Lab Drone Placement (1/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Dieter gets a job from a lab company that seems to want them to come in right away, though they don't quite understand the terms that they're looking for when they come in. Fortunately Sibergon Labs has a user manual and job description ready to download into their mind as soon as they make them capable of containing it.

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Dieter sighed as they looked through the personals on the screen at the internet café he had started to frequent, the lion leaning back in the chair to give his eyes a rest. They had already been at it for some time, which was evidenced when he put the hot cup of cocoa to his lips and found that it was almost ice cold. Unfortunately the sacrifice of his drink was in vain as he came to the end of the website and found nothing new that he could post his resume too. They clicked off the site and pondered whether or not to go to the next one as he saw the time he had remaining on the computer ticking away the last few minutes he had paid for.

It wasn't like they would see much new in any of the other sites that they would find; ever since the lion had lost his last job they had been looking for something new in their sector, and as time went on their net grew increasingly wider until they had just been looking at everything in general. Thankfully Silvanus had been more than gracious with his money until they could get back on their feet, but it was something that they didn't want to take advantage of and wanted a paycheck of their own. But after the initial volley of resumes they had sent out it had become the worst part of the job hunt, the waiting game. There was nothing else they could do except for come back to the internet café and see if he got any responses while at the same time seeing if anything new had come up in the day that had passed.

Just as they was about to give up and go look at a few social media sites instead to catch themselves up on what was happening in the world, only to see that a pop-up had come on that was related the job site they were visiting. It was a notification of a brand-new opportunity from a company called Sibergon Labs, a place he had never heard of before as he clicked on the new window to go to the info screen. The offer was for a Personal Assistant and the details on what exactly they would be doing were a bit vague. It mostly said that it would be helping those around the lab... but what really got their attention was the benefits that they would get upon hiring. Not only was the pay great but it also featured housing for those who accepted the job as well as health, dental, wellness benefits, and unlimited job training.

"I mean, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to take a look..." Dieter thought to themselves as they clicked on the send resume button, e-mailing them his CV and other materials that were saved to his profile. Once he was finished with that he only had about a minute left and started to pack up to leave when he saw his e-mail pop-up to notify him that he had a message from the company e-mail that was on the site. "Wow, that was fast..."

To Dieter's surprise it wasn't an interview date or time, but a job offer letter instead! Their cry of joy caused several others in the café to look at them strangely, the lion immediately realizing what they had done and felt themselves sink slightly in their chair from the embarrassment. The feeling was short-lived however as they once more looked at the letter to see their name on it and the words accepted in the same paragraph. After searching for so long they didn't realize that it would end so suddenly, expecting to have to do the usual grind of multiple interviews and deal with multiple rejections before he would get an offer letter.

When the lion looked back at the screen his joy turned to slight panic as they saw he only had a minute to go before their time ran out, scrambling to find something to write with to not have to spend the money to add another half an hour just so they could get the time and address. Despite almost spilling the cold cocoa onto the table they managed to get all the information copied down before his time ticked to zero and the system automatically logged them out. The time that they had given him was for that same day so they needed to get home and change as soon as possible, even though they had already given them the job they wanted to look nice for their first day. As the time ticked closer to when they would be meeting their new employer they could still feel themselves practically floating on their feet as they walked towards the address.

A short bus ride later Dieter found themselves standing on the sidewalk in confusion. They had been a citizen of the city long enough to know that the place they had been sent to was where a number of abandoned waterfront warehouses had been. They were left behind when the city had built a brand new port closer to the sea and they had never bothered to tear them down, instead leaving them as an eyesore for this part of the city. When the lion looked around however this was not the sight that had greeted them.

The cracked sidewalk they stood on was the only piece of the area that was dilapidated; from the bus stop all the way to the river's edge was covered in green grass and freshly paved streets that led to a shiny buildings that looked like metal sculptures. It looked like some sort of college or technology campus and as Dieter walked up to it they wondered how such a thing could be built in such a short time. While this wasn't a neighborhood that they typically ventured to on a regular basis they expected that such a grand revitalization of the area would have at least been in the news or something. Perhaps that was why they gave them the letter of offer so readily, Dieter thought to themselves as they began to see others walking around, they needed people to fill the roles of something that had just newly opened.

