Summer Lust, part three

Story by Maju on SoFurry

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The front door opened at ten past seven, and the skunny boy stepped in, smiling, but looking tired. His mom hastily changed channels, quickly pulled out her wet hand from her shorts, rubbed it dry on the couch she was sitting on and hopped out to greet her son.

-"Hi, stud, had a good time over there? Talking and drinking lemonade, swimmin' a bit, huh?"

Maju looked surprised at getting called "stud" and at his mom's accuracy about his trip next door, though the talking and swimming was obvious, since he was invited over to the pool, and lemonade could be a pretty good guess in this heat...but still...

-"Uh, yeah, she's...a very...nice lady. She actually invited me over again, is it okay if I go over tomorrow?"

-Um, sure, if you get along so well. Are you hungry?"

Maju looked at the empty plate on the table in the kitchen. Yeah, he missed dinner.

-"Yeah...I was moving, er, swimming all day, so, hungry like a wolf."

Truth was, he only got into the pool after the third or fourth time they did it, and just because he had to clean the cum and the sweat off before he went home. As he munched on his sandwich, he was thinking through the whole thing - Just thinking about Miss Daylyn got him rock hard again - straining the orange speedos he was still wearing. Once he started thinking about the sex they had today, he couldn't stop...before he finished his sandwich, he was already so horny he wanted to jack off, just there, in the kitchen.

The problem was, his mom was sitting just opposite to him, watching him eat and smiling. He got so hard from fantasizing the fabric in the front of his speedos didn't even touch him because his throbbing cock. Even worse, the tip of his cock was showing at the edge. His face was flushed. What now? Well, he just has to get out of here quick to relieve himself...

-"Thanks mom!" he said and quickly stood up and hurried towards the door.

-"Where are you going, little man?" his mom asked coyly behind him.

-" have a bath?"

-"And who's going to put your plate in the kitchen?"

"Damn, mom" Maju was thinking but he quickly went back and put his plate in the empty sink and tried to escape again, trying to not face with his mom...

-"Would you wash it too, please? It's the only thing in the sink." his mom asked with a sly smile on her face.

"DAMN, mom" he thought again, but stepped back and started washing his plate as fast as he could.

-"Done, can I go now?" he asked, already starting to step away, when she grabbed him from behind.

-"Just a second..." said his mom, and wrapped her soft white arms around his flat stomach. Maju was still facing the sink, and didn't see his mom smiling behind him. His ass was practically bare in those tiny swimming pants, and he felt his mom's shorts brush against his buttcheeks. She hugged him close. He felt her boobs push against his back. She spoke softly in his ears, standing tiptoe to her taller son. He felt her warm breath softly blown on his black ears.

-"Thank you, honey... You are such a sweetheart..." she said, kissed his cheek, and let him go.

Maju dashed out of the kitchen with his rock hard cock half-out of his swimming pants, letting a droplet of precum fall every few steps, he ran up the stairs to the bathroom, and shut the door.

She giggled, bounced back to the living room, turned the porn back on, and slid her hands back in her shorts. As she started playing with herself again, she closed her eyes and spoke softly to herself:

-"Mmm,'s so big..."