Marty Collins 1

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#100 of Claude gay stories

Claude gets traumatically seperated from his first love which leads to a rocky love life until he is reunited with his Horse

My love life sucks. I've been left four times now. My first love was married and though he fell for me hard and really did love me. He could not walk away from all he had or was when his wife found out and made a scandal out of it. So he dumped me. She took him back and then went to the papers with her story, and it exploded into a rather juicy scandal. I was 16 at the time. And though I was an emancipated minor it caused a big ruckus. (College Football Coach + Underage male partner + Married Man + Gay affair. = a huge, and juicy sex scandal....SIGH.) I ended up having to go to Medical School elsewhere.

But I would not have been able to stay in Auburn, Alabama and have any kind of practice when I graduated. She spun it as totally my doing. The young, rich and beautiful Lion male of 16 seduced her husband. I was painted as the wicked vamp pulling a married man from his happy family. Not true at all. It was always a mutual attraction. Knowing that was my only source of comfort for a long time. Marty did love me. As I loved him. We would have bonded if I was of age. He swore he'd bond me the minute I turned 18.

But public opinion was on her side. The innocent wife and the weak married man who succumbed to my so called wiles. Dad and my older brother Rory were on my side and Dad, bless his heart went on the offensive. He threatened the Administration with the total withdrawal of any donations and/or contributions from us and his large, family owned conglomerate. CMK Industries. If they punished me in any way. He couldn't help Marty unfortunately, though to his credit he tried really hard to. And I was merely allowed to finish the last semester of Pre Med if I agreed to go to Medical School elsewhere. So I did. And they didn't mention the scandal in any of their transcripts or paperwork to Sacramento State University where I was accepted to Medical School and Residency.

And coming out to California did help. I was able to put it all behind me. Though some here knew about the scandal. But most figured out the truth of it all. (One thing I have to admire Californians for. They are more sophisticated in general and they'll look at media reports with an open mind. They might enjoy reading the scandals but they've seen so many of them. They can sort out the truth of them quickly.) But I was broken emotionally and so far away from my family now. I cried a lot at first. Missing Dad and Rory and even Edward our beloved Family Retainer. I missed my Horse too. I felt so all alone and desperately lonely.

Thanks to my therapist, Dr Jonas White I was able to heal and keep myself together. I just hope Marty got some kind of help too. He was devastated too. He didn't leave me of his own accord, I know that, and I don't hate him, I couldn't hate him. (I still loved him, never stopped for one minute of my life while we were apart. Just was convinced he'd never come back to his Lion.)

My second and third mates fell for others while they were with me. Both Russians. Dmitri Petrov, and his adopted brother, Bruno Petrov. One a big beautiful Bull and the other a huge Grizzly. Dmitri is still with his Dr Grigori Petrovitch, a huge Clydesdale. We've made our peace and become friends of a sort. I had to, Dmitri's younger brother Yuri is mated to one of my best friends and lives with me. He's a beautiful Gray furred Siberian Bull. And has the biggest heart of any animal I've ever known.

My fourth was a big Venezuelan Bull. Jorge Guerra, he's my retainer's mate's older brother. And he at least sat me down and we talked it out. He was crushed. Dmitri was too, Bruno just up and left, and I still have no idea where or why. Just left a note on his pillow. "Dosvedonya, Katya." it said. Took his things and left me in the middle of the night. Left me confused and stunned for months. (Dmitri is happy with his Horse, Jorge with his Tiger, Marty, my Marty I'd take back in a split second if he wanted me. But I can't bring myself to even hunt for him. I could find him I'm sure, but what if he didn't want me, if he was too hurt, it would kill me outright. And I'm not a brave enough young Lion to risk it.)

Jorge fell for a young White Bengal Tiger. And he cried so the night he told me. He left too. He hated to hurt me and he wanted to tell me, he was Bull enough to stand the pain long enough to talk it out with me. I love him for that. I still see him once in a while. I had been paying for him to get his College degree and I had to beg him to keep letting me. But he did, and I do see him every so often. I love that big Bull still. But I want him happy and to have a good life. We weren't meant to be together for the long run. But his Jerome makes him as happy as I would have. And that's what I want for Jorge. (Between him and Dmitri, I guess I just have rotten luck with Bulls. But my Bulls were full of integrity and refused to leave me without facing me and telling me why, and letting me see how much it hurt them to do so.) (While I don't go out of my way to see either of them, I have forgiven them. They'd of hurt either way.)

Who am I? Who is this male who's so unlucky at love? I'm Dr Claude Marcus Kitman II. I'm probably going to end up an old maid spinster at this rate.. I'm an Internist. I was considered a genius and I whipped through my medical training by age 20. So I've been a Physician for 4 years. My love life might be shit, but my career is going well. I'm happy with what I do, and I have a good practice and my patients love me and my partners. Our patients love that if they need more time than the 20 minute blocks of time we use for appointments, we'll spend it with them. What I find funny is that they don't connect me with my rather rich and famous family. I do occasionally get asked if I'm a distant relation to 'those Kitmans'. They can't believe a very rich Lion would work as hard as I do. (I do end up with a bit of notoriety anyway. Not recognized as a rich Kitman, but as the mate of the Head Football Coach of Sacramento State University.) (I'm still Dr Kitman though. I want to legally bond Marty and take his name and be Dr Collins, but he's gun shy after his marriage went so bad, and he doesn't want to legally bond me. No big deal to me.)

I"m practicing with my Med School mentor. Dr. Horst Grumer. A big German born Grizzly Bear. I had had an affair with him for a while. But he bonded my best friend the first time they met. Dr Nigel Davenport, who also practices with us. Nige and I met in Med School and it was like we've known each other forever. We were both so lonely. He'd never been out of London let alone away from his loving Mum and Dad. I could relate, I missed Dad and Rory so much. We'd hold each other and cry out our loneliness. We bonded tightly though we don't love each other 'that way'. No one knows me as well as Nige does.

I'm an African Lion. 6'4" and 220 pounds. I have my Daddy's Sapphire Blue eyes, and I look just like a smaller version of my Daddy. I have Golden Tan fur and a Red Brown mane like he does. Big foot paws and a broad and open face. I don't have Dad's charisma though. Dad's the CEO and owner of our family conglomerate, CMK Industries. We're rich. I have money. I have more than $500 Million my namesake Grandpa Kitman left me. So does my older Brother.

