Claude and Viktor part 3

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#50 of Claude gay stories

Claude and Viktor are finally happy, but must make amends to the familyso all can be well

"My Papa San is always right"I say. Takeru murrs. "My son loves me so" he says. "Jim and I are going to have a family meeting now, to explain and talk this out so when you come home all should be at peace for a change" Takeru says. "I have spoken to Rory and I know he has forgiven Viktor, Teddy and Bob have too, give us at least two hours and come home"He says. "Yes, Papa San, and thanks, for loving me enough to come to your family and help us" I say. "I would do anything for my Polar Bear sons" he says happily.

"He and Dad are going to have a family meeting to calm the waters and they want us to stay gone another couple of hours" I say to my fellow Bears. Rory smiles. "He loves us so much" he says. "He told me how you'd been honest with him and he respects you for it" I tell Viktor. Rory smiles.

Bob is staring at someone standing off to the side.. I look over. It's Vitaly. Viktor runs to him and they hug. Teddy is practically drooling over Vitaly. They walk over with their arms around each other's waists. Vitaly hugs me tightly and kisses me. Teddy's murring loudly now. Vitaly's rock hard from hugging me, and his massive Feline dick shows a huge bulge in his pants. Teddy looks like he's about to faint.

Vitaly whispers to me. I laugh. "I'd love it, but what did your father say when you told him?" I ask. "He released me too, so I can live happily now, I would stay with my brother and his mate if they would have me" he says. I hug him. "If my husband agrees, we'd love to have you" I say. "Da, Snowflake, he is more than welcome, I'll love having both my brothers with me" Viktor says kissing Vitaly. "Why did you decide to retire?" I ask "When I saw how much you loved my brother, and how he was accepted by your family and you didn't care he was KGB you just loved him, maybe someone will love me that way one day," he says. "My little Snow Bear, I have not had a loving home for so long now, I wanted to come home to live with my brother and his mate, you said I would always be welcomed and cared for within your family" He says. "And I am tired of the espionage life, and I no longer wish to have to hurt anyone or even kill anymore" he says quietly. I kiss him He hugs me very tightly. "We'll help you find someone when you're ready"I say. "Will you move in with us?" Teddy asks him hotly. Rory smiles at Teddy. Teddy's really anxious to be under Vitaly. I can't blame him, I've had him and he's as amazing of a lover as Viktor is.

"If they would have me, I'd love to, hot little Grizzly" Vitaly says. Rory smiles. "He's an amazing Lion, like a bigger Dad" I say smiling. Vitaly looks confused. I pull out my wallet and show him a picture of Dad. "Your father is a Lion?" he asks. "He's our Dad" Rory says proudly. "Vitaly, Rory is my twin, we took after our Mom's father, we are Polar Bear sons from a Lion mother and father." I say smiling. Viktor laughs. "It's true, J.T. Kitman is quite a Lion, and he loves his boys a lot" Viktor says. Reminds me of what I need to do so I call Edward.

"I finally got him, and his brother is moving in too" I say. "I will move Viktor's things into your room" he says. "Claude, Vitaly wants to settle down, you should call Carl Weathers soon" he says. "My Fox" I say laughing. "Carl would be perfect for Vitaly, he's a bottom like I am and he adores big Big Cats." I say. Edward's silent for a moment. "He's going to the Den, he should be there soon. just keep Vitaly there, and they'll bond" Edward says. "They'll both live with us" Edward says. I laugh. "The family meeting is still going on but it's going well, your Grandfather is still a bit upset, but he's calming down" Edward says and he hangs up.

"He'll have your things in our room before we get home, Misha" I tell Viktor. He smiles. "He is such an efficient butler" Viktor says. Rory looks at me. He knows or suspects something. He pulls me off to the side. "Edward told you something didn't he?" he asks. I smile "Carl Weathers is coming here, and Edward says he'll bond Vitaly" I whisper to Rory. Rory laughs. He knows Edward knows what he's talking about.

