Raptors Chapter 2

Story by dragonbreeder123 on SoFurry

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#2 of Raptors by Dragonbreeder123 and Raptorshinobi213

Chapter 2

Two years later...

"LETS GO MOVE IT!" shouted Tyrant as he leads a group of men with a passed-out Raptor on the table. Along with one of the men making sure that one, it stays passed out. Two the straps stay on as tight as freaken possible, for if it does wake up, the straps can hold it back from breaking free and start attacking.

In all honesty, Tyrant couldn't believe that Robert agreed to keep them, it was bad enough that they got caught, now he is stuck with them. To make matters worse, Robert put Shari in charge to care for them. But ever since then, those raptors had been responsible for six deaths, and forty injuries. It was like the older they get, the more aggressive they've become, and it's scaring him.

They soon made it to the vault that leads to the raptor's habitat. Tyrant ordered for them to open the door so they can put the unconscious raptor on the ground, and shut the door. Once it wakes up, they can open the door on the other side, so the raptor can be with its pack member.

As Tyrant puts in the code, one of the men decide to check to make sure the raptor was still asleep. Getting them back into the pin, was always the easy part, but getting them out is a whole, whole different kind of story. Which is why they use very heavy tranquilizers to knock them out. But even that could spell disaster for too much can kill them, and Shari has warned Robert about how dangerous these tranquilizers can be.

"Access granted"

Tyrant soon stepped back a bit, so that the door has room to open. Once it was open enough, Tyrant gives his men the signal to put the raptor inside. To his shock, the raptor had stayed down for a long time, which bothers him a lot knowing how aggressive this female can be at times. "Hurry, time isn't on our side men.", shouted Tyrant as the group pushed the table to the half way point.

"Alright, lets cut her loose and gentle put her down.", ordered Yonker as both he and one of the employees got started.

Unfortunately for them, what they didn't catch was that the female was waiting for an open opportunity to strike. And as soon as she felt one of the straps off of her. Her eyes open up and quickly bits into the employees arm.

The man screams as she continues to put more pressure onto his arm, while Yonker tries to get the tranquilizer ready. Luckily, Tyrant was ready and shots the raptor a few times. In panic, the man uses the remote to unlock the rest of the straps. The raptor soon let go, and makes a break for her escape.

"OH, NO YOU DON'T!", shouted Tyrant as he activates the shock collar to its maximum power.

The raptor screamed in shear pain, but continued to fight it off and move on. To the point were smoke was starting to come out of the collar. Though all the pain, suffering, the raptor finally collapsed to the ground. Not wasting anytime, the group of men surrounding the raptor. One of them quickly takes the collar off, despite Tyrants orders not to at any time. However, in doing so a bit of skin peeled off were the color was surrounding.

"Put her back with the others, let her wound be an example to what happens if they try to pull a stunt like that again.", ordered Tyrant as the men did as they were ordered.

Marshell was watching the who thing plays out, as he gathers his things for the next project. Through out the years, he's been successfully keeping things in check, while also been keeping his promise to Robert. It wasn't easy, seeing how temping it can be, seeing how it worked.

The door soon opened up, right when Marshell shuts down his computer to see Robert coming into his office.

"We need to talk?"

Marshell shakes his head and follows Robert to meet up with both Shari and Tyrant.

The four of them meet up in the cafeteria for a nice lunch, but things don't go off nicely as Shari scolds Tyrant for keeping the collar on the raptor and then having the nerve to put it at the highest setting.

"I'm sorry that I don't want any of them breaking out of the god damn facility.", calmly responded Tyrant.


"ENOUGH!!!!!!", shouted Robert not wanting to hear any more of their bickering.

Marshell soon followed, "Thank you, now I get your frustration Dr. Shari but as of right now, we do what we can to keep them contained. Remember, if one of them brakes out who knows how much damage they can do before they are either found or killed."

Shari protested, "So you would rather, shock them until they are dead..."

"I'm saying that we'll do anything to keep them from escaping, whether you like it or not."

This aggravated Shari a lot, as Robert continues the conversation, "It has come to my attention to let you know that in a few days, we're going to nock them out and then have them spayed, to prevent any of them from breeding."

"What?", shouted Shari, "you, you can't they're females, as long as there isn't a male we'll be fine."

"And take a chance with them changing gender, not taking that chance.", stated Tyrant.

"The two strands of DNA that we used to bring them to life, made sure they don't do that kind of stuff..."

"You don't know what they're capable of," interrupted Tyrant "I've lost good men. GOOD MEN, BECAUSE OF THOSE MONSTERS, HOPEFULLY THEY'LL CALM DOWN ONCE THEY'VE BEEN FIXED."

"And if they don't?" questioned Shari.

"Then, it's the end for all of them.", answered Tyrant as he turns to Robert hoping to hear him agree with what he had to say.

Robert sighed, "As of now, Shari is the one whose been in charged, and as much as I hate to do this, we need to in order to be safe."

Shari was about to say something, but didn't for she understands what he says is true.

