The Pig-sty (Chapter 1)

Story by Lolergasn on SoFurry

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Patrick starts a new job working for the cities landscaping firm. It turns out the job is a bit more demanding then he first thought. There is something strange about his coworkers and his new Boss plans to train him just like he trained the rest.

Patrick was nervous as he approached the warehouse behind the arts center, it was his first day at his new job and he wasn't exactly feeling confident. He had just turned 18 and his step father had given him an ultimatum, get a job or get out. Lucky for him his city had been hiring in the parks department and somehow he had landed himself a position on the team. Patrick had always been a rather nerdy kid growing up, spending more time in the basement on the computer than out on the street with the other boys. He was worried his scrawny nature would be a detriment to his new job, the heaviest thing he had lifted in the last year was his new 4k monitor and even that had winded the poor guy. Still he was out of options, he grumbled under his breath as he stood in front of the side door of the warehouse, pushing the buzzer to no response.

'Maybe I should just go home...' the young boy muttered to himself. Just as he started to turn around a deep voice boomed out over the intercom, 'Door's open kid!'

Patrick blinked for a few seconds, stunned while his nerves got the best of him. The voice barked out over the intercom again, 'Get your ass in here boy, don't make me come and get you myself!'

Patrick jumped at the order and quickly opened the door to the warehouse, as soon as it opened a blast of air hit his nose carrying a strange smell. A mixture of oil, manure and...something else. As he walked into the warehouse he tried to pinpoint the strange smell, finding it rather intense but oddly appealing. It didn't take him long to figure out what it was though.

Inside the entrance way there was a line of lockers to the left. Three large men were chatting by them and rummaging through their belongings. Each was in a different state of undress. All of them were slick with sweat. Patrick realized the appealing smell had been his coworkers BO and he blushed a bit trying not to think about the tingle he was feeling in his shorts.

One of the large men had noticed him and turned around, he was easily over 6 feet and his belly strained against his undershirt as he glanced at Patrick. He was bald but had a thick black beard that seemed to mix into his equally thick chest hair, he started to walk towards Patrick with a grin on his face. His rosy cheeks bounced a bit with each step. Patrick was so distracted by the man he hadn't noticed he wasn't wearing much except his tank top, a well worn jock slightly yellowed with sweat seemed to barely contain his bulge as he approached.

'Hey there kiddo, you must be our new teammate! I'm Chuck, welcome to the pigsty!" The large man extended his hand with that same big grin. Patrick realized he had been staring and blushed, 'Um, nice to meet you I'm Patrick...' Patrick extended a hand to the man only to have his entire hand swallowed by the man's massive fingers. The man laughed and pulled Patrick forward into a big hug, 'it's always nice to have some new blood around! Erin, get Rick out here!" Patrick was caught off guard by the man's strength and fell right into his chest. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the aroma he had noticed earlier. It was almost...relaxing, he felt himself go a bit limp as Chuck called out to his friend, an uncomfortable bulge forming in his shorts.

What is going on with me today... he thought to himself, he had never felt so aroused before. His mind began to go a bit foggy as Chuck released him from his embrace. He put his arms on Patrick's shoulders, 'Rick will take care of your training kid and then me and the boys will take care of the rest' with a quick wink Chuck turned Patrick around and wrapped a big arm over his shoulder, leading him to the back office. Patrick could feel the sweat from Chuck's armpit dripping onto his shoulder, he caught himself turning in towards the scent and shook his head, I just need to get through this day then I can jerk off when I get home maybe that will clear my head.


Rick laughed as he watched his new pig shuffle awkwardly outside the warehouse. He was an absolute runt but Rick loved that. It always made the change more fun. He looked down under his desk at his last hire Kent. The man was passionately slurping on his thick cock. Kent was almost a full pig now, his nose had begun to retract into a more snout-like shape and Rick could feel his new tusks rub against his sensitive skin as he serviced his cock. What was once a thick head of blonde hair had disappeared leaving smooth slightly pink skin in its place. Even his ears had begun to change, framing his now large face with their distinct porcine shape.

Out of the corner of his eye Rick noticed his new hire had started to walk away, quickly he picked up his mic.

'Door's open kid!' he smiled as he watched the boy's eyes open wide, perfect, he will be fun to break... 'Get your ass in here boy, don't make me come and get you myself!' he ordered. As he watched the meek boy enter the warehouse he knew he could trust his pigs to bring him his new prey.