Rory Micheal Kitman is a Lion too. A big Lion. Rory's 6'11" and 330 pounds of Gold furred muscle. His mane is Red Brown too. He works out and has a rock hard body. Me, I'm fit enough, but no builder like my Brother. Rory's got Dad's Sapphire Blue eyes, but he looks more like a bigger version of our Grandpa Russell, our Mom's Dad.. Dad and Rory are tops and I'm a bottom Lion. We all have Feline dicks that are on the large side for Felines. Dad's 18", I'm 16" and Rory, Rory's 20". I know because we fucked a lot as teenagers. Rory kept me from being lonely and horny when things fell apart with my big Clydesdale Coach. And I'm still under him when I can be. (He missed me and he'd come out to California for a week or two and we'd rut like crazy. He loves me a lot. I'd hate to admit to it, but we tried to bond more than once. Couldn't though.. But I'd of belonged to him happily. I'd of borne his cubs if I could. Even if it meant I would bear my own nephews.)

I moved from our native Alabama to go to Medical School at Sacramento State University in California. I came here, bought a house. Rory followed soon enough afterwards to go to school, he'd come visit and he really fell in love with Sacramento like I did. Dad moved the offices out here a year or so after Rory moved in with me. And he brought his bond mate out here with him.

Beau Wilson is a big, ole Redneck, he's a Saber Tooth Tiger. Big and stocky and butch as hell. He and Dad bonded when Rory and I were young, and they were scared Rory and I wouldn't approve. We did, we both loved our big Redneck Saber Tooth. He's a versatile, and he's always been hot after my ass since I came of age. He loves Dad so much. He's not shy, he's boisterous and happy. But he's always afraid Dad might get embarrassed by loving a big ole uneducated Redneck. Beau had to go to work fairly early in his life to support his Mom and brothers and sisters. He never finished beyond 8th grade. Dad's proud of his Saber Tooth though, and he takes Beau to the various functions he has to attend as CEO of CMK. Beau's always scared when they go. And if Dad can get him to relax he'll always charm those around him. But he's usually so uptight. And silent at those fancy parties. Beau cleans up well, as he calls it. And he looks great on Dad's arm. They make a sexy couple. He's not stupid, there is a big difference between uneducated and stupid. But he's a good soul who loves us all. He treats Rory and I like we were his real sons. In return Rory and I love him wholeheartedly.

We also have our English Family Retainer living with us. Edward Featherstone is a Red Fox, he's been with our family since before Rory was born. He's smart and wise and efficient and he's been like a father to us. He was a bit afraid when he bonded his Manuel Guerra. Rory and I were all for it, and he was out here already, and had been turned over to me, as I own the house. Manuel is a big beautiful Bull, and he adores his Fox. Manuel was so sorry when his older brother and I broke up. But when he knew I wasn't mad at Jorge he felt a bit better. I've been under him and he's an amazing Bull in bed. And to see how much he loves Edward makes me happy.

Manuel and I had a long talk about his brother, Jorge. I don't hate him, I couldn't hate Jorge. He didn't intend to bond someone else, and he and I talked it out. And Jorge knows he's welcome to come see his younger brother, and does at times. We slept together once since we broke up. But his Jerome got really upset and was really afraid he'd take me back. So we stopped having sex and Jerome's calmer about Jorge coming to our house to see his brother. I was angry about it for a while. I'd never do to someone else what was done to me. Besides, if Jorge wanted me more than Jerome he'd of not left me for him. And I couldn't take anyone away from their mate. Edward calmed me down and told me it's an irrational fear on Jerome's part. I won't hold it against Jorge though.

We lost our Mom earlier in life.. She died less than six years after she had me. Dad was upset but he kept going for the sake of his two young cubs. My Dad loves his sons very much. My rugged love life has hurt him too. He's been great though. Supportive and understanding. Though he's kind of rough on anyone I date that might get serious with me. He'll play a rugged game of 20 questions with them.

We have a few others living with us. Horst and Nigel moved in after they bonded. Horst is big. 6'8" and 340 pounds of Chocolate Brown Grizzly. He's warm and funny in private, though a bit reserved in public. And he's an amazing Grizzly lover. Big dicked and skilled with it. He keeps me happy as he does his Nigel. Nigel's smaller. 5'9" and 165 pounds of Black furred Honey Badger. Luminous Green eyes and a wide Honey Tan stripe down his back and along his tail. Nige's warm and smart and fun to be with.

The owners of Rory's gym needed a place to live when their rental home was sold out from under them. Sam Montoya and his Oscar Perez. A pair of big Hispanic Bull builders. Sam is a retired Olympic Power Lifter who won several Gold medals and retired to train his Oscar.

Sam is big 7'2" and 420 pounds of massively built Castilian Bull. His fur is a medium Brown. Blue eyes. But the most striking thing you'll notice is his Black hair and goatee, tail and hoof tufts with the thick White stripe running through them.

Oscar Perez is a Chocolate Brown furred Castilian Bull. Younger than Sam, and a classically attractive Bull.(Oscar's a pretty boy Bull ) His long Black Hair is usually worn in a ponytail. And his hoof and tail tufts are Black too. He's got a warm, sexy smile, and he's calm and easy going. A good contrast to Sam's volcanic temperament. And he is totally devoted to his Bull Daddy.

Sam's a dominant top. And we're kind of in a permanent rut for each other. I went to their gym with Rory and when Sam and I first saw each other he pulled me into the back room and we'd fucked four times before I even found out who he was. Oscar's fine with how we are. Sam ruts me hard and he gets his dominance urges out, and he's gentler and more affectionate with his 'Baby Bull' since we started rutting.

Oscar actually encourages us to fuck like we do. He's been known to call me down to their gym when Sam's crankier than normal. He'll fuck me aggressively and dump a few loads of Bull sperm up me and be mellow and happy again. Sam is loving to me as well, but I know he loves his 'Baby Bull' more than he could love anyone else. (I do have a taste for Bulls too. Bulls, Horses, Bears and Donkeys are most of what I go after.) Sam and I have a bond of sorts between us.

One we don't understand. Rough sex and yet he loves me too. He'd never leave Oscar for me, and I know it. I wouldn't want him to. Like me and Nigel, it's a tight bond that I don't completely understand. But I wouldn't want either of them out of my life. Oscar either.

As I said before, Dmitri's younger brother lives with us. He works for Dad in Security at CMK. And his mate, Nate Porter is my Physician's Assistant. I love Nate. He's funny and playful and happy mostly all of the time. He looks younger than he is, (26) and he's bright but he just doesn't care if you know it or not. Nate's a Snow Leopard. 5'10" and 175 pounds. With the Pale Grey coat with Black Rosettes and fluffy fur, and big round fluffy tail of his species. Deep Green eyes too. and has shaggy White hair and a goatee. Yuri is so much in love with his 'Snow Meow'. Yuri's a lot bigger. Yuri's 6'9" and 345 pounds of solid built Gray furred Bull. He's got a huge heart and he's a caring and sweet soul.

