Ben Mikonos FINAL

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#47 of Claude gay stories

Ben and Claude get interrogated by Claude's uncle Marcus, meet and approve of Carole's Tiger boyfriend, and find out who Claude's biological father is. But still have a loving future together

I take out my wallet. "I owe you $20" I say handing Carole a twenty dollar Jake. "He's already there" Carole says. I nod. "But Alfred told me Ben was my predestined life mate" I say softly. Carole grins. "How would he know?" Ben asks. "Carole and I knew he'd know" I say. Carole's laughing hard. "Alfred is Claude's English retainer, and he's psychic, he probably knew from the minute Claude met you that you were, and that he'd take you" Carole says. Ben looks at me. I nod. "I hadn't seen him since I kind of 'formally' met you, Ben, or he'd of told me" I say quietly. "What did he say?" Ben asks. "That you were my life mate, and that you'd pass on holding my paw, listening to me tell you how much I had loved you since the day we met" I say quietly. Ben's got a tear in his eye. "Alfred doesn't always tell us what he's seen, but at times, when he thinks we need to know, he will" I say. "Problem is, once Alfred's seen something you can't evade it" Carole says soberly. I smile. "The dirt bike?" I tease her. She nods. Ben looks at me.

"Her best friend got a dirt bike, and Alfred told her not to ride it, that she'd hurt herself and break a limb or two, Carole just thought he was being unduly protective" I say. "I broke my arm and my foot, and only then did 'Uncle Claude' tell me about Alfred's gifts" she says laughing. "Like me you wouldn't have listened to him, but what he's seen will come true, you can try, but life will alter, and the outcome is always what he's seen" I say softly. "Does he control it?" Ben asks. "No, it's just flashes of what will be, concerning someone he cares about, and he'll have to decide if he should tell us or not" I say. "He loves Claude, practically raised him, so he sees a lot of Claude's life" Carole says. "But if he decides he can tell you, just believe him, he knows, and he knows you need to be prepared for whatever it is" Carole says softly.

Ben's quiet. "Lot to get used to" he says. "It's not like he goes around telling us everything" I say. "Yeah, you're more likely to have him tell you afterwards or like Claude, know he's seen something by his reactions" Carole says smiling. "So he's seen that I will be with you as long as I live, and that I'll have you with me when I pass on?"Ben asks. "Yeah" I say. Ben smiles. "I could have told you that" he says kissing my paw. I smile.

We get to the house. Ben's astonished by how big it is. "Huge" he moans. "Not really" I say. "It's a great house, got a pool and a hot tub and an amazing backyard with gardens" Carole says. Ben opens the trunk and takes his and Carole's bags out. We go in. Jake and Nigel are sitting on the couch. Uncle Marcus is giving them the 3rd degree too. I know Dad knows about Nigel bonding Jake by now. He loves Nigel too, and he's having Marcus 3rd degree him, and I'll bet he'll call Dad right after. Carole takes her bag and goes into the kitchen. Gonna find Alfred and go to her room. Smart girl. She'll hole up til her Dad's gone home. Wish I could, but Uncle Marcus will just go looking for me. I take Ben out to the patio.

"It is a beautiful Patio and yard" Ben says smiling. I pull off my clothes and I get into the hot tub. Ben smiles and strips. "I'm going to take this time to relax before the 'Grand Inquisition'" I say laughing. Ben sinks into the water and pulls me to him. We sit in the tub and cuddle. "Ben, I'm sorry, he will be gruff and stern, but he only wants me happy" I say. "I was happy that your Mom and Dad accepted me as yours" I say softly. "Claude, it's the first of a lot of things I'll have to adjust to as your mate" Ben says softly. He kisses me. "You're more than worth it, Baby Lion" he purrs. "I don't know how I got so lucky as to have deserved to get you, Ben" I say. He grins. "I'm no prize either, I have a temper, and I'm determined to be the Boss" Ben says nuzzling me. "Claude, you weren't phased by my rage, you felt you needed to apologize, and you did, and you just wanted to make it all right" Ben says softly. "Keep it up, and even my temper won't be a problem" He says happily.

I look into the house. Jake's very obviously not happy. He's really resenting the questioning. Uncle Marcus walks away from them. I get Jake's attention and wave him and Nigel out to the hot tub. Jake's grousing to Nigel as they walk out onto the patio and strip.. "He did it for Dad, who's not here, Dad loves Nigel like a son, I am sorry, Jake" I say quietly. Nigel's trying not to smile. "So you ready for your turn, Claude?" Nigel asks. "Yeah, about as ready as we can be, Carole's here too, she and Marcus fought over the boy she's dating" I say smiling. "No wonder your Uncle was in such a mood" Nigel says smiling. "He's a big Siberian Tiger on the Football team of the High School her boarding school is affiliated with" I say happily. Ben's grinning. "You two are so much alike" Nigel says. "Hey, we all like Tigers, but it doesn't mean I'd of not taken Jake here if we were meant to, like I would have Marty" I say smiling. Ben kisses me. Jake looks proud. "No one has taken me like you and my Baby Badger here" Jake says proudly. "Told you he was good, my Badger sidekick is easily as good of a bottom as I am" I say smiling.

Ben puts his paw on Jake's shoulder. "After we've all moved in tomorrow, we ought to get together and trade, I know you liked Claude's ass and I'd like to try Nigel's if he wants me" Ben says. "Hell yeah" Nigel says. Jake smiles. "Would you want me again, Claude?" Jake asks. "Yes, you were amazing, hot, passionate, very intense in your fucking, only my Ben is better" I say smiling. "He's very loyal" Jake says laughing.

I smile at them both. Ben's grinning. "We could do it tonight?" Nigel says. "No, I want my Lion to myself tonight, and at that, he owes me a barb fucking, we couldn't do it where we were when I took him" Ben says. Jake laughs. And Ben tells him how we bonded. "Weren't gonna let him get away, smart Boy" Jake says grinning. "I wasn't going to let him more than an arms length away until I had completely bonded him" Ben says firmly. Nigel smiles and nods at me. "He put a mating bite on me too" I say happily. Nigel laughs. "You really don't want him to get away" he tells Ben.

