My Three Dads 3

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#69 of Claude gay stories

Claude's bonded a surprising male as his mate and a lot of issues get resoved.

My cell rings. "Oh shit" I moan. "Dad, I mean Jim?" Rory asks. I nod. I answer. I'll try to be noncommittal and see what he says. Yeah, and I might as well ask for a Pony while I'm at it.

"Claude, we need to talk, seriously Boy" Dad says. "Why did you just fax it to me, you couldn't tell me face to face?" Jim asks angrily. "I didn't fax it, Nigel did" I say. "Were you ever going to tell me?" he asks. "Eventually" I say quietly. "Rory won't answer my calls" he says. "Don't blame him, he saw how you treated me for years" I say quietly. "You must hate me" he says quietly. "I'm not your biggest fan right now, Mr Kitman" I say. "You hurt me so badly, Mr Kitman" I say quietly. "I'd like to be able to get past this one day, maybe I will, Mr Kitman, you are one of my fathers" I say calmly. "I wish I could say I blamed you, Claude" Jim says. The pain in his voice now makes me weep a bit. I have to try to make peace with him. And I find I don't hate him anymore. I'm only a little bit angry with him now. I need to give him some hope.

"Dad, I hope one day we can get past it, I have no idea why you treated me so badly for so long" I say quietly. "Claude, I felt betrayed by your Mom, I had no right to take it out on you" he says quietly. "I think I can understand, Dad, but I'm sorry, I can't forgive you quite yet" I say quietly. "I will try, I will work on it in therapy, I can see how you felt I think, and now I have 2 other fathers besides you, and I am sorry for how we both were hurt" I say quietly. It really didn't have as much to do with me as I'd of thought, if only we could have talked.. And I can understand why he'd be mad. Mom cheated on him, and both of us were at least a part from other males. I hadn't realized it but I was not too thrilled with her either. But if I forgave her, I can forgive Dad too.

"I hate how I acted, Claude, I have thought about it all since I got those results, whether or not you were mine, I couldn't see that it all shouldn't have mattered, it didn't to my Dad, Dad loved you and Rory so much, the way I should have." Dad says softly. "I know, and I"m proud of how much he loved me, he told me he'd of loved me even if it was proven I wasn't yours" I say quietly. "Claude, I've lost you and Rory too" he says. "No, you haven't lost me, we'll keep the communications going and one day we can get past it Dad" I say quietly.

"I have had Edward pack my things, and I've bought a condo, Claude' Dad says quietly. "Dad, keep talking to me, down the road we can get past it, I know we can, if we both want to" I say softly. "I do, I was so wrong and I'm alone now" Dad says quietly. "I am sorry" I say.

"Is it true, Claude?" Dad asks. "What?" I ask. "Edward told me you'd bonded Jack Porter and had your name changed" Dad says. "I did, we bonded before the tests were done, and I do love him, and he is kind of my 'majority' father" I say quietly. Dad laughs. "I have no right to ask, but will he make you happy?" Dad asks. "He will, and I'm glad you do care, Dad, means there's hope for us fairly soon" I say.

"Dad, if you need me call me, I do want to get over this, but with Rory and Beau living with me, I don't expect you'd want to come home at all" I say. "You're right, I feel different, I don't hate Rory, I miss him, I lost him as my son, it's different from you, you have some of me inside of you" Dad says softly. "You raised him, Dad, he's more you than you think" I say. "He'll hate me" Dad says. "He's upset about how you treated me, and I have no idea how he'll react, let him know you still love him, and you care and I think he'll respond, Dad"I say softly. "You think?" Dad asks. "Dad, Rory's big Leonine heart kept me going for so long, never underestimate how much he loves when he loves"I say. Rory smiles gently at me. He's proud of what I just told Dad. "He's shook up, as I was, and he'll calm down soon enough" I say.

Rory's tearing up. "Talk to him, Bro, he's scared to lose you" I say. Rory takes my phone and they talk.. After a few minutes I walk off. What do you know, Dad did learn from what happened with us. He made the first step to get over this. As painful as it had to be. And I love him still. I always have I guess. Maybe I wouldn't have hurt so if I didn't. I will try hard to get past this. It's not too late if we don't want it to be. And I have begun to see my own part in this whole affair. I need to talk to Jonas soon. I have to sort this out. But I know I contributed too.

