Henry and Bull Daddy's Lion

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#36 of Claude gay stories

Claude gets introduced to his Bull in an unorthodox way. Henry has MPD from an early trauma and split himself into 2 different Bulls. Henry, gentle, smart and loving. Bull Daddy, who's a rough and ready Dom Top Bull. Claude loves and bonds them both.

I'm pretty damned happy now. I am rich, a Physician, considered a genius, I have a lot of good friends, am very popular Lion bottom. And now I've got the big dicked Bull of my dreams, both of them in fact, as mine. My Henry is a brilliant, and very complex Bull. And then there is his 'Bull Daddy' self. Who comes out when he's really horny or he thinks you want him to be a Dom Daddy. Bull Daddy sometimes just pops out on his own too.. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.

I'm Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II. Or more precisely as of when I was 16, Dr Claude Mirai Suzakawa. Mom had me, that much I always was sure of, I was supposedly the only son of J.T. Kitman.. CEO and sole owner of CMK Industries. Unknown to me and almost everyone else, Dad was infertile. He wanted a son very badly though, enough to deal with not actually being the biological father.. So he and Momma came up with the idea of her having an affair and getting pregnant by his best friend. Dr Takeru Suzakawa. CEO and owner of Funari Corp, one of Japan's largest conglomerates. They were a bit worried, as Takeru is a Bear. A handsome, and well built Grizzly Bear in fact. But I was born an African Lion, like Mom and Dad, OK I still think of him as my Dad. Mom and Dad kept the secret of my parentage from all, including poor Takeru. Yet, even not knowing I was his, Takeru was around a lot since I was born. He loved me, he was always there for me. A good friend, confidante and surrogate father. I always wonder if somehow we knew, if we were always pulled to one another by our shared blood. (He was thrilled to find out, though upset he hadn't been told. And he really loves his Lion son a lot.)

I kind of felt bad for my Grandpa Kitman, as he loved me so much. He was a gruff Businesscat to all but his beloved Grandson. I just hope he would have still loved me if he had known. (He did know, Dad tells me later. And he loved me just the same.) He left me all of his money. ($700 Million in liquid assets and investments), and he left Dad in total control of CMK. I'm a rich Lion. But I pray Grandpa would have forgiven me and still loved me. I loved him so.(I'm so relieved when Dad finally tells me he did know and didn't care).

Dad said part of the reason Grandpa had still loved me was my unquestioning devotion to him as my Grandfather. I loved him no matter what. As he loved me. When I was young, I didn't always understand the things he'd tell me. He'd put me into his lap and talk to me about his life and the business, and how he had run his life. But when he was gone and I was older I knew. Grandpa would unburden himself to me. I was the only one who he could open himself up to. Even though I didn't understand it all, I loved him and comforted him. He could lighten his soul and talk to the one who'd always love him no matter what. And I do miss him so much still. I love Dad and Takeru a lot. But I miss the deep love I got from my Grandpa Kitman. I realize now how much it had to help him to let it out to someone, even if I didn't understand what he'd tell me. He was so proud that I carried his name too. He loved me so much. I cried for days when he died. I'd of given all that money back to have one more day with Grandpa Claude.(It's why when Takeru got Dad and I to agree that I would take his last name and his father's name I insisted on keeping my Grandpa's name as my first name. I couldn't do that to him, dead or not.)

I was in College when I got the news of my parentage,. I was a bit of a genius, at 16 I'd finished Pre Med. In fact I finished Med School and became a full Physician at age 20. (I'm 24 now). I was called back to Alabama, as my Mom was dying. And she wanted to confess before she died.(As far as I'm concerned she could have taken that news to the grave with her. I was so damned shook up, though I'm glad I know now. I always loved Takeru, and I love him more now.) And I was shocked. I knew Takeru, he'd been visiting ever since I could remember and he was always so good to me. Like a second father. We always understood each other, he never talked down to me like some adults do. I had to wonder now if he knew. After Mom died, I called him. We spoke two or three times a week by phone so he wasn't surprised when I called. And he was so sad to hear Mom had died. (He'd loved her too)

I had a hard time coming out and telling him. How do you tell someone you are their son, when they think they know who your parents already are? I had time to think of all the little mannerisms we had in common. I have his build. (6'4", 225 pounds, Jim Kitman is bigger than us by a bit.) I had to have gotten his genius too. And my ears and eyes were his. My ears have rounded points like his. Dad and Mom had the usual completely round Lion ears. And while my eyes are the Sapphire Blue of my Momma's eyes, they are almond shaped like Takeru's, him being Japanese, and have the same liquid quality to them. I finally just blurted it out. Takeru was shocked to say the least. I explained how I found out. And he told me he would call Jim and call me back when he could. I'd left to go back to school. I couldn't take much time off as we were approaching finals.

I was living in a dorm at Sacramento State University, about to finish Pre Med and about to enter Medical School there too, so after Mom's funeral I went right back to School. The day after I returned and I still hadn't heard from Dad or Takeru yet. So I didn't quite know what to think. I worried that he was angry, and wanted nothing to do with me anymore. And the more time that went by without him calling me, made me worry that much more.

Finally, Takeru called me. He and Dad had made their peace. Takeru was angry simply because he did not know I was his and he missed out on a lot of my childhood. He forgave Dad since Dad always encouraged him to come visit and made sure he got to spend a lot of time with me.. They were such good friends, they had to forgive each other. They had come to an agreement. They would share me as their son. Takeru had only one condition, to which Dad quickly agreed. Takeru insisted I take his last name, and his father's name as my middle name. He said it was the name I would have had if I had been his all along. So in a small California court I became Dr Claude Mirai Suzakawa. And since Dad was in Alabama and my father was in Tokyo it kind of worked. There were only rare times I didn't have one or both of my fathers visiting me. I was grateful that they loved each other enough to forgive each other and get close. (I had no idea how close they had gotten.)

Unknown to me though something else had occurred. They had bonded. It was very tricky. As they both had big companies to run. But they talked daily and met at their son's home as often as they could. After a year of them meeting here but me not knowing they'd bonded, Takeru told me about it. I had to smile. I just had Edward, my retainer move their stuff into one room for when they came. I loved my Dads. I felt closer to Takeru when I discovered I was his. I'd always loved him. And I still love my Dad. He raised me, knowing I wasn't his biological son. And he loved me and raised me well. I missed Mom at times but I had two Daddies. And I was happy and well loved.