It's been not quite a year since Jorge left me. And I've mostly recovered. Lonely at times. Not horny thanks to my family and some of the guys I meet. But I keep busy. I'm a popular little bottom. Rory's mate, a big Grizzly named Teddy Mitchell runs a nice, neighborhood type gay bar. The Bear Den. And his clientèle are just my kind of males. Big, stocky, some pot bellied, but big butch and masculine. And being the rarer Lion bottom I am rather popular. I rarely go home alone.

I've dated a few guys from there.(Dating to me means we've gone out more than once and we'll fuck, but we'll do other things too.) A big Scottish Highland Bull. An Australian born Red Kangaroo. A Cuban Polar Bear, A big Black furred Texas Long horn Bull, a big gruff Copper furred Razorback Boar. But we don't get too far relationship wise. I meet them, we fuck and have good times and then they meet someone they end up bonded to. I'm happy for them. Mostly all of them are really great guys. And I want them happy. But it does get old after a while. Dad's teased me about opening up a dating bureau. Go out with the clients a few times and they'll find their life mate right off. (Not funny, Dad)

But I'm not minding too much. Guys at home to keep me happy in bed and I meet a lot of hot guys here. I'm currently dating a big, heavy set Panda Bear, and Bill and I have a lot of fun together. He's masculine and sexy, but no one's pretty boy. In fact, we're going to spend the weekend together. But when I call him from my office on Friday afternoon I get the bad news. He's met and bonded a young Otter who came into his Used Book store this afternoon. I tell him how happy I am for him.. Bill never thought he'd get a mate. He thinks he's fat and ugly. But they'll be happy I'm sure. Bill's well hung and a great fuck. And he's got a big heart too. He'll make that Otter as happy as I'd of been to be his.

I sit and fume through lunch. Being left out of the blue gets old so quickly. Not hungry at all, so I sit in my office and sulk.. I'm down and I'm feeling lonelier than I can ever remember feeling. Nigel comes in and I tell him all about how I feel now, and what happened with Bill. "Claude, you have the worst luck with guys" he says. "I know, but I am happy for Bill, he never imagined he'd get a mate, so I know he's thrilled" I say quietly.

We talk awhile. And I confess to him that for some reason I've been thinking of Marty Collins a great deal of late. Nigel smiles. He's heard the whole story several times. And he knows that I never stopped loving him.

I was 16 when I gave my Marty my cherry. That big Clydesdale Horse was my first love in so many ways. And he is still the best lover I've ever had. (Yes, I had a huge Horse Cock bust my cherry open.. Marty was very loving, and gentle, and tender, and used a whole bottle of lube on us both. Took him a half hour to get that massive Horse Cock up me halfway. And he didn't hurt me, I took the blunt, wide flare of his massive Horse Cock with time and patience. Never had any trouble with it after that. 22", the biggest dick I've yet to experience was my very first one.)

I remember the very last time I saw him. In the Dean's office at U of A. He was sad and when they left us alone for a few minutes. He cried and begged for my forgiveness on his knees. And he swore he had really loved me. That he was too weak to walk away from all he had or was. And how sorry he was, that he never meant to hurt me. I had to forgive him. He was going to be fired as the Head Coach of the Football team for having an affair with a student. I could see it in his eyes. His heart was breaking as badly as mine was. He truly was sorry he'd hurt me so much. Letting me see his pain actually eased mine a lot. So much I wanted to say to him and couldn't. I wanted to beg him not to leave me, but I was afraid to hurt him even more. He was so shattered. But if he'd of told me he still wanted me, I 'd of stayed with him, even be his 'on the side'.

When they were done with us, he hurt so badly he couldn't even look at me. I wanted to beg him not to leave me, tell him that I'd do anything to get him to stay with me. But Dad was so very angry, and holding my arm tightly. He was really mad at the University more so than at Marty. He felt it should have stayed a private matter between me and Marty and his wife. (He'd already pulled CMK's grants from the U of A. And stopped donating himself. He was mad that they reacted to the publicity. Being the son of a major industrialist meant it was all over the gossip rags and magazines. I'd have to live that down. At least until the next juicy scandal which wasn't long.)

Marty would have been arrested except I was an emancipated minor. Dad thought it would be easier for me to live in the dorm like I wanted to if I was one. They were planning on expelling me for seducing a Teacher. Til Dad and our family lawyer got a hold of them. Dad threatened to sue them back into the stone age if they did. And they let me finish Pre Med if I agreed to go to Med School elsewhere. I was happy to, to be honest. Only a few of my friends stayed friends with me. I was made fun of publicly on the campus. The hateful glares I kept getting wore me down even worse. When I graduated, I was more than ready to leave. (If only I could of taken Marty with me. )

I couldn't have stayed there anyway. Public opinion on campus was running against me. I was heckled and a couple of Football players tried to assault me. Too bad for them, this little Lion is a genetic throwback. I have heightened speed, agility and reflexes. (Combined with my warning senses, no one can touch me that I don't let them. Come at me with hostile intent and I'll know and react accordingly.) I kicked their asses badly, and in public too. No one else tried that on me after I royally kicked their asses.. I put them in the hospital too. Got me even more bad will as that and them being arrested for assault when they came out of the hospital took them off of the Varsity roster for the rest of that season. But they attacked me in a public place. And they did get the first shots in. (Only ones they got in too, I let them, so the witnesses would know they started it. And it meant I didn't get arrested.)

But I couldn't stand to be so totally reviled, and to know I had hurt my Marty so badly. Everywhere I looked on campus, I saw so much that reminded me of the loving Horse I lost. I couldn't have stayed anyway. It hurt to be here too much. I had to make a new start. I could have endured the harsh treatment, but being constantly reminded of Marty almost broke me. And I'd never be able to keep a practice open, no one would go to me, due to the publicity and reputation I'd gotten. Though some at Sacramento State knew of the scandal and tried not to let me forget it at first, but I ignored it. And soon Med School was so grueling no one even made remarks any more. As I stayed and worked hard, and made high grades and good evaluations in clinical training, my reputation changed. The young, rich Lion genius is how they knew me after the first few semesters. (The scorn soon changed to folks trying to date me. Male and Female. My heart was still scarred, so I'd let them fuck me and not get serious, well the guys anyway. I wouldn't go out with the girls. Not interested at all. )The Lion, who though much younger than his classmates, still graduated at the very top of his class. My final cumulative average was 4.0. Dad and Mom were smart, but I had to have gotten Grandpa Russell's genius level intelligence. Dad was so proud of me, so was Beau. Dad grinned his way through the ceremony where I got my MD. Beau, God bless him, cried, he was so proud of me.