"I"m surprised your Uncle didn't come right out here after you and Ben?" Jake says. "He's gone to call Dad, he must think he's done with you two, but don't worry, our turn is coming" I say softly.

And it is. In fact, here it comes now. I see Uncle Marcus striding out of the house towards us. "Howdy, Uncle Marcus, to what do I owe the honor of having my Beloved Uncle here?" I ask. Marcus looks at me oddly. "Boy, we have to talk" he snarls. "Well, come sit then" I say smiling.

He looks at us all. And he pulls his suit off and Alfred comes out and gets it. I know he'll hang it up. Alfred grins and nods at me.

I whistle at Uncle Marcus. "I've never seen you naked before, Uncle, you're a very beautiful Lion" I say smiling. "He is, he's as sexy as you are" Jake murrs. Marcus blushes. "You think" he asks smiling. "I know, Dad's hot but you're just as sexy as he is" I say. "He's a bit stockier and more muscular than Papa Jim" Nigel says softly. Marcus grins. Uncle Marcus preens a bit.

He sits down into the tub. "Enough of that, I know I look good, Boy, do you really and truly love this Tiger?" Marcus asks gruffly. "I do, Uncle Marcus, he looks at me like you look at Aunt Marge" I say smiling. Marcus grins. "I keep forgetting what a smart cub you are, Boy" Marcus says. "Nice try though" he snorts. "Uncle Marcus, I do love him, and I know he's mine for always, he won't hurt me, he'll be mine as long as he lives" I say. "I know that much,, Alfred came to me while you were gone Claude" Marcus says. I'm a bit taken aback. Marcus knows about Alfred, but for Alfred to come to him? "Ben, I'd like to just talk to you a bit" Marcus says. "I want to know you, Jim's a bit worried, I can see the love in your eyes for Claude, and you weren't scared, I know Claude told you how I would give you the 3rd degree, and you don't seem intimidated" Marcus says. "Your Wife and brilliant Daughter told me they wanted me with Claude, and prepared me as much as one can for life as a Kitman's mate" Ben says quietly. "They will make much of him taking this, poor, older, cab driver, I am prepared for it, I have my Claude at my side and I can deal with anything" Ben says. "Marge told me, and she told me how impressed with you she is, she loves Claude as much as I do" Marcus says. "She said she talked to you about that, and how you'll have to go to fancy functions at times with him and Jim and Edward and I" Marcus says. "I will go, and do my best to make his family proud of me" Ben says. "He's a lot like Edward" Marcus says.

Marcus gasps. He just saw how Ben and Jake are hung. "You sure it wasn't just the big dick?" he asks me. I smile. "No, doesn't hurt, but I love him" I say, and I tell my Uncle of the scent reaction we had. "Boy, I understand, Marge would be near me and I'd scent her and I couldn't stand not to be with her" Marcus says happily. "She told me once, Uncle Marcus, I was always for her to be with you, she's perfect for you" I say. "I know, last time I heard from my own Dad, he was furious, he'd said something to you about her, and you gave him hell sticking up for Marge" Marcus says smiling. Marcus leans over and kisses me.

"I know you love Marge, and I've been so happy you and Carole are so close" Marcus says. "You and Jim didn't have to give her that much money but you did, so she'd be able to grow up properly into the new heir of CMK" Marcus says. "I never knew why you'd step aside for my little girl?" Marcus asks. "I'm happy being a Doctor, I'm not a business cat, you are, Dad is, and Carole has the Kitman genes plus her Daddy's smarts and business savvy, she'll do way better than I ever could" I say."And I love her too," I say softly. "How much did you and Papa Jim give her?" Nigel asks. "Not much, only $212 Million when she hit 12" I say softly. "Part of it is tied up in accounts that have to have my approval" Marcus says smiling. "Dad and I figured that no matter how smart she is, that she needed her Dad's guidance, as much as I've needed my own Daddy's" I say smiling. "Which one?" Marcus asks. Ben looks surprised. "Claude's been raised by Alfred, in some ways he's as much his English retainers son as he is Jim's" Marcus says. I smile at Uncle. He's right. (But he means more than that, he's contemplating telling me the whole truth about my birth)

Ben's grinning. "Ben, I see how you two love each other, and the two animals I trust more than any other like you, and think you'll be great for Claude, my Marge and my baby girl" Marcus says. I kiss him. "I know you love me and only want to make sure I won't be hurt, Uncle Marcus" I say softly. He kisses me back. "I do, Boy, and Jim's so far away, he'll be fine, Alfred's calling him as we speak, and I'll talk to him as well" Marcus says. Marcus takes Ben's paw. "Boy, be as good to our Claude as I think you'll be and I'll be happy to welcome you as family" Marcus says. Ben smiles.

"Uncle Marcus, I know it's none of my business, but why were you so against Carole dating Jacob?" I ask. Marcus smiles. "You do love her, as she loves you" he says softly. "She's too young, and she really cares for him, I could see it in her eyes, and she's a Kitman, she's as hot blooded and stubborn as we are" Marcus says. "I'm too young to be a Grandpa" Marcus says. I smile.

"Uncle, she's not going to do that yet, we've talked, she knows she can come to her Doctor Cousin, if she tells me she's going to, I'll put her on the pill, and a friend of mine will see her, she's a Gynecologist" I say. Marcus looks angry for a minute. "You didn't tell her you'd approve?" he snaps. "Approval isn't up to me, only you and Marge, I just don't want to see her brilliant future derailed by her getting knocked up" I say quietly. Marcus blushes. "You don't know? He asks. "Know what?" I ask.

"Claude, Martha wouldn't marry Jim, she was intimidated by his money, they 'had' to get married, Jim was thrilled, but Martha wouldn't have married him if she hadn't of been carrying you" Marcus says quietly. I feel momentarily dizzy. I never knew any of that. I didn't know much about Momma at all. But this is almost too much to cope with. "I'm going to have to talk to Dad when he gets home, I should have been told" I say. (I don't even know the whole truth, Mom was knocked up, but not by Dad, and Marcus was already married and couldn't marry her, and she already knew Dad was sterile. And Mom didn't want it known she'd been sleeping with both of them.)

