Doro and Lexa - Ch 2 - Coming Together

Story by XP_Author on SoFurry

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#2 of Doro and Lexa

Doro is celebrating his 18th birthday with his boyfriend, Jordan (also 18 now), and convinces him to wear a dress for the first time, something Jordan is surprised to find he quite enjoys. Unfortunately, someone unexpected finds out about it, and the pair's life is changed forever.

Disclaimer: This story focuses on transgender themes, and as such, some people in said story are depicted a little bigoted towards it. This is not meant to offend anyone, nor is it meant to represent, or misrepresent anyone within the trans community.

Doro and Lexa

Chapter 2 - Coming Together

By XP Author

Doro's mouth nearly fell open in shock. "Holy crap, you DO look good in a dress!"

Jordan blushed visibly, even under brown fur, as he stepped out of the changing room. It took him a LOT of convincing and talking into just to be here and do this. The two had been officially dating for a little over two years now, and this was the first time Jordan had let his boyfriend talk him into trying on dresses. He wore a long dress of midnight blue, the near floor-length skirt hanging loose around his ankles. The top left his shoulders bare, save for a pair of sting straps that kept the top up and in place, crossed at his back and leaving that open as well. "Y-you really think so?"

Doro nodded emphatically. "Oh yes! Go on, do a little turn so I can see all of you!" Jordan did a slow turn in front of his boyfriend, letting him have a look. The dress hugged at his hips in a rather nice way, showing his rounded rear under his slowly swaying tail. "Yeah, that's really nice." Doro chuckled. "How does it feel?"

Jordan turned back around, his blush still visible. "It's... honestly not bad. It's really soft material and it fits... kinda nice." He pat his chest. "A little loose here, though..."

"Oh, we could tailor that for you, ma'am. At no extra charge!" The ferret attendant of the dress shop practically glided over to the pair. Dressed in a well tailored suit that showed off his own svelte body, he smiled at the two teens.

Jordan cleared his throat. "Oh... um... I'm not... not a ma'am..." Doro just chuckled to himself.

The man gasped. "OH! I'm I am so sorry! I didn't mean any offense!"

Jordan let out an awkward laugh. "No, it's okay. I'm... well, I guess I'm glad that I don't just look like a man in a dress. Though I have seem some cross-dressers ROCK dresses before."

Doro couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Babe, YOU'RE rocking that dress right now! What do you think that makes you!?"

Jordan just sighed. "Very embarrassed..."

The tailor smiled at the two younger teens. "Well, if it helps any, I do happen to agree. You are rather stunning in that. A little tightening at the bust area and you would be ravishing. I'm actually a little jealous." He whispered conspiratorially to the two. "I don't have the shoulders to pull off a dress like that. Or the legs." He winked at Jordan, who finally couldn't help but crack a smile. "Now, shall I take your measurements for a tailoring?"

Jordan looked at Doro for a moment, his boyfriend still chuckling, though giving a confused look back. "No... actually, would there be a way to... I dunno, stuff it? Falsies or something?"

Doro just gave an odd look, but the ferret smiled wide. "Oh! Want to sell the whole package? Yes, that I can help you with. We actually have a secret to help with that. We sell special bras to help with the, um... endowment challenges certain clients may face. Let me go get a few for you to try on." With that, he glided off to the back room.

Doro just kept staring at Jordan. "Are you serious about this?"

Jordan frowned at his boyfriend. "Hey, you're the one that talked me into this. No getting weirded out if I want to go the whole way." He smiled a little. "Think of it as me... trying to see the world from your point of view for a bit. And... I guess just give you that taste of whatever 'normal' is. Go on a date with your girlfriend for once. If... any of this makes any sense at all."

Doro just looked at his boyfriend as if for the first time, wondering if he'd just learned something new about the tall rat. "Yeah... it kinda does."

One fitting later, the boosting bra fitting more comfortably than Jordan thought it would, and the two were checking out. "So, just the dress and the bra? Will there be anything else you need? I could recommend a fine selection of heels for you."

Jordan held up a hand, dressed again in his normal clothing. "No, that's fine, but thank you."

Doro looked a little sad. "Aww. I thought you wanted the whole package?" Jordan just booped his nose with a finger, making the smaller rat squeak. Doro huffed in a playful frown. "Here I am buying you a dress and you tease me like that!"

Jordan shook his head. "Yeah, you're the one turning 18 tomorrow. Why am I getting the gift?"

Doro smiled as he handed over his credit card to the man. "Oh, trust me. This IS a gift for me."

