Claude and Dr Packard

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#21 of Claude gay stories

Through work Claude meets a sexy Australian born Wolf and they bond

I like to think of myself as a happy young Lion. I have a lot of reasons to be happy. I'm 21 and a Physician already. I whipped through College and Med School and Residency by the time I was 20. I've been an Internist for a year now. Practicing with my best friend and his mate, Dr Emil Brunner. Our mentor in Med School. I'm rich. My Grandfather left me and my older brother, Rory $500 Million apiece when he died. I'm considered very attractive. I go out to a local bar, the Bear Den, run by my brother's mate, and I'm rather popular. Being the rarer Bottom Lion. We live in a nice home, that I bought when Rory and I came out here to go to school. Rory's a Polar Bear and 2 years older than me. He's a Cardiologist now. He mated Teddy Mitchell, the owner of the Bear Den a few years ago.

My Dad and his mate moved out here to live with us two years ago. When Dad could move the offices of the conglomerate he owns and runs. CMK Industries. You undoubtedly have something they made in your home right now. A Fortune Top 25 company and they make everything from Food products to appliances and electronics. Beau Wilson, Dad's mate, was our gardener when we lived in Alabama. A few years after our Mom died, Dad surprised us by going after Beau. Beau was in love with Dad and trying to hide it. Beau's a big Saber Tooth Tiger. Built big and muscular. He loves Dad so much.

Dad at 44 is still a gorgeous Lion male. Good news for me as I look so much like him. I'm 6'4" and 225 pounds. Dad's bigger, 6'7" and 250 pounds. Rory and I both have Dad's striking Sapphire Blue eyes. Dad has Golden Tan fur like mine. But his mane is Red Brown where mine is Momma's Red Blond. (She didn't have a mane but her hair was the color of my mane, I never met her, but I've seen pictures of her. She died giving birth to me. I'm a cross between her and Dad) Rory's a Polar Bear as I said previously. He's a dead ringer for Mom's father. Our deceased Grandfather Russell. Rory's big 7'2" and 300 pounds. Teddy's almost as big. 6'10" and 290 with bright Blue eyes and a bright smile. They're very much in love. Rory's an incredibly handsome and sexy Polar Bear. He's charming and easy going and a pretty happy Bear most of the time. And we love each other a lot.

My best friend and his Emil live with us too. Dr Nigel Davenport, an English Born Honey Badger. Nige's 5'9" and 165 pounds with luminous Green eyes and a thick Honey Tan stripe down his back. When we first met in Med School it was like we'd known each other all of our lives. I love him. Not in 'that way', but only Rory is closer to me. Emil, his mate, is a big Atlantic Walrus. 6'8" and 300 pounds with a pot belly. Dark Brown hair and beard shot with Gray, and sparkling Blue eyes. Emil knows most of the Physicians in Sacramento where we live. He taught a big portion of them, and is well connected. He knows so much about the Doctors who practice here in Sacramento. They all talk to him, and while I wouldn't call him that to his face, the fact is he a bit of a gossip. He loves hearing about past students and what they're up to now. The more salacious the dirt is the more he likes it.

Our last year of Residency, a gay student group outed him, and he quit teaching, bonded Nigel and came in with us when we opened our practice. When I threatened to sue them, Emil talked me out of it. He just wanted to move on with his life. And it made it possible for him to bond Nigel, he'd wanted to for a while but was afraid folks would find out. Emil has opened up a lot since he was 'outed'. He's happy to be in practice with us and he's really mellowed.

We have another couple living with us. Our PA, Nate Porter, a young and brilliant Snow Leopard bottom. His mate is a big, sweet natured Russian born Siberian Bull. Yuri Petrov is such a beautiful and kind and loving Bull. Striking Crystal Blue eyes are the first thing you'll notice about him. His English isn't perfect but I speak Russian. And I'll help him all I can.

We have another Russian emigre living with us. I met him in Med School too. Dr Vladimir Breshnikov. I tried like hell to bond him and when he met his Jerry, I had them move in while Vlad finished his training and they've stayed on after Vlad became a Dr too. Vlad's Jerry is a young White Bengal Tiger and he's devoted to Vlad. Vlad's 7' tall and 300 pounds of Chocolate Brown furred Grizzly. He's massively hung too. And as hot as he is for his Jerry, he's hot for my ass too. Emil is too. Single I may be, but I get lots of dick, let alone a lot from Vlad and Emil, Beau too, he's a versatile and Dad won't get fucked. I've even had Rory and Teddy a few times. They'll take me to bed with them and both spend the night rutting me hard. I love it. I wake up smelling of Bear musk and full of Bear semen. And very happy.

I've got a taste for Bears and Horses and Bulls. Mostly guys bigger than me. I've had a few great times with Canines as well. I like Wolves especially, but I've been under a few Foxes and Dogs as well. And I love being turned and knotted. (Good thing, as the guy I end up mating is a Wolf with a big Canine dick and fatter than normal knot.)

I've been invited to the annual Physicians Mixer at the University Hospital. I'm not even remotely interested in going. Until our English retainer, Edward Featherstone, insists that I go, but he won't tell me why. I'm used to it. Edward raised us, and he's psychic and he doesn't always tell us all he's seen. But Edward is very insistent that I go. Nigel and Emil agree to go with me if I go. So I give in. It's on a Friday night and I hate to waste the night. I'd rather go pick up a guy at the Bear Den and have him fuck my lights out. (How little I know of what will happen Friday night. I'll not only get laid, I'll find my predestined mate)

I have a patient who badly needs a Neurology consult on Monday of that week. Our usual Neurologist is too busy to see her. Emil recommended that I send her to a Dr Packard, who has recently moved here from Australia, and he has quite a reputation already. Sacramento State University recruited him and he's doing a bit of research for them as well as seeing patients. I call his office and his receptionist tells me they're very busy as well. I tell her who I am and that my patient really needs to be seen quickly. She passes me on to Dr Packard himself. He's got a sexy Aussie accent, and a very soft and sexy voice. When I explain why I think she needs to be seen quickly he asks me a few very detailed questions and puts me on hold. And when someone replies, it's his receptionist and she tells me to send the patient over now. I have to admit I like this Dr Packard, he seemed kindly and he listened to me and agreed to take this patient on. His soft voice and very sexy accent turned me on. I'm already fascinated by his voice and his accent. He's obviously a kind and caring Doctor.

