Skunked Part 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#32 of Claude gay stories

Claude's twin Jeb gets bonded leading to Claude's finding his

I'm happy now. My twin and I have found our mates, and we know they won't have problems with each other. There'll be no in law problems here. My mate is the father of Jeb's mate. We got ourselves a pair of loving and horny Skunks. Skunks bond for life and we're bonded just as tightly to them. I can't even think of leaving my George and Jeb can't leave his Mark either. Dad likes them both too. My George is his age, and Mark is our age. (Truthfully, my Skunk is a great top, who loves to fuck and have us do group sex, and gets hot watching me get fucked by other guys and will rut me for hours when we're alone afterwards. On that basis alone, he's a true gem. I wouldn't want to leave my Daddy Skunk. Not to mention how deeply he loves me even with our clothes on.)

We'll go back and start from who we are. I'm now Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II. I'm 21 now and I've been an Internist for a year now. I was considered a genius who got through College and Med School and became a full Physician at age 20. Alongside my twin brother Jebediah Marcus Kitman. Jeb's a Cardiologist. Our Mom died birthing us. Dad raised us with his English retainer, Edward. Dad bonded his life long best friend, Harry Belford when Mom had been gone a year or two. Harry's a big, buff Bengal Tiger. They love each other so much. They're always rutting hard all over the house.

Our English retainer is always fussing at them for leaving cum everywhere when they fuck. Edward is a big Red Fox and he mostly raised Jeb and I. Not to say Dad wasn't involved with raising us, but he was gone on business more than he wanted to be. He tried to stay home with us as much as he could. And when Dad was home he spent every moment he could with his beloved twin sons. We always knew how much he loved us. He's proud of his boys.

I practice with my best friend and his mate, my Med School mentor. Dr Nigel Davenport is my best friend. He's an English born Honey Badger. 5'9" and 165 pounds. Beautiful Green eyes and he's the smartest soul I know. His fur is Black and he has a thick Honey Tan stripe on his back. His mate is Dr Emil Brunner. He mentored me throughout my Medical training. He's a big Munich born Walrus. 6'8" and 320 pounds with sleek Mahogany fur and White hair and beard. His Blue eyes are bright and sexy. I wanted to try to bond him but I had to wait til I was done with school and he'd bonded Nigel by then.. They live with us but Emil's still hot to get up me. He was flattered when I finally told him I was going to try to bond him if he hadn't of bonded Nigel. He's got a big, fat Walrus dick and he's a great lover. Nobody but Jeb knows me better than Nigel does. Though Emil comes close at times.

Our PA, Nate Porter lives with us too. He's a young Snow Leopard. He's 5'9" and 170 pounds with the Pale Grey fur and Black Rosettes of his species. He has sexy Dark Amber eyes. And he's a happy and playful soul. Like me and Nigel he's a good Bottom. His mate lives with us too. Yuri Petrov is a big Russian born Siberian Bull. Yuri's 6'8" and 350 pounds of hard bodied Bull. He has the most amazing Crystal Blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Yuri's heart is immense and he'll do anything for those of us he loves. Dad loves him and treats him like a son too. He's also big dicked and a very tender and gentle lover.

We're a happy little gay family. Nigel and I have found a nice little gay bar. The Bear Den. We've befriended the owner and his mate. Teddy Mitchell is a big Grizzly Bear and he's both sexy and good natured. He's 7' tall, and 300 pounds with Dark Chocolate Brown fur. He's got a big dick too and he's fucked me a few times at the bar. His mate is a small, buff bodied Black Bear, Jesse Marks. Jesse's 5'8" and 190 pounds and solidly built. We got them to move in with us, so they can keep their money to put back into the Den. And they're happy.

Jeb's been really busy of late. And my horny brother is beginning to get cranky from being tired and from lack of sex. He even finally fucked me, he's not wanted to before. But he came into my room when he got home late from being on call and crawled into bed with me. And spent the rest of the night fucking me hard. He knew I wanted him. I'd asked him to fuck me once before and he told me he didn't want to fuck his brother. I knew it was only because he was so horny he couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't mind that at all. My big brother is a great Lion top. I begged him to barb me and he did, and made me go crazy. He started coming to me at night when he hadn't had a chance to find someone to have sex with. He is so busy he hadn't been able to go out anywhere. And he really liked fucking me. Enough that he still did after he was able to go out again and even after he found his mate.

I know I'm just a convenient piece of ass for him, but he's my brother and he's so damned good in bed, and he doesn't treat me like a warm, wet Feline hole to nut in. We love each other a lot and he's a great top. I get Nigel and Nate to come in and take him a few times too. And he'll sometimes go to Nigel for release too.(Dad's teased Jeb about being happier of late. But we know not to tell him, I tried to get him to fuck me and he exploded at me. He'd have a shit fit if he knew Jeb fucks me regularly. Oddly enough, when we get our mates he knows we all sleep together at times and he's seemingly OK with it. Knowing we'll trade off and Jeb will fuck me while George takes Mark. But then again, me and Mark had already worked him up together and he loved it.)

I go out a lot. Nate and Nigel go with me on the weekends. I'm rather popular at the Den. I rarely go home alone. On top of that, we joined a gym to tone up. It's run by Nate's Yuri and his older brother Dmitri. Guys were sniffing around me after someone tried to hit on Jeb to let them fuck him, and he told them he was a top, but his twin brother was a horny little Lion bottom. The next time I came to the gym, Dmitri hit on me. And he's a big Russian Bull. Looks a lot like a bigger Yuri with Brown fur. And I let him rut me on the floor of the weight room. He's a more aggressive fuck than Yuri, but his dick is bigger and he's a tireless stud Bull. He tells me in Russian that I'm the first bottom he's had that he couldn't wear out. He fucked me five times that day on the floor. When he was done I stayed on my back and took ten more guys that had been watching us fuck. Dmitri fucked me once more and I kind of got the reputation for being a bottom slut. Guys will come up to me in the shower or while I'm working out and want to fuck me. I rarely say no. They'll just ask to be sure I am Claude and not Jeb and then hit on me aggressively.