"It's why your Maternal Grandparents wanted nothing to do with any of us, if she'd of not been pregnant she'd of not married Jim, and she wouldn't have died birthing you" Marcus says. "I can't believe Jim never told you" Marcus says. "They blamed Jim for her death, if he hadn't of knocked her up, she wouldn't have died, she was going to break up with him, when she found out she was pregnant with you" Marcus says. I'm speechless for once. "Claude, she only married Jim because she was pregnant with you, I don't really think she loved him truly, she did care for him, but I've always thought if she hadn't gotten pregnant she really would have broken up with Jim" Uncle Marcus tells me.

I'm really stunned. Nigel's shook too. "Why didn't he tell me?" I moan. And to my horror I break down and cry. "He did love her, Claude, he loved her as much as he loves Edward now" Marcus says softly. I lean over and I put my head on Marcus' chest and I cry. He strokes my mane. He cuddles me and he looks so proud. (He's decided as soon as he figures out how, he's gonna tell me the truth.) "I know, Baby Cub, it has to hurt, as rough as things were for you, you know now you might not have been born at all" Marcus says stroking my mane. "She threw clots when birthing you, you ended up with one blocking blood flow to your heart and lungs, you didn't kill her, she almost killed you, Claude" Marcus says soothingly. "It took a lot of work to save you and you had many operations to remove all of her micro clots in you" Marcus says. "It's why we're all so protective of you, we could have lost you, and it made us not want to lose you to anything" he adds. "I think I can see that, and you and his Father love him so much, I'm not surprised you'd want to be sure I was right for Claude" Ben says softly.

Ben pulls me to him and he cuddles me. He can see how upset I am. "Claude, I'm sorry, I just assumed you knew" Marcus says softly. When I can find my voice I answer him. "I know, you were thinking I used that knowledge to help Carole, I just love her enough to not want it to happen to her, and being a Physician, I can help her" I say softly. "But what if she gives in to her urges without talking to you?" Marcus asks. "I told her to come to me as soon as she could, I can get her that 'Plan B' pill, taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex it will prevent implantation and prevent her from getting pregnant" I say softly. Marcus hugs me. "You do love our little girl" he says happily. "I do, Uncle Marcus, I think of her as the Sister I never had" I say quietly. He's grinning deeply.

I am still reeling a bit. "Claude, I do approve of your Tiger, and I want to talk to Carole soon, I want to calm down and I want her to calm down, if you'll do what you told her you would, I won't worry as much, but I think she loves that big Tiger as much as you love yours" Marcus says softly. "Well, she's too sharp to disrupt her life like that until she's older, but she won't get pregnant if I can help it, unless she wants to, and I know she's too smart to get married" I say. "She told me she wanted to wait like Claude did" Ben says. Marcus looks at him. "She said she wanted to be out of school and into her career a few years like Claude is, and then she'd think of settling down" Ben adds. Marcus smiles. "She is so much like you, Boy" he says quietly.

Marcus puts his paw on my shoulder. "I'll talk to her soon, I want to meet this Siberian of hers, if he's as good of a male as your Ben, I'll relax a bit, I do trust her, but she's a Kitman, with the same hot blood we all have" Marcus says. "She's lucky, her Daddy loves her as much as my Daddy loves me" I say smiling. "Her Daddy loves you too, Claude, you've been so good to her, and us" Marcus says. "I'm just glad you made your peace with it all, and got close to us again, Uncle" I say kissing him. "I had to, I was so touched, you knew you weren't for CMK but that Carole was, and Jim, Jim proudly told me why he wanted Carole to keep it in the family" Marcus says softly. "I'm sorry that Grandpa Kitman wasn't any more loving to you than he was with me and Dad" I say quietly. Marcus smiles. "I'm just glad we all were able to get past it, Boy, I came to understand that being so angry at him was costing me the rest of my family" Marcus says smiling.

"You've been close to Carole since she was born, you came to the hospital, despite not being invited, I hadn't gotten close to y'all yet, but you came to see your new born Cousin" Marcus says softly. "She would be the closest I'd ever have to a sibling" I say. "Marge told me how you'd come visit Carole as well" Marcus says smiling. I smile at him. He kisses me. "I'll go talk to Jim now, don't worry, I can ease his concerns" Marcus says and he gets out of the tub. He dries off and leaves.

Nigel's grinning. "Not the 3rd degree I was expecting" He says laughing. I nod. Ben's been gently stroking my mane. "Are you OK, Baby Lion?" he asks. I nod. I can't find the words to speak right now. Jake looks pensive. "Is it always like this around here?" he asks Nigel. "At times, this is not the norm, but yeah, be prepared for Drama to break out at times" Nigel says kissing his Bull.

I curl into Ben tightly and I weep on his chest a bit. He holds me tighter. I stop crying, and we all sit and talk. We'll all be close. Jake's as smart as he is sexy. And he really loves Nigel so much. And after a bit we go in. I go into the kitchen. Alfred's smiling at us. Ben hugs him. "He is full of love tonight, Claude" Alfred says softly. "I know somehow, if Claude's Dad approves of us you talked to him, you were on our side" Ben says. "I do, you love him so much, and he is like a son to me, Ben, and I know how deeply you'll love him" Alfred says quietly.

"Claude, she'll marry him" Alfred says. "When?" I ask. "She'll be a year younger than you are now, but she'll date him, and she'll come to you in a year or so and ask to be put on the pill" Alfred says. I grin. "I knew she was smart" I say softly. And he shows me the yearbook Carole brought with her. He shows us her Jacob's picture. "He looks like me when I was that age" Ben says sounding shaken up. "We are a lot alike, Ben, she's so much like me, she saw a good Siberian and refused to let him get away, I"ll fight for you as hard as she fought Uncle Marcus for her Jacob" I say grinning. Ben kisses me. I get a soda and Ben wants a beer and I get it. He picks me up and carries me off to our bedroom. He's a bit taken aback at how big it is.

