck them both at the same time!
The taller woman didn't have any time to reflect on her realization as the instant he was in position he pulled himself out completely. For a fraction of a second she felt terribly empty, then a second later his steel hard rod shot back into her like a jack hammer, instantly he penetrated her whole body shooting out her mouth and directly into the second woman's cunt. Dexilea squealed in delight as her cervix was stretch wide and her womb was completely penetrated and pushed upward nearly to her own head. A second later her belly was flat once again, her womb empty. Then before she could fully comprehend the change in sensation she was penetrated again. It only took a few of these womb pounding thrusts to bring the smaller woman to a screaming orgasm. It was only the first though, and much like her subordinate, she would quickly be driven to a second orgasm, then a third, and from there she stopped counting because it never ended.
A meter of Krogan breeding meat was sawed in and out of the two women, offering Yolk the best of both worlds. The tight dry warmth of premium Turian ass, and the wet softness of a needy cunt. In and out he went a brutal pace that he wasn't sure he could keep up for long, but he was determined to do his best. He told Voluna he'd ream her for an hour and he didn't want the girl to be able to question his stamina. Not that she had any clue how long he had been fucking her for. Her mind hadn't even been able to handle two minutes of being fucked all the way through. The amazing stimulation of her ass, plus the unending taste of not only Krogan cum but also her Turian lover's juices sent her into unending pleasure. Once again her body began acting on its own, though this time she had moved here hands up to the red woman's legs and pulled her in closer so she could eat her out for those fractions of seconds there wasn't a cock in the way.
Finally after 25 minutes, Yolk hit his limit. He hilted himself in the gray woman's ass, knotting her deeper than ever before. At the same time he pushed more of his fuck meat into Dexilea's constantly spasming womb. With himself as deep as possible he let out a primal roar and his quad began pumping liters of near boiling hot breeding batter directly into the alien's cunt. Instantly her belly swelled up to look several months pregnant. In just 15 seconds she looked ready to give birth. At a minute she was swelled up big enough to fit another full grown Turian inside her belly. She just kept growing larger and larger till Yolk was afraid she'd burst. He wasn't anywhere near done cumming yet though, just done with the shorter woman. He pulled his cock back at lightning speed till his tip was buried deep in Volouna's intestines where he proceeded to release several hundred more liters of his jizz. As he emptied his balls into the gray skinned woman, he pushed her face deep into the smaller woman's pussy where she eagerly swallowed down the semen that was gushing out. By the end, the taller Turian's belly was just as bloated as the shorter one's.
"So how was that, was it everything you imagined?" Yolk asked, pulling out as the last of the cum dribbled out his cock, splattering down to the floor.
Dexilea responded, as Voluna was still spasming with orgasm as white fluid poured out her mouth and ass with equal intensity. "Oh god yes! That was the best fuck of my life, and realizing that I only got half of what Voluna experienced... I can't wait for you to do it again!"
The gigantic blue Krogan walked over to the small woman, putting his hand on her massive belly, gently rubbing it. "Well that all depends on how things develop. Tell me, how does it feel having so much of my seed inside your womb?"
"Oh, it's wonderful in fact, crazy as this may seem, I think I can feel it already going to work. I swear I can feel babies already starting to grow inside of me!" The red Turian said with absolute glee.
"That's wonderful! If true, that means the serum is even more successful than I had ever dared dream. Not only are other species capable of bearing our children, they will do so at an accelerated rate. You should feel honored to be the first bitch bred by the savior of the Krogan race!" Yolk said feeling a sense of accomplishment he had been looking for his entire life. "Now, it's time to see if Voluna is ready to have the same gift bestowed upon her." Yolk said turning to look at the gray Turian.
Much to his surprise, the tall Turian had rolled over and spread her legs. "You better bet you're god damn ass I'm ready. I want to feel that whole cock inside me. Dexilea may have been the first to get knocked up by you, but I'll be the first woman to take your full size inside her pussy and ass!"