Rory walks back to me and hands me my phone. "He wasn't mad at me, he was angry at how badly I treated you, and afraid I'd do the same to him." Dad says quietly. "Dad, I am so proud of you right now, and I'm glad you are my father" I say softly. "You worked past so much so quickly, Dad, and it all must have hurt so badly" I say quietly. "I lost it all and I had to figure it out, Claude" Dad says. "You haven't lost me, Dad, and it sounds like you didn't lose Rory" I say. "I didn't lose him, he wants to be close still, he's going to quit CMK, and he'll come see me he said" Dad says. "I will too, Dad, I'll come see you or we can go to dinner and see each other." I say. "I want to get to know Jack better too, he's your mate and we share you as our son" Dad says. "I'll talk to him, Dad, and if not, I'll still come see you, all I ever wanted was for you to accept me as you son, and love me" I say. "I was wrong, I know that now" he says. "Do you love me?" I ask. "I do, and I am sorry" he says. I break down and cry. I've been waiting so long to hear him say that. Jack comes in and hugs me.

"Jim?' he asks. I nod. He takes my phone. "Will you talk to me, Jim?" Jack asks. "I will, he told me he's your mate now, and you're his Dad too" Dad says. "I am, and he loves me so much, he's a good Snow Leopard, Jim" Jack says. And they chat for a while. Jack's got his tail wrapped around mine. And I sit and purr and listen to them getting closer. I can hear Dad crying. Jack told him he ought to think of moving home soon. Dad knows he won't, as he can't face Beau. But it touched him that Jack wanted him to. Jack wants to share me as their son.

Jack hands me my phone. "Claude, I would, but as sorry as I am for what I did to you and about Rory, I'll never forgive Beau" Dad says. "I understand, Dad" I say softly. "He betrayed me with Martha, twice yet, and he lied to me for years, all of this might not have happened" Dad says. "The GA team would not have been able to sort it out, I would have shown up as any of you's son. depending on who was tested against me" I tell Dad. "I hurt for so long, and it doesn't matter anymore, Dad, I know who I am, and I think we can get past this soon" I say. "I know he's your Dad too, but I don't know that I can ever be around him" Dad says. "I understand that, Dad, you feel betrayed, but he fought for me and I do love him, but I love you too, Dad" I say quietly. "I'm not going to choose between my Daddies, but neither of you wants to be around the other, and it should be easy to keep you apart" I say. "I won't let him talk you down to me Dad, I think I see why you hurt, I was a painful reminder of your shame and Mom's scandalous behavior" I say. "It is true, Claude, I hurt so that I couldn't let go, you deserved so much better" he says. "Dad, that's all water under the bridge, we move on, and we get to know each other as father and son, I do love you," I say. Dad's weeping now. "I do love you, Claude, and I am so grateful that my boy could put it behind him and want to get close to me" Dad says weeping.

My cell rings. Edward? "Dad, hold on, be right back" I say. And I take Edward's call. "Claude, I've got Jim's things sent to his Condo and my Cousin Alfred will be here tonight to tend him" Edward says. "I love you , Edward, am I right in thinking you knew?" I ask. "I did" he says softly. "For once, I'm not fussing at you for not telling me something, it wouldn't have helped" I say. "Claude, Jack loves you, and he'll be good to you always, Dusty will take Nigel and he'll move in" Edward says. I tell him about John and Boris. 'I'll call them, Claude" he says. "Beau will find a mate soon, Jim won't move back ever, but he'll be happy soon enough, he'll meet a hot, muscle Tiger soon, his Harry will be your age and he'll love Jim and be as devoted to him as you are to Jack." Edward says. "I know I can't tell him, but thanks for telling me, I do love him still" I say. "I know, the pain will pass soon enough and you and Jim and Jack and Jim's Harry will get close, as will you and Beau" Edward says. "I love you, Edward, I am just happy you love me and were put into my life" I say. He's giggling. "I'll tell Dad about Alfred"I say. "I'll go pick him up at the airport, and take him to Jim, if you can deal with dinner' he says. "I'll take us all out or have something delivered, Edward" I say softly. He hangs up.

