Rowan and Aroura

Story by Zsora on SoFurry

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As I begin my travels, a heavy sigh makes its way up from the depths of my soul.

"Damn its hot..."

My tummy growls softly and I whimper, knowing full well that I can't eat yet.

"I really hope that...this is just a misunderstanding...we are going to be in a lot of trouble..."

I trudge on down the dusty road, the hot summer sun beating down on me. As I wander along the road, there were a few men in the trees, just out of sight. One heard the complaints and quickly hushed his two fellows, nodding to the direction of the voice.

"Alright men, Let's get this sissy."

I continue on down the road, unaware of the three furs targeting me. Sweaty and tired, I eventually stop and sit under a tree, murring softly as I feel the temperature go down a bit slightly. I take hearty swigs from my well-used canteen in between bites of bread and cheese.

In the tree line nearby, the men slowly heft small hand axes and tread softly, taking care to remain silent. When they spot me, the one in front takes careful aim with his axe. As I eat, I slowly begin to feel uneasy. My ear twitches as I hear something. It takes me a bit to realize what it is.

"The birds....they've stopped singing..." I roll onto my foot paws, gathering myself into a tight ball. "Who's there?!"

With a swift flick, the leader sent his axe flying in a powerful arc. It swished through the air and buried its blade into the tree just above my shoulder. I seemingly vanish, my heavy travel cloak drifting to the ground as I slip out from under its thick, heavy form. I sprint away, moving so fast that I am only a blur.

"Help! Help!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Shit!" The leader swore, "Go get him already!"

The wolf growled as he hit his comrades, extremely angry that they hadn't started their charge immediately after he threw the axe. The other two, still carrying axes, bolted after me, trying to chase their latest victim down. The chase went on for miles, but after running for nearly 5 miles, they had gained no ground. They gave up, and begin to slow down. Both took aim and let their axe fly. One fell short, causing the lupine to snort in disgust; the other planted itself into the fox's left shoulder by about an inch.

I cry out in pain as I trip over my own foot, face planting myself on the ground, screaming as I try to pull the axe out. "Help me!! Gods, someone, please help me!!"

The two lupines stood back, panting and recovering their breath, their minds at ease now as the lone fox was lying across the ground. But as luck would have it, a little house on the outskirt of the farmland community was just a small distance from them now. The screams were heard by many, and one of the townsfolk suddenly ran at breakneck speed, almost bursting through the front door of another house.

"Rowan, there's someone being attacked just outside of town!"

A huge quilt was thrown heavily across the room, revealing a black panther under it. "What?!"

"Go, quickly! It's just over there!" the townsman pointed out the window.

I try to get up, my claws digging into the ground and try to sprint away again, but one of the bandits nails me across the back of the head with the shaft of his axe, throwing me into darkness. As he raises the weapon to make sure I would not resist any further, a sharp throwing needle dug into the shoulder of the assailant, severing a major nerve and rendering that arm mostly useless.

The lupine cries in pain as the axe drops from his paw, the limb hanging dead at his side. His partner swings the axe hard, throwing it with surprising accuracy at this surprise attacker.

"Damn you, you Fucking panther!"

The panther moves very fast, dodging the axe by diving to the side, planting his claws in the ground and swiveling around them to get back up, not losing one bit of his speed as he drew his sword, slung horizontally across the small of his back. The lupine whips out a dagger from the sheath on his left leg, striking down with the blade, trying to skewer you.

"Die your motherfucker!!"

The panther planted his feet in the tight packed earth, skidding to a halt, making the dagger strike miss, but only by a narrow margin. The extra length of Rowan's katana closed the distance, cutting a deep laceration through the man's arm and some of his chest. The wolf cries out and wheels away as his companion, swinging at you with his axe, clips the side of the panther's head, throwing him a bit off balance. The injured wolf then grabs his companion and starts to run away.

The panther sheaths his sword and detaches it from his belt. He works quickly, tying the sheath's rope in a loose loop around my neck and then tightly around my left wrist. He took off his shirt, yanked out the axe and quickly tied the shirt around my chest making sure that it stayed across the wound to stem the blood flow. Then he checked to make sure the rope wouldn't cut off my air, before he carried me to his house.

