Service with a Smile Part 1/2

Story by Quin on SoFurry

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#1 of Service With a Smile

You know the drill. This is smut. It's all fucked up, and catering to perverts, degenerates and probably even some furries. Part 2 will have some dick-in-Kyle action, so if this first part seems a bit tame, you'll like the second one a bit better. This one focuses mostly on the transformation. Give me a buzz if you like it :D. As a note, this is a re-upload. I had serious problems with the original version and deleted it to rework a bit. The story is set in my own little fictional universe that includes "helpers," if you haven't read my other stories. Everything you need to know about them for the story should be explained in it. Enjoy!

Service with a Smile Part 1/2

Kyle looked at the rubbery suit and gulped. This wasn't just illegal and dangerous, it was embarrassing, and more than a little unnerving in terms of the power he would give up. The young raccoon shifted uncomfortably and poked at the hacked piece of technology draped over his kitchen table. "Why can't you be the one to wear it, Turner? You said that it might be kind of cool."

Sitting across the table, Kyle's partner in crime, a thin Alaskan husky sighed and replied, "We've gone over this a million times, man. The ticket is in my name already. You drew the short straw. If you don't want to come with me, you don't have to wear the suit, but we only have one ticket, and that means there can only be one passenger. Wearing that thing should keep you from getting cold down in the luggage compartment, and we're only going to be there a week. That thing can be worn pretty much indefinitely."

"Yeah, I still want to go." The chance to attend a tech conference this prestigious wasn't likely to present itself a second time, and would get to check out London on someone else's dime, to boot. The raccoon tugged the empty suit from the chair and fingered the material dejectedly. The odd fabric pulled at his fur as it lay across his lap, bearing both the light and stretchy qualities of lycra and the shiny, slightly adhesive qualities of latex. The feel against his fingers was satiny and smooth. "It'll only be a little over a week, I suppose," he groused. "I wish we could have found another suit, this one is just..."

"Look, over the pond this kind of thing is normal for people to have a helper wear. No one is going to think twice about you, just try to act... helpery. You don't want to accidentally tip someone off to the fact that you're really a person." Turner set his hand reassuringly on Kyle's shoulder, "As long as you keep that up, you don't have anything to worry about. We've known each other since forever, you know that I'll take care of you. Now if you're going to come, you need to get it on and we need to finish packing or we won't get any sleep before we have to catch our plane."

Returning to his room, Kyle looked at the suit sullenly. It was designed only to be used with helpers. From a strictly biological point of view, helpers were essentially normal people, but they were grown in test tubes and with synthetic, unaware minds. Any kind of service suit like this had to be locked down to prevent its use on actual people. Apparently there were ways around that, though. As long as the raccoon had it on, people would just assume he was a helper... no passport needed, no ticket needed, and allowed to follow anywhere his "owner" went. Kyle stripped and stood in front of the mirror, the purple material hanging loosely in his hands. "Last time to see the real me for a few days," thought the raccoon as he unzipped the empty form and peered inside. The interior was the same purplish hue as its outer surface. He wondered idly what the suit would look like once activated, but the details of the suit wouldn't show themselves until he was inside.

Kyle positioned the suit behind himself and stepped backward into the slit running up its front. He slid his legs into the the rubbery garment one at a time. Getting his toes into of the suit's was difficult, as the material kept painfully tugging at his fur between them. After finishing with that, he pulled the suit up to his crotch and he tucked his penis behind the small slip made to hold it. "God, I hope this isn't a female model" he thought to himself, although the concept of that made his manhood swell jut a bit. He shook his head to clear the thought. No. Any kind of sexual encounter in the suit would be beyond weird. He snugged the suit up around his hips, and noticed a pattern across the crotch. It wasn't well defined, and he wasn't able to make it out. Maybe when the details on the suit formed, it would become the genitals? The fingers were a bit easier than the the toes, and as he finished with the second hand and pulled both arms forward, the suit slid up and around his torso. At this point, there was only the head left. This was the part he had been really dreading. By all accounts, there would be a few very uncomfortable minutes in which he was unable to see, feel, hear or breathe while the suit calibrated itself and shaped its outer layer.