"Misha" Viktor says firmly. "No secrets, Snowflake, you have no secrets from you Bear Daddy" he says..I whisper to him that we have to stay here and keep Vitaly here too. That Edward's seen that he'll bond our friend Carl. Viktor has been around Edward enough that he's seen Edward predict things that come true.

"Who is this Carl?" he asks. "Carl is a Polar Bear, he's a lot like us" I whisper. "Viktor, he looks like a 2/3s version of us" Rory whispers. Carl does . He's short for a Polar Bear, a mere 6'2" tall. And he's a bottom and he's a happy joyous soul. He's a good friend of Grandpa's Al, so they'll be happy to live together. He's a manager at a local big box electronics store. He has a small apartment and he loves Big Cats, preferably big built too. He's gonna love Vitaly. And he'll move in with us too. "Viktor, he'll love Vitaly, we go for the same type of guy, but he's more into Big Cats, he's as good of a bottom as I am and he's a good Bear" I say. Bob and Teddy and Vitaly are drinking and laughing so I think keeping Vitaly here isn't going to be a problem. He looks so happy now. Viktor isn't the only one in their family who has a big heart and is joyous natured. Vitaly feels accepted and wanted. He hasn't for a long time and he's really liking the feeling. He'll be so happy to have a home. He's got some kind of retirement pension coming to him and he's happy to just be able to relax at home now. Viktor has it too, but he's happier working in the job Dad gave him.

We go and sit by them. Vitaly kisses me. He's really happy now. He'll be happier shortly. We sit and chat and Rory and I fill him in on who lives with us, and the various couples . Bob's happy now. Jesse's come in and he's tightly cuddling his Grizzly. Bob's happy and relaxed now. I had no idea how upset he'd been. And he really was happy we came to him first to make amends.

I hear happy shouts and Sergei and Nigel come in. "I take it the family meeting is over" I say. Nigel gets in my lap. "I was surprised at how well it went, Grandpa Walt finally calmed down, Papa San got him calmed down, and he's going to try to accept Viktor" Nigel says. Sergei and Viktor are still hugging. Vitaly comes out of the bathroom. He smiles. "And who is this pretty Badger, does he live with us too" he says stroking Nigel's muzzle. "I'm Nigel Davenport, Claude's best friend" Nigel says. "He's Sergei's mate" I say. Sergei heard his name and he turns to us.

"Who's the Lion?" he asks. Viktor smiles and he talks to Sergei quietly. "He's our brother too?" Sergei asks. Viktor nods. Sergei hugs Vitaly. They hug tightly. "You lend me your pretty Badger sometimes" he asks. "I'm moving in too" Vitaly says proudly. "We'll have all of our family together" Sergei says happily. I get an idea, but it'll wait for now.

They're so happy now. I see something that'll make them happier. Carl walks in. I wave to him and he comes over to us. I introduce him to my Viktor. He's smiling at Carl. "Another beautiful Polar Bear" Viktor says. Vitaly turns to see Carl." You are a beautiful little Snow Bear" he says looking into Carl's eyes.

"I don't think I've ever seen a Lion as big as you, you sure are hot" Carl says softly. Vitaly is keeping eye contact on Carl . "You are so beautiful" Vitaly says seductively. Now they're silent but looking into each other's eyes. And suddenly Vitaly grabs him and kisses him hard. Carl faints. Vitaly's grinning.

"When he wakes I'll take him to our place, and get my things from my motel tomorrow" Vitaly says. I laugh. "What?" Vitaly asks. "I had to know you'd know where we live, I'll bet we only saw you at all, because you decided you wanted me" I say. Viktor laughs hard. Vitaly blushes.

"He's a smart Bear" Vitaly says. "I hate to brag, but we take after our Grandpa more than by just being Polar Bears" I say proudly. "Who's your Grandpa?" Vitaly asks. "Dr Walter C Russell, PhD." Rory says. "Name's familiar" Vitaly says. "He won the Nobel Prize for Physics last year" I say proudly. Viktor laughs. "Rory and I both got through school quickly, we both were full fledged Doctors by age 20" I say feeling a lot of pride for me and Rory. Heck, I'd be impressed and hot for Rory even if he wasn't my twin, or my brother at all.

