Sergei and Claude 3

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#54 of Claude gay stories

Claude runs off in panic fearing he'll never get Sergei. Sergei has Claude 'brought back'mby force and they bond and fuck.

I go out and sit and have coffee. No one else is here. Either up and gone or not up yet. I miss Dad. I could at least talk to him about this. I feel lost and unsure of myself. He has to care, those flowers weren't cheap either. I look at the ring on my paw finger. He seems to want me, but that call. His words did sting me. 'I didn't ask you to fall for me', what the Fuck could that mean? Does he care about me or does he want to just fuck me? And which would I prefer he want? He's married, and he has kids, and he'll never be fully mine.

Jonas was right, I'll just forget him and go on with my life. Fat chance. I keep seeing him when I close my eyes and I have his scent lingering in my nostrils. I keep hearing his deep, rumbly voice in my head. Just the way he calls me Katya makes me weak in the knees. My head says forget him, or fuck him and move on, my heart isn't listening at all. It wants him to be mine forever. It belongs to him already to my shame. I briefly think about the fine line between love and obsession. And how often I've crossed it. And I do feel a bit better now.

Jonas was right, no matter what happens I need to be proud that I'm starting on my way to maybe doing this 'right'. To know to wait until it's right. But I have to play this out. I keep feeling somehow I'm meant to be his. And am afraid of him not being free to take me. To be the male meant for me and never be able to take him to me.

But he wants me to call him. Do I dare? "I'll never know unless I do" I say to no one in particular. No one else is here. I take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, and I call Sergei. "Katya!" he says joyously. "I am again sorry, I would not want to ever hurt you" he says apologetically. "Sergei, you hurt me badly when you said you never asked me to love you, what the fuck do you want from me?"I say trying to not get mad. "Do you want me as just a piece of ass, a regular trick, or might you want more from me?" I ask trying not to give myself away totally. (Much too late, Sergei's got my number now, he's beginning to understand how much I do love him and want him as mine)

"Katya, I do not know what I want from you right now, I first thought I only wanted in your ass, and then I thought I wanted to fuck you regularly, but now, I am not sure" he says quietly. "Knowing you truly loved me, and would put so much aside for me, so I would not hurt my wife and sons, tells me how deeply you do love me" he says softly. "And you want me for me, true, you do not yet know me well, but you love the Polar Bear, not the Ambassador or the rich Russian Emigre, you want Sergei Rachalov for who he is inside" he says obviously impressed. "And you are charming, funny, warm and so beautiful of a Lion" he murrs. "You are all I would want in a mate, Katya" he says softly.

"So where do we go from here?" I ask sadly. "I do not know, I can do nothing now, I can not even fuck you until I have finished taking the antibiotics" he says. "Do you want me to fuck you?" he asks firmly. "I do, very much, Sergei, I'm almost desperate to feel you inside of me." I say softly. "If sex is all I can give you, then I will be happy with that" I say quietly. "Nyet, you have given me much already, I think" he says softly. "Katya, I will call you soon, I need to think over this, you deserve to be treated better than I have treated you and there must be something out there for us" he says thoughtfully. "Do not feel sad, Katya, life will work itself out" he says and he hangs up. Oh just great. Now I have no clue as to what the Hell will happen.

I sit and I fume. I know I need to get out of here for a while. I go get dressed. And I go to my car and I drive. Purposeless, and direction less, I just drive. I hole up in a motel in Santa Rosa Saturday night. I sit and watch TV and I go get food and I eat and I try not to think of my Polar Bear. Damn it, he's not even mine, he'll never be mine, he belongs to his wife and kids. I lay on the bed and I cry for a while.

I look at my cell. No one has called me, it's on, but has none of my family even noticed I'm gone? I have never felt this alone and I hurt. I'm seriously obsessed with this Damned Russian Bear. Why? Why so much over literally nothing? He might care, but even if he does he can't act on it. I have to stop this. I take a Valium and I go to sleep. And in the morning, I eat breakfast at an IHOP and I drive home.

I get home about noon Sunday. I go in and I go to my room. Alfred brings me a Diet Pepsi. "Where did you go?" he asks. "I just had to get out of here" I say softly. "Claude, he doesn't know what to do either" Alfred says. I nod. "It is as I always told you, move forward and if it is meant to happen it will" Alfred says holding me tightly. I break down and cry. "I have no choice do I?" I ask. "No, Claude, unfortunately, you don't" he says softly. "Well, I can be amazing when I have no other choice" I say softly. I go out and sit in the hot tub a while.

And I feel so bad. I am acting like a fool. I don't really even know Sergei at all. I have fallen for him. And yet all I have is the way he makes me feel to hold on to. And I don't even know why I love him so much. I have to pull myself together. I'm an adult, and I'm a Physician, I'm a grown up, and not a silly little school girl with a crush. I've got to stop being this way. I have to lower my head and go on. Move forward and hope for the best. But I ache to hear his voice again, or to feel those massive arms wrapped around me. I long to hear him call me Katya again, in that soft and loving tone of voice he uses when he does. But I will not call him. He said he had to think all of this over. I have to move on. Odds are that this is just going to hurt me really badly no matter how it goes. Wanting a male I can't have. Love at first sight is a real bitch. Just my luck anyway. I finally find a male who's all I could want and that I love, and even though he probably loves me too, he'll never belong to me. And even if he ever comes to me as mine, I'll feel the guilt of taking him from his wife and kids and be devastated anyway. I don't think I can win here in any way.