It kind of breaks my heart still to think of my Marty then. The last time I saw him, he was losing all he had given me up for. And he told me that he still loved me, and was sorry I'd been dragged through the mud because of his wife's retaliation over us being in love. That was eight years ago. And I know he's still Coaching, though he'll never be the Head Coach of a big Football school like he was before the scandal. His wife wouldn't divorce him though they had no kids.

I've Googled him from time to time. he's aged well by the pictures that I've seen online. He's in his mid 30's now. And he's still just as gorgeous as the first day I saw him. The male I want more than anything, and I can never have him. Even if I found him, he'd never come to me. (Shows how much I know. He still loved me as much as I love him. Our mutual fear that we wouldn't take each other back kept us apart. Anytime I'd of gone to him, he'd of begged me to take him back as he ultimately did. The very moment he knew I still wanted him as mine.)

I get this way from time to time. Something makes me think of my Marty and I wonder what he's doing now, and how he is. And if he still loves me somehow.(It takes us years to figure out after we get together again, but Jonas thinks he bonded me when he popped my cherry.) I've wondered if my piss poor love life is because he's the male I was meant to bond with and we weren't together. I call Jonas' office and get him to wait for me when my Office hours are over so I can see him. Nigel tells me he agrees that I'm more sad and depressed than usual and I should go see Jonas. And he goes back to his own office.

I work through the rest of my patients for the day. I'm lonelier than I have ever been. I tell Nigel I'm staying to see Jonas. I forgot he rode in with Horst today. Usually we all ride together. I go upstairs to Jonas' office. We sit and talk it all out. He's puzzled as to why I'm thinking of Marty so much now. And he wonders if my heightened loneliness is the cause of me thinking of Marty or if thinking of Marty made me lonelier. And he asks me as he does everytime I talk to him about Marty, if I'd take him back if he wanted me and came to me. I answer as I always do that I would if I knew he still wanted me and forgave me for what happened. And we talk a bit more. And Jonas knows, as I do now I will always love that big Clydesdale, until the day I die. Yet I do feel better when we're done talking. As always, knowing what is going on in my mind is a big help to me. I go home and I strip and get in the hot tub and let my mind go blank. I don't have long to relax. Life is about to erupt into drama again. But it'll make me happy soon enough. I'll have everything I have always wanted thanks to a big hearted, very romantic Goat. Who took pity on me and Marty and got us together.

Edward brings me my ringing cell phone. "It's important" he says giving me that look that I know all too well. He's seen something as a result of this phone call. But he won't tell me what he saw. He'll just tell me it's important for me to take the call. I'm puzzled at the Caller ID. I'm used to getting calls from Sacramento State, but usually either the alumni association, or the Medical School, wanting me or Horst or Nigel to mentor someone, or to let them come intern with Nate, my PA or Jesse Marks, Nigel and Horst's PA. I've never heard from the Athletic department before. What the Hell could they want from me?. I answer. Curious as Hell to see what's up, and what they'd want from me.

"Dr Kitman, I'm Dr Morris Micheals, and I am the Head of the Athletic department" he says firmly. (He is a Doctor, I have heard his name before, he runs the Athletics department, and he specializes in Sports medicine. Just don't know what the Hell he wants with extremely nonathletic me..) "What can I do for you, Dr Micheals" I say quietly. "Dr Kitman, I really need to talk to you, can you come down to my office this evening, I'd like to settle this quickly and definitely before the weekend" he says quietly. "I can, Sir, if you think it's that important" I say. "I would really prefer not to discuss this over the phone, but we really do need to talk, Dr Kitman, it's important for someone who once meant a great deal to you is all I can say" he says. "Something that has to be settled quickly for his sake and yours" Dr Micheals says cryptically. "I'll dress and be there as soon as I can, I'm dying to find out what or who this concerns." I say quietly. I hang up. There are a lot of friends and boyfriends I'd lost touch with since I've been here, so it potentially could be any one of 2 dozen different animals. I briefly wonder if it's Marty, but wouldn't Edward have told me? (No, he didn't and wouldn't have as he knew how I'd probably react.)

I remember enough of Sacramento State to know where to go. I go dress quickly. I'm not in the mood to dress up fancily, so no suit. I put on a tight pair of jeans and a T shirt and sandals. I'm not out to impress anyone. But than again, these are my tightest, most ass defining jeans. Not sure why I chose them. I usually only wear this pair when I want to show off my ass. Invariably when I wear them I get hit on a lot. Maybe a bit of strange dick will cheer me up. So it won't be a wasted trip no matter what happens at Dr Micheals' office. But I am now thinking of my Horse and ruminating over a lot of things that have happened since I lost him. I'm not sure why he's still on my mind so much of late.

Nigel and I have had several talks about what I'd do if I ever met Marty again. Nigel got me to see how I felt, and that I should probably just throw myself at him and beg him to be mine again. Even if I was only his 'piece on the side'. No one made me feel like he did, I know I still love him. But I'd be afraid of how he'd respond to me. Jonas and I have discussed him being 'the ghost from my past' and that as long as I do love him as much as I still do, I'll never move on from him. He thinks it's why I ended up with the guys I did. That somehow I knew they were meant for others, and not for me. And I know none of them bonded me. But I thought we might one day. It happens with Lions at times. We fall and bond our mates later. I would try to find him, but every time I think about doing it, I lose my nerve. I couldn't take it if he didn't want me back. I seem to be stuck. I love him too much to move on, yet I'm too scared he'll reject me to go find him and beg him to take me back. But now I am aware that if I don't get him back, I'm going to live my life alone. Just fucking guys and not bonding anyone. I can't give my heart to anyone else because I never got it back from Marty Collins. I just can't deal with that right now. Except to feel kind of lost.

Edward stops me on my way to the garage. "I cannot tell you what it's about, but you must prepare to be very shaken up by what will happen, Claude" Edward says. "Well, it's not like I'll come face to face with Marty or something" I say snidely. Edward's biting his lip to keep from saying something. He knows I'm baiting him trying to get him to tell me what it's all about. Oh well, he's determined not to tell me anything further. Has his reasons I guess. (He always does, though I won't know until after it happens and he tells me.) I kiss his muzzle and I go out to the garage. I open up my Mocha Brown Mercedes S560 4Matic sedan and get in. He wants me to be prepared for a shock. I'll go and do my best to cope with whatever it is. (I'll be glad he didn't tell me, I had no way to be prepared for what happens ultimately.)