Rory smiles. I smile back at him. I feel a flush of pride for my brother. He's been my rock for so long and I'd of never made it through the last year without him. He looks into my eyes. And I know he's aware of what's running through my mind. He mouths. "I love you that much too, Claude" I smile

It's kind of twin thing. We understand each other enough to figure out what's going on in the other's mind. It's hard to explain what it's like to have a twin. So many things about it are comforting. Rory looks identical to me, he's different inside, but I know without a doubt he understands me, and loves me, as I do him. There's always someone who loves and understands you when you're a twin. We've never fought and rarely even argue. As much as I love Viktor, and as close as I am to Nigel, the only one I couldn't live without is my Rory. It'd be like tearing off an arm to lose him. I can understand why he was so upset when he thought Vitaly might have killed me. But our bond as twins made him happy that I was OK, so he forgot it quickly.

When Carl wakes, Vitaly kisses me and Viktor and leaves. I call Edward and tell him they're coming home. He laughs. "We're ready for them, but they'll formally move in tomorrow" he says.

"Edward, we've had so many move in , is it too much for you to tend to us?" I ask. "A bit, Claude, my brother Alfred will be without an assignment soon, his owner died and the family doesn't want to keep him" Edward says. "Do you want us to take him in?" I ask. "We work well together and we're as close as you and Rory" he says. (What I don't yet know is that Edward and Alfred are twins like me and Rory)

"What do I do?" I ask. "I'll call Grandfather, and he might call you to verify it, but it's doubtful, he knows I wouldn't ask if you didn't approve." Edward says. "My Fox, I hope we haven't overworked you?" I ask. "No, I want Alfred here, I miss him, and he is a good retainer, I can use an extra hand from time to time and we can split the duties" Edward says. "Go ahead and call him Edward" I say. "Thank you, Claude" he says softly. "We'll make a home for him too, and I'd never risk losing you to anything" I say. Edward hangs up, but I heard him sniffling. He's touched by how much we love him and need him.(I had to stop calling him my 'Fox Father' because it'd make him weep, but Rory and I love him that much. What I don't know and Edward wouldn't tell me is that he and Alfred are twins, like Rory and I. Rory and I can tell them apart but the rest of the family has trouble. Well except for Papa San, but he could always tell us apart too. )

I realize something. I want to go home. I miss it and I'll never have to worry about the tension that drove me out and I've been gone for so long. I was in the Russians' possession for a week. I ache to be home and in the midst of my family.

I have to admit I'm glad Vitaly's staying with us. He was good to me, and he took good care of me. He'll be good to Carl and in turn Carl will love him, and bring out his joyous side too. Our big Russian Lion will have a joyous retirement and he'll be happy and loved. And he'll thrive on the love and support the family will give him. But I worked so hard to build a loving home and family. Now that I have my Bear, I desperately want to start our new life in my loving home. I need to be home with my Viktor now. We need to start to erase the pain we felt over the last year. Both of us living there and not together, and he couldn't even show that he felt anything for me.

I go to Viktor and I lean up and kiss him. I'm struck by how odd it feels. Usually Rory and I are the tallest animals in a room. Viktor and Vitaly are six inches taller, and heftier than us. And I know I like how he's bigger than me. He smiles at me and I realize I've been staring at him. "Bear Daddy, let's go home, I've been gone so long now, and I want to be home now."I say softly. "It now is our home, you're mine now, the way I always wished you were, Snowflake" he says, and he deep kisses me. He takes my arm. "Rory, we'll see you guys at home" I say. I kiss my brother. Sergei and Nigel leave with us. Rory and Jesse will stay until Bob and Teddy close the bar. It's a Saturday night. And they'll be enough to keep them busy.