"Dad, it was Edward, your stuff is at your Condo and he has his Cousin Alfred coming to tend you" I say softly. "So Edward" Dad says softly. "I'm glad, you won't be alone and you'll be looked after" I say. "You do care" he says. "I never wanted things as they were, I wanted you to love me, I was always so proud of you, and you hated me so much" I say trying not to cry. "I didn't hate you, I hurt so , I'd look at you, and I'd be reminded of how I'd been betrayed by your Mom" Dad says quietly. I hadn't thought of that. Makes it all so clear to me now.

"Dad, if I get an appointment on Monday with Jonas, will you come with me?" I ask. "I think we can heal faster together" I say quietly. "Good Boy" Jack whispers to me and he grips my tail with his a bit tighter. Dad's crying now. "I never saw how badly you hurt, Dad, and I'm sorry, we can get through this together and be father and son as I always prayed we'd be" I say. "Beau and Jack are my Daddies too, but I want you as well, I'm greedy" I say gently. "I don't think I can ever forgive him, Claude" Dad says. "I'm not asking you to, Dad, I get why you feel that way." I say. "Call me, let me know when to meet you at Jonas' office, Claude, and love Jack, he'll be a good mate for you" Dad says softly. "Dad, I'm sorry how this ended up" I say. "Claude, the hardest thing to cope with is that it's all my own doing" Dad says quietly. "Rory and I will talk as well, and he loves me" Dad says. "I love you too, Dad, we'll get past this soon, I know I want to" I say. Dad breaks into tears. "Let me know" he says and he hangs up.

"I knew if you started to think beyond the pain that you'd figure it out, Claude" Jack says softly. "Jack, thank you, I felt your tail wrapped around mine and I felt your love and I was able to work through it" I say. "Claude, Nigel's getting agitated" Jack says. I crack up. I go into the lounge. Rory and Teddy are kissing. I quickly tell Rory about talking to Dad. "He was amazing, Claude, he loves me still, and he apologized for being such an ass to you" Rory says. "He's gonna be fine, he's got his place, Edward has a cousin coming to tend him, and Edward tells me very soon Dad will meet a young, buff Tiger who'll fall for him like I fell for Jack" I say. "How would he know?" Jack asks. Rory and I look at each other and laugh. "Edward's a psychic as well as our retainer" Rory says. I nod.

"Oh, he'll go pick up his cousin and take him to Dad's, so we have to get our own dinner" I say. "Fine, I'll take my Grizzly out to a nice dinner and then we'll go open the bar" Rory says softly. "We'll take Beau with us, Claude, he and I have a lot to talk about, I know you do too, but I want my Daddy with us tonight" Rory says softly. I kiss him.

Nigel is agitated. He's got everything buttoned up and locked except the main door. Rory,Teddy and Beau prepare to leave. Beau kisses and hugs me. "I know, Boy, I cain't expect Jim ta ever fergive me" Beau says. "I'm staying out of it, he's my Dad and so are you" I say. "But just know, I'm proud that I am yours, Beau, I do love you, I know you did somethings in the past but we all make mistakes and we wouldn't be your kids without them" I say softly. "Beau, I'm not going to play favorites, I love you, and I'm proud to be yours, but Jim raised me, he may have been angry with me all of the time, and not given me his love always, but he hurt too, and he and I will go to therapy and work on it, but I won't let him hurt you, or badmouth you to me, and it won't affect anything. "I say. Beau nods. "Rory and I want to keep the Daddy we share with us always"I say softly. Beau grins.

I lean forward and whisper in his ear. "I'm still wanting to be under you, Beau, I wanna feel that fat Saber Tooth dick my Daddy Beau's got sliding up me" I say. Beau grins. Jack laughs. "I'll let you, Claude, I'd love to watch him fuck you" Jack says nuzzling me. Nigel clears his throat. I check my phone. I call Dusty. "We're coming now, and Nigel knows, he wants you, as bad as I did, he'll take you" I say. "Yee Haw" Dusty hollers. "I'll wait, Claude" Beau heard and he's cracking up. "Nigel, Dusty's an East Texas born Bull, he's a Redneck too," I say. Nigel's looking at me. "He'll keep ya happy, Boy, ya know ya loved always" Beau says leaning forward and kissing Nigel.