Edward is the cousin of our long time family retainer, Alfred Featherstone, who helped raise me. Edward is a bigger Red Fox. And he is just as efficient and psychic as Alfred was. I'm glad to have him. He is very happy being with me, as having been raised by Alfred, I clean after myself and I treat him respectfully. (And then there was the night he was lonely and got drunk, and we spent the night together. He was an amazing lover. I saw stars when he knotted and turned me. We'll sleep together at times, but he soon meets a nice young bottom Fox and after a bit of nervousness, he bonds him. He was worried I might not let him have a mate. I was thrilled for him. His Billy is a lucky Fox. He loves Edward so much. And my Foxes are very happy. I'll still get with Edward every now and then.)

I'm considered a very attractive Lion. Gold fur, Red Blond mane. Sapphire Blue eyes. Big fore paws and foot paws. I have the usual Feline dick. A bit bigger than most. 16" but I'm only moved to fuck a rare few guys. I'm a big ole bottom. I have a hot, tight little Feline ass. I have no trouble getting guys to fuck me. Especially the big, masculine butch types that pull my trigger. I'm particularly fond of Bulls, Horses, Bears, Boars and Lions. But if you're big, masculine and sexy and you want in my ass, I'll let you fuck me. I'm proud of having heard myself referred to as 'a great piece of ass'. I am, and I'm proud of it.

I've met a big Grizzly, Teddy Mitchell, and he runs a nice little neighborhood bar. The Bear Den. I'm kind of popular there. As a bottom Lion. (We're kind of rare.) I'm a slut. I go out with a lot of guys. OK fuck them is more like it. I've let a lot of big guys fuck me. I've seriously dated a few too. With hopes of bonding them. But it was always the same. I'd date them, and we'd get close and they'd meet someone else.

The one I most regret is a big Black coated Texas Long Horn Bull. Dusty Rhodes. He was an amazing Bull lover. And he was so much fun to be around too. Smart, funny, warm, and well hung. Sadly, after two months of dating, Dusty met a smaller bottom Tiger. His Jimmy bonded him right off. They're happy. I do see him at Sam's gym. He'll fuck me. He's still always hot for me. He and Sam took me together once or twice. Jimmy won't rim him. And Dusty loves a tongue on his ass hole. He'd sit on my face while Sam fucked me. And when Sam finished in me, Dusty'd bang the hell out of me. (I am a real slut for Bulls. Sam, Oscar, Yuri, Dusty, Matt Morris, and a lot of Bulls who's names I'm not sure of, at Sam and Oscar's gym.) I love big males, but a big, butch Bovine top will have me rolling onto my back if they just look at me. Bulls and Horses kind of sniff around me a lot, having heard I'm hot for them. (Nigel teases me that he's surprised I've not had a herd of Calves and Foals by now.)

Horses love it when they know you can take Horse Cock easily. (Horse tops will pass your name around to other Horse tops when they know you both can take them easily, and that you want to. Any time you see two Horse tops talking they'll invariably get around to trading names of guys who can take them. I've been kind of surrounded at the Bear Den by a group of Horse tops a few times, all trying to influence me to take them alone or in a group. I rarely say no, unless they don't want to share. I've ended up being gang fucked by a herd of five or more Horse tops more than a few times.. Among the better nights of my life Being spit roasted by a couple of big dicked Horses is great too.) Them and Bulls also happen to be the two species reputed to be the largest hung as well. Doesn't hurt that they also flood you out when they cum too. I've got a thing for being filled full of sperm by a big butch male. (Henry makes me hot for the way he and Bull Daddy leave me gaping and drooling Bull cum so often)

I got started early on big males. Surprisingly, my first wasn't a Bull. I lost my virginity to a big Gray Wolf in Pre Med in College. Herbert Warren lived next to me, his Dorm room was next to mine. Herbert was a bit shy. He was not the sharpest knife in the drawer, he was a big guy. 7'2", 320 pounds. Deep Gray fur, Green eyes and a big heart. Big 21" Canine dick too. He had a soft, deep voice and a Georgia accent. He would nod or wave at me if we passed in the Hall. I knew he showered but he almost never used the floor showers if someone else was there. His family had money, but he was at Sacramento State on a Football scholarship. I wondered why he was so seemingly shy.(He was deeply closeted and knew he'd react to a naked male. He'd had anonymous, furtive oral sex in bathrooms, and had dated a few girls.)

One of my professors asked me to tutor a student who was on the Football team and needed help with Organic Chemistry. When he came to my room, he was totally ashamed. "I"m not dumb, Claude" he says softly. Herbert was so shook up. I was 18 and though I knew I was gay I hadn't done anything yet. I didn't want to just do someone I didn't care about. But I was kind of crushing on Herbert as we sat and I showed him how to sort this stuff out. His scent made me hot. He just needed a little more time than the Professor could give him. He picked it up quickly. But he asked me to help him get through the Semester. We'd go over his homework, and he was getting better at it.

At the end of the Semester he came to me. He was so happy. He'd gotten a B+ in the course and he was thrilled. He came in and sat on the edge of my bed. I sat down. He told me and he hugged me tightly. And next thing I know we were kissing and he had his paws all over my body under my clothes. I was surprised. But I knew I liked him, hell, I thought I loved him at that point. I was going to give him my cherry if he wanted it. He was older than me. He was 23 and so sexy.

"Claude, you've been so good to me" he murred. "You don't treat me like a dumb jock, and you seemed to care so much" he says softly. "I want you, please" he pants. He's hot as Hell. "Guys or Girls won't take me, they say I'm too big, but could you try" he begs. I smile at him. "I'll try Herbert, we'll see if I can take you" I tell him. He pulls off my clothes. "Claude, you're so beautiful, thank you" he says happily. Herbert pulls off his own clothes. I'm kind of surprised. He's got a huge Canine dick. His knot hasn't started swelling, but his dick is hard. He's 21". I think I can take him. He's so hot, he pushes me on my back with his tongue down my throat. And he's petting and stroking me all over. He pushes up me. Before I can tell him I'm a virgin, I'm not one anymore, he pushed that fat Canine dick right up me to the top of his knot. And he's working it in me quickly. He's really, really horny. I wrap my smaller body around his. And his bushy tail is whipping around and he's panting. "Please Claude, I gotta cum" he moans. I kiss him. He grins and moves faster in me. He howls, and trembles on top of me, and I feel his thick, copious load of Canine semen spurt up me. Panting he looks into my eyes. He kisses me. "Thank you, Claude" he says, his voice full of gratitude.