I kiss him. "It's a lot to get used to, Baby Lion" Ben says quietly. I sit on the bed. He smiles at me. And he sits by me. "I love you, Ben, and I know it's a lot for you to deal with, I hope I can make it up to you" I say quietly. "No, it's OK, Claude" Ben says putting his arm around my shoulder. He kisses me deeply. "I'm a lucky Siberian , I was expecting a lot worse than we got" he says smiling. "And you're mine finally, nothing can ruin this night" Ben says softly. "I see now how you get distracted by so many things in your life" Ben says softly. "Ben, I will, and I'm sorry, I need to make sure you are always my first priority" I say quietly. Ben grins. "I think we'll do fine, Claude, you want to make me happy, you will work hard at it, and I hope to make you that happy too" Ben says kissing me harder.

We curl up and I turn the TV on. Ben switches to ESPN. I curl into him. "Baby, I do love you, I know you love me as well" Ben says quietly. "Ben, I love you, I think when Teddy first told me you had it bad for me I started to sort things out, and I knew I wanted to get to know you, but you'd get so mad at me, and I felt bad, I had to make it up to you, so I could get to know you" I say quietly. Ben kisses me. "I know I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you, but I have a temper, I'm sorry but I do, be honest with me and we'll always work things out" he says nuzzling my neck.. I can hear him sniffing me and I'm not surprised to see his fat Feline dick harden up again. "I just scent you and it makes me so hot" he purrs. "Not going to complain about that, besides I owe you a barb fucking" I say grinning. "Yeah, you do, don't you?" he says. I smile. "Where would my Lord Tiger want his Lion?" I say softly. Ben gets even harder. "I had no idea how much your submission to me would make me so much hotter" Ben says grinning.

"On your knees, Claude" he says firmly and I get on the bed on my paws and knees. Ben gets behind me and I can feel his pointed tip at my ass ring. He pushes up me, but only to his first ring of barbs. "Claude, are you sure?" he asks. 'I want to feel my Tiger Daddy's sharp, and firm barbs" I moan. Ben grins. And he starts ratcheting his barbs in and out of my ass ring. I yowl as he rakes me. He grips my neck in his teeth. I'm locked down mid yowl. He's moving faster now in me. And I feel cramps starting. He's grunting around the bite. I can't move but I spray cum onto the bed. "Squeezing me" he groans. "Gotta breed you, take my fucking cubs" he growls and he's thrusting very erratically as his cum spurts up me. He lets go of my neck. He wraps his arms around my chest and pulls us to our sides.

He's nuzzling my neck now. He's good an odd look on his face. "Claude, you made me feel like you were really wanting me to breed you?" he asks. "Well, I don't have the parts, but yeah, I'd give you cubs, Tiger or Lion, your sons would be gorgeous" I say quietly. Ben smiles. He's one happy Siberian now. "Our lives will be good, and I won't miss having cubs, Little Lion" he says nuzzling my neck again. I laugh and I tell him of the dream I had when he first took me and put the mating bite on me. He smiles. "Already giving me a third son, you do love me" he says joyously.

"I love my Big Siberian " I say softly. My ears swivel. I can hear Jake and Nigel having very enthusiastic sex down the Hall. And I hear Alfred and Manuel going at it too. Ben laughs.

My ears pick up a knock at the door. Carole barges in. "Shit, that thing is massive" She moans backing quickly out of the room. I laugh. I hand Ben a robe and I put on shorts. "Come back Carole, we're dressed" I say. She walks back in and she's still blushing. "He's really hung" she moans. Ben laughs. "I'm not ashamed of being big, my baby Lion loves me and takes me well" Ben says smiling. "Claude, did Alfred show you Jacob's picture?" she asks a bit embarrassed. "He did" I say. She blushes. "He looks like a younger me" Ben says proudly. "You think?" she asks. "He does, you and I are hot for the same kind of Tiger" I tease her. "He's a hot male, he's Greek" Carole says. I crack up. "So is Ben, he's Ben Mikonos" I say smiling. Ben nods.

Ben's cell rings. It's his Mom, and he moves off to talk to her. "Claude, Ben's Greek too?" she asks. "He is" I say. "I wonder if Jacob's as big as Ben 'down there'?" she asks. "Might be, but if you're gonna try him out I'd better get you on the pill or that Plan B stuff" I tease her. "Claude!" she snaps. She's embarrassed. "I've never seen you embarrassed about anything in front of me, Baby Girl" I tease her. I get up and I dig through my Black Bag. I hand her a packet. "What is this?" she asks. "It's called Plan B, it's not a contraceptive, if you have unprotected sex and start it within 72 hours it'll keep you from implanting the egg if it's been fertilized" I say quietly. "So if I do have sex I can still not get pregnant?" she asks. "Yeah, it won't keep you from fertilizing an egg, but it will make your uterus inhospitable to letting the egg attach to your womb" I say softly. She smiles. "It'll just pass out of your body" I say quietly.

"You follow the directions, it's two pills at once and then one every 12 hours til they're gone" I say softly. She hugs me. "Baby Girl, I love you, Uncle Marcus loves you, we talked about you, he knows what I promised you, and he wants to meet Jacob, he's willing to give him a chance, he will see how much like my Ben he is, and he loves Ben" I say quietly. "He's afraid, not that you're too young, but that you're too much like the rest of us Kitmans, too horny, and hot blooded" I say smiling. She smiles. "I haven't had him yet, I want him, we necked and I thought about it, but I was scared, not of getting pregnant but of getting tied down right now" She says softly. I hug her. "Carole, it is different for you" I say. "Guys like him, they think they own you, not to say I don't want to belong to him one day, but I'm not letting anyone control me yet" She says. I hug her. "You, you're already happy over how much you belong to Ben, and how much he loves you" Carole says smiling. 'One day I'll want Jacob to be my husband, especially if he's like Ben" she says. I smile. Ben ruffles her hair. "She's smart" he says proudly.