* * *

Doro hadn't lost the massive smile on his face the entire evening. Dressed in a new, well fitting suit of dark gray, he got to sit across from the stunning person he loved. Jordan really did look lovely in the dress. He had even gone so far as to learn how to do his longer hair up in a fancy style, which only added to the look. For his birthday, Doro had picked a very nice restaurant for them to go to. One he'd wanted to for a while. Jordan felt bad that he couldn't afford to pay for pretty much anything there, leaving the bill again to Doro. The birthday boy managed to relieve some of his worries by saying if Jordan was to be his girlfriend for the evening, he was going to play proper boyfriend and pay for the date.

Doro set his fork down, having just finished with desert, a lovely strawberry cheesecake. "I wish you'd let me convince you to do this a long time ago. You would have been the prettiest woman at the prom, hands down."

Jordan sighed, but smiled all the same. "I dunno about that, but... I'll admit it. I kind of wish I'd let you sooner, too. It's... really nice. I get to be pretty." He scoffed, looking down. "I sound stupid."

Doro shook his head. "No, you don't. You... sound like me, just... in reverse."

Jordan nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess. Just never thought about it much."

Doro reached across and took Jordan's hand, squeezing it gently. "Maybe you should. I know it's super confusing and even... terrifying, but I'll support whatever you decide. Even if it's just being my boyfriend who likes wearing pretty dresses."

Jordan smiled at him, squeezing his hand back. "I know you will." He closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. "Though the hardest part will be telling-"

"Your dad!" Doro said, his voice low.

Jordan nodded. "Yeah. He had a hard enough time accepting you as-"

Doro squeezed his hand tighter. "No! Your dad is HERE!" Jordan's eyes snapped open. Doro nodded towards the front door. Spinning around in his seat, Jordan saw his father was indeed walking in, a pretty bunny slightly younger than Kyle leaning against his arm, his current girlfriend, Vicky.

Jordan spun back around, panic clear on his face. "Hoooo... fuck. That's right. Today is 6 months for them. He said he was taking her somewhere nice. That's why I was able to get my hair all done, he was out of the house all day. I didn't think he'd be taking her HERE!"

Doro squeezed his hand tight again. "Hey, calm down. Relax. Maybe he won't recognize you. We're already paid for. Once they're seated, we'll just get up and leave like any normal couple."

"Dorobo?" Kyle stopped in his tracks as he was being led to his seat, having spotted the young rat.

Doro sighed and spoke under his breath. "Or he could recognize me... shit." Clearing his throat he smiled to Kyle. "H-hello, Mr. Kaedin..." Jordan put his head in his hands, more embarrassed than he had ever been in his life.

Kyle looked at what he assumed was a young woman sitting across from his son's odd boyfriend. "What are you doing here? Who is this? Does Jordan know?" He then looked fully at Jordan, his eyes going wide. "JORDAN!?"

A tremble ran through Jordan. This was not happening. "Hey dad..."

Kyle just stared at his son. In a dress. "What in the sam hell are you wearing!?"

"A dress..." It was the only thing Jordan could think to say. The restaurant had grown quiet as heads started to turn towards the sudden ruckus, and it only made this worse.

Kyle's fist clenched. "Yes, I can see it's a dress! Don't get smart with me!"

Doro tried to speak up. "I-it was my idea..."

Kyle pointed at Doro, making the smaller rat flinch and shrink away. "Somehow I figured it was your doing. I put up with my son dating someone like you. I came to terms with that, but I will NOT have you turning him into-"

"DAD!" There was no way Jordan was putting up with anyone, even his father, accusing Doro of anything. He stood up and got directly into the face of his father. His voice was low. "You are making a scene in a VERY nice place, which you came to with a very pretty lady. Go enjoy your dinner with her, and we'll talk about it later!"

Kyle stared directly back into his son's eyes, even if he did have to look up now that Jordan was over six feet. "Oh, you bet your bottom that we'll be having words later." With that, he turned and followed the anxiously waiting server to his table. Vicky just mouthed an 'I'm sorry' to Jordan before following.

Doro looked at his boyfriend, seeing him shaking as he stood, staring at the back of his father. "Are... you okay."

Jordan closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. "I'm... I'm going to wait outside..." he hesitated. "Please apologize to the waiter for me... She was really nice." With that, he turned and made his way out the front door, still feeling eyes on him as he left.