I go and ask Emil if he knows anything about Dr Packard at all. As well connected with the Physicians of Sacramento as he is, he'd know at least a little about him. He tells me that Dr Packard had recently immigrated a couple of months ago, and he's in his mid 30's. He has a great clinical reputation. Emil tells me he's gay, and unmated, and a top. And that he's a Gray Wolf who was born and educated in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. But he doesn't know much else about him. I laugh. I'm amazed that he knows that much about this Dr Graham Packard. "He's dated an an ex student of mine, he's a gentle top and a passionate Wolf, but Jeremy doesn't like being knotted and they broke up after only a few dates." Emil tells me.

I'm kind of wondering about this guy and whether I might could date him. From what Emil told me he sounds nice and he is a top, and I do rather like Wolves, especially being knotted by one. But we get busy seeing patients and I kind of forget about him. Still at moments during the day I wonder about this Australian born Gray Wolf. What he looks like? If he's really a good top? Simple little things like that, I'd give him a chance to prove how good he is at least. I'm really fond of being knotted and turned. If he's cute at all, I'd let him fuck me at least. Guys usually go for me. I am a Bottom Lion and we're rare enough. And I've been told how handsome and attractive I am since I was a little cub. I usually have no trouble getting someone to fuck me if I want them. (Ego, What Ego, I am a male Lion after all. Kind of goes with the territory with us.)

The week goes on and on Friday, we all dress up to go to the office as we'll go to the Mixer right after we close. We'll go to the mixer after office hours. The day is very busy and I don't think much about the party, nor even of the Aussie Wolf that has me so intrigued. When the day is over, we go to the Hospital's main Conference Room for the Mixer. Surprisingly, I'm having rather a good time. I had no idea beforehand that I would. But lots of good conversation, and networking, and folks wanting to meet the relatively new doctor who's very rich and is considered Emil's most prized protege. I've not had any alcohol as I don't handle it well. Emil's had a few beers and Nigel's had some wine. Emil's really enjoying himself. But a lot of the Doctors present are his former students and they all love him like I do. He's pretty happy now. He's proud of them and they adore him. I love seeing him so happy. It's a reminder to Emil of all the good he's done and how he's touched so many lives. Taught and mentored a lot of us. And made them better Doctors, so folks he doesn't even know have gotten the benefits of his wise counsel. He deserves to be happy over it. I'm proud as hell of being considered his prize pupil by most of them. Our Walrus is so happy he's literally high from it.

I'm in a corner having a deep conversation with a couple other Physicians and the Hospital Administrator. He's explaining why and how they've decided to improve the Hospital's Computer system and enhance the systems that are linked to our offices. I'm fascinated by what they plan to do and I'm engrossed in a very interesting discussion about their plans. We're all telling him what we'd like to see added to the system. I feel a tapping on my shoulder. "Mein Claude" Emil says happily. And I turn and I'm looking into the most beautiful Blue eyes I've ever seen. They're like Azure pools. He's shorter than me. Usually I'd rule him out as I tend to prefer guys larger than me. But those eyes belong to a 5'11" Gray Wolf with a shy, and very charming smile. Emil's standing by him and grinning broadly. He knew how I was fascinated by him, and he knew I'd go for him and at least fuck him.

He's beautiful in a professorial sort of way. His Black hair is thinning and his goatee is thick. His smile is so sexy. He's got bigger foot paws than mine, and his paws are kind of big as well. His fur is a Dark Gray and his thick and bushy tail is very actively twitching as he's looking as deeply into my eyes as I am his.. He's slender, yet well muscled, and not skinny. I notice there are a pair of round framed spectacles over those amazing Blue eyes. "Mein Claude, this is Dr Graham Jacob Packard" Emil says smiling. "Dr Packard, this is Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II" Emil says smiling. I can't speak for the effect those eyes are having on me. He's smiling ever deeper now. I hope he's having the same feelings about me as I am for him.(He is, he's falling for me too). I never believed in love at first sight until now. I think this Gray Wolf is meant to be my life mate. Only question in my mind is whether he wants me as much as I want him. But he's still looking deeply into my eyes. That's a good sign, isn't it?

Finally he speaks to me. "I'm glad you insisted on sending Mrs Josephs to me so quickly, you were right she needed me to evaluate her and start treatment immediately" he says. His voice is soft, yet deep. And that Australian accent sets my blood on fire and makes me weak in the knees. "I'm glad you could see her so soon" I say weakly. "Are you well, Mein Claude?" Emil asks. He's grinning. He knows what's happening now.(He'll tell me later he knew I'd fallen for Graham and that he had fallen for me too.) "I'm fine, I think" I say. "Is he your mate, Dr Brunner?" Graham asks. "No, he is not" Emil says pulling Nigel over to us. "This is my beloved Badger" Emil says proudly. "Why did you call him Mein Claude, then?" Graham asks. "He is my best protege, and almost as close to me as my Badger" Emil says. "He showed such promise in School and he has fulfilled that promise and is a very caring and big hearted Lion, and I am very proud of him" Emil says grinning now. I blush now. I know Emil has always been proud of me.

"Then he is single?" Graham asks. I nod yes. "Would you think of going out with me sometime?" he asks me quietly. The look in his eyes mirrors the one in mine. "I would gladly go out with you, Dr Packard." I say. Graham pulls me away from the others. He obviously wants to talk to me about going out. He looks really determined about something now.

"Claude, I am a Wolf, and thus a Canine" Graham says softly, yet firmly. "And a very sexy Wolf at that" I say quietly. "I have a larger than normal Canine penis with a large knot, can you take me?" he asks looking deep into my eyes. "I have had Canine dick before, and I love being knotted and turned, Graham, if I may call you that?" I say. "I had to ask, I've gotten involved with guys before and they couldn't or wouldn't take my knot" Graham says softly. I can see pain in his eyes remembering the past rejections. "You must have really cared for some of them" I say softly. "I did, and it hurt me when they'd reject me or refuse to take me at all" he says quietly. I can really see a lot of pain in his eyes now. I get it, he wanted to be sure I wouldn't reject him for being a well hung Canine. Makes me more likely to take him. (I did say I was a slut after all) But then again he's a beautiful Gray Wolf. He's a smart one too, and he seems gentle natured,. in fact he's a lot like Yuri at heart. I know I want him if he wants me. For good, or to fuck if that's all he wants.

