Alf and Claude part 4

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#72 of Claude gay stories

Claude gets his Daddy Badger and they work out their future

I shower and I'm trying to keep calm. I put on some of the clothes I bought yesterday. And I go sit and watch TV with the sound lowered. Ben and Mike are curled up tightly and they look so adorable. I take a picture with my cell phone camera and I upload it to Nigel's phone. He'll like seeing Ben. And he's fully exposed and 3/4 hard so Nigel will be impressed.

I go back to my TV. After an hour or so, Ben wakes up. He comes and kisses me. "When you're both up I'll take you guys to breakfast and you can make your plans to move in" I say smiling. Ben kisses me again. He sits by me. "You've been so good to me but Mike says that's how you are, if you like someone you'll do anything for them" he says softly. "I do, and I liked you, you were straightforward and though you knew who I was, you weren't bothered by it, nor did you seem impressed by it" I tell him. Ben kisses me. And he lumbers off to shower.

I take my cell and I call Alfred. "I know, Claude, I've got their room ready now" he says happily. "He's coming tomorrow" I say. "I know, Claude, I was going to tell you when you came home" he says. "I'm so happy now, Alfred" I say softly. "You know he and Nigel....." Alfred says. "He told me, he was horny and lonely and he was afraid I'd be mad, he had told me he wanted to wait and have me be his first" I say. "He's as honest as you are, Claude" Alfred says softly. "He was afraid I'd be upset until I reminded him how much I'm under Dad and Rory" I say laughing. Alfred laughs.

"Alfred, is Takeru up yet?" I ask. "He is and he's having his tea and breakfast in his room" Alfred says. "Is he still mad?" I ask. "Very much so, he wouldn't talk to Rory this morning already" Alfred says. "OK, time to take the Bull by the horns" I say. He laughs. "Claude, he knows he was wrong, he's angry but he's hurting too, he knows he should have told you and Rory and Nigel and he's sorry he was so overbearing with you" Alfred says. "Thank you" I say.

And I hang up and I call Papa-San. He answers, and I'm a bit surprised. "Claude, you should not have run again" he snaps. "You know, I hate being mad at, or even remotely disrespectful to my Papa-San, can we like make up?" I ask. Takeru laughs. "My Lion son" he says proudly. "Oto-Sama, we were both a bit wrong, can we call it a draw and go on?" I ask. He's laughing again. "I agree, I should have told you and my other sons about my Kenji, he hurt thinking I was ashamed of him, and you and Rory and Nigel were hurt too" he says. "Takeru, I was sorry we didn't bond, but we never talked about it, and I'm sorry I took it out on you last night" I say. "Thank you, Claude, but I can understand why you felt that way" he says. "I never told you or let on how bitterly disappointed I was that we didn't bond" Takeru says softly. "You got a great Lion anyway, and y'know, I don't think my Takeru would love me anymore if we had of bonded" I say quietly. He murrs. "I'll apologize to Kenji when I get home" I tell Takeru. "No need, he likes you a lot, and he can understand how you felt, and he loved how positive you were about him belonging to me, it was what he needed to hear, and should have already heard from me" Takeru says softly. "Papa-San, just don't try so hard to protect me, I was so surprised by it, you've always been the one I could and would listen to" I say softly. "I was astounded at how vehement you were, you were really angry and upset" he says. "Just like with Dad, let me deal, I have to know and I need to know you love and trust me enough to do it" I say."Claude, I'm sorry" he says earnestly. "I know, and I'm sorry too, I love you Takeru, and I will til the day I die" I say quietly. "Claude, I love you, and I will never stop" he says softly. "Alf will be to you all you could want as my Kenji will be to me, but I will still love you, as fiercely and deeply as Jim does" Takeru says. "Good, I hate it when we fight" I say. Takeru laughs.

"He's coming tomorrow, Papa-San, he begged Dad to bring him to me, he hates being away from me and he can't stand being in the home he shared for so long with Megan now that she's gone" I say softly. "Claude, will it be hard for you to deal with his grief over losing her?" Takeru asks. "He and I have talked about it, Papa-San, he wants to be able to talk about her, but he was afraid I'd be upset" I say. "I'm not by the way, I loved her as Nigel's Mum, and his wife, she's gone and though I'm happy to get Alf, I would not have wanted it at that cost" I say quietly. "I know, you loved her, it is why I worried" he says. "Papa-San, I know he loved her, it's how I know how strongly he'll love me, I loved her, she was an amazing female Badger, but he needs to get it out, he needs to know he can talk to me about it when he hurts" I say quietly.

I tell him about Mike and Ben. "Another Grizzly bottom" he murrs. I laugh. "Claude, you have been remiss to me" Takeru says sharply. "What?" I ask stunned. "I have not had you yet, you know I want you when I come here" he says firmly. "You had another Lion, I was twitted out, and I didn't think you wanted me anymore" I say trying not to cry. "I will go to my grave wanting you still, Claude, Kenji is not worried about us, he wishes to watch me fuck you" he murrs. "Damned if you didn't" I moan. "hmmph" I hear. "You went and found a smaller Japanese born me" I tease him. "I would not admit it but he is a lot like you, a lot different too but he is similar to my beloved Lion son" Takeru says. "Come home when you can and we will get naked and formally make up" Takeru says firmly. "Takeru, I needed to know you still loved and wanted me" I say quietly. "I had a great time with Ben and Mike last night, and I called Alf this morning, but I need my Papa-San, I need his love to help keep me together until my Badger is with me" I say quietly. "I will, I know you must miss him, you have always told me how you loved him, and I know now, you know he loves you too, and it's much harder on you to wait for him now" Takeru says. "You are on the verge of having all you have wanted for so long" he says. "I am" I say softly.

"We'll be home in a while, I'll take them to breakfast and they're gonna move in, but I'm coming home after breakfast" I say softly. "Come right to me, Claude, I need to make up, you know how I am, we'll fuck and all will be as it has been" Takeru says. "Papa-San, I want a chance to talk to Kenji after we fuck, I do like him a lot, he's an amazing Lion, and I think he loves you more than I do" I say quietly. "He is my mate, you love me in so many ways, but I will not rank you, my Claude" he says softly. "I could not live without you, nor him" Takeru says softly.

He hangs up. And Ben wakes Mike up by fucking his ass hard. They go shower and we go to the Denny's across the street. We have breakfast and talk. Ben is so happy now. He's kissing Mike every chance he gets. And Mike's so happy. I tell them about talking to Alf and Takeru and that Alfred has their room set up already. Ben smiles. "You'll love the place" Mike says. Ben smiles. "We'll get Ben's stuff first then mine and we'll be at your house by dinnertime" Mike says smiling. Ben looks so happy. I lean over and nuzzle him. "Claude, I'd almost given up, I was afraid I'd be alone forever" Ben says. "And out of the blue, you gave me a great night, and the love of my life" Ben says shyly. "You deserved it all, Ben" I say quietly. Mike nods. I'm way too emotional. I kiss them and I go pay, and I go get my stuff and check out. I call a cab and I go home.