The day passes slowly, but I'm more than ready to go to the office come Monday morning. I have a full slate of appointments and I'm glad. My ARNP, a happy, easy going Snow Leopard, named Nate Porter asks me if we could take him and his Russian Bull lover in. As they hate where they're living. I tell him to call his Yuri Petrov and give him my address and they can move in. I call Alfred and I tell him that I'm letting Nate and Yuri move in.

Nate tells me at lunch, Yuri's got their stuff and has moved them in. Alfred, like me, speaks Russian, so Yuri is happy to feel understood. Yuri is a big Gray Siberian Bull. And he's got the sweetest disposition. He's a big beautiful Bull. Tall and stocky with Deep Blue eyes. And he adores Nate, just the way I want someone to love me one day. He and Miguel are friends and they work out together.

I keep busy the rest of the day. And it helps. I'm hardly thinking of Dr Rachalov at all. I'm wearing the ring still. I like it, and it does match my eyes and some of my patients have even commented on it. I like it and I'm going to keep it. And I go on. Every day that passes I think about Sergei less and less. It's only late at night, when I'm in bed alone that I ache for him now. I'm dreaming about him. About being his mate. Not just sexual dreams, but about life with my huge, and beautiful Russian Polar Bear. And we're so happy.

Two weeks have passed. And I've stopped thinking of that big Polar Bear for the most part, except in the middle of the night. The ring though, the ring still binds us together and reminds me of him and how he had to of cared to buy it and send it to me. But I can't bring myself to take it off either. Somehow it connects us still. I can feel him still when I look at it. It is one of my few sources of comfort. I've tried to talk to Nigel about this. He thinks I'm being silly to keep hoping to get a married Bear. He tries to encourage me to forget Sergei. Rory listens to me and he tries to help. But he can't understand why I still love Sergei so much. Alfred helps a bit. He keeps telling me to go on with my life, and if we're meant to be together somehow, we will be. And to let go and move forward.

Jonas, well, Jonas keeps talking to me about how self destructive getting involved with a married male can be. Like I don't know that already. Dad's still gone on his extended business trip. I know he's spending time with a guy he likes. I wish he'd just bond Harry and move him home. I like Harry, and he'd be a good mate for Dad. Harry Belford is a big Bengal Tiger. A few years younger than Dad. He's solid built and very attractive. Dad's just not wanting to settle down yet I guess. So different than me. But then he had Mom and then lost her. Who knows what goes on in his head concerning settling down again? I'm the age Dad was when he got married, same as Rory was when he bonded Teddy. Maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with settling down of late? No, it can't be that simple. Sergei's shaken something in my soul loose, and made me think of being mated now. I feel like part of me is missing now. A big part at that. (I'll find out later that this is when Sergei realizes a big part of him is missing too, but unlike me, he knows what it is and how to get it back)

At the end of the week, I'm very much looking forward to the weekend. Friday afternoon passes very slowly. I'm working on paperwork between patients. Jeanie again brings in a package. The note in it is in Russian and is from Sergei. "I am to come to see you today, I have much to talk to you about" he says. I open the package. Jeanie gasps. It's a really big diamond ring. Has to be over a carat and a half. It almost looks like a chunk of ice. And when I pick it up I see it's designed to fit around the Sapphire/Diamond ring as part of a set. I put it on. The note underneath says "Please think carefully, Katya, do not think of me being married, nor of my having children, think only if you would take this Russian Bear into your heart and take him to you forever" it says. "Your Sergei has been miserable without his Katya, afraid to even call him, for how he has hurt his Lion already." it says. I weep. But I can't take him. Not if he's married, and wanting me on the side.. I said I would but I know in my heart I can't. I'll live without him somehow. Just have no idea how yet.

I call Jonas and we talk. He agrees that I shouldn't let myself just be Sergei's 'piece on the side'. But, he like me sees no way around it, he has kids and he is married. And we talk about a lot. He's proud of me for moving forward and trying to let go of this attachment. But he thinks I have to put my foot paw down and get him out of my life if indeed we have nowhere we can go with our relationship. Some relationship. We've never been intimate, I've only treated him as a patient so far. I haven't even seen him fully naked yet. And I have to admit I don't really know who Sergei Aloshya Rachalov is yet. But my heart stubbornly refuses to let go of its love for him. I love him as much as I did when first I saw that big Polar Bear.

And I know now, where my Russian Polar Bear is concerned, I have no pride. I'll take whatever he's willing to give me in terms of love and affection. And I feel ashamed to acknowledge that even just to myself. I'd think I had too much pride and integrity to be his 'mistress', but to my shame, I know I'll go running to him if he asks me to be his, even though he will stay with his wife. It truly is a fine line between a deep love and an obsession. Just trying to think of life without him hurts too badly to contemplate. I've got it bad for Sergei. And I am shamed more by the fact that he knows it so thoroughly. I'll be solely at his mercy, if he wants me, he knows I'll go to him. No matter what the circumstances.