A big Rhino talked to me in the shower and damn near wore me out when we finally got to do it. He's big and massively hung. 7'2" and 400 pounds. He asked me if I'd let him make love to me. His soft Brown eyes were so sexy. I knew I would. But he didn't want to do it here. He asked Dmitri if we could borrow his office and we fucked for hours. He's good. Tender and gentle or rough and dominant. Massive dick and that soft hide felt like fine leather against my body. We ended up dating for a while. Til he met and bonded a young Cheetah. I kind of miss Ken Wallace, he not only was a great fuck, he was a lot of fun to hang out with. I have to admit he got me to think about settling down one day. He'll still make love to me when we see each other at the gym but he loves his Cheetah a lot. He's a good male, and he's warm and funny and damn charming.(It isn't that I really want him still, it's that he is with his Elliott the way I want my mate to be one day.)

I date Dmitri for a while. But we know we won't bond. And as good of a lover as he is. I know he's not for me. But we still enjoy each other to this day.(George loves me but group sex makes him hotter for me. He loves fucking someone with me present and watching me take a guy I like makes him hotter. He also loves fucking me with someone else's cum inside my ass.)

I manage to convince Jeb to come with Nate and I to the Bear Den one Friday night. He's reluctant but he agrees. Nate's talked to a friend of his that he thinks will like Jeb. He's mentioned the name to me. I know him by reputation and I saw him once when I was an Intern. He was a year ahead of us in Med School and he's the only one who beat me in terms of GPA. I know he's from a family of Doctors, both his parents are Doctors and both sets of Grandparents are Physicians too. Dr Mark Edwards is a small, stocky Striped Skunk. He's an Orthopedic Surgeon now. What I most remember about him is those Blue eyes. So pretty and with a touch of sadness in them. Nate tells me he's lonely and it's hard for him to meet guys he likes. Jeb doesn't know we're trying to set them up.

Teddy's happy when we show up. Jesse's busy at work and he's a bit lonely as it hasn't gotten busy yet. I kiss him and I sit and talk to him. Nate's seen Mark's here already, Mark's sitting quietly in a corner nursing a beer. Nate runs to him and Mark looks happier now. Jeb sits by me and we talk to Teddy a bit. Teddy brings Jeb's attention to Mark and Nate who're sitting and happily chatting. (Nate told him we were trying to set them up) Nate brings Mark over to meet us. I shake his paw and he's looking at us both. "I'm Claude, this is Jebediah, my older brother" I say. (He is my older brother, he's all of five minutes older than me.)

I might mention now that we are Identical twins. Jeb's bit more buff in definition but with clothes on you can't tell. We're 6'4" and 225 pounds. We have Dad's Sapphire Blue eyes and they're striking with our Red Blond manes. We're stocky and have big foot paws . Jeb's voice is a touch deeper than mine. We both have the same dick. Long, tapered to a point, and barbed with a slight upcurve at the tip. We're larger than the average Feline in terms of dick size. (Dad's even bigger than we are.) I've been known to fuck Nate and Nigel at times, but I'm mostly bottom.

When Jeb and I are together, we're used to having to identify ourselves as to which is which. I'm proud to look like my gorgeous brother. Jeb makes me proud of him anyway. He's as smart as I am too. He's proud of his look alike brother too, and we're very close.(Dad always figured we'd twin bond someone, but we didn't. Got father and son mates though, and as tight as Skunks bond we might as well of bonded them together. As we'll be very close)

I hear my name called and I turn. Nigel and Emil are here. It's been a busy week for us, and when Nigel told him we were trying to set Jeb up, Emil wanted to come too, and he wants a beer or two in order to relax from the busy week we had. I hug them both. Nate introduces them to Mark. He's smiling to see Emil.

Like most Physicians in Sacramento he's recognized Emil. Emil's taught most of us, and he's highly respected by us all. I'm proud that he's been my mentor, Emil was always so proud of me and Jeb for being such good students and for the fact that with our money we didn't have to do anything. Let alone how hard we worked to become Doctors. He was outed in my last year of Residency and was miserable teaching. I begged him to come in with us when we graduated. He agreed and promptly bonded Nigel, as he'd been wanting to for a long time. And when we graduated and I set up our office, he proudly joined us. We all practice well together, and I've loved having Emil's wise counsel as I got started.

Mark and Emil talk a bit. To my surprise, Jeb pulls Nate aside and I can hear his quizzing Nate about Mark. (We inherited hyper senses from Mom's side of the family. We hear and see and scent more than most animals. We also see in the dark, but that's common in Lions) I'm happy. Looks like Mark's questioning Emil about us too. He's wanting to know a lot about Jeb. He knows how Emil keeps up with his old students .

"Mark, Nigel and I live with them, they are open and kind and not snobs" I hear Emil tell him. "Mein Claude and his brother are good Lions" he says firmly. "He'll accept you if you try to bond Jeb" Emil says smiling. Mark didn't ask, but Emil is wise and he knows they're interested in each other. Mark blushes.

I walk over to Jeb. "He's cute and he's got a good reputation as a Surgeon, you couldn't do much better than take him from what Nate told me about him" I say softly.. "Claude, I think I want him, not just to fuck, but his voice and smile makes me feel things I've never felt before." Jeb says softly. I can see it in my brother's eyes, he's totally gone on Mark. "Dad will accept him, Bro, and you have to know how tightly Skunks bond" I say softly. "Go for it, Jeb, I approve highly, in fact, Nate and I wanted to introduce you two, we hoped you'd really like him, and he's quizzing Emil about you as we speak" I say. Jeb trusts me and that was the final push he needed to decide to go for it. He gets off of his stool and walks over to where Emil and Mark are talking. "If you have questions about me, I'll tell you anything you want to know, beautiful Skunk" Jeb says. Emil's grinning and Mark looks shocked.