'Get the fuck up here Kent and give Daddy a kiss'

The pigman popped Rick's thick uncut cock out of his mouth and crawled out from under the desk. Rick grabbed him by his neck and pulled him against his mouth. He could taste himself on Kent as he slammed his thick tongue into his mouth. Kent moaned as he felt his alpha dominate his mouth submitting to the invasion, his cock pulsed quickly and soon he was shooting his load all over Rick's overalls.

'Shit boy just from a kiss huh?' Rick chuckled as he let go of Kent's neck. 'Now you made a mess and I'm just about to train the new hire...'

'I'm sorry Sir let me clean it up Sir' Kent stammered upset that he might have disappointed his alpha.

'It's fine Kent, I'll have the new boy take care of it, besides shouldn't you be getting back home? I'm sure the wife misses having you around.' Rick laughed as he watched Kent stand up and look around for his clothing. The man had been resistant to the changes at first but here he was 150 pounds heavier and a foot taller begging to lick his cum off of Rick's pants. Rick had been more than happy to show him where a man like him belonged.

'Hurry up slut, I don't need you scaring my new boy away before I get my tusks into him' Kent squealed a bit at the command and quickly threw his own pair of overalls on rushing out the door before he could get fully dressed.


Patrick snapped out of his haze when he heard what sounded like a pig squealing coming from the other side of the office door.

'W-what was that?' he stuttered in surprise

'Oh don't worry, Rick was just working with our other new hire, probably just wore him out little guy' Chuck smiled, pulling Patrick a bit closer to his armpit.

Patrick was enveloped in that scent again and didn't bat an eye when the door opened and another large bald man slinked past him. He thought he noticed something strange on his face but before he could get his thoughts together the voice from the intercom blasted into his ears.

'Welcome Boy, Come inside, You'll be doing some training with me today!' Rick stood up from behind his desk and adjusted his overalls. Patrick was stunned by the sheer size of the man in front of him. He was easily 7 feet tall, he made the desk in front of him look like a school desk. He had a thick mane of brown hair that trailed down from his head and wrapped into his beard. His nose was oddly compact, it reminded Patrick of a pig he had seen at the country fair a few years back. In Fact the more he looked at the giant of a man the more he noticed the strange features of the man's face. Before he could really take the man in he felt himself pushed forward by Chuck and he stumbled into the office.

'Have fun kid, the training is the best part, just do whatever Rick says' Chuck laughed and shut the door with a snort.

As Patrick steadied himself the smell of the room suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks. If he was feeling hazy from Chuck's scent earlier he was absolutely floored by this aroma. It was so masculine and also bitter but somehow he was enthralled. The mixture of sweat and...was that cum? Whatever it was Patrick couldn't focus on anything else. He hadn't even noticed Rick had walked across the room, closing the small space between them quickly.

'Now Son, I don't know if you've ever worked a job like this before. It's hard work, there is gonna be a lot of manual labour, you're definitely gonna work up a sweat.' Rick walked around the dazed boy and patted his back roughly, it looked like this would be easier than he thought.

'Now I'm not trying to be rude here son but I'm not sure you have what it takes to get through a full shift. Look at these twigs!' He moved behind Patrick and began to cradle his scrawny arms in his massive hands. 'I need to see exactly what I'm working with here, take your clothes off boy!" Rick growled his last command out. Patrick shook for a moment as his senses were overloaded by the large man. Without thinking he began to remove his top revealing his thin frame. Rick guffawed as Patrick revealed himself. 'Just as I thought, we are going to have to make some changes here if this is going to work. Off with the shorts, now!'

Patrick stopped for a second, he knew what was happening was wrong but he couldn't seem to control himself. He looked back over his shoulder holding onto the waistband of his pink shorts only to come face to face with Rick's face. He could finally take it all in up close.

Rick was obviously not a human, whatever facade he had been employing had melted away. His chocolate brown hair wasn't hair, it was thick fur. His ears stuck up into an inhuman pointed shape that reminded Patrick again of a pig. His nose wasn't just stubby, it had become a thick snout, he watched Rick's nostrils contract as he breathed in Patrick's weak scent. The most shocking feature was the large tusks protruding from the sides of Rick's mouth, a little bit of saliva had gathered at the base and was dripping onto Patrick's shoulder. As Patrick stared in disbelief Rick reached around and placed a hand over his own, 'I told you to strip, boy.'