Either way it didn't stop the excitement of the lion as they went into the north entrance of the main building, which was the one in the center with walkways that extended to the other structures like wheel spokes. As they continued forward they also began to notice something peculiar about those inside, Dieter noting that a number of those walking about had on rubber suits complete with gas masks or helmets with visors on them. While it wasn't what the lion would consider inappropriate attire it definitely left little to the imagination on what the bodies underneath looked like. It hugged them like a second skin and seemed to contour to their every movement, and had the lion not looked away at the right time it almost would have resulted in smacking against the glass door they had to open.

After taking a second to regain their composure Dieter opened the door and walked inside, heading straight to the receptionist desk where a young lizardman sat answering calls. They waited while the reptilian creature finished his call before looking up at them. "Hi there, I'm Dieter," the lion said, shaking slightly despite trying to hide their nervous excitement. "I was told that I would be starting in my new position today?"

The lizardman looked at Dieter, then back down towards his computer as he typed something into it. "Ah yes!" the receptionist said with a smile as he glanced back up at them. "You're going to be our new Lab Drone, welcome to Sibergon Labs! I do hope you enjoy working here as much as everyone else does."

Lab Drone, that's a new way to describe it, Dieter thought to themselves as they waited while the lizardman printed out a badge for him to use. It was explained to them that this was merely a temporary one that would allow them access only to the new employee orientation area. Once they were done with the on-boarding process they would receive their lab placement and access card.

There were also a few other papers that Dieter had to sign, the lion quickly skimming through all of them including an NDA and request for housing within the campus. While they weren't sure if they were going to use it they wanted to at least have the option to move, especially with the way everything looked in the area. There were definitely worst places one could live, the lion thought to himself as he signed the last of the papers before handing them to the lizardman. Once he had gotten everything the receptionist took the small stack and exchanged them for the badge before telling the lion the directions on how to get to the new employee orientation center and to have a nice day.

Dieter nodded and quickly made their way back towards the door that was pointed out to them. As soon as they disappeared on the other side of the door the lizardman gave one last look to the feline before pushing a button on their phone. "Hey, Drone Assimilation Services," the lizardman said as he continued to watch the door. "You got one coming your way, make sure to warm up the rubber."


Dieter looked around in awe at the laboratory that they walked through, taking a peek inside rooms where the doors were opened to peek inside. While the lion had no idea what was going on they could tell that it was very scientific in nature; various people walking around in their white lab coats as they did things with impressive machinery that took up large parts of the room. Part of them wondered if they were possibly going to learn about that stuff as they continued down the hall and into an entirely new building as per the instructions of the lizardman's instructions. Eventually they got to a building with the letters DAS on the door and they used the badge given to them to disable the lock and step inside.

"Dieter?" a voice said a few seconds after they had gotten into the door, turning their head to see a rather large horse man standing nearby looking at them. Just like the others they had seen he wore a white lab coat with the symbol of the lab emblazoned on it, but his was open and the lion could see what appeared to be a latex catsuit underneath it as he went over and shook their hand. "Welcome to DAS, my name is Gunther and I'm the lead technician for this branch."

"Pleased to meet you," Dieter replied as they looked around, seeing mostly what looked like steel vats that took up most of the room. "Is this where I'm going to be working?"

"Oh no, you're merely here to get prepared for the program that you've signed up for," Gunther replied with a slight chuckle as he motioned for Dieter to follow him before walking further into the building. "This is the place where we create the specialized suits that will protect you from any dangerous lab environments so that you can do the jobs required of you by the other technicians on campus. Normally we have a few examples that I could show you before we get right into it but there's a major experiment going on that requires all hands on deck, so you're going to have to go into this one somewhat blind."

Dieter just nodded and followed the horse until they got to a large metal platform, the circular stage connected to the vats underneath it by large steel hoses. Once they were there Gunther got the lion up onto the stage and as they walked across it they didn't see anything other than the shiny metal surface of the platform itself. "So first thing's first," Gunther stated as he held up a pair of red-tinted goggles to Dieter. "We're going to need you to put these on so that we can do a full cognition map and synapse copy for the archives so we can reset you if need be."

"Reset me?" the lion repeated as they looked down at the goggles.