I go put the stuff I bought up in my room, and I leave the clothes I bought for Rory and Teddy in theirs. And I go back to my room. And Alfred knocks. "They'll be here about 4PM" He tells me. "I'm happy for them, Ben's a great guy, and Mike and Nigel are very close" I say. Alfred hugs me. "I know how excited you are, things have settled down, and you're about to get Alf for good" he says nuzzling me. "Alfred, I'm so glad Manuel makes you so happy" I say smiling. He grins. "You'll be as happy soon" he says smiling.

Vlad and Emil corner me in the hall as I'm going to Takeru's room. "Want meet Badger" Vlad says firmly. "Alfred say he come tomorrow" Vlad says. "He is coming" I say. Emil hugs me. "I've called Janice, she's moved all of tomorrow's appointments, we'll stay closed, Mein Claude" Emil says kissing me. "We know they'll be in, and we'll all want to meet him, Rory agrees, and Nigel won't be there anyway" Emil says. I hug him. I hug them both. "I love you guys" I say smiling. "Katya look happy now" Vlad says smiling. "I am, I've got my life mate coming home, and I'll be as happy as Jerry and Mack are soon, I'll have a loving big male of my own" I say kissing them both. Vlad walks off. He was going to the pool. He's a bad as Rory with that pool, you can hardly keep them out of it. And I recall how much Alf liked being in the pool and on the patio. London's not as warm or sunny, and he always loved sitting out in the sun. Nigel once told me his Dad loved just being able to sit in the sun and relax. That he worked so much and so hard, he loved just relaxing. Alfred kind of spoiled him when he was here too. And he loved it. He'll want me to spoil him but I had already figured that I would.

"We are going to see my brother and his mate in a bit" Emil says. I smile. I've met Horst and his little Jeff. I've been under Horst as well, he's as good as his older brother. I kiss Emil. "He loves you so much" I say smiling. "He told me Claude, he was afraid I'd be mad, but I didn't care, I'll get you under me anytime I can, so I cannot blame my little brother for wanting you" he says. I smile."I wanted to tell you, but he was insistent on us not letting you know" I say quietly. Emil smiles. "He was upset that we didn't bond, Claude, he loves Mack and he loves fucking him, but he has said he had of wished we'd of bonded" Emil says. I kiss Emil. "I've had moments of that too, Big Walrus" I say smiling. Emil grins. "You will be happy now, I hope he will still let us have you" he murrs. "We'll have an open relationship, he's determined to be the Boss" I say smiling. Emil laughs. "You wouldn't take him if he didn't want to be that way" Emil says. "I hope I've thanked you for all you've done for me, Emil, my mentor, my friend and sometimes lover" I say. "You got me my beloved Mack, that is thanks enough" he says leaning down to kiss me. I smile. And he walks off. Another male I'd of been happy to bond. But I was meant for my Badger, my best friends Dad.

I go down the hall. Takeru and Kenji are curled up watching TV. I kiss them both. I sit on the bed. "Claude, are you better?" Kenji asks me in Japanese. "I am, and I am so sorry to have gone off in front of you, Kenji" I say quietly. "No need, you cared enough to help me even though you were hurting" Kenji says hugging me. "I could easily relate" I say quietly. "You have been under a lot of stress, my Lion son" Takeru says. "I have been, I loved Megan, I worried for Nigel, and I am missing my Alf" I say quietly. Takeru smiles at me. "We understand" Kenji says softly, taking my paw in his. I smile at him. "And you wondered why you, I can see it for sure, Papa-San, he's easily as loving and giving as I am, maybe more so" I say grinning. Kenji blushes.

"Enough, Claude, you are wearing too many clothes for your Papa-San" Takeru says firmly. I laugh. I hadn't undressed when I came home this time. I fling my clothes off. Takeru murrs. "My Papa-San likes naked Lions" I tease Kenji. Kenji whispers in my ear. I laugh. "Why not, I love how you think" I tell Kenji in Japanese. Kenji grins. And Takeru looks at us. Kenji sits on Takeru's face while I get down and rim my Papa-San. Takeru growls and he's licking Kenji's butt out. I nod at Kenji and he gets up. I sit on Takeru's face. "I've got an ass full of Ben's cum" I tease Takeru. He starts licking my ass enthusiastically licking out the thick Tiger cum in my ass. Takeru loves rimming out other guys cum from out of me. He's making a lot of happy noise as he sucks and licks Ben's cum out of me. He's rock hard. And Kenji takes his dick into his muzzle. Kenji and I take turns with Takeru. Sucking and rimming him and licking him all over.

"Enough, on your back Claude" Papa-San barks. I lay on my back with my legs up. Takeru gets on top of me. He pushes his Ursine dick up me. And we begin to rut like we always do. "Never stop fucking me, Claude, I beg you" he murrs. And we fuck a while. He cums roaring loudly.

We spend the afternoon fucking. Takeru takes us in turns. Vlad and Emil join us after we stop and eat dinner. They want to keep me happy and distracted until my Badger is home with me. They all three take Kenji and I in turns. After a while, I'm exhausted. I kiss them and I go to my room. I need to be alone for a bit. I loved the sex. Takeru, Emil and Vlad are my favorite tops. But I want my Badger Daddy now.

I lay on my bed and turn my TV on. I turn to TCM and I get into an old movie. I hear a knock at my door. I sniff the air. Yuri and a scent I don't recognize. "Come in" I holler in Russian. Yuri comes in and he's got a huge Lion with him. The Lion looks so shy and almost embarrassed to see me laying naked on my bed. "Katya, this Boris, Boris Ivanovitch" Yuri says. "He sad and lonely, he mate leave, want him spend night with Katya, they comfort each other, maybe Katya fix up Lion" Yuri says. Boris smiles shyly. I grin. "You are a big beautiful Lion" I tell Boris in Russian. He blushes. "Need shower, come from gym" Boris says. I get up and I show Boris to the bathroom and I put some extra towels in for him. He nuzzles me and goes in to shower.