"The deal is that once they react sexual maturity, they are to be fixed as soon as possible. Last thing I want is for them to breed, plus we don't even know if what you say is true."

Tyrant soon followed, "Like it or not Shari, it has to be done."

Shari shakes her head understanding what they were telling her. And as much as she doesn't want to admit it, they're right. There's a possibility that a least one of the raptors is a male, and says, "I'll ah, get the surgery room ready, just promise me they'll be alright."

Marshell shakes his head and response, "As long as things go according to plan, then yes they'll be find."

With that all three of them got up, and headed back to their station to get prepared for the night surgery.

Meanwhile, the four raptors remain in there habitate. Some planning on escaping this hell hole that their in. One waiting for Shari to come over to see them as she always does, while the other two are doing a bit of a mating ritual. In which Shari caught them doing on the cameras, which was something they were trying to avoid but at the same time, Shari found it very fascinating watching the two of them do a bit of a dance moves. In which she quickly makes sure to record as much as she can before hitting the horn, scaring the daylights out of them.

"I'm sorry.", whispered Shari as she soon leaves her office.

The veterinary soon got his gears ready, and orders Tyrant to knock out the raptors so they can process to either spay/castrate all of them.

"You think we're doing the right decision?" asked one of the employees.

"Its for the sake of this planet, Rodney. No matter what everyone thinks, plus their extinct animals. They have no rights to live on this planet anymore.", said the Veterinary.

Tyrant soon arrive to the control center and looks at the video to see all of the raptors lying down. He then notices Shari sitting right across from the security footage, and was watching herself raising the raptors when they were hatchlings.

A tear started to form into her eyes, but holds it back a bit before feeling Tyrant put a hand on her shoulders. "It's not far, they should be able to have the same rights as all other animals do."

"I know, but its like I've said in the past, our world isn't made for them anymore." said Tyrant trying to attempt to make Shari feel better, "Think of it this way, once this is done. We can give them the best of their life with out any threat of them breeding. So, if they do break out, they can't breed and if some one shoots them, then that's, that."

"That's no helping..." stated Shari before taking a breather, "but I do understand what your trying to say."

"You know, your that bad of a person Tyrant." claimed Shari as they made there way to the raptors habitat to gas them to sleep.

Tyrant huffed a bit, "Normally I want people to think that way, it gives a bit of an intimidation factor to not mess with me."

"Now, I get why Ryan calls you Tyrannos.", joked Shari getting Tyrant to laugh a bit, which was a bit of a surprise to her but follows up, "Well look at that, someone finally got you to either laugh or smile."

"All because I take things serious, ok." responded Tyrannos.

The two of them soon arrived to the champers and gathered the tranquilizer darts, however they soon hear something over the radio, "This is Robert calling Shari and Tyrant!"

Shari soon took her radio out and answered, "This is Dr. Shari Corni, what's going on?"

"I did a quick scan of the raptors habitat and it shows that they have multiplied?" said Robert, "What I need you two to do, is basically knock out all of the raptors and have them ready for surgery soon as possible."

_ _ "I copy!" responded Tyrant.

"What, what if they had eggs? We can't simply walk in, they'll kill us for sure.", stated Shari.

"Then we'll do it from a distance, the last thing we want is for them to multiply."

With that, both Shari and Tyrant made there way to the raptor chamber. Unknowing to them, someone beat them to it, and got the door unlocked. Slowly with the gun in his hand, the man entered the camber.

You'll be surprised of how huge it is, seeing that Robert and Matthew wanted them to keep it as comfortable for them as possible. But not to the point where they can't keep an eye on them.

"This is insane.", said the man who soon found what he was looking for, a nest filled with eggs.

He soon looked around to make sure none were close and then proceeds to smash every single one of them. All of them except one, for he plans to take it back and use it for his company to make a weapon out of it.

"Your going to make my day, even better." was all he said before putting the egg in his bag.

It didn't take long for him to make it back to the exit, when suddenly he hears loud snap. The man turned around as he carefully opens the hatch, but soon remembers that he still had some egg yoke on him, and tries to clean it off.

However, what he didn't realized was that the raptors had him cornered, and were filled with anger. The red one soon gave the command to the grey raptor and the green raptor to surround him.

Tyrant and Shari are around a few feet from the entrance, when suddenly they started to hear someone firing a gun. The two immediately rushed to see what was going on. Once they got there, Tyrant opened the view point, to see someone being surround by the raptors with one of them messing with him.

Not taking any chances, Tyrant and Shari quickly opened the door, but as soon as they did, all the raptors got out and knocked them to the ground. With Tyrant quickly getting his mind back. Before hitting the alarm, along with the speaks shouting out, "CODE RED, CODE RED, SPECIMAN OUT OF CONTAIN MENT!!!!"

_ _ It didn't take long for both Robert and Matthew to take notice, and pulls up the camera to see every person that were in the raptors way killing them.

"GET EVERY SECURITY MEN OUT THERE, AND TELL THEM TO FIRE AT WILL!", shouted Robert as Matthew radios security.