"Think of it like a back-up hard drive for your mind," Gunther explained as he continued to gesture to the lion to put on the goggles, Dieter eventually grabbing them and sliding them over their head. "Sibergon Labs boasts the latest in mental and physical health and one of the benefits is that all those under their employ receive the best in care that can be provided to restore you to peek efficiency. Should something happen to you that effects your cognition in any way this will help us to set things right in a matter of minutes or hours instead of waiting for it to happen naturally."

While Dieter understood the explanation that was given to them it was still something that caused them to pause. It was a reminder of just how seemingly advanced this whole place was to them, like somehow they had arrived on a whole different world as they took the rubber lining of the goggles and adjusted it so that it fit snuggly to their face. As soon as everything was comfortable they told the horse who nodded and hopped off the platform and walked over to a booth that was situated a few feet away, leaving the lion alone as they could see the equine lab technician milling about behind the glass that separated them. Dieter could also start to see something in the lenses of the goggles they wore, and as words appeared on the screen the interface told them to remain still as the scan took place.

As it did the lion was unaware the rubber strap that pressed their mane against their head had begun to warp slightly, tendrils pushing up on the outside and slowly slithering upwards until they reached their feline ears. Dieter had been watching all the data and inputs flashing on the inside of the goggles with awe and it was only when they had felt a slight pressure against their ears did it cause them to notice. By this point the tendrils had slithered beneath the fur of their mane and when they reached up all they felt was the rubber of the strap and their own fluffy features, prompting them to relax their arms once more. With their investigation ceasing the tendrils continued to push their way into the lion's ear holes, the slick rubber filling in the rounded ears until they realized that they couldn't hear the sounds of the lab around them anymore.

"It's just the mask linking you up here while it scans you," a voice in Dieter's head suddenly caused them to jump, looking past the code streaming past their eyes to see the horse technician talking into a microphone and looking at them. "Think of it like a pair of fitted headphones; you may also feel something pressing up against your jaw and throat that's going to allow you to do something we call sub-vocalization, which is making words without having to move your mouth. Considering the suit that you're going to get you're definitely not going to want to misalign either of these features once they have calibrated to you."

For the first time since they had signed up for this job the lion began to wonder exactly what the details of their employment, and this suit they were supposed to get, was going to entail. The lab hadn't exactly been forthcoming on the details and as they realized that they had been so excited to get the job that they hadn't checked in on what they were doing besides lab work. With the information given to them by the horse and the fact that they could feel something sliding across their throat, his hands briefly moving up to feel what it was before remembering Gunther's words and stopping, it all seemed more intense then they had realized. Before they could think about it too much however the code that had been streaming before their eyes stopped and words flashed on the screen indicating the scan and download was complete.

"Looks like everything went along perfectly," Gunther once more said through the microphone, Dieter able to see him looking at what appeared to be a holographic image of a brain that they presumed was his. "Oh my, you have quite the interesting peculiarities that we can help expand on during the process. All the affinities we need to ensure a successful integration are marked, and while your obedience is good we can tweak that to be more compatible while still integrating this fondness for masculinization to increase your workplace efficiency and employee morale."

Dieter was taken slightly aback at what they had just heard, the horse naming off some of their more private desires. Some of them even Sivilarus didn't know about, yet it appeared this brain scan that had been done of them had revealed a few deep-seated desires that caused them to balk slightly. "How... how do you know all this?" the lion asked, causing the horse to chuckle slightly.

"We have a partner that has been very helpful in regards to developing technology that allows us to see what people want and feel even if they themselves don't realize it," Gunther explained as he put the scan down and moved onto the next phase. "Of course we could never replicate him completely but we have made great strides to ensure that all our drones are content with the lot that we have given them in life. This benefactor also helped us develop the vulcanizing agent that we're about to use on you, which if you could please take off your clothes we can move on to the next phase of the process."

Drones... vulcanizing agent... things had taken a turn for the strange for the lion as the metal panel began to vibrate underneath their feet. Despite this however they found themselves actually doing what they had been told, not even realizing they were doing it until they had pulled their shirt over their head to leave their chest exposed. Once more the goggles that they wore had begun to display words again, but this time they were too quick for them to see clearly as their hands moved in an almost mechanical fashion to their pants. One thing that they could clearly see however was the words Drone Programming and Conditioning Cycle in Progress blinking on the upper left hand side of his vision, making them believe that there was something going on with these words as they stripped down to their underwear.