Rory, Teddy and Beau leave. "He's something else, Claude" Jack says kissing me. Nigel glares at him. "Don't get started" he says. I kiss Nigel. "Come on, Daddy Jack, we'll get the car and get Nigel hooked up, we've got all night for that, and we'll get something to eat" I say. I call Dmitri and Yuri as we leave. "Edward is busy tonight getting Dad's retainer, come meet us in a while and we'll eat out" I say happily. "Jim move out, he say" Yuri says. "He did, and it's fine, we'll get past this soon, but life at the house will be calmer" I say. "We come in hour Katya, meet at Car place and go with Snow Leopards to eat" Dmitri says happily. "I love my Russian Bulls" I say. "Go to diner, Katya?" Dmitri asks. "If it's what my Bulls want" I say. And I hang up.

"Yuri loves the diner, and Dmitri adores his brother so much, he loves Yuri like you love me" I say happily. "What diner?' he asks. "A nice place on South Street, I know the lady who runs it, I fixed her up with her husband" I say smiling. "Great diner food too" I say. Jack kisses me. "So you, the rich boy, who loves simple everyday things, the Mercedes and that Sports car are your only expensive perks" Jack says kissing me.

We get in my car and we drive to the Mercedes dealership. Nigel's getting excited. And he's so nervous as we pull in. I see Dusty literally running around the side of an SUV. He's one happy Bull. "Been waiting all day" he says softly. I grin when I open my door, Nigel's literally crawling over me to get out. Dusty grabs him and picks him up. "You want me, Badger Boy" he says firmly. "He's gonna be the Boss" Jack says grinning. "I do" Nigel squeaks out. Dusty kisses him and Nigel faints. Jack and I laugh. "I'll take him off to bond" Dusty says smiling. "I have my stuff here, I went home and loaded up my car when you talked to me" he says.

"We're going to go eat when we get done" I say softly. "Come with us and start getting to know your new family" I say softly. Dusty smiles. "Is this your mate?' he asks looking at Jack. "He is, and I love him" I say. "He's a hot, masculine Snow Leopard, but you are a pretty, young one, Nigel and I will open bond and I'd love to get you under me soon" Dusty says. "Only if I can watch" Jack says kissing me. Nigel wakes up. "Come on, you're gonna be bonded to me so you don't get away" Dusty says firmly. Nigel nods. I kiss him. "I'm glad for you, Nige, he's gorgeous and he'll love you like Jack loves me" I say. "Funny, Nate and I bonding today, right after you got Jack" Nigel says. I grin. "Shows how close we all are, but Dusty will be good to you, and he'll love you so much, I can see it in his eyes" I say grinning. "I will, Dr Kitman" he says. "It's now Dr Porter, I had it changed, just found out who my real father is, I mean who they are" I say smiling. Dusty looks confused. "I'll explain it later, Big Bull" Nigel says laughing. Dusty picks him up and they go off.

I go sign for my S560's repair. And they give me the keys. I show it to Jack. "Shit" he moans. "By Monday I'll have a bank card on my account in your name for you to use, Jack" I say handing him the main set of keys while pocketing the second set. They pull it around and park it for me.

We go in and I get someone to work up the sale of the car I've been driving. The loaner. It's new, only been used by me. I write them a check and they've taken it to be washed and filled with gas. I get the keys back and Jack and I walk out to our cars. The salesman gets in and shows Jack all of the controls of the S560. And when he's done I put the address of the diner into the nav system. I kiss my mate. "I'll meet you there, Baby Kitten" Jack says kissing me. And he drives off. He's happy, and he looks good driving it. (Jack has less trouble coping with my money and the things I want to do for us than I'd of thought. Nate had told him how I'll always spoil those I love.)