"Herbert, I have a confession to make" I say. He looks at me for a moment. "I was, well, I was a virgin and you were my first" I say quietly. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asks. "You were so hot and in a hurry, and it wouldn't have mattered to me, virgin or not, I'd of taken you" I say quietly. "You do care about this Wolf" he says blushing. "You gave yourself to me, and I was your first" he says proudly. "I'm glad I did, I've kind of had a crush on you" I tell him.

We spend the night together. And about midnight I let him knot me. And it's amazing. We're both horny and we've fucked a lot. He sleeps with his knot up me, we sleep tied together. And come morning we fuck and I let him turn me. Again it was amazing. He'd cum every two to three minutes, and his knot was right over my prostate, and its throbbing and pulsing made me cum when he did. We'd rush from orgasm to orgasm. He left me by mid afternoon. He had to go home and needed to pack. We would sleep together at times during the next semester. Herbert graduated, and he went pro. He has a great career now. And a mate. He found a bottom Bengal Tiger who was older than me. And they bonded. He's happy. And I was broken in well, and gained a lot of confidence in my sexual talents and began to be a slut even then. I still hear from Herbert at times. I was his first too, I was the first to take his big Canine dick up my ass. He'd wanted me all along, it's why he wanted my help all Semester. He'd hoped to work up his nerve. And he finally did.

I have several animals living with me. My best friend. Dr Nigel Davenport. An English born Honey Badger. We met in the Dorm when he was assigned to my room. He was a late arrival for the semester and they had no where else to put him, so they asked me to waive my room being a private one and take him in for the semester. I reluctantly agreed. But Nigel and I hit it off right away. Like we'd known each other since birth. I wouldn't let them move him at the beginning of the next semester. And when I got around to buying my house, of course he came with me.

Nigel's a pretty boy Badger. 5'9" and 165 pounds. I love him, but not in 'that way'. But we're kind of inseparable. After we graduate Medical School, while we're in the midst of Residency, Nigel meets and bonds a big Russian immigrant. His Dr Sergei Rachalov is a big Siberian Donkey. He was my first Resident advisor. Bright, handsome, caring and warm. Sergei adores his Badger. I had a brief moment of envy for Nigel. He literally stumbled across his life mate, he came with me when I went for an evaluation, waited outside Dr Rachalov's office while we were talking. Sergei walked out with me, they met and bonded right off.

Dr Rachalov is huge built. 7' even and 330 pounds. Bright Blue eyes. Gray fur, huge hooves and hands. Massive Equine dick. 20" and he's horny all of the time. He loves Nigel, as often as he'll let him. And fortunately for me, he loves his Badger's best friend. He's the most passionate, yet gentle lover I've ever known. Sergei doesn't just cum, he CUMS. (Henry does too.) He'll flood you out when he cums, braying and thrashing on top of you. Nigel and I are amazed we don't have a shitload of Donkey foals running around the house to be honest. I'm amazed he hasn't knocked us up with all of those Equine swimmers he gushes up us. But it's hot too.

Sergei goes to a local gym to work out. And I've gone too. We've kind of befriended the owners. And when their rental home gets sold out from under them I invite them to move in. And they do, very happily.

Sam Montoya is a retired Olympic Power Lifter who turned to coaching and running his gym. His Oscar Perez, was his first trainee, and Oscar went pretty damned far as a competitive Body Builder. They have been together for 12 years now and are devoted to each other. Such a study in contrasts though. Sam is gruff, and emotional. Volcanic at times. Oscar is calm, easy going and even tempered.

Sam and I rut any chance we get. It's purely sexual. But the first time I saw him, he dragged me into the shower room and we spent the whole afternoon fucking hard. Oscar's fine with it. Sam will take me hard and aggressively as I love it that way. And he'll be more gentle and loving with Oscar. In fact, Oscar has been known to call me down to the the gym when Sam's being crankier than usual. We'll fuck a lot, and after he's dumped several loads of Bull sperm up me, he's a lot calmer and easier for Oscar to deal with.

Oscar and I agree, it's not just sex, but that I'll let him be dominant and rough with me. And it releases his dominance urges. It's an outlet my Cuban Bull needs. One I happily provide, even when I get my Henry. In fact, Sam and Henry work me up together once a week. Being able to completely let his Dom side out, with encouragement from Henry and me letting him do anything he wants, really makes him happier and content, and much softer to his 'Baby Bull'. (Henry has taught Sam to let his own 'Bull Daddy' out and when they both work me up that way, it's amazing.)

Sam's a big Castilian Bull. 7'2" and 400 pounds of Brown furred Bull muscle. Beautiful Blue eyes. And Black hair, goatee, hoof and tail tufts. They're striking as they have a thick White stripe running down the middle of them. Sam's big Bull dick is even bigger than Sergei's Donkey dick. 21". And he's good with it too. I know he cares about me. But he loves his Oscar so much.

Oscar's a smaller Castilian Bull. 6'9" and 340 pounds. Oscar's fur is a lighter Chocolate Brown and his thick Black hair is long and usually worn in a ponytail.. And you almost never see him without his Red baseball cap, worn backwards. Oscar's not as hung. 18". Oscar will take me too at times. He's just as passionate as Sam, but he's a much gentler fuck. (He and Sam will set me up to meet my very own Bull. And I quickly see that having Henry is like having both Sam and Oscar as my Bulls. Henry is as smart and gentle and loving as Oscar is, and his Bull Daddy side is as dominant and rough yet loving as Sam is.)

My PA lives with us too. Nate Porter is a young Snow Leopard. Nate looks like a skater boy type, but he's fucking brilliant. He just doesn't care if you know it or not. He's been with me since I opened my office. Nate is 5'10, and 175 pounds. The usual Pale Gray with Black rosettes Snow Leopard coat, thick tail and bright Dark Amber eyes. Our patients have nicknamed him 'Snow Meow' for his bright, fun, and playful personality.

Nate's mate, Yuri Petrov is a big Moscow born Siberian Bull. 6'9" and 350 pounds of solid Gray furred Bull muscle. Yuri's got the sweetest and most loving personality of anyone I've ever met. Crystal Blue eyes that seem to look right into your soul. And he'd do anything for someone he loved. Yuri's a gentle lover too. A bit quick on the trigger, he'll cum quickly, but he's quick to build back up too. Yuri's dick is big too. 17" and uncut.

Nigel and I run our practice together. We have Nate to help us and a receptionist and a few other office workers. We have a bright Office Manager. She keeps things going so we don't have to bother. We have a busy practice and our patients love us. We belong to a consortium of Physicians so we're not splitting call just between us. We have night call and weekend call about once every four months. Makes for a busy week but it's good.