And I'm not sure what to do now, though I guess I should stay away from him.. If he does come, I guess I have to see him. I owe him that much, maybe he has figured a way to have me. Though I'd feel guilty about taking him from his wife and kids. I really can't win here. And I'm grateful when Horst comes in and sits down. "Mein Claude, you are fretting over this Polar Bear still?" he asks. I bring him up to date."I see, do you love him?" Horst asks. I nod. "Why?' he asks. I tell him what I told Jonas. "I see" he says. "Do you trust your heart, Claude?" Horst asks. "I think I do" I say softly. "If you do indeed love him, then you owe it to him and your heart to listen to him, he may indeed want you for good, or he may be making your choices for you in one of several ways" Horst says. "But none of this will you know unless you let him talk to you" he adds. "You will always regret it if you do not talk to him, your happiness now lies in the paws of another" Horst says hugging me. "You have never liked that, that your fate is in someone else's paws, but you know after you see him, that you will know where you stand" Horst says hugging me tightly. "I guess, Horst, I just don't know what I can do" I say sadly. "You can do nothing, Claude, the two of you can do a lot, but you alone can do nothing" Horst says firmly. "He has the power in this situation, and you respond to feeling helpless with anger" Horst says stroking my mane. "Liebchen, you will know all soon, let go, put yourself in the paws of fate, you know things will go as they are meant to" he says softly. I nod. I sigh loudly. Horst leans across the desk and takes my paw. "I know, Liebchen, you want so badly for someone to love you like Jeb loves me, you see in this Russian Bear so much, he is like Jeb, big and happy natured, he is much like Rory too, you see so much in him that you want desperately, and you see how he makes you feel, I hope it does work out, I would love to see you made happy by a male who is worthy of you and who will love you deeply and fiercely" Horst says. I smile. "Thank you, Meister Horst, I needed to hear that" I say softly. My door opens.

And then Sergei walks in. And now that I've seen him again, I know for sure that I love him. If I can't have him, I'll try to go on. My heart will break and I'll recover one day, I hope. He's all smiles, and looking so happy and confident. My big, beautiful Polar Bear. His Deep Green eyes are twinkling at me. "Claude, you wear my rings still." he says joyously. I blush. He pulls me to him. "I have much to discuss with you, I have found what is in my heart, and what is out there for me and my beloved Lion" he murrs. I back up and I introduce him to Horst. He smiles. "Katya, we must speak now, we have much to settle between us" he says firmly. I fight tears, his arms around me felt too good. My heart wants me to throw myself back into them. But my Leonine pride won't allow it. I won't go to meet my fate quite that easily.

"I will have you as mine" he says firmly. "You're married with kids, I don't see how I can be yours" I say softly. "Katya, let me speak, let me find the words to tell you how it will be now." he says firmly. Those Green eyes are lit up with fire as they look into my Sapphire Blue ones. He means business here what ever he's about to say. I sit meekly. Horst gets up and kisses me and he leaves. He stops at the door. "Mein Claude, I am right next door if you need me" he says softly. And he walks out and shuts the door behind him.

"I will not have you only 'on the side' as you put it, you love me, and you would wait for me I am thinking, you would love me enough to go on when I could not be with you, but I cannot do that to you" Sergei murrs in my ear. "But you are married" I say sounding more anguished than I meant to. "I am, and I have sons, but I can still be yours, Katya" he says putting his big paw on my shoulder. "I can't see how" I say softly. "She is my wife, true, and I do care for her, but she has my sons, so I cannot abandon her, I must take care of her as I swore to" he says smiling. "I see" I say softly. I fight the rising wave of panic in my heart, he's gonna tell me he can't leave her to take me. The pain is blocking everything out at the moment. . "Claude, I love you, I know this." Sergei says taking my paw and kissing it.

My heart is breaking. I can't see anyway out of this that won't make me suffer. "I fell for you when we first met, but I did not see it, but you stood up to me, and you told me you cared, and you would not force me to choose" Sergei says. "You said you would wait for stolen moments with me, but I could not leave you with mere crumbs of my affection, Katya" he says firmly. "Do you think you mean that little to me?" he says gruffly. "I don't know what I think, Sergei, you want me and you are married and I want you but I can't break up your marriage and hurt your kids, it would be selfish of me" I say crying. I can't fight the panic off anymore, and I hurt so bad now. I'm not really hearing what he's said. If I had of I'd of been comforted, I'm too overwhelmed at the mere thought of losing him. Though I've never really had him. I'm trembling, and I know I have to get out of here. No matter what happens as a result. I can't stay here and watch him walk away from me for good. "Katya, listen to me" he growls. I pull his rings off, I feel a surge of emotional pain as I do. And I toss them at him and while he catches them. I run past him. I hear him roaring at me to stop, but I don't, I keep running. I run down the stairs into the garage, and get in my Mercedes S560 and I drive off. And I head for the Interstate. On some instinct I drive in a North West direction. I could lose myself in the Bay Area.

And I keep driving. I feel almost like I'll lose no matter what I do, no place really to go, I'm trying to outrun the pain, and I know, deep in my heart, that I can't. I keep driving until I reach San Jose and I sit on a beach, and I look out at the Pacific Ocean for a while. I've gone as far West as I can. And the pain is still here. And it feels awful. After the sun goes down it gets cold. So I go find a motel and I check in. Now I have the pain of losing Sergei plus the shame of running and not hearing him out. He'll never talk to me again. He has to hate me now. I didn't just lose him, I threw him away. I should have stayed. Being 'on the side' has to be better than the pain of losing him for good. I have never felt this much pain in my life. I wish I could just die now. And I briefly wonder if I should have just walked into the ocean and drowned myself. My life feels as if it's at an all time low. I have no idea of how to go on having lost my Polar Bear.