I sit on my bed. "Yuri need talk to Katya while Boris no here" Yuri says. I smile. I nod. "Katya, Boris sweet Lion, he lost, he mate throw him out, no place to stay" Yuri says softly. "Tell Alfred to give him a room, Sweet Bull" I say. "Know Claude help, Boris bit slow, hope Katya find him mate?" Yuri asks. I grin. "He top, he got big Feline dick, like smaller cats" Yuri says. I kiss Yuri. 'I love you Yuri, you're such a big hearted Bull" I say. I call a friend of mine. Bill Watson. Bill is a Canadian Lynx. Bill's about 5'10" and 175 pounds. He's cute and he's a bottom. And like me he loves a good barbing. I'll see if I can teach Boris about barbing. "Bill, I want you to come to breakfast, I want you to meet a Russian who's moving in with us who'd like to find a mate, and I think you two would be perfect for each other" I say. Bill's laughing. "I'd hope you'd get to me one day" he says. "I had to find a big beautiful Big Cat for you, and our Boris is a big, muscular Lion" I tell him. "Is he good?" he asks. "I"ll let you know in the morning, I don't know yet" I say laughing. "Such a friend, gonna test drive him" Bill says laughing. "Yuri says Boris is a bit naive and he does speak some English" I say. "I get it, top in bed, needs looking after a little bit out of bed, I can deal" Bill says. "It's kind of the reason I thought of you, Bill" I say quietly. Bill laughs. "I'll be by in the morning" Bill says.. I tell him about me getting my mate tomorrow. "Nigel's Dad?" he asks stunned. "Why not, he bond mated my Dad yesterday" I say calmly. We chat a while. And he hangs up.

Yuri and I talk a bit. And I'm wondering why Boris is taking so long. Yuri must be too. He gets up and goes into my bathroom. I have a bad feeling about all of this. I'm not going to get Boris I keep thinking. Something is wrong. But I am not going in there. Yuri knows Boris, he can help him. I might just make things worse somehow. (Turns out I was right. Boris is lonely and hurting and upset. He's worried he'd try to bond me and Yuri had told him I was waiting for my mate to come home from England. Boris knew he'd fall for me and he didn't want to hurt me or himself. He's a lot smarter than I thought he was)

After a while, Alfred knocks on the door. "Master Claude, your friend Bill is here, he's apologetic, but he's almost crying, he's very lonely, and he said he couldn't wait" Alfred says. "Show him back" I say, suddenly understanding what's about to happen now. Bill's too sad and lonely, and Boris needs to be loved. He's intimidated by me, and he wants me as well,, and Boris needs to feel loved, not just sexually satisfied. He's a big sweetheart and I need to consider his feelings first. And Bill must have been a lot lonelier than I thought. I have to step aside and get them together now. I do like that big hearted Russian Lion. Something about Boris just makes you love him and want to take care of him. He needs to be loved now, and I'm spoken for.

Bill walks in. "I'm sorry, Claude" he says. I stand up and hug him. "I get it, Bill, it's OK" I say quietly. I go into my bathroom. Yuri's sitting on the floor with the much bigger Boris in his lap, Boris is holding on to him tightly and crying. "Boris, please don't cry" I say softly in Russian. "I have someone who's here for you, he'll love you, and he's waiting to meet you, Big Cat." I say. Boris looks at me. "Yuri, wash his face and bring him out, this is no time for tears, Bill will take you, Boris, and he'll make you happy, he was left too, like me he's very, very loyal, and he'll never leave you, Big Guy" I tell Boris in Russian. Boris sniffs a bit. And he hugs me tightly. "Katya must love Boris" he says sniffling. "You're lonely and hurting, I get that, I am too, but I'm not what you need now, Boris, Bill is" I say softly. Yuri looks proud of me. Boris washes his face in the sink. I kiss Boris' cheek. "I do love you, Boris, hard not to" I say softly. Boris is trying to smile now.

I walk out. I sit on my bed and I talk to Bill for a bit. "Bill, Boris needs to feel loved, if you take him, know he's a bit simple, he's not stupid, a bit naive and uneducated, but not stupid, he's got a huge heart and he'll love you so much" I say. Bill weeps on my shoulder and he breaks down. And a lot of his recent pains come out. "I'm sorry, I had no idea how you still hurt, babe" I say stroking him. "I wouldn't have made you wait at all" I say rocking him in my lap. Boris walks out with Yuri. He's still weeping a bit.

"He so pretty" Boris says trying to stop crying. "No, Boris, cry if you need to, he's hurting too" I say in Russian. Boris sits by us, and he takes Bill out of my lap and into his. "No leave, if take Boris, Boris be Lynx's forever" Boris says softly. Bill looks into Boris' eyes. I can see it now. "Kiss him, Bill" I say firmly. Bill does and he faints into Boris' arms. Boris is so happy now. "No leave, love my Bill for always" he says clutching Bill tightly.

Alfred knocks. "Follow me to your new room, Boris" he says in Russian. Boris picks Bill up and follows Alfred. I cry. Surprising myself, but apparently not Yuri. Yuri hugs me. "Katya sad, feel unwanted" Yuri says. I know how he loves me, but I push him away. Yuri gets up and leaves. I know I hurt him and I'm so sorry. But my pain is almost blinding. I know I'm loved. And I want my Badger so badly now. I ache for him, and I'm not sure how I'll make it until tomorrow when he comes to me at last.

I lay and watch my movie. I feel empty. I know I'm only hours away from getting Alf. But I hurt so. So Goddamn much has happened of late. I need to talk to Jonas in the morning. I'll call when his service stops screening calls.

Nate walks in without knocking. He lays by me without a single word. I pull him to me and put his head on my chest. And I hold him tightly. "Yuri told me, and he knows, Claude, he knows how and why you hurt now" Nate says softly. "He knows you need me" Nate says. "I do, Snow Meow, I hurt, I'm on the verge of having all I want, but I feel so bad" I say quietly. "Claude, I don't know how I'd cope, given all that has gone on, having to wait even a bit, if it was me waiting for Yuri, I think I'd be the same way" Nate says. I hold him and stroke his hair. And I just let my feelings out. Nate's understanding, and damned if he's not as sharp as Nigel. "Claude, I've wanted to help, and get closer to you, but you and Nigel are so tight, Nige and I are friends, and I wanna be that way with you too" he says. "Yuri cares so much about you, he knew you'd need to talk it out" Nate says softly.

And we talk a while more. Nate's good, he's gotten me to see a lot I hadn't. I do need to talk to Jonas as soon as I can. Nate's made me see how quickly I can be made to feel unloved, and unwanted and abandoned. I feel so much relief I doze off holding Nate tightly. I wake in a bit. Yuri's here, and he's holding us both tightly and stroking my mane. "Yuri, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you away like I did" I say fighting tears. "Hush, Katya, Yuri know, pain blind Katya, Katya love his Yuri, but Yuri no one Katya need, like Katya no one Boris need" he says softly. "I hope you guys never decide to leave me, Yuri, Nate was a great help and I needed my big, sweet Bull" I say quietly.

"Katya good Lion, help Boris, put poor Boris' needs first no matter how he hurt" he says stroking my mane. "Boris much happy now, Lynx happy, love Boris much" Yuri says. I weep. "I'm glad, there's something about Boris that just makes you love him" I say. Yuri grins. "Katya love much, he hurt, he miss Badgers, need son, miss Daddy Badger, hurt though he know he coming" Yuri says softly. I nod. "Nate want help, he want be as close to Katya as Nigel or Yuri" he says smiling. "Yuri happy Badger come, know Katya never unloved again" Yuri says smiling.