After Rowan had brought me safely to his house, questions came to his mind in a flurry.

"What did those thugs want with him? Money? It doesn't look like he has anything of value at all. Perhaps they were territorial? In that case, I may have to search for them. That's not their land. Who is this guy anyway? Why'd he come all the way over here?"

Rowan set to work. He first mashed something in a bowl. When it became a paste-like substance, he smeared it on my forehead. Then he began cleaning the blood from around the wound and applying large leaves on the deep cut before rolling the bandages around my chest and shoulder to cover it. He had to move slowly, carefully making sure that the wound was not agitated. It took almost two minutes just to get the bandage around my body once while he gently moved his hands under my body to start the second roll around.

I slowly woke up, my head pounding hard as I trie to hold my head with my paws.

" head...."

"Get down. You can't be moving around yet. Don't move your arm." Came a soft, but deep voice as somefur placed a paw on my chest and pushed until I was on my back again.

I was about to complain about being ordered around, but as I locked eyes with the fur who was speaking, I felt a surge through my body.

"Oh...alright..." I laid back against the bed, my body tingling at the feeling of the black panther's touch.


"Try not to talk too much either." Rowan said softly, "Relax before your body casts off the effects of my herbs."

I nodded softly, dumbly and stared at him. Gods...he is so beautiful...who is this panther?

The panther hadn't even made eye contact with me yet. He was busy trying to put the last bit of bandage across my chest. Once the panther was sure that I wouldn't move, he slid his hands under my body and brought the bandage around one last time, before tucking the loose end tightly under the bandages earlier loops, making sure it wouldn't pull free.

"The axe broke your shoulder blade." He told me, his voice matter-of-fact. "I managed to prevent most of the blood loss, and the leaves inside the bandages should keep it from being infected."

I could not stop the soft noise of contentment that pushed its way out of me while the panther's soft, warm fur pressed against my body as he wrapped his arms around me. I realize what I just did a few moments later and blush hard.

"I'm...I'm sorry...."

"Don't talk. Sleep" The panther took a rag and draped it over my eyes, not giving any thought to what I said.

The panther got off the bed and moved over to a table, where he carefully cut some cloth into a sizeable square and brought it over to me. He folded it in a triangle and tied one corner to the loop of rope around my neck, brought the long side under my arm and tied the other two corners on it, making a loop around my wrist, making a comfortable sling for my arm.

I watched as he works, marveling at how graceful he is, how all light seems to be drawn to the sable in your coat, surrounding you in a soft glow that makes your fur sheen.

"So...beauti..." My words slurred into intelligibility as the herbs secondary effect dulling my senses with sleep. As I slip into unconsciousness, I have only one thought: Gods, I hope...that he isn't the enemy...

With the fox asleep again, Rowan picks up the quilt from the floor, now dusty with dirt from the floor. He shakes it off and throws it over the bed and its new inhabitant. Then he sits in a chair in the corner and watches the fox sleep, studying him to make sure he wasn't twitching in pain. The sun moves halfway across the sky by the time the fox makes even the slightest of moves.

I stir slowly. "Hmmm..." My eyes snap open as I realize where I am. "Oh gods....that was mortifying...."

I try to sit up so I can take stock of my surroundings, as I did pain lanced through my shoulder, quickly reminding me of my condition. I whine softly and hold my shoulder with my other paw.

"Dammit...where is my cloak..."

The panther was roused by the noise. He stepped beside the bed. "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice like butterscotch. I am about to make a sarcastic comment, but when I saw who it was, my voice failed me. I mouthed the words a few times, nothing coming out as I stared at him.

Suddenly the door opened and an equine man walked in, holding my cloak in his hand. "Hey, I found this about 5 miles away. I think it..." He sees me looking at the panther so nakedly and snickers. "Damn, I think you have a fan boy there, Rowan!"

I blush hotly and grab at my cloak, trying to hide myself, wishing I were invisible I was so embarrassed, a state not altered when, with the casual flick of an arm, the panther's fist met the equine's chest harshly.

"Shut up, Daren."