Mark is an attractive young Skunk. He's 5'10" and 200 pounds. He's stocky and has a slight pot belly but Jeb doesn't care. Those Blue eyes are beautiful and they have no sadness in them now. In fact, there is a light in them when he looks at Jeb. Mark's wide tail is nervously twitching from side to side, and Jeb's is thrashing. Signs of sexual excitement in both species. I know what to do now. I go to the piano Teddy put in for me. And I play and sing love songs. I start with 'Loving you is the right thing to do' a song I wrote. And Jeb's got my message. We frequently understand each other without words. I look back at them and they're holding each other's paws. And as I finish the song, Jeb leans down and kisses Mark. Mark promptly faints into Jeb's arms. Emil's grinning as is Nate and Nigel and Teddy.

I keep playing and singing for a while. And I look back occasionally and I see Mark and Jeb kissing and making out. Emil puts his paw on Jeb's shoulder. "Mein Jeb, take your Skunk home, we'll make sure Claude and Nate get home" He tells Jeb. Jeb has keys to my car as I have keys to his. We both have Mercedes cars. Though mine is different. I have an S560 sedan and Jeb has a S560 coupe. Jeb comes over and asks if it's OK with me. I stop playing for a minute and I kiss my brother. "Of course it's fine with me, Bro" I say. He gets Mark and they leave. I go back to playing and singing.

I look up and there's a big, beautiful Arctic Wolf standing by me. He's gorgeous. 6'7" and 290 pounds . His Green eyes are so sexy. His fur is a mix of Silver, Gray and White in patches and his lush bushy tail is gently wagging. He asks me for a song I've played here before. So I play it for him. It's called 'Heart Hotels'. It's about pain and recovery from losing one's lover and he's gently weeping. I take his paw when I finish singing. He's smiling at me and I take him to a table and I talk to him. I know he just needs to talk his pain out right now. But if he wants me I'll fuck him. He's a beautiful Wolf.

His lover left him six months ago, and he thought he'd recovered but his ex is here now and seeing him triggered the pain again. I let him talk it out and even cry on my shoulder a bit. His deep voice is so sexy, even though it's filled with pain. His ex is glaring at us. I assume it's his ex anyway. "I'm sorry to cry on you like this" the Wolf says. "I'm Claude Kitman" I say. "I know, I'm Mike Matthews" he says softly. "I wanted to see if you'd come home with me, and then I saw Jim" Mike says quietly. "Mike, it's OK, I'll be happy to go spend some time with a handsome and obviously loving and caring Wolf like you" I say smiling at him. "It happens to us all at some point, no need to be embarrassed" I say quietly. He nods.

We get up and I go talk to Emil. He grins. "We'll go" he says. "Mike, would you like to come home with me and spend the night, maybe even the weekend?" I ask him. He grins. "If you think you want me" he says. "I'd love to have you and have you spend the weekend" I say softly. Mike leans forward and kisses me softly. He's obviously trying to bond me and I kiss him back hard. We aren't meant for one another. I suspect he's still too hurt, but I'm flattered that he tried. I'd take him, he's such a beautiful and warm hearted Canine. But I know how to cope, I'll be as loving and sexual as he needs me to be. He's hurting, and so obviously not over his ex. (Might I add how much I love Canine dick and being knotted and turned by a hot Canine, especially Wolves. I kind of have a soft spot for Wolves as it is. And it's right under my tail. HEH)

His ex is really glaring at us now. He's a big Black Furred Timber Wolf. And he is gorgeous. His Blue eyes are aflame with anger and he's growling to himself. I point it out to Mike. (Big mistake, by the way) Mike kisses me again. And the Black Wolf stomps over to us and they get into a bitter argument. Teddy's watching them cautiously. He hates breaking up fights. And a lover's quarrel is the last thing he wants to get dragged into. I can't blame him as it's really starting to get rather heated now.

To our surprise the Black Wolf suddenly stops yelling and leans forward and kisses Mike and promptly faints. Mike's so happy. "I was surprised when he told me how they'd broken up, Wolves generally mate for life, especially a Wolf/Wolf couple" I say smiling. "I got a clue from how he'd glared at us" I tell Mike.

"Baby, I was wrong, I'm so sorry I hurt you so much" the Black Wolf says as he wakes. "Just don't leave me ever again" Mike says sharply. "I won't Baby, I realized when you went after the rich and handsome Dr Kitman how much I needed you back and I was angry and afraid I'd lose you to him" the Black Wolf says. "Dr Kitman, I'm Jim Adams, and I thank you, I saw how much he still meant to me, your song made me see his pain, and well, when he went after you, I knew I could lose him" Jim says. "It was like a slap in the face that I really needed" Jim says leaning down and kissing my paw.. "He needs you too, his pain was so strong, but he looks pretty happy now" I say smiling. Mike is grinning from ear to ear. "You were so kind to me, Claude, I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me" Mike says shyly. I kiss him. "I'm happy for you two, now go take your Wolf back for good" I say smiling. I'll miss the chance to fuck him. But they do make for a beautiful couple. They leave. Nigel's grinning at me. And Nate's laughing. Emil smiles gently at me. "Liebchen, I've never known anyone quite like you, you care so much for so many, and you were happy for them" Emil says gently. He kisses me. Nigel grins at me. He knows I live for things like this. Something inside me makes me want to help animals find their mates or get back together. And I'm so happy to see animals I like find love.

We sit and chat with Teddy for a while longer. Emil has a few more beers and we're all pretty happy. Dmitri calls me. He's closed the gym and he's a bit lonely and horny and he asks if he comes home with Yuri if I'll sleep with him. I happily agree. I love Dmitri's fucking even if we're not meant for each other. I tell Emil and after he finishes his beer we go home. (Let me say if it were anyone else I'd not let them drive after even a few beers. But Emil's Germanic constitution isn't much phased by alcohol. He's had five beers and he's not impaired. Beer just makes him hornier and have to pee a lot. I know Nigel's going to get an awful lot of Walrus dick tonight. And if I wasn't going to be fucking Dmitri, Emil would have insisted I come to bed with them and he'd wear both of us out tonight.)