I've been going to Sam and Oscar's gym myself for a while now. I'm no body builder, but Sam has talked me into letting me be his test case. He wants to define and tone guys not just build muscle. I did and I look great now. He's used before and after pictures of me in his ads and has developed quite a side business sculpting guys who don't want to be builders.

There is some friction between the builders and the guys who want to just tone a bit. Not too bad, but it does break out at times. Some of the builders can be pretty hardcore about it. Me, I don't care, they don't fuss at me. They know if they do I won't let them fuck me.(There's a lot of sexual tension behind the discord, and when I can get them to see it, they go off and fuck instead of fight. A lot of the big builders want a smaller guy, but they want them still well built, just not body builder big. And when they stop being so macho and rude to the toners, they do fuck them a lot, and a few bond as couples.) And I do take them. Sometimes even in groups. Oscar always teases me that I need to work more than my ass ring when I'm there. Though he knows I'll drop on my back for him if he wants. I love Oscar too. Once on the floor of the shower room, I took Sam and Oscar at the same time. My first double penetration and it was fucking amazing. (Unknown to me, it was the second time Henry saw me take Sam. Cemented his desire to have me as his own one day.)

Between the Bear Den and Sam and Oscar's gym, I get all the dick I want. I'm not wanting to settle down right now anyway, I'm still young. But now surrounded by happy couples, I'm beginning to think about it for down the road. I know I have to be careful. I'm rich, and successful, and a lot of guys would want me for that. I'll have to be careful. We Lions bond fairly quickly when we meet our life mates. (Sam and Oscar will make sure I meet a guy who doesn't want my money. He's not sure I'd even look at him, until Sam convinced him I'd be all over him and be perfect for him.)(And we are perfect for each other. The three of us are very happy together. )

It's the Holiday Season, and it's almost Thanksgiving. Dad and Takeru will be here for Thanksgiving. And I'm glad. Nigel's gotten close to them, His own parents are dead now. Yuri's an orphan and he and Sergei have bonded to my Dads as well. It should be a great dinner. (It would have been.....SIGH.)

The Doctor who was supposed to cover for that week got 'sick'. (Sick, yeah right, sick on a Holiday week?) So I was bumped up to cover for the week of Thanksgiving. It's been a busy week and I've spent most nights at the Hospital admitting or seeing patients . I'm exhausted. And I sleep late Thanksgiving morning. Awakened by a call from the ER I get up and shower and I'm off. I tell Edward I'll be home when I can. And he's already got the dinner working. Dad hugs me and I tell him I have to go to the Hospital and he seems a bit sad. Takeru is too. But he's staying another week while Dad has to leave on Sunday for an important meeting on Monday. I hate that this happened but I can't help it. Part of being a Physician.

Nigel is up and dressed. He's wanting to go with me, I'm glad. he can see some of the patients and we ought to get done fairly quickly. Sergei specializes in Sports Medicine after he retired from teaching, and his office is closed. So he stays home. Nigel and I get through seeing the patients quickly. He's returning the favor I've done him. Since he doesn't drive, I'll usually bring him in when he's on call. And I've stayed and helped him at times.

But thanks to a couple of patients who went bad. Nigel and I miss Thanksgiving dinner. I know Edward would have fixed enough food that they'll be plenty left. But I miss sitting down with my family and having dinner. We come and go so much that no matter how hard we try all of us sitting down for meal is hard to arrange. But sadly, it goes with the territory of being a Physician. Nige and I are Internists, so it could be worse. I have had to do a lot more procedures than I'd usually do so I'm a bit sore. Gonna spend a lot of time in the hot tub when I get home.

Oscar calls and asks me how much longer we'll be. And I hear a code called and it's for one of our patient's rooms. I tell him a lot later now and I hang up and run to the room. It's one of those codes I hate. We get her back and she goes again. Three hours later, she stops and we can't bring her back. I reluctantly call it. And I go out to talk to her family. And it's an emotional scene. Like I needed that. But I am sad for them. I know what it's like to lose your Mother. I did at 16. It's almost midnight when I finish the write ups and we get all the patients tended and seen to. Nigel had been seeing patients while I did the code or we'd never get out of here. We keep getting called by the ER and I begin to wonder if we'll ever get out of here. I kiss Nigel and thank him for staying with me and helping. I'd be here til Saturday if he hadn't.

It's now 3AM and I'm glad we decided to keep the office closed on Friday. We go home, and I lay in the hot tub and try to let go and relax. Edward comes out. Kind of surprises me. He was waiting for me to get home. He gets in the tub with me and he pulls me to him. He cuddles me a bit. "My Lion is tired" he says stroking my mane. I nod.

"Claude, Sam and Oscar had someone come to dinner, they wanted you to meet him" Edward says. "It figures" I moan. "No one would know the kind of male I like more than Sam and Oscar, except maybe you" I say softly. Edward smiles. He looks thoughtful. And I know he's trying to decide if he should tell me something he's seen for me.. "Claude, be prepared, I know you're basically happy now, and in no rush to settle down, but life works as it will, and you're about to meet your life mate" Edward says. I look at him, I know Edward won't tell me much more. If he thinks he needs to tell me this much, it's important. I had only begun to think of settling down one day. But knowing it's just around the corner for me, I'm kind of excited for it. But I know Edward is right, he always is. And I have to wait til later today.

"Claude, you'd of met him today had the day not gone so badly" Edward says. I feel sad. And I am not sure why. (It's feeling like I got a note from life, 'we tried to deliver your mate today, will try one more time tomorrow', I'd guess. Who knew love was like UPS?) "Claude, I know how tired you are, but you have to go work out today, I can tell you no more, but don't blow it off, it is too important" Edward tells me. And he leans forwards and kisses me. "Claude, he'll need you as much as you'll need him, he's going to love you so very much for accepting him as you will, you are good at taking folks as they are" Edward says quietly

"So I'll meet him at Sam and Oscar's gym?" I ask. Edward nods. "And it's the guy who was here today?" I ask. Edward nods. "Don't ask me anymore Claude, you know all I can tell you now" he says quietly. I kiss him. "Thank you, Edward, I know it's hard for you to know all of this and wonder how much you should tell me" I say quietly. "He's more than your equal and he'll love you deeply, fiercely and for the rest of your life, Claude" Edward says kissing me again as he gets out of the tub.