I fall asleep in Yuri's big arms. He dozes too and I can hear his soft and gentle snore. Nate's got a gentle almost purr/snore. Yuri's holding us both so tightly, yet so tenderly. I sleep well.

I wake to Alfred's gentle shaking of me. Nate's gone but Yuri's holding me tightly still. I get up. Yuri wakes. "I hope you and Nate will come with me when I go get Dad and Nigel and bring my Alf home, I'll need you both" I say kissing Yuri. "Yuri come, happy Katya want him, help if need" Yuri says smiling. I hug him. "I love you, Big Bull, and I'm so grateful for how you and Nate came to me" I say laying my head on my big Russian Bull's chest. Yuri strokes my mane. "Katya no always let those he love help" Yuri says quietly. "I know, and I'm so sorry" I say. "Yuri know" he says looking into my eyes. Yuri kisses me and he goes off to his room.

Alfred's looking at me. "Clean up and eat, they'll be here in 2 hours" he says smiling. "I can hardly process it, he's almost here, my life mate, my love, my best friends Dad" I moan. Alfred smiles. "I suddenly get why you froze in the kitchen when you saw Manuel" I say softly. Alfred laughs and he kisses me.

I go out to breakfast. Everyone is so quiet. Kenji and I chat. He seems to understand how I feel so well. He's being encouraging and supportive. I smile at Takeru. Takeru grins. "We wish to go too" he says softly. I smile. I kiss Papa-San. "I'll hire a big limo to go to the airport" I say. "Claude, it may intimidate Alf a bit" he says. "He has to get used to it, and you want to go, so do Yuri and Nate, and I have to think Rory and Teddy will want to go too" I say quietly. "We do" I hear and Rory kisses the back of my neck. "I need my loved ones around me, I want to share the joy of the moment, you've all been there when I was hurting, and now I'll get my Badger, and I want you all there" I say quietly. Emil smiles. "We'll stay, we want to meet him, but I think it's better to not overwhelm him with family" he says smiling. I agree. Vlad nods. "Want meet Big Badger, but meet at home" he says. I'm smiling now.

I go out to the kitchen. I just need a moment or two alone. Alfred's there, but he doesn't count. My Fox father would know anyway. I hug him. "It's hitting you, he's almost here" Alfred says quietly. "I haven't thanked you for all you've done to help me here" I say softly. "My job, Master Claude" he says putting on the English reserve. "Not gonna let you get away with that" I say hugging him. He laughs. "Claude, he'll make you so happy, it's all I've ever wanted for my Claude, he'll love you and never hurt you, and you and Nigel and he and your Dad will get very close" Alfred says softly. "I want him to make me as happy as Manuel makes you" I say joyously. "He's something" Alfred says happily. "I love how he'll just touch me, if he's close to me, he'll touch me or stroke me" Alfred says happily. I grin. "Alf will be the same way, he needs the connection as much as you do, he'll always tell you how he feels that way" Alfred says.

I hear the loud clomping of hooves. Sam? "We're going too" he says firmly. "I hope he won't keep us apart" Sam snaps. "Sam, he knows how I feel about you, and how you feel about me, and he's fine with it" I say quietly. "I told him, Sam, I could never not want you, mi amo" I say. Sam's grinning now. "You just wanted to know I'd still love you after I get my Badger" I whisper to him in Spanish. He's really grinning now. And he picks me up and carries me into Dad's study. He pulls his shorts off. (We haven't got used to Alfred's letting us be naked in the house, but we will soon) He mounts me. And he pushes his massive Bull dick up me. And we rut hard as we always do. He's kissing me and I wrap myself around him. "I'm selfish, mi amo, I love my Oscar so, but I'd not want my Baby Lion to stop loving and needing me" he says gently. "He never could, Sam, I'll love you as long as I live, just like Oscar does" I say softly. He's really happy now, and his ears won't stop twitching. He's working my ass hard now. He deep kisses me and I can feel his big body tensing. He's close now.

He bellows and I feel his big Bull dick flaring in me and he gushes his cum up me. Panting he tells me how much he will always love me. "I love my Bull, sometimes more than I have words for" I say stroking the fur on the side of his face. He's fighting tears. He kisses me and gets off of me. "Wait for Oscar and I, we've closed the gym this morning to go meet this Badger, gotta be sure he's worthy of my Baby Lion" Sam growls. I nod. "Hired a limo so we can all go" I say. I have called. 18 passenger Limo reserved to take us there and bring us back. Gonna be a fun trip. Alfred already had Manuel bring Dad's Bentley home from the airport. Dad doesn't like leaving it there.

I lay on the carpet a few minutes. I revel in scenting Sam's Bull musk. He's always made me so hot with it. And the feeling of his cum filling my guts too. "Don't lay there too long, we should go soon, and you don't want to have Alf face you pregnant with my calf" Sam teases me. "He asked me if I'd give Nigel a half brother if I could, everyone wants to see my belly fat and swollen with their sons" I say laughing. "I'd love to see it, and as big as my calf would be, I know you'd still bear it proudly and without complaint" Sam says proudly. I kiss him. "I would, I'd beg Alf to let me birth, mi amo's calf" I say softly. Sam's ears twitch. "Oscar wouldn't mind, he'd be happy he wasn't carrying it" Sam says happily. I kiss him. "He said he'd help me raise it proudly, knowing you'd borne it from your love for me and him" Sam says softly. "I'm so happy my Baby Lion and my Baby Bull understand and care for each other so much" Sam murrs."We both know the truth, you're too much Bull to only be loved by one male" I tease him. Sam grins. He gets up. And he smacks my ass. "Go" he says. I get up and I leak a little bit of Bull cum as I do. He grins. "Filled you pretty full this morning" he says grinning. "You always do, one reason I love your fucking so much" I say kissing him. Sam's happy now. He needed to know I'd still love him. Alf will understand, we've talked about how I feel about Sam in the past. He knows.

I run shower and empty Sam's voluminous cum load out of me. I flash on something odd. Me happily surrounded by Sam and Alf's sons that I've borne for them both. A life raising Bull calves and Badger kits. It's a bit scary, but I think I do love them enough, maybe even a few of Dad and Rory's Cubs. I flinch. I'm not really suited to really raise sons or any kids I think. I put it out of my mind.

I dress. Tight jeans and a T shirt. I want to make Alf hotter for me. I ache to feel his touch on me. He's hugged me in the past, but we've never had the sort of physical contact I've wanted. I want him to hug and kiss me, and show me with his touch on me how much he loves me. I need him so much now. I run out to the living room. I'll be bringing my Badger home for good. My mind is a whirling mass of feelings, some contradictory and all of them powerful. I know I'm happy he's coming to me finally. But there's so much else to consider. I want him, but will he have trouble adjusting. All of the things he'll have to adjust to now.