I have to find Nigel and Dusty, as they ought to be done by now. I walk around a bit. I hear a loud bellow and I know where they are. I walk around the back to the Mechanics lounge. Service Department's been closed for an hour or so. I manage to get back to the lounge and a heavily panting Dusty is on top of Nigel. And Nigel looks done in. Dusty's grinning. "Where's your mate? 'he asks. "He went on to the diner" I say. "We'll meet him there soon" I say. Dusty's grinning. Nigel pulls at my ankle and I look down. "He wants to thank you, Claude" Nigel says laughing. "You don't mind, Furball?" I ask."No, and he's the Boss" Nigel says. Dusty smiles when Nigel says that. I grin. "Is Jack your Boss?" he asks. "No, he's my Daddy" I say. "So you're his Son, eh?" Dusty says. "A Daddy/Boy relationship"Dusty says. Nigel's laughing. But I get an idea. I'll talk to Jack, I'd be a good Boy for him, if he wants. And we can refer to one another as we are and they won't know, and I do already call him Daddy Jack.

"Strip, Boy" Dusty says. I nod. And I pull my clothes off. Dusty gets up off of Nigel. And walks to the door and shuts and locks it. His huge Bull dick bobbing with each step. He's huge. 24". He'll be the biggest I've taken yet. It's Red in color and wet, and dripping. "On your back, Boy" he snorts. I lay on the carpet on my back. Dusty grins at me. "I'll wanna work you up one day, like I will teach Nigel to do, I'm a loving but Dom Bull" he says. "Nigel, are you OK with that?" I ask. "I am, he's great in bed and I don't mind him being so dominant" Nigel says.

"I ought to have him teach Jack if he wants" I say. "I thought he was your Daddy?" Dusty asks. Nigel and I look at him. "I'll explain, Bull Daddy, if you'll mount me" I ask as submissively as I can. He's ever harder. "Shit, you got it down" he says. Dropping on top of me he pushes his fat Bull dick up me. I yowl and push back on him, til I hit his sheath. "Shit, Boy, no one's got me to my sheath" he growls. And he begins to deep dick me. And as he does Nigel and I explain about my Dads and who Jack is. Dusty laughs. "Hell, yeah, I'll teach him to be a good Daddy if he wants, Nigel's all I could want and he wants to learn to be my Boy" Dusty murrs.

And Dusty really lays into me, fucking me hard, deep and fast. I wrap my body around his big Bull body. "Hell yeah" he grunts. "I'm hungry so I'm hitting you hard, wanna cum, but I'll make it up to you" Dusty says as he long dicks me. I hear my name paged. Nigel laughs and gets dressed. 'I'll go see" he says and he leaves.

Dusty's banging me hard still. "You're so tight, I'm not wanting it over yet" he grunts. "Not like I won't drop on my back when our Dusty tells me to" I say. "You will?" he asks. "I will" I say softly. He grins. And he starts really fucking me hard. I yowl and cum on his belly. "Good Kitty" he murrs and he nips my neck. "Want my cum, Boy" he snorts. "Yes please, Bull Daddy, flood me if it pleases you to." I moan. "Natural, you're a natural sub, Boy." Dusty pants. He roars and he's bucking on top of me and I feel him flare in me and his cum gushing up me. Panting he grins at me. "You're good, Nigel's good too , he's got potential, but you need only a little training, Jack's a lucky guy, and if he wants me to train him as a Dominant Daddy I will" he says. (He will, and he'll train Beau and Rory too. Beau will find a mate too fairly quickly, a little Lynx who's a sub, he's a regular trick of Dusty's and he agrees to let Beau work him, and they bond.) (When Beau fucks me, I understand why Mom was so hot for him. He's a great fuck with a massively thick Feline dick. Same length as mine, 17", but way thicker with 12 rows of sharp, backwards facing barbs. I have 10 rows as does Rory. We both inherited Beau's huge dick. Jack's no slouch at 18" with 11 rows of barbs.)

Dusty kisses me. "Claude, thank you, you gave me confidence to go after Nigel, had you not encouraged me this morning I doubt I'd of worked up my nerve, and Nigel told me that you told him I wanted him, not to just fuck but for good, he spent the afternoon thinking it out and decided to take me" Dusty says grinning. "I'm glad, Nigel's a great guy, and he'll do his best to keep his Bull happy" I say. Dusty grins. "He's a gorgeous Badger and I'm such a lucky Bull" he says joyously. "Katya?" I hear. I look up. Nigel's brought Dmitri and Yuri back. I laugh.