My cell rings. Nigel's very upset. "Claude, where are you?" he asks. "I'm up in San Jose in a Comfort Inn, I had to run, I know that Sergei was telling me he was going to stay with his wife" I say softly. "Wot?" he asks. I update him. "He was here Claude, he was angry and upset and he wanted to know where we thought you'd go" Nigel says. "Claude, he told me he had tried to tell you a lot of things, but you got upset and threw his rings at him and ran" Nigel says. "Claude, he begged me to help him, he told me he loved you, and he would be yours forever, if you'd just take him" Nigel says softly. "And share him with his wife and kids?" I ask. "No, he talked about living here with us if you'd take him" Nigel says. "What?" I ask. "How can he?" I ask. "I don't know Claude" Nigel says."Claude, he cried so hard, and he told Rory he couldn't live without you" Nigel says quietly. "I have to sort this out, Thank God it's the weekend" I moan. "I gotta call Jonas, Nigel" I say softly. "Call me and let me know how you are, Claude" Nigel says. "I will" I answer.(I never get the chance to)

I call Jonas. "I know, he's been to see me, he's gonna have you brought back, he said, though I don't know what he meant by that" Jonas says. "You should have stayed and listened to him, Claude" Jonas says firmly. "Why, he told me he had his wife and kids, and though he said he loved me, I knew he would not leave her." I say. "Claude, he cares about her, but he does not love her like he loves you, she is a lesbian who wanted kids as much as he did, but he is not Bi" Jonas says. "He desperately wanted sons, and so they decided to marry just so they could have kids, and she bore him five sons" Jonas says. "He has five Polar Bear sons, oldest is 12 now, and the youngest is 5" Jonas says. "He loves them, but he said he can still love them and have you too" Jonas says quietly.

"He had to be so careful, he was as afraid of being wanted only for his money or prestige, but he knew you only wanted him, you had money and were happy in your own life, except you wanted him as yours" Jonas says. "Once he knew how deeply you loved him, he went to her, and they talked, he has gotten them all Bonds and he has bought her a house and she will keep the kids and be supported, he will still work at the Embassy, but he is a resident alien now, he wants you, Claude, not her" Jonas says."He will see his sons as often as he can, but he is wanting to be with you, he almost broke down completely when you ran, he was prepared to beg you to take him, and you ran away, Claude." Jonas says firmly. "But he is firm that you will not run from him again" Jonas adds. I'm stunned speechless. No mean feat that. "But by running you showed him how much he needs you to be happy, Claude" Jonas says. "He's decided it's time to be firm with you he said" he tells me.

"His wife has a lover of her own, and is happy, she wants him happy with you too, Claude, and he will see his kids as often as he can, but he loves you and he fully intends to get you as his, no matter what." Jonas says softly.

"Why?" I ask. "He trusts you, he cared for you, and he knew how you cared for him, he was shook when you told him you would love him and if necessary wait for moments you could be together, he told me he'd never had anyone care that much for him, to be willing to deal with that pain and not willing to hurt his wife and kids, or make him choose, and he was going to explain all of this, but he did not have the chance when you ran, and he was not sure of how to tell you anyway" Jonas says. "He forgot I speak Russian too?" I ask. "He was so scared you'd not take him then, and got furious when you ran from him, and enraged he went to your house, and Rory and Nigel told him how gone on him you were" he says. "He knew then why you ran, you had convinced yourself you would lose him and you couldn't cope" Jonas says. "He was upset that you would not listen to him, and he's now very intent on making you listen, he said" Jonas adds. "He's going to be the Boss, Claude, he's determined to have you, and to have you mind him" Jonas says laughing. "He said he'd tried to court you, and you ran, so now you get courted forcefully, he'll put you where you have no choice but to be his" Jonas says laughing.

"Claude, he has known in the back of his mind all along, how much he's wanted you, he's firm and he's decisive, and when he knows what he wants, then he goes after it hard" Jonas says "He's used to getting what he wants, and he wants you, for good" Jonas says softly.."He swore he'd do whatever he had to do to get you as his mate." Jonas tells me. "He will be good for you, he'll keep you happy and in line" Jonas says laughing."You want to be dominated, we've discussed that at times, and he'll dominate you, but he's sworn to consider your needs too" Jonas says still laughing. I'm ashamed now. And Jonas and I talk about that shame. And I know Sergei loves me now, even I can't deny it anymore. He's adjusted his life to make sure he gets me and can stay with me. I am kind of amazed as it shows how much I must mean to him. I have to show him the same amount of thought and devotion or I'm not worthy of the massive amount of love he obviously has in his heart for me. I have to make this up to him some how. He's already shown me more devotion than anyone I can think of, except Dad, Alfred, Rory and Nigel. And with them it's familial. This big Polar Bear wants me so much. I misjudged him, and I have wronged him too. He deserved better and I should have heard him out. If I had of he'd of given me everything I had ever wanted out of life as his mate.

He's larger than life. And he does want me, it explains the rings, he was telling me how much I meant to him already . Can I cope? Am I really worthy of him? He's got more money than I do. I did look that up, he's got a couple hundred million more than I do. I have always used my money for those I love. It's how I could so easily accept the rings he gave me. I think of him, and I cry. Why did I have to run? I'd of been so happy now, I'd of had him, and we would have made love and been so happy by now. And what did Jonas mean about 'he'd have me brought back'? Or make sure I'd never run again? I am tired or else I'd check out and go home and find him. But I am too tired to go home now. Four to five solid hours of driving is beyond me now.