I drive to the Sacramento State campus. Sure brings back a lot of memories for me. I loved it here. I lived in the dorm and met Nigel and then bought the big house we all live in now. I missed Dad and Rory, but Rory'd come out to visit and we'd have a great time, and I know he fell in love with California too. And when he told Dad he was thinking of moving here when he graduated College, I know that's when Dad decided to move the offices out here. Rory got an M.B.A., and he's Dad's COO now. Helping him run our family conglomerate, CMK Industries. Rory's a business genius like Dad. Me, I'm happy to be a Doctor. We've got an Office Manager to handle all the details, and she's a good one. Good thing, cause neither me nor Nigel nor Horst have much of a head for business.

But anyway, I'm feeling rather nostalgic as I drive through the campus. And I'm getting cruised a lot too. Never fails to make me feel better. I'm happier now than I've been in a while It's a gorgeous warm and sunny day with a gentle breeze. I'm reliving the happy memories from school here. Feeling very nostalgic in a good way too..(That'll change soon. I'll be blissfully happy in a few hours..) I find the Athletic department's office. It's over by the Football stadium. And I am cruised a lot as I walk to the office building. I'm in a great mood as I walk up to Dr Micheal's office. His secretary tells me he's waiting for me and to go in. I shine her one of my brightest 1000 Watt Leonine smiles and walk past her. I'm happy as Hell and not thinking of my lost Clydesdale for once. Just happy to be me, and to have as many positive things going on in my life. Loving family, a great career, lots of happy memories from attending Sacramento State. Almost everything I could want.(I'm about to get hit in the face with what I most want and don't think I can ever have .)

I knock first, and he tells me to come in. And then my world just stops for a moment. My mind is reeling and I'm fighting the urge to faint. Marty's standing there talking to Dr Micheals. My Horse is as gorgeous as ever. And when he sees me he tears up, and smiles deeply, and I can see he's fighting the urge to run to me. Just like I am fighting the urge to throw myself into his arms again.. "Like all the years in between never happened" I mutter. He grins at me. He had to of heard me.

"Dr Kitman, we have hired Mr Collins, his experiences as a College Football Coach will be invaluable to our Football program" Dr Micheals says softly "He would not agree to take the job until we knew you would not object to him being here and potentially being around you, we were concerned that you and your family would object to him being here" Dr Micheals says softly. (I do note Dr Micheals finally. He's a very distinguished, and handsome looking Gray furred Mountain Goat. And he's smiling a lot. He's seen that we do still care for each other) But I can barely take my eyes off of Marty. And I can't speak now. He's looking into my eyes, and those Blue eyes of his still get to me. ("Tell him how much you still love him, beg him to take you back" my heart is screaming at me. My Leonine pride won't give in though)

"Dr Kitman, are you OK?" Dr Micheals asks. "I...I think so..."I mutter. Marty's smiling. "At least you don't seem mad at me anymore, Claude" Marty says softly. "I wasn't ever mad at you, Marty, your wife, yeah, and the University, but I wasn't mad at you ever" I say my voice softer than I'd planned. Marty's grinning now. He knows, I couldn't say it, but he knows, Marty always knew me so well, but how will he react? I'm fairly sure he still loves me, but if he doesn't I'd break down, I know I would. "I take it you're not minding that he'll be here, what about your family?" Dr Micheals asks. "Dad will be a bit testy, but he'll not do anything, nor would Rory" I say quietly. "He's a big contributor to the school and we wouldn't want him mad" Dr Micheals says smiling deeply. I nod. He like the rest of Sacramento State Administration knows what happened with U of A. And they treat Dad very well to keep him happy and keep our family and CMK donating to Sacramento State.

I can barely think straight being so close to my Clydesdale. But he's not my Clydesdale anymore. He was torn away from me, badly hurting us both. Marty tried to salvage his straight life and career, and lost it all anyway. He is being so kind and very friendly to me. No wonder Edward wouldn't tell me anything. I am not prepared for seeing him again, and I wonder if he still cares for me like he once did.. I think he does. And if he does, I know that I still love him. If only I could bring myself to tell him, or ask him how he feels about me still. I'm really stuck in the middle, too scared to try to go forwards, and hurting too much to stay stuck in our past. Fear and Pride are strong emotions and I pray they won't keep us apart. I know why I can't say it, but why can't he, or why won't he?

Marty is still such a beautiful Horse. If anything he's gotten better looking since I last saw him. He's a Clydesdale. A big, stocky and solidly built Chestnut Brown Draft Horse. Marty's 7' even and 320 pounds. His mane, tail, hoof and wrist tufts are Blond. His mane is longer than I can ever remember him having it, it drapes around his tall Horse ears and it's so very sexy long, and the goatee he had back then is gone. His long muzzled face is still so sexy. And his coat is, oddly for a Draft Horse has no mottling of other colors. He's got a bit of White on the very beginning of his wide and broad muzzle, and those bright Blue eyes look the same as I remember them. His hands and hooves are big too. His tail is as active as mine is. Swishing and twitching as hard as mine is thrashing now. I can even see his big Horse Cock has dropped and is stretching his suit pants a bit. I have a momentary flash of memory. I'm remembering how it felt when he slipped that huge Horse Cock up me for the first time. I'm trying to pull myself back together. But that smile just melts my heart the way it always did. I'm done for though, as I can feel a single tear running down my cheek. No way he didn't see that.(He did see it, it's just more proof I still wanted him in his mind, he's trying to be sure just like I am.)

I'm so close I'm awash in his musky Horse scent, he had a hot scent always. I'm trying not to cry, as I ache to feel his arms around me again. (I have shed a single tear already, and he's seen it. and he knows now, but he'll wait til he's 100% sure.) This close, I have no doubts that I love him still. The eight years that have passed haven't dimmed my love for him, just made me love him that much more. If only he feels it too. But he is reacting to me at least a little bit. (He tells me later if I had of cried he'd of known right away I still wanted him and bonded me right then and there)

But he's probably still married. And I realize I don't care anymore. I need him back. If only he'd take me back, I'd beg to be his, even if I was just 'his little piece on the side'....but my Leonine pride won't give in quite that easily. He's looking at me though, like he wants to ask me something.. He's not wanting to show his feelings in front of Dr Micheals. (That is until he realizes it's what his boss wanted to have happen..)(Dr Micheals thinks we still love each other, and he's right. He thinks Marty will be happier and be a more effective Coach if he's with me again, and happy. And it'll disrupt the potential for talk about us.)