Doro frowned and stood up. After flagging down the waiter and giving her a tip, and the message from Jordan, he quickly followed out the front door. "Jordan?" He looked around in a momentary panic before seeing him leaning against the wall. He was shaking even more than before. "Hey... are you- EEP!" Suddenly, the larger rat had his arms around him, hugging him tight. "Hey... it's okay."

Jordan wasn't crying, though he felt like he should be. He really wasn't sure what he should be feeling. "I'm sorry... I know we were going to go and see a movie later but... I just...."

Doro shook his head, holding onto his boyfriend tight. "No, no, it's okay. C'mon, let's just go home, okay?"

Jordan nodded. "Yeah... I'm sorry for my dad ruining your birthday."

Doro sighed softly, shifting to put an arm around him and let him lean close while they walked. "It's not your fault. And it wasn't ruined. I got to spend a great afternoon with the guy I love, AND while he was in a really fetching dress. A little drama isn't going to ruin this moment."

Jordan just laughed softly, despite himself. "I love you, too."

* * *

Jordan stared at the dress, now laid out on his bed. Beside it was the boosting bra and a set of shoes he hadn't even gotten to show off. Not heals, but still quite nice, and distinctly feminine, with a blue ribbon that laced up his calf when he wore them. He really wanted to show those off later. Dressed now in his normal clothes, a baggy tee of green, and faded, worn blue jeans. He reached out and started neatly folding the dress, before setting it and the other objects on top of a small suitcase, closing it. The rest of the things in the suitcase were a few days worth of clothes and some toiletries. Shampoo, a spare brush, toothpaste and a toothbrush, things like that. He'd had the bag packed for a few months now, ever since his father's first angry explosion when Doro had officially come out after graduating high school.

The front door slammed shut outside and Jordan closed his eyes. "Jordan! You better be home and not at that twink's house again!"

He sighed. "Here we go..." He was not looking forward to this in any way. "Yeah! I'm home..." He called out before stepping out of his room, seeing his father standing at the door almost seething. He wondered if Vicky had gone home or was just outside the door, about to hear all this.

"Alright, you!" Kyle stormed closer to his son. "I've put up with a lot of things lately. Picking fights at school? Sure, you were just defending your friend. That friend turning out to be some gender confused little girl? Fine. You DATING that girl!?"

"Doro isn't a girl, Dad." Jordan's head jerked to the side as his father slapped him across the face. It stung, but it wasn't that bad. He just took it.

"Don't you interrupt me! That GIRL is just a confused teenager who doesn't know what she wants!" Jordan's fists clenched. "But fine. She wants to call herself a man, then fine. You want to date her... him, whatever, then... fine. But I will NOT let you fall into the same bullshit!"

Jordan wasn't biting his tongue this time. "What bullshit, Dad? Being comfortable with yourself?" Kyle swung to slap him again, but Jordan rose a hand to bat it away. "How is it that the Zei's are more open minded and supportive of their own child than you are?"

Kyle grit his teeth. "Because they're a bunch of hippy freaks!"

Jordan laughed mockingly. "I would hardly call a pair of religious conservatives 'hippies.' No, it's because they actually LOVE their son, their SON! You just want me to be a younger version of you! Well fuck that! I'm not you! I'm me!"

Kyle raised his hand again, but didn't strike this time. He really didn't like hitting his son, or anyone for that matter, even in anger. He took a deep breath to try and control that anger. "I know you're not me, but I raised you to know right from wrong. Dressing up like a girl and prancing around with your trans-whatever boyfriend with a cunt between their legs isn't RIGHT!" Kyle got a shocked look as it was Jordan that slapped him this time. His son had never struck him before.

"You know what, Dad? I think I figured something out today." Jordan took a step back. "Mom didn't leave because she couldn't handle being a mother. She left because she couldn't stand being your wife!"

Kyle clenched his fists again. "Your mother left because she was a psychotic bitch who couldn't deal with being with just one man. You think I'm the reason she went off and got three more ex-husbands?"

Jordan shook his head. He really didn't think that, but it still hurt his father to say it, and that was the goal... even if he'd regret saying it later. "What about Vicky then? She a keeper, or did she dump you after your little display back at the restaurant?" Kyle flinched visibly. "Oh, good. She did. At least she's got some brains."

Kyle clenched fists even harder. "That's it. Get into your room RIGHT NOW! Before I do something I'll regret! And don't even THINK about texting that little freak you call a boyfriend! I am DONE with them turning you against me!"

Jordan just stared at his father for a moment, then wordlessly turned and walked into his room. Kyle took a deep breath to calm himself down, only to see Jordan walk back out of his room with a suitcase in hand. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Away. To that 'little freak' I call my boyfriend." He marched his way to the door, not even looking at his father.