I think briefly of calling him, and begging him to forgive me for running away. But I'm ashamed and I don't want to hear his voice and be so far away from my Russian Polar Bear. I just want to throw myself in his arms and beg him to forgive me, and take me to him forever. My heart was right, I need to apologize to it I guess. Or listen to it from now on. No matter, I have to wait until tomorrow and then drive home and go find my Polar Bear, but at least I know now he is my Polar Bear. I could be very happy right now if I hadn't stupidly run from him.

I am getting hungry and I shower and dress. And I go out to my car. "Are you Dr Kitman?" A big Russian accented Siberian Tiger asks me. "I am, why do you wish to know?" I ask. "Someone needs you to come home now" he says and I get hit on the head from behind. I've fallen to the ground. And when I look up there is a huge Lion with a blackjack speaking to the Tiger in Russian. I'm too groggy to understand them. And I am picked up effortlessly and bound in leather restraints. And gagged. I struggle but they're too strong and they hold me tightly.

And then I'm blindfolded and stuffed into the backseat of my car. I can tell it's my car, and they rummage through my pockets for the keys. They don't want me to know who they are, but I know I can identify them by their scents. In any other situation, their Big Cat musk would have me aroused as Hell. They're both sweaty and that musk permeates the car. They were both good looking, large muscled Big Cats.

I'm really scared for a bit, and then I realize. This is what Sergei meant by 'having me brought back'. And I am a bit less scared. But this must be Russian mafia goons at work. I've read of how they do this. The leathers hold the victim but do no permanent damage. And they do this to take rich folks like me for ransom. And I have to wonder how Sergei did this. And I wonder if I really want to know. I try to relax, I know I'm not getting out of this any other way than when they let me out.

And I'm curious as to why they took my car, if anyone knows I'm missing, the cops will be looking for my also missing car. If they meant to hurt me they would have already. And if they were sent by Sergei to bring me home they wouldn't damage their cargo.

I know how long it'll take to drive to Sacramento if that is where they're taking me. And I'm glad I went to the bathroom before I left. Their musk is getting stronger. And it's full of testosterone. They're aroused by me. Maybe I'm about to be raped and killed? No, them being Russian would be too big of a coincidence, and by him asking me who I was they knew who they were looking for. I try to relax a bit. I'm not bound so tightly that my muscles are hurting yet.

I feel the car coming to a stop. And I'm puzzled, we haven't been driving more than a few moments I know. They've stripped me through the restraints. I'm buck naked now. To keep me from running if I get loose somehow? And I feel a needle sticking into my bared behind. And I sleep. They had to of sedated me.

I sleep for God only knows how long. And when I wake. I'm sitting behind the wheel of my car, and I'm in the parking garage of my office building. I'm dressed in shorts and a tank top and bare foot pawed. And the clothes aren't mine. But they fit. And there is a heck of a lot of cum seeping out of my ass. Theirs? They were both cute. A huge hard muscled pair of Big Cats from what little I saw. IF they did fuck me, I sure would have liked to be awake enough to experience it.

And there is a note on top of the dash board. "Go to your office as soon as you wake" it says in Russian. And I know it's in Sergei's handwriting. I take my key fob and get out and lock my car, and I go in. I unlock the door to the stairs and I go up to my office. I unlock my outer office door. And I go in.

I go to my office. Sergei is sitting in my chair. Smiling at me. "How?" I ask. "You do not wish to know this" he says grinning. "Merely know that I called in some favors, Katya" Sergei says smiling. "Russian Mafia?" I ask. He smiles. "They do not like that label" he says smiling. "Former KGB is more like it anyway, working for private clients and occasionally me" he says. "No more than you and your father keeping Anya and Una on retainer" he says smiling. "So you know we have 'the girls' on retainer?"I ask. "They love your father, he is their 'Daddy Lion' and they think much of you and him" Sergei says. He smiles. "I told your Jonas I would have you home any way I could" he says firmly. "He told me you said I'd be brought back somehow" I say. "I merely arranged to retrieve that which is mine" he growls gently.

He grabs my left paw, and he puts his Diamond and Sapphire rings on my left ring finger. "As of this moment, Claude, you completely belong to me, you are my most valuable piece of property" he says sharply. "I will love you, and I will be good to you, but you are totally mine, that is what being my mate entails, Katya" he says looking into my eyes. "I wish you to be who you are, Baby Lion, but you will not run from your Bear again, I will have you dragged back if you do so" he says firmly. "Everytime you run from your Bear you will be dragged back to me this way, so it is worth your while to stop running, next time I may let them do more than just fuck you." he says looking at me.

"You were blinded by your pain, and you ran, and you would not listen to me, we both have suffered because you ran, we would be extremely happy now, instead we were both hurt and I had to track you down, this is not acceptable" he says firmly. "You let them fuck me?" I ask. "They brought you back quickly, and you were unhurt and I wished to thank them for taking such good care of my Lion, they enjoyed you tremendously" he says smiling. "I wanted to take you after, but I wanted you awake for when we bonded" Sergei says. "And you will bond me when I take you, we both know it" he says firmly.