We go home. "Viktor, should I get you your own car?" I ask. He smiles. "We'll do that soon, I would not take one when you offered before, I will now as your husband" He says grinning. "Viktor, I want so badly to be Dr Rachalov, will you legally bond me in a year?" I ask cautiously. "You want to take my name, Snowflake, you want me to marry you?" he asks tearing up. "More than I've ever wanted anything, Bear Daddy" I say emphatically. "My Snowflake loves me so much, you have forgiven me totally" he says through his tears. "I want to belong to you completely, I swore to your father, I'd love you, cater to you, and obey you for always" I say quietly. Viktor kisses my paw. "You want to be all to me that I need you to be, I will be good to you, you will make me a good wife, my little Snowflake" Viktor says lovingly.

We get home. Viktor picks me up and carries my inside. "I would carry my wife over the threshold for good luck" he says sweetly. I'm damn near ready to swoon at how easily he picked me up and carried me without strain. "You love it that I am bigger and stronger than you" he says proudly. "I admit it, I love that, and how your bigger body surrounds me when you fuck me"I say. He murrs. And he smiles gently.

"Some have said I am too big, and too big down there, and too rough, only you and Teddy have taken me easily and take me as roughly as I wanted you" he says softly. I blush ."I loved how you completely took possession of me while we fucked the first time" I say softly. "You are mine, you can play with who you please as long as you know I am first in your life." he says. "We spent a painful year close to each other and not together, I'll never leave you, I don't want that pain to return " I say gently "I meant it, Snowflake, I'll kill you before I'll let you belong to another, or merely not belong to me" Viktor says fiercely. I kiss him. "I'm not worried, I cannot leave my Bear husband, I wouldn't want to legally bond you if I didn't know it would be forever, I want to be yours and I want you to be proud of me" I say meekly. "As proud as I am to belong to you, Daddy Bear" I say. Viktor kisses me. "I will always be proud that my Snowflake is mine, and wants to be so badly" he says softly.

I hear a throat being cleared behind me. Dad and Takeru. "Claude, most of the family is waiting in the living room to welcome him and talk to you both" Dad says. "Dad, I love him, can you accept him after what's happened, he had the best of reasons for avoiding me?" I ask tremulously. Dad smiles . "Vitaly explained a lot to us, he was here before you got home, he loves you both, but if his boss told him to he would have killed you both, he was clear on that." Dad says softly. Takeru looks solemn. "Claude, he is a good Lion, but can we trust him, he has killed and he kidnapped you?" Takeru asks. Typically Papa San goes right to the point. Viktor smiles. I see the fire in his eyes though.

"I have been as he was, I too have killed and kidnapped under orders, I was afraid of this, I am retired and so is my brother, he no longer works for them either, I know one day I will be called to account for what I have done for the Russian state, when I die I will make a full account of my life" he says softly "When my Claude took me, and I was released from the KGB, my life started anew, I began again, the love of my Snowflake will be all I need, and I will work hard at the job you gave me, Mr Kitman." he says. "Vitaly has Carl and he too was released, he will start his life over" Viktor says. "Papa San, we should talk"I say.

"You will talk to me here and in front of Jim as well" Takeru says firmly. "Yes, Papa San" I say. I explain what Valentin told me and how he gave Viktor a post hypnotic command making him forget most of his training and tenure as a member of the KGB, and that Vitaly was done too. Viktor is silent but he nods along with my description of what happened. Dad smiles. "I knew you were a good Bear, Sergei had talked to me, I know how you hurt too in order to keep my son safe" Dad says hugging Viktor. Takeru is harder to sort out. I have no idea what he's thinking. Takeru finally smiles at Viktor. "I will relent, you love him so much, I know Claude, he would have thought this out, and if he took you anyway, he must trust in you, so I will too" Takeru says softly. "Thank you, Papa San" I say respectfully. Viktor shows a shy smile. "I will try to make sure you never regret Claude having taken me, either of you" Viktor says earnestly.

Dad takes Viktor's paw and leads us into the living room. Grandpa is silent. Dmitri and Yuri look quietly at us. Both break into big smiles as they see the love in his eyes for me, and that he won't put me down, he's keeping me in his arms. Al is giving Viktor a serious cruise. Micah's smiling. He's noted the love in my eyes for Viktor.

