Summer Lust, part four

Story by Maju on SoFurry

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Maju fell asleep very tired, even though it was only quarter past nine. He had an exhausting day, packing out his stuff, then he fucked the neighbor a few times, swam a bit, then after dinner, he was masturbating until he passed out from exhaustion. He had to jack off so many times his arm was getting sore, but he just couldn't stop. He had the neighbor to think about, what they did was so hot... but his thoughts often drifted off to his mother, too.

When he woke up, he felt awful - A slight headache, his body coated in cold sweat and his body was pretty sore. The sunshine felt hot - he forgot to close the curtains yesterday. What could be the time? Ugh. Three past ten. That means he slept quite a lot, but he didn't feel it. He felt dizzy and tired, but he's going to get up anyway. He realized he can go over to the neighbor again, though he could barely get this through straight in his head. He sat up, and he had to close his eyes because the sun - he blindly looked around with his hand for something to put on. He found a pair of panties on the floor by his bed, pulled them on, and went down to greet her mother.

She was lying on the couch with a women's magazine in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. She had already dressed up in shorts and an oversized tee. Maju watched her for a few seconds before saying hello.

-"Mornin'" he said, scratching the back of his head sleepily.

-"Morning." replied her mother, shot a glance at her son, then quickly took a sip of coffee to hide her smile. "There are some waffles on the counter."

-"Yay." said Maju, with a little less cheer than usual. He didn't quite feel awake yet.

-"When are you gonna go over to Miss Daylyn?" asked her mom from the other room as Maju sat down to the kitchen table with the plate of waffles in his hand.

-"Umm. I dunno, I kinda overslept. I'll take a shower and go. Why?" he asked back through a mouthful of waffles.

-"The movers will get the rest of the heavy stuff in today, I thought you could help."

-"Meh." replied he. He'll go over and if he's lucky, have sex again, not pull furniture around. That's what the movers are paid for. "Nah, sorry. I wouldn't be much of a help anyway." He looked down on his weak arms, and frowned with his mouth full with the last bite. The plate reminded him what happened yesterday, so he got up and washed it again. While he was washing it, he imagined her mom hugging her like she did yesterday... his cock started getting hard, he bit his lips...

-"Honey, aren't those MY panties?" she said behind him.

Maju's eyes popped open and he turned around to the voice, and looked down to check what his mother meant. He was wearing high-cut, white lace panties, with his balls hanging out on the sides.

-"S-sorry!" said Maju and dashed up his room again.

Half an hour later, clean and dressed, he said an awkward goodbye and left.

After the door closed, she went upstairs in her son's room, and looked in the trash can, finding a fresh, crumpled paper tissue on top.

-"Just what I expected" she said, giggled, and picked it up. "Now it's my turn to sniff, honey..." she whispered, and holding the tissue to her pink nose, she inhaled the scent of her son's semen from it as her hand slid into her shorts.