"I was scared, you basically had me kidnapped" I snort. "I did" he says. "You are mine now, as you said you would be, I was merely reclaiming my most prized possession" he says sharply. "I know you were scared, but they treated you well, they had to do what they did, but they were very gentle with you, and they sedated you so you would not be at risk" Sergei says quietly. "They did not wish to hurt you, Ivan wished to apologize for having to hit you even once" he murrs.

"Why my car?" I ask. "I wished you to have it back here with you, I have called and paid for the room and they took what little you had with you out of the room and gave the clerk the key card, no loose ends there, Katya" Sergei says smiling. "Katya, they called me and begged me to let them take you, so I did, they fucked you in the motel before you left, and again here, they really liked you a lot, so they took extra care with you" Sergei says smiling. "I only vaguely remember them, a big hot Lion and a gorgeous well built Tiger" I say softly. Sergei laughs.

"So that is your punishment for running from me, you have been taken twice, hard and well, by two gorgeous big Cats but you will not remember it" he says laughing hard. I blush. "Grigori and Ivan have begged me if I ever let you go, that I should let them have you" Sergei says laughing. "You just may see them again, if I need to have you protected from harm" Sergei says. "They'd give their all to keep you safe just for the chance to take you again" he murrs. "Grigori and Ivan are lovers and they would both take you to them, you'd be the permanent bottom they've always wanted" Sergei says laughing. I try to remember them better. I think I'd be happy to belong to such hot Russian Big Cats.

"Sit" he snaps. I sit in the chair across from my desk. "Now, as I was saying before you interrupted me by running" he says. "I have spoken with my wife, she has her female lover and they will live in the home I bought for them and my sons, and I will live with you" he says firmly. "I will see my sons, and I will decide if I wish them to come see me at your house" he says softly. "I will see them frequently, and this is a given" he says. I nod. "I never wanted to keep you away from your sons" I say softly. "I know, you would have sacrificed your heart for my boys" he says proudly. "It is how I knew how deeply you did love me, you would not disrupt my home and my happiness solely for your own feelings" he says. "You must love me much" he says looking into my eyes. I sigh. "I can see so much love in those beautiful Blue eyes" Sergei murrs. I blush. I haven't said much as I am not sure how I feel about what he's said so far. Part of me loves knowing he wants me so much that he's seemingly willing to do anything to keep me with him.

"Katya, I am to be Boss here, I will not tell you how to handle your practice, and I will not abuse you, but I will be minded, and I will have to be away at times, I may not be able to explain all I do, this has to do with my work for the government of the nation state of Russia" he says softly. "And you will be safer not knowing more than I will be able to tell you, Katya" he says softly. I nod. I have no idea what I could say now anyway.

"Know only that I do not wish to be away from you one minute more than I have to be, not having you with me has hurt me, once I knew how much I needed my Lion" Sergei says. "Jonas said you were very used to getting and having your own way" I say softly. "Da, I am, but I will be good to you, I need you so much, and I will do anything I can to please you, I cannot be happy without my Katya" he says leaning over the desk to kiss my cheek. "I can make you a very happy Lion, and I will give my all to make you happy as my mate." he says softly.

"My wife was right in what she told you, I am a very horny Bear, and I will want you often, and I expect you to take me when and where I want you, I will have sex with others, but I will tell you if I do, and I will let you play, but you will tell me, or else" he says firmly. "Or else what?" I snap. "Katya, you will not challenge me all the time" he says standing up to tower over me.

"I know what your Jonas said, you hate feeling powerless, but you are not, only you have the key to this Russian Polar Bear's heart, and I will try hard to please you, I would give you the world, Katya" he says earnestly. "I know you have your family, and your own money" Sergei says. "Your Brother and your Badger love you much, so does your Brother's mate" Sergei says. "Your Rory is an impressive Polar Bear" Sergei says smiling. "My Lion is cared for by many, and he is also a very caring Lion himself" he says softly.

And he takes my paw. "I am imperious I know, I wish my own way, but talk to me, I would have done anything to make you secure with me, and I cannot have you running when hurt, Jonas swore he'd try to help you over that, and I hope for your Sergei's sake, that you will try" he says. "I hope you can learn to talk to your loving Bear when you hurt so, I would do anything to ease your soul, my love." he says kissing my paw. "I'm so sorry, Sergei, if I hadn't of been so stupid we'd of been happy now, and you wouldn't have had to chase me down" I say sadly. He takes my chin in his paw and makes me look into his eyes. "No, not stupid, the thought of me not being yours hurt you so badly you went momentarily crazy, I could see the panic in your eyes, my Claude, and it was because you loved me so" he says softly. "Just know, firm and domineering or not, I love you enough to do anything you need of me, just talk to me, I would have reassured you of what I had done so I could belong to you" Sergei says quietly. I nod. I have very little I can say now.

"Anything you wish to ask of me before I bond you for good?" he asks. "No, just keep your word to me, and I will strive to ask and not challenge my Lord Polar Bear" I say quietly. He murrs and has the biggest smile on his face. "Good attitude, treat me as your loving Lord Polar Bear" he murrs. And he sits on the floor and pulls me into his lap. And he kisses me, those black soft lips press into mine. And I faint into him. He's stroking my mane and weeping softly on my shoulder. "You are finally mine, it feels like forever since I first knew I loved you so" he murrs in my ear. "I had never felt the love such as you gave me, from the first, you were kind and sympathetic, and I could see in your eyes how much you wanted me, but you did not just want my big Polar Bear dick" he murrs. "You were after my heart, and then and there, I could do naught but give it to you, Little Lion" he murrs. "I will take good care of your heart as I know you will of mine, Katya" he says quietly.