Tentatively, the raccoon brought the suit's head over his own, sliding it down, so that it covered his face entirely, and the his vision was completely blocked out. He breathed slowly, holding back feelings of claustrophobia and suffocation, focusing on the light still visible through the suit's front slit, filtering up through the its neck. By feel, he took the suit's collar, now molded to the neck of the suit and split by the front seam. Kyle brought the edges together, one clasp catching on the other, the light receding further. There was still time to stop this. Breathing heavily and slowly, Kyle grasped the key extending from the center of the collar. Turning it would lock the collar and activate the suit.

"Hey man, you know if we're gonna need these...?" Behind Kyle, the door to his room clunked open, and he turned in surprise, twisting the key in the process. Instantly, he felt the suit's front seam slide shut from bottom to top, and what light was left to him vanished. Before he could react, an intense pressure built on every point on his body. Tighter and tighter, muscle, bone and sinew was compressed. Silently, he panicked, previous rationalizations and self assurances melting away with surprise. The crushing force only increased, squeezing breath from him. His muscles writhed, but he was held motionless by his new form fitting prison. No light, no sound, no air, he struggled in the darkness and nearly welcomed the spots that began dancing before his eyes from oxygen deprivation.

Then as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. Jerking from his frozen position, Kyle reeled backward and tumbled onto his bed, Turner staring slack jawed. As his hand pulled back, it yanked the key from his collar, which arced across the room and slid to a corner under the dresser. "Hey um... wow. You ok? Jesus. Just.. put on some clothes or something and I'll come back...?" Staring intently at Kyle, Turner slowly made for the door, eyes glued to every inch of his friend.

"Please wait, sir." Kyle jumped at the soft, feminine voice coming from his mouth, and putting a hand up to it, felt a completely unfamiliar face. The same sense of claustrophobia he had felt earlier began to rise again, although this time at a sense of inescapable situation, rather than location. "ohgod I... ohgodohgod" Kyle jumped up. "A mirror! No, I don't want to see yet. WAIT!" The suited raccoon's thoughts swam, and he tottered back and forth, pacing wildly, mind racing.

"Kyle! Calm down and shut up, you're acting really crazy!" Turner strode across the room and grabbed his friend by the shoulders, pushing him down onto his bed. "You're freaking out. Don't freak out. Sit and chill, right?" As pep talks went, it was lame, but Turners voice seemed immediately effective. "You ok, man?"

Kyle felt his anxiety vanish, and sat on the edge of the bed without saying another word, confused at his own sudden serenity. Calmly, he thought to himself, -The orders. He ordered silence, calmness and for me to sit. This is bad.- He stared intently at his husky friend, waiting patiently for further instruction.

"Ok... ah. Yeah, I shouldn't give you orders. Sorry. Cancel those orders. They don't count, ok? Can you be calm though? You don't have to call me sir unless there are other people around. That's the suit messing with your head, I get that. I didn't expect it to make you do all that stuff. I thought that was just cooked into the helpers." The husky's eyes wandered over Kyle's body for a moment, making the raccoon wonder exactly what a mirror would show him. "Are you ok?"

The anxiety had returned to Kyle, but he was more prepared for it this time. Readying himself to hear his new and disconcertingly sing-song voice, he said, "Yes, I think I'm alright sir. I don't think I can stop addressing you as 'sir.' May I have some time to look over myself, sir?" This was scary. Where were his thoughts ending and where were the thoughts the suit fed him beginning? It wasn't just forcing the words into his mouth, it was making him nearly believe they were his own. He would never ask for permission for time alone, but it had felt entirely natural, as if he had been thinking it, himself. The raccoon took a moment to collect his thoughts, "I think.. the suit is trying to edit my thoughts, sir. If I start acting weird..." Kyle struggled to force himself to form the sentence as an imperative, "would you be so kind as to say something? I don't think I can give you orders or tell you to do things, but..." his mind clouded with the effort of saying something helpers were clearly not intended to, "but that is something I would like you to please do, sir."

Slowly, Turner nodded. "Ok... you're acting weird right now. You know that, right? Just... remember, you can take the suit off and we can figure something else out... we don't have to go to this thing." The huskie fished his hand under the dresser and retrieved up the key to the suit's collar, setting it on the dresser by Kyle's door. "Don't want to misplace that, man. You would be SOL until we could get some crooked maintenance guy to get you out."