"Claude, I think you fell for me when you looked into my eyes?" he asks hopefully. "I think I did, I never believed in love at first sight til now" I say smiling. "I hoped you really did want me, I feel a lot for you, but I had to find out, I won't let myself fall for you, and then lose you because you couldn't take my large penis and knot, I couldn't stand it again, it would kill me" Graham says beginning to tear up. "Lets go somewhere and talk, Graham" I say quietly. He nods. I go tell Emil I'm going to take Graham out to dinner. He smiles. "I think he cares for you a lot, Mein Claude" Emil says. "I think I care a great deal about him already, Meister Emil." I say softly. Emil smiles and kisses me. "Jack Roush is here and he wants to sleep with Nigel and I, I'm sure he'll take us home" Emil says smiling. (He is but he's got a date. Doesn't matter in the long run though)

I know from some guys I know that having a big dick isn't always the advantage guys think it is. A lot of guys have asked me if I can take them. Mostly Horses, Bulls, and Bears. They have trouble finding bottoms who will take them since they're so well hung. Me I have no trouble taking a big dick. Even a big Horse Cock. And as I have said I love being knotted and turned, and a big dick and knot makes it easier for them to turn you. It's gotten around and I have guys with big dicks seeking me out at the Bear Den. It's really nice that they seek me out and I don't have to go hitting on anyone anymore. They come onto me and if I like them I'll put out for them. But to be truthful, I very rarely say no.(But I seriously digress)

I go back and Graham seems calmer. "Would you let me take you out to dinner so we can get to know each other better?" I ask. Graham smiles at me. "I'd love to, but I don't drive" he says. "I do, and I'll be happy to take you anywhere you need to go, Sweet Wolf, if you let me know you need a ride" I say smiling. (I want him to ride me for sure now.) Graham murrs loudly. "You do care for this Old Wolf" he says. "You don't look that old?" I ask. "I'm 36, Claude" He says smiling. "I'm 21, does that bother you?" I ask. "You must be smart, to get through School so fast, Emil said you've been practicing with him for a little over a year" he says. "I was kind of a prodigy,"I say softly. (That ego again.)

"Claude, Emil said you were rich, I hope you don't think I want you for your money?" he asks. "Do you want me, Dr Packard?" I ask smiling. I'm giving him the 'Kitman 1000 Watt smile', it usually has a strong affect on guys. I learned it from Dad.. He nods. "I fell for you too, I just had to sort a few things out" he says softly. "I know you don't want me for my money, I have a lot, but I'd do for you whatever you needed of me" I say quietly.

"Do you really and truly love me, Claude?" Graham asks calmly. Points to the Aussie Wolf for being as open and honest as I am. "I do, Graham, you were right, I looked into those eyes and I knew I wanted to look into them for the rest of my life" I say smiling at him. Graham's eyes are shining now and they're even sexier. "So you would date me?" he asks hopefully. "Date, fuck, marry, whatever you want of this young Lion, I'd even lay on my back and happily bear you a few litters of Wolf pups" I say smiling at him. (I'm going to be as honest as he is. But I am usually this blunt and honest.) He's grinning now and it's even sexier.

"Claude, I'm a bit of an absent minded professor at times, I don't drive, and I'll need tending to at times, just a bit of reminding and keeping me on track with things" Graham says shyly. "No problem, Graham, I'd be happy to make tending to you my life's work" I say happily. He looks relieved? "I left Brisbane because I loved someone a lot, and they left me, said I was too high maintenance" Graham says. I can see the pain in his eyes again. My heart goes out to him. And I know I love him all the more for his honest and genuine self.

I'll tend him. I've always spoiled my boyfriends as much as they'd let me in the past. And I know I want him to be my husband now. I know he'll be my gently dominant Wolf and he'll really love being looked after and tended to like I know I will.(I was right, he adores the way I do look after him. He'll look at me with so much love and pride when I do tend to him. He isn't really absent minded. He simply gets very caught up in what he's doing. But when it's me he's doing then I love how there is nothing else but me in his world at that moment. He loves being accepted and understood by me. The little bit of tending I have to do for him pays off big time. My sweet Aussie Wolf has a huge heart as well as a huge Canine dick. And he's given both of them to me freely. He never goes looking for 'extra sex' but he's happy to be wanted by others too, and he loves that I trust him so much. And my little gay family wants him a lot. But they know they have to come to him and ask. But they gladly do, Nigel and Nate love getting knotted and even turned after the first time Graham does them that way. Can't blame them, I do too. I never fail to cum all over Graham when he pops that fat knot up my ass ring.)

"Graham, best you know now, I can't lie, I just seemed to never learn how, no matter what, I mean what I say" I say quietly. "If I'm lucky enough to bond you, it'll be forever, no matter what" I say firmly. "You'd keep this Old Wolf with you no matter what?" he asks hopefully. "I said it, I love you, Graham, I know I do, if you want me to be your Lion, then I will be as long as we both live" I say firmly. He's tearing up again. And before I can say anything else, he puts his arms around my back and pulls me to him, and then he leans up and kisses me. I hear Emil laughing as I faint into Graham's arms. "He doesn't lie, Dr Packard, he never will" Emil says still laughing. "He'll love you as long as he's alive and he'll tend you and cater to you and try to spoil you" Emil says. I hear Nigel laughing at me when I wake. "He's a bloody beautiful Wolf, in that same hot professor way my Walrus is" Nigel says happily. Emil kisses Nigel. I'm still a bit dazed but I'm very happy now that I've got my Wolf. Graham can't seem to stop grinning. My Wolf is really happy to be my Wolf. "I had to bond you before you could change your mind, Claude, you're perfect for me." Graham says softly. "I'd never change my mind, but I'm glad you did take me when you did" I say kissing him again. His grin gets deeper.

My cell rings. Edward? I answer. "I'll have supper for you all when you get home, go get Dr Packard's things and bring him home with you." Edward says. "I know now why you insisted I come tonight, and thank you, Edward." I say softly. Edward laughs. "I could not tell you but I did see this happening" he says. I look up and a lot of the Doctors in attendance are looking at us now. I blush. Typical me, have to bond my mate in public. But I don't care, I'm proud to have Graham now. He looks really happy and proud too.