"I will love you with all of the fire and passion in my soul, Claude, I know I can be a bit overbearing at times, but I love you so" he says kissing me as I wake. "Sergei, I love you, I didn't want to change you or change your life, I just want to make sure you won't regret leaving home for me" I say quietly. He grins. "Never, I have you and I have my children as well, and my wife and I care for each other, as two who have had sons together, and we get along well" he says. "She respects you too, you were good to her, the hormones helped her, not only with the acne but with the pain and cramps" Sergei says. "She has said you will always be welcome with me at her and my sons' home" he says grinning. "She was happy to know you loved me" he says smiling at me. "She wanted me as loved as she is by her own mate" Sergei says happily. "You are all that I ever could have wanted, though I did not know it at the very first" he says softly.

"Claude, I am a Doctor, I am what you would call a GP here in America, but I have not gotten my MD license here, I have worked for the Government for so long now, and I am happy with what I do, but I find the using the title Dr has an effect on Americans" he says smiling. I put my arms around his huge neck and I kiss him. "We have a Doctor in the family, me, and Nigel as well, and Vladimir will be one soon" I say softly. "I saw him as I left, he is a huge and handsome Grizzly" Sergei says. "He's a great guy, and he works so hard to get through school" I say. "I thought you had paid for it, and got him to move in with you" he asks. "I did, but he's trying to master English too" I say. He smiles. "It is not easy to learn, I learned young, our father taught all of us" he says smiling. "You speak Russian very well, Katya" he says proudly. "You were meant to be mine, I have waited all of my 36 years for you to come to me" he murrs. "Presented with you, I had to face myself, I could see how deep your love for me was, you were willing to do much, just to be mine, and I soon realized that my life was incomplete without you, Katya" he murrs.

"Now, to the job at hand" he says sharply and he rips my shorts and top off of me. And he pulls his clothes off. He's rock hard and he's massive, bigger than he seemed in the ER. He's got to be at least 24". And it's Jet Black and his sheath is as White as his fur. "I will never hurt you, Katya, I know I am big, but I will not hurt my Baby Lion" he murrs in my ear. "I know, you won't" I purr and he pushes slowly up me. He stops when he's half way in. "I will let you get used to my size" he says in Russian. I wrap my arms around his thick neck and I push back on him til I have him up to the base of that huge Polar Bear dick. I wrap my legs around his thick waist. "I do not hurt you?" he moans. "No baby" I moan. "I have never been all the way inside someone" he moans gratefully. "It feels magnificent, my love" he growls. "You were made for me" he says humbly. "I love you, Sergei" I moan as he pulls back a bit. "I love my Katya, with all of my heart and soul" he says kissing me. And he begins to move a bit more in me. It's like a freight train getting up to speed. Slow, and gradual. And soon he's deep dicking me when he sees I can handle his length and girth. He's murring loudly.

"Kiss me" he grunts. And I deep kiss him. He trembles and convulses and I feel him shooting up me hard. It feels like a he's shot a gallon of Polar Bear sperm in me. And I faint again. And when I wake, I know I'll be his as long as I live. And I weep gently. "I know, Katya, I feel it too, we are as one now" he murrs. "I wish yours to be the paw I hold as I leave this life, my Katya will be at my side as long as he draws breath, I know this to be true" he murrs. I nod.

He starts to pull out. And I wrap my tail around his waist and beg him not to. "I'm too heavy for you, Katya" he says firmly. "No, I love feeling you on top of me, please" I beg. He grins. "You don't want me off or out of you" he murrs. "Would you let me mount you and keep taking you until I just can't anymore, Katya?" he asks. "If that is what my Lord Polar Bear wants, I'd love it" I say submissively. He murrs loudly. "Meant for me" he says proudly. "One more and then we must go home, I am tired and we have much to do, my things should be there from the Embassy and I will have to adjust to being home with my Lion" he says softly. "Your Alfred has told me he will have our things moved into the bigger room we need now, Katya" he says quietly. "If it is what my Lord wishes" I say quietly. "I wish you to be submissive but I do not wish to have a slave, I want you to defer to me though, but you must be your own Lion, my love" he says quietly. I nod. "I do understand, Sergei, it's a fine line but I think I see it, be myself, yet know when my Lord needs me to defer to him" I say quietly. "Always in bed and when it's important to me" he says softly. I smile. "What if I'm under you and we're not in bed?" I tease him. He grins. "We'll find our way together, Sergei, just talk to me, I have to get better at that but I see, if I can just tell you, we can work it out" I say happily. He smiles and kisses me gently. "I will try, Katya, I want to keep my love happy with me" he says softly.