"Baby Girl, I ought not tell you this" I say. "Did Alfred say something to you about Jacob?" she asks. I nod. "So give" she says. I laugh and so does Ben. "You will marry him, you'll be a year younger than I am now" I say softly. Carole laughs. 'You both have faith that I can hold out that long" she says. "Didn't say that, Alfred says in about a year, you'll come ask me to be put on the pill" I say smiling. Carole laughs. "I guess I can hold out then" she says. "Baby Girl, that's why I gave you the Plan B, I want it to be on your terms, no one else's" I say. "He's not pressuring me to have sex, he wants to, but he knows I want to wait, I want to know him better" she says. "He must love you" I say quietly. Ben smiles. "You might want someone, but you need to know it'd be good for them too, you can't be happy unless the one you love is happy too" Ben says smiling. "If you love them, you can't take your happiness at their expense" he says looking into my eyes. Carole laughs. "He loves you as much as Mom and I thought" Carole says. "Carole, like I said, don't let anyone, even me sway you, you'll know when it's right, and I gave you those pills so you could make the decision properly, same thing applies, come to me, and we'll get you on the pills, and we'll go talk to Aunt Marge and Uncle Marcus, Marcus only worried you'd get too hot and carried away" I say. Ben laughs. "He said he was too young to be a Grandpa" Ben says. Carole laughs. She leans over and kisses Ben. "Nice to know I have a benchmark now" she tells him. "Benchmark?" he asks. "Yeah, he'll be measured against my cousin's mate, he's already a bit like you" Carole says. Ben puffs out his chest.

"I hope he'll make me as happy as you make Claude" she says. "Baby Girl, it takes work, you know how we fought, Ben was made crazy by my scent, he knew as we do sometimes I was his mate, his very own Big Cat for life" I say smiling. "I wish you two could meet him" she says. Ben looks at me. I smile. I hand her my cell. "Call him" I say. She smiles. "We'll go meet him, have him go to that diner on South Street if he can" I say. "You'll be with us and I know Uncle Marcus won't be upset, he knows Ben and I would look after you" I say smiling. She calls him. Her tone changes when she talks to him, like mine does when I talk to my Ben. She's as much in love with her Siberian as I am with mine.

Ben smiles at me. He sees it too. She's so much like me. We dress, and Carole goes to her room to dress. When we're dressed he takes me in his arms and kisses me. "I like her too, she's quite a girl, and she's so together" Ben says. "She's smart enough to know you're right for me" I say. Ben kisses me I can hear him sniffing me. "Claude, we're probably always gonna have a lot of sex, my Greek blood is easily stimulated, and you're so hot, and receptive." Ben says. "You just keep getting better and better" I say. "You cum all over me when I fuck you, you must like my fucking" He says preening a little. "I love your fucking, Ben, no one lights me up like you do" I say. He kisses me again. He pulls away from me. "If I don't let go of you, we'll never make it out of here" Ben says. "I'll make it up to you, Ben, we'll fuck all night when we get back" I say. He grins. He takes my arm. He looks so hot in his tight shirt and jeans and a denim vest. (I'll find out he loves wearing vests, I'll get him a leather one and he'll love it)

We go out and sit in the living room. Marcus comes out. He hugs Ben. "I'm sorry for the third degree, but I don't want Claude hurt" Marcus says. "Marge said you were happy to get tips on how to cope with being a Kitman's males mate, and we know it's hard. my Marge has been great at coping" Marcus says. "It's some times a hard job to love us, the public exposure and press and the fact that we're rich and don't think about money like the rest of the animals" Marcus says. Ben tells Marcus how I told him he could quit driving a cab and go to school even if it took time to know what he wanted to do. Marcus smiles. "That's so Claude, that boy will spoil your ass good, he does it to his Dad too," Marcus says happily. "I will love it, sir, he's already sworn to be my wife" Ben says. Marcus looks at me and grins .

I quickly tell Marcus of the talk we had with Carole and that Ben and I are going to meet him and check him out. Marcus smiles. "Claude, I'd like for you and Ben to call me tomorrow and give me your opinion of this Jacob, you understand animals so well, you'll sort him out quickly, and if he turns out to be a good male, I'll talk to Carole and have him come to dinner and we'll get to know him" Marcus says. "Uncle, I'd be glad to, you want her to be happy, like you do me" I say softly. Marcus hugs me and hugs Ben. "I know the thought of some male taking my baby girl turns me into an ogre" Marcus says softly. "Jim and I talked on the phone on how hard it is to see your baby cub grow up, you're older and Jim's had more time to cope"Marcus says. "Did it help, Sir?" Ben asks. "You don't have to call me sir, Ben, Uncle Marcus is fine," Marcus says. Ben smiles. Marcus leaves.

Carole comes out. "I told him, he just wants us to tell him what we think about Jacob, if we give him a good report he'll have him come to dinner and get to know him" I say. "Dad will give him the third degree" Carole says. "Like you didn't know that already" I say smiling. We go to my car. "Babe, can we get me a car?" Ben asks. "What ever my Lord Tiger wants?" I say softly. He grins. "Do you want to drive, Daddy Tiger?" I say holding out the second set of keys to my S560. "I would, Babe" He says. We get in. "The South Side Diner?" Ben asks. "Yes, Ben" I say. He drives off. "I love this car, big, comfortable and it handles well with plenty of power" he says. "It's a 4Matic, all wheel drive" I say.

We get to the diner. We all go in. I see what must be Jacob. He is an extremely handsome, and masculine young Siberian . He smiles deeply when he sees Carole. He looks at her like Ben looks at me. And I can see the Greek features of his face. We sit at the booth he's in. He can't take his eyes off of Carole. "You must be Jacob, I'm Carole's cousin Dr Claude Kitman, and this big Tiger is my mate, Ben Mikonos" I say smiling. Jacob looks at us and he smiles. "Is it family tradition for your family to like Tigers?" He asks. I like him already "Must be, I have Ben, Dad's mate is a Saber Tooth Tiger and Carole's found you" I say brightly. Ben grins.

Jacob's already fair sized. He's bigger than me by a few inches. Got to be 6'7" and he looks to be about 290. He has Dark Amber eyes and big paws. And a bright smile. "He looks so much like I did at that age" Ben says softly. "I hope I'm as big as you when I get older, you've got a well built body, I'd hope to turn out like you" Jacob says smiling. Ben grins.

