Shippo's Surprise Part 4

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#4 of A Boy, A Fox, and A Confession

On the way back to the village, I noticed that Kirara seemed very focused on getting back to the village. I stayed quiet, in case I may have said the wrong thing, but I was still curious why the cat demon suddenly switched from being in pleasure and filled with happiness, to being so on edge.

We arrived at Kaedes hut not three minutes later. The only person that was in sight, was the half demon, Inuyasha. I froze in place watching the tall man stare at me with stern eyes. Kirara nudged my tail to move forward but I bounced back from the demon.

"Shippo..." Inuyasha started off. "Did you two have a fun time in the flowers? Come inside the hut, I have a lot to say." I was startled, but went along, still scared at what might happen. We sat around the fire, Kirara to my left, Inuyasha across from me. I gulped in fear, then tried to find words to ask what was going on, but stood quiet. The great dog demon looked into my eyes, saying slowly, "Im sorry Shippo..."

I watched him with wide eyes as he repeated "Im sorry for tossing our friendship away. Its wrong to love your best friend, you should have known that." I began to tear very slightly, as he continued "We had something between us. I cherished that. Now you and Kirara have experienced what we did at one point." I sat in great surprise, too astonished to move, so I just listened. "You see Shippo..." Inuyasha stumbled. "I was the one who sent Kirara to take you to the flowerpatch."

I broke into tears asking "W-why I-Inuyasha..."

"Because Shippo! I seen how you reacted when I said we were done with! It hurt me too much, so I told Kirara what to do, I told her where to go, I needed something to take your pain away!"

I lost complete thought as those words ran through my head over and over again. It took a minute to comprehend what he said, but when I realized he still loved me, I stood up and threw my body onto his chest. Inuyasha looked down at me, holding my body tight. He told me with a soft, comforting voice, "Shippo...I still love you. You always remember that, ok?" I nod in reply, followed by tears of happiness...

Kirara, watching all of this fly past her eyes, slowly crept towards my body. She snuggled up beside my tail, falling asleep with a soft growl. After a few minutes of grasping my tiny arms around Inuyashas strong muscular body, I loosened my grip, and stopped crying.

"Inuyasha." I began, looking into his eyes.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I never knew you were smart enough to plan something THAT complicated in your head." I say shaking my arms, as I feel a sharp strike into my skull. "Hey, Inuyasha!"

"I love you, but that doesnt change a thing." he says with a smile on his face. All I could do was return the smile, as we both laughed. "Shippo, lets get some rest. You must have had a fun night with Kirara. I could smell the fluids quite strong." His words made my face turn red in embarrassment, looking to the floor.

The night seemed to fly past me quite fast. I was worn out from Kiraras treatment. I awoke with only the cat beside me, my head lying on her two tails, with her two front paws on my lap near my crotch. I wanted to get up, but I also didnt want to move her paws. "Mmmm Kirara." I moan slightly to myself as I closed my eyes. I moved her small furry paws aside noticing my pants were still stained from peeing myself, as Kiraras fur was completely dry. I loosened the straps on my pants and began tugging at my rapidly growing member, thinking about the dog demon and cat demon making love together.

After pleasuring myself for a good five minutes, just enough tugging for pre to seep out onto my small fingers, Kirara woke up from the scent of my fox fluids. I didnt notice her wake up, but when I felt her soft fur moving, I stopped tugging. Hearing her yawn turned me on even more, more pre squirting out. The cat started to open her eyes. She saw me moaning, and with my pants down. She let out a mew, that sounded like a small giggle. Kirara new from the previous night that I was desperate for pleasure, so she started to make her move slowly towards my now fully hard penis.

I was already half way through my orgasm by the time Kirara started her soft licking treatment. I was moaning quite heavily, my body shaking in pleasure. I could feel my body weakening by the second as I was worked on for several minutes. I wagged my cream-colored tail in satisfaction, Kirara withdrawing her mouth from my penis. Just then, the muscular dog demon walked through the doorway in nothing but his prayer bead necklace.

"Hey" Inuyasha said in his calm, low voice. "Dont leave me out of the fun and excitement" smirking at Kirara then looking straight at me. "So Shippo, on edge again I see."

I could only say "Y-yeah" through my heavy panting and moaning.

Inuyasha slowly lowered himself near my member, smelling the strong scent of fox urine on my pants. "I see you couldnt hold it in again. Its on Kiraras back too." he says smiling, followed by a lick too my sensitive tip. "Its been too long since I could taste your sweet fluids, Shippo." all I could do is nod, closing my eyes and arcing my back slightly.

Inuyasha retreated from my body.

Kirara moved closer, her pink lips dripping cum from all of the excitement. First Kirara pushed me onto my back. She then moved on top of my member, her two front paws on either side of my shoulders, back paws near my feet. Lowering herself onto my penis, we both blushed and moaned in unison from our pleasure intensifying. Kirara moved up and down, starting out slowly, then moving faster and faster. I could feel her walls contracting around my member firmly, bringing the kitty towards her climax.

My body grew quite slick with sweat, Kiraras body shaking uncontrollably. With a few more pumps, she closed shut her eyes, letting out waves of pleasure and cummed all over my small penis, the juices dripping towards the ground slowly. I couldnt hold it in any longer, letting my body cave in pleasure. Kirara roared at my orgasm, as I shot my warm seed into her awaiting body. I yelled out how good the cum on my lower body felt, our fluids mingling together.

Meanwhile in the background, Inuyasha watched me and Kirara have sex for the first time. He was very turned on by the sound of his voice and his heaving chest, not to mention his fully grown cock. A few minutes after I calmed down, I got close too Kiraras head. I whispered something into her ear, then followed with a small giggle. Inuyasha had a very puzzled look on his face. He had no clue what I was thinking, or what I whispered silently in the air.

I moved with the cat demon step by step towards Inuyashas body. He was laying against the wall opposite too the doorway with his legs spread wide. Kirara got between his legs and started too lick around his balls, while I started sucking slowly on his penis. I worked him the same as he worked me his first night in the forest, bringing back so many memories.

My mouth could barely fit over his penis so it was hard too give him the full pleasure he deserves. I started too lick his underside of his balls, as Kirara worked on the sucking. Me and her were a perfect team, completely in unison. Inuyasha had a big smirk on his face right now, panting his hardest too enjoy this great pleasure a cat and fox demon. He was almost at his peak, so I went solo from here on. Sucking at a quick speed now. His orgasm was only seconds away, when I stopped sucking, and grasped his penis with my right hand, tugging hard as I could. He finally gave into his giant orgasm squirting jet after jet of warm semen onto my face and stomach, screaming my name through the heavy panting.

I started cleaning my face off with my tongue, as Kirara helped me by licking my face. "Shippo, Kirara, That was amazing." Inuyasha says with satisfactory in his voice.

We both smile as I reply "Im really happy I could be with you again! I missed you, Inuyasha."

"I wont leave you again, I promise."

Kirara lapped up the last drop of semen from my face, as I laid in the dog demons embrace, thinking how wonderful and blessed I am too have two of the greatest friends.