I blush hotter at the display of strength and look up at the dominant panther adoringly. "Thank you..."

I slipped a potion out of a pocket in my cloak and drank it down, moaning softly as my body began to heal rapidly.

"Oh gods...that feels so good...."

The Panther watched me drink down my potion with a mild curiosity. "You actually left something like that behind?"

I nodded softly.

"Well, I needed to move quickly, so I had to ditch it. I may carry a lot of useful stuff in this thing, but it is heavy. Besides, I could always replace what's in this cloak... I can't replace my life."

I murr softly as I feel my bones knit and heal. I slowly slip my arm out of the sling and flex it a few times. The panther grabbed my hand, restraining my movement.

"You're not coming out of the sling yet. The bandages aren't coming off either. You might not need them for your injury, but if you want a chance to get to know people here, taking advantage of their sympathy would be best."

"W-what do you mean?" I asked, curiosity nudging at me. Then, in a burst, I remembered my mission. "Umm, where is base 408?"

The instant I said it, I knew it was a mistake. The panther's eyes narrowed and his claws dug into my arm.

"Base 408? That's the king's quarters. How do you know about that? Are you a messenger?" I whimpered softly in pain, the claws drawing a bit of blood.

"W-well, I have something to ask...but I'm here to be get a job..."

"If you're not a messenger, how do you know that?" The panther's eyes bored into mine, dominating me.

"I-I was told..." I managed to choke out.

"Told by who? Give me a name and do not lie. A wrong name will get you killed." The panther's voice was cold and flat. A shiver went down my spine, knowing that he was not lying, knowing that he would do it in a heartbeat.

"R-Raine... He told me that if I spoke to the king, he would get me a job so I wouldn't have to fight."

"You're with us? Daren, go and fetch Raine. If he knows about this, he'll clear it up."

"Of course..." I laid back as the equine nodded and left, flashing me a smile as he goes.

"Thank you for your help..."

The panther's eyes remained the same, his voice incredulous. "And what is it you have to ask my king?"

"I want a that has no fighting..." I continued with my pre-conceived story, "I know that we have to enlist for a bit in the army...but I hate fighting...I was hoping he would help...?"

"If that's what you want, just stay here." The panther assured me, his mannerism thawing a bit. "You need not see the king, but you will need to make a name for yourself among the townsmen. You're safe here. No one will raise a hand against you. If you want a job, just ask anyone if they need help. You'll learn with time. May I ask why you wish to flee your army?"

"Our army, you mean, right?" I automatically corrected, "and...well, I hate's awful...awful..." I start to withdraw in on myself as memories, sharp as a knife, cut into my consciousness.

The panther sat back in his chair, eyeing me carefully. I pull out a small package out of my cloak and start to open it. Remembering my manners, I looked up at him shyly.

"Umm...d-do sweet things?"

The panther tilts his head "I... do, yes." I blush softly and slip out a small cake of maple sap. "W-well...would you like some?"

Raine bursts in, throwing the door wide so the light frames him in the doorway, making him look even more imposing. "What's this about a cute fur..." He spotted me and stopped. He then grinned widely and approached me, his look a mix of emotions.

"Hello there kiddo!" He came forward and rubbed my head roughly.

"How's the family sissy?" I could barely catch the whimper in my throat at the pain his words triggered. With effort, I turned it into a growl.

"H-hey...I told you...I hate being called that..."

The panther's eyes narrowed as he noted the sarcasm between the two. "Is he really a friend of yours?" The tiger forced a laugh, his voice dripping with something as he spoke.

"Of course! This is my godchild! Remember? I told you about him. He is the child of the Relics!"

"Oh, yes." The panther accedes, "So this is him... He's every bit as weak as you said he was. For all of that, however, he still managed to get here while dodging two bandits simultaneously. He did it without a weapon too."

"Wow!" Raine looked honestly surprised. "Well, that weapon thing isn't that surprising. The little sissy faints at the sight of blood, if you can believe it! But he can run alright! "

Raine ruffles my head again, not accidentally touching a nerve cluster behind my ears. I moan softly, a shiver passing through my body. "R-Raine...hey..." The tiger grins again as the result of his touch is made obvious.