They stood there for a second like that before the horse once more chirped in their ear that this was no place for modesty and if they wanted the suit to fully integrate with them they were going to have to lose that as well. Though standing on a platform in the middle of a lab completely naked was not what they had in mind when they signed up for the job Dieter found themselves removing the last article, remaining still as the voice thanked him before it was replaced with a buzzing in their ears. Though it wasn't unpleasant it was somewhat distracting, though the lion found themselves unable to lift their arms to the latex that had coated the inside of their ear. They did see when something began to rise up from the platform, several mechanical arms pushing their way up from the surface with various attachments on the end that had caused them to swallow hard.

The first thing that appeared was a hollow metal tube several small nozzles on tendrils that were attached to it, and though Dieter had an idea of where it was going to go it wasn't until it had begun to press up around his cock that they realized in shock they would be correct. As it began to envelop their maleness the lion quickly found out that the inside was lined with rubber, sliding against the sensitive flesh as they watched it disappear inside the flexible metal. With their focus fixated on what was happening in front of them the feline failed to see that another one had snaked up behind them. Unlike the tube swallowing up the cock of the lion this one had a rubber tip on the end of it, the phallic length slowly moving forward before it rested up against their cheeks.

Dieter became acutely aware of it however when it began to spread open his furred rump, spreading open his cheeks and poking at the ring of muscle between them. Just as they were about to ask the horse what sort of suiting was this the lion felt a calm that swept through their entire body. The words that were flashing briefly in front of his visor also seemed to slow down and give the same impression, telling them that drones could relax, that the lab would take care of all of their needs and there was nothing to worry about. Any panic and anxiety that had been building in the lion seemed to melt away with those words, a small grin forming on their face as those feelings were replaced by one of pleasure as they felt themselves growing erect inside the rubbery confines of the tube attached to his cock.

As the lion began to feel his back arch from the pleasure coming from the tube around their member the nozzles on the end of it began to move around their hips. At first when Dieter looked down they thought that it was going to be some sort of spray, but as the metal tips got close to their fur a shiny black goo slowly oozed out of it. In the haze of pleasure that was being fed to them they saw that the liquid rubber being deposited on them didn't just drip down their legs, it seemed to move with purpose as it was spread around the entirety of their groin. In the background Dieter could hear the horse saying something about nanites and synthetic matrices, but all they could focus on was the square of rubber suspended in the frame coming towards his face.

Even though Dieter was so shocked it caused their jaw to drop the lion quickly found their mouth closing once more as the black square began to press against his feline muzzle. The second the synthetic material touched their body it caused a shiver to go down their spine, which brought back up a wave of pleasure from what was happening to his lower body. Though they swallowed hard as their lips were completely sealed once more they felt any trepidation towards the process ebb away as it began to cover the rest of their face. A good drone is smooth and featureless... the thought had come up in Dieter's mind unbidden but it felt almost natural as the rubber continued to press over him. At the same time a ring had risen from the platform itself and attached to it was a similar layer of rubber began to stretch over their feet.

With everything starting to happen around their body Dieter knew that at least part of their mind should be freaking out that they were being covered completely in rubber, feeling the smooth, shiny material pressing up against their legs as small breaks appeared in the ring to pass over the tubes, but all that was running through their mind at the moment was blissful pleasure. Thoughts continued to form in their mind, their rubber-covered lips shifting slightly into a grin as the last of their head and mane were covered. A drone... all they could think about was how they would look like as one, even as it was actually being done to them all they could do was imagine as their muscles continued to relax. With their head completely covered and the ring traveling up towards their neck Dieter's thoughts began to grow increasingly fuzzy with every second that the drone programming was sinking into their mind...

Meanwhile Gunther watched from the control booth as the feline body fell into a state of deep trance, monitoring all of Dieter's vitals to ensure that the process went smoothly. Already he could see that mental cognition had slipped into a highly suggestive state; while most of Dieter's personality was going to remain intact and available the program was also slipping in a drone state, an added layer that would allow them to fulfill the role that was being made for them. It would slip over his cognition like a blanket, being ever present but not noticed as the lion's body began to twitch. The horse saw on the screen that the nanite-infused latex had managed to calibrate themselves to the body of the feline, which meant that it was time for the next phase in his induction to his new line of work.