When we get home Dmitri is sitting at the kitchen table eating with Yuri and waiting on me to come home. Edward fixed supper as he does for Yuri when he comes home, and he knew Dmitri would come too. Our Fox retainer is just a bit on the psychic side. Edward looks at me and smiles. "Jeb seems happy with his Skunk" I say smiling. Edward grins at me. "What?" I ask, knowing full well Edward probably won't tell me. He grins. (He already knows I'll end up with Mark's Dad soon enough.)

"Claude, you'll meet your mate because of Mark, somehow he'll get you together with the male meant for you" Edward says grinning. I'm taken aback by him telling me and so happily too. I kiss him. I sit by Dmitri and we talk abit. And then he leads me to my room. He's been here a lot. And we spend the night making love. He's in rare form and is really hot. About 3AM he takes a break and he has something he wants to talk to me about. Dmitri really likes me and he knows I'd do almost anything for him. We both regret not bonding. But soon I'll know why we didn't. Still, Dmitri knows I'd do anything for him or Yuri. My Russian Bulls mean the world to me.

"Katya, I saw someone today and I want him, but he's a Doctor too, and I'm afraid he won't want a mere gym owner" He says sadly in Russian. "Who, Big Bull?" I asks.(If I don't know him, Emil will certainly know who it is if he's a Doctor) "He Russian Doctor, Grigori Petrovitch" Dmitri says softly. I do know him. Dmitri's showing his usual good taste. Grigori's a hot Clydesdale Horse. 7', 300 pounds of Chestnut Brown Horse, with beautiful Ice Blue eyes. He's an Endocrinologist and I've sent patients to him. I'd of gone after him, but he's a bottom versatile. "I can call him come morning if you'd like Dmitri, I think he'd love you" I say. "I'd even let you guys move in if you want to" I say quietly. Dmitri's resisted moving in with us for a while. He'd love to live here with Yuri but he doesn't want to be here with me and be unmated. I can understand that, it'd be kind of hard for me too. But he really misses living with Yuri. They're very close, easily as close as Jeb and I, despite not being twins.

"Would you call him for your Bull, Katya?" Dmitri asks hopefully. "I would, Dmitri, I care about you a lot, even though we can't seem to bond, he's a good Horse, I've talked to him at functions we've both attended, he's smart and charming and I think he'd be perfect for my loving Bull" I say kissing Dmitri. "I too love you, Katya, you've been so good to your Bulls" he says smiling. He wraps his big Bull body around me and we go to sleep.

He's still a bit horny though. I wake up to him poking his big Bull dick up me again. We rut for a few hours and I send him to shower. It's late enough. I call Grigori. He's happy when I tell him I have a big Russian Top who wants to meet him. I describe Dmitri to him and he's more than interested. He wants to meet Dmitri at a diner near here as soon as he can. I tell him if they bond they can move in with me. "I have house, but thank Katya for the offer," Grigori says. I smile. Grigori's really excited now.

Dmitri comes out of the shower. I hand him the phone and he talks to Grigori in Russian. Dmitri's excited now too. He hangs up. "Katya, he saw me when I saw him, he wanted me but was scared I would not want him" He says happily in Russian. I smile. "I borrow Yuri's truck and go meet him" Dmitri says. "I'll let you borrow my second car, Big Bull, Yuri will need his truck to go open the gym" I say. (I have a E450 convertible as well as my S560. I want a convertible for the warm days. But I really don't use it much. I tend to forget about it until it's too late to use it.) Dmitri grins. "Katya love his Bull, want his Bull loved and happy" Dmitri says. He's really happy now and his English is getting sloppy so he must really be happy at the thought of actually meeting Grigori. He kisses me and his ears are twitching madly. I know that means he's ecstatic. He's anxious to meet Grigori and he's happy that I cared about him enough to call him and arrange it and I'll lend him my car. Dmitri knows I care for him and he's happy.

He dresses and I take him out to the garage and show him the E450 and I give him the keys and show him how the controls work. I put the top down for him and show him the top up/down switch. " I trust you, Dmitri, keep it for a while until you have a chance to get settled" I say kissing him. He gets in and drives off. I'm struck by how good Dmitri looks in it. It's Mocha Brown and just a bit different and darker than his fur. I go tell Yuri what happened. Yuri hugs me tightly. He really loves Dmitri and he'd always hoped we'd bond. But he saw Grigori too, and he knows how much I do care about Dmitri. So he's happy too.

I go about my day relaxing and just hanging out with Nate and Nigel. Jeb finally comes out of his bedroom with Mark about noon. And they have lunch. They're both really happy. Dad's being calm and accepting of Mark. I'm surprised, but Jeb went to Dad when they got home last night. Smart move on his part. Dad was impressed by Jeb's going to him right away.

It's a nice sunny day so I spend it out by the pool sunning myself. Just relax and prepare for the week ahead. Yuri calls me about 4PM and he's very excited. Dmitri and Grigori bonded and Dmitri's using my car to move his things in with Grigori and they're both so grateful for me helping them get together. "I told him to keep that car as long as he needed it," I say. "I should give it to him as a bonding present" I muse. Yuri laughs. "Katya love brother Bull much" he says. "Yuri, tell him I'm really happy for them, and I'll have you bring him paperwork so I can transfer the car to him" I say. "He no have car, Grigori has one but Brother doesn't, Katya so good to his Bulls" Yuri says softly. "I love you, Yuri and in a way, I love Dmitri too, I never knew why we couldn't bond but I know Grigori will be good to him" I say happily. "Yuri finally give up when see brother with his Horse, he love his Horse much, so Yuri give up on getting Katya as his brother in law" Yuri says softly. "I love you, Yuri, we wouldn't be any closer if I had of been able to take Dmitri, I already love and adore my Yuri so much." I say. He's sniffling. "Yuri know Katya love him much, he good to his Bulls and their mates" Yuri says and he hangs up. Knowing our Yuri he's crying now. I have a moment of envy for Nate, Yuri's such a good and loving and caring Bull. And he adores his 'Snow Meow' so much. It's a cliche, but I think Yuri would really walk through fire for his Nate without a second thought.

