Gulrum's First Encounter with the Minotuar

Story by MercerV on SoFurry

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#3 of Medium (500-1000 words)

Inspiration art:

Gulrum knew that he shouldn't wander into the minotaur's territory. His elders always said that those who went there never came back. The young orc knew the real reason all those young men never came back - they couldn't resist becoming cumslaves to the man-bull's cock. One day when he was feeling adventurous, he snuck out to a clearing at the border of the minotaur's territory.

Gulrum saw young orc men tied to trees, their faces and bodies smattered with cum that matted their hair. One could barely even open his eyes through the thick glaze of cum on his face, but he instinctively dropped his jaw open at the sound of approaching footsteps, thirsty for his daily meal. Gulrum checked his surroundings, hoping the minotaur had drifted off into a mid-afternoon nap, before he stuffed the orc's gullet with his own cock. The bound orc jumped, immediately knowing that he wasn't sucking off his master, but was a cumhound nonetheless and swallowed Gulrum's 9-inch cock till it spat its load down that eager throat.

After sating the young orc's thirst, Gulrum cut the ties of the orcs. None of them moved. None of them wanted to leave. All they wanted and all they needed was to be stuffed with chunky man-bull cum. Gulrum heard leaves crunching in the nearby forest and immediately darted home, but not before hearing a deep roaring bellow in the distance as the minotaur found his freed captives.

The minotaur never did manage to find out who it was that cut the prisoner's binds, but Gulrum was more than ready to meet the minotaur again. The orc's horny young mind raced with possibilities, wondering how his throat would feel to be bred by the cock of a man-bull. He'd find his hand slipping down to finger through his pubes to tease his cock while he imagined the cock busting a nut in his throat - a feeling he'd come to love, but had yet to receive with the intensity of a cock as big as a man-bull's.

The horny orc snuck out late in the evening towards the minotaur's lair, just hoping to see a glimpse of that fuzzy beastcock. But the sun was setting and Gulrum had lost his way. He panicked. Not for long though, as a heavy blow against the back of his head knocked him to the ground and he lost consciousness.

Gulrum woke up shortly after sunrise, bound to a tree just like the other young orcs he found. He stumbled onto his knees and found his bounds loose - had the minotaur made a mistake? The orc looked forward to see the minotaur ambling towards him - that fuzzy body rippling with muscle and shimmering with sweat from just facefucking another cumslave. The beast's cock was half-hard and as thick as the orc's forearm, and the tip was still dripping with a fresh load.

The man-bull stood in front of Gulrum and reached his hand down to roughly grasp the orc's jaw. The beast gruffly blurted out one of the few words of Common that it knew:


Gulrum's mouth dropped open and his tongue slid along the beast's cock, already slick with the load and the spit of at least one orc, probably more. The orc buried his nose in the beast's furry bush as the man-bull's cock hung over his shoulder. Gulrum could taste the minotaur's bitter musk and acrid sweat, and the overpowering smell of a barely-washed man-beast made him weak. Weak enough to slump against the minotaur's groin, which caused the minotaur to lean down and flip the orc's head back so his mouth flopped open. With a single push, the minotaur stuffed its cock into Gulrum's maw.

The orc choked and spat for a moment before accepting the iron rod of a cock sliding into his mouth and down his throat. He couldn't take the whole thing, but the minotaur seemed pleased enough as he began to buck his hips into the orc's sloppy jaws. Gulrum had struggled to time his breaths between the cock stuffing his throat, and this was made more difficult as the man-bull's swinging balls flung the beast's delicious musk onto the orc's face and body. Gulrum's beard dripped with his spit and became matted as the beast began to flood his mouth with precum.

The minotaur groaned and grabbed Gulrum's head, thrusting himself down the orc's loose throat, stuffing that cock as far as it could go before letting out a fierce roar into the air and rancid load into the orc's mouth. The beast grunted again:


Gulrum tried to swallow as much beast spunk as he could before it began pouring out of his mouth and spilling onto his body and his own needy cock. The beast pulled out, giving Gulrum a moment to breathe, before speaking another time.

"Suck. Again."

The ritual repeated itself at least six more times, each time filling Gulrum more and more. His cock had managed to shoot a load of its own when the beast's hand reached down and squeezed the orc's throat while it was stuffed with the minotaur's sputtering cock. When the man-bull finally slid out of the orc's throat for the last time, he walked away without a word and let the orc slide to the ground.

Gulrum awoke later that day. As much as he wanted to taste more of the beast, he'd at least like to have a steak once in a while. He slid off the loose binds and made his way back to the village, trying to figure out how he'd explain that he was naked, sweaty, smelled of beast musk, and covered in cum.

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