I sit on the couch. Sam's out with Oscar. Oscar kisses me. "He's happy, he came into the shower and kept fucking me" Oscar says happily. "He loves you so" I tell Oscar. "He gets horny for me when he's had you" Oscar says. I kiss him. Rory's sitting with me now too. "Seems a bit odd, us knowing Alf a few years and he's not just Nige's Dad anymore, he'll be my brother in law soon" Rory says hugging me. "He told me he'll still let me fuck you, Claude, and he cares for me too" Rory says. "He's gonna be hot for Teddy's ass too" Rory says. Nate and Yuri come out. They look good, but Nate looks incredible. "I can wear tight jeans, but my ass never looks that amazing in them" I tell Nate. Nate grins. "I like showing it off" he says grinning.

Takeru comes out with Kenji on his arm. Rory growls softly. "He's stunning" Rory murrs. "He is, Kenji is a stunning Lion" I say. Kenji blushes. Takeru looks so proud of his Lion. "Look at Papa-San" I whisper. Kenji grins. "He's so proud of you, he thinks you're so beautiful" I say. "Even with you and Rory here" Kenji whispers. "No one is as beautiful to Papa-San as you are" I tell him. Kenji grins. "I am so happy you care for me as you do" he says softly. "I wanted Takeru loved and happy, and you make him so happy, remember, I will always be in your corner, Kenji, some times loving Dr Takeru Suzakawa can be stressful" I tell him. He kisses me. We hug. Rory's murring. "Papa-San, you and I need to take them both together soon" Rory says grinning. Takeru laughs. "No, we will take them both and your Teddy, I have not had him yet, and I intend to remedy that as soon as I can" Takeru says. Teddy grins.

Alfred nuzzles me. "You all must go now" he says. I hear the horn of the limo honking. We all go get in to it. And we have a fun ride to the airport for a change.

I'm surprisingly not nervous. I'm anxious to see him. It's been so long it seems. I lead everyone to the private concourse where Eagle One will land. We all sit and chat and they seem so happy for me. And I know what they're waiting for. That moment when Alf and I greet each other. Alf has always been an easy going Badger. And I think they wonder how he'll greet his mate now. I know in my heart. He's as anxious to hold and touch me as I am to touch him. Nate had asked me if I think he'll bond me right away. I think he will, but I didn't tell Nate that. Alf's gonna be a bit tender still. I think he'll bond me as soon as we see each other, he doesn't want me to get away from him after just having lost Megan.

Rory's sitting close to me. I get the impression he wants to talk to me. "Bro, is there something you need to know?" I ask him. "Claude, he's older than you, he's Dad's age, you know he's gonna die on you one day, how will you cope?" Rory asks. "Same way Nigel will with Dad, we'll be there for each other, I love Nigel and I know my brother and his Grizzly will be there for me too" I say softly. Rory kisses me. "We will, but still, it'll hurt you a lot" Rory says. "I know, but I'm not going to miss out on being his because he's older, he's Nige's Dad too, but none of it matters, I mean Teddy's older just not by that much" I say softly. Rory smiles. "You don't seem to care" Rory says. "I don't, I sorted it all out a while ago" I say. Rory kisses me. "I want you as happy as you deserve to be, Claude" Rory says. "I want to be as happy as you are to have Teddy" I say quietly. He grins.

My cell rings. Dad. "We'll be landing in about 5 minutes" he says. "We're all here" I say. "Who all?" he asks. "Me, Rory, Teddy, Nate, Yuri, Sam, Oscar, Takeru and his Kenji" I say softly. "I got a limo waiting for all of us" I tell him. Dad laughs. "They want to see you two meet after acknowledging your love" Dad says. His phone is silent for a minute.

"You ready to be mine for good" I hear. "I am, I'm almost desperate to belong to my Alf" I say softly. He murrs. "I'm going to bond you the second you're in my arms, Boy" Alf says gruffly. I purr. He laughs. "My Boy wants to be mine" he murrs. 'He's pretty damned anxious too, Claude" Dad says happily. "He'll love you as long as he's alive". Dad adds. "Gotta go so we can land" Dad says. Rory's grinning. "He's damned anxious" Rory says laughing. "I am too" I say. "I can see it in your eyes, you can't wait" Rory says. Teddy grins. He and Yuri are laughing. "I can't wait to see him again, he's a hot big Badger" Nate says laughing. "And if he's your mate, means soon enough we'll all get a shot at him" he adds gleefully. I grin. Takeru smiles at me.

"Alf will be happy again soon, he will always miss his Megan, but he knows how much Claude loves him, and he has some adjustments to make, he'll be happy soon at how a lot here will want him sexually" Takeru says. I hug Papa-San. "You did well, my Lion son, as well as my other Lion son did with his Teddy" Takeru says. Teddy murrs. We're all pretty happy now. I love my family, they've been there supporting me when things were going wrong, and I'm so happy to have them with me on such a happy occasion. It reminds me of what I had forgotten so easily. I am a lucky Lion. I have so many who love me and want me happy. I have so much. And I'm about to have all I ever could want when I have my English Badger as mine. And I've missed Nigel so much too. He's not been gone from me but for a few days, but I'm missing him an awful lot.

I hear the plane announced as landing. And I'm excited as hell. I run to the gate, I'm glad they all stayed back a bit. I kind of want to be alone when I first see Alf. I don't care if they see us bond. They are close enough to see and hear everything. But I know I'll cry when I first see him. I'm going to have a major emotional moment here. I"m anxious to have him for good, but I've got a very small amount of fear too. Am I worthy of Alf? He'll love me deeply and intensely, like he did Nigel's Mum. I hope I can love him enough and be worthy of his deep love.

Alf strolls calmly down the Jetway. I freeze and I start crying. He's even more beautiful, and masculine than I remember. So masculine and sexy. And he's gonna be mine very, very soon. Alf's grinning deeply when he sees me. I try to stop crying. . I'm glad Dad let him come ahead first. Alf puts his arms out to me. I run into them. And I cry harder. He holds me tightly and pets my mane. "I know, Boy, I know, I was sad my Megan died, but I got you now, I'm a lucky Badger, I have my loving son, I had Megan for so long, and now I have my Lion" He says nuzzling my mane. He's got a hold of my mane now. And he pulls my face up to his. "Time to become mine for good" he says quietly. And he leans in, and he kisses me hard and deep. I return the kiss and I faint into those big arms of his. I come to and I hear my family cheering for us. I smile at him. I'm kind of dazed still. He's grinning so deeply. "Mine, Boy, always mine" he says gruffly. "Yes, Sir, I'm where I belong now, in my Badger's arms" I say softly. He puts his arm around my shoulder. And he walks me over to Takeru. They hug. "I'll be good to him Big Bear, you know I will" he says softly. Takeru hugs him. "I know" he says.