Finally, the questions start. I'm asked where I 've been and what happened. Dad and Takeru have already told them all, but they want to hear what I have to tell them. I tell them about Vitaly and how well he treated me, and how good in bed he was and Viktor tells them the rest. How he was released so he could take me finally. He's quite heartfelt as he talks of how pained he was to be without me. He could not make himself leave here though he thought many wanted him gone because he had hurt me so. But when he tells them he could never be responsible for putting me in danger, he breaks down and weeps. I can see opinions change in their eyes as they watch him. Dmitri and Yuri hug him when he's done. So does Grigori. Nate's hugging him. But I think he wants to see if my Polar Bear is well hung. He looks shocked when he gropes Viktor. Viktor smiles at him. "I will take such a cute Snow Leopard soon, but the next few days are only for my Snowflake" he says softly.

Nate looks at me. "Snowflake?" he asks quizzically. "My Claude is my precious little Snowflake, he loves being my mate, my beloved Snow Bear" he says softly. He's looking at me with so much love. "Claude, he looks at you like Yuri looks at me" Nate says. "I know, I know how lucky I am , he loves me as deeply as Yuri loves you, or as as strongly as Dmitri loves Grigori or as thoroughly as Sergei loves Nigel"I say. Dmitri and Yuri's ears twitch. Grigori smiles at me. He's happy for us. "You guys set such a good example, I knew I only wanted a big Russian male to love me" I say happily. My Russians look at me. I see the pride in their eyes. "I think you've always known it, but I could not live without my Russians, I wouldn't have coped the last year or so without you guys" I say softly. Dmitri and Yuri and Grigori look proudly at me. "And I hope none of you ever leave me" I say quietly.

I go sit on Grandpa's lap. I kiss him. "Claude, I can hardly believe all of this" he says. "You took him, after he hurt you so badly" Grandpa says. "I love him, he hurt as badly as I did, he was trying to protect me, Grandpa, I have been assured that if he was to be sanctioned, I'd of been too, or else captured and used as bait and probably killed to not leave a witness" I say softly. "But they took you anyway, Claude" Grandpa says.

"Grandpa, Vitaly wanted me, he said he would have never met me if not for that, he was good to me, I worried only because y'all didn't know where I was, but he cared for me, he was kind, he's a good Lion" I say. "Claude, I couldn't believe what they told me, you'd been captured by a Russian assassin and would be killed," he says crying. "He was, he was a spy and an assassin, so was Viktor, but they have been released." I say. "It's all over with Grandpa" I say. He holds me tightly and weeps.

"I couldn't stand to lose you, Claude, you or Rory, I was terrified, and now they're here, one has you, and the other has been accepted as family" he says. "Grandpa, I'm sorry you were so scared for me, I was sedated and asleep most of the time, they woke me to feed me and take me to the bathroom, and for Vitaly to fuck me."I say softly. Grandpa lets a small smile show. "He's a big Lion, big as your Polar Bear, you must have enjoyed it" he says softly.

"Grandpa I have to tell you the truth, most of my criteria for a mate was based on you, I couldn't bond my Grandfather, but I would have if I could."I say quietly. "He is like a more masculine me, kind of makes me proud" Grandpa says. "Grandpa, trust him, trust me, he loves me, when he came after me at the safehouse, he offered his life in exchange for them to let me go unhurt, it just happened they had no plans to hurt either of us"I say softly. "He would have let them kill him so I would be let go" I say gently. Grandpa is silent. Finally he looks at me. "Al and you and Rory, I would give my life to protect you and only the three of you" he says. He kisses me and goes off. I think he's softening, he was scared I'd died. And I think he can't understand why I can forgive Vitaly. But he was good to me. He's a good soul. Grandpa's upset. But he's a very fair minded Bear. He'll see in time how much Viktor loves me. And how good of a Lion Vitaly is.

Viktor comes into Dad's study looking for me. "I think Grandpa will be fine with us in a while" I say. "I hope so, he is a truly impressive Polar Bear, I hope to be as good looking as he is when I'm his age" Viktor says smiling. "I am happy, Dmitri and Yuri and Grigori have told my they know I love you and won't hurt you, and they're happy we got together" he says. "They love you so much, and they were good to you, when I could not be, it means much to me that they accept me as your husband" he says happily. He kisses me.