"I wanted Claude and Ben to meet you, Jacob, Dad and I fought because he didn't want me to keep dating you" Carole says. "It's because I'm poor" Jacob says lowering his head. "No, they accepted me, and I'm just a poor cab driver" Ben says. "Jacob, you have to understand, Carole is Uncle Marcus' only child, it's hard for him to see her grow up to be a young woman, and he's gonna be protective" I say. "He and my Dad gave Ben the third degree, and I'm a lot older and male" I say. "Marcus grilled me, to make sure I would be good for Claude" Ben says. Carole laughs.

"Don't worry, when he sees the love in your eyes for Carole like I did, he'll cave" I say softly. Jacob blushes.

We order. Our Tigers have big appetites. I encourage them to order what they want. Ben smiles at me. We talk while waiting for the food. Jacob is charming and smart, and he really is a lot like my Ben. Carole's so happy. I know how she feels. I'm more in love with my Ben the longer I 'm with him. I get up and go to the bathroom and Ben goes with me. We're just going to let them have a few minutes alone.

We go into the bathroom. I pee. Ben does too. When he's done, he grabs my paw and pulls me into the stall. He sticks his big dick in my face and I suck him. I deep throat him and he's biting his arm to stay quiet. He grunts and unloads down my throat. Panting he tells me how much he loves me. He pulls me up off of the toilet and kisses me and holds me tightly. "Claude, I love you so much, you want to be all to me I need" he says. "Ben, you're all I've dreamed about having as my mate" I say gently. He kisses me passionately. We go out arm in arm. Carole's kissing Jacob when we walk out. We sit down and look away.

Jacob looks embarrassed when he sees me. Carole's not. "Don't be embarrassed, Claude is all for us, he'll help us with Dad" Carole tells him. "Claude, I want to marry her one day, when she and I are older, I want her, but I want her to be ready, to be well on her way to being what she wants to be" Jacob says calmly. "What do you want to do with your life?"I ask. "If I can't make a career in football, I'd like to be a Coach, maybe at High School somewhere" He says smiling. "You know there is a good chance Carole will take over CMK, one day it'll be hers altogether" I say. "You're not going to be head of CMK?" Jacob asks. "No, I'm an Internist and I'm not wanting to do anything but be a Doctor" I say. "Carole's being groomed by Dad to take over" I say. "Will you be ashamed of me, a Coach married to a CEO?" Jacob asks tentatively. "I doubt it, they all accepted the poor cab driver for Claude, and Carole's so much in love with you, she'd not be ashamed of you ever, like Claude won't be about me" Ben says smiling. I nod. Jacob smiles. "Carole says you're willing to wait, you're thinking of her and her needs too, you've got to be quite a Tiger" I say smiling. "Claude, I can't be happy if she's not happy" Jacob says. "He's just like me, Baby Kitten" Ben says proudly.

Carole's looking at him with so much love. "Jacob, I'll do whatever I can to help you two."I say. "Just remember, Marcus may be gruff but he's just wanting Carole to be happy, I think when he sees how much you love her, he'll turn into a pussycat" I say smiling. "And Aunt Marge is already on your side" I add. "Just be patient and know they only want what's best for Carole and soon enough they'll see that you're what's best for her" I say smiling. "Thank you, Claude" Jacob says shyly. "He's even cuter when he's being humble like that" Carole says. I crack up because I was thinking the same thing. Ben smiles at me, and I can't think at all now. Carole is really so much like me.

Ben's talking to Jacob now. They seem to like each other. But they're as alike as Carole and I are. Carole and I are quiet, just watching our Tigers with so much love in our eyes. I will talk to Uncle Marcus and I'll tell him I approve of Jacob for Carole. He loves her enough to wait til things are right. He's not going to pressure her to have sex, and he'll marry her the minute she says she's ready. He's as much of a Gem as my own Greek Siberian . I sigh. I'm happy for her, she'll be as happy as I am now. Hell, she already seems to be.

Finally we're done. Carole kisses Jacob and I pay the check and leave. "Jacob, I'll talk to Uncle Marcus, I'm impressed as Hell with you and how much you love Carole" I say smiling. "I'd be proud to have you as family" I say. Carole laughs. "You know Dad, he'll say you're biased because he's so much like Ben" Carole says. "And he likes and approves of Ben for me, give him a chance, he said if Ben and I liked him, he'd try to get to know Jacob" I say smiling. "Baby Girl, he loves you, and he wants you to be happy, he'll give Jacob a chance he said, if he doesn't we'll find a way around him, you know I do that with my own Dad" I say. Carole laughs. "You do, but Uncle Jim is easier to deal with than Dad" Carole says. "You seemed to handle him when he was grilling me" Ben says laughing. "Still, Carole has a point, I'm not his little girl, he loves me, but he doesn't even love Aunt Marge as much as he loves Carole" I say. "He finally asked me today why I moved out of the way so you could take over CMK, and when I told him why, he wept in his pride for you. "I tell Carole.

"Why did you?" Jacob asks. "I love being a Physician, and I have no head for business, Carole already knows more about it than I could, Dad thinks it's the perfect solution, Carole will do well running it, and it kind of makes up for how Grandpa Kitman was so mean to Uncle Marcus, as long as it goes to her, I'm happy" I say kissing Carole.

I tell Jacob how horrible Grandpa was to Marcus. Carole never knew and she's surprised. She tears up. "They never told me, I know Mom had to know too, she'd take me to see Grandpa in the hospital, and he'd be gruff but nice to me but he never talked to her" Carole says. "They should have told me, I think I understand Dad more now" she says through her tears. "Grandpa hated Marge, last time I talked to him, he was cussing her and I tore him a new one, he wouldn't talk to me after that, like I cared" I say. "But still he left you so much money" Carole says. 'I know, I had money Dad gave me, he left a letter written to me, he loved me, I was his namesake and would stand up to him, he was proud of me. "I say."I'd of given every penny back just to have him to be able to tell me that he loved me" I say softly. "He was so closed off, Dad made sure he knew I loved him, and so did Uncle Marcus, they're determined to not make their own father's mistakes" I say.