"Graham, that was my Butler, unless you just want to go out and eat, he'll cook for us when we get home, and he wants me to take you to get your things so we can move you in tonight" I say. Graham smiles deeply. "You don't want to risk me getting away from you" he says ecstatically. "I don't, Dr Packard, you're my Aussie Wolf now and forever" I say smiling. "I don't have a lot here, most of my stuff is still in Brisbane and I will have it sent up later" Graham says softly. I kiss him again. He's so happy, and I see a big bulge in his pants. He wasn't kidding. He is well hung especially for not having a bigger body than he does.

He smiles at me. And he gives me his address. "Meister Emil, bring Nigel and we'll go get Graham's things and then you can help me bring my Wolf home for good" I say. Emil takes Nigel's paw and I take Graham's and we walk out. We go down to the garage and I find my car. He looks shook. I have a new Mocha Brown Mercedes S560 4Matic sedan. "You are rich" he says. "I know you didn't want me for my money, Graham, but I'm not going to apologize for having it" I say. "Best you know I have a big house, my Dad and his mate, my brother and his mate, Nigel and Emil and a few other friends live with us" I say calmly. "Just need to get used to it, my love" Graham says. His soft voice combined with that Australian accent makes my fur goose bump to hear it. I really could listen to him talk for hours. We get in and I punch his address into the nav system and we drive off. He's stroking my arm gently while I drive and he looks so happy.(He'll touch me when we're close as often as he can. His gentle touch both comforts me and makes me hot)

"We'll have to wait until we get home to formally bond, I want you to knot me and turn me and that will take a while anyway" I say softly. "You want me to turn you?" he asks sounding surprised. "I do, I'll leave it to your discretion, but if you want to knot me and/or turn me every time we have sex I'm fine with it" I say. Graham grins. "I meant it, I love being knotted and turned, and I'll love it more because it's my Old Wolf doing it" I say. He grins. (He called himself that, but it'll become my nickname for him. He hears the love in my voice when I say it too.) At a long stoplight he steals a kiss. He's one happy Wolf right now. His bushy tail has been gently wagging most of the way as we've driven.

That thick bushy tail of his is a barometer for his feelings. Happy or turned on, it wags quickly. When he cums up me it wags even faster. When upset or sad it tends to droop a bit. When angered it twitches wildly. I mostly see it wagging though. He's really happy to be my mate and he loves me. He feels understood and loved and he's a happy Wolf to feel he's found his life mate. I'm pretty happy over it too. He's all I could have ever wanted out of life.

"Claude, I smoke, I smoke a pipe" Graham says softly. "So do Claude and I, and my Emil as well as his Dad and his brother smoke cigars" Nigel says. "Vlad smokes cigars too, Edward doesn't allow it in the house but we have a sheltered grotto in the back yard where we can smoke" I say. Graham smiles. "You are perfect for me, Claude" he says with a deep and happy sigh. He relaxes into his seat. I notice as I look in the rear view mirror that Emil and Nigel are making out in the back seat. Emil's just a bit toasted and really ecstatic about the respect and love he was shown by so many and he's happy Graham and I got together. A toasted and happy Emil means Nigel will get a lot of Walrus dick tonight. Emil would have insisted I go to bed with them tonight if I hadn't gotten Graham and he'd of worn us both out, fucking a lot in his usual loving but aggressive way.

Soon we pull up to his apartment building. I find a parking place quickly. He opens the door and it's a mess. Not filthy but there are papers and books everywhere. He's embarrassed. "I believe you now, but I will tend you as I promised to, we'll see about making a room into a home office for my Old Wolf" I say smiling. He kisses me. It's mostly stuff related to the research he's doing for Sacramento State. And some clothes. (I'm going to have to buy my Wolf some casual clothes. All he has here is suits and business casual type stuff. ) We get busy pulling stuff together and putting it into boxes. He kept his boxes from when he moved in so it's easy. The four of us quickly get him packed up. He goes to the office and turns in his keys and I write a check for him breaking his lease early. We load the car and I drive us all home. He is surprised to see the house, but he's silent.

I pull up and park by the door. And Edward and his younger Red Fox lover, Billy come out and help us move his things in. Emil and Nigel go off somewhere. "Welcome home, Master Graham" Edward says smiling. "There is supper in the kitchen" he adds. "You should eat and show him around a bit and then go bond" Edward says. Graham smiles. He's looking around the living room as we pass. Dad and Beau are sitting on the couch. And since Dad's smiling Edward had to of told him I bonded my Wolf. I show Graham around a bit and take him out onto the patio. He's happy to see the hot tub.

We stand on the patio and watch the sunset for a while and I pull him into my arms and we deep kiss for a bit. He's hard and it's poking into my thigh. "Lets go eat" he says smiling. I show him to the kitchen. We sit at the table and Edward brings us plates. He's got a Diet Coke for me. And a Ginger Ale for Graham. "How did he know?" Graham asks. "Edward is a bit psychic, he just knows things, he uses it to tend to us" I say smiling. "You'll get used to it, just know if he tells you something it's true no matter how odd it sounds for him to know" I say.

Edward bends down and kisses my forehead. "I practically raised Claude and his brother Rory" Edward says. "Is he here, I saw what I know to be your Dad?" he asks. "No, he's with his mate at the Bear Den, the bar his Teddy runs" Edward says smiling. "Rory is a Polar Bear, he's Dad's but he took after our Maternal Grandfather" I say smiling. We eat. When we're halfway done. Dad and Beau come in and sit down with us. "Dad, this is Dr Graham Packard, my bond mate" I say. "Graham, this is my Dad, J.T. Kitman, and his mate, Beau Wilson" I say. Graham smiles. "You look just like him, except for mane color" Graham says. "Good news for you, Dad's still gorgeous at age 44" I say. Dad preens a bit. "My boy will be just like me in 20 years" Dad says smiling.

Beau is chatting with Graham, just trying to get to know him. "Beau's the expert on dealing with being bonded to a Kitman male, he'll be glad to help you if you need it" Dad says smiling.

"He's been with me for over 15 years" Dad says proudly. Beau blushes a bit. I lean over and kiss Beau. "We're all proud of our Saber Tooth, he's loved Dad so much and we're glad Dad had the good sense to bond him" I say. Dad looks at Beau with so much love. Beau blushes.