Kyle's anger rose, then a panic took over instead as Jordan reached for the door. "Jordan... wait! Please..." Jordan stopped, but still didn't look at him. "Look..." Kyle found his voice shaking. "I know I've not been the best father. I've just been trying to do the best I can, okay?"

Jordan sighed heavily, turning to look over his shoulder. "You called the man I love a freak. You basically called me the same thing."

Kyle nodded slowly. "Y-yeah, and I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm not... I don't understand these... things. You know that! I've tried! It's just... it just seems wrong to me."

Jordan nodded slowly. "And that's why I'm leaving." He turned away and opened the door. "I'll come back for the rest of my stuff in a few days. ...Goodbye, dad." He shut the door behind him, not looking back at his father, or the doorway as he walked away.

Kyle sank to the floor, too numb to feel anything else. "And now I lost my kid..." He closed his eyes and just sat there. "Fuck..."

* * *

It was raining. Of course it was raining. It always rained in the movie when things like this happened. It felt so cliched. Then again, maybe it was a bit of a blessing what happened. The movie he and Doro had been planning to go see would have only just let out not long ago, right as the rain was starting. They would have both been caught in it, instead of just him. The thought didn't really brighten his mood much. Jordan was still a mix of angry, sad, scared, and in some odd way, relieved. This argument with his father was a long time in coming.

He stood in front of the Zei house, looking at the pathway to the door. The porch light was on, and he was sure someone was constantly looking out of one window or another for him to be coming. He had texted Doro before starting the walk here an hour ago, so they knew he was coming. He started forward down the pathway. No sooner had he stepped onto the porch when the front door burst open, a panicked looking Doro standing there staring at him. "Jesus, you're soaked! Get in here!"

"Language!" Margaret called from just behind her son. "Oh my goodness, Jordan! He's right, you get in here right now." She turned to call over her shoulder. "Jason! Grab some towels!" The reply 'Got it!' was heard from somewhere deeper in the house.

Jordan gave a melancholy smile to his Doro and his mother, stepping into the house and setting his suitcase down. Thankfully, the thing was waterproof, so the contents would be dry. He realized he never packed a towel. Doro would call him on that later. "Thank you... for... uh.. for letting me come here..." He found it surprisingly hard to collect his thoughts now that he was here, his body shaking, having little to do with how cold and wet he was.

Jason came down the stairs with a set of peach colored towels in hand. "Think nothing of it, Jordan. Here." He wrapped one of the towels around the young man's shoulders, the other unfolded and handed over for Jordan to dry himself off. "I hope you brought some extra clothes in that thing."

Jordan nodded. "Yeah... about 5 days worth... and a few other things. Brush and... and toothpaste... and... uh..." Suddenly every emotion he had been fighting with rose up all at the same time as it hit him that he just left his home for good. He nearly fell forward as the emotions overtook him, being caught by not one but three sets of hands. Both parents grabbed his shoulders, and Doro just pressed against him in a hug, not caring he was getting wet. Jordan stood there, sobbing as he was held up by the members of the Zei family. No one said anything, just letting him cry, holding him up to let him know they were still there for him.

* * *

Jordan sat down on Doro's bed with a heavy sigh. After getting a good cry out of his system, he felt... surprisingly better. Drained as all hell, but better. The shower he'd taken didn't hurt matters, either. Now in his pajamas, a set of sleep pants and a tank top, he felt his body aching he was so drained. Doro slid up next to him, putting an arm around him and pulling him close. Jordan rested his head atop Doro's, leaning against him. "Thank you again..."

Doro smiled, squeezing his arm around Jordan. "Hey, you've been there for me so many times in the past. The least I can do is be there for you when you're in need, right?"

Jordan smiled tiredly. "Still. Thank you." He sat like this, just leaning against the smaller rat. How many times HAD this situation been the other way around? With Doro leaning against him? Eventually, he sat up. "I should probably try and get some sleep."

Doro nodded. "Yeah... Are you sure you don't want the bed?" A sleeping bag had been laid out on the floor at the foot of the bed. It was a large and fluffy one, and could easily serve as a pretty good sleep roll. Jordan had actually used it quite a few times in the past when he had slept over.

Jordan shook his head. "No, I'm fine. It's still your birthday, so enjoy your own bed."

Doro scoffed. "Only for the next... what, two hours? Besides, I think my boyfriend sleeping in my bed is a pretty good birthday present..."