I want to go see Dad. I want to make sure he's really OK with us. I take Viktor's paw and walk him to Dad's bedroom. Dad's talking intently with Takeru and they're both sitting on the bed. We walk in and they stop talking. "Dad, I wanted to make sure you're really OK with us being together?"I ask him. "Claude, I know how you are, you've made up your mind he is for you, nothing I say will affect that" Dad says softly. "I can only hope he loves you, and will be good to you" Dad says.

"Mr Kitman, I do love him, I fell for him when I first saw him, but when I saw I was being followed, I would not risk him, I owed it to him, I hurt us both, but I could not avoid it." Viktor says softly. I'm getting a little annoyed. "Dad, while they had me, I was told in no uncertain terms if he'd of been guilty, I'd of been used to trap him, and they couldn't leave me as a witness, and they would have killed me."I snort. "He hurt me but they would have hurt me worse, he had no other option"I say passionately.

"Takeru, do you think I've made a mistake in taking him,?"I ask him point blank. "I do not, Jim has a concern that I do not share, but Viktor did not lie, he told me all, and I saw how he hurt, he has you now after a year of pain, he will move Heaven and Earth to keep you and keep you happy" Takeru says firmly. Viktor hugs Papa San. "Thank you, sir" he says. "You may call me Papa San like Claude does" Takeru says. "Dad, is there anything we can do to ease your mind?" I ask. "It's enough that you asked, I think time will tell, he seems devoted to you, and he's a great worker, he's streamlined the process of new product approval and through new flavors he's helped us with line extensions" Dad says. "Professionally, he's an amazing Bear" Dad says. "Claude, I'm keeping an open mind and giving y'all a chance, that's the best I can do right now" Dad says. I kiss him. "It's fair enough, Dad, you love me and you don't want me hurting anymore"I say. We hug. Viktor and I leave.

We go to our room. I should have told Dad about Alfred coming. I will in the morning. Viktor tells me he's hungry. I take him to the kitchen. We missed dinner. But I cook for him. My smothered Pork Chops, some garlic mashed potatoes too. There is cake left from dessert. And I make biscuits.

Sergei is out soon. Our big Donkey has a big appetite, He must have been fucking Nigel. (They were fucking, with the tension gone and Sergei able to open up and apologize to Nigel. They've gotten closer again.) Dmitri and Grigori come out sniffing the air. "I made plenty, guys, sit down and eat" I say. "I love your smothered pork chops" Sergei says. "I'm glad my brother in law's happy with how I cook" I say, stroking him between his ears. He closes his eyes and sighs happily. "Misha loves me again" he says. "Sergei, I never stopped, you were the only one who could help him, you tried a few times to let me know how you cared and you told me once how he was doing it for my own good" I say. "You came to me and told me how much you missed me" I say softly. He pulls me into his lap. And he kisses me. "I'm glad you got him, and I have another brother now, I am happier than I have been in a while." Sergei says.

"Sergei, no matter what, don't stay away from me again, I couldn't bear it" I say. He kisses me again. Dmitri laughs. "Misha loves his Russians so, he wants us here and happy" He says. I go over to him and Grigori and kiss them. "I don't know how I would have coped without you and Grigori, any little thing I've done for you two you've more than repaid me" I say. "You guys were my lifeline like Sergei was Viktor's" I say kissing them again. I go over and kiss Yuri. "You either, don't ever leave me, sweet Bull" I say. Viktor smiles. "You do love your Russians, you were happy Vitaly wanted to live with us" he says. "I'm spoiled, the more of you Russians I have around me the happier I am" I say kissing him.

Vitaly walks in sniffing the air. "Sit, brother, eat" Sergei says happily. "Extra meal?" He asks. "My Snowflake went and cooked for me because I said I was hungry" Viktor says grinning. "He is devoted to his Bear, he will cater to you, like you always said you wanted if you were lucky enough to be mated., brother." Vitaly says. "Where's Carl?" I ask Vitaly. He grins. "He is sound asleep, I will have to train him better, we fucked 5 times and he fell asleep" Vitaly says proudly. "You kept putting me to sleep so I can't criticize him" I say smiling. Vitaly leans over and kisses me.