Dieter suddenly felt their senses return sharper than ever as they found themselves blinking a few times, the screen that had been flashing with the hypnosis softening their mind ceasing as well as the buzzing in their ears. "How are we feeling right now Dieter?" The lion suddenly heard in their ears, Dieter looking over to see the horse waving at them. "Wanted to make sure that everything was going well before we moved on to your final phase of becoming a drone."

"I feel... really good," Dieter said through his sub-vocalization as they looked down at themselves, seeing that everything that had been attached to his body was gone and he stood there with a body completely coated in rubber from head to toe. "Am I... a drone now?"

"Not quite," Gunther replied. "You are currently in what we like to call a transition phase, your body and mind is acclimatizing to the rubber that we coated your skin with but its still in a dormant state. Once we flip the switch it's going to begin the process of assimilating your cells and will also likely transform you into something different then your current feline configuration and alter your personality slightly, we believe if drones have a different body and act slightly different then what they came in with they more easily accept the programming given to them."

Though it made just as little sense as before the lion found themselves nodding, the news unable to dent their mood as Gunther informed them that the process was about to begin. Dieter flinched slightly as several ports opened up in the platform he stood on and wires snaked out of them towards their body. At first they thought that they were going to wrap around them, but as they rose up in the air the ends just pressed themselves against the rubber on their body. A shudder went through their body as they were connected everywhere, several even pressing up against the hood that had been created around their head.

When the last connection was made Deiter felt a tingle go through their entire form, a sensation like someone gently massaging their muscles with thousands of fingers as the rubber on their body glowed around the ports. Lines began to form like circuitry as the lion could feel the synthetic material on their body begin to shift. The area where the wires connected also started to generate a heat that suffused into their body, and as their visor began to flash and swirl they realized that it was the nanites sinking into their skin and muscles to change their body. It was something that Gunther hadn't told them before, but yet they still seemed to know what was happening to them... including the fact that some of the nanites had already infiltrated their mind in order to install their new programming.

Dieter let out a soft gasp as the rubber continued to move on their body, and when they looked down once more they could see that the layer of latex covering them like a second skin had started to swell in certain places. As first they thought that it was just an effect of the plugs that were against their body but the more they watched the more the feline could see that his actual form was being altered. Their breath caught in their throat as their chest became more defined, the rubber stretching as their pectorals began to fill out while the cables that were attached to their nipples continued to flow data to alter them.

As the same thing started to happen to their stomach Dieter continued to stare in awe, though a growing part of their mind wondered why they would be surprised. Drones needed to be strong in order to perform the tasks that were given to them, the lion thought as their biceps swelled, his forearms following suit as the lion began to pant. While the tingling in their body had begun to intensify it was only growing more pleasurable by the second, the nanites converting not only muscle and bone but nerves as well to make the rubber drone more sensitive in all aspects. It would allow them to do their job more efficiently, Dieter heard themselves say in their own mind as their thighs and calves began to expand just like their arms had.

Just when Dieter thought that they couldn't be any more stimulated the wires that had attached to the sides of their cock and balls began to vibrate, and the lion let out a muffled moan through their mask as they saw it lengthen before their eyes. Just as they started to wonder why they needed that sort of augmentation the nanites in their brain informed them that it came with the augmentations, Dieter watching as they started to grow more aroused by the second. Since he was a male drone they would augment him to receive the most pleasure he could... though as Dieter watched the rubber of his thighs began to thicken around it as he was told that it would only be able to be accessed when authorized or during personal time.

Just as Dieter watched the last of his cock being engulfed by the bulge that surrounded it he began to realize that his thinking had shifted as well, the drone groaning as he realized that his owners wanted to make sure that any pesky thoughts of personality were put aside so he could focus on work. The rubberized lion couldn't complain as he looked down at his rubberized body, watching his muscles continue to pop and swell with every second he was connected with the wires that were programming him. It was clear though that it wasn't just muscle mass that these nanites were giving him, even as the globes of his butt were filling out and his back was flexing with new growth he began to feel other changes happening to him that would increase his efficiency even more...