About an hour later, Dmitri calls me and is really grateful I helped them and gave him my car for good. I tell him I'm just happy he's loved and that he's as happy as I would have tried to make him.. He sniffles a bit and he hangs up. I'm really happy for him and Grigori. I get out the registration form and sign it over to Dmitri Petrov and I give it to Nate to give to Yuri to take to his brother. I'm not telling any of them but I was going to sell it, cause I rarely used it. Better it goes to a good Bull who can use it.(Yuri tells me Dmitri loves having such a nice fancy car and he's proud that I loved him enough to give it to him, and help him get his Horse.)

I have dinner with the family and I spend some time talking to Mark as we all watch TV in the living room. He's so happy now. Jeb's not letting go of him and keeps kissing his Skunk. I'm bothered about something I can't quite figure out so I go to bed early. I lay in bed and I quickly figure it out. Jeb's bonding Mark makes me think I should settle down too. I go to sleep finally wondering what Edward meant and how Mark will help me get my mate.

I wake as usual and go about my work when I go to the office. Emil comes in at lunch time. Mark's Daddy called him to find out about Jeb. Emil's known him for a long time. Emil tells me Dr George Edwards, Mark's father, just came out a year ago and his wife divorced him. He was broken up for a while, and is finally coming out of it.(Skunks do bond tightly and for life. And it almost broke him.) He's planning on coming to visit his son this weekend.

I tell Emil I'll let Edward know when we go home. He tells me a bit about Dr George Edwards. He's bigger then his son. He's a top, and he's not had his anal glands removed like Mark did. It explains why he's bigger and stockier than Mark. The anal glands produce a hormone that's linked to muscle growth and development. Skunks who have it removed tend to be smaller and thinner than ones who don't.

I know my mentor and I'm curious as to why he's telling me so much about Mark's Daddy. Emil wouldn't tell me he thinks I should try to bond Dr George Edwards even if he does. He'd tell me all of the reasons I should but do it indirectly. He knows how I am and that I do trust him implicitly. But I do better to be led to a decision rather than be told what to do.. "He's a good Skunk and a good Doctor, Liebchen, he's wanting to move out here now that he's over his divorce and he misses Mark so much" Emil says. "He's a Neurologist, Mein Claude, and he's just your type, he's built a lot like me and he's a top too" Emil says."Mark says his Dad is very horny too, also like me" Emil adds.

I smile. I know what Emil's hinting at. My mentor has achieved his goal. I'm seriously wondering about Dr George Carl Edwards, and as to whether I might want to at least sleep with him or try for more with him. But I also know that Emil wants something else now. He sometimes gets horny at work and Nigel doesn't like having sex here at the office. But Emil knows I don't mind at all. And all Emil usually has to do is let me know subtly that he wants me and I'll put out for him.

"Would my Walrus like a bit of Lion tail?" I ask him. "Ja, but I think you'd like George at least enough to fuck him" Emil says stripping. I walk over and lock my door and strip and lay on my back on my desk. Emil is hot for this, his dick is twitching and heavily dripping pre. He slips up me and we fuck hard like we love to. Emil knows Nigel doesn't like to be fucked roughly and I do. Emil's loudly rutting me, cussing and moaning. I'm really lit up by my Walrus' big dick and frenzied thrusting in me and I yowl a lot. Emil cums hard after about ten minutes of hard fucking. Panting he tells me he loves how I take him all out. We kiss a bit and he dresses and goes off to his office. Jeanine smiles. She knew by Emil's expression and his strutting gait that I let him fuck me.(He loves the sex but he's proud that young guys like me and Nigel find him so hot. Nate too. Our Walrus is hot and passionate and great sex) Our Lynx receptionist knows us all so well. I have a brief moment of regretting not getting to bond Emil myself. But I quickly go on and get past it. If we were meant to be together we would be, and he loves Nigel so much. Emil does love me, just not as much as he loves his Badger. And that's the way it should be.

Now I'm even more curious about Dr Edwards. Emil took the edge off of my lust and I'm not thinking with my ass anymore. I can be a lot clearer and more rational about him. After I'm done with my patients for the day, I Google his name. I'm stunned. Not surprised now Emil came to me to talk about him before we met. He's just my type of male. He's gorgeously masculine and butch with a broad and open face. He's not only sexy he's a brilliant Neurologist with a world wide reputation. And he's Dad's age, 44 and he's hot as Hell. Sexy and smart. I really want him now. But whether for good or just to be under him frequently I'm still not sure yet. But I sure am impressed with Dr George C. Edwards.

I keep looking up listings for Dr George Carl Edwards. And the more I find out about him the more impressed with him I am.(Emil knows me, and he and Nigel talked about this. He wanted me to start thinking about it. Nate's talked to Mark too about me and his Dad. My family knows me and they know I need to process this out. But they think he's right for me. They love me and they want to help me as I've helped them all so many times before. Mark thinks I'd be perfect for his Dad and he wants to thank me for helping him get Jeb. He's a good soul and we'll get really close too)

I find him listed on a gay dating site in San Francisco where he's living now. He's 6'8" and 290 pounds. He's got White hair like Mark and a short close trimmed White goatee. Like Mark he has a White crest on his chest running down his chest. his fur is thick and Black and his tail is wider than Mark's and has the same two White stripes running along on the top and bottom sides of his tail, but George has the same White stripes running down his back too.. His eyes are a soft Blue and very sexy. I belong to this site though I don't use it much. So I can access his 'private' pictures.