We all eat, and soon Rory, Teddy, Bob and Jesse come home. Rory's snuffling loudly and he walks into the kitchen. I figured they'd be home soon and I cooked more than enough. I fix my Brother and his Grizzly plates. I ask Bob and Jesse if they want food. Jesse gets up and makes a plate for Bob. Viktor and Rory smile at Bob. "Training him already" Rory teases Bob. "Better to get started right away" he says kissing Jesse. Viktor grins. "I did not need to train my beautiful Snowflake, he came to me trained" Viktor says proudly.

Bob laughs. "I'll have to get used to that, you calling big ole Claude Snowflake" he says laughing. Dad comes out and I fix him a cup of coffee. He kisses me and he goes back to his bedroom. It reminds me of something important. Now is the time to talk about the idea I had earlier.

"Sergei, when was the last time you actually saw your father in person?" I ask softly. "It has been ten years, Misha" he says sadly. "Sergei, Viktor, would you like me to bring him over, would he come for a visit at least?"I ask. Sergei hugs me tightly. "I would love it" he says tearing up. "I love our Dad so much I can't imagine being away from him for that long, if you guys want him to come I'll bring him" I say quietly. Viktor kisses me. "You love us so much, if you would I'd love it, I'd love him to meet my little Snowflake" Viktor says happily. "Sergei, call him when you can, see if he'll come, or if he wants to emigrate, either way I'll bring him over" I say happily.

Sergei hugs me. "Misha, I will call in a few hours, see what Dad wants to do" he says. "Tell him I'll get him a bond and he can live here if he wants., or a place of his own if he wants to live here close to his sons" I say.

Sergei smiles. "Misha, you'd do that for our Father?" he asks. "If he wants to stay, and doesn't want to live with us, I would." I say softly. Viktor and Sergei laugh. "What?" I ask. "Dad is bisexual, he always was, and now that our Mothers are gone, he's mostly sleeping with guys, and he'll love you" Viktor says grinning. "If he comes, you and Nigel will have to decide whether you're willing to sleep with your father in law" Sergei says laughing. "Claude sleeps with Rory and Micah when he can, he'll probably not mind that at all" Nigel snarks.

"If my Viktor says I can I probably will" I say quietly. "He looks like a more ruggedly handsome, Gray haired and bearded Sergei, so you will too pretty Badger" Viktor says cracking up. "He will see you and Sergei's Nigel and Yuri's beautiful Snow Cat, plus your brother's Grizzly, and he will want to live with us, and he'll take any of you as often as he can" Viktor says. "Snowflake, if you wish Father, I will proudly let you." Viktor says softly. "He is quite a Donkey, and I love him so" Viktor says smiling. "You love our family very much, Snowflake" Sergei says grinning. "I've certainly loved you and your Brothers anytime I've had a chance" I say laughing. (Sergei and Vitaly will pick up on calling me Snowflake, and so will Yakov when he gets here.)

I'm suddenly struck by how things are now. There is so much joy and happiness and general playfulness now. Like before Viktor came and the tensions started up. Nigel smiles at me. So does Rory. They both have figured out what's going through my mind. But they both seem to know I'm extremely happy at having my Misha.

I take my plates out to the kitchen. And put them in the sink and pre-rinse them before I put them in the dishwasher. Rory comes in with his plates and hugs me. "Claude, he seems to make you happy, and y'all's joy has spread." he says. "Rory, I'm so sorry I upset everyone so much, but you have to know I never could have survived it without my Rory, you loved me, supported me and were always there for me, I can't thank you enough" I say softly. "I know, Babe, you'd of done the same for me" he says softly stroking my muzzle. "Now that I've gotten to know him he's a lot like me." Rory says proudly. I sigh. I'm going to have to tell Rory the truth about the criteria Nigel and I came up with for what I wanted in a mate.