I'm curious as to why Dad's not giving forth with the grilling I'd of expected. He smiles. "I have looked him up, your Wolf has quite a professional reputation" Dad says. I know he figured out what I was curious about. Dad smiles. "You know you have the most beautiful Blue eyes?" Beau asks. "My Claude looked into them and fell for me" Graham says proudly. Dad laughs. "You are a beautiful older Wolf, no wonder my boy was helpless to resist you, and you're a brilliant one too, Claude really respects animals that are smart" Dad says. "It's one reason why he and Dr Brunner are so close" Dad says smiling. "I read you were 36, Dr Packard?" Dad asks. "I am" Graham says looking worried. "You aren't bothered that Claude's only 21?" Dad asks. "No, he told me he didn't care that I was older, and if he doesn't care I wont." Graham says calmly. "I don't Dad, I love my Old Wolf" I say very lovingly. "I can tell by how you look at him" Dad says softly. "Same way my Saber Tooth looks at me" Dad says. Beau smiles and Dad takes Beau's paw and they leave. "That was nowhere near what I was expecting " I say ."Did you think he would object?" Graham asks. "Object, no, play a rugged game of 20 questions, yes" I say softly. Graham laughs. "Dad can be very protective of Rory and I, he loves us a lot and he's definitely an Alpha Dad type" I say smiling at my Wolf.

We're done eating so I take his paw and show him to our bedroom. To my surprise there is an air purifier on a stand in my room. Edward walks in smiling. "With the door closed and that on, you and Graham may smoke in here" he says kissing us both. "I have the smallest bedroom fixed up as a home office for Dr Packard too" he says smiling. "I think you like my Wolf, Fox Father?" I ask Edward. "He is quite a male and he'll love you as long as he lives" Edward says kissing us both. "You love being tied and turned so much you are perfect for a Canine mate" Edward whispers to me. (He gave me my first knotting and turning so he'd know. He was amazing and I came all over him when he knotted me the first time.) "I've put your books and papers in that room, Claude will show you where it is tomorrow" Edward says and he walks out.

(I suddenly get it. Edward is an awful lot like Graham, gentle natured, smart, and devoted to his mate. Edward saw that in him. And he's my mate and he's now Edward's owner as I am.. Graham is a Canine too, just an Australian born Gray Wolf instead of a English born Red Fox. But he and Edward are a lot alike. Edward's noted I mated a guy an awful lot like him and he's proud of me for it.) I check the closet and my chest of drawers and Edward has put Graham's things up already. He's happy. "He's thorough" Graham says softly. "You are home now, my beautiful Wolf" I say softly."Home with the Lion who loves you so much" I say smiling.

Graham puts his arms out to me and I run to my Wolf. And we hold each other tightly. "Claude, I have been here only a few months and I have dated a bit, but I wasn't having much success and I was so lonely" Graham says softly. I pull him tighter to me. "Graham, I swear you'll never be lonely again" I say deep kissing him. He murrs. And we're all over each other, kissing and touching and stroking each other. Slipping off one another's clothes. When he's naked, he looks a bit concerned. I take his rock hard Canine dick in my paw. He is huge @ 18", and his knot has started swelling and it's really fat. "I've never seen such a beautiful Canine dick" I say happily. He blushes and relaxes. It's big and he's dripping precum onto the floor. His dick is the usual red of a Canine dick and it's hot against his Gray fur.

"Shouldn't we get started before that knot gets too big to fit up me?" I ask. He smiles shyly and nods yes. I get on my knees on the bed. "I won't hurt you, my Claude" Graham says gently. I feel the slick pointed tip of his big Canine dick at my ass ring. And it's drooling precum on my ass ring, lubing it up good. And I push back until I can feel the top of his knot. Graham murrs again. He thrusts gently in and out of me for a bit. "So tight, Claude" He pants.

"Knot me, Wolf Daddy" I beg him. "You sure, my Claude?" he asks. "Please, Graham, knot me now" I beg him. He leans down and kisses me as he thrusts his hips forward and that fat knot slips through my ass ring with a wet sounding pop. I moan and spurt cum on the bed. (I wasn't kidding, I love to be knotted.) Graham grins. He's immediately fully swollen and he's tied us together. (He always will. As soon as he gets that fat knot inside my ass he'll immediately fully swell up and tie us together. When we're tied, and he's cum and he's completely spent. He'll be so wonderfully intimate. He'll open up and talk, we get closer emotionally when he ties me too. We'll stay tied together until he relaxes and releases me. It's amazing. And we both feel so much love for one another when he's locked inside of my ass.) His knot is too big for my ass ring to let out of me. I purr as my Wolf slowly thrusts in me. He's really happy now. "Claude, I love you, and I love how hot for me you are, you do seem to love being knotted" He says happily. "Especially to be knotted by the Wolf I love so much" I say grunting as his fat knot stimulates parts of my ass I never knew I had.

"Claude I've never turned someone" he says shyly. "Cum first and I'll show you, Babe" I say smiling. "It'll make it easier if you've cum up me" I say. He starts thrusting a bit harder. And he quickly loses it to the sensations. He's frantically moving in me, though he can't thrust very far. I lean back and kiss him. Graham howls and I feel him spurting up me. Panting hard he lays his weight on my back. And I can feel his heart pounding. "I love my Wolf" I say kissing him. "I love my Lion, you know you're the most beautiful Feline I've ever seen, and you're mine now, I know how you Lions bond, I came up you and you'll never leave me" he says proudly. "This beautiful young Lion loves me and wants me" he says shyly."I will never leave my Graham, my Old Wolf is mine forever" I say proudly. He kisses me hard.

"What do we do to turn you?" Graham asks. "Push your hips forward a bit, and then throw your right leg slowly over my back, until we're butt to butt" I say. He nods. He pushes up me a bit more and gently throws his leg over my back. And I feel his butt pressed against mine and his knot is pulsing over my prostate. "Bloody Hell" he moans loudly.. And he lifts his head and howls, he's trembling from the sensation of his very first turning orgasm. His knot pulls at my ass ring and it sets him off again, in turn his knot stimulates my prostate and I cum a split second behind him. We stay locked together butt to butt for over an hour. Both of us cumming every two to three minutes. Finally, he's exhausted and his deflated knot pops free of my ass ring. I pull him up against me and we lay holding each other tightly and panting hard. He looks ecstatic.

He kisses me repeatedly. "It was Bloody amazing" Graham pants. "I kind of liked it too" I say kissing him back. "There is so much love in your eyes for your Old Wolf now" Graham says happily. "I love you, I always will, Graham." I say softly. "The fact that you're such a great lover doesn't hurt" I say kissing him. "You think I'm good?" he asks softly. "Graham, you're an amazing Canine top" I say softly. He grins. "You did like it a lot" he says softly. His bushy tail is wagging gently now. His thick, yellow Canine sperm is still drooling out of my ass. I tease him about how much cum he left up me. He's smiling deeply now. "Maybe one day I'll try to hold it in and give my Old Wolf a litter of Wolf pups" I tease him. He smiles gently.