"I think", Kyle began carefully "I think I'm ok, sir. I'm just gonna check out a mirror to see what I look like. Then I'll see if I've got any clothes that will look good to take with us..... sir." That was better. Other than the "sirs," and the new voice, that sounded like him. He hoped.

"Ok, I'm just down the hall though. I'm going to keep packing and if you're set on going you should do the same. We've got to travel as light as possible though, you don't get any carry on. And ah... you might want to prepare yourself before looking in the mirror," the huskie warned ominously. Kyle nodded to his friend as the door swung shut.

Glancing at the dresser, Kyle knew that at least one thing the husky said wasn't true. Stripping himself of the bizarre garment wasn't something he could do himself. The phrase "A helper may not handle or directly interact with elements of security measures pertaining to itself." sprang instantly, and unbidden to mind. How much more stuff was it pumping into his head? He could still ask Turner to take it off. Things were ok. He shirked away from the memory of the suffocating blackness he had experienced putting it on. Taking it off, he would have to go through it again. That alone was enough to make him reluctant to have the key turned a second time. He wasn't currently in any discomfort... in fact, he simply felt naked, although there was no sense of indecency or need to cover himself... more of the suit screwing with his thoughts. Although the raccoon had carefully avoided catching sight of himself so far from a feeling of uncertain dread, curiosity finally overtook all else. He headed to the bathroom to see what had become of him, or if he was even still a "he" in the suit.

As Kyle stood in the bathroom door, the black silhouette of a body was framed in his full length mirror on the opposite end of the room. With the lights off, only the curvaceous figure of his form was visible, with light from his room pouring in behind. Drawing in a small breath and preparing himself for anything, he flicked the light switch. The sight that greeted him explained instantly why his owner had been so disconcerted earlier. His FRIEND, he reminded himself, hoping the alien influence in his brain was open to debate. Of the stocky, unremarkable raccoon, there was nothing visible left.

The reflection was of a gorgeous creature, royal purple and maroon, clearly built to be pleasing to the eye... and to the body, Kyle realized uncomfortably. His species and gender were equally questionable, he realized, pushing his hands down over his flat boyish chest and feminine body. Sliding his hands further the reflection mimicked him, its touch gliding over wide, feminine hips in the mirror. His skin was soft, and where exposed on the stomach, thighs and arms, felt like the soft, laterally striped scales of a snake. There was a light fur, tufted on the end of his tail, which was now shorter, reaching to just above his knees, thinner, and looking more like a lizard tail than anything else. He was a dragon for now, he supposed... Kyle realized bizarrely that he was starting to get turned on by the thought of himself. His chest was now shallow, and attached were thin, delicate arms. His small hands bore supple, graceful fingers, the pads on his palms and fingertips smooth and impossible soft. Curious what might be done with the hands, Kyle continued the self exploration...

The examination finally reached the point where his legs met. There were no visible genitals, but some ginger exploration revealed that there was still a back entry. With a flexibility he would have killed for at any other time, he bent over and found his face directly in his own crotch. The irony of the new ability to stretch so effortlessly struck him now, as the pattern that had been unclear before had now taken on definition. It looked similar to a male or female symbol, but instead of a cross pointing downward or an arrow pointing up, there was a question mark facing down and to the left... and there was the symbol for a padlock going through the circle. What he had intended to be a growl of frustration escaped his throat as a deep, thrumming purr.

Abandoning that line of exploration for the moment, he pushed closer to the mirror. His face had a thin, delicate muzzle with two rounded fangs showing just under his lips and large, watery eyes. The expression on his face was a subtle, inviting smile, the eyes looking vacant and vaguely unfocused. Pushing his face into a more negative expression, it pouted, but returned immediately to the vacuous gaze of an enticing young androgen the moment he relaxed it. Experimentally, the new dragon opened its mouth and poked at the fangs. They were pliant and dulled on the end. Made to stimulate and massage rather than tear or chew, which he wouldn't have to do while in the suit. Ok, he was a pleasure model, and made for the pleasure of his owner to the his own, if the symbol on his nether regions was to be trusted. The suit was a pleasure model, rather.