"You sound, well, almost proud of Dad?" Carole asks. "I am, he struck out on his own, said fuck you to Grandpa and made his own way, and when he died, and Dad tried to make amends, Marcus put his own pains behind him, and rejoined the family." I say. "Your Dad, is an amazing Lion, Dad's tried to make up for Grandpa and Marcus loved him enough to meet him more than halfway" I say. "He was so caring with me, he couldn't rest til he knew Ben was right for me, but he loves me enough that he wasn't as rough on us as he could have been, you should of seen him grill Nigel and his Bull" I say. "Nigel got a Bull?" Carole asks. "A big, Black furred, Texas Longhorn, named Jake" I say. "She smiles, you two are so close, no wonder you bonded on the same day" Carole says.

"Jacob, we're an odd family, but we're very loving and close" I say smiling. Ben nods. Carole kisses Jacob again and we go out to my car. We drive home. To my surprise, Marge and Marcus are here.

Marge hugs me and Ben. Marcus hugs Carole. "I'm sorry Baby Girl, I was too rough on him."Marcus says. Marcus takes Ben and I off to Dad's study. "I know I said I'd wait til you called me, but when Marge and I talked, she thought I should just come see you when you got home" Marcus says softly. "You love her very much, and you want to get this behind you" Ben says softly. Marcus look at Ben and smiles. "He's smart" Marcus says. "He was smart enough to want me" I say laughing. Ben kisses me. "Uncle Marcus, he's so much like Ben, he loves her and he's willing to wait, to have sex, to marry her, he loves her enough to wait for it all til it's good for her too" I say. "But he loves her, if you could see the way he looks at her, like you look at Aunt Marge or Ben looks at me" I say. "Sir, he's Greek like me, and he won't be happy unless she is happy, he said so" I say.

I go get the yearbook Alfred showed us. And I show Uncle Marcus Jacob's picture. "He looks like a younger you, Ben" Marcus says. "He is, he's an honest Tiger, and he worries for her, if she'll be happy with him, he knows what he wants to do, either make a career in Football, or be a High School Coach, and he's worried he won't be good enough for Carole when she takes over CMK, he's not wanting her to be embarrassed by him" I say. "I felt that way, Claude is a rich Lion and a Doctor, but he loved me so much, he wanted me to go back to school" Ben says softly. "I think Carole won't care, I won't either, if he loves her as much as he seems to " Marcus says softly.

I lean over and kiss Marcus' forehead. "You've always loved Carole so much, you're a good Dad" I say softly. Marcus looks at me strangely. (He's about to go for it) "I always felt I wasn't as good of a father as Jim was, he seemed to make it look easy and it was harder for me, having to think of what was best for Carole." he says sadly. "Uncle Marcus, it was easier for Dad, he had Alfred to help, and in some ways Alfred raised me too" I say. "As good of a Mom as Aunt Marge is, she's not a psychic English retainer, and you've easily been as good of a father as Dad has" I say. Marcus smiles shyly.

"Marcus, you've loved her fiercely and deeply, she's so well adjusted and happy, you've done a great job raising her" I say. Marcus smiles. "Plus, Mom says it's harder raising a girl, she helped raise my female cousin when my Aunt was so sick" Ben says. "There are things to consider raising a girl, that Claude's Dad never had to face" Ben says. Marcus smiles."Claude's been very sexually active since he was a teenager and at least Jim hasn't had to worry about Claude getting pregnant" Marcus says laughing. "He'd be up to his ass in cubs if he could" Ben says cracking up. I glare at them both. "Think of how many kids you'd have gotten from that party alone", and Teddy says you've done them before" Ben says. "Party?" Marcus asks. "Teddy locks the door and Claude and sometimes Nigel lay on their backs on a table and take everyone who wants them" Ben says laughing. "Claude, you do this, and Jim knows it?" Marcus asks. "I'd think so, since he's been there for a few of them" I say. Marcus rolls his eyes.

"Ben, I'm annoyed" I say. Ben looks at me. "You're the only male I'd have cubs for, I told you that" I say. Ben grins. "You would carry my litter?" he asks. "Proudly" I say smiling. Ben kisses me. "I'd love to see you fat with my cub" Ben says proudly.

Marcus laughs. "I'm worried about Carole getting pregnant, and you'd love Claude to be" he says cracking up. "We're older and settled, and I'd want a son, Hell , I'd want a big family, but I'm gay and I've had to accept that that won't happen" Ben says. "It thrills me though that Claude would bear for me if he had the parts" Ben says proudly.

"There is something about seeing your child for the first time, and holding them in your arms and knowing they're part you" Marcus says wistfully. I hug him. He weeps. "I know, Uncle Marcus, you love her so, and you love me too, and I'm your nephew" I say softly. Marcus hugs me. "You've become the son I never had" Marcus says hugging me tightly. "Marcus, I'm proud to hear you say it, you've been like a father to me since we all got close again, I'd of been just as proud to be yours as I am to be Dad's" I say. Marcus weeps. I'm kind of surprised. (He tried but he couldn't figure out how to tell me I'm really his son. Talking about seeing your child for the first time, he was talking about me)

Marge comes in and hugs Marcus. "He told me he'd of been proud to be mine instead of Jim's" Marcus says through his tears. Marge smiles. "Gonna make this easier, Marcus it's time now.." she says. "Aunt Marge?" I ask. "Claude, there is no easy way to say this, but Marcus is your biological father, he had an affair with Martha, Jim never knew but I did, we had you tested surreptitiously when you were born, and you are Marcus'" Marge says "And Jim is infertile" she adds. I'm stunned. Ben holds me tightly. "You're my boy, I never told Jim as he loved you, and he bound to you so tightly" Marcus says. "It'd kill him to know I wasn't his" I say stunned. "Claude, how do you feel about it?" Marge asks.

"At least it explains why Carole and I are so close, maybe she and I knew it unconsciously" I say. "Claude, she knows, she found some papers and figured it out, she swore to never tell you, until and unless we did" Marcus says. I feel like the rug has been pulled out from under me. "Claude, I admit I wasn't thrilled when I found out, but you grew to be such a good Lion, and when we had Carole, you treated her like a little sister, and I loved you so much" Marge says. "He has to know, it's not fair to not tell him" I say firmly. Marcus nods. "I've fought the urge to tell him for years, now I've got him back as my brother, and I was scared to lose him" Marcus says.