"Indeed you will..." The Krogan said looking down at himself, observing his body. He was now close to 3 meter's tall with huge muscles on his arms and legs, though not so massive that he would loose flexibility, and of course his cock was still it's massive meter in length and 30 centimeters in girth, with an extra 20 for the knot. "Previously I grew after each time I came. It appears I've finally reached my full size and I am quite satisfied with it. Now, lets prepare you for your breeding." He stood up and moved his large, heavy foot atop her gargantuan stomach. He began to firmly push it downward. The woman's eyes went wide with surprise. A fraction of a second later her head shot back and cum shot out of her mouth like a fire hose, while her still wide, though no longer quite gaping anus did the same. It took nearly two minutes, but by the end nearly the whole floor of the room was covered in several inches of Krogan spunk.
With the taller Turian's stomach now flat enough to not be in the way, Yolk grabbed her by the ankles to lift her hips upward. He then angled his cock and thrust downward into her super tight cunt. In half a second he had rammed himself, knot and all, into her pussy. Her womb was distended out above her own head, stretched so far it was practically thin as tissue paper, yet it didn't break. Even through her own normally hard flesh she could see a reddish tint of Krogan breeding meat. A second later her eyes went crossed and mouth opened wide as her mind finally comprehending what it was experiencing. "Fuck yes!" She screamed out with glee, cumming instantly.
The strong Krogan let go of her left ankle and reached forward, grabbing her head and bending her up towards him as much as she could, which wasn't really all that much given his own cock was in the way. Still it was enough for them to lock eyes with one another. She had a cocky grin, despite fresh drool running down her chin and drying cum splattered all over her face . He could tell, she thought she was at least partly in control, that she knew what was coming. He would have to fix that. "When I fucked you in the ass, I promised you I'd last an hour. Because of that I paced myself a bit. Now that I'm finally in my final form, I think it's time to find out what happens when I stop being gentle." Here eyes dilated slightly at that statement and her mandibles jittered slightly with a mix of fear and anticipation. "By the time I'm done fucking you, you'll be calling me master... That is if you can talk at all!"
Being true to his word, Yolk wasted no time. He pulled his cock out entirely then thrust down into her twice as fast as he had done when he had reamed her ass. It was so fast she didn't have time to feel it before he had pulled out completely and started slamming back in. When she did finally feel it, she was brought into another orgasm that was extended by every sawing motion of his cock. She only had a few moments of conscious thought before her mind would black out from over stimulation. In that time she realized two things. First was that he was speeding up with his thrusts. She didn't know how that was possible with his size and length but she thanked god that it was. All she wanted was more and more of his fuck meat, which brought her to the second realization. He was her master, now and forever. Even if he never touched her again after this, she wouldn't care. All that mattered was pleasing him! "Yes master, please fuck me harder. Use me to your hearts content. Fill me with your babies and allow me to repent for what my species did to yours!" Hearing her words only drove the Krogan to fuck her even harder. Each thrust down into her lanky body slammed her into the metal floor, leaving a small indent. As the pounding continued the indent became a crater. He rammed his hips into hers for a half hour and by the end he was thrusting into her nearly three times a second, making her belly's bulge nothing but a blur to the watching red Turian. Then without warning, or slowing his jack hammering, he let out his now iconic roar. Cum burst out his cock directly into her abused cunt. Her belly began to balloon simultaneously with the constant stretching caused by his dick punching in and out of her body. Her scream increased in pitch as her pleasure ascended beyond comprehension until finally her voice cut out completely. Near boiling spunk squirted out her stretched pussy constantly as he continued ramming into her. He continued pounding her for several minutes until eventually slowing down and delivering the last few hundred liters of breeding batter directly into her hungry womb. In the end she was stretched out even more than Dexilea had been, being forced to contain nearly 1000 liters of his seed.
Now that he was finally done cumming, he sat down with a splash, splattering himself with the sea of cum beneath him. He laughed a bit, realizing just how much he could now output. He looked over to the red woman, who was fingering her nearly fully recovered pussy and tight ass. "Come over here and keep me hard. I'm not pulling out of her till she absorbs all my cum."
