Scenes of Love

Story by Sukaretto on SoFurry

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#1 of Scenes of Love

My first try at a yiffed story/series. I plan it to be a series. This one is just a test really, but I thought I did well at most parts. More towards the middle. I thought about making it F/F, but this seemed more suited. I'll add parts after about every yiff scene when I see how this goes.

Scenes of Love Part 1 To everyone, it's the softest day of the year. Scarlet saw it no differently. That bright February morning, the pink vixen awoke in her bed with the sun shining, rays reflecting from the snow to her window. She smiled tiredly as she remembered the date; it was Valentine's Day. But where was her Valentine? She noticed quickly that her boyfriend was not asleep beside her. Sage got up before her? Scarlet couldn't believe it. It'd take her ages to wake Sage up so he wouldn't sleep all day. He must've been hungry. Scarlet knew she'd see him downstairs, so she got up quickly and dressed herself especially cute for the day of love. She was only sixteen this Valentine's Day, but her figure was an obvious catch to anyone. Her figure was slim, her hair and fur smoothed perfectly and wore simple outfits. She spent a lot of time in the mornings to look like that so perfectly. After the half-hour or so it took, Scarlet ran downstairs in a red blouse and shorts. She couldn't wait to see what Sage would do for her this year. Her and Sage had been going out for years now, living together, since neither had a defined home. The mansion they lived in belonged to a friend who only allowed them there for work and schooling. All the time together has brought them in very close ties and unhelpful love. Scarlet found Sage, as expected, in the kitchen. The handsome, green colored fox was sitting quietly at the table, watching the head of the mansion, a soft, white rabbit, who was doing the cooking. Sage grew up as a wild fox, so he was used to hunting rabbits for food. Despite how long they've lived with the rabbit, Sage couldn't get over his instincts and Scarlet had to tell him off often. "Sage!" Scarlet pounced on him, hugging around his neck. Sage was only slightly startled, chuckling. He had gotten used to the surprises. "Good morning Scarlet." He greeted her plainly, not much of a talker. He just smiled a bit as she kissed his cheek. "Hehe, good morning." She teased him with a poke, and then went to get herself some breakfast. The rabbit was making some, but most of it was set out already. Grabbing a plate, she reminded Sage of the date. "You know today's Valentine's Day right?" She raised an eye at him. Sage nodded soundly. "Yes, I remembered this year." He grabbed a stack of pancakes, much more than Scarlet's stack. His stomach could tale Scarlet if he wanted it to. "You got me something sweet right?" She asked again, expecting a gift. It wasn't necessarily the most important part, Scarlet liked the night out more, but it definitely made her happy. She watched him eat his breakfast as fast as she ate hers, despite their sizes. "Yep." He answered between a chew. "You can see it upstairs after breakfast." He grinned, showing a few of his sharp fangs. He seemed proud of whatever he had in mind. Scarlet giggled. He had such a cute attitude. He never knew it, but he was a funny and entertaining guy, whether he meant it or not. She began to eat her food more rapidly, eager to see what Sage had in store for her. Despite her speed up, Sage still beat her to the last bite. When they both finished Scarlet jumped to her feet and was already out of the kitchen. "Come on!" She called to Sage, who ran after her. Her excitement was too big for her. She didn't care so much for what it was, but she knew after she got it there would be some love being made, and that was the best part. Sage had to take the lead, since Scarlet didn't know where he put it. Simply, he took her back to their room, where Scarlet had woken up but an hour ago. Scarlet stood on her tiptoes as Sage scrimmaged through some drawers. What was it? Chocolate? Flowers? "Here it is." Scarlet gasped as he showed her a heart shaped lock. It wasn't of the best quality, but all Sage could afford. "Wow!" She exclaimed. It fit around her neck perfectly and when she opened it she found an adorable picture of her and Sage. Scarlet adored it. It matched well and now she had Sage wherever she went, or at least a part of him. "Sage, it's amazing!" She stared at it in joy, then at Sage. "I'm glad you like it." He smiled his toothy smile, happy he satisfied her. "Now, when do I get my gift?" He turned his smile to a smirk. Scarlet leaned forward, so her face was close to his. "It's for later." She tells him, with plans to surprise him later. Knowing Sage deserved it, she kisses his cheek again gently, feeling the usual tickle from his fur, which always stood up when it got romantic. Sage almost immediately put his arms around her, petting her back and refreshing her. She began to pet him back, except on the head. She slipped close to him again and placed her lips directly on his, starting the first kiss that day. The petting turned more gentle and soft as they massaged each other's mouths. Sage had an odd liking for using his tongue in kisses, ever since Scarlet used it by accident once. So Scarlet let him lap around in her mouth, taking the playful route with her fangs again. She felt her neck beginning to purr quietly, enjoying the kiss