I'm lost in thought. I know Sam and Oscar wouldn't tell me much either. I could ask Dad or Takeru but I'd have to tell them why I wanted to know. God knows, I don't want either of them set off on 'is he good enough for our Lion son' tear, and I know they both would. Nigel was with me, and Sergei wouldn't have paid much attention. Yuri would have been friendly to him. I could ask him. Nate, Nate'd be the one to ask. Nate and I have the same taste in males. A guy Sam brought for me to meet would probably be right up Nate's alley. He'd of paid close attention to the guy. And then I remember. Nate and Yuri would have left in the early evening. They'd of gone to Nate's parents' house. They would have wanted him there for Thanksgiving and for him to bring Yuri. They adore their Russian Bull son in law. And Yuri being an orphan thrives on their love and attention. Mrs Porter will spoil Yuri rotten. (Nate did see him, when he finds I took Henry, he wants to get with him.) But they're still there. They'd of spent the night and will spend most of today there too.

I have no other choice but to just put it out of my mind and go to bed. I can't take a sleeping pill or even a Valium in case I get called in. I do sleep finally, fitfully and not very restful. And I get up for noon. I check my phone and no messages or texts. I'm glad things slowed down. I'll go round and then I'll go to the gym.

I go eat, and sit and chat with Edward and Billy in the kitchen. Dad's out in a bit. And I kiss him. "Son, I missed you yesterday, but I know your time is not always your own." Dad says. I hug him. "I love you and I'm sorry, Dad." I say. "Claude, I'm wishing I could just blow off that meeting and stay with you and my Bear, I don't get to spend anywhere near enough time with either of you." Dad says softly. "Do it as a teleconference, Dad?" I ask. He smiles. "My Boy, wants his Daddy around and happy" he says. "Go buy the stuff you need Dad, we have a 10 GB Internet connection" I say.

Takeru is out now. And he sits and hugs me. "Father, I hope I talked Dad into staying a few more days, he can do his meeting as a teleconference" I say. Takeru leans over and kisses Dad. "I would love to have my Lion still here, with me and our son for just a bit longer." he says happily. Dad hugs him. "I'll do it" he says softly. And he and Takeru kiss. I feel so happy seeing them in so much in love. (I'm so used to calling Jim Kitman Dad, I still do, so we came to a compromise. Takeru wishes me to call him, Father, or Papa Bear or Oto-Sama, though I do call him Papa-San at times too Though calling Takeru Father makes him so very happy, he'll smile gently when I do. He's very proud of me being his.)

They leave and I know they'll go fuck. Takeru knows Dad wanted to be with me a bit longer, but that he wanted to be here with his Bear love too. They'll spend the day fucking. Good. If I do end up with someone today it'll put them in better moods to accept him. (Surprisingly enough, after talking to Sam and Oscar, and Takeru asking Henry a few questions, they do accept him quickly. After Dad leaves, Henry goes all Bull Daddy on Takeru.. And he loves it like I do. Talk about like father, like son)

I go get dressed. I'll do casual though. And I go round. Takes me way longer than I want it to. And I realize I'm getting anxious to meet this guy I'm meant for. I have to fight to keep calm. And when I'm done, I'm happy. I know come six PM tonight someone else will take over call. We always start on a Friday night, and go through the weekend and then the week. I know in a few more hours I'll be done for a while.

By the time I get to Sam and Oscar's gym it's later than I wanted it to be. It's 7PM now, and I've reported off to the Doctor taking over for me. And I know the gym will be slow around that time. Gotta wonder if whoever I'm supposed to meet will be there after all. But Edward would have told me a time if it was time sensitive. I go in. Jake, the Jaguar who works the desk for Sam teases me about coming in so much later than I usually do. I sign in and I go to my locker and change into shorts, and I figure I'll just go bare chested.(I'm very proud of how Sam has worked to define my body). I go start working out. I see Sam and I wave at him. He struts up to me. "Almost thought you weren't coming after all." Sam says. Oscar comes out too. He grins at me. He kisses Sam and goes to their office.(He's calling Henry and telling him to come right now)

Sam and I chat while I'm working out. "Edward told me you had someone come by the house to meet me yesterday" I say bluntly. Sam smiles. "You're always so hot for me, I figured you'd like a big Bull of your own" Sam says grinning. (First and only piece of info I have. He's a big Bull.) "No one could be like my Sam" I say nuzzling his arm. He grins. "He might be, he's pretty much perfect for you, Claude" Sam says. "Claude, you're a very good, and very durable bottom, and you are the most loving and understanding soul I know, he'll need that" Sam says smiling. "If you care about someone, you'll come to understand them and accept them as they are" Sam says kissing me. "He's a complex guy and he'll need your understanding nature" Sam says softly. "He's a good Bull, and he'll be loyal as hell if you accept him as he is, and if the two of you bond, he'll never let you get away" Sam says. "No more than I would have" Sam adds softly.

"No name, no more info?" I ask. "Better you let him introduce himself to you, when you can get together" Sam says softly. "How will I know him?" I ask. "He'll know you, and he knows Oscar and I approve of him if you do take him, Claude" Sam says. He pulls me out of the machine and into his arms. "I do love you, Claude, you gotta get a special male, one who'd love you like I do, and he will, I know that" Sam says. "I'll help you with Jim and Takeru, I know him well, as does Oscar and we can help calm them down" Sam says softly.

"He'll try to take you by surprise, Claude, but he'll make you fall for him, he's determined to, he's seen you and seen us fuck too." Sam says. I nod. "He's all you'd want, I know what you want and need, and what you like" Sam says nuzzling me. "You do, I have to give you that, Sam" I say. "Who'd know more about what I want and need in a mate, than the Bull that exemplifies it" I say smiling at Sam. Sam's ears twitch. "I know, mi amo, and he'll love you, and more important, Claude, he'll need you as much as you'll need him." he says softly. I can tell by the look in his eyes now that he thinks this guy, who ever he is, will love me deeply, and fiercely, just like he does. Sam wants me to be happy and well loved. Sam also knows I need to be needed as well. My big Cuban Bull knows me so well.

"So much secrecy, neither of you, nor Edward would tell me very much" I snort. "What did Edward tell you, Claude?" Sam asks. "Only that I'd meet my life mate here today and to be ready for him." I say softly. Sam laughs. "That Fox, nothing like getting you all worked up in advance" Sam says "I'll give you a first name at least, Claude, he's Henry" Sam says walking off and cracking up. So I know his first name, and from what Sam already said, he must be a big Bull too.