Dexilea stood up, cum dripping off her body as she sauntered over with her giant belly still on display. "Of course master, it would be my pleasure."
A week or two later several shuttles arrived at the secret facility. A group of well dressed humans, Turians, Salarian's, and Asari disembarked. These were an assortment of silent partners, investors, and presidents from his various companies. They had been summoned by Yolk, though they didn't realize that at the time. All they knew was that the illusive mastermind was finally wanting to come out into the open, and each of them wanted to be chummy with him. After all, someone that powerful would be a good friend to have. None of them could imagine the real reason they had been summoned. As the group walked through the facility, they couldn't help but notice how empty it was. However as they moved through it that thought seemed to fade away as an unexpected desire began to overtake them. Some of them were able to resist it somewhat, while others started to loosen their clothing. A few even began to openly touch themselves or each other.
When they finally reached the conference room, nearly all of them were ready to fuck. Still, when they opened the door they were shocked by what they encountered. First they were hit with the most potent musk Yolk could give off. It was so powerful all but the eldest Asari matriarchs fell to their knees and instantly orgasmed. Then they heard a rapid, heavy, and wet, "thwap, thwap, thwap" echoing towards them. As they forced themselves closer the noise got louder, at first the few that managed to keep full control of their minds thought maybe it was some mechanical device that was malfunctioning, but they quickly realized the truth. Every millimeter of the room was splattered with Krogan cum, and dozens of heaving bodies littered the area. The ones off to the side of the room were mostly Salarians and Turians, a mix of men and women. Some of them were swollen with cum, while others hadn't been used recently. One thing was constantly true though, all the females present had swollen bellies. Some slight, some so full of babies it looked like they were ready to give birth at any minute. Towards the center of the room sat the massive 3 meter tall iridescent blue Krogan in what could only be described as a throne. Clinging to each of his legs was a extra swollen Turian woman. The one to his right had red skin, while the one to his left was gray. Around him were nearly a dozen naked Krogan women, all very pregnant.
On Yolk's lap there were two Krogan women facing towards each other making out, their large tongues slipping between their lips. His massive hands stretched from one woman's hips to the other, and his muscled arms lifted them up as though they were just toys. As he did so the group got their first flash of his meter long fuck rod, glistening with a mix of precum and feminine juices. A fraction of a second later the women were slammed back down, causing his quad to whip up and smack the larger of the two women straight on the ass. Then he pulled them up again, this time completely pulling the woman off his dick and moving the Krogan's slightly away from him, then he slammed them back down, this time entering and knotting the woman closer to him. Then before she even had time to so much as moan he yanked the women up, moving the two closer, allowing him to renter the woman that was furthest away from him. Back and forth he went with lighting speed, so fast that both women would have sworn he must have had two cocks, because neither felt like he ever left their needy cunts. He continued this for nearly twenty minutes, causing the women to moan and scream his name near constantly as somehow he got even faster nearing his own immense release. Finally he came, with his usual roar. He didn't stop his lighting thrusts though, determined to continue giving both women equal attention. Cum burst from his cock like an industrial fire hose,spraying up into one woman, then the other. Back and forth he went, with short but powerful bursts of his steaming jizz spraying upward as he transitioned between the girls. Most of it splattered onto their bodies, painting them white, but some shot upward, splashing against the ceiling and raining down on the group that had assembled only meters away from him, watching the show like they were hypnotized by it. Nearly 10 minutes later his ejaculation finally slowed down to a mere stream. Both women looked more like flesh balloons than Krogans, though in just a few minutes enough of his seed would spray out their stretched pussies to allow them to be more easily identified.
For now Yolk simply and callously pushed them aside and stood up, his giant dick bouncing as he did so. He threw out his arms in a welcoming manner to all of the aliens joining him for the first time. He smiled and motioned them forward. Almost like zombies the group stumbled towards him. "Welcome my friends. I thought it was only fair that you, those who supported me the most, should be offered the chance to experience the rebirth of the Krogan race first hand. So, which one of you would like to be first?"
In near unison every last one of the alien's present volunteered and Yolk gave a toothy grin of victory.