I gasp when I see his nudes. His dick is huge at 21" long, and it's really thick. It's Black and poking out of a White sheath and he's got huge, low hanging White furred balls too. My own dick pops out of its sheath looking at this big butch Skunk's naked pictures. His crest runs down his abdomen and to below his balls. I only wonder if Mark would mind if I fucked his Dad. I'll have to ask him before his Dad comes to visit. (What I've forgotten about this site is that he'll know who looked at his profile and he'll know I've looked him up. He'll see that I looked him up and look me up and use my profile and my info to decide he wants to fuck me at least. He's unsure of whether I might want him for more, but we'll settle that quickly when we do talk. But I fascinate him as much as he fascinates me.)

As I go home I'm lost in thought about Mark's Dad. I need to ask Mark if he minds if I fuck him, but if I do then I'd have to admit to checking him out. I decide to just go with Emil's telling me about him and not admit to looking him up. I really don't want to betray how interested in his Dad I am quite yet. After dinner I ask Mark if we can talk and we go out to the hot tub and sit and soak. I want to get to know Mark better anyway. As I'm starting to get to know him a little more I see that he's an amazing Skunk. And I see why he's Nate's best friend. I'm beginning to see what Jeb saw in him and I've come to care for him a lot already.

"Mark, Emil came to talk to me, he said your Dad had called and asked him about Jeb" I say. "I expected Dad would do that, he knows Emil well and likes him and Dad knows he lives with us, and he was you and Jeb's mentor" Mark says softly. Mark stands up and leans over and wipes the sweat off his face with his towel and I'm having an odd reaction. My dick pops out of my sheath and I've gotten hard immediately looking at Mark's really gorgeous butt. Its like two perfectly round, muscled globes together, with just enough softness to be kind of cushy when you pound into it. And his thick, wide tail is swishing gently from side to side. His tail is really sexy. (George's tail is too, it's thicker and wider and taller than Mark's. When he holds it up behind his back, George's tail comes above his head and shoulders. I find it hot how George's tail moves as he fucks me. Swishing side to side, and the closer he gets to his orgasm the faster it moves. It, like how vocal he is while we fuck makes me hot. Between his filthy mouth and how loud he bellows when he cums, everyone in the house knows we're fucking. And somehow that turns me on too) Mark notices me cruising his ass intently and smiles. "Jeb and Nate told me you might have that reaction, that only a few guys make you hot to fuck them" he says. "Nate says you bang the crap out of him and Nigel at times" Mark says shyly. "If you'd want me I'd love to" I say smiling. Mark grins at me.

Mark bends over further and shakes his wide tail at me .I growl softly and I grab his hips and push up him right off. He grins. "You and Jeb have the same exact dick" he moans. "Jeb's a better top than I am but I get by" I say gruffly. "He told me he's fucked you, he still wants to, and I don't mind" Mark pants. I move gently in him, I have more barbs than Jeb does and I'm afraid of hurting him. He moans. "Claude, I can feel your barbs, and they don't hurt so you can speed up" he pants. I lay into him letting my passion for him out. He's moaning loudly and he's cussing and cums on the side of the tub. I deep dick him and he's grunting harder. His eyes are glazed so he must like how I'm fucking him.

"I'm not hurting you baby?" I ask. "God, no" he pants. I start really pounding him. "You're as good as Jeb, I must make you as hot as I do him" Mark pants. I pull his head back and I tongue kiss him passionately. He moans and cums again. He's gripping my dick tightly as he cums and I roar and fill his ass. Panting I keep kissing him. He's smiling. I lay on his back panting hard and we talk a bit.(He wants me to try to take his Dad, and now that he's got me in a really good mood and he's going to try to convince me I'm perfect for his Dad)

"Claude, I know Emil's talked to you about Dad, I asked him to, I think Dad's gonna want to at least fuck you" Mark pants. "He's not good at picking up guys, he likes young Felines and a lot of them don't want an older guy like him, and he's a horny Skunk as it is" Mark says. "I looked him up on a gay site I found that he belonged to, I belong to it too, and I found my way into his private pics and he's hot and just my type" I say shyly. "Dad's pretty well hung, and he's a horny bastard" Mark says smiling. "Have you?" I ask. "I did once" he says softly. "I don't care, I fuck Jeb" I say smiling. "Claude, I sent him pictures of Jeb and I and he's really hot for Jeb, but he knows Jeb's a top too" Mark says. "Does he know Jeb and I are twins?" I ask. "Yeah, I told him Jeb has a twin brother who's a bottom Lion" Mark says. "Dad really is hot for Feline bottoms, Claude, if he thinks you want him he'll be all over you" Mark says happily.

"Claude, you're not identical to Jeb inside, you're softer and a bit more caring, you helped Nate set us up and I know how you set that Russian Bull up, Nate told me you got him and Yuri together too" Mark says softly. "Dad could really use that, he's hurt badly after Mom divorced him, Jeb says you've always been so understanding of folks, you'll do anything to help them, and you tend to cater to and spoil your boyfriends, and Dad could really use that too" Mark says softly. "He's gonna be busy at his practice. he's already going to move here because of me, and he's got a world wide reputation as a Neurologist and has patients sent to him from all over, and you'd understand being a Doctor yourself" Mark says. I'm curious, this is a lot to tell me for just wanting to fuck him.

"Mark, why are you telling me all of this?" I ask. "Dad's been so lonely, we've talked a lot since he's come out and I know how he is sexually and I know how he is in general " Mark says. "He's a Skunk and we're driven to try to bond when we find a potential mate, and I think he's gonna try to bond you if he likes you as much as I think he will" Mark says softly. "Jeb told me you thought my eyes looked sad before, I was sad, I knew my mate was out there somewhere, and we Skunks are really only truly happy when we're mated" Mark says. "If Dad really likes you or is hot for you, he'll be driven hard to try to bond you" Mark says quietly. "He'll court you relentlessly until you give yourself to him." Mark says smiling. I have to admit, I like the idea of him chasing me. But I'll probably take him as soon as I could anyway, it's kind of how I am.