I go back to working out. I have a feeling I'll meet him soon enough. I'm nervous but I have to just let him come to me. Not easy for me to do though. But Sam says he's determined to come after me. But by the end of my routine I'm concerned again. There aren't many guys here now. Me, and Sam and Oscar and three other builders.(None but Sam and Oscar are Bulls) Have I missed 'my connection' by being so delayed at work? (No, Sam planned it this way. An almost deserted gym means he'll have me to himself. Sam knows a lot of his guys would go after me, to just fuck, and I rarely say no. He didn't want Henry to come for me and me be under someone else. I m sort of a Gym slut, especially for Equines or Bovines. Sam knew how Henry would introduce himself to me. Henry wanted me to meet his Bull Daddy side first, to see if I could handle him. And Bull Daddy wanted to corner me in the shower with no one else around anyway.)

I go to shower. And I just relax under a warm, soothing shower. I let all of the stresses go. And I'm happy. It'll be a good weekend no matter what after the stresses of the last week on call. I'm kind of lost in thought, curious as to what sort of Bull Sam would think was perfect for me. Would have to be a big Bull that's a lot like him probably. And my mind wanders to consider if I might know him already. I don't know any Bulls named Henry though, I do know two Bull males named Hank, but I don't know if Henry is their real first name or not. And while Hank is Dusty's real name, no one refers to him as anything but Dusty. And Dusty's already happily mated. And Sam knows we dated right before he bonded his Jimmy. I jump to hear a deep, gruff growl right behind me. How did I not hear him walk up to me with my sensitive hearing? "Ya ain't under Sam nor Oscar, I heard ya was a Lion who was a real slut fer Bulls" I hear from behind me. I gasp when I turn and see him. I pray he's the one I'm supposed to meet today. (He is) He's the most stunningly masculine male I've ever seen. He's a big, butch, Black and White furred Bovine.

He's a really big Bull, bigger than Sam. But he's a Brahma Bull not a Castilian Bull like Sam and Oscar, nor a Siberian Bull like Yuri. 7'6', 425 pounds. With intense Dark Brown eyes. He's huge, and stocky. Almost like a solid wall of Bull. His coat is Black and White, with big splotches of Black intermixed with a mostly White coat. His hands are Black down to his wrists. His tail is Black as is his short hair and his thick beard, as well as his tail and hoof tufts . His horns are pointing forwards horizontally, and curve up slightly at the ends. They point to whoever he's looking at. Not Like Sam's side pointing horns, but they're bigger and thicker. And a deep Ivory color. His sheath is White. But the big, thick, cylindrical Bull dick beginning to poke out of it is Red. And those huge, oval shaped low hangers of his are White furred. His arms and legs are thick and hard muscled. His arms are bigger than my legs. He has a shaggy sort of ruff on the back of his shoulders and neck. Made up of thick, curly Black fur. And his intense Dark Brown eyes are boring into my Sapphire Blue ones.. Is this the guy I'm supposed to meet? (God, I hope so, is all I can think of.) He is the single most masculine male I've ever seen. It's almost like he's holding me in place with his eyes, and his sheer masculinity.

He's turned on all of the showers. The noise and the steam makes it harder for anyone who might still be around to hear or see us. He puts one of his big hands on the wall on either side of my head. "Ya want Bull Daddy to fuck ya?" he snorts. I am not sure what to think. He's hot and butch as Hell, but so gruff and crude sounding. But that thick, sweaty Bull musk emanating from his armpits is making me dizzy and almost intoxicated. I stick my tongue out and lick his right pit, the one closest to my muzzle. And he grunts with pleasure. My tail is thrashing and I can't stop it. (A Feline with a thrashing tail is a dead giveaway, means we're sexually excited.) "Ya gonna take me whether ya wanna or not" he snorts. "Ya hot fer my scent" he snorts. (He'll tell me later when I licked his pit that he knew he had me.) "I'll breed ya hard, and try my damnedest to knock ya up with my calf" he snorts gruffly.

His Bull dick is now full hard and profusely drooling pre cum. Like most Bull dicks it's cylindrical with a rounded, domed head. They don't have big flanges like Horses do, but that head flares like a Horse's would. He's huge. 24" and seriously thick. Didn't know dicks got that big. His look tells me he's serious, he is sure that I will take him now. He's very determined that I'm not getting away from him until his massive Red Bull dick has punctured and spread and conquered my ass ring. And has left my stretched ass ring drooling out copious amounts of his thick, gooey Bull swimmers, preferably leaving his big Bull calf growing in my belly. (Unlike Henry who loves being rimmed and sucked as well, Bull Daddy mostly just wants up your ass. He wants to leave your assring stretched out, and gaping, and drooling White, gooey, jelly-like streams of his Bull semen out of your red, puffy ass hole. . He'll do a few other things to prove his dominance over you, but it'll always end with his sperm dripping out of your gaping, freshly Bull bred ass ring.) (Bull Daddy would desperately love to breed his calf into me, like Sam would. Though he knows he can't. Henry doesn't want calves. But still Bull Daddy wishes I would bear his calves. And he would let Sam breed me as well. Bull Daddy does love Sam and Oscar too.)

(Tight as I am, even my asshole doesn't close up right away after either Henry or Bull Daddy pull out. New experience for me, I've never gaped for anyone but Bull Daddy or Henry..) (After a short time, Bull Daddy will turn me so he can see my ass when he pulls out.. He's proud of how he spreads me, he loves to watch as it takes my ass ring a while to tighten back up and close. And he loves watching his cum drool out of it, Once in a while he'll even lick it out of me. He likes the taste of his own cum. But he loves watching it ooze out of me more.) (It has to be some sort of feeling he's reinforcing his claim on my ass, he'll grunt about how much I belong to him while he's looking at my still spread open ass ring as it leaks his cum out.)

(He's big on me belonging to him completely, more so than Henry is. Though Henry has a streak of possessiveness about him too. He's not wanting me to get away either. One busy night at the Bear Den, a big Draft Horse was aggressively coming on to me..I'd fucked him before in a group of Horse tops, and he wanted to get me by myself and under him. Bull Daddy watched us for a while, and he wasn't too happy, though he wouldn't tell me not to let him fuck me. Though he knew I wouldn't let the guy up me if he told me not to. Bull Daddy's eventual response was kind of extreme.

After about thirty minutes, Bull Daddy swaggered over to us, kissed me hard, unzipped his jeans, pulled out his massive Bull dick, and pissed all over my foot paws.. Bull Daddy then looked into the Horse's eyes. "Mine" he snorts gruffly. The Horse got the message immediately. Bull Daddy had marked me as his territory reinforcing that I was his property to everyone. Old instincts die hard and no other male would come near me that night, even after I went in and washed off my foot paws).