I hug Rory. "You look happier than I've ever seen you, Bro" Rory says softly. "I am, I've never felt this way before" I say quietly. Dad hugs me and I'm so happy now. I grab Nigel and I pull him off to the side. I hug him. "I'm so sorry, Nige, I was so mad at Dad, I should have told you how happy I was that you'd be my Step Dad and well loved" I say. He hugs me. "Dad's been mourning at times, but he'd think of you and be happy" Nigel says. "I know how much you'll love him, Claude' he says. "Nigel, I am glad you approved" I say. "I knew you had no problems, but Jim was so upset and scared" Nigel says softly. "We'll be happy, you and my Dad, and me and yours, and I know the four of us will be close, Dad and Jim have become good friends" Nigel says. Alf walks up. "Son, I need to talk to my Boy for a minute and then we'll all go home" Alf says. Nigel and I look at each other. "Wot?" Nigel asks. Alf laughs. "You're my son, and Claude's my Boy, he's gonna be my obedient Lion, Sam's already given me some tips, and told me to tell Claude how much he approves of me as his mate" Alf says happily. Dad pulls Nigel off by his paw.

I look into Alf's eyes. "Good you know to pay close attention to Daddy Badger when he talks to you" Alf says. "I've been missing Megan a lot, but I feel so much now, I love you, Claude, I'm happy that you and your family want me here and with you" he murrs. "It'll be all I can do to wait til we get home to take you, but you need to know, I'll want to spend most of the coming days with you and in you probably" Alf says. "Rory told me you closed your office to be with me today, and I know the rest of your family is waiting to meet me" Alf says. "You're mine now, and for the next few days only mine, anyone wants you, send them to me, and I'll tell them, and I won't fuck anyone but my Lion either" he says. "Yes, Alf" I say meekly. He kisses me and my knees feel weak. "I may get sad at times, and I know you'll just hold or stroke me to comfort me" Alf says softly. "I will, I love you so, and I'm glad you could accept me as your mate" I say quietly. He smiles.

"When Nigel first told me of you having a crush, I felt something, something I didn't understand, Claude, I knew I loved Megan and I was straight, even though I'd get sucked off at times" Alf says quietly. "I was stunned when Megan told me she thought I should go after you when she was gone, I had to think it out a lot, and she'd explained why she thought I should take you" Alf says. "She told me no one would love me like she did, but you'd come closer than anyone else could" Alf says. "It made me think, and Jim helped a lot, but male or not, I knew then what that feeling was I couldn't understand was, I was in love with you too, Claude" Alf says kissing my cheek. "It was easier to deal with knowing she wanted me to take you" he says smiling. I weep a bit. "She loved me, and she wanted me to have you when she was gone" I say trying to stop crying. He strokes my mane. "I know you loved her, Rory told me how mad you were that Jim forbid you to come to us, but you did obey, you'll obey me like that too" Alf says. "Now, lets go home" he says drying my tears. "I want to finish bonding you, so you'll be mine forever, Boy" Alf says nuzzling me.

We go to find the others. We both get hugged by everyone. Yuri hugs me tightly and kisses me. "My sweet Bull, he kept me together last night, Daddy Badger, I was sad and missed my Alf so, and Yuri sent Nate to talk to me and then held and comforted us" I say softly. Alf hugs Nate. "I'm staying to my Lion for the first few days, but I do want you soon" he says stroking Nate's fluffy coat. Nate purrs. I grin. And we go to the limo and get driven home. Its a happy trip. And when we get home. We kind of draw the rest in to meet Alf. Emil's happy with him, as is Vlad. The tops are charmed by his quiet masculinity and the bottoms want him. After a fairly long period of chatting. Alfred calls lunch.

We all sit and eat. Alf's happy now. He sits by Dad and I sit on his right. I bring him his plate, and Alfred had given me a beer for him too. It's an English Ale. And Alf grins when he sees it. I put it down in front of him. "Sit, Boy" he says. I sit by him with my own plate. "Boy means obey me now" Alf whispers. I nod. "You have it down so far" he says softly. I smile at him. We eat. He'll stroke my back at times. I purr without realizing it. I'm so damned happy now. Having him here. Scenting his Badger musk. Hearing his voice, feeling the touch of those big Black furred hands as they stroke me. I can barely image how it'll feel when he makes love to me for the first time. There is so much love in his Bright Green eyes for his Lion. I know how he wants me. I can smell the increasing level of testosterone in his sweat. He loves how accepting my family is of us and our love, or else he'd of dragged me off to take me as his when we hit the door of our home.

When we're finished, Alf takes my paw. "This is what I've been waiting for" he whispers in my ear. He leads me to our bedroom. Alfred's put his things away already. He strips me and strips. "You're so beautiful, Alf" I say. He grins. He's hard and poking out of his sheath. Bigger than I'd of thought. 22" and it's Black. "Claude, be patient with me, this is only my second time with a male." Alf says. "How do you want me?" I ask. "What do you like?' he asks. "I want my Badger to take me how he wants me" I say quietly. Alf smiles. "Just know, I love you so much, you can't not please me, Big Badger" I say quietly. "I've waited for so long and I had no idea I'd ever have you as mine" I tell him. 'You wanted me so badly, Claude, it's obvious to me now," Alf says.

"Enough talk" he says and he leans down and kisses me. He's murring. "I'm a bit nervous, Claude, but I'm so horny for you, not just sex, but for loving sex with my Lion" he says softly. He's hard enough to bust concrete though. He rolls on top of me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He pushes that big dick very gently up me. I put my arms around his thick neck. I moan and growl. Alf begins to move very gently inside of me. "Get used to my size, Claude, I told you I'm big down there" he whispers. "I'm fine with it, I've wanted you in me for so long, Alf" I moan. He grins. And he kisses me and speeds up his fucking. I wrap my legs around his thick waist. "My little one" he says kissing me deeply.

I moan and cuss and I cum on his belly. He's happy. "You like my fucking" he says. "I do, Alf, I told you I would, I have my Badger at last, and he's hot for me and he's inside of me, I can't not love it" I moan. And he begins to deep dick me. We kiss deeply and we tongue wrestle a bit. He nuzzles my neck. "I don't think I can hold much longer, you keep squeezing me" Alf murrs. "Give it to me, Daddy Badger, fill me with your cum" I whisper in his ear. He grins at me. Nipping my neck gently he roars and I feel him gushing up me. I yowl and cum on his belly again as he fills my ass.

Alf looks proud. "You meant it, you loved me in you" he says smiling. 'I don't lie, Alf, never have" I say softly. Alf kisses me. He rolls off of me. "Was I good?" he asks quietly. "You were amazing Alf, I love you and I love how you fuck" I say. "I want to please you, Baby Lion" he says softly. "You do, I want you, I want you to enjoy this too" I say."I did, you're so tight, Jim told me you were that way" he says softly. "Nigel told me how giving you are, never just passively getting fucked" Alf says softly. "I want to please my mate, I want you to be happy" I say. He's hard again. I kiss him. "Lay back, Daddy Badger" I ask. He rolls on his back. I move over to him. I suck him gently. He's murring loudly. I lick his balls and he's moaning. I rim him and he's cussing loudly. I lick his big foot paws. "Never had that done" he growls I move up and I lick his chest and pits. He growls. And I throw my leg over him and I sit on his dick. He's growling and cussing as I move up and down on his big Badger dick. He's put his paws behind his head and he's looking at me. "Atta Boy, ride Daddy" he growls. I speed up on him. "Fuck me" he roars and I feel him gushing up me. He's panting harder now. He's still rock hard and I keep riding him.