"My criteria for a mate is based on you and Grandpa, didn't know it meant Polar Bear, but I'm happy, only you as my mate would have fit it better."I say softly. Rory hugs me and kisses me. "I know, Babe, if I could have taken you I would have, twin or no twin" he says softly. "Rory, thanks, I needed to hear that somehow, I think I've always unconsciously mourned for that, the most wonderful male I'd ever known, and I could never have him" I say looking into his eyes. Rory smiles and he deep kisses me. "But he'll love you as fiercely and deeply as I would have, and I'll never see you in pain again, he'll work hard to make you happy, Claude" Rory says softly.

He walks off and I go out and collect the dishes and glasses and rinse them, and start the dishwasher and finish cleaning up the kitchen. I'm not tired. Not surprising cause I slept for so long. But I go to our room. Sergei and Nigel are there as well as my Viktor. Viktor and Nigel are making out. Sergei walks over to me as soon as I come through the door. "I want you, not just to thank you for bringing Dad, but I have missed you, you used to give yourself to me whenever I wanted you" Sergei says kissing me. "Nigel wanted Viktor no doubt" I say smiling. I hug Sergei tightly. "I missed my big Siberian Donkey so much, I'll still take you when you want and Viktor says I can" I say quietly.

"Snowflake, you take Sergei and Vitaly and Father when they want you" Viktor says firmly. "Yes, Bear Daddy" I say meekly. "It's not like he asked me to do something I didn't love to do anyway" I whisper to Sergei. He grins. And sticks his tongue down my throat and we tongue kiss passionately. His big Donkey dick is rock hard and drooling precum. He always was messy like that. I think it's so hot. He's drooled precum all over my belly and thighs. "I love how hot my Donkey gets for me" I murr in his ears. He throws his arms around me, and pulls me onto the bed. And rips my clothes off. I wrap my legs around his waist as he gets on top of me. Sergei's got a big grin on his face. "You want me, as much as you always did." He murrs. "Sergei, I want you more, I really missed your fucking" I whisper. He pushes up me to those big low hanging balls of his. "So few can take me to my balls, you, Nigel, and Teddy" He says kissing me. He's fucking me all out. He did miss me. I wrap myself around his big Equine body. "Misha loves to cling to his Donkey while we fuck" he says proudly. Viktor is really giving Nigel a good ride. Nigel's really moaning and trembling.

Sergei kisses me. "I'm glad you're finally together, Misha, he hurt badly, and I know you did as well, he'll love you so much" He whispers to me. "I know, and I'm happy to be related to you, and Vitaly" I say. I can see in his eyes he's close now. He's long dicking me fast and hard. "Give me your foal, Sergei, Viktor would let me bear for you" I tell him. Sergei brays loudly and cums hard. His big balls pumping Donkey seed up me for a whole minute. "You would be happy to go to foal for me" he whispers softly. "I know you wish you could have foals, they'd be beautiful Sergei, and you would be a great Dad." I say. He grins shyly. "I know you love me, Misha, I love you and I know you'll be happy to belong to Viktor" he says.

He kisses me a while and gets up off of me. I'm gushing out Donkey sperm. I've never seen him cum that much . He was hot for me, and hot to breed me. I know he loves me, and he loves Nigel more. He'd breed me if he could. He knows Nigel wouldn't mind, nor would Viktor, if he'd already bred me a time or two. Viktor's orgasmic roar brings me out of my reverie.

Nigel looks done in. Viktor is sweaty and beautiful. "Snowflake, I will take you back now" Viktor says rolling off of Nigel. "I will always take you back as mine when you have been with someone else" he says firmly. I put my legs up for my husband. "Hold still" he orders me. "You look so hot with my brother's sperm drooling out of you" he says proudly. "You said you would bear for me and I would allow you to go to foal for my Sergei" he says kissing me. Sergei grins.

Viktor pushes up me and he's slow and gentle in his fucking. He's kissing me repeatedly. And he's stroking my body. His huge paws are so tender and gentle in how they touch me. He's really making me hot. He cums in a while. Nigel and Sergei look sleepy. When my Viktor pulls out of me, he curls himself around me and we drop off to sleep.

And our first day as a couple ends happily.