(Henry popped out and told me he'd agreed to it when I fussed at Bull Daddy about it, he wanted that Horse to know I was theirs. I was surprised as they wouldn't usually mind if I had sex with another male. Bull Daddy would just 'take me back as his Bitch' when I came home. Bang me hard and tear my ass up good.) (Turns out the Horse had told Teddy he thought he could take me away from Henry. And Teddy told Henry who was out for a moment, and if Henry knows, Bull Daddy does too. And even teasing Bull Daddy about taking me away from him will get him really, really mad . I suppose we were lucky he didn't kick the shit out of that Horse, pissing on me to mark me as his was to Bull Daddy, a lesser response.)

(Even though very patient with me, and Henry and those close to him, Bull Daddy has a fierce hair trigger temper. Scary as hell even though he'd never hit me. But he makes Sam look like Mother Teresa when he goes off. Sam finds it funny, as only me or Henry or Sam, himself, can calm Bull Daddy down when he loses it. Takeru or Dad can too, if they're here at the time. They are the only ones Bull Daddy completely defers to, he loves them as they love him. He and Henry have bonded to Dad and Takeru as if they were their own Fathers.) (Takeru like me can always tell 'who's out' before they speak. And they love him even more for it. When Bull Daddy asked him about it, Takeru replied "A Father can always recognize his own sons". Bull Daddy wept and hugged him tightly.)

I try to slip under his arm and get out from under him.. I wanna talk to him a bit first. He's not having any of that. he's in control here and determined to keep control of me. Then he grabs me suddenly. His big hands go under my back and he lifts me effortlessly off of the shower floor. Just high enough so that my foot paws don't touch the floor. "I'm going up ya, ya got no choice now, ya blew ya only chance ta run, ya didn't really wanna run from Bull Daddy, did ya?" he says grinning. "And ya only get one chance ta run from Bull Daddy when he wants up ya" he snorts. I could yell for help, but would anyone hear me over the noise of the showers. And if he's the guy Sam wanted me to meet Sam would not come anyway. I think a bit, and I know I have to trust Sam. He knows this guy, and he thinks he's perfect for me. I try to relax. He grins at me. "Got ya, now ya know ya want me" he murrs. "That ass is mine, Boy" he snorts. "Only question is, is it just fer now or fer good" he snorts.

That huge Bull dick is twitching in the air between us. It's almost touching my upper chest as I'm bent forwards so far by him, and it's copiously leaking precum onto my belly. "Wrap ya legs round my waist, Boy" he snarls, and I obey immediately, almost against my will. His massive piece is under me now, running under my ass cheeks and up my back. I can feel it pulsing against me even. He's grinning. "Ya minded me" he says happily. "Didn't believe ya didn't want this up ya, Boy." he says smiling. "I don't know yet" I say softly. "Ya mine now, Boy, ya can't resist Bull Daddy, ya can't fight me and ya lust fer me too" he says smiling. His big hands are holding me up, my back is against the shower wall, and his big hands slide down and are kneading my ass cheeks. He's making me hot almost against my will. I want him, but he scares me a bit. But if he's this way, I'll have to get used to him. If he is the one who's meant for me. I'm distracted feeling his hands knead my butt and that huge dick throbbing against me.. (It's intentional, he wants me off balance. And I am, especially when I realize he's kept me balanced on his dick and is keeping me up off of the floor with it. His hands are busy stroking my ass cheeks now. How strong is he? And how can he hold me up with only that massive Bull dick?)

And he slips a thick finger up me. I grunt as it cuts right through my ass ring to his second knuckle. "Nice, tight little ass ring, not fer long though" he grunts. He's turning me on for sure. Not sure why, it feels almost like a rape, that I have no choice here but to let him bust me open. It's his dominance, he's got me believing I can't disobey him. That he's gonna take me no matter what I want. But he knows already how much I do want him. And yet, what if he's not the guy Sam wanted me to meet? I fight panic. Not like I can get away now. I am faster and more agile than most animals. But I can't brace myself to get leverage to move and I have no room to move anyway. And he's got a good grip on my back and I don't think I could move him, even hitting him at full speed. And my warning senses aren't going off either. He's not intent on hurting me, and thus they're silent. I just have to trust in Sam and my senses. He's got me so off balance though.

And that finger, he's moving it in a way to further keep my mind distracted. If his finger feels so amazing, how will his massive dick feel. Which is what he wants me to be thinking. His fingers are very thick and strong. And that combination of strength and gentility as he moves it in me makes me so hot I'm panting for him.

He's moving his finger still as if searching out my tender spots. And I yowl softly when he unceremoniously shoves a second thick Bull finger up me. "Shush, Boy, that ass is mine now, I told ya so, ya didn't resist my fingers at all" he snorts. He leans forward. "If I stuck my whole fist up ya now, ya'd not fight me, ya want me that badly" he gruffly whispers in my ear. Damn him, he's right, I'd not fight him, I'd let him do anything to me he wanted. (I've already fallen for his strong, dominant, ultra masculine self. Just can't admit it to myself yet though. But he not only knows, he's sure of it. I already belong to him in his mind).

He's found my prostate and he's working it between those thick fingers. I cuss and moan and my tail is really thrashing now. He kneads my prostate between his fingers. I yowl and my cum splatters on his chest. "Ya got a Hot and sensitive little ass nut, this'll be good" he grunts. "Ya came just from my fingers roaming up ya, just think o what my dick'll do ta ya" he snorts happily. He's getting me hot despite my fears.

I know now, I'm his, in any way he wants me. For life, for a fast fuck. I am his now. He's dominated me completely, broken me to his will. He made me cum from manipulating my prostate, even through a soft dick. He knows it too by the smug look in those intense Dark Brown eyes.. He's taken total control over my body. He makes me feel so much I cannot resist him anymore.. He's got my body, how long before he takes my heart too? (He's got it already.)

I look up into his eyes. I let my body totally relax. He stares at me. "I'm just your little fuck toy Bull Daddy, do me however you want to" I say meekly, laying my head on his shoulder. . He's got a huge grin on his face. "Ya good Lion, Bull Daddy will be good ta ya" he murrs. "Ya was hot fer me, ya wuz real easy for Bull Daddy ta break to his will" he murrs. He's one happy Bovine right now.