He nuzzles my neck. And he begins to move inside of me again. I growl and moan as he works his huge dick in me. I yowl and I squeeze his massive dick with my ass and he grunts. And he smiles and he starts talking dirty to me in Russian. And it lights me up even more. I lean up and I lick his chest to lap up his sweat. He murrs as I tongue his chest. "My Katya is hot for me" he murrs. He starts moving a bit faster in me. And I'm pawing his huge back frantically, cussing and whimpering. I roar and cum on his belly. "You squeeze so tight" he moans. I yowl. And I arch my back to get him further into my ass. He's nuzzling my neck now. And he nips it gently. I moan. He smiles. "Like me a bit rough" he murrs. And he'll nip my neck as we fuck. I call out his name and I beg him to fuck me harder. He grins and he puts his big paws under my back and lifts my butt. And he's really pounding me now. And I'm yowling and cussing and spasming under him. I spurt cum onto his belly. "Katya squeezes me so tight" he roars in Russian and I feel him emptying his huge balls into me. Bucking and cussing on top of me. He holds my head to his chest as he pants hard.

"My little Katya is an amazing fuck" he murrs. And he kisses me repeatedly. I'm drenched in his sweat and I love it. I'm purring so loudly I know he can hear it. "My love, I made you happy?" he asks. I nod. I can't make words yet. I'm purring louder than I can ever remember purring to have my Polar Bear finally. He puts his huge arms under my back and sits back on his haunches pulling me up against his massive chest while still embedded up my ass. He moves and he's sitting on the floor holding me against his chest. I can hear his big heart beating. I lay my head on his chest and shoulder. He strokes my mane. "I feel it, I feel your heart, Katya, you are mine, as I am yours now" he murrs. "I love you, Sergei, I am happy to belong to my Lord Polar Bear" I pant. "I love you, Claude, I will be good to you, this I swear, I will love you as long as I draw breath" he pants.

We sit on the floor holding one another tightly, just reveling in being together finally. "Claude, I have no words to tell you how much I love you, and how much love I feel from you" he says softly. "I have waited all of my life for you, Sergei" I say quietly. "Katya, I am loved now, I cared for my wife, and I love my sons as I know they love me, but I never knew how it felt to be loved and wanted just for being Sergei Rachalov" he says stroking my mane. "Just for me, the Bear I am, and you fell for that Bear, somehow you could see this Polar Bear's soul, and loved it" he says sounding awed. "I feel whole and complete now, you are the other half of my soul, little Lion" he says kissing me.

He reaches over to his pants and he pulls a small box out of them. He hands it to me. "Katya, put them on me" he says softly putting his left paw out. I open the box. Two rings. An Emerald that matches his Green eyes and a Diamond, the Diamond is a twin of mine. I smile and I put them on his left ring finger. Just the same way he put mine on me. "We are one now, I cannot marry you, but you have my rings and you have my heart, do I have yours, Katya?" he asks.. "You do, my heart has been yours since the moment I first saw you, Sergei" I say quietly. He smiles. "You have had mine as well, I did not know until you told me how much you loved me, and I realized why I sent your such an expensive ring, Katya, I was wanting you to know how I felt, even before I knew how I felt" he murrs, kissing me deeply.

"I wondered, it was such a beautiful ring, a personal thing, it does match my eyes, like that Emerald matches yours" I say softly. I kiss him. "I bought it and I spent a lot of time looking at it, Katya, I could see your eyes, and I started to realize the light in them was from your love for me" he says nuzzling me. "I do not regret anything, you have nothing to feel guilt over" he whispers into my ear. "I have my sons, my wife is happy, and I have the Lion of my heart, I know, Jonas told me to watch you, you'd feel occasional guilt for taking me from my family, you did not" he whispers. I nod. "I hope you don't, I'm awed that you love me so much you'd rearrange your life to be with me" I say gently. "Katya, I have no life without you" he says kissing me.

"I love my boys, but I have no words for how much and how deeply I love you, my Claude" he says stroking my mane. "I think I know, Sergei, I love you that much too" I say throwing my arms around his huge neck. He nibbles on my ear. "You are so beautiful Claude, and you belong to me, I am so proud and I have never been this happy, except when my sons were born" he murrs. I smile. "It's morning now, we should go home" Sergei says softly. I nod. It is late, it's already 8AM. Though I really do hate to let go of him now that he's mine, and in my arms with his wrapped around me.

"How?" I ask. "My shorts and shirt are in shreds from your claws, Poppa Bear" I say softly. He grins. And he pulls a pair of shorts and a T shirt out of a bag. "One thing, Katya" he says firmly. I nod. "No more underwear, ever, at home or at your office, I may come see you if I feel we've been apart too long" he murrs. "I want you on a moment's notice, so no underwear, I want to pull your pants down and go up you right away" he murrs. "Yes, Sergei" I say submissively. "It is important to me, you're starting out well, Katya" he murrs. "Can you leave a note and tell them you will not be in today?" he asks gruffly. "Yes, Poppa Bear" I say quietly. And when I'm dressed I go leave notes for Horst and Janice, our office manager. I tell Horst I took my Polar Bear and I'll call him if I need more than tomorrow off.

Sergei dresses. Tight Jeans and a tight tank top. "You look amazing, Poppa Bear" I say smiling. Sergei turns to show me how he looks. "You've got a gorgeous ass, Misha" I say softly. He grins. "Am I your Misha, as you are my Katya?" he asks. "You are my much beloved Bear, so you are my Misha" I say softly. He pulls me to him and we kiss. Long and deep and with full tongue. He's growling softly. "We will go, I will take you again if we do not" he says smiling. "I will do as my Lord Polar Bear bids me" I say quietly. Sergei grins. "Home, now, I will spend all day taking you" he murrs.