"Would you be upset if we did bond?" I ask, surprising even myself. "No, Claude, I'd be happy if you bonded Dad, Jeb says you'd never leave and Dad would bond you as tightly as Jeb and I are bonded" Mark says quietly. "You'd love him strongly and he'd love you as long as he lived" Mark says. "Dad's the same age as Papa Jim, but there is one thing you'd have to adjust to" Mark says.

"He's still got his anal glands?" I ask. He's a Skunk and I know Mark had them removed. Nate told me when we were talking about setting them up. "He does, and he'll have to empty them periodically and you can't surprise him and you'll have to watch him when he gets really angry or scared" Mark says. "But there's no smell unless he sprays and he loves getting his ass licked" Mark says smiling. "I love rimming" I muse. "It makes me so hot too" Mark murrs.

I don't want to talk about his Dad anymore right now, til I've thought this out more. So I slip out of him and hold him in place and bend down and thoroughly lick out his cute ass. Mark's moaning and growling softly. His tail is twitching too. It's making me hot too. I'm licking my own cum out of Mark's gorgeous butt. (I'll always be hot for Mark's ass. Jeb and George tease me about how readily I'll fuck him. But I'm also fucking Nate and Nigel more often. But I'm not wanting to fuck anyone else. Jeb won't get fucked. And George can't be fucked, it'll make him spray. Rimming is fine, but the only time he let someone fuck him , he sprayed them and he'll tell me right off why he won't get fucked. George will sit on my face and let me rim him as long as I will. He's also been known to cum all over me when I do. George loves the feel of my rough Feline tongue on his asshole. I see when I rim him how much he really shoots when he cums, he'll spray his Skunk semen all over me. He'll get extremely loud and vocal while I lick his musky ass out with my rough Feline tongue.)

I stop rimming Mark and slam my Feline dick back up him. We're both making a lot more noise this time. And I'm so hot I barb fuck him. (Barb fucking by a Feline top just means we fuck the bottom by only thrusting in and out of their ass rings with the middle barbed portions of our dicks . It makes me hot to be done that way myself. We Felines have nerve endings directly connected to our barbs and the feelings are intensified) He's surprised but it doesn't seem to hurt him either, in fact, makes him hotter.

I'm really working my barbs in and out of Mark's ass ring and I feel a paw on my butt. "I figured you'd fuck him, Claude, I know you like him and he's got a hot ass" Jeb says laughing. And then he notices I'm barb fucking Mark and how hot Mark's getting from it. "That isn't hurting you, Baby" Jeb asks Mark. "No, makes me hotter" Mark pants. Unmindful of where we are, Jeb slams his dick up me and he pulls out to his barbs and he lays into me like I'm doing to Mark. We're all making a lot of noise and I roar loudly and fill Mark's ass back up. Jeb's just a second or two behind me while Mark cums hard. on the side of the hot tub.

"Well, I see my sons are getting along and Claude obviously likes Mark too" Dad says puffing on his cigar. Jeb looks shook up. Dad's smiling so I know he's not mad. "I've heard you two rut in the past, I guessed you were afraid I'd be mad" Dad says softly. I smile. I should have know he'd know. Dad's pretty sharp. And his pants are bulging out so I think he's turned on by it.

We pull apart and Mark and I sit back in the water. Dad goes off with Jeb. "Claude, that was amazing, I'll let you fuck me anytime you want to" Mark says grinning. "I liked it too, Mark, you have a gorgeous ass" I say. He blushes. "Jeb tells me that all of the time, and I find it hard to believe" Mark says shyly. "I usually only fuck Nate and Nigel and I couldn't wait to get up you, and it was so hot when I licked it, it's a gorgeous ass for sure" I say smiling.

We sit and talk awhile. Mark seems to understand I don't want to discuss his Dad now. Dad comes back without Jeb. "Harry's caught up in paperwork at the Dealership and your old Dad is horny" Dad says smiling at Mark. I look at Mark. "Do we decide who takes him or do we work him up together?" Mark asks. "I knew I loved you for some reason, brother in law" I say kissing him. "You would let me fuck you Claude, I hoped Mark would, but you'd want me too?" Dad asks. "I only didn't ask you again because you got mad when I asked you before" I say. "I'd let you anytime you wanted up my ass, Dad" I say grinning. Dad grabs our paws and pulls us out of the hot tub.

We follow him to his bedroom. Dad strips and I'm stunned at how sexy and gorgeous he is. "Dad, you're fucking gorgeous, gives me hope as I look just like you" I say. Dad turns for us and grins. He's proud and preening just a bit. He's hard and his dick is bigger than mine or Jeb's. I push him onto the bed on his back. Mark takes Dad's dick into his mouth, while I rim him. Dad's moaning loudly. He roars suddenly and he's filling Mark's mouth with his thick Leonine cum. Mark leans over and we kiss and swap his cum between us. Dad pops up hard again from watching us. He's purring. His big Feline dick sticking straight up in the air. I get up and I sit on it, down to the base of it. "My boy's so fucking tight" Dad moans. I ride him fast and hard and Mark gets up by his head and they make out heavily. I'm really working Dad's dick hard.

I suddenly get an idea. And I raise up on his dick. I can get him to barb fuck me this way but it requires riding him carefully. I'm riding his dick letting only the barbed portion slip in and out of me. Dad's eyes are glazed. And he's kissing Mark harder. Finally, he grabs my hips and holds me tightly so I can't move while he frantically thrusts his barbs in and out of me. He roars loudly and I feel him gushing up me. "I'm thrilled in a perverse way. I've got the sperm that made me and Jeb swimming around inside of me" I tell Dad. Dad's still rock hard and I get up off him. Dad grabs Mark and rolls him onto his back and mounts him. I'm really proud of my Daddy. He's a major Feline stud. I know where Jeb and I got it from now.