"I see, you are OK with us hiring Mr Collins then, Dr Kitman?" Dr Micheals asks. It jolts me back to reality for a moment at least. "I am, I'm fine with it, I just didn't expect to be face to face with him right now, though" I squeak out. "I'm sorry if it upset you, but I thought it would be better to do this face to face" Dr Micheals says smiling. (He wants us back together, he figures it would stop any talk about us if we were to find our way back together now. He knows as I don't that Marty divorced his wife a few years back. And he'll tell me as soon as he saw us together he knew we still loved each other as much as we had back then.) (Oh yeah, one more thing about Dr Micheals. He's gay and a very romantic Goat. When he interviewed Marty he found out the full story from my Clydesdale. And he became determined to put us back together, after, in his eyes, we were so tragically pulled apart.. He'll become a good friend, he and his younger Fox mate.)

"So you don't mind me being here, Claude?" Marty asks quietly. "No, no, not at all, I have worried about you from time to time, this way I see that you're OK now " I say my voice trembling.

(Tell him how much you still love him my heart wants me to say so badly, but I can't) "You worried for me, I'll bet you checked on me online, that'd be so you, Baby Lion" Marty says softly. I'm not able to say that I couldn't risk looking for him, that if I found him and he didn't want me I'd die. . Does he still care for me like it seems he does? ("Say something you idiot" my heart lectures me)

My mind tells me to just grab him and beg him to take me back, I'll even just be his 'piece on the side' if that's all I can ever be to him. Damn this Leonine pride of mine, I just can't, it won't let me. He and Dr Micheals start talking and Marty's signing his contracts and things. And they talk awhile, job conditions, benefits, that sort of thing.. I can't move, I can't stop looking at him.. He has to be aware of how he's affecting me.(He is, he knows now that I want him back, and he'll deal with it soon enough. He's kind of enjoying seeing me struggle with telling him I want him back. He'll tell me he knew I wasn't going to leave that office without him asking me to take him back.)

He turns to me and smiles when he's finished his paperwork. "I think you do still care about me, you said it was like no time had passed for you, Claude, and you haven't left, you look kind of rooted to the spot in fact.." Marty says smiling at me. He still understands me as he always did, he knows, I have to just open up and blurt it out. I take a deep breath, and hope my voice isn't as shaky as it seems to be. Nice try but it all comes pouring out of me in a flood of anguished emotions.

"Marty, I never stopped loving you even a little bit, my love life has been a disaster since we were separated, and right now I know just why." I say lowering my head. "I know now, I was meant for you, and we were torn apart, and I didn't have the nerve to go find you and beg you to come back to me where you belong.." I say breaking into tears. "What if you said you didn't want to see me again, I would lose the will to live knowing I'd would never be yours again." I say through my tears. "Even now, I don't know if you really do want me back or are just being really kind to a troublesome ex who could make trouble for you still" I say in a very piteous tone. And I can't stop the tears at all now. I stand there and cry and I look pitiful. All of my pride is gone now, I just want Marty to come back to me. He's grinning proudly. I just put myself on a Silver platter for him as far as he's concerned.

He chuckles softly and takes me into his arms..(He was prepared to ask me to take him back, but he'd really hoped I'd be the one to start this and break the ice. And I did, blurted out how badly I still needed him. He's extremely happy now.) I can't help but to purr loudly to feel those big, strong Equine arms holding me again. "I had to finally divorce that bitch, she got so insanely paranoid it was impossible to live with her." Marty says. "I gave you up for her and my career, and she cost me all of it anyway, and I have been building my career back up since then, had a bit of a drinking problem too, but I knew I needed you back, Claude, I just had to deserve you again." he says. "I didn't know when I originally interviewed at Sacramento State that you were still living here, I knew that you had graduated from here, but I had followed my Baby Lion up til then, and I knew you were a Physician now" he says taking my paw and kissing it. I'm purring very loudly now. And his grin is deeper still.

"I settled here after I finished my Residency, I love it here in Sacramento, Marty" I say quietly. "I had to tell him you were here, and when I did, he was afraid you'd be angry at him for being so close to you." Dr Micheals says quietly. "I'm not, I'm glad, Dr Micheals, I'm so very glad Marty's here, even if he doesn't want me back I'll get to see him around the campus and know he's well." I say sadly.. Marty takes my paw and kisses it again. "I was scared, if I found you and you didn't want me back, I'd of died, Marty" I say softly, looking at the floor. Marty nickers softly. And he looks happy and very determined. He lets go of me and I'm scared again.

He gets down on one knee and takes my paws into one of his big hands. "I can't live without you, Claude, especially since I saw the love in your eyes when you first saw me, please Claude, take your loving Horse back for good" Marty says softly. "I'll spend the rest of our lives making this up to you, Claude" he says kissing my paw. I throw my arms around his neck and I kiss him. And I faint into his arms. "My baby Lion is mine for good now" he hollers as I wake. "I had to try to decide if you still wanted me, and you did apparently" he says nuzzling me. I look up into his eyes. I can't speak now. I have so much I want to say to my Horse. And I am silent for a few moments. "I finally belong to my Horse, I've prayed for this for so long" I finally manage to tell him. He's grinning. "I know, Babe, I've prayed for this since we were torn apart, that someday I'd have you where I wanted you, in my arms and mine forever" Marty says very softly. "I know, I have loved no one, except you, Claude, I liked my wife and I thought I could be happy, have colts and a family, but she was infertile and I didn't love her" he says softly. "I have loved only my Claude" he says kissing me. I blush. I have loved others, and I see now I never loved them like I do my Horse. I can feel his big heart now. And I feel an inner peace and contentment I never felt before.

Dr Micheals is grinning. "You planned this I assume, so you could get us back together, Dr Micheals?" I ask him. "I had hoped you two might reconnect, it would make things easier all around, and when he told me of how he'd worried, I could see it in his eyes, he still loved you, Dr Kitman, I saw that he needed you in fact" he says. "I think after what you just did for us you can call me Claude, Dr Micheals" I say grinning. "I'm so damned happy now, I'll never let my Horse go ever, I can't lose you again, Marty" I say kissing him repeatedly.