"I lost count of how many times we came together, the more I did to you, the hotter you were for me." Graham says proudly. I nuzzle him. "I love you, Graham, I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together" I say. Graham's weeping now. "What's wrong, Baby" I say stroking his muzzle. "I never thought I'd ever be loved as much as my Lion loves me, you showed me how to turn you, and you begged for my knot" Graham says kissing me. "I never had anyone want it like that, you came all over yourself when I popped my knot up you, you wanted me so badly" he says. His tears slow. "I loved it, I told you I would, I loved your big dick and that fat knot, you're a great lover, Graham" I say. He tongue kisses me.

"Baby, I kind of feel worn out" Graham says softly. "Then lets go to bed" I say. "I will want to curl up with you while we sleep" Graham says softly."I'd love that" I say. He grins. I go get a towel and mop up our spilled cum off of the spread. I pull back the bed covers. Graham has gone into the bathroom and I can hear water running. He's washing up a bit and brushing his teeth. I go in and brush my teeth and brush out my mane. Graham has pulled back the covers and is smiling at me. I go lay down next to him. We kiss a while and he wraps himself around me. "I love you, Old Wolf" I say softly. "I love my Lion too, more than I can tell him" Graham says. "I have to say this, that soft voice and accent make me fall for you all over again when I hear them" I say softly. He murrs. He cuddles me tighter and we drift off to sleep. He has a soft, gentle snore and he's holding on to me tightly. We move together in our sleep, neither one of us will let go of each other. (We're very tightly bound together. We never fight, we talk and we just look into each others eyes and we fall in love all over again and talk things out. We spend every moment together that we possibly can. He just wants to be with me, and I love having him near me. On our second anniversary we legally bond and I also become Dr Packard. And he quietly weeps as we go before the judge and he's so proud I wanted his name so badly.)

When we wake, he's still wrapped tightly around me. He's watching me sleep . "You're so beautiful, Claude" he says softly. "My Old Wolf is a beautiful one, you rendered me speechless at first, you're so beautiful" I say. He blushes. "Edward will have breakfast out by now" I say smiling. He gets up and goes into the bathroom. I go brush my teeth and brush out my mane while Graham's in the shower. I go out and put on shorts. He comes out in a few minutes and he kisses me and puts on shorts himself. I take his paw in mine and we walk out to the dining room. Rory's smiling at me. "Your Wolf is beautiful" Rory says softly. "Edward told us when we came home, you two look very happy now" Rory says. Vlad and Yuri are smiling at us. I stand up and I introduce everyone to my Graham. He smiles warmly at them. And I get him a plate and ask him if he wants tea or coffee. He wants coffee. So I fix it how he wants it. I sit down by him and I eat. He'll take my paw in his at times while we eat and he's really looking happy to be wanted and accepted by my family.

The family is talking to Graham trying to get to know him. He's being charming and I know he's happy that my family accepts him as my mate. It's a great meal and my Wolf is really happy. When we're done, Graham asks to see his 'home office'. I take him to it. He's surprised but I'm not when he sees it is set up as an office with a desk and a computer and a few chairs and a couch and TV. He is happy though. "Claude, I need to work on a research report that's due soon" he says. He looks through some papers only to find that the ones he wants are on the top of his desk. (Edward does really like Graham and he'll help me tend our absent minded Aussie Wolf gladly. Edward is proud that I got him, Graham's gentle masculinity is just like Edward's.) He boots up his computer and he goes online and connects to the University's mainframe and he's quickly engrossed in his work. I kiss him and I leave.

I go out and sun myself. Nate sits by me. "Where's your Wolf?" he asks. "Working on a research project in the home office Edward set up for him" I say. "You don't miss him?" Nate asks. "I do a bit, but he has his practice and he does research for the University, so he'll be busy at times." I say. "He's here with me still" I say. Nate asks me about how we bonded. "We're open bonded" I say "No, how good was he?" Nate asks. "He was amazing, he fucked me and I got him to knot me and we did the turn and we stayed locked together for over an hour" I say. "He loved it" I say. "Bet you did too" Nate says. "We'd both cum every two to three minutes, and we've still not recovered" I say. Nate smiles.

"Bet you'll go after him soon" I tease Nate. "I will" he says. "Nigel already wants him" I say smiling. "He's a hot older Wolf, and his shorts were bulging out so he has to have a big Canine dick" Nate says. "He does, and a fatter than usual knot" I say. Nate laughs. "You're so much in love with him" Nate says. "I plead guilty, I'm very much in love with my Old Wolf" I say softly. Nate looks at me. "He called himself that, and I've kind of picked it up, he loves it when I call him that" I say. "How old is he?" Nate asks. "36" I say. "He looks younger" Nate says. Nigel comes out and we all chat and catch up for awhile. Nigel's as interested in how good of a lover Graham is too. It's not only about sex. They are my best friends and they're happy for me. Nigel tells me Emil's happy for us too. He loves me and he's proud of me getting such a mate. With a world wide reputation and who's known for his brilliance in the field of Neurology. Nigel's teasing me about how happy I look. "He loves me as much as Emil and Yuri love you two" I say dreamily.

Teddy comes out about 10AM. He'd woken up and Rory told him about my Wolf. We all talk for a while. Teddy's never been knotted or turned and he wants to try. I kiss him. And I tell him I'll talk to Graham, since he's been so hot for me and let me have Rory. Graham will really love being so wanted I suppose. But I want to keep him to me for another day or so. Teddy asks me to bring him to the Bear Den as soon as I can. I will talk to Graham about it. Not that we're looking for other guys to fuck but Rory spends a lot of time there keeping Teddy company and I like to be there for them both. (We do go, and Graham is amazed at how much attention he gets. He's surprisingly relaxed about it though. He's gently telling them he wants to stay to me for a while but several of them get our number and they do call him in a while. Graham and Teddy go to the back room and Graham takes him while I watch the bar for Teddy. Graham's proud of how much I trust him and Teddy looks done in when they come out. )

We all sit and catch up with each other's lives a while. Emil comes out as does Rory. And we sit in the sun and chat. Emil and Rory soon end up swimming in the pool as usual. After a while, Edward calls lunch and we go in. Still getting a lot of questions from the family about my Wolf. He hasn't come out to lunch though. I finish lunch and go to the kitchen. Edward has a tray fixed for Graham. "I'll take it in, I kind of miss him, Edward" I say softly. Edward smiles. "I knew you would want to, give you an excuse to see him" he says smiling. I go knock on the door of his office. He doesn't answer. I go in. He's sitting at the computer totally engrossed in his work and smoking his pipe. I am surprised to see that. But there is an air purifier running in the corner like the one Edward got for our bedroom .