"He pretty Bull" Yuri says smiling. "Damn, that's a beautiful Bull, is he yours" Dusty asks Dmitri. "Da, he my mate, he love his Dmitri" Dmitri says. "Dusty Rhodes, this is Dmitri Petrov and Yuri Petrov, his mate" I say. "They look a lot alike, like you and Jack" Dusty says. "Da, we brothers" Yuri says proudly. Dusty cracks up. "Guys, Dusty's moving in, he bonded Nigel" I tell my bulls in Russian. They both hug Dusty.

Dusty murrs as Yuri hugs him. "Big Red Bull want my Bull?" Dmitri asks. "I would want him" Dusty says quietly. "Take Nigel if you take my Yuri" Dmitri says. Nigel nods. We all love Dmitri's fucking. Our big Brown Russian Bull is amazing in bed. "Go ahead, I'll go on, come to the diner on South Street when you're done, let Dusty and Nigel follow you, Dmitri" I say in Russian. Dmitri kisses me. "Go to you mate, we be there soon, Katya" he says smiling. "I love you and Yuri so much, Dmitri" I say. "Katya happy, seem content now, Russian Bulls so glad, hate see Katya hurt so" he says hugging me tightly. Yuri hugs me too. "I know you guys understand how I feel, he might be my Dad, but I love him so much" I say in Russian."Katya understand his Bulls much, love and tend his Bulls" Yuri says stroking my hair. "Katya get love he deserve now" Dmitri says.. I kiss them both. And I go.

I drive to the diner. Jack's waiting in the parking lot. I tell him what happened and he laughs. "So I get you alone for a while' he says. We deep kiss for a while. We go in and I pick a larger table. Ginny comes over and kisses me. "More coming in a bit" I tell her. "He's hot, but he looks so much like you" she says. "This is Jack Porter, as of yesterday he's my mate" I say smiling. She grins. "I swear he looks more like your Dad, than Mr Kitman does" she says. I grin.

Jack whispers in her ear for a bit. She laughs. "Claude, that's so typical, mate him and then find out he's your Dad, or one of them" she says. We sit and order. And we kiss at intervals. He's got his tail entwined tightly with mine. "I love that, Jack" I say. "So this Bull wants to teach me to be a Dominant Daddy?" Jack asks. "He does, he said I was a natural sub" I say. "We'll talk, do you want to try it when we've been together a bit more?' he asks. "If my Jack does" I say. "I'd be obedient to you anyway, as my mate and my father" I say. "One of your fathers" he says.

Ginny brings the food and sits down with us for a bit. We chat. She and her Marty are so happy. And we tell her how we met and the tests. "How did Jim take it?" she asks. "We talked, he's really sorry and we're going to go to therapy together, I want to repair our relationship, Ginny, he's sorry, he was so hurt by what had happened and took it out on me." I say. "3 fathers, that had to be hard to adjust to" she says. "No, not really, I loved Beau anyway, and Jim and I can fix things ultimately, and Jack, well, I love and adore my Snow Leopard Daddy" I say softly. Jack purrs.

Ginny laughs. "Marty does that, he'll hold me and purr' she says. "He's a great Cougar, I knew he was perfect for you" I say. "He is, Claude" she says smiling. She leans forwards and whispers in my ear. I hug her. She nods. 'I'm not sure what I'll do, I might close for a while, or get someone in to run the place" she says. Ginny is a pretty Tigress in her mid 30's. "Ginny I'll help if you need money to keep this place going, I can't risk having to eat somewhere else" I say. She laughs.

"It would help, if I could bring my younger sister in to town and pay her, she's helped me before and she knows the staff" Ginny says. "How much?" I ask. She gives me a figure and I double it and write a check. "I want to help with stuff for...well you know" I say. She grins. "I'm not sure, I'll start showing soon" she says. " I might bring her and get her started and then stay home" Ginny says. I kiss her. "You know to call me if you need anything, Ginny?" I ask. She kisses me back. "I do, and thanks" she says getting up. "What?' he asks.