"So you do forgive me?" he asks. "Nothing was your fault, your wife started it, and you had to try to salvage your life, you lost so much more than I did, Marty." I say quietly. "I remember how shattered you were in the Dean's office, I didn't want to leave you even then, I had no idea what I might have done or said, but I still wanted you as mine, Marty" I say fighting tears. "I would have gone to you and begged you to keep seeing me even though you were married, but I had to leave too, I couldn't find you on line or anywhere after I got to California, or I'd of begged you to come to me, Marty" I say weeping on his big shoulder. "Baby, you would have?" he asks. "I would have, and I know how much I need my Marty's love" I say hugging him as tightly as I can. "I hated it, I went right into therapy and had to rebuild my life, I was grateful for how hard Medical School was, kept my mind busy while I tried to heal" I say quietly. "But I know from looking things up you probably had it worse than I did" I say sadly.

"Claude, what about your family, your Dad never liked me much to begin with, and your Brother Rory won't be happy either" Marty says sadly. "I don't care, Dad will be a pain, so might Rory, but the house is mine and I'm an adult Lion now, we bonded, you're my Horse without a doubt, and I'm your Lion" I say. "We bonded like our kind has for Centuries" I say fiercely. "I'm going to fight for you like I should have back then" I say furiously.

"What could you have done?" Marty asks. "Gone to the Admins and confessed when you told me she knew, I'd of told them I seduced you, and come up with something, maybe told them I'd blackmailed you so you'd not leave me, take the weapon out of your wife's hands and let you be seen as the innocent victim so you'd be left alone" I say fiercely. "You'd of destroyed your career and your reputation to keep me safe and out of it" he says softly . "You lost it all, you had to rebuild your career and you lost me and your wife made you miserable, hard to think it couldn't be better any way it went" I say softly. "I would have, but I was so young, and I was scared, I was afraid I'd try to fight for you and you'd hate me" I say quietly. "I could never hate my Baby Lion" Marty says standing up and stroking my mane. "You have meant so much to me since the first day we met" Marty says quietly.

"Claude, I was a bad drunk for a year or so, I found myself out here, don't yet know how or why" Marty says holding me tightly. "I found myself on campus and I saw a sign, Medical School graduation, I stumbled in thinking I might score a few free drinks" he says. "Then I saw you, and was stunned and had a few drinks to calm my nerves." he says. "I sat in the back, and I watched you, I watched you get your diploma, I was so proud of you, my Baby Lion was at the top of his class, and had become a Doctor" Marty says softly. "I knew you'd moved on, but I knew how much you'd loved me once, so I had to pick myself up and rebuild my life" he says hugging me tightly.

"I watched your Dad and your Brother hug you, and there was no boyfriend or mate to be seen." he says softly. "I went to my first A.A. meeting that very night and started my long journey to deserving you again, and it was hard, but I did it" Marty says proudly. "I moved on and rebuilt my life, and now I'm so glad, I'm now worthy of the Lion who never stopped loving his Horse" he says nuzzling me. "It was like a Miracle in a way, had no idea of any of it, but I had to be drawn to you some wonderful way" he says holding me. "Claude, I liked her and I wanted colts, and I've had sex and played, but I can honestly tell you I have really loved only you" Marty says weeping gently. "Just seeing you that night was like a life preserver, turned me around and gave me hope" he says kissing me softly. It's proof we were meant to be together. I'm sure of it now, we had to both grow and hurt. "I swear, Marty, I'll never let go of you" I say crying on his chest. "No tears, Baby, I'll never let go of you either, now that we've found each other again" Marty says stroking my mane. He's right and I stop crying.

"Dr Micheals, I can't thank you enough for this, and we'll go talk somewhere now" I say quietly. He grins. "He knows when to show up and what to do, you'll have a few free weeks with him, and you two will have to talk, this job means he'll be away at times" Dr Micheals says. "I'll always come right home to my Lion, games, occasional conventions, and I'll either take you, or I'll come right back to my Lion" he says kissing me deeply.

We walk out of the offices. He's smiling. It is such a beautiful day out still. It's two weeks before my 25th birthday and I got my present early. I have my Clydesdale back. He's happy too. "I'm staying at a motel not too far from here, could we go bond and get my stuff, I want you fully bonded to me before we face your Dad" Marty asks. I laugh. "I don't blame you, Stallion Daddy, I think it'd be better that way" I say. I take him to my car.

I call Edward. "You knew, but I'm not going to complain" I tell him. He laughs. "Are you happy, Claude?" he asks. "Deliriously, only a bit afraid of how Dad and Rory will react" I say softly. Edward laughs. "I've talked to Beau, he's all for this, he's always felt sorry for Marty and how you two were pulled apart" Edward says. I have to smile. Beau would be that way. He held me and comforted me when I was so hurt. He knew how bad it was, and he knew I never blamed Marty, his wife and the University yes, but Marty, never. He was the only one besides Nigel and Jonas, that I told about how I'd take Marty back anytime I could. Our Redneck Saber Tooth has a very romantic soul. He'd be bound to be happy for us finding each other again. If he's on our side, then Dad will fuss a bit, but be a pussycat about it. He loves and trusts Beau too much to be against us if Beau is for it.

"Claude, I'll talk ta Jim fer ya, I'm glad ya got him back, Boy, he made ya so happy" Beau says taking Edward's phone. "He did and he will, he divorced her and built his career back up, Beau" I say softly. "Claude, if'n he got ya back, he won't let ya go atall, he'll keep a good hold on ya, and make ya happy" Beau says. "Thank you, Beau, I'm so glad you love me so much" I tell our Saber Tooth. "Ya like my very own Boy, Claude, ya and Rory too" he says. "I'm glad though you believe in incest, Beau, I love that fat Saber Tooth dick of yours" I say laughing. "I's always hot to fuck ya, Boy" he says happily. "I know, I'm pretty sure we'll open bond" I say. "I want to still fuck others, Claude, and I'll let you fuck who you want" Marty says kissing me.

"Is that your Dad's sweetheart of a Saber Tooth Tiger?" he asks. "It's our Beau" I say. "He liked me" Marty says. "I did, ya a good Horse, Marty, ya love our boy, ya hurt as bad as he did, I know ya did" Beau says happily. "Thank you Beau, if you can help his Dad accept us, I'd appreciate it" Marty says. "Jim will still be fussy about it, he'll see ya love his Boy like I did, and he'll wanna be sure ya won't leave him" Beau says. "He didn't leave me, Beau, you were there, we were yanked apart, he couldn't walk away from all he knew, but he ended up losing it all anyway" I say. Beau laughs. "He fought ta git his life back, and he did" Beau says. "And as a reward, life got ya both back together" Beau says. "Are you happy for us, Beau?" Marty asks.