"Careful Rowan, or he'll start swooning over you! He goes for the big cats, you know!"

"What? " The panther simply stared in disbelief

"Raaaaine!" I wine in embarrassment as he laughs and walks out of the house.

"Alright..." The panther stated, "now that that's over, you've had your rest. You're free to do what you want. Another perk for you, if you find his place, you can stay there, or you can sleep here. As for me, I'm not on duty for the first time in years. I'm gonna stay here."

"O-oh...ok...I...I think I'll stay here for awhile then..."

I offer him a chunk of maple sugar. I then kick myself for being so distracted. I take a few breathes and try to convince myself that all I wanted was information. It didn't work to well. "Here..." The panther takes it and bites down, his sharp teeth easily piercing the congealed tree sap.

"So what's so terrible about war anyway?"

This startled me a bit, fear lancing through me, as it always did at the mention of fighting.

" had to do with a bandit..."

"That wasn't your first encounter with the rogues?" He prompted me.

"N-no...our farm is kind of far out...the guards tend to not come out for anything less than a full scale we are usually left on our own...I watched my dad get torn to pieces protecting us..."

The panther looked off to the side, clearly remembering something of his own.

"I've had my share of tearing bodies."

" terrifies me...I can't fight...blood..."

I shiver, curling up on myself, trying to get warm, the memory robbing heat from my body. The panther raised a brow as he finished his candy, surprised at how I cowered before my own memories.

"Pull yourself together, at least. There's nothing wrong here."


I take a few deep breaths, which calms me down a bit, but I still am curled up, not quite ready to leave my imaginary fortress.

"Thank you...for helping me..." I said softly as I started to uncurl.

"Thank me when it's not my job." His voice cold and flat again. I wince a bit at the panther's bluntness . Must be the ninja upbringing... "Alright...I'm sorry..." I start to get up.

"Oh yeah," He said, almost as an afterthought. "Wait." He went into the kitchen, came back and handed me some jerky. "I figure I'd better give you some food before you go. I don't expect you'll get the folk to trust you enough with jobs on the first day."

I nod softly and walk out of the house and try to find Raine.

" What the hell man?!" I ranted at him when I finally caught up with him. "What was with that?! You know what happened to my family, and how I feel about it!" I feel the tears starting, but I don't care. With a low growl, he grins and pins me against a tree.

"Because I hate you, you little fuck...if I weren't your handler, I would string your ass out to dry. I hate fags like you!" I start to gag softly as the tiger begins to squeeze the paw around my throat

The panther's ear pricked as he heard something out of the ordinary. Moving toward the sound, he arrived just in time to see Raine draw back his fist, while I struggle weakly to get the paw off my throat. Without a moment's hesitation, he slammed a fist into Raine's cheek, throwing the tiger off balance, and away from me.

"What the hell, Rowan?!" the tiger ranted, incensed that he had been robbed of his prey.

"What are you doing?!" The Panther scoffs softly and points a paw digit at a nearby hut. "Go home Raine... this is not like you." Raine narrows his eyes menacingly.

"What do you mean 'not like me?'? You know I can't stand fags! Did I tell you about the time when I visited his home after the bandits attacked? The little fucker crawled into my bed!" He spins and tried to hit me again.

"I hate pretending to like this little shit!"

With a soft sigh, the panther grabs Raine's wrist as it flew toward me

"So you mean that he is? You never once said anything about this" He sighs again and tosses the tiger from him.

"I stand by what I said. Go home, Raine. You've done enough, making a liar out of me."

"What the hell are you talking about?" He growls hotly. At the base of the tree, I whimper softly, sinking down further.

He glares one last time at me and then stomps off. I start to cry softly.

Rowan turned to go back into his house before addressing me from behind himself.

"I guess you already know how he feels. I didn't know this was the case. Regardless, he knows the law." he turned his head, so I was barely in his side-view- "Are you alright?"

I continue to cry softly, not hearing anything you are saying anymore, lost in a memory. "Daddy....wake up daddy...." The panther quickly turned and placed a paw on the my shoulder, shaking me. I look up at the panther with tear-stained eyes, not seeing him. "Mommy...why won't daddy wake up?"