When they had searched for a place to pick up an illicit suit like this one, there hadn't been any way to check what kind it was going to be. This was... kind of exiting, and hot, even if it was really weird and more than a bit frightening. Kyle was pretty sure that was him getting turned on rather than suit forcing him, but either way, it was an enjoyable feeling... his hand crept down to his crotch and massaged, which rewarded him with a pleasant feeling, but the knowledge that it couldn't lead to any kind of climax. He imagined himself out of the suit and in bed with a helper wearing it and rubbed harder... the focus shifted more and more to the suited figure. Soon he found the fantasy being gently guided in another direction, he groaned with need as the thought of Turner filled his mind... Turner needing his help to feel pleasure, and being able to give it to his owner. NEEDING to give it...

The dragon jerked to a stop and addressed the reflection, "You're going to stop that. You're you and not the suit." The words sounded saucy and unconvincing, and the reflection's eyes were dull, incurious, longing for instructions... He thought briefly of the orders he had followed earlier, and a wave of longing and comfort washed over him. That might be how he had to play it. If he could just follow his owner's instructions for the weekend, it would calm him down from this panic, even if it was artificial. Even if it was just a mind trick being played by the suit. As long as he kept that in his head, things would be fine.

The androgen dragon leaned back against the wall and ground its palm in the empty space between its legs and cursed. The last few days had been madly busy... "Of all the times to have not bothered jerking off for a few days..." Giving up and resigning itself to a few days of helpless horniness, Kyle sighed deeply and starting rummaging through its clothes for something that would look normal with this new body. -Of HIS clothes!- he thought furiously to himself. Storming back to the mirror, he addressed the reflection again as aggressively as he could manage, "I am MALE and I am a RACCOON and I belong to... " he stammered and forced his lips to mouth his own name. In a barely audible whisper, the only thing that slipped out of his mouth was "Turner."

There was a long pause. Eight days. Seven nights and Eight days and the suit would be off. Turner needed his expertise at the conference, and his going alone would have been pointless. He couldn't do that to his... owner. Kyle allowed himself to think the words, knowing that they were untrue. The suit seemed happy with that compromise for now, and he prayed that he would get better at shrugging off the influence as he got more experience wearing it.

The deadbolt on Turner's door made a dull clunk as he shut it. He spun around and fell backward onto a bare, frameless mattress laying on the floor which he called a bed. That suit... unconsciously, his hands migrated south, and tugged his belt loose... he knew that suit... his hands slipped into his boxers, and he slid a finger up his member... how had it ended a model like that ended up unlabeled and being sold by some hacker? It cost nearly as much as a helper itself would! Initially the motions the huskie made were quick and light. He was so aroused that it wasn't taking much to suit his needs... His luck, their loss. Eyes closed, he rocked his body slowly back and forth, rhythmically swaying with the motion of his hand. Kyle was utterly helpless in that suit. When they were across the pond, he Turner would have absolute power over him. That suit. His grip began to tightened, and his motions slowed. Who would have thought that helper modules would have redundant obedience programming? His jaw clenched, and his muscles tensed, concentrating on every bit of Kyle's upcoming predicament. GODS, THAT DAMNED SUIT. With a final thrust into his hand, the dog's body shuddered and his back arched, a wave of pleasure taking him. The canine form tensed repeatedly and unloaded onto himself, messing his shirt. Breathing heavily, he stroked every bit or remaining pleasure from himself and froze for a moment, straining muscles holding him in place. Slowly, he relaxed and his body sank back onto the mattress, chest heaving.

Ok... yeah. Yeah, he hadn't expected that particular suit. The husky lay back, still breathing heavily and chuckled to himself, thinking more clearly now that he had sated himself. It was more than the suit, though. It was more than the image he had masturbated been brought to life. It was seeing his close friend in the suit. Seeing it bend his will and warp his personality to fit the role that it was made to fill. The role Kyle was being forced to fill. That was more unbelievably arousing than he could ever have expected. Resisting the urge to take advantage of the situation would be difficult, and after a few nights in that suit without any kind of sexual relief, he knew that Kyle would be desperate for any kind of stimulation, he might end up begging for it if Turner played his cards right...

Shaking the thought from his head, Turner cleaned himself up and began to pack in earnest. He wasn't going to betray his friend like that. Lying to himself was easy enough.

To be concluded...

Hope you liked the story, thanks for reading! Comments welcome, as always. ^^