Talk about coincidence. Dad calls. "Dad" I say. "You happy with your Tiger, Boy?" Dad asks. "Dad, I have to tell you something, and it's not good" I say."Trouble with your Ben already?" Dad asks. "No, Dad it's about us" I say sadly. '"Did Marcus and Marge finally tell you you're really his, Claude?" Dad asks calmly. "Yes, Dad" I squeak out. "My Boy had to call me right away and make sure I knew, but I've known since they did the tests" Dad says. "Why" I asks. "I found out about those blood tests and I knew right away when I read them, but you were all I had left of Martha at first" Dad says. "And then you loved me so much, it just didn't matter anymore, no matter who fathered you, you were my son in my heart, and the longer I had you and the more you grew up, you were the perfect son, and I didn't care." Dad says. "Marcus is so much like me anyway, he's a good Lion, I know he wanted to tell me so many times, but he was afraid after we bonded as family again, that I'd hate him" Dad says. "Dad, I love you, I am proud of belonging to both of you" I say. Marcus has heard and he takes my phone and he goes to Dad's study and is gone for a while.

Marge smiles at me. Ben is smiling. "Teddy said your life could be wild at times" Ben says. I hug him tightly. "I couldn't cope without my big Siberian " I say weeping on his big chest. Carole comes walking in. "You couldn't tell me I'm really your half brother?" I snort.. "Claude, I promised Dad I wouldn't, besides I was proud that you were my half brother" she says. I hug her. "Marcus is my biological Dad , yet I can't think of my Dad as not being my Dad too, he loved me knowing all the while I wasn't his" I say humbled by how my Dad had to love me.

Marcus comes out. "Claude, are you mad at me?" Marcus asks. I smile at him. "No, Marcus, you looked pained when Marge told me you knew I was yours, like you had been struggling with telling me far a long time now" I say hugging Marcus. Carole grins. "I never had a Mom so it's fitting I have two Dads, he loved me and accepted me as his despite knowing he hadn't fathered me, and you love me and you did father me, Marcus" I say softly. He weeps and puts his head on my shoulder. "Daddy, don't cry" I say. He weeps harder. I hold him tightly. "Marcus, I'm proud to be your son, but I'll always think of Jim as my Dad too, can you be OK with that?" I ask. "I can, I'm glad you know now, and you don't hate me. and you're proud to be mine" Marcus says. "You'll be Daddy Marcus, and I 'm used to calling him Dad so I still will. " I tell him.. "I'm fine with that" he says softly. "Marcus, that's why you were so concerned about my being right for him and good for him, isn't it?" Ben asks him. "Yes, Ben, but you're everything I'd want Claude to have, Carole too, and if this Jacob is as much like you as you think, I 'll welcome him" Marcus says. "Thank you, Marcus" Ben says quietly. "Dad, thank you, I just wanted you to give him a chance" Carole says. Marcus looks at her.

"Baby Girl, it wasn't him I was really worried about, you're a hot blooded Kitman, if he got your blood up, you'd do him" Marcus says. "Claude gave me some 'Part B' if I can't hold off" Carole says. "You love her so" Marge says stroking my mane. "I want the decision to be made on her terms Aunt Marge, Jacob wants to wait until it's right and she's ready, and when she's ready I want her protected." I say. Marcus nods. "Did you know about your own Mom?" Marge asks. "Marcus told me this afternoon, when I offered to give Carole birth control and 'Plan B' I didn't know, I just loved her enough to look out for her" I say softly. Ben's got his arm around my waist.

"Baby Girl, come home, if you can talk about him to me, I swear I'll listen, we'll have him over tomorrow and I'll start getting to know him" Marcus says pulling himself back under control. Carole hugs and kisses me. "Claude, thanks" Carole says. "I told you to trust Marcus, he loves you and he'd roar but he'll calm down and do the right thing" I say softly. "You did" Marcus says. I nod yes. He weeps again. He hugs me and he pulls Ben into the hug.

Nigel and Jake walk in and look confused. Marcus lets us go and he and Marge and Carole walk off. Carole goes to pack and then they go home.

Ben and I go out to the hot tub. I need to relax after all I just found out sinks in. Jake and Nigel come with us. I curl up into Ben and Jake looks impatient, but Nigel knows I'll spill when I am ready. Ben's softly stroking my mane. Quietly lending me his strength so I can cope.

Finally, I take a deep breath and start catching Nigel up with what's happened. He's quiet, Nige knows not to interrupt me til I'm done, and then he'll ask his questions. But when I tell him I'm really Marcus' biological son and Dad knew it all along. He breaks. "Bloody Hell, Claude, Marcus is really your Daddy?" he snorts. Jake is smiling. He doesn't know all of my history but he knows enough. "Claude, how does your Dad deal?" Nigel asks. "He loved me, and I was all he had left of Mom, and he loves Marcus, it must be why he tried so hard to get Marcus back as his brother when Grandpa died."I say. "He must have wanted Marcus to be able to see his son, and he never let Marcus know he knew" I say still kind of shocked.

"You do look a little more like Marcus than you do your Dad" Nigel muses. I tell him about Carole and us going to meet Jacob, because I don't want to dwell on my parentage, I couldn't handle it. "Claude, you must be shocked" Jake says quietly. I nod. "I'd be lost without my Ben right now" I say softly. Ben gives me a gentle smile. "I love knowing my Claude needs me so much" Ben says softly. Nigel's asking me a lot of questions and I answer them as best I can now.

Jake laughs. "Marcus was insistent on being sure Ben was right for you, but he treated you gentler than he did us, you could see the love in his eyes for you, Claude" Jake says. "You had a close call" Ben says laughing. "If he'd of taken you, Jake, you'd be the one to comfort him, and deal with it all" Ben says. I start to get mad at him, but I see all the love in his eyes for me. And I can't be angry at my Siberian .

He's already had to deal with so much from me and my family and he's done well. We got closer as a result of what happened and I'm looking forward to life at my Big Siberian 's side.