"She's carrying twin Cougar cubs" I say smiling. Jack laughs. "Fatherhood, Marty's lucky, I was ecstatic when May told me Nate was on the way" he says softly. He looks at me. "I wish I'd of known then you were part mine" he says. "I'm a year younger than Nate, it would have ruined your life, Jack, better it happened this way" I say softly. My Jack looks a bit sad. "I missed your childhood, Son" he says softly. "I kind of missed it too, when Mom died, Daddy Jim got really cold to me, if it wasn't for Grandpa Kitman I don't know what I'd would have done" I say softly. "Him, Edward and Beau and of course Rory" I say.

Jack looks at me. He looks almost scared now. "You don't resent me for causing all of that, if I hadn't of hooked up with Martha, and Beau too, you'd of been Jim's and a Lion" Jack says. "It happened, it could have all been just fine as it was, it was Jim, he felt betrayed by Mom and when she died he took it out on me" I say. "I wouldn't want to not have you, Jack, I've always been happy as a Snow Leopard, I'd of hoped no matter what had happened, or how I'd of been born or conceived, that we would have still met" I say softly. "I went through Hell, true, but we're going to be so happy now, I'd love you as my mate even if you hadn't of fathered me, and this way I get to be Nate's half brother too" I say nuzzling my Jack. He laughs. "You do love me, it shines from your eyes, Baby Kitten" he says softly. "Jack, I do love you, I sometimes have no words for how much I do, like when you entwine your tail with mine" I say. He grins. "May hated that, but you love it" he says happily. "I do, you're holding me, and we can eat or do anything, and my mate is still holding onto me tightly" I say softly.

Dmitri and Yuri walk in laughing. I wave and they sit down. Ginny bring them a couple of menus and kisses them both. "How are my sweet Russian Bulls tonight?" she asks. Dmitri grins. "We fine" he says happily. Jack looks at them "They are always that happy, Daddy Jack" I say smiling. Yuri laughs. Dmitri smiles. "Katya know why his Bulls so happy, he feel it too with his Daddy" Dmitri says smiling. "What did he call you?" Jack asks."He Katya, our dear little Kitty" Dmitri says grinning. "He good to his Bulls, take us in, care for and about his Bulls" Yuri says smiling.

Dmitri leans over and kisses Jack. "He sure loves his brother" Jack says. Yuri giggles. "They're mated remember, Jack, like us, they're brothers and we're father and son, they are as happy as we are, Daddy Jack" I say. "They sure seem happy, and so much in love" Jack says.

"How long have you two been together?" Jack asks.. "We be mates for 12 years, Dmitri 34, Brother Yuri 30" Dmitri says smiling. "I hope you still look at me with that much love in 12 years, Claude" Jack says smiling gently. "I'll look at you like that until one of us is dead and gone, this is forever, Jack"I say quietly. Dmitri and Yuri grin and nod.

"I love those Bulls, they have been very good to me as long as I've known them" I say smiling. Yuri leans over and kisses me. "Katya love his Bulls, first to accept brothers loving"he says. Jack looks puzzled. I explain how much crap they used to get. In Russia no one seemed to care that they were brothers and mated, but here folks gave them so much crap. And they'd gotten evicted once, and the new rental house sold out from under them, and that's when I took them in.

Jack looks a bit tense. "Claude, we'll get the same thing" he says. "Dmitri tell Claude when he ask, no let other make problem, lean on you mate, no let them see they hurt you, good folks like Katya help" Dmitri says. Jack sighs. "I don't care, I'm not hiding it, Dad knows and doesn't care, my family doesn't care, your own son doesn't care, Nate's all for us, he knows I'll love you with all of my heart and soul, Jack" I say softly. Jack smiles. "Katya know, fight with love of those who care" Yuri says softly. I smile. Dmitri's the more practical one, but Yuri's not stupid.

Ginny comes by and my Bulls order. And I hear my name called. Nigel and Dusty come walking in. Dusty looks so happy . So does Nigel in fact. Yuri hugs Nigel. "He good Bull, make much happy" Yuri says grinning. Dusty and Nigel sit down and when they order we all sit and eat. And we chat. Getting to know each other. And I love this. Jack's tail is still wrapped tightly around mine.