"Baby, I brought you your lunch" I say softly. He looks up at me from the screen with a soft smile on his face. "I kind of got lost in this report" he says shyly. I kiss him. "I got a lot more done than I thought, I figured I'd not get this done til Friday and I only need another hour or two to finish" he says smiling at me. "I think my Claude's love has made me more focused" Graham says grinning. He stops working and eats his lunch.

"Claude, would you stay with me while I finish my report?" he asks shyly. I kiss him. "I'll go get my Kindle and lay on the couch and read while you work" I say. He kisses me again and murrs loudly. "I won't mind if you watch TV too" He says softly. "I want to hear my Lion be close to me and to scent him, I love having you be near me" he says proudly. "I love you, I love being with you, I'll be with you when you want me to" I say kissing him again. I take his tray and he smiles. "Be back soon, Claude" Graham says. "I will" I say. I take the tray to the kitchen. Edward smiles. "It's why I put the couch in that room, Claude, he'll want you with him when he's home and working, so I put a TV and a couch in there too." Edward says.

I go to our room and get my Kindle off of my desk. And I get my pipe pouch and go back to Graham's office. I kiss him and go lay on the couch. I turn the TV on with the volume lowered. Graham turns and smiles at me.. "I love you, Claude, you didn't mind coming to be with me while I worked" he says.. And there is so much love in his eyes for his Lion. I pack and light my pipe and turn on my Kindle and get involved in the book I've been reading. I can hear him talking to himself as he types on the keyboard and the soft clicking of the keys. Occasionally I can hear him sniffing the air and sighing gently. He's comforted by my scent and my being here with him. I have to admit I love watching him at work. He's so intent on what he's doing and so focused on it.

He really is a genius at all things Neurology. I see he's not really absent minded, he's just really focusing on what he's doing and what ever has his attention. He finishes his report and he uploads it for proofreading. I smile as he puts his papers away and turns to me. The love in his eyes for his Lion is really strong now.

He walks over to me and leans down and kisses me. I pull him down on top of me and move him to the side between me and the back of the couch. And I hold him tightly and stroke his hair and his muzzle. He murrs softly. "Graham, I love you so much, I loved watching you work" I say quietly. "Claude, I'll always want you with me when I can have you, I may not be able to ask, but could you try to remember that I want you with me" Graham says softly. I kiss him. "Gee, stay by the Australian Wolf that I love so much, ask me to do something hard, why don't you?" I tease him. He kisses me back. "I love sex, but I just want you by me even if we're not going to have sex" He says quietly. "Graham, you're my husband, and if you want sex all you'd have to do is ask, but I love you too, I love your touch, your scent makes me hot and comforted too" I say. "Sounds like how I feel" he says smiling.

"Claude, if I'm distracted and you want me, you can start something if you want" he says shyly. "Going after sex isn't really something I do often" he says. "I want you, and I will start it, but with others I'll never go looking for it, usually I'll just respond if they start something" he says shyly. "Can you just tell me if you want me?" I ask. "With you, yes I can, you showed me how much you wanted me, but I'll usually just respond to others" he says gently. "So if I come up to you and push you on your back and sit on your big Canine dick, it'll be OK?" I tease him. He grins and his dick is hard and poking into my side. "I take it that's a yes" I tease him. "I think you're going to be very good for me , Claude, you understand me and you've been all to me I could ever want" he murrs. He's on top of me and pulling his shorts off and then he pulls mine off.

He's hard and dripping precum. I lift my legs and he slips up me. He murrs loudly. He's fucking me gently and stopping at the top of his knot. "I loved turning you but it was kind of exhausting, maybe we'll save that for special occasions" Graham whispers in my ear. "Will you still knot me?" I beg him. "Yes, Baby Kitten, I love feeling my knot in you, and it'll soften a bit after I cum if I don't turn you" he says deep kissing me. He laughs gently. "I was so worried, as so many wouldn't take the knot and you beg for it, my Claude is perfect for me" Graham says softly. I look up into his eyes. "Yes I will, I can see it in your eyes, you want to take the knot now" Graham pants. He thrusts his hips forward and his fat knot pops through my ass ring. He murrs loudly. He's fully swollen in me and my ass ring won't stretch enough to let it out. I moan loudly. Graham chuckles softly. "You came all over me again when I knotted you" he says proudly. I wrap my arms and legs around him tightly. He's smiling at me and I can feel his tail wagging gently too. "I love you so much, Claude" he says moving that big dick and fat knot slowly inside me. He leans down and kisses me and starts thrusting in me frantically. He howls and I feel his thick Canine cum spurt up me. And I faint again.

Graham's grinning when I wake a bit later. "I guess I should explain what just happened to my Claude" Graham says softly. "I think I know" I say gently. "Claude, Wolves mate for life, we bonded last night, but I needed time to make sure" Graham says shyly. "You sealed our bond permanently, like my Feline body sealed my side of the bond when you first came up me, you are sure of me now, and you locked us together for good" I say. Graham nods. "I was ashamed that you'd think I didn't trust you, but by staying with me and fully accepting how I am I knew I had to" Graham says. I kiss him. "I'm yours now, I said forever and I meant it, but I do understand how your Wolf soul needed to be sure to take me for life, Graham." I say softly. "You have been happy to be all I'd ever want, Claude, I know now, I can't live without you, and you can't live without me as your husband, I had to lock us together" Graham says tearing up. I hold his head to my chest. "I understand, my Aussie Wolf had been hurt by so many he loved" I say quietly. He murrs.