as much as the hundreds before it. Unfortunately, every kiss has to end, and Scarlet was as disappointed as usual when they had to pull apart. Her mouth felt so freshened and wet, telling her how much fun it was. Sage finished her with a few licks on her cheek, which made her giggle. "Oh, I love you Sage..." She whispered to him in a sweetening tone. "I love you too Scarlet..." He whispered back with one more lick added. Neither of them ever got tired of that phrase. It was their assurance that their relationship was still as high as ever and there was no changing it. "Now, what do you want to do?" He asked, seeing the scene as over. Scarlet backed a bit off of him, smiling to herself. "I'm going to stay here. You go without me." She looked at the mirror as to pretend she was going to observe the gift. Sage nodded. "Okay, see you." Without much as a wave, Sage left and closed the door behind him. Once her mate left, Scarlet sighed. She was truly happy with Sage and loved him and what he gave her, but she was wanting. Lust was striking her often nowadays. The kissing and licking was sweet and all, but wasn't there more they could do? The vixen knew very well there was, but Sage was a shy person and would never engage further with her by his will. A few times he almost had, but he had chickened away. Scarlet would have to start probably any activity she wanted, which was sex. Yet Scarlet wasn't much more confident. She had never had any sexual relations before and had never thought of it till recently. Her instincts were telling her more than ever that she was supposed to have sex with Sage at some time, hopefully soon. Scarlet moved her hand down her side, feeling her curve, which she thought was perfect. In the mirror, she observed her chest, which was only average, if not a touch more, but she liked it. Why would Sage not want some of that body? He must've, since he tried, and failed, to get it already. If only he weren't so shy... The vixen's lust grew. How she could imagine seeing him nude, or having him crawl over her. They were fantasies, but she wanted them to be true. Her hand was at her waist now, which added to her figure. Her body called for some of those fantasies. She knew she could only please it herself. And she followed her body's bidding. Scarlet stepped back from the mirror and fell backwards onto her and Sage's bed. It smelled like a mix between them, her soft fragrance and his more rough, but pleasant, odor. She closed her eyes for a moment, picturing the bed as where Sage would push himself inside of her and she would take it so dearly, only wanting more. Her hand, already precariously at the top of her shorts, went down into them and felt her soft waist. It quickly swept under her panties and over to her slit. She squeaked a bit as she felt her own sexual area, where she wanted Sage to be. The soft skin was sensitive to feel, but her hand wanted to go to the opening more. Her fingers teased at the front and gave her a start of what such sex might feel. She couldn't help but put the digits of her paw inside of the hole, where the even softer muscle was. She gasped at the feeling. It was a major relief of her lusts, but her panties blocked her. So, with her other hand, she slid her shorts off with the blue underwear and moved her blouse up to her white stomach, so to have as much room as she needed. With her patience running out, Scarlet took the paw out of the opening and then back in again to feel the same rush of pleasure. This wasn't her first time, she had been curious before, but it felt better like this, with thoughts of Sage's end of the sex, or maybe his tongue, being her prodding. The increase of those thoughts made Scarlet have to speed up the poking to even out the lust with the relief. Upon every small thrust she felt her paw grow wetter from her inside and her muscles stimulate at every movement. Scarlet would've fallen asleep with these daydreams had she so much pleasure. She rolled a bit, switching from her back to her side and then back again to get all the different sensations. It was good, yes, but she knew it wasn't a substitute for Sage. Unfortunately, it was all she could give. The more Scarlet moved her paw, the more her body wanted. The relieving feeling came every time, but she had to keep going or else lose all that relief. Her mouth fell open as she felt the muscles tense, showing they couldn't take much more teasing, but Scarlet couldn't stop. With a few more movements of her paw, she lost control and let lose what fluid she had left, not noticing it would drip on her bed and the floor. She panted and blinked her eyes open when it was finished. There had to be more to feel than that, she knew. She had to work out a way to get Sage to see how great it would be, even if he was shy. She didn't want those feelings and orgasms to go to waste. "Scarlet?" The vixen jumped up, pulling her shorts back on, as Sage knocked at her door. "You okay?" He asked. Scarlet frowned at the spill she made, thinking she'd have to make an excuse later. She ran for the door and opened it for Sage. "Um, no, why?" She asked with a common smile. "Well... you've been up here a while..." He answered, looking confused. He was so naïve. She chuckled, pretending she didn't notice. "Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I'm ready now, let's go." She pulled his arm with her to get him away from the scene, first of all, and to begin her shining afternoon with him.