Alf grabs my hips and he rolls over holding on to me so I'm now on my back and he's on top of me. And he starts fucking me. "Wanna try something" he murrs in my ear. And he starts moving really fast inside of me, he's pounding me. I growl and I paw his back frantically. He's murring now. He slips his paws under my butt and lifts it up, pushing himself deeper in me. I yowl and cum on him. He's grinning and he speeds up again. And my ass is bouncing off of the bed from the impacts of his hard thrusting. "I think you like your Badger Daddy rough at times" Alf whispers to me. I moan and I paw his back again. "Hot for your Alf" he murrs. "I am, I love my Alf so much" I pant. He roars and I feel his cum spurting up me. He holds my head to his sweaty chest. "I love you, Boy, I know how long you've loved me, Nige told me, yet you would not hurt me or him or his mum" Alf says stroking my mane. "I couldn't Alf, it'd of been selfish of me to do things like that" I say. He nuzzles me. "I'm such a bloody lucky Badger, Megan loved me so much, and now you do, I've not been unloved as an adult" he says stroking my face.

He laughs. "We talked on the plane, in a year you'll be bonded to me and be Dr Davenport, and Nige will bond Jim and be Dr Kitman" he says laughing. "It is a bit ironic" I say. "Claude, you were so careful about him, does it bother you to be with his Dad" Alf asks. "No, I knew when he bonded my Dad, I knew how it felt, I'm happy for them, Nige let me know he wanted me to take you, he knows me, and he knows how deeply I love, and he wanted his Daddy loved" I say. Alf smiles. "He got hot at the idea of Jim filling him up with the cum that made you" Alf says laughing. I crack up. "What, Boy?" he asks. "I get hot thinking of that too, every time you flood me with your Badger cum, it's the same cum that created Nigel" I say smiling. He grins. "Megan hated how much I shot when I cum, she complained it made a mess" he says quietly. "I love it, Alf, I love feeling you gush up me" I say laughing. "I seem to be cumming more now" he says happily. "As much as I loved Megan and she loved me, we never fucked this much, even during our honeymoon" Alf says. "We've fucked three times and we've been in here less than an hour and a half" Alf says proudly. He's hard again. I move back on him and take him into me. He murrs. I move back and forth on him "I love it, you let me when I want you, and you come after your Badger's dick if I don't" Alf says happily. "I've wanted you so much for so long without hope of ever getting you" I say softly. He grips my hips and begins to fuck me. "Your devotion deserves a reward, Boy, always gonna take you as much as I can" he says softly. "Fine with me" I growl softly. "My baby Lion" he murrs.

I moan and I involuntarily squeeze his dick with my ass. He growls. "Tight" he growls. And he's cumming hard up me. "I love it when you do that, you squeeze me so hard" he pants. He rolls off of me and he lays on his back and he puts my head on his sweaty White furred chest.

"I must be doing well, you love it and you seem happy" he says happily. "You're a great lover, Alf, I knew you'd be, and we're so hot for each other you'll get plenty of practice" I say panting. "I just have to look at you and I get hard" he says pointing to his already hard again dick. "No, baby" he murrs when I start to go down to his crotch. "Lay with me for a moment, my Lion" he says and he kisses me.

"Claude, this has all been so much easier than I dreamed it would be, loving you seems to come so naturally to me" he says happily. I smile. "I know, I have loved you for so long, and I know it's easier for me as I knew I was gay" I say. He kisses me. "I know how much you love me, Claude, it shines from your eyes when you look at your Alf" he says softly. I lay my head on his chest. "I can't believe how lucky of a Badger I am, I've gotten two great animals to fall in love with me" he says stroking my mane gently. "You were so good to Nigel, you two got close, and you begged us to let you foot his costs, I could quit my 2nd and 3rd jobs, Nige said that was why you wanted to" Alf says kissing me. "We'd met, and while I liked you I hadn't fallen for you yet"I say softly. "I have to admit it was purely selfish, Alf, I knew then I loved Nigel, and didn't want to risk not having him here with me, I couldn't of borne it" I say quietly. He looks into my eyes. "There's a tight bond between you two" Alf says softly. I nod. "But we'd of not met, and I wouldn't be this happy" he says. "When did you first know you loved me?" he asks nuzzling me. I take a deep breath.

"Alf, you and Megan had come to visit" I say. "You were so tired, you'd been working extra to buy her a present, and you were worn out" I say. Alf grins. "I think I remember, I was in the tub and so sore" he says. "You massaged my shoulders and it felt so good" he says. "You laid on the grass and I gave you a full massage" I say. Alf smiles. "I was murring so loudly, it felt so good, and when I hugged you, Claude, you blushed so much" he says happily. I nod. "I wanted to kiss you then, but I knew I couldn't, you were straight, and my best friends father, and I felt so much for you at that moment, Alf" I say quietly. "I felt a lot for you too at that moment, you were trying to make me not hurt and being so caring, Claude, I knew I meant a lot to you at that point, but I had no idea" he says softly. "You got up and I watched you walk into the house, and at that moment, I knew I loved you, but I couldn't tell anyone yet" I say quietly. "Alf, you were so beautifully masculine and sexy and I knew I loved you" I say quietly. "But I had to keep it to myself" I say.

"Who did you tell?" he asks. 'I first told Takeru, I knew he'd understand, and he helped me so much, I knew I couldn't tell you and I did tell Rory after a bit" I say. "I'm amazed you told Nigel" Alf says. "I didn't, Takeru did and Nigel came to me, he knew already" I say. "He thought it was funny, I had no idea, but he and Dad were spending a lot of time fucking, though even Nigel didn't know Dad was intent on trying to bond him one day" I say softly. "I thought it was funny the way Nige just blurted it out, I was fussing at him about him not trying to bond you, on a visit home, and he told me I'd get you before he did, and he told me about your crush" Alf says. "Were you upset?" I ask. "No, I wasn't, I had no idea of what to say, you'd always been so good to us, you loved Nigel, and you did so much for Megan and I" he says quietly. "But I had to admit, it made me think about sex with you" Alf says. "I had recently begun to get sex in men's rooms and places like that, Megan wasn't as horny as I am" he says shyly. "I'd heard a bit about how hot and tight a guys ass was as opposed to a woman" Alf says looking embarrassed. I kiss him.