"It doesn't mean I closed our bond, we'll have sex with others still, but we'll be pulled back together when we do and we'll want to be together as much as we can now" Graham says leaning up to kiss me. "In short, we'll be as we have been since you kissed me last night" I say. "Claude, you were willing to be all to me that I wanted, this just biologically enforces it on both of us" Graham says. And he explains it all to me. Not really necessary but he seems to need to clarify it to me. I know I'll never leave my Graham and want him with me as much as I can have him. He's just needed it to be formalized by rebonding me. Fine with me. The upshot is he's my Wolf as long as he draws breath. Wolves really do mate for life, I knew that when I took him. Lions bond tightly too.

"Claude, so many here have told me they wanted me for sex, does that bother you?" Graham asks. "No, baby, I know you love me, you wouldn't have made sure we both were bonded for life if you didn't, I want you to have as much outside sex as you want to, I know I make you hot by just being around me, I think you'll always have more than enough left for me" I say nuzzling him. "I won't go after it, but I might go along with it if they ask me again" he says. "I told them I wanted to just be with you for a few days" he says. "I told them that too" I say. "You only want your Wolf for a few days?" he asks. "I do, not that I mind you being with others or my letting others fuck me, but I can only think of you sexually now" I say softly. He grins. "You were fully bonded to me already" he says softly.

He's hard again inside me, and his knot has swelled again. "Want me again?" I ask. "Please my Claude" he says. "You're my husband, take me as you want, when you want, and I'll love it" I say quietly. He's slowly fucking me and he kisses me frequently. I moan as he gently makes love to me. His tail is gently wagging now. It really is kind of a barometer for his feelings. "I've never wagged this much, Claude, you really make me so happy" Graham says nuzzling my face. "I never knew I could feel this much love for anyone, Graham" I say softly. He throws his head back and howls as his cum spurts up me. After a minute or so his knot deflates and he slips out of me. He lays on top of me. I cuddle his head to my chest. And he murrs softly. "I love that you're bigger than me, and you seem to like me laying on top of you" he says softly. "I do, a lot in fact, Graham" I say happily. "Everything I do to you, you love" he says kissing me again. "Graham, I told you last night that you were a great lover and I love you so much" I say quietly. He lays on me and we watch TV for a bit. We fuck occasionally. He loves how I take him when he wants and he knots me each time gladly. He's kissing me a lot too whether we fuck or not. And we're wrapped around each other tightly. It's a wonderful afternoon. We talk between each fuck and he's so intimate now.

I'm really happy. "Claude, could we go out to the hot tub, I'd love to feel it now, I'm already so relaxed but .. " He says and can't finish. I kiss him. "Baby, it's OK, we'll go if you want" I say quietly. He kisses me and we get up. He puts his shorts back on and we walk out. Edward stops us in the kitchen. "We can go naked now if we want" he says. I smile and pull off Graham's shorts. Edward slips his off. "I'll tell everyone " I say. Edward nods. Graham takes my paw and we go out to the hot tub. We sit together in the water and kiss a while.

Nate and Nigel come out after a while. They're already naked so Edward must have told them. Nate's really almost staring at Graham's Canine dick. Graham's noticed it and he's stiffening up. Nate nods at me and leans down and gently strokes Graham's fat Canine dick. Nigel's smiling at me. "Emil wore me out last night, I'm a bit sore still" he says. Nate's got Graham hard and dripping precum. "Graham, if you want him I don't mind" I say. "Are you sure, we said we'd stay to each other"Graham says. "I want you to have who and what you want, you and I have had a lot of sex since we bonded, and the way you are, you'll probably want more later" I tell my Wolf. He grins. "I am a horny Wolf, but I don't go looking for it" he says. "Note that, Graham wont ask or look for it, so if you guys want him you'll have to ask him" I say."Would you?" Nate asks. "Didn't waste any time, did he?" Nigel says laughing.

"I would" Graham says softly. "Nate, take my Wolf to the back garden, it's so beautiful there he'll love it " I say. Graham kisses me. He and Nate get out of the tub and Nate leads him to the garden. "He's hot for Felines, but he'll take you if you ask" I tell Nigel. "He's so soft natured and easy going" Nigel says smiling.

Nigel and I sit and talk awhile and after a bit I hear Graham's orgasmic howl. We wait a bit longer and they haven't come back, so I get out of the tub and go find them. Graham's got Nate tied and they're butt to butt. Graham leans up and kisses me. "Claude, I begged him to turn me" Nate says. "I'm fine with that, I loved it when he did me." I say. "He's an amazing Canine lover, I've never been turned but he's so passionate and tender" Nate says. Graham's blushing wildly. "I told you you were amazing, my Old Wolf" I say kissing him. "Claude, stay with us?" Graham begs me. "I want you by me" he says softly. I lay in the grass next to my Wolf.

He's cumming every three minutes like he did with me. Nate's cussing a second or two after Graham howls and he's cumming too. After an hour, Graham's big dick pops free of Nate's ass. And they both look done in. I cuddle Graham to me and he's panting and happy. I pull Nate to my other side and gently pet his soft, fluffy fur while he catches his breath. Nate's asking me how many times I've been turned and I tell him. "Who turned you the first time?" Graham asks. "Edward, he taught me how and that I loved it " I say blushing. Nate laughs. "I though he couldn't have sex with us" Nate says. "No, he can if he wants, and his Billy lets him." I say. (Billy is Edward's little Red Fox mate, and he gets jealous once in a while. So we said Edward can't fuck others so he'd not get in trouble) Nate laughs. "I loved being turned I'll have to ask him one day if he will" Nate says smiling. "I have always loved it, I really like Canines" I say. "And I'm glad you do, my love" Graham says softly. "To think I was so worried that you couldn't take my big Canine dick and knot" Graham says softly smiling at me. I can't speak when he looks at me so lovingly. Nate laughs. "You're really gone on him, I've never seen you look at any one or anything that way, Claude" Nate says. "I love my Old Wolf more than I can say" I say kissing his paw. "He knows, and he's so grateful you do" Graham says softly. Nate kisses us both and walks off.

I hug Graham and curl up with him. And we lay in the sun and just enjoy being together. "You really didn't mind that I went off and fucked him, or turned him" Graham says. It's not a question it's a statement."I told you I wouldn't, you did him and enjoyed it and you're still totally mine" I say kissing his paw again. "We'll always be together Graham, Lions like Wolves mate for life" I say quietly. "You do don't you"?" he muses. "I'll love you, Graham until I die" I say quietly. He holds me tighter and weeps gently. "Don't cry, my loving Wolf" I say stroking his muzzle. "I never thought I'd be loved like this, so deeply and so honestly" Graham says softly.