Azerite Language Notes

Story by average writing enjoyer on SoFurry

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#2 of General Lore (will organize eventually)

I'm having trouble uploading this for some reason, trying to tell me I'm not uploading any text. Very, very annoying. Seems to have figured itself out though.


Kai! Kai! Kai! = Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sak-reh Tar! = (be) Kill(ed)!

Kai-za! = Brawl!

Kar-zai! = War!

Krai-ze! = Murder!

Catau Kai-za! = Brawl Party! [Nonlethal/jovial fighting.]

Catau Kar-zai! War Party! [Organised fighting, killing is shunned.]

Catau Krai-ze! = Murder Party! [under lethal attack, out to kill.]


Sais = Fellow or Friend

Sou-Sais = Good Friend.

Mah-Na-Sais = Right Hand Cat (sworn ally)

Kate-Taur-Sais = Blood/Battle Brother(s)

Sa-Kesh! = "Bastard!"

Krak-Tar-Kesh! = "Son Of (a) Bitch!"

Sept! = Impactful curse implying lack of fighting spirit or honour

Krais = Enemy or Rival

Kai-Krais = Battle Rival

Kai-Rah-Sept = Sworn Enemy

Taur-Krais = Blood Rival

Common Weapons

Zai-kah = Straight Blade

Zai-roe = Curved Blade

Zaier-roe = Curved Blades

Gra-Zai-kah = Great Straight Blade

Gra-Zai-roe = Great Curved Blade

Zai-Rakesh = Channeler's Sword

Zaer-rai = Paired curved daggers

Zae-ta = Small Blade (generic)

Zaer-ta = Small Blades (generic)

Trei-garr = Azerite Sidearm (high impact)

Trei-trakor = Azerite Sidearm (fully automatic)

Kas-kar = Azerite Rifle (not owned)

Kas-net-kar = My Azerite Rifle (personal weapon)

Karze-ahnial = Azerite Plasma Lance

Kar-zai-inegra = War Suit (best clothes or armour)

Specific Weapons

Catae-Rah-Null = Ophelia's Halberd (weapon of those born under the Hunt)

Zai-Roe-Sol = Azeroth's (curved) Blade

Zai-Kah-Zao = Mad One's (straight) Blade

Quazite Terms

Gon = Aether (An Azerite that has passed on by unnatural means)

Gon-agh = Aethers

Scr-k-hai = Spark (gifted channeler)

Ak-nar-Sage = Chosen to commune with the Gods.

Krak-het-Rak = Disgraced by a God - usually scarred in some way.

Gods and the Titles.

Sol-gran-Saero = Father Azeroth

Oh-Noir-Sae = Onyx Hunter

Kra-Zao-Sae = Mad One

Greh-Fira-Sae = Phoenix

Tec-Ol-Sae = Her Opalescence

Lok-Gild-Sae = Golden Orphan

Azur-Aej-Sae = Jade Feline

Auin-Ru-Sae = Scarlet Saint

Sol-sey-Kit = Child of The Sun.

Oh-sey-Kit = Child of The Hunt.

Kra-sey-Kit = Child of The Mad One.

Greh-sey-Kit = Child of The Phoenix.

Tec-sey-Kit = Child of The Engineer.

Lok-mah-Kit = Child of The Orphan.

Azur-sey-Kit = Child of The Feline.

Aiun-sey-Kit = Child of The Saint.

Lesser Gods and Titles

Mair-Bene-Leir: The Maiden

Thun-Skar-Leir: Sapphire Warrior

Alem-Geni-Leir: The Tinkerer

Ma-Kin-Leir: The Matriarch

Kami-Kora-Leir: Eighth Sister

Ja-Boog-Leir: Eternal Dancer

Detra-Zist-Leir: Defiant One

Kai-Zair-Leir: The Brawler

Aura-Za-Leir: She Who Watches

Luci-Za-Leir: He Who Judges

Hav-Zist-Leir: Discordant One

Wel-Shyn-Leir: Generous Merchant

(While Azerites will be born to one higher god and one lesser god, they may seek power and knowledge from any of them. Should they dedicate themselves to one and master their power, they will be considered a disciple of theirs.)

Mair-Bene-Dov: Maiden's Disciple

Thun-Skar-Dov: Sapphire Disciple

Alem-Geni-Dov: Tinkerer's Disciple

Ma-Kin-Dov: Matriarch's Disciple


And so on.

Other Species

Authorians = Au-thur-an(s)

Rat-Kin = Shar-het-rak (originally)

Rat-Kin = Shar-rak-esh (later on)

Me-usite = Me-us (pronounced Me Use)

Kjarzan = Kharz (is pronounced with a "h" sound rather than a "y" sound)

Azerite Lore Dump 1

- What is an Azerite? An Azerite is a homonid feline native of the planet Azeron, orbiting the star Azeroth, within the edges of one of the Milky Way's arms. The star system has no reference in the Old Gaia records, and has only recently been...