"When I took Nigel for the first time, I knew it was true, my boy was as tight as you are, and almost as responsive" Alf says. "I knew then, I wanted up you even more, I loved you, and I could barely wait to come to my Lion" he says. "It was all I could do not to fuck you at the airport, just throw you down and fuck you hard" Alf says softly. "You were all I'd hoped, you were sensitive to me, and you were so into me, I could see it in your eyes" he says. "You really were hot to have me in you, you loved taking your mate, I'd never felt as wanted as I did when you kept looking into my eyes while we fucked that first time" Alf says softly. "I will always want you, Alf" I say. "I know, you came after me, I didn't soften, and you had me lay back while you worked me over" Alf says kissing me. "It meant so much to me, showed me how hot I made you" he says smiling at me. I move my head towards his crotch and this time he doesn't stop me. I deep throat him. And he's moaning softly.

"Ride me, Boy" he snaps. I pull off of his dick and I sit on him and I take him down to his sheath. He's moaning. And I ride him hard and fast awhile and then start changing my depth and tempo. He's growling and he grips my hips and begins to thrust upwards into me. "Bloody Hell" he growls and he's moving faster now. He moves up and he's got me on my back and he's thrusting deeper and harder. He nips my neck and I feel his sperm gushing into me. He pants a minute. And he kisses me and he starts banging me again. "Gonna go up my Lion til I can't anymore" he growls in my ear. And we keep fucking. He's a great fuck. And after he's cum up me for a fifth time he rolls off of me. Panting hard. His cum is gushing out of me. I lean over and I kiss him.

"You were so afraid you couldn't make me happy in bed, and you have made me ecstatic, Big Badger" I say kissing him. "I get it, from your example, it's kind of showing you how much I love you using my dick, like you use your ass" he pants. I smile. "I wanted to put 'that look' on your face, and it seemed so easy to do" he says happily. "What look?" I ask. "You get a certain look when you're about to cum on me" he teases me. He strokes his belly. I've cum all over him, God only knows how many times.

"Claude, I love you so much, Boy' Alf says kissing me again. "I love you, Alf, I had no idea it could be this good, better than I ever dreamed" I say fighting tears. "I know, Baby, no need for tears, your Alf loves you that much too" he says stroking my mane. And he holds me and we silently weep from the intensity of our love for each other. "I loved Megan, and I was afraid loving you would bring up pain from losing her, but it's so different, you love me as deeply, but so differently" he says kissing me. I hug him. He kisses me again. "I do miss her, Claude" he says beginning to cry. I hold him and I pet him a bit. And I let him cry it out. "I'm not trying to replace her, I know I can't" I say stroking his face. "Claude, it's so different, you're so focused on me, what I want, what I need and making me happy, she could be that way too, but it's different, you make me feel that if I'm not happy, you aren't either" Alf says holding me tightly. "I'm not, we're a pair, I belong to you as you belong to me" I say quietly. He's nuzzling me. Alfred announces dinner.

"One more and then we'll eat, you've kind of fucked me into being starving" Alf says kissing me. "Do you feel better now, my love?" I ask. "I do, baby Lion" he says. "You let me know I could talk about it, and you comforted your Badger" he says. He pushes me onto my back and he mounts me. "I want to please you too, Boy, you let me know how much I do and it makes me want you just that much more" he says softly. He pushes his huge Badger dick up me. And we rut for each other. He nips my neck after about ten minutes and cums hard up me. "You're so into me, you let me run things, you're happy with how ever I fuck you" Alf murrs. And he gets up. I can hear him in the bathroom washing himself off in the sink. I wipe my butt off with a towel. And I get up. "Do we dress?" he asks. "Alfred's let the 'no nudity' rule drop, so however you want us to be will be fine" I say. Alf grins. "I love seeing my Lion naked, we won't dress" Alf murrs.

And he takes my arm and we walk across the hall to the dining room. Alf sits and I fix him a plate and go get him one of those English Ales. I fix a plate and sit by my Badger. Nigel looks pretty happy too. He kisses his Dad and sits by me. Dad's grinning. 'You two look pretty happy now" he says. "Dad?" I ask. And he smiles. I take his paw and I pull him out of the kitchen.

"You two look so happy" Dad says. "I am, and he is too, I have to apologize and I hope you and Nigel are as happy as Alf and I" I say kissing my Dad. Dad grins. "I should have known you'd listen to me if I told you a bit about why, and I'm sorry too Claude" Dad says.

"Dad, we should go on, I know Nigel loves you, and he'll be as good to you as I would have been, if you weren't my Dad" I say quietly. "You've always fucked me when I wanted you to, but would you have bonded me if we could?" Dad asks. "In a split second, Rory too, I'd of worked hard to make my beloved Daddy a happy Lion" I say quietly. Dad nuzzles me. "I always wondered about whether you would have" Dad says. I kiss him. "Daddy, I have loved you, and I've always been so proud to be your son" I say softly. "I was afraid, you and Nigel are so close, I loved him for awhile but I had to be sure you'd approve and even then I just did it and then we fought" Dad says. "Nigel made me see you weren't unhappy with us, just mad at me for treating you like a young cub" Dad says. "Claude, I sometimes see you and Rory like it was yesterday, my little cubs, but you are both grown Lions, mated adults and deserving of respect" Dad says. I kiss him. "I understand, in some ways I know in my heart, I'll always be my Daddy's little cub" I say hugging him tightly. He hugs me tightly. "I couldn't lose you, or Rory, and now Nigel" Dad says softly. "Alf has told me how much you've helped him, with losing Megan, accepting his gay side and being able to love me" I say kissing me. "Daddy had to do all he could to help his cub be happy" I say quietly. Dad smiles. "Nigel was upset when he called you, he talked to you and he was better, same as when Alf called you, I hadn't seen how tightly bound you two are, Claude" Dad says softly. "We are Dad, and we know, when you and Alf are gone we'll have each other, Rory and Teddy have promised to help keep us happy too" I say. "I won't give up on Alf just because he's a lot older than me, same as Nigel and you" I say quietly. "Nigel said something similar, he'd rather have me for as long as he does than to have anyone else" Dad says.

Alf walks up and puts his paw on Dad's shoulder. "They love us, Jimmy, Claude will love me as long as I live, and Nigel loves you that much too" Alf says softly. Nigel hugs me from behind. I smile at him. Alf pulls his son over to him and they hug too. "Dad, we all should get together soon, the four of us, Alf has had Nigel, maybe we should show them how we fuck" I say smiling. Dad laughs. "In a few days, Boy, I'm only with you for now, we'll branch out to others and I'd love to watch you take Jimmy" Alf says kissing me.

We're off to a good start. After a lot of pain and anger we're together as we are meant to be. My Badger is happy to have me as I am to have him.

Life will be good now. Alf will be sad over losing Megan at times, but he's very happy to have me now. And to be loved again. He's a great Badger and he loves me so much.