"Hell yeah, our boy has had his heart broken too many times, ya not gonna hurt him, and ya gonna keep him happy, he won't hurt like that ever again" Beau says happily. "I swear I won't leave him, I'll barely tolerate being away from him when I have to be" Marty says. "Gotta leave him at times?" Beau asks. "Marty's the new head Football Coach for Sacramento State now, Beau" I say. "Shit, yeah, maybe git me some tickets?" Beau asks happily. "I'd do anything for my Saber Tooth father in law" Marty says. "Boy, ya bonded him?" Beau asks. "I fainted and we are on our way to his motel to finish bonding, Beau" I say happily. "Good, ya know ya Daddy, let it be finished afore ya come home, Boys" Beau says.

"I love you so much, Beau" I say. "Ya always been good ta this fat ole Saber Tooth, Boy, ya accepted me fer Jim right off" Beau says. "You've loved Dad for so long now, and he's happier having you than I've ever seen him" I say quietly. "You loved us, you loved Rory and I for so long too, Beau" I say softly. "Boy, take ya Horse off and take him fer good" Beau says. "Thank you Beau" I say. "Ya need ta call ya Brother, but it can wait a bit, Boy, he'll take it better coming from ya ya self" Beau says softly.

"Thank you, Beau, I love you" I say quietly. "I know Boy, I love my Little Lion so much" he says happily. He hangs up. "He's not educated but he's smarter than anyone would think" Marty says sounding impressed. "He knows how animals are, Big Stud Horse" I say. Marty grins at me. He loved me calling him that. "Claude, no one saw me for who I really was, I was the big Stallion Head Football Coach, no one but you saw the real Marty Collins, and you loved him so much" Marty says. "I almost died to lose you, I wanted to kill her, she ruined me, more than once, and I'd wish her dead, but it'd take me away from you" Marty says softly.

"Marty, it's all behind us now, we move on, we're together now, that's all that matters, you're mine again, and we'll stay together as long as we live" I say softly. He smiles. "You know I'm older" he says. "I do, I'm about to turn 25 and you're what 35 or 36 now?" I ask. "I'm 35, Claude" Marty says softly. "10 years older, I don't care, I'll love you as long as we both live, Marty" I say firmly. He kisses me.

We get to his motel and he shows me to his room. Not fancy but not a dump. He's on me the minute the door closes behind us. Holding me tightly and kissing me hard. He's pulling at my clothes and I'm naked very quickly. He sheds his own clothes quickly. I sit on the end of the bed. I take his stiffening Horse Cock in my paw. "It's so beautiful still" I say smiling. "You always loved my dick, you weren't even scared for our first time" Marty says. "I knew you'd never hurt me, Marty, and you didn't, it was the most amazing feeling I'd ever had, feeling it slip slowly up me" I say softly. "I wanted to break you in so carefully, I was honored that you loved me enough to take a big Horse Cock like mine as your first, you loved me so much, and you took me very easily, you were always so hot for me when I went up you," Marty says smiling at me. It's now rock hard and profusely drooling precum. It's as big as I remember it. 24" long and really thick, and rock hard and ramrod straight like most Horse Cocks. It's Black with Brown mottling. And it's so hot. I lean forward and lick some of the precum off of the domed head. And he nickers hotly.

"Do I need to be easy with you, Baby Lion, are you out of practice with Horse Cocks?" he asks. "No, babe, you kind of left me with a serious lust for Horse Cock, I've had more than a few Horse tops since we were pulled apart" I say laughing. "I know I have to cum in you to seal our bond" he says happily. "I'd take you even if we didn't have to fuck to finish bonding" I say happily. He grins deeply. "Any excuse to get me to fuck you" he says laughing. "Marty, please?" I beg him. He grins and nods and points to the bed.

I lay on the bed on my back. He grins. "You're still so beautiful Claude, just as beautiful as when I last saw you" he says laying down by me. He pulls me to him and we lay kissing hard and deep for a while. He's getting hotter, he's leaking precum like a fountain now. It's all over me and the bed. I always loved how he'd do that. Marty would precum more than some guys would cum. I take some of it and I stroke his huge Horse Cock spreading his precum up and down the shaft, and making his dick slick and ready to go up me. He nickers hotly as my paw moves on that long, fat Horse Cock.

"You always did that, I loved it, meant you wanted me so badly, Claude" he murrs. "Up on your knees, let your Horse take you back" he says hotly. I get up on my knees and I brace myself on the bed. I moan as I feel Marty lining the flared head of his Horse Cock up with my ass ring. "My baby, anxious for his Horse" Marty says. I push back until my ass ring is against his sheath. "No one's taken me to my sheath except my Baby Lion" he moans. "You did it then and still do now" he grunts as he begins to move slowly. "Damned if you don't feel tighter now, Claude" Marty moans. He's long dicking me like he loves to do. I'm shaking my head back and forth and moaning as he works my ass deeply and he begins to speed up. "Fuck me Stud Horse" I beg. And he grins. And he's pulling out all the way. I'd forgotten how good his thick medial ring feels as it pops in and out of my ass ring as he long dicked me.

"My Lion used to love me pulling out and pushing back in" he growls. "Still does" I moan as his flare parts my ass ring. "Meant for me" he mutters. "I hope you remember how hard and how much I cum" Marty pants. "I do, Baby, I always loved you breeding me" I purr. He grins. "I've had sex with other guys, but no one takes me like my Lion" Marty pants. I can feel his Horse Cock throbbing and twitching inside of me now. He's not long from cumming. He's nickering loudly. He speeds up a bit more. And he whinnies loudly and I feel his big Horse Cock head flaring as he gushes a bucketload of cum up me. He lays on top of my back panting heavily. I can feel his big heart pounding now. I feel his love so deeply. I am his now. Totally his as he is mine now. "I feel it too, Claude, you're mine for good now" Marty says panting still. He hasn't softened at all.

"Breed me til you just can't anymore, Big Stud Horse" I say happily. "You loved that, still do I see" he says. And when he's caught his breath he ramps up again and he's fucking me deep again. He'll cum four more times in me. And he rolls off of me. And I gush his Horse cum out of my ass, soaking the bedspread with a massive amount of Horse sperm. I'm so very happy now. He's mine, for always, and I always loved feeling full of his cum. I loved how his big Horse balls would pump gallons of Horse sperm up me. And I have a sad moment. He told me how badly he wanted Colts from his wife, and I can't give them to him either. (He'll be touched when I can bring myself to tell him how sorry I am that I'll never be able to go to foal for him. He's proud of me. "You would, your eyes show me you'd be happy to be fat with my foals" he'll tell me.)