Dad's really fucking Mark hard and fast, and Mark's moaning and cussing and he cums on Dad's belly. Dad's proud of himself and he's moving deeper in Mark. Dad growls and cusses and I know he's cum in Mark. Dad gets up and puts me and Mark on our knees side by side on the end of the bed. He fucks me for a bit and pulls out and pushes up Mark. He'll fuck us in turns that way. Cum in one of us and keep going. After an hour and five more orgasms he lays on the bed panting. I lean down and kiss him. "My Daddy's a real stud Lion, and I'm proud of him" I tell him. He grins and purrs for his son. My ass hole is really drooling out a huge amount of my Daddy's fertile Lion swimmers, and I love it. I wish he had of bred his kittens up me, even though they'd be my Half Brothers. Still I would proudly carry my Daddy's litter.

Jeb's in the room grinning. He kisses Mark. "Mark, I went and fucked Nate while you guys were doing Dad" Jeb says kissing his Skunk. Jeb hugs him and they move to the door. Mark grabs my paw. "Claude, think about what we talked about"he says and he and Jeb kiss me and leave. Dad's already snoring away. Harry says Dad fucks a lot and then conks out. I lean over and kiss his muzzle and I lick the remains of his cum off of his softening cock, and move away from the bed. Dad looks peaceful and happy and he's so beautiful. I'm proud of our Father, he's an amazing Lion in a lot of ways. And he's an amazing top too. He's hot too, since he got mad when I asked him to fuck me before I've never let myself think of him in a sexual way. But he's a truly hot and sexy Lion. And he's a stud too. I know I'll let him fuck me as much as he wants to. And I know now why Harry's so hot for him and makes so much noise when Dad fucks him.

I pick up my clothes and I walk out. Nigel's in the hall and he follows me to my room. "I figured you'd want to talk after what Emil and Mark told you" he says. "How'd you know what Mark and I talked about?" I ask. "He told me he was going to talk to you about his Dad, I don't know what exactly he said but I can guess" Nige says smiling. "My whole family wants me to take him, I guess" I say sighing. I open my laptop and I pull up that dating site. I show Nigel his profile and then the private pictures. He moans. "If you do get him, I want to borrow him at times, like I let you borrow Emil" Nigel says impressed by George. "I knew you'd like him, our tastes are very similar, Nige, as I'm sure Nate will want him too" I say. I sit on the bed and Nigel sits by me. (He does, he wants George a lot. But since Yuri usually takes me while Nate takes my Skunk I don't mind at all.)

I'm suddenly struck by remembering the first time I met Nigel at Demontfort. He was so sad and trying not to cry sitting in the cafeteria all alone. And when I sat by him he opened up to me. And I ended up taking him back to my dorm room. We didn't have sex, at least that time. I held him in my lap and comforted him while he cried his loneliness out. A week later, he was in my dorm room as we'd become good friends, and I was overcome by the urge to fuck his lights out and I did. He was a bit surprised but he loved it, and we got even closer. I knew then I loved him, just not in 'that way'. But he and I have been tight ever since.

"Life is sure different now than when we first met, huh Nige" I say. He grins. "You were just arrived from London and so lonely, you missed your Mum and Dad so much, and you felt so alone and isolated at Demontfort" I say pulling him to me. Nigel lays his head on my chest. "You were so kind, you sat by me at the cafeteria and were so friendly, and you took me off and just let me cry and held me like this." Nigel says. "I think I knew I loved you even then, though we didn't love each other 'that way' " I say quietly. Nigel nods. He's remembering it too. He knows I was lonely too, Jeb was here but my Daddy was so far away. And Edward and all I had known before. We understood how the other felt. And sharing that loneliness made it go away.

"I love Emil so but I love you too, Claude" Nigel says. I lean down and kiss the top of Nigel's head. "I love my Badger too, more than I have words for sometimes" I say softly. "Claude, you are thinking of him, when you process out stuff like this, you get really sentimental" Nigel says. "Just wanting to make sure my Badger knows how much I do love him" I say quietly. I kiss Nigel again.

"I felt something when I looked him up, before Mark talked to me, I think he might be meant for me" I say softly. "The more Mark told me about his Dad, the more I wanted him, but it's so premature, no matter what Mark thinks I have no way of knowing for sure that he wants me" I say softly. Nigel takes my paw. "Claude, are you afraid you'll want him and he won't want you?" Nigel asks. I nod and start to tear up. "I haven't even met him and I think I do want him, Nige" I say weeping gently. "It's not even love at first sight, cause I've not seen him yet" I moan. (Nigel will remind me of that when I do bond George)

"Claude, did Edward tell you something about this?" Nigel asks. (Shows that he really knows me and why I'm upset and not sure.) "He only told me that Mark would do something that would lead me to meet my predestined mate" I say sadly. "No wonder you're worried, it could mean his Daddy or someone else Mark knows" Nigel says. I hug him. "I don't want to talk about this anymore, I'm going to do what I always try to do, move forward with my life and let what is to happen, happen as it will" I say firmly. My tears stop. Nigel kisses me. "If you need to talk, come get me, Claude" Nigel says. I hug him again. "I know one thing, I love my Badger so much" I say softly. He grins and he leaves.(Nigel knows I don't want to talk about Mark's Daddy right now. He also knows I'm really upset and emotional as well.)

I shower and I go to bed. I can hear Dad and Harry rutting and Jeb and Mark's passionate fucking. Yet here I lay all alone. It never bothered me before, but it does now. And I have a whole week to go before Mark's Daddy comes. Edward told me he'll be here on Saturday afternoon. Just now early Tuesday morning. I hope it gets settled when he gets here. And I decide to just see what happens when he's here. I go to sleep and I dream about Mark's Daddy rutting me with that huge dick.