"Ya want me, ya just scared of this big piece o mine" he snorts. I nod. "I ain't gonna hurt ya, well not much" He snorts. He yanks his fingers out. Almost before I can register that my ass is empty now, he pulls his hips back so his massive cock head is nuzzling against my ass ring, and then he thrusts his hips forward and he's up me halfway to those huge oval Bull balls. . I yowl to feel him spread me so roughly. "Ya got me up ya, Boy, the worst is over, I saw ya take Sam a few times, ya can take me too" he snorts. He pushes up me til his fat balls smack my ass cheeks. "I'm Henry, nice ta meet ya, Claude, ya Bull Daddy is the one Sam wanted ya to meet." he snorts in my ear. And then he licks my ear and I moan and tremble as he does.

I feel a lot of relief now. Sam wouldn't hook me up with someone who'd hurt or abuse me. I know now, Bull Daddy's playing a serious dominance game with me. And he won't hurt me. I'm calmer now. It's a hot game for sure. I put my arms around his thick neck, and I kiss his muzzle, and hang on tightly. "Ya a good, Boy, ya know to hang on and let Bull Daddy drive" he grunts. . "I knew ya'd relax fer Bull Daddy, ya wanted this, ya wanted me ta take that ass as bad as Bull Daddy wanted in it." he says proudly. He begins to move slowly. It feels like an Anaconda went up me and is coiling itself into my guts. I've never been spread this wide, and it feels amazing. "Ya a tight little Kitty" he says with an evil grin. "I'll fix that soon enough, Boy" he says. "I'll ruin ya fer other guys, no one else will fit up ya but ya Bull Daddy." he snorts. My pride at being a good bottom kind of flares up now. I look in his eyes. He's a bit surprised at the look on my face apparently. (Me respectfully standing up to him, just a little bit, makes him really fall for me. Henry tells me later it showed Bull Daddy that while I obeyed him, it was my choice to do so, I gave him his power over me. And I wanted it that way. It was what Bull Daddy always wanted from someone. Made him sure that he wanted to mate me for good.)

"I don't know about that, I've taken big, none as big as you, but a lot of them one by one" I say. "I've been double fucked by Sam and Oscar, and I've had a lot of builders fucking me in groups too." I snort. "I won't loosen up that much" I snort. "A challenge, ya a good bitch, ya wanna be my bitch for good?" he asks confidently. I am speechless as he begins to hump me hard and fast. "Ya good little Lion Bitch, ya ain't loosening up" he says. "But we ain't done yet, not by a long shot" he says with a laugh.

And he leans forward a bit and presses his muzzle to mine and he pushes his thick Bovine tongue in my mouth. We tongue wrestle as he really speeds up in me. I feel dizzy. And he slips his tongue out. of my mouth. He's really keeping me off balance. I want that hot tongue back in my mouth very badly. He was taking my muzzle as much as his massive Bull dick is taking my ass. He wanted to prove to me I was more than a hot, wet and tight hole for him to bust a nut into.

That massive Bull dick is plowing me, making me unable to even think of anything but the pleasure it's giving me Making me never want him out of me.. I'm yowling continuously. "Kitty likes Bull Daddy ruining his ass, ya hot as hell" he moans. He's spreading my ass ring even more by pulling out and going back in on each stroke now. My yowling gets louder and I'm pawing his broad back frantically. And I screech and cum hard again on his firm belly. "My good little fuck toy is a vocal one" he murrs into my ear. His grunts get deeper as he speeds up. I cling to his massive Bull body even tighter. My ass ring is clamping down on him on his back strokes, like it doesn't want him out of it. "Little Lion bitch's got a tight grip going on" he murrs happily. "Keep squeezing, Boy, no one's squeezed my fat dick like that before" he grunts. I yowl and clamp down on his fat Bull dick and gush cum yet again on his firm belly.

"Ya hot fer me, ya really like being ya Bull Daddy's little Lion fuck toy" he says happily. "Bull Daddy approves, and wants ya fer good, time fer me to take what belongs to Bull Daddy, ya gonna give ya self up to Bull Daddy for good now, Bitch." he says firmly. (If I wasn't so out there from his fucking, I'd of seen the single tear in his eye now.) And when he kisses me, as his lips press gently against mine. I faint. He's pounding me even harder now. I wake up. "I knew ya'd be mine, Boy, Bull Daddy broke ya will, then busted inta ya ass, and then stole ya heart, ya won't leave Bull Daddy ever, ya can't, ya gave ya heart ta me and Henry." he says softly. "Ya Bull Daddy's hot piece o Lion now, ya will be for always" he says banging me hard. His eyes are glazing up.

"Squeeze me again Boy" he grunts. I clamp my ass ring down on him and rhythmically squeeze him. "Good Bitch Boy, Shit, not gonna hold..." he growls gruffly. "Breed me Bull Daddy, knock me up, give me your calf." I holler. And I can feel his fat Bull dick swelling up. He roars and moos and I feel his cock head flaring. And he's gushing bucketloads of Bull sperm up me. I feel dizzy again. And I know I am his now. He's my life mate. He's now holding me so tightly to him that I can barely breathe.

We Lions bond pretty specifically. Like it or not, I belong to this Bull now. Gruff, crude, and an amazing fuck. As his big balls keep pumping his Bull sperm up my ass I can feel his heart. He loves me and he'll never let me go. The look in his eyes tells me so too. It's the only softness he's shown me so far. His love for me shines from those intense Dark Brown eyes. "Ya mine now, ya gonna be mine always, Bull Daddy'll keep ya happy, ya love ya Bull Daddy, ya eyes say so." he murrs. "I'm yours for good, Bull Daddy, and I do love you." I whisper in his ear. I see one small tear in his eye.

He's panting hard now. And I feel his dick still throbbing and spurting Bull semen up me. A whole minute he keeps shooting in me. I can feel it stop spurting up me, and he's still flared inside of me. "It takes Bull Daddy's big dick a few minutes to stop flaring, so no quickies for us, Claude" he says his voice softening. And he's got a tight grip on my back, he's holding me to his heaving, sweaty chest, and holding me completely still. It kind of feels amazing to feel his flared head holding him in place. Like when Edward knotted me and we were locked together. (It takes 7 to 10 minutes for the head of his fat Bull dick to stop flaring, and we are locked together for that time, he'll hold me perfectly still for fear of damaging me. I can feel the flared head pushing against my colon walls too.)

I can't help it but I purr to feel him locked inside of me. He's smiling. And he's so gorgeously masculine, all sweaty and spent, still panting hard. And he's one God Damned happy Bovine now, and he's got an ear to ear grin on his face. I'm drenched in his Bull sweat and it's scent is keeping me a little bit hot for him still. It feels like he's holding me from the inside too. And I never want him to let me go.