Jordan nudged him with an elbow. "Hah! Not like you'd be sleeping next to me. There's barely enough room on this thing for one of us. You might be small, but you're not THAT small." Still, it was a nice thought. Though even if they were going to sleep beside one another, he was far too drained to do anything other than lay there.

Doro giggled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "Yeah, okay." Before Doro could shift away, Jordan turned to give him a much more full kiss on the lips. Doro froze up for a second in surprise, then practically melted against him.

The kiss didn't last long, but it left both of them smiling when it ended. "Never got to give you a proper birthday kiss." Doro just giggled giddily as Jordan stood up and moved to lay himself out on the sleeping bag. A pillow had been provided for him as well. "G'night, cute rat."

Doro giggled softly as he clicked the light off. "G'night, pretty rat." Jordan snorted a laugh at that, but couldn't help but smile as he closed his eyes.

Despite being utterly exhausted, sleep did not come easy. The argument he had with his father just kept playing over and over in his head, along with other arguments they had in the past. He sighed as he opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. At least he didn't feel like he was ready to break down again at any moment. "Still awake?" Jordan shifted as he heard Doro's voice from above him.

"Yeah... guess I've got a lot on my mind..." He closed his eyes again. "Or I've hit that point where you're so tired you can't sleep."

Doro shifted to sit up a little in his bed. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Jordan just shook his head. "No... not really." It was still too fresh in his mind. The two sat in silence for a while longer before Jordan spoke up. "I think this is the first time I've slept over since we started dating."

Doro let out a soft trill of laughter. "Yeah, it is. Mom and Dad are pretty particular about that. 'No boyfriends in the room until you're old enough.' That kinda thing."

Jordan got a wry smirk. "I thought I was your girlfriend today."

Doro laughed. "That's probably worse!"

Jordan tilted his head then. "So wait, they're fine with you having transition surgery and all that, but they won't let you be alone with a boy in your room?"

Doro shifted a little uncomfortably. "Well, they wouldn't let me do that until I was 18 either, remember?" More uncomfortable shifting. "And... I'm... thinking I won't do it..."

Jordan sat up at that, looking over the edge of the bed at his friend. "What? After all this time you changed your mind?"

Doro shook his head. "No! I mean.. kinda... I..." He sighed softly. "It's hard to explain it. I mean, I'm still a guy. But I... kind of want to keep the parts I have." He pat his chest. "Well, other than these. Small as they are, I am going to have them reduced still."

Jordan just stared at him. "Wait, you can do that? Just... keep the parts?"

Doro laughed softly. "Yeah. It's kind of a... non-binary thing. Or did you think it was all-or-nothing?"

Jordan shook his head slowly. "I honestly don't know what I thought." He smiled a bit more. "Still pretty cool, though. Makes you even more weird!" Even in the dark, he saw the look Doro gave him. "You know I mean that in a good way, right? I love the weird you. That'll just mean you're... I dunno, even more unique."

Doro nodded slowly. "I guess." He shifted the subject quickly. "What about you? You seemed to really like being a woman today."

Jordan opened his mouth to deny it, but really couldn't. The truth was, he had quite enjoyed today, dressed up in a pretty dress, his hair put up in a fancy style... it had been really nice. "I dunno. I guess I did like it today." He just sat there quiet for a moment. "More to think about... I guess." He closed his eyes and sighed. "Like I need more on my mind right now."

Doro smiled a little more. "Well, if you're ever up to trying it out again, we'll just have to go on another date. Get you all dolled up nice again." He tilted his head. "Maybe call you by a more feminine name?"

"You know Jordan is technically a unisex name, right?" He sighed softly. "Dad told me that he and my mother weren't sure if I would be a boy or a girl when I was born, so they picked out a couple of unisex names."

Doro frowned at first when Kyle was mentioned, but it passed as Jordan didn't seem to dwell on it. "Huh. What were some of the other ones?"

Jordan shook his head. "I dunno. I think he told me once, but I forgot." He sighed and laid back down, finally feeling the fatigue want to drag him into sleep. "Anyway, I think I'm finally ready to sleep."

Doro nodded slowly, though the thought of coming up with name suggestions still ran through his head. "Ashley is a pretty feminine sounding unisex name."

Jordan sighed. "I guess... We can talk about it another time."

Doro nodded again, laying back down. After a few minutes, he spoke again. "What about Leah?"

Jordan sighed. "Doro... go to sleep."

Doro couldn't resist throwing out one more. "How about Sage?

"Good night, Doro!" This was met with a soft trill of laughter.

* * *