He shakes me harder, "Hey, shut up and think straight already!"

"W-what?" I suddenly snap out of my reverie.

"H-hey? What...oh...what happened..." As I talk, I feel the tears slip down my face.

"Oh...oh no...I'm...why am I crying?"

"What?" Rowan asked, incredulous, "It's been three minutes, and you can't remember why you're crying?!" his paw slipped off my shoulder, and just dangled.

I look in down embarrassment.

"W-when under stress...I...I blank memory....nothing...that's why I want to stay away from fighting...." I brace myself and use the tree to get up.

"I'm sorry..." I wipe away my tears with the bandages still on my shoulder.

"Well... come back inside. We'll talk about it for a while." He gives me a strange look and adds; "You're not in any condition to talk to the townsfolk anyway..." he turned and walked away.

I walk behind you sniffling as I walk . Dammit, why the hell did I break down so easily?! I've forgotten about it, repressed it...

As we step back inside, the panther sat down and motioned for the me to sit on the bed. I sit down reluctantly, knowing what was about to happen.

"I'm sorry...for being so much trouble...I know how Raine felt about me, I shouldn't have approached him while he's alone..."

I smile weakly and look up at you, trying to just brush it off. "I am alright, it happens a lot..."

The panther shakes his head "What's your name?"

"M-my's" I hesitate a bit "Aroura...."

I look at you and try to joke it off.

"Think my mother knew how I would grow up? I go by Rour's not know, girly"

"I'm Rowan, if you haven't picked up on it already." He got to the point rather bluntly, "So why does that happen to you?"

I blush and look down. I then say in a bitter voice, "Because I have a girly body and a girly doesn't take a genius to jump to the conclusion that I'm a fairy..." I sigh softly and curl up, tucking my knees beneath my chin.

"What?" Rowan stated simply.

"What do you mean, what?" I look up at you uncomprehendingly.

"What you said doesn't even make sense."

I raise an eyebrow. "You asked why furs treat me the way they do..."

"I should have made it plainer. Why do the memory lapses happen?"

"Oh... That. I don't know. I guess I just don't have the ability to process tense situations....My mind sort of...just shuts down...I become helpless..."

"You'll be hard-pressed to do anything other than farm work like that..."

I sniffle softly. " Well I'm good at cleaning and cooking...I could be a maid...that doesn't have any fighting in it...right?"

Rowan rolled his eyes, "a maid? Don't you mean a cook?"

"No...I meant a maid...I've always liked those little outfits that they wear" Giggles softly at the picture conjured in my head. "Cooks don't clean clothes and make beds and such..."

"You're just the strangest person I've ever met. Before you keep going on about being a maid, tell me more about the event that caused you not to like war"

"Well...Raine must have told you about my parents..."

"Yes, but you say it now"

I wanted to say no, but something about him made me unable to refuse. So I decided to do it as blunt as I could.

"My father was killed by bandits, my mother died protecting dad from the bandits when they came back."

"... You said 'daddy wake up' earlier today... What was that about?"

I wince softly. "I...I really said that?"


"My father died... I was too young to realize what that meant at the time..."

He nodded solemnly

"That's why...I made that mistake..."


"Mother was staying up with father, to tend to his wounds, while Raine slept in my parent's room..."


"I got into bed with him, thinking he was my father...that was the first time I felt the touch of another male..." I blush softly as I remember that night. "He'll deny it of course..."

"That kinky little cat. I'll make sure not to tease him about it." He smiles "The people here don't generally accept that. As a ninja, I'm supposed to overlook it, and I will. Oh, I never told you my name, did I? I'm Rowan."

After a short pause, Rowan broke the silence.

"Now if you want to get anything done, you should eat the jerky and get out talking to people."

I nod and gnawed on the jerky, mirring softly.

"Mmm...This is good..." I giggle as I nom it happily.

"I'm glad you like it"

I murr softly, looking adorable as I nom the jerky.

"Thank you so much..."

"You're welcome"

I finish up the jerky and then look over at you.

"So, what next?"

I stretch, mirring softly as I feel the blood rush through my body. As I do so, you hear a 'Snick' as my Speedo-like garment snaps. I meep loudly and try to cover myself.

"Huh?! Oh... -sigh-" he just went into his room and fished out some sweatpants forme. "Here you go..."

I blush hotly as I accept the garment.

"I'm sorry...and thank you..." I slip it on quickly.

He nods and sits back down.

"The sun's three quarters of the way across the sky. Not long left to talk to people. You should get going."

"Alright..." I walk out, my tail swishing as I tie the sweatpants tighter so they won't sag. Rowan just uses the time to clean and sharpen the blades of all his weapons. After sundown, I walk back, sighing heavily.

"Man...I am so tired..."

Rowan was on his bed, sleeping. There wasn't much in the way of furnishing in his house. The chair in the corner he sat in most of the day, and a soft mat off to the side. Yawning softly, I went over to the bed. I registered that he was there and debated if I was tired enough to just get into the bed. The decision was not up to me, because I passed out, falling onto the bed. The sudden movement made Rowan jump into a crouched position, his movement a blur as he pulled a small blade from his sock, but when he saw me, he eased and put it back. Sighing exasperatedly, he pulls me onto the bed, pulling the quilt over and turning on his side away from me to go back to sleep.

As I sleep next to him, I snuggle closer against the warmth of his body.


He looks back at me and tried to go back to sleep again. Somewhere during the night, Rowan's hands subconsciously moved and held my hands in place at his waist.

I murred softly in my sleep and squeezed his paws, wiggling closer. It didn't wake him, but it caused him to return the gesture as he tried to get comfortable. At some point Rowan turned over and pulled me close.

I start to wake up, but the warmth and the gentle pressure of Rowan's arms around me sooths me, sending me back into sleep, held close against Rowan's chest. He moaned, stirring lightly and bringing his hands up to cradle my body, but he did not wake.

Rowan was the first to wake, and what a shock it was, as his nose was nearly touching mine! His eye's went wide, but he didn't move. After a few moments, he tried moving his paws from under my head. I murred softly as I started to wake up.

"Mmm...daddy? Good morn..." my eyes open and I saw him. I froze for a few seconds.

"W-what...what is..." My eyes roll up into my head as i pass out, a hot blush burning through my cheek-fur. Rowan flinched when I spoke, but when I faint, Rowan can only roll his eyes in disbelief. He gets up and gets some meat from his ice chest, preparing a meal. A few minutes later, i shoot bolt upright.

"What the hell?!?!" I slumped and panted hard, my heart pounding so loudly that it was hard for me to hear anything else. "What...was that....did'it'?"

"What are you on about now? Come on. If you want to eat, get up." I look over at him and nearly pass out again.

"So beautiful.... " The words spring un bidden from my lips...just as Raine walks in with a report. Rowan facepalms quite hard.

"Get a hold of yourself, kid. Speak some sense, and maybe you might be able to get a job today... Huh? Raine. What is it?" He said, working on the meal. Raine looked stunned, and then he growled and shook his head

"I warned you Rowan, that little shit is bad news...speaking of bad news, we are under attack!"

"Dammit...." He slid the pan onto the counter and dashed out the door, grabbing Raine's wrist on the way."Stay here!" He shouted to me quickly as he left.

I blushed softly and nodded. As soon as he left I slammed a fist into the bed. "Dammit! Why am i acting like a starstruck schoolboy?! And why the hell did they.... " I sighed softly "What can i do....?"

"Raine, lead on and tell me who we're fighting!" He threw Raine into the lead by his wrist. Raine rolled and came up wearing his trademark weapons, the battle claws.

"Its those Damn miners from the north! They are trying to invade!"

"The Miners? What are they attacking for?!" -he said breathlessly, running beside Raine.

"I don't know!" He yells out as he slashes an enemy soldier nearly in half. "They have been attacking our caravans and not sending any materials, so maybe they are in the grip of a famine?!" He jumped up and scattered pellet bombs, blowing furs off their feet. Rowan remains silent from then, his sword having cleaved limbs from bodies repeatedly already, and continuing to do so as he worked to repel the attackers. Nearly an hour was spent dispersing the would-be rebellion. When the remaining survivors turned tail, Rowan caught up to Raine.

"You said famine? But we've been sending Caravans, as always. They've been happy with that, no complaints. Why the sudden attack?"

"I don't know...but have you noticed, that none of the caravans have come back?" He panted softly, blood dripping from his claws and body. Not all of it was from enemies, however. The next moment Raine collapsed. Rowan quickly stepped behind him to hold him up and wasted no time walking back. It takes about ten minutes before he knows he's within earshot. "Aroura!"

I burst out of the house, dressed in a maid uniform. "What is it?! Are you hurt?" I stopped as the furs around us whistle. A few do cat-calls. I blush hotly, but i don't run. Instead i made my way over to Rowan as fast as i could.

"Help me with him." I nodded, but when I looked closer, I saw the blood. "B-blood...s-so much...." My eyes rolled up and I passed out, being caught by the equine from before.

"Sorry boss!" He motions for a few others to help you as he throws me over his shoulder.

"I'll go put him in the barracks so you can have your house to yourself."

"Fine. Give him a room alone so he can be awake for more than ten minutes at a time, please?"

The group quickly worked to heal Raine's injuries, but nothing can alter the fact that he must rest, and Rowan agrees.

At the barracks, Jerry nodded and laughed softly to himself. "Oh, we'll keep him awake alright...."

Rowan acknowledges the help of his team, and sends them off, Raine's injuries well under control now. I wake up slowly, my head swimming from the potent mix of strong scents. I struggle to sit up. "W-where am I?"

"Ahh! Hes awake!" I look up and see the equine who got my cloak from before. Only this time...he wasnt wearing much of anything.

"Glad your awake little foxy...." I gasp softly, involuntarily, my eyes locked to his throbbing malehood. "Oh this?" He stroked it casually.

"I always tend to get this way after a hard battle..." I start to move backwards. It is then that I realize that I am not wearing anything either.

"Oh, yeah sorry about that." The equine grins widely. "When i carryied you in here, you got a little dirty...."

Back at Rowan's hut, Raine hadn't moved at all, which was alright. His pulse was steady and solid. Rowan's thoughts turned to Aroura. "I better get him out of there before he causes trouble..." Rowan headed towards the barracks.

It was getting hard to resist as the equines hot hands wraped around my arm and scruff of my neck. "Now now...its only fair. Maids do this all the time you know!" My eyes go round as i see what he plans for me. "Nooooooo!"

Rowan was just about to walk in when he heard me yell. He threw open the door instead. "HEY!! What the?" Rowan saw the two naked furs.

"Jerry, what the hell?!" The horse looks up from where he is holding me in the laundry.

"Noooo! I hate laundry!!" Jerry looked up at Rowan.

"What?" I whimpered.

"All that blood and sweat! Its sooooo gross!" Rowan gave him a look that could kill.

"If you're so grossed out by it, maybe you'd care to not wear clothing in battle. You're lucky there's nothing wrong with that!"

Jerry grins as i blush hotly. "F-fighting nude?" I start to get a faraway look in my eyes.

"If you can handle having that schlong fwapping around while you fight. hmph. You'd be happy if it didn't get cut off right in the middle of a fight. Now are you going to put some clothes on?!"

He grins and flaunts himself as he walks over to his bunk. I sit, looking up at Rowan with starry eyes.

"Wow...beautiful black one would be able to focus on the fight...."

"That's enough daydreaming. Are you doing their laundry or coming back with me?"

I shake my head hard and blush softly. "I'll...i'll stay...i need to make myself useful...." I gather the laundy and take it all down to a small pond and sigh softly. "Why can't I focus...its like a hot male comes around and my brain shuts off...i didn't used to be like this...what changed?" I sighed and slipped into the water for a pre-cleaning dip. I pick up some soap and start to lather my body, thinking hard as i slip on the clothes. "What caused this...ever since that Panther saved me...maybe thats why? I am feeling this way because he saved me? That must be it! He saved me so i feel indebted. So all i have to do is get him to admit that i've worked off the debt, and then I'll